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ccmc-infrastructure's Issues

Decluttering Schematic List


Our schematic list is to long. I believe it is time to clear it of old/unused/redundant builds.


Trying to find Christmas builds, was made overly complicated by the fact that there were 20 pages of schematics. Around 180 ish copies saved. Quite a few appear to be personal copies or temp copies as well as builds that date a while back.


I need any staff member that has made a schematic to evaluate the list below, and comment either here, or(more preferred) on the attached Google Excel Sheet. I'm looking for Keep/Remove/Unsure and have restricted the response to that. after we have gotten enough response to justify altering items from this list we will evaluate making a 'graveyard' on the development server or just removing the in-need items.
After we are said and done I feel we should establish a more universal format for naming the schematics for simpler pasting and reviewing said content.


1.5TradingRooms: SCHEMATIC
15-spawn-DP-7-1-16.schematic: SCHEMATIC
2017-ServerSpawn-Mountain-Only.schematic: SCHEMATIC
2017-Shops.schematic: SCHEMATIC
2017-new-hill-spawn.schematic: SCHEMATIC
2017VIP.schematic: SCHEMATIC
2017_tempspawn.schematic: SCHEMATIC
2017armory.schematic: SCHEMATIC
2017armory_.schematic: SCHEMATIC
89752_110_89843_sandfall.schematic: SCHEMATIC
Armory_Layout2017.schematic: SCHEMATIC
BlasterCreativePlot_l65.schematic: SCHEMATIC
Blaster_Build1.schematic: SCHEMATIC
Blaster_PvP_Tournament.schematic: SCHEMATIC
CCMC5_sign.schematic: SCHEMATIC
CMC_spawn_15_copy.schematic: SCHEMATIC
CS_1_test.schematic: SCHEMATIC
CTF_Bridge.schematic: SCHEMATIC
CreativeIsland.schematic: SCHEMATIC
Event_FF2015_sep29.schematic: SCHEMATIC
FF_Train.schematic: SCHEMATIC
FerwinnBase_lvl72_Mar5th.schematic: SCHEMATIC
GIBSbase_lvl91_copy.schematic: SCHEMATIC
Jan_armor_1.schematic: SCHEMATIC
 MA1_2017.schematic: SCHEMATIC
MA2_2017.schematic: SCHEMATIC
MA_Arena_Mobs.schematic: SCHEMATIC
MA_Training.schematic: SCHEMATIC
MULTIarena_bottom_halfy5.schematic: SCHEMATIC
MULTIarena_top_halfy5.schematic: SCHEMATIC
MULTIarena_whole.schematic: SCHEMATIC
Maze_Lobby.schematic: SCHEMATIC
Maze_Pixelart.schematic: SCHEMATIC
 MobArena_2016-06-02-23-13_paste_from_bottom_corner.schematic: SCHEMATIC
Natzic1.schematic: SCHEMATIC
Portals_2017.schematic: SCHEMATIC
 PvPArena_Feb2015_l66_fs.schematic: SCHEMATIC
PvPArena_Nov2015_l68.schematic: SCHEMATIC
 PvPArena_Sept2014.schematic: SCHEMATIC
PvPArena_Sept2014_RaeArena_Untrimmed.schematic: SCHEMATIC
Shops_March_2017.schematic: SCHEMATIC
 Spawn_for_FF2015.schematic: SCHEMATIC
Spawn_y_120.schematic: SCHEMATIC
Test.schematic: SCHEMATIC
Turner's_Tower.schematic: SCHEMATIC
Turner's_Town.schematic: SCHEMATIC
UltimateBuild_1.schematic: SCHEMATIC
White_Castle.schematic: SCHEMATIC
 _stemp1.schematic: SCHEMATIC
 _stemp2.schematic: SCHEMATIC
alamo.schematic: SCHEMATIC
anniversary_caveman_server_museum.schematic: SCHEMATIC
arenashell1_l100.schematic: SCHEMATIC
arenashell2_l100.schematic: SCHEMATIC
Register on our website to get /tpahere and two /sethomes!
arenashell3_l100.schematic: SCHEMATIC
 arenashell4_l100.schematic: SCHEMATIC
armory_aug17.schematic: SCHEMATIC
armory_cmds.schematic: SCHEMATIC
armory_cmds1.schematic: SCHEMATIC
armory_july17.schematic: SCHEMATIC
armory_oct_17.schematic: SCHEMATIC
armory_sept17.schematic: SCHEMATIC
aug-kit.schematic: SCHEMATIC
bar_2017.schematic: SCHEMATIC
blapper_plot.schematic: SCHEMATIC
candycanes_XMAS_16.schematic: SCHEMATIC
ccb_battlefield_l153.schematic: SCHEMATIC
ccb_bridgeofeldin_l157.schematic: SCHEMATIC
 ccb_dreamland_l156.schematic: SCHEMATIC
ccb_dreamland_unknownrevision.schematic: SCHEMATIC
 ccb_fountaindreams_l139.schematic: SCHEMATIC
ccb_gamelobby_l179.schematic: SCHEMATIC
ccb_mainlobby_l152.schematic: SCHEMATIC
ccb_pokemon_l153.schematic: SCHEMATIC
 ccmcrules.schematic: SCHEMATIC
 coming_soon.schematic: SCHEMATIC
creativepod.schematic: SCHEMATIC
crystal.schematic: SCHEMATIC
daysleft_xmas_16.schematic: SCHEMATIC
dell_spawn_3.schematic: SCHEMATIC
dell_spawn_backup1.schematic: SCHEMATIC
dell_spawn_backup2.schematic: SCHEMATIC
dell_temp3.schematic: SCHEMATIC
dell_temp4.schematic: SCHEMATIC
dell_temp7.schematic: SCHEMATIC
dell_terraform.schematic: SCHEMATIC
dell_terraform_good.schematic: SCHEMATIC
delltemp_1.schematic: SCHEMATIC
drop_party_spawn_2016-07-01.schematic: SCHEMATIC
echocity.schematic: SCHEMATIC
event_echo_sandfall.schematic: SCHEMATIC
events_BoatRace.schematic: SCHEMATIC
events_FallFair2014_l68.schematic: SCHEMATIC
events_FallFair2015_All.schematic: SCHEMATIC
events_FallFair2015_Train.schematic: SCHEMATIC
events_FallFair2015_tower.schematic: SCHEMATIC
events_HideAndSeek_y106.schematic: SCHEMATIC
events_HorseTrack.schematic: SCHEMATIC
events_NorthPole2013_l134.schematic: SCHEMATIC
mobarena_pvp_arena_chest_kits.schematic: SCHEMATIC
mobarena_se_l62.schematic: SCHEMATIC
mobarena_sw_l62.schematic: SCHEMATIC
natzic.schematic: SCHEMATIC
natzic1.schematic: SCHEMATIC
new_spawn.schematic: SCHEMATIC
old-kit.schematic: SCHEMATIC
olv_2016-03-27_-5000100_255_-5000000.schematic: SCHEMATIC
olvaults.schematic: SCHEMATIC
 infinitemobs.schematic: SCHEMATIC
jflory7_house_2016-07-01.schematic: SCHEMATIC
 kit_bonus.schematic: SCHEMATIC
maze_commands.schematic: SCHEMATIC
maze_regular_y30.schematic: SCHEMATIC
maze_seasonal_halloween_y30.schematic: SCHEMATIC
mobarena_chest_kits.schematic: SCHEMATIC
mobarena_ne_l62.schematic: SCHEMATIC
mobarena_nw_l62.schematic: SCHEMATIC
panel.schematic: SCHEMATIC
panelroom2017.schematic: SCHEMATIC
parthenon.schematic: SCHEMATIC
phonebooth.schematic: SCHEMATIC
plasticbeach.schematic: SCHEMATIC
pvp_floor_EastDoor.schematic: SCHEMATIC
pvp_l68_eastdoor.schematic: SCHEMATIC
pvp_lower.schematic: SCHEMATIC
rit_SamsArena_l69.schematic: SCHEMATIC
s_HallOfHeads.schematic: SCHEMATIC
s_armor.schematic: SCHEMATIC
s_echo_IC.schematic: SCHEMATIC
s_fix321_lay71.schematic: SCHEMATIC
s_green.schematic: SCHEMATIC
s_mansion.schematic: SCHEMATIC
s_mansion2.schematic: SCHEMATIC
s_pvp.schematic: SCHEMATIC
s_pvp_shell.schematic: SCHEMATIC
s_temp.schematic: SCHEMATIC
s_temp1.schematic: SCHEMATIC
 s_temp12.schematic: SCHEMATIC
s_temp2.schematic: SCHEMATIC
s_temp3.schematic: SCHEMATIC
s_temp4.schematic: SCHEMATIC
s_temp5.schematic: SCHEMATIC
s_temp6.schematic: SCHEMATIC
s_temp7.schematic: SCHEMATIC
s_temp8.schematic: SCHEMATIC
 s_temp9.schematic: SCHEMATIC
 s_temp_16.schematic: SCHEMATIC
 sandfall_edited.schematic: SCHEMATIC
 santa_sleigh_forXMAS_16.schematic: SCHEMATIC
 shops.schematic: SCHEMATIC
 snowman_XMAS_16.schematic: SCHEMATIC
 spacebuck.schematic: SCHEMATIC
  spawn_15_lv50.schematic: SCHEMATIC
  spawn_500x500_lv120.schematic: SCHEMATIC
  spawn_500x500_lv120_1.schematic: SCHEMATIC
  spawn_500x500_lv120_2.schematic: SCHEMATIC
  spawn_500x500_lv120_3.schematic: SCHEMATIC
  spawn_500x500_lv120_4.schematic: SCHEMATIC
  spawn_backup_DEC16.schematic: SCHEMATIC
  spawn_backup_Nov13_2017.schematic: SCHEMATIC
  spawn_crystal.schematic: SCHEMATIC
  spawn_l106_July8th.schematic: SCHEMATIC
  spawn_mountain_july2017.schematic: SCHEMATIC
  spawn_nov3_l106.schematic: SCHEMATIC
  spawn_worldreset2015_columns.schematic: SCHEMATIC
  temp123.schematic: SCHEMATIC
  tree_XMAS_16.schematic: SCHEMATIC
  uhc_lobby_design_2016-07-01.schematic: SCHEMATIC
  w_temp1.schematic: SCHEMATIC
  wallofgratitude.schematic: SCHEMATIC
  warps_2017.schematic: SCHEMATIC
  warpvip.schematic: SCHEMATIC
  xmas_dragon.schematic: SCHEMATIC
  xmas_spawn_2016.schematic: SCHEMATIC
  xpshops_2016-03-27_9954_180_9928.schematic: SCHEMATIC
  FF2015_1/2.schematic: SCHEMATIC
  new_loottableshops's_5/16.schematic: SCHEMATIC

Run a MobArena class design competition


Run a competition for players to submit their own MobArena class ideas for the arena


MobArena is a plugin that lets you create waves of mobs for players to fight and get prizes for winning. We've had it on the server for a while and people enjoyed it (when it was working). The motivation for this is to get people involved with the minigame and help the community have a role in shaping the experience.


This issue is currently blocked because MobArena is broken. I can create a new JAR based on the current state of the code, but I'm not sure if it will fix our issue. Before we can open up the competition, we need to get MobArena working again.

Other considerations are mostly validating the classes for power before putting them live on the server. We don't want to make the MobArena too easy.


Run a front page post to launch the competition, accept entries (either as raw YAML or by a pre-determined format), and update the MobArena configurations.

Removing Marsh as website Admin


Remove website permission from CanadianSpark


Marshmellow has retired from staff so he no longer needs adminship of the website. I believe we took care of everything else- just need his web perms removed.


Outcome Links

Summary Branded Short Domain (BSD) transfer


There is a setting in to use a BSD to replace the portion of the link however they talk about making sure it points to a couple different IPs and if it's a subdomain to set a CNAME for our DNS... out of my league.


On looking into it I found that my new has 1 free BSD I can assign but that BSD needs to be purchased from a 3rd party registrar like GoDaddy. I don't know if maybe you bought it with the server alias but it may be as simple as redirecting it to the IP's for my account and then me adding the BSD instead of it being on yours. Let me know if you need the IPs I have for mt BSD setup.


I'll be able to generate fancy looking links for people to click in chat XD

Website Lockout


Locked out of website by the two-step verification.


Confirmation code and forgotten password instructions not being sent to e-mail. I also didn't understand what the backup codes were when I set up two-factor so I don't even have those to use.


Give me a code to use and hopefully I'll be able to re-access my list of backup codes on the admin control panel and archive them so this doesn't happen again.


I'll be able to use the website again, yay!

Recover North Pole schematic

I need to double-check my external hard drive at home for a backup of the North Pole schematic. If it exists, I need to add it to the server schematics so we can work with it on the development server.

Transfer of Website Ban Permissions


Need to delegate the ability to ban users and IPs from the website.


Noticed yesterday that I can't use the admin control panels punishment functions beyond single account discouragement.


Not entirely sure how this could be fixed, I don't know if it's like a permission node that can be assigned or if it requires a tier of deeper access to the website I currently don't have.


I will be able to effectively stop forum trolls from disrupting the website.

Write a Code of Conduct

A code of conduct is a document that explains expected behavior and defines appropriate interactions for a community. It also draws the line for what is prohibited and will not be tolerated when it comes to interactions both on and offline. Many communities have a code of conduct governing expected behaviors that anyone involved is expected to follow. Usually, it's fairly basic guidelines and nothing exceptionally abnormal.


For the past few years, CCMC has always taken a hands-off approach to player interactions that happen outside of anything a staff member can see. We've made it so that there has to be very clear, hard evidence of harassment or else we will not act.

This isn't the best decision for a community. As the staff members of the server, we are the first line of defense for our community members. If there are issues that a player brings to us with how they are being treated by others in the community, it is a problem that we need to handle. Even if it's not in a place that's specific to CCMC, like Skype or other places (including voice communication). To become a more positive and welcoming place for all of our members, having a code of conduct explaining proper and expected behavior would be helpful and useful for handling incidents related to player harassment or inappropriate actions.


Our code of conduct would be a separate page and document from our traditional rules. It would concern all kinds of interactions between members of our community. The server should be a safe and welcoming place for everyone. The document would be the guidelines, and any case related to violations to it would be handled on a case-by-case basis.



Obviously, there are cases on a server like ours where interactions can become violent or disrespectful (see: almost any base raid or grief). But this would be something that would be more towards creating an environment for both new and loyal players and help make the server somewhere they will not have to worry about personal, targeted harassment.

Website Permissions


CanadianSpark retired from the staff team and needs his permissions removed on the website.


I already removed all in-game and everything I could on the website except for the administrator permissions on the website.



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