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singularintegralequations.jl's Issues

Speedup Cauchy on complicated contours

One approach is to embed the domain between an inner and outer ellipse (or in the simplest case, an annulus). Then (mapped) Laurent series can be used instead of the Cauchy formula involving eigs.

I'm not sure how to find the inner/outer ellipses automatically though.


Use ⨍ and ⨎? :)

Was going through the unicode math symbols and realized they include ⨍ and ⨎. Surely We can use these somehow for writing hilbert?? This would be cool if it worked:



Woodbury solve for Hierarchical GreensFun

We have a method woodburysolve for HierarchicalMatrix{S<:AbstractMatrix,T<:LowRankMatrix} objects, and we have a hierarchicalGreensFun method with hierarchically off-diagonal LowRankFuns. Ideally, the recursive woodburysolve should work on all hierarchically off-diagonal low-rank forms, it's just a matter of assigning the right meanings to the algebraic symbols.

What happens when we getindex a DefiniteLineIntegral with a HierarchicalMatrix{GreensFun,GreensFun{LowRankFun}}?

Should there be a LowRankOperator? Then one possible result would be a HierarchicalMatrix{Operator,LowRankOperator}.

More hierarchies

There should be


A HierarchicalVector should have fast multiplication by a HierarchicalMatrix.

A HierarchicalDomain should have a graph partitioning constructor, via recursive bisection, considering a non-integer weighted adjacency matrix, possibly something like this.

Different material properties

We should be able to look at Helmholtz and Laplace's equation with homogeneous regions with different material properties: permeability & permittivity, and different wave numbers. I believe this would only change the Dirichlet/Neumann traces and how the solutions are evaluated, but the problem structure is the same.

Should Base.getindex(::Operator,::LowRankFun) return a LowRankOperator? / Where is the overhead?

Should Base.getindex(::Operator,::LowRankFun) return a LowRankOperator?

Perhaps a better formula for LowRankOperator leaves the types of U and V (and possibly C) more free. Maybe V could be more than just a list of functionals. Yet, if they had a common operator, it would be more efficient to store it as C, rather than copy it to each element of V as some kind of FunctionalWrapper.

Where is the overhead?

Off the readme:

using ApproxFun, SingularIntegralEquations
k = 50 # Set wavenumber and fundamental solution for Helmholtz equation
g1(x,y) = -besselj0(k*abs(y-x))/2
g2(x,y) = x == y ? -(log(k/2)+γ)/2/π + im/4 : im/4*hankelh1(0,k*abs(y-x)) - g1(x,y).*logabs(y-x)/π

ui(x,y) = exp(im*k*(x-y)/sqrt(2))    # Incident plane wave at 45°

dom = Interval()                     # Set the domain
sp = Space(dom)                      # Canonical space on the domain= DefiniteLineIntegral(dom)        # Line integration functional
uiΓ = Fun(t->ui(real(t),imag(t)),sp) # Incident wave on Γ

# Instantiate the fundamental solution
G = GreensFun(g1,CauchyWeight(spsp,0)) + GreensFun(g2,spsp)

It's quicker to do a dense QR factorization on the entries. (note no adaptivity)

julia> @time ∂u∂n = ⨍[G]\uiΓ;
  2.659190 seconds (575.29 k allocations: 401.028 MB, 2.05% gc time)

julia> @time begin
           QR = qrfact(full(⨍[G][1:length(∂u∂n),1:length(∂u∂n)]))
           sol = QR\pad(coefficients(uiΓ),length(∂u∂n))
  0.418481 seconds (572.62 k allocations: 152.076 MB, 6.08% gc time)

Why is the Neumann scattering density not symmetric for symmetric boundary data?

Trying to get Neumann boundary conditions to work with the Helmholtz equation has been tricky, but this is something I didn't expect.

If an incident wave is normal to the scatterer (d=(0,-1)) then for different wave numbers (specifically k = 2, 10, 12, 20) the density may not be even. Why? The GreensFun seems to be symmetric to 14 or so digits, and the input data is obviously symmetric in this case.

Rethink getindex(::Operator,::ProductFun)

Right now, it goes row by row with the operator in between multiplication by Funs.

Maybe this can be simplified by adding all the coefficients as a BandedMatrix.


i.e. the hypersingular integral is missing. Normal derivatives on the Circle are outward - this should help. We should be able to plug in the normal derivatives of the Helmholtz fundamental solution (in HelmholtzNeumann.jl) as they seem to be coordinate independent.

Add Benjamin-Ono equation

If the Hilbert transform of the second partial derivative is diagonal in some basis, then time-evolution could be taken care of using a fourth-order time-stepper for stiff PDEs, like this.


For Hilbert(d,0), the singular term is log|y-x|.

In cauchyintegral, it seems this is log(y-x), and the following crashes:

using ApproxFun, SIE
ds = JacobiWeight(.5,.5,Chebyshev())
f = Fun(x->exp(x)*sqrt(1-x^2),ds)

It seems to me this will be required if we want to do scattering by a screen, so how to proceed? What is the correct analytic continuation, similar to sqrtx2?

Speed up LowRankFun constructor

I'm happy to do this one, but would like to put some ideas on the table first. The solver is fast enough now that you cannot see a lag in @manipulate, but for SIEs with non-trivial kernels, creating the LowRankFuns is now a bottleneck.

  • Probably the easiest thing that will help is to have a constructor for Funs that recycles the function samples. I think this would have an asymptotic savings of 1/2 and therefore 1/4 for LowRankFuns?
  • Write some parallel code using the CUDA or OpenCL Julia packages to evaluate the function at all the points in parallel.


I think this I've worked this out correctly: Hilbert acting on a PiecewiseSpace consisting of JacobiWeight spaces should have the Cauchy rangespaces be Ultraspherical (i.e. the space of the alternate JacobiWeight spaces). In this way:

sp = ApproxFun.PiecewiseSpace([JacobiWeight(-.5,-.5,Interval([-2.,-.5])),JacobiWeight(-.5,-.5,Interval([.5,2.]))])
H = Hilbert(sp)

can actually instantiate. Is this correct?

map! and mapreduce!

I don't know if there are plans for these in Julia, but in terms of numerical evaluation, the SIE operators' functions can be used together in conjunction. This means that in-place variants would be more effective.

Use AppleAccelerate for plotting?

This suggests about a 2x speed increase:

julia> r=rand(10000000);@time sqrt(r);
0.049254 seconds (6 allocations: 76.294 MB, 11.57% gc time)

julia> r=rand(10000000);@time AppleAccelerate.sqrt(r);
0.026610 seconds (8 allocations: 76.294 MB, 21.70% gc time)

Precomputation phase in HierarchicalMatrix

The first time a woodburysolve or backslash is called, (block) QR/LU factorizations of all the pivot matrices should be stored at each level in the hierarchy of a HierarchicalMatrix. Solving again would call the less expensive phase of the algorithm.


Getting a weird message when running tests. I put the examples in tests and the test breaks at Fracture_b.jl, but when I test any example on its own it executes just fine.

ERROR: type cannot be constructed
 in + at operators.jl:82
 in include at ./boot.jl:246
 in include_from_node1 at ./loading.jl:128
 in include at ./boot.jl:246
 in include_from_node1 at ./loading.jl:128
 in include at ./boot.jl:246
 in include_from_node1 at loading.jl:128
 in process_options at ./client.jl:285
 in _start at ./client.jl:354
 in _start at /Users/Mikael/Desktop/julia/usr/lib/julia/sys.dylib
while loading /Users/Mikael/.julia/v0.4/SIE/test/../examples/Fracture_b.jl, in expression starting on line 24
while loading /Users/Mikael/.julia/v0.4/SIE/test/ExamplesTest.jl, in expression starting on line 5
while loading /Users/Mikael/.julia/v0.4/SIE/test/runtests.jl, in expression starting on line 66

Unified treatment of Hilbert and Cauchy Operators

Currently, we have Hilbert inheriting its core structure & function from the calculus_operator macro (which is awesome by the way). So I was thinking could the same be done for Cauchy operators?

One way to do it would be to create two new operators CauchyPlus and CauchyMinus, and their abstract supertypes and wrappers. Another way would be to modify the macro and have the immutable types declared before. This would allow a single Cauchy operator to look like:

immutable Cauchy{S<:FunctionSpace,T<:Number} <: AbstractCauchy{T}

The calculus_operator macro would set most things as usual. Then, one simple outer function, say orientation(s::Union(Int,Bool),C::Cauchy) assigns a value to a Cauchy instance's orientation[1]. Note that storing orientation as a Vector{Bool} allows its entries to be changed even though the operator is immutable.

Use new BandedMatrix \ for large bandwidth solves

I think the following timing suggests that we would perform significantly better using truncation and banded matrix :

#HelmholtzDirichlet.jl example
@time ∂u∂n = ⨍[G]\uiΓ   # 6.882111 seconds (20.04 M allocations: 4.365 GB, 10.21% gc time)
@time ⨍[G][1:100,1:100]\cfs  # 0.786749 seconds (2.67 M allocations: 525.196 MB, 10.94% gc time)

It's based on LU, so there may be inaccuracies introduced, but in this case they match to 8.9e-12

Add Sym/BiSym HierarchicalOperator

This would be useful for fractal screens of constant coefficient self-adjoint PDOs.

(Only half the inner products are needed and a simpler factorization can occur as Schur complements are symmetric.)

Getting Bivariate kernels working in JacobiWeightSpace{ChebyshevSpace}

Basically, what we need to get working again is:

x = Fun(identity)
w = 1/sqrt(1-x^2)
H = Hilbert(space(w))

I think the code you showed me (then I added in the tests file) for the known SIE works because of some new features you added in linsolve: the Ad = promotedomainspace(A) line allows any number of operators to be instantiated in AnySpaces and all this can be carried through up to solution. But this can't be a good programming solution, because we can't even check the entries of L. (Try L[1:10,1:10])

Now I don't know exactly why H[w] as above is crashing (or more precisely how to fix it while not breaking anything else), but I would like that last line to make sense. This will restore H[f::BivariateFun].

TypeError when running examples in Julia v 0.4

julia /home/xxx/.julia/v0.4/SingularIntegralEquations/examples/erfc.jl

WARNING: module ApproxFun should explicitly import getindex from Base
... bunch of warnings from ApproxFun deleted to save some space ...
WARNING: module ApproxFun should explicitly import transpose from Base
ERROR: LoadError: LoadError: LoadError: LoadError: TypeError: CauchyWeight: in parameter, expected Type{T}, got Tuple{TypeVar,TypeVar}
while loading /home/xxx/.julia/v0.4/SingularIntegralEquations/src/./GreensFun/CauchyWeight.jl, in expression starting on line 15
while loading /home/xxx/.julia/v0.4/SingularIntegralEquations/src/./GreensFun/GreensFun.jl, in expression starting on line 1
while loading /home/xxx/.julia/v0.4/SingularIntegralEquations/src/SingularIntegralEquations.jl, in expression starting on line 51
while loading /home/xxx/.julia/v0.4/SingularIntegralEquations/examples/erfc.jl, in expression starting on line 8

Version information:

julia> versioninfo()
Julia Version 0.4.0-pre+7303
Commit 404b414* (2015-09-05 05:01 UTC)
Platform Info:
System: Linux (x86_64-redhat-linux)
CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5 CPU M 520 @ 2.40GHz
BLAS: libopenblas (DYNAMIC_ARCH NO_AFFINITY Nehalem)
LIBM: libopenlibm
LLVM: libLLVM-3.3


As it is, a ProductFun in the CauchyWeight{O} space is created without any use of the order of the CauchyWeight. Instead, basically the smooth part is created and enriched. This breaks with other enriched spaces such as JacobiWeight, and I think it could actually be changed. The 1D Fun along the anti diagonal can be used to extract the diagonal limit and so numerically everything is doable.

However, I don't see how this matters because we would be hard-pressed to come up with a way to detect the order of the CauchyWeight, log mixes poorly with integral powers, and most likely the smooth parts of the kernels will be known anyway.

I'm happy with it either way.

Plotting of small domains

using ApproxFun, SingularIntegralEquations, PyPlot
d(i) = cantor(Interval(),i)+0im

Results are the same:

Should hierarchicalsolve be designed for a HierarchicalVector?



but it may make more sense to have f::HierarchicalVector, especially considering

    # Partition the right-hand side

    (f1,f2) = (f[1:size(H11,1),:],f[1+size(H11,1):end,:])

could be written

    # Partition the right-hand side

    f1,f2 = partitionvector(f)

The problem is what to do with the columns and rows of off-diagonal low-rank matrices? These combine naturally as a Matrix, but they could also be a Vector{HierarchicalVector}. In the ideal setting, the hierarchical solver has very few allocations.


It's currently covered by logkernel(Fun(u,Fourier),z), but it would be better to have both formulae.

Factorization of HierarchicalMatrices

The factorization phase of a H::HierarchichalMatrix with off-diagonal low-rank matrices/operators requires computation of H.A:

H.A = [I B; C I]

where B and C are dense and the identities are of conformable sizes. To simplify solution of later linear systems involving H.A, a factorization is stored in H.factorization. Should this be:

  • the QR factorization of H.A
  • the LU factorization of H.A
  • the block LDU factorization of H.A via
[I B; C I] = [I 0; C I]*[I 0; 0 I-C*B]*[I B; 0 I]

Advantage of QR is backward stability, while LU is simplest, and block LDU is fastest but both LU and block LDU may amplify ill-conditioning coming from, in particular, I-C*B.

Note that it's likely that C = B^T.


To me, this seems problematic because unravelling the dirichlettransform is Toeplitz and this will make it hard to write these as banded operators in the original basis (JacobiWeight{Chebyshev}).

Does it make sense to add Hilbert, Cauchy and Stieltjes in JacobiWeight{ChebyshevDirichlet} space for inverse square root singularities?

Add domain for cut complex plane and AnalyticSpace for analytic functions defined on domain

Right now we use definitions like


but this would be better encapsulated as a space, defined on ComplexPlane()\Γ. Then some of the singular integral operators would be phrased directly as they relate to analyticity. For example

Restriction(true,sp,Γ) # is equivalent to Cauchy(true,Space(Γ))
ImagOperator(sp,Γ) # gives the imaginary part, can be expressed in turns of Hilbert I think


Should be a sum-of-products of ProductFuns with Log and Cauchy weights.

For kernels of convolution-type, i.e. K(x,y) = K(y-x), there should be a cross-over point between using the O(n) function evaluation + O(n^3) arithmetic Chebyshev addition formula and the original ProductFun constructor with O(n^2) function evaluation + O(n^2 log n) arithmetic via fast transforms.

The cross-over point is TBD, but a 1D antidiagonal expansion may help in determining the size of the ProductFun via the original construction instead of calling an adaptive routine.

The O(n) function evaluation + O(n log n) arithmetic periodic cases are clear winners.

Warning using Interact

I opened up the Manipulate SIEs.ipynb and I'm getting this now:

Warning: New definition 
    zeros(Type{T<:String},Any...) at /Users/Mikael/.julia/v0.3/DataFrames/src/dataframe/dataframe.jl:805
is ambiguous with: 
    zeros(Type{T},Union(MultivariateDomain,MultivariateFunctionSpace)) at /Users/Mikael/.julia/v0.3/ApproxFun/src/Multivariate/Multivariate.jl:50.
To fix, define 
before the new definition.

OffHilbert -> Stieltjes?

Should OffHilbert be multiplied by -π and renamed Stieltjes? This matches the function call stieltjes which is now overwritten.

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