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angular-material-calendar's Issues


Hi all,
I'm testing this component but I need a different localization,there's a way to do that?
I haven't find any way in the documentation, i've missed something?

Start day/week is off.

Really like this app you created and looks to be exactly what I am looking for. However I thought I should point an issue I noticed after cloning/building. Your start day is on a row by itself and the last week is a day short. See attached screenshot for explanation.


Directive runs before JSON data is fetched.

This may be due to my inexperience, but when I run the directive with JSON holiday data from a server it shows the holidays as undefined. When I use the same exact data hard-coded it runs just fine.

<calendar-md day-content=holiday.setDayContent></calendar-md>

So, essentially this is running just before the HolidayService get function. Is there a way to wait to run the directive until the JSON data is defined?

Next Month Function

The Next month function doesn't work. In the angular-material-calendar.js file, the month is increased by 2, which actually displays the current month.

More intuitive selection of month/year

Want to come up with a method for a quicker/more intuitive selection of month and year. Right now the previous/next links work fine, but if there's a need to select a date which is far in the future or past, it requires a lot of clicking.

This is very much open to suggestions, so if you've seen a calendar that has a good implementation of that type of navigation let me know. PR's always welcomed, too!

IE needs fixed height container

The only way I can seem to get the main content of the calendar to appear in IE is to use layout-fill and force the parent container to a fixed height (otherwise, just the md-toolbar header section is visible). This appears to be what is done on the demo page also. A fixed height calendar is not great when the day content is too big for the fixed cell heights though.

Other browsers (tested on Chrome, Firefox and Opera) have no problem with the parent container not specifying a height and/or using layout-fill and all render it with cell heights adjusting to content.

Can this be fixed in IE11?

Need ability to disable click event

I have a need to use this calendar in a read-only fashion. It would be really helpful to add a disable-click or a read-only attribute.

It seems like an easy fix. The handle click function could just be wrapped in an if.

md-calendar collides with md-calendar in angular-material 0.11.0

0.11.0 introduces an md-calendar directive, this collides with this directive.

Technically we (the wider community) should not be using the md- namespace in much the same way that we're not supposed to use the ng namespace, they're reserved (in theory) for those projects.

Anyway I really like your project and and like the ability to inject content into the calendar easily. So I propose a simple change from md-calendar to calendar-md as seen in my PR.


Get $templateUrl from $http

I think, that parameter in $http.get() function should be "$scope.templateUrl", as we have it in condition above.

Line 257 at source code:
if ($scope.templateUrl) {

Missing support for $templateCache

Using $http.get($scope.templateUrl) disables things like gulp-angular-templatecache and inlined templates like <script type="text/ng-template" id="templateId.html">.

Here is proposal:

The trick is based on using directive templateUrl property directly in functional form:

  templateUrl: function (element, attrs) {
    return attrs.templateUrl || defaultTemplateUrl;

and putting defaultTemplate into cache:

  $templateCache.put(defaultTemplateUrl, defaultTemplate);

Open Calendar on specific date on init

Please could document how to open the calendar on a specific date (as it was clicked) on init ?

I tried using variables in data-start-month and data-start-year but not working.

Giving a value to $scope.selectedDate not working too.

Thanx for your help.

css class or style for days with events.

It would be great to change the style of the days with events, so you can distinguish them better.

It happens that when you are using the calendar on mobile devices is difficult to display text in days, that would be nice to be able to distinguish a css class.

Thank you.

Localization advise


I'd just like to notice it would be fine to advise everyone that wants to use a different locale for the calendar, they only need to use the correct angular-i18n file.

Two different ways to install:

bower install angular-i18n


npm install angular-i18n

then use the script tag to include the translations (for example, for spanish locale):

<script src="bower_components/angular-i18n/angular-locale_es-es.js"></script>

or you may use a CDN like cdnjs:

Please consider including some related information at

Have a nice day

Fill $scope variable with events from json on calendar init display

Iโ€™m trying to get a $scope variable feeded at first because I need his content for displaying the calendar but also for clicks on day:

Here is my code:

.controller('agendaController', function ($scope, $mdSidenav, $rootScope, $state, $filter, $http) {

    $ = [];
    $scope.showevent = false;

    $scope.dayevents = [];

    $scope.daytitle = '';

    $scope.dayFormat = "d";
    $scope.selectedDate = null;
    $scope.firstDayOfWeek = 1; // First day of the week, 0 for Sunday, 1 for Monday, etc.


    .success(function (data) {

            $ = data;

        .error(function (data, status, headers, config) {
            //  Do some error handling here

    $scope.dayClick = function (date) {

        var numFmt = function (num) {
            num = num.toString();
            if (num.length < 2) {
                num = "0" + num;
            return num;

        var key = [date.getFullYear(), numFmt(date.getMonth() + 1), numFmt(date.getDate())].join("-");

        //get events for the clicked date

        $scope.dayevents = $[key];

        $scope.daytitle = $filter("date")(date, "fullDate");

        if ($scope.dayevents) $scope.showevent = true;
        else $scope.showevent = false;


    $scope.prevMonth = function (data) {
        $scope.msg = "You clicked (prev) month " + data.month + ", " + data.year;
        $scope.showevent = false;

    $scope.nextMonth = function (data) {
        $scope.msg = "You clicked (next) month " + data.month + ", " + data.year;
        $scope.showevent = false;

    $scope.setDayContent = function (date) {

        var numFmt = function (num) {
            num = num.toString();
            if (num.length < 2) {
                num = "0" + num;
            return num;

        var key = [date.getFullYear(), numFmt(date.getMonth() + 1), numFmt(date.getDate())].join("-");

        var result = '';
        var disp_result = '';

        if ($[key]) {

            if ($[key].length > 1) {

                for (i = 0; i < $[key].length; i++) {
                    result += '<span class="icon-hexagon event_category_' + $[key][i].category + '"></span>';
            } else {
                result = '<span class="icon-hexagon event_category_' + $[key][0].category + '"></span>';


        if (result != '') disp_result = '<div class="events_result">' + result + '</div>';

        return $[key] ? disp_result : "";



and agenda.json example:

"2015-09-07": [{
"name": "Labor Day",
"category": 1,
"date": "2015-09-07",
"start": "13h15"
"2015-09-11": [{
"name": "Patriot Day",
"category": 1,
"date": "2015-09-11",
"start": "09h15"
"2015-09-13": [{
"name": "Grandparent's Day",
"category": 1,
"date": "2015-09-13",
"start": "08h15"
"2015-09-17": [{
"name": "Constitution Day",
"category": 1,
"date": "2015-09-17",
"start": "13h35"
"2015-10-06": [{
"name": "German-American Day",
"category": 1,
"date": "2015-10-06",
"start": "15h45"
"2015-10-09": [{
"name": "Leif Erkson Day",
"category": 1,
"date": "2015-10-09",
"start": "11h00"

For the moment it's working only by clicking next/previous month but but not on the initial displayed month.

Thanx to help.

Apply classes on click and current date

This is more of feature request.

I see there is no way to Add a class to a date.
For Example, Instead of injecting HTML It is easy to change the background color (By applying the class) in case of an event.

reload data

Hi, is possible to reload all the calendar component after it was rendered?
thanks in advance

March is doubled and October does not appear while navigating prev / next month


Before starting explaining my issue, let me congratulate you for this super nice work ๐Ÿ‘

I encounter this issue :

  • March month is doubled (I navigate February to March then March again then April).
  • October does not appear (I navigate from September to November) โ€” should a consequence of March bug โ€”.
  • occurs both calendar and agenda views
  • not sure it is relevant but I'm in GMT+2 zone
  • it is not related to date event binding since it occurs even if no data are bound
  • I updated to latest release and it did not fix this issue

It is 99% chance related to leap year but I had a fast check on your Calendar service and I don't see what is wrong.


It seems like it is month label issue since if I check previous and next month data while navigating all seems correct :

    prevMonth(data) {`you clicked (prev) month ${data.month} ${data.year}`);

    nextMonth(data) {`you clicked (next) month ${data.month} ${data.year}`);

When september label next/prev tells me :

 you clicked (next) month 10 2015

Thank you in advance for your help / advices.

Bad days

I noticed there is an issue with day of the calendarbfir October and other months near the end.
There are two "25" days. You can see it on the demo page too.

Binding data to a date.

Right now, the only way to associate external data with a specific day in the calendar is via setDayContent(), and this is mostly presentational. I didn't see anything in the demo that indicates that it's possible to do what I'm suggesting. Is this feature in the pipeline?

Edit: Also, is there an existing, preferred hack that makes this possible?

Error when tap to change the month

Hi, I am trying to use the calendar in my ionic app.
The calendar is run, but with a little problem. For example suppose the calendar is on March,
when I tap to change the month it skip the April, and go to May.

When I tap newly, it change to July. Ever swicthing from 2. Sorry for my english.
This occur when deploy to my device and run as an android app.

Do you have any idea!?

Disabled global $log.debug() on localhost

This code:

angular.module("materialCalendar").constant("materialCalendar.config", {
     version: "0.2.13",
     debug: document.domain.indexOf("localhost") > -1

angular.module("materialCalendar").config(["materialCalendar.config", "$logProvider", "$compileProvider", function (config, $logProvider, $compileProvider) {
    if (config.debug) {
  • leads to disabled $log.debug in whole app on localhost (which is probably opposite of intended goal as we usually debug on localhost only)
  • disabling global $log.debug by directive is sort of unexpected and unwanted behaviour (I thought my browser console is broken ๐Ÿ˜„)
  • $log.debug is not used at all in the calendar directive so the $logProvider.debugEnabled(false); can be removed anyway

Unable to update displayed data without re-loading the directive

At present the HTML shown can only be set once per date per load. This makes it necessary to re-load the view containing the control to change the data displayed.

Suggest that we implement a data service to hold the data object currently on the directive scope and expose get/set methods to allow another component to alter the data to be shown after loading has completed.


Was using the library without problems, but a few days ago stopped working calendar, showing me the error console is:
TypeError: $ q.resolve is not a function
ย ย ย ย  at init (angular-materials-calendar.min.js: 320)

NPM install

Error while installing with command:

npm install angular-material-calendar --save
npm ERR! [email protected] postinstall: `./node_modules/protractor/bin/webdriver-manager update`
npm ERR! spawn ENOENT
npm ERR! 
npm ERR! Failed at the [email protected] postinstall script './node_modules/protractor/bin/webdriver-manager update'.
npm ERR! This is most likely a problem with the angular-material-calendar package,
npm ERR! not with npm itself.
npm ERR! Tell the author that this fails on your system:
npm ERR!     ./node_modules/protractor/bin/webdriver-manager update
npm ERR! You can get their info via:
npm ERR!     npm owner ls angular-material-calendar
npm ERR! There is likely additional logging output above.

Custom interpolation symbols support

Currently the default interpolation symbols {{ and }} and hard-coded in the templates. This makes it that configuring custom ones (e.g. $interpolateProvider.startSymbol('{$'); $interpolateProvider.endSymbol('$}');) will break angular-material-calendar .
Is there an easy way to work around this or will this be fixed?

Calendar is not auto-updating when new event is being created.

How can I refresh / reload calendar when I update setDayContent?

self.diary.setDayContent = function(date) {

        var deferred = $q.defer();
        $timeout(function () {
            var ReminderNum = 0;
            var reminderPromise = ReminderAPI.get({ userID: UserID, RosterDate: date }).$promise.then(function (reminders) {
                angular.forEach(reminders, function (val, key) {    
                var promise = RosterAPI.daily({ userID: UserID, daily: date }).$promise.then(function (rosters) {
                    var workTime = "<p></p>";
                    var displayRoster = [];
                    var reminderTxtNum = '';

                    if (ReminderNum > 1) {
                        reminderTxtNum = "<p><i class=\"fa fa-bell-o\"></i> You have " + ReminderNum + " reminders.</p>";
                    if (ReminderNum == 1) {
                        reminderTxtNum = "<p><i class=\"fa fa-bell-o\"></i> You have " + ReminderNum + " reminder.</p>";

                    angular.forEach(rosters, function (val, key) {
                        if (angular.equals(val.RosterDate, date)) {
                            var startTime = val.StartTime;
                            var endTime = val.EndTime;

                            val.StartTime.split(':').map(Number).reduce(function (pUnit, cUnit, index) {
                                if (cUnit == 0) cUnit = '00';
                                if (index == 1) startTime = pUnit + ':' + cUnit + 'am';
                            val.EndTime.split(':').map(Number).reduce(function (pUnit, cUnit, index) {
                                if (cUnit == 0) cUnit = '00';
                                if (index == 1) endTime = pUnit + ':' + cUnit + 'pm';

                            workTime = "<p>" + startTime + " - " + endTime + "</p>" + reminderTxtNum;
                            displayRoster.push({ html: workTime, holidays: holiday });
                            deferred.resolve(displayRoster, date);
                        } else {
                            if (self.diary.isPublicHoliday)
                                workTime = self.diary.publicHolidayName;
                            // console.log('workTime=' + workTime);
                            deferred.resolve(workTime, null);

        }, 1000);
        return deferred.promise;

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