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gleev's Issues

Problem: email requirement for signup


Currently, the new signup flow for Gleev completely removes the option for new users to sign up with wallets (requiring the email/password flow), and also mandates that users with preexisting channels fill in an email address. This has been unpopular with some users who would rather use a 100% wallet flow when using Gleev:

"I won't give my email out of principle. This is not web3. Don't care for notifications. Let me connect with my wallet and signature. It is me. Email should be opt in. Not cool with that." -

"thanks. If i can sign in with my wallet, why am I required to give my email? All it says is "please provide your email to stay up to date on everything Gleev" but it's not optional. You have to give it. If you say no, then it won't even log you in, even though I already signed the login with my wallet." -

"You have no access to your wallet accounts anymore without registering via email. This is bad." -

  • We already have a wide variety of users, and forcing an email signup, whilst attractive for being very easy to use can dissuade more advanced users who would rather have 100% control of their accounts via a wallet they have chosen.
  • This is also equally important for advanced users who want to move/exchange assets or interact with NFTs via their wallets. Although we do not currently have wallets that support these features it is possible that in the future we will (i.e. "I am a user with a Joystream NFT and I want to move it to a different network).


  • Give users the choice between email (easy) or wallet (advanced users)
  • Do not require wallet users to provide an email address
  • Do not require wallet users to use the email/password flow and let them just sign up using a wallet

IDEA: Introduce Google Sign-in as an authentication option for Gleev



Introduce Google Sign-in as an authentication option for Gleev to improve user experience and increase sign-up rates.

Google Sign-in is the most popular social login method. Implementing this feature could significantly reduce sign-up friction and improve user onboarding.

Key points

  1. Google Sign-in streamlines the registration process, reducing user frustration.
  2. It provides reliable user data, potentially improving user profiles. (optional)
  3. Google Sign-in is widely recognized and trusted by users.
  4. Implementation could lead to increased sign-up rates and user retention.
  5. Warpcast uses Google Sign-in, and this kind of login is being adopted across other Web3 applications.
  6. It can help with implementing account recovery for users who have forgotten their seed phrase. (optional)


  1. Evaluate technical requirements for integrating Google Sign-in with Gleev.
  2. Design user flow for Google Sign-in option.
  3. Implement and test the feature.
  4. Monitor adoption rates and user feedback after launch.

Figma link

No response

How urgent this is?

Not a blocker, but still worth considering

Problem with "Top Movers" section on Gleev



Currently due to glitch "Top Movers" section does not very informative.


I suggest removing it.


Figma link

No response

How urgent this is?

It's blocking me right now

Problem: Some users cannot close revenue share - it redirects them to white screen

Describe the bug

The bug happening when creator is attempting to close revenue share. UI redirect them to white screen instead of processing transaction. Video attached.

To Reproduce

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. try to close revenue share

Expected behavior

Tx will be processed, revenue share will be closed



Additional context

This is second user who reported that they cannot withdraw JOY from membership account while their revenue share was active. Same problem as in issue 41

Idea: YPP voting system

Quality control of content, or judging content is a very difficult thing to do.

The way YPP currently runs is that channels apply and are manually approved based upon their social metrics and content focus (crypto). This means that the type of content allowed is very restrictive and it also means that our platforms "quality" is being defined by these channels. Crypto video content creators are highly incentivized by airdrops, competitions and other means to artificially inflate their metrics which means the current "grading" of channels is extremely limited--when the channel metrics are bypassed it has been said by some in our community that fake or poor quality engagement can be spotted in as little as 1-2 minutes ( and there have been some observations about the quality of engagement on channels:

"Sure, what I did was open a random YouTube channel from the last reward batch and immediately noticed that it appears to have 99% fake comments. Here's the link: On my first try, I found this issue. You can use a translator to check the comments section, but if you know what to look for, they really don't seem genuine." - 0x2bc (

Some of our community members as well as one current election applicant have also stated similar:

"I am doing some research currently. I think I will be able to identify 100-150 CIS channels who are doing such yt abuse this term" - leet_joy (

"now gleev has too many scam videos which nobody watches. nevertheless, authors of this kind of content are getting paid for this trash. these videos take a lot of storage space => SPs need to run new servers => council needs to increase SPs salaries => $JOY is falling. for what? for keeping scam content on gleev. my goal is to reduce costs on junk content storage which 1) makes gleev more attractive and useful for new users and content creators 2) keeps $JOY rate from falling." - svasilenko election candidacy note (

Simultaneous to this we are turning away content creators who seem genuinely interested and may prove to be of high value to the platform (
From the channels that have been approved for YPP it appears that few of them have "engaged" with the community in any substantial way so far. It also appears from some applicants communications that there is a sense that being approved for YPP is a given - while there have been some videos creators have made showing their onboarding to YPP it gives a sense that the YPP approval is mostly autonomous and that these channels aren't engaging with the DAO community--who will eventually be in fully control of rewarding all types of content on the platform.
While a DAO operated YPP has been investigated it appears that given resource and personnel restraints that this is not going to be easy to do currently, it also is the case that we do not have many compelling apps utilizing Joystream and that the complexity of operating two distinct YPP programs would likely act as a net negative for current growth initiatives.
Additionally, we have resource constraints (server capacity) that must be adhered to for Joystream to be successful, while there have been some recent changes to make sure particularly large channels can be avoided there isn't much sense so far of being able to throttle the number of channels that get approved nor is there much social excitement surrounding approved channels.
The DAO community is also not proactively involving itself (or doesn't have the capability to do so) with the YPP channels that get approved - in the long term the DAO community needs to take ownership of the type of content it would would like to see on the platform--this decision is a difficult but integral one that will dictate the type of content that in the future that is not only uploaded and potentially rewarded but forms the basis of Joystream's culture which will be formed by content creators.


For all types of content, replace the current manual approval process for YPP channels from JSG with a dashboard that a chosen subset of Joystream community members utilize to vote channels for approval. This would mean expanding beyond crypto content.
As a starting point, I would recommend that the council be requested to submit a proposal listing 10 active, trustworthy users who are given voting permissions. This can be changed later on.

  • The dashboard would list all channels that apply for YPP along with some metrics from the channel and a link so that the voting users can take a glance or an in-depth look at the channel and decide whether to vote for it or not. The dashboard would also list more general metrics about how many channels are submitted so far (these are very much things that people screenshot and share on social media!)


  • Users would be able to click any of the channels on the dashboard and see the current number of votes along with the rationale from voters.


  • For users that are approved would click to vote for a chosen the channel and include a rationale that would be submitted as a metaprotocol/remark transaction.


  • If a channel gets enough votes to pass a preset threshold, the channel gets approved for YPP rewards and syncing. Alternatively a time interval which is something like "the highest voted channel per 24h interval is approved"

Inspiration + Benefits executed something very similar to this some time ago and it was massively successful--it resulted in an extremely high grade of content for the most part and also generated intense discussion from the community and wider social media & web3 users as well as resulted in very proactive participants.
*"$WRITE RACE is a weekly showdown between people joining the Mirror DAO. The community votes for who gets DAO membership next. At the end of each 2 hour round, the top 10 people are airdropped one $WRITE token, which can be redeemed for Mirror membership, a subdomain, and future community perks." -

Some examples of engagement that $WRITE Race generated:

I fully believe that utilizing such a system to approve YPP channels would serve Joystream well into the future (it can be carried on after JSG's YPP program ends) and it would help with our outreach and marketing initiatives to have people being excited about how many votes their channel currently has--it would be amazing to see content creators asking their audiences to vote for their channel to be approved for YPP using social media and could immensely help with awareness of our platform.

Most importantly it will allow for the DAO community to be proactive and have a say about the types of content it wants to have and reward on the platform--this is hugely important to fostering a community of content creators who are actively engaged with our platform and who make high quality content and is something that is simply not achievable by relying upon YouTube metrics entirely.

Problem: Users cannot withdraw JOY from their membership account if revenue share is active

Describe the bug

Users cannot withdraw JOY from their membership account if revenue share is active

To Reproduce

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to
  2. Go to studio -> Create CRT
  3. Start revenue share
  4. Go back to gleev, try to withdraw JOY from your membership

Expected behavior

Expected that transaction will be executed, but it returns white screen instead.


Adding video of the bug.

Idea: About Page

Currently Gleev has an unclear purpose to a new user, there is no statement on the site that clarifies what kind of content it is for.

Many sites include an about page for this purpose, so Gleev really needs one.

Currently the best written definition of Gleev's intended purpose I have found is:
Gleev has its sole focus on the Web3 and Crypto content vertical, bringing together the like-minded creators and viewers around the shared passion of the present and the future of Crypto affairs.

This definition could be refined on the about page and made a bit easier to parse.

I have heard this issue being bought up by some users also, as it is quite a challenge for new users to understand what Gleev is, what its relationship with Joystream is etc.

Problem: account creation on Gleev

Describe the bug

I noticed several creators saying that they are not able to create account on Gleev.
Also, looking and recent sign-ups I often see that users have to create additional membership on Gleev for some reasons. (see screenshots below)
Screenshot 2024-05-10 at 12 32 30 AM
Screenshot 2024-05-10 at 12 32 57 AM
Screenshot 2024-05-10 at 12 33 18 AM

Screenshot 2024-05-10 at 12 15 46 AM Screenshot 2024-05-10 at 12 16 50 AM Screenshot 2024-05-10 at 12 17 12 AM Screenshot 2024-05-10 at 12 17 38 AM

I tried to create an account myself to test this:

  1. I pick membership name creator, then added email and password
  2. Next step was waiting on membership creation - it says that it takes 1 minute, but in my case it never ended (I waited more than 10 minutes)
  3. I noticed that membership with this handle was created (memberid: 59427)
  4. I tried to log-in using email and password and failed - Incorrect email/password error
  5. I tried to restore account using seed phrase and email, but got an error in return again
  6. So the result: even membership was created on blockchain - I was not able to start using the platform or restore access to this created account

I believe this is a serious problem and hoping to be resolved as soon as possible.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Create membership on Gleev

Expected behavior

Membership created.

Device (please complete the following information):

  • OSX
  • Browser Firefox

CRT Onboarding video Brief


The DAO council agreed for Robert to help us with creating onboarding videos for the Creator Tokens feature.
Link to proposal>

Link to Designs

This may help to have it handy to have all workflows at hand


Test Environment

Make sure to select Atlas-next network
Screenshot 2024-03-06 at 21 07 50

Account: Use Alice (exported JSON will be attached here:
Import this account via JSON import to Polkadot extension
Pass: Passw0rd123

And create a new channel for which you can mint the CRTs


Phase 1

Task 1

Create Onboarding video for the landing page of CRT module
Screenshot 2024-03-04 at 15 58 57

To produce the onboarding video for creator tokens landing page, highlighting the main value proposition, explaining the benefits and showcasing parts of the flow aimed on helping creators to engage with the CRT feature.

The video will be professionally edited, showcasing parts of the CRT Gleev flow and explaining the concepts and features of CRTs, namely:

Concept of CRT / benefits for creators / benefits for community (buyers)
Feature of customising CRT page
Feature of Setting patronage for the channel
Feature of minting and selling tokens on AMM
Feature of Revenue Share

⚠️ Core value proposition for creators:

  • Creators can mint then sell their minted token on the AMM, subject to buyers first buying some tokens form the AMM

  • More engaged viewers

  • (next release/ near future, creators can sell their minted tokens directly to viewers or reward their loyal fans by transferring some of their tokens)

⚠️ Core value proposition for viewers:

  • Viewers become co-owners of the channel, own part of its assets
  • Viewers receive part of the channel revenue share by buying tokens (from YPP, NFT sales and DAO content rewards and any other revenue in the future)

Task 2

Create Onboarding videos explaining the concepts in the onboarding flow

<img width="1176" alt="Screenshot 2024-03-04 at 16 01 23"

Phase 2

Additional videos covering

AMM vs Public Sale Explanation (NB: public sale is out of scope for the first release)

Screenshot 2024-03-04 at 16 01 01

Token creation flow and zooming in on the parameters

Screenshot 2024-03-04 at 15 59 11 Screenshot 2024-03-04 at 15 59 43 Screenshot 2024-03-04 at 16 00 07

Problem: Gleev links don't display the image


  1. 'X'

  • When publishing links to the Gleev page, to YPP and to individual channels, on "X" these links do not display the image.
  • Meaning the image that we have for example in the link to
  • That said, the images in the links to the individual videos posted on "X" are also available
  1. 'CoinMarketCup'

  • However, the images in the links to the individual videos posted on "CoinMarketCup" no longer display images at all
  • On this site it would be great to have such links that are formed for example when posting videos from YouTube
  1. Importance

  • In anticipation of the start of the second phase of the Ambassador Program, it makes sense to improve the quality of our links as it is very likely that a large number of Ambassadors will use them!
  1. Suggestion

Figma link

No response

How urgent this is?

It's blocking me right now

Remove `Community Builders` section from Gleev studio



The previous content lead conducted experiments with creator engagement and implemented additional designs within the gleev app for various promotions, such as paying people for joining Discord, making tweets, etc.


There are several issues with this program:

  1. CWG does not have a lead.
  2. The DAO is not going to pay for this activity (confirmed by Council 37
  3. The information is misleading (Ambassadors do not earn 1000 USD).
  4. The program was exploited by sybil attacks and turned out to be a waste of resources.


Remove this section from:

  1. Studio: (most important)
  2. Notion:
  3. Discord:

Figma link

No response

How urgent this is?

It's blocking me right now

Update Segment ID


Re-enabling segment for Gleev Dev and Gleev Prod. I have set up the instance managed by the DAO.


Gleev Prod

Update ID in the analytics snippet to 9lXiUP3CB0GCN5KJ1zdUg4m813AjQATB

Full snippet

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Gleev Dev

ID = iXklyT4Q7uPScKfpodCMjhwkqGtEHNWo

Full snippet

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