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aether's Introduction


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Aether is a Hugo theme for blogs that emphasizes motion, depth, and material as design elements. Aether presents your content in a clean interface that highlights good photography and writing.


  • It's Fast! PageSpeed scores consistently between 94-100
  • Fully Responsive Design allowing your site to look good on any size screen
  • Supports next-gen image format WebP with custom shortcodes
  • Accessibility is a priority, making your site easily navigated by screen readers
  • Category pages that group similar articles are automatically generated and added to the menu
  • Customizable website background image and home button image
  • Highlight.js integration provides beautiful syntax highlighting for most programming languages and file formats
  • Add math symbols and equations to your blog posts using LaTeX
  • Google Analytics and Disqus integration

Aether Hugo theme screenshot


In the root directory of your Hugo Project, clone the aether repo into the themes directory.

git clone themes/aether


Website Configuration

Customize the look and feel of aether through the config.toml file. See how to fill in the config file below.

baseURL = ""
languageCode = "The language code for the language the website is written in"
title = "The website title that is used in each page title, displayed in the browser tab and search results"
theme = "aether"
googleAnalytics = "Your google analytics tracking ID - optional"
disqusShortname = "Your shortname for Disqus - optional"

  brand = "The name that is displayed in the top left of the website - optional, title is fallback"
  description = "The website's description"
  bgimg = "Path, within the 'assets' folder, of the image used for the page background - optional"
  headshotimg = "Path, within the 'assets' folder, of the image used for the home page header - optional"
  headshotalt = "Alt text for the headshotimg - should be used with headshotimg"
  rssinmenu = whether you would like a RSS feed link to appear in the nav menu and footer (true, false) - optional
  facebook = "URL to your Facebook account, icon link will be included in the footer - optional"
  flicker = "URL to your Flicker account, icon link will be included in the footer - optional"
  github = "URL to your GitHub account, icon link will be included in the footer - optional"
  instagram = "URL to your Instagram account, icon link will be included in the footer - optional"
  linkedin = "URL to your LinkedIn account, icon link will be included in the footer - optional"
  patreon = "URL to your Patreon account, icon link will be included in the footer - optional"
  soundcloud = "URL to your Soundcloud account, icon link will be included in the footer - optional"
  spotify = "URL to your Spotify account, icon link will be included in the footer - optional"
  tumblr = "URL to your Tumblr account, icon link will be included in the footer - optional"
  twitch = "URL to your Twitch account, icon link will be included in the footer - optional"
  twitter = "URL to your Twitter account, icon link will be included in the footer - optional"
  vimeo = "URL to your Vimeo account, icon link will be included in the footer - optional"
  youtube = "URL to your Youtube account, icon link will be included in the footer - optional"

    style = "igor"

The title parameter is used for each page title, the title that search engines display in search results. If you would like the title shown in the top left of the page to be different from the page title, use the brand parameter. For instance, the title parameter for my site is Joe Hutchinson but the brand parameter is set to joehutch.

Find your language code here.

The bgimg parameters give you the ability to customize the look of your site further. The homeimg should reside in the assets folder of your site. The homeimg parameter is the image used for the home button at the bottom of every page. Since the text used on the home button is white, a darker background image is preferred. If the homeimg parameter is not specified, a fallback image is used. Aether is designed to look best with a subtle tiling image for the background. If no background image is specified, the background will be a solid gray color.

The default syntax highlighter style does not look great with aether so I recommend using igor. If you want to change the highlighter theme you can specify a different one from this list. To configure the syntax highlighter further, such as adding line numbers, check out this Hugo doc section.

That is the only configuration required at the site level! You can now begin writing content for your site.


Aether supports a large array of favicon formats. Simply add your favicons with the correct file names to the root folder of your site (put them in the static folder). The favicon file names correspond to the files generated by the real favicon generator.

  • favicon.ico
  • favicon-16x16.png
  • favicon-32x32.png
  • apple-touch-icon.png
  • android-chrome-192x192.png
  • android-chrome-384x384.png
  • mstile-150x150.png
  • safari-pinned-tab.svg
  • browserconfig.xml
  • site.webmanifest

Creating content

Make a new blog post by executing hugo new post/postnamehere/ in your shell. At the top of the new markdown file, is what's called the front matter. The front matter is the page's metadata that determines how Hugo and aether generate the HTML for your post. Below you can find what the front matter that aether uses and what each of the parameters mean.

title: "The title of the post"
date: date the post was generated (automatically generated)
description: "Description of the post (displayed in the post's card)"
categories: ["Add comma separated categories here", "another category"]
toc: if the post should include a table of contents (true, false)
displayInMenu: if the post should show up in the navigation menu (true, false)
displayInList: if the post should be listed on the home page and category pages (true, false)
draft: if the post is a draft (true, false)
- name: featuredImage
  src: "Filename of the post's featured image, used as the card image and the image at the top of the article"
    description: "Description for the featured image, used as the alt text"
      name: "Name of person to attribute image to"
      link: "optional URL to persons site"

The displayInMenu and displayInList parameters are used to determine where your content is displayed. Posts typically have displayInMenu set to false so that the post is not a menu option, and displayInList set to true so it shows up on the homepage's list of posts and in category page lists. An About Me page, on the other hand, would have displayInMenu set to true and displayInList set to false. That will allow the About Me page to be accessible from the menu but not displayed in the homepage's list of posts.

The categories parameter is used to group similar posts in category pages. Category pages are accessible from the menu and list all posts within the same category.

The dropCap parameter is used to determine if the first letter of a post should be a dropped capital. A dropped capital letter is the large decorative letter at the beginning of a book or section.

Add an interesting description and a good image to each post to get the most value from this theme.

Aether takes advantage of page bundles to optimize your images for your site. This may require you to update the way your content is structured, also see content organization. Use the image and smallimg shortcodes to take full advantage of image optimization. Also, the featuredImage resource must exist in the post's page bundle.

Posts are written in markdown. You can find how to write in markdown from this markdown cheatsheet.


Shortcodes extend markdown to make writing easier and more powerful.

raw allows for adding content that Hugo will pass through unmodified. Raw is useful for adding html to your content or adding math equations in LaTeX.

{{< raw >}}
\[ S(x) = \frac{1}{1+e^{-x}} \]
{{< /raw >}}

image is how you add WebP images to your posts with a fallback in case WebP is not supported. Image just needs the src and alt parameters. WebP is a next-gen image format that was created to make the web fast. To use the image shortcode simply store a WebP image with the same name in the same directory as your normal image. Keep in mind that the Hugo image processing pipeline does not support resizing webp.

<!--- Will display a WebP image on supported browsers if awesome.webp exists -->
{{< image src="awesome.jpg" alt="An awesome image that will use webp when possible. Much faster!" >}}

smallimg allows you to add smaller images to your posts that aren't stretched to be as wide as the content area. Smallimg takes the parameters src, alt, smartfloat (optional), width (optional, in pixels only), and clear (optional). The smartfloat parameter can be set to right or left, and it floats the image to the right or left on big enough screens. The clear parameter allows you to clear a previous float which is helpful if you are using multiple smallimgs close to each other.

<!--- smallimg will also display a WebP image on supported browsers if smile.webp exists -->
{{< smallimg src="smile.png" alt="A big beautiful smile" smartfloat="left" width="100px" clear="true" >}}

Further Customization

To change the heading and subtext at the top of list pages just add a file in the folder that the list page is generated from. For example, to change the heading at the top of the homepage, add an file to the content folder with the following parameters.

title: "This is the main heading text in big letters"
date: the date
description: "This is the subtext below the main heading in smaller letters"

Overriding CSS

To override CSS, you should create file project_root/assets/css/override.css and place all your CSS inside it. This file will be merged with standard CSS when the site is generated.

Custom Meta Tags

You can add optional Open Graph, Twitter, or other meta tags by adding project_root/layouts/partials/meta-tags.html Refer to /exampleSite/layouts/partials for sample meta configs.

Helpful Links

Aether Blog Post - See aether in action and learn more about the theme

Hugo Documentation - Learn how to use Hugo

Markdown Cheatsheet - Write in markdown like a pro

Latex Math Documentation - Learn math typesetting with LaTeX (powered by KaTeX)


Aether is actively maintained and I welcome you to help make it better! Contributions in the way of new features, documentation improvements, bug fixes, and feature requests are appreciated. Please make an individual pull-request/issue for each suggestion. PRs are tested in GitHub Actions to ensure the html and css generated from the example site are valid.


MIT Β© Joe Hutchinson

aether's People


andrewharvey avatar cntrump avatar codeofdusk avatar crackerstealth avatar deere-joehutchinson avatar himanoa avatar josephhutch avatar mikijov avatar rethab avatar silverbeak avatar siutsin avatar


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aether's Issues

Social media sharing buttons?

If I wanted to enable twitter/linkedin sharing for posts it appears I'd need to update the theme. I'm happy to make this enhancement but want to make sure this isn't already in the works. Is anyone else working on social media sharing yet?

Support for Email newsletters


Love this theme. I'm currently using it for my blog. I tried to integrate some kind of email newsletter service (using MailChimp or Tinyletter), but almost every method requires a RSS feed for the service to work. Is there any way that we can generate a RSS feed of the content?

Navigation menu broken when JavaScript is disabled


  • Disable JavaScript (such as in about:config in Firefox)
  • Open an Aether site
  • Attempt to open the navigation menu

Expected behaviour: Navigation is somehow possible when JavaScript is disabled.

Actual behaviour: Internal navigation is impossible with JavaScript disabled.

Render fails if no "bgimg" setting

The sample config in the README says

	bgimg = "Path, within the 'assets' folder, of the image used for the page background - optional"

However, it isn't optional -- if there is no bgimg entry in [params], rendering the site fails with a bunch of errors of the form:

Building sites … ERROR 2020/07/31 12:11:39 render of "page" failed: execute of template failed: template: _default/single.html:3:5: executing "_default/single.html" at <partial "head.html" .>: error calling partial: "/Users/snej/Websites/recordings/themes/aether/layouts/partials/head.html:36:19": execute of template failed: template: partials/head.html:36:19: executing "partials/head.html" at <resources.Get>: error calling Get: dirs not supported resource types: &{0xc00087e2b0 map[baseDir:/Users/snej/Websites/recordings/themes/aether/ filename:assets isOrdered:false lang: module:aether mountRoot: mountWeight:1 opener:0x4837490 watch:true]}

The error points to this line in partials/head.html:

  {{ with resources.Get .Site.Params.bgimg -}}

I'm not familiar with Hugo templates, but it looks as though it needs to test for the existence of the bgimg property before using it...

failed to render shortcode "smallimg", featuredImage didn't show up

when I copy all the files from exampleSite folder this is what happened,
I try this in localhost and Netlify and has the same result.

If I delete site work normally but the featuredImage didn't show up

I just want to see the themes work like in your screenshot.

Image rotation ?

I love your great theme, a lot of thanks!

Just a problem on my side: I try to include an (portrait) image in my article (in the body or with the featuredImage parameter. After building, it appears that the image is always rotated (in landscape). Do you have any idea to tackle this issue?

Many thanks again

Define specific category that should be rendered on a home page

Hi Joe,

I would like to ask if it's possible to define specific category that should be rendered on a home page.
I saw that there is no index html template, but as I understand it, it's rendered from single & home-card templates.

I am not sure how to change template so it's not iterating over all articles by date, but to show just one category (as listed by selecting some menu item)

Thanks for great template, have a nice day,

[feature request] add APlayer

APlayer is a powerful and elegant HTML5+JS Player

This Player is widely used on the third large video streaming site in China, and also other sites.

This player offers a beautiful and easy-to-integrate ability for both blog writer and theme devs.

As a man who was trying to migrate from Hexo to Hugo with your theme, this might be the last but the hardest barrier.

Could you please consider add it to your theme? Thank you so much.

Thanks for your hard work again. I really love this theme.

Workaround for rel="alternate" due to google podcasts rule

I'm using your theme on my podcast home page. By default, aether creates the following index.html code
"<link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" href="/index.xml" title="Title" />

However, google has a rule that to a podcast be indexed it can only have one instance of <link rel="alternate" and needs to the the one from google
<link type="application/rss+xml" rel="alternate" title="Title" href="feed.xml"/>

My question is how can i hardcode the index.html or even your theme to bypass this situation.

Aether Theme Assets missing on the Hugo website

Hello @josephhutch

I am one of the people who maintain the Hugo Themes repository and I noticed that the theme demo does not load its assets on the Hugo website.

As stated in the README of the Hugo Themes repository if a forward slash / is used in the beginning of a URL, it will point to the host root and Hugo will not generate the correct URL for the demo's assets because it is published in a subdirectory of the Hugo Themes website.

For example you need to change line 16 of partials/head.html to <link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ "css/style.css" | absURL}}" />

Please look into the above so that your theme demo is rendered as it should be.

Thank you.

cc: @digitalcraftsman

featuredImage does not show for pages

I have articles in many places. For example
Even when they have identical content, only page4 featuredImage will show up. I am getting no relevant warnings or other messages when running hugo with --verbose --debug.

Add Dark Mode

It'll be cool if you can add dark mode option in the theme. Nowadays lot of people prefer dark themes. πŸ˜ƒ

Footer partial template not used anywhere

An empty footer partial template exists at layout/partials, but it is not used anywhere, i.e. {{ partial "footer.html" . }} is not present in any of the templates.

According to my understanding, this makes adding a custom footer impossible without forking the whole theme.
Since /layouts/partials/footer.html is empty by default, it would not hurt using it in the site templates.

I am very new to all of Hugo and also its themes, so if I have missed a key concept here feel free to correct me.

Best practice for page bundle image paths in smallimg?

Love the theme - many thanks for sharing it. What's the best way to reference a page bundle image in a post?

Given this structure:


What should the src of a in be?

Add icon on title bar

Hi folks, I've been struggling with this simple task.
I've followed everything on aether README in the Favicon section and it still not working.

I realized my layout folder was empty, so I copied everything from themes/aether/layouts.
So far, so good.

From layouts/partials my is like so:

  <meta charset="utf-8" />
  <meta http-equiv="x-ua-compatible" content="ie=edge">
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, shrink-to-fit=no">
  <title>{{ if not .IsHome }}{{with .Title }}{{ . }} &middot; {{ end }}{{ end }}{{ .Site.Title }}</title>
  <meta name="description" content="{{if .IsHome}}{{ $.Site.Params.description }}{{else}}{{.Description}}{{end}}" />
  {{ if (fileExists "static/favicon.ico") -}}
    <link rel="shortcut icon" href="/favicon.ico">
  {{ end -}}
  {{ if (fileExists "static/favicon-32x32.png") -}}
    <link rel="icon" type="image/png" sizes="32x32" href="/favicon-32x32.png">
  {{ end -}}
  {{ if (fileExists "static/favicon-16x16.png") -}}
    <link rel="icon" type="image/png" sizes="16x16" href="/favicon-16x16.png">
  {{ end -}}
  {{ if (fileExists "static/site.webmanifest") -}}
  <link rel="manifest" href="/site.webmanifest">
  {{ end -}}
  {{ if (fileExists "static/safari-pinned-tab.svg") -}}
    <link rel="mask-icon" href="/safari-pinned-tab.svg" color="#5bbad5">
  {{ end -}}
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="[email protected]/dist/katex.min.css" integrity="sha384-9eLZqc9ds8eNjO3TmqPeYcDj8n+Qfa4nuSiGYa6DjLNcv9BtN69ZIulL9+8CqC9Y" crossorigin="anonymous">
  {{ $mainStyle := resources.Get "css/style.css" }}
  {{ $xcodeStyle := resources.Get "css/xcode.css" }}
  {{ $fontStyle := resources.Get "css/latolatinfonts.css" }}
  {{ $overrideStyle := resources.Get "css/override.css" }}
  {{ $style := slice $xcodeStyle $fontStyle $mainStyle $overrideStyle | resources.Concat "css/concated.css" | minify }}
  <link href="{{ $style.Permalink }}" rel="stylesheet">
  {{ range .AlternativeOutputFormats -}}
    {{ printf `<link rel="%s" type="%s" href="%s" title="%s" />` .Rel .MediaType.Type .Permalink $.Site.Title | safeHTML }}
  {{ end -}}
  {{ template "_internal/google_analytics.html" . }}
  {{ if isset $.Site.Params "bgimg" -}}
    body {
      background: #ecedef url("{{ $.Site.Params.bgimg | absURL | safeCSS }}") repeat;
  {{- end }}

Inside static I've placed all the images extracted from the favicon generator downloaded folder.
Like so:

android-chrome-192x192.png  apple-touch-icon.png  favicon-16x16.png  favicon.ico  mstile-150x150.png
android-chrome-512x512.png  browserconfig.xml     favicon-32x32.png  img          site.webmanifest

Also, my config.toml:

baseURL = ""
languageCode = "The language code for the language the website is written in"
title = "Raphael Ramos | Code Insights"
theme = "aether"
googleAnalytics = "Your google analytics tracking ID - optional"
disqusShortname = "basquiatraphaeu"
tags = ["Blog", "Personal", "Raphael", "Shell", "Simple", "Code", "Programmer", "Technical", "Github", "UFSC", "C++", "Shell"]
features = ["Responsive", "Highlight.js", "KaTeX", "Google analytics", "Disqus"]
min_version = "0.01"
publishDir = "docs"

brand = "By: Raphael Ramos"
description = "The website's description"
homeimg = "img/fancy-pants.jpg"
bgimg = "img/ignasi_pattern_s.png"

name = "Raphael Ramos"
homepage = ""

unsafe= true---

What am I missing, guys?

Category page not found

I installed aether, but Category pages do not seem to be working correctly.

You can checkout my branch and run "hugo server" and visit one of the Categories (from Hamburger menu)

Unable to create post because of unexpected key when processing archetypes.


First of all, thanks a lot for this theme, it's really beautiful.

I've tried to use it and install it, but when I create a new post I get this error :

ERROR: 2019/01/02 19:12:16 content.go:61: Error processing archetype file /home/user/blog/themes/aether/archetypes/ yaml: line 1: did not find expected key
Error: yaml: line 1: did not find expected key

It seems to have been fixed by deleting the content of the Date and Title line of the aether/archetypes/ file, leaving them blank upon generating the website.

I hope it will be fixed in future releases !

Error while generating

╰─ hugo --minify --gc --verbose                                                                                                                                                     ξ‚² (-127) ↡ ξ‚² 9516 ξ‚² 20:37:25 
INFO 2019/04/15 20:37:27 No translation bundle found for default language "en"
INFO 2019/04/15 20:37:27 Translation func for language en not found, use default.
INFO 2019/04/15 20:37:27 i18n not initialized; if you need string translations, check that you have a bundle in /i18n that matches the site language or the default language.
INFO 2019/04/15 20:37:27 Using config file: 
Building sites … INFO 2019/04/15 20:37:27 syncing static files to /media/kmahyyg/linuxdata/WorkData/HostedOnGithub/
INFO 2019/04/15 20:37:27 found taxonomies: map[string]string{"tag":"tags", "category":"categories"}
INFO 2019/04/15 20:37:27 Alias "/categories/page/1/index.html" translated to "categories/page/1/index.html"
INFO 2019/04/15 20:37:27 Alias "/categories/code/page/1/index.html" translated to "categories/code/page/1/index.html"
INFO 2019/04/15 20:37:27 Alias "/categories/network/page/1/index.html" translated to "categories/network/page/1/index.html"
INFO 2019/04/15 20:37:27 Alias "/categories/life/page/1/index.html" translated to "categories/life/page/1/index.html"
INFO 2019/04/15 20:37:27 Alias "/page/1/index.html" translated to "page/1/index.html"
INFO 2019/04/15 20:37:27 Alias "/categories/school/page/1/index.html" translated to "categories/school/page/1/index.html"
INFO 2019/04/15 20:37:27 Alias "/tags/page/1/index.html" translated to "tags/page/1/index.html"
INFO 2019/04/15 20:37:27 Alias "/categories/tech/page/1/index.html" translated to "categories/tech/page/1/index.html"
Total in 154 ms
Error: Error building site: failed to render pages: parse error:2:73: unexpected ending in qualified rule, expected left brace token
    2:   href="

Not working with the --minify parameters while trying to generate, please check if there's anything wrong with your template. I've already checked that my front matter is correct.

add option to show full content on index

I would like to have an option to display full posts on main page, and only if I specify a summary it's displayed.

I know I can remove description, but then the text loses all format. maybe an option to not losing format when removing description could be enough.

thanks in advance

cannot use static images for card image

I may be missing something of how to configure this properly. It seems like static images cannot be used as a card image anymore. If I revert the changes for li.html it works fine. I use the same images for the posts that fall into similar categories so it doesn't make sense for me to have different card images for every posts. Is it possible to add this feature back?

Remove calls to Google Services and host dynamic content locally.

Currently, the theme comes bundled with calls to several websites, including some googleapis. They are mostly calls for javascript files that are used to render content.

It could improve performance and would improve privacy to have theses files locally hosted, and updated with the theme when needed, rather than serve third-party code to the website.

It was stated in the original blog post of aether :

Today’s web is a frustrating mess of pop-ups, intrusive banners, and ads obstructing the content. I designed aether to be free of all these distractions and simply highlight the content.

And indeed, they are no distractions, but the web of today is also about privacy, I think.

I can submit a patch to close this issue if needed.

Link in post summary breaks layout in list

In a post-list view (as on the front page), if any post's description/summary contains a hyperlink, the display of that post is mangled: the text falls out of the box and appears below it:
Screen Shot 2020-08-04 at 2 25 06 PM

The reason is that the li.html template uses an <a> tag as the outermost element of the post. But the HTML A element doesn't nest! So when another <a> tag appears within as part of the description text, the parser enforces proper structure by forcing the outer element to end before starting the new one.

To fix this the template needs use a different element that does nest, such as <div> ... but then another mechanism (JS?) needs to be used to make the linking work. Unfortunately my web-dev skills are very rusty so I'm not sure what the best fix is.

bgimg not working

bgimg is set, but not working.

I Just copy pasted the whole exampleSite directory, but the background image is not showing.
I really loved this theme, but this thing is holding me back.
dont take this as disturbance.
Thank you.

Faceshot not shown

I'm just getting started with this theme, and I copied the example site into my site. Everything's working great, except that there's no card shown at the right of the blob (see screenshot below). faceshot.jpg is in assets/img/. Any ideas why this is happening?

Using local images for background does not work.

The following does not work, maybe because it's a gif, maybe because it's a locally-hosted image ?

In config.toml

homeimg = "/home/user/blog/static/img/background.gif"
bgimg = "/home/user/blog/static/img/background.gif"

Thanks for your work !

How to enable RSS feed support

It looks like there is built in support for RSS in Hugo but I can't figure out how to enable it. Is that a theme level setting?

Featured Image without Page Bundles


I'm trying to get this theme set up with Forestry CMS, but it doesn't support page bundles. I'm trying to essentially roll back to this commit by filling in the changes: 85960b6

However, that doesn't seem to be working. I'm new to editing these themes, but was wondering if you could help me figure this out.


add theme as submodule

well, this theme is really OK. there is not issue with it but the problem is when in install the theme by using git clone (git repo url) then its installed and work perfectly, but when i deploy site to github pages by using actions, the action show error that please add themes/aether as submodule

Show the post only in categories

Is there any way to show some posts only through the Categories section? For example, by setting both "displayInMenu" and "displayInList" as false, while applying it to some category by setting "categories". When I do exactly this, it doesn't show up in the categories at all.

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