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templates's Issues

Removed `view` property from page context

@doowb @jonschlinkert
I have some template tags in Nunjucks that rely data from the view property such as path and key. It looks like with templates 0.14.6 this may have potentially been removed. Any chance to get this back or should I deal with it in some middleware?

templates 0.13.7 => assemble-core 0.13.0

  ext: '.html',
  engineName: undefined,
  settings: {},
  view: <File "index.html" <Buffer 7b 25 20 65 78 74 65 6e 64 73 20 6c 61 79 6f 75 74 73 28 27 68 6f 6d 65 27 29 20 25 7d 0a 0a 7b 25 20 64 65 62 75 67 20 25 7d 0a 7b 25 20 62 6c 6f 63 ... >>,
  async: true,
   { view: [Function: wrapped],
     page: [Function: wrapped],
     pages: [Function: wrapped] 

templates 0.14.6 => assemble-core 0.13.2

{ ext: '.html',
  async: true,
   { view: [Function: wrapped],
     page: [Function: wrapped],
     pages: [Function: wrapped] 
  engineName: undefined


  const ext = '.html';
  const nunj = nunjucks.configure({
    watch: false,
    noCache: true

  app.engine(ext, consolidate.nunjucks);

//tempalte tag
export default class GetAsset {
  constructor(app) { = app;
    this.tags = ['get_asset'];

  parse(parser, nodes, lexer) {
    const tok = parser.nextToken();
    const args = parser.parseSignature(null, true);

    if (args.children.length === 0) {
      args.addChild(new nodes.Literal(0, 0, ''));

    return new nodes.CallExtension(this, 'run', args);
  run(context, args) {
    const {ctx} = context;
    const {
      assets = {}, //from => assets = {'some/page/path': '/some/src.js'}
    } = ctx;  //ctx is page context
    const {isDev} = environment;
    const {path: viewPath} = view;  //breaks here because there is no `view.path`

    return new nunjucks.runtime.SafeString(`<script src="${assets[viewPath]}"></script>`);

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
  <meta charset="UTF-8">

  {% get_asset %}

Layouts not working as expected

After setting everything up setting the layout on the index.pug file to be _layout and rendering it. This is what the output is.

Note: Below are the files that I used.


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit.</p>
<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit.</p>


doctype html
    {% body %}


p Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit.

  li item
  li item
  li item
  li item

!= helpers.partial('_partial')


h1 Partial

goals for refactor

  • faster
  • take advantage of es6 classes and inheritance
  • simplify logic for caching views (renameKey, etc)
  • built-in support for permalinks
  • built-in support for pagination

Rendering issue: a param from a previous render call gets injected

I have a basic setup: a layout and 2 views built on top of the layout. When I render the first view everything is OK, but when I render second view unless helper behaves in a weird way: it uses context param value of title from a previous call to render.

'use strict';

var templates = require('templates');
var app = templates();

 * Defin the engine to use

app.engine('txt', require('engine-handlebars'));
app.option('engine', 'txt');

 * Create view collections

app.create('layouts', {viewType: 'layout'});
app.create('headings', {viewType: 'partial'});

 * Add some views

// layout
app.layout('base', {
  data: {},
  content: '<div>{{#unless title}}{{ title }}{{/unless}}<span>{% body %}</span>{{ title }}</div>',
app.option('layout', 'base');

// pages'one', {
  data: {title: 'title-A'},
  content: 'ONE',
});'two', {
  data: {},
  content: 'TWO',

 * Render views

app.render('one', {}, function(err, res) {
  if (err) return console.log(err.stack);
app.render('two', {}, function(err, res) {
  if (err) return console.log(err.stack);

Expected output:


Actual output:


render helper

Add an async render helper that takes a view object and locals

view missing context method

when a view is created without a collection, it will not have a context method, which throws an error in render. We can just decorate the same methods that are used on collection-views onto view to avoid this

TypeError: this.debug.helpers is not a function

Using latest dev branch of verb, so templates is latest v0.14.5 (i checked it).

[charlike@voltaire bind-context]$ verb
    this.debug.helpers('getting async helper "%s"', name);

TypeError: this.debug.helpers is not a function
    at Verb.<anonymous> (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/verb/node_modules/templates/lib/plugins/helpers.js:79:16)
    at Verb.<anonymous> (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/verb/node_modules/templates/lib/plugins/helpers.js:116:24)
    at Object.module.exports (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/verb/node_modules/templates/lib/helpers/singular.js:7:11)
    at Verb.Templates.create (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/verb/node_modules/templates/index.js:316:11)
    at Verb.initVerb (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/verb/index.js:61:10)
    at new Verb (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/verb/index.js:32:8)
    at Verb (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/verb/index.js:28:12)
    at Object.<anonymous> (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/verb/bin/verb.js:12:11)
    at Module._compile (module.js:413:34)
    at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:422:10)

And actually I can't realize how debug comes into utils, it's unreal hahaha, absolute absurd.

edit: Let's start. ./lib/debug.js is called on the constructor on line 56. In this file lazy-loaded modules and all files from lib/utils/* are merged, okey.

async helpers (refactor, externalize, and improve!!!)

@jonschlinkert and I have talked about this and I've been looking through the current modules that have touch points to async helpers and trying some things out to try to improve the experience with some of the use cases that we've come across.

I think that the following steps can be taken to refactor and externalize some of the current pieces, while creating a couple new pieces for so cases:

  • refactor async-helpers

  • remove async-helpers from engine-cache

    • the only real touch points in engine-cache are adding helpers to the asyncHelpers instance when compiling, and resolving async helper ids after the string has been rendered
    • moving this out of engine-cache makes way for the next step
  • base-async-helpers module that adds the async-helpers functionality to base applications

    • move asyncHelper, asyncHelpers, getAsyncHelper, and hasAsyncHelper methods from base-helpers to `base-async-helpers
    • wrap engine-cache methods to inject the async-helpers functionality into .compile and .render (this can be more configurable and only enabled for specific engines)
  • Make built-in singular and plural helpers "smarter" to know if they're being used as async or sync helpers. Either split them out into a module or just check for the callback.

  • base-handlebars-async-helpers module to add necessary helpers and batch methods in Handlebars to allow using async-helpers with built in Handlebars partial syntax.

    • I've done this in an example and tried to implement it directly in engine-handlebars, but engine-handlebars is not able to get a reference to the asyncHelpers instance created by engine-cache.
    • I think splitting out the other pieces and adding this functionality as a plugin will let users choose when they're going to use async-helpers and if they'r using Handlebars, they can also include this module to fix some specific use cases.
    • Since we include engine-handlebars in assemble by default, we can include this also (or have an option to enable async-helpers which would then include base-async-helpers and base-handlebars-async-helpers)
  • optional base-engine-async-helpers module that will do something with engine-base to get async-helpers to work with regular javascript conditional statements (I don't know exactly how to do this yet, but we've thrown around a few ideas)

I'll be working on these changes over the next few days. Feedback is welcome and encouraged!

Cannot find module 'async'


We're using a module named "assemble" and this module uses this one. The modules are installed with a "--production" flag. When using the assemble module, the following error occurs:

Error: Cannot find module 'async'
at Function.Module._resolveFilename (module.js:336:15)
at Function.Module._load (module.js:286:25)
at Module.require (module.js:365:17)
at require (module.js:384:17)
at Object. (/var/app/buildslave/jenkins/workspace/Team Awesom-O/APM/APM Frontend/APM Frontend - deploy DEV/node_modules/assemble/node_modules/assemble-core/node_modules/templates/lib/plugins/context.js:3:13)

It seems the context.js file uses the async-module, but according to the package.json, this should just be a devDependency. I believe that's where the problem is located.

If you need any more information, let me know.

Kind regards,

new view type: grid

@doowb and I had an interesting conversation a couple of days ago, as a result we're considering adding a fourth view type: grid, for handling grid systems.

(This is only a partially-formed idea. it's really interesting but is not yet "planned". Feedback welcome)


Whereas "view collections" are used for organizing and caching views, "view types" determine how the individual views in a collection will be handled during the render cycle. For example, views with the partial view type will be merged onto the context before being passed to the template engine for rendering, but views with the layout and renderable types will not.

View types

This library currently supports three view types: partial, renderable and layout. Passed on the viewType option when a collection is created, collections may have one or more view types, defaulting to renderable if no other types are defined.

  • partial: allows "partial views" to be injected into other views. useful for components, document fragments, or other snippets of reusable code or content.
  • layout: allows views to "wrap" other views (of any type, including other layouts or partials) with common code or content.
  • renderable: views that have a one-to-one relationship with rendered files that will eventually be visible to a user or visitor to a website. For example: pages or blog posts.


The grid view type would combine concepts from the partial and layout types to allow users to pre-define complex page layout systems, whilst also keeping a separation of concerns between structure and content.

In practice, this means that grids themselves would be defined using a declarative configuration, the markup (rows and columns) of the grid would be entirely composed of user-defined views (templates), and the content that will eventually populate the individual "cells" of the grid can also be defined using a declarative configuration - allowing them to be modified on-the-fly during the build cycle (e.g. just as you can easily change the layout of a view using middleware, you could also customize the cells of a grid on a page-by-page, or collection-by-collection, or task-by-task basis).

The concept

This is totally pseudo-code, but hopefully you will get the idea and be able to give feedback.

Grids will be created like any other views.

app.create('foo', {viewType: 'grid'});

Once created, you would add grid views with (like other custom collections). We would add support for two special properties unique to grids (we're open to suggestions on the property names):

  • schema: an object, for defining the actual grid system using columns, rows, and even other (nested) grids.
  • structure: an object that provides a semantic "mapping" between the grid-schema-object, and css-based grid "positions" that can be specified by other views (in other words, this would allow you to add a partial to the "banner" position on a grid, instead of row2.col1-col4 or whatever).'magazine', {
  // main content here, along with a "grid" tag defining where the actual grid will be injected
  content: '<div>{% grid %}</div>',
  // grids can also use layouts, like any other view type
  layout: 'main',
  // rows and columns in the schema would define the "grid positions", as well as
  // the context for those individual "cells"
  schema: {
    row1: {
      // like layouts, the templates in "cells" would be resolved before injecting content
      content: '{% row %}',
      col1: {
        content: '{% col %}',
    row2: {
      col1: {
        content: '{% col %}',
    row3: {
      // nested grid
      grid: 'baz',
  structure: {
    nav: 'row1.col1',
    banner: 'row2.col1',
    main: 'row3.grid.row2.co2'

Then, renderable views (like pages, posts etc) can specify a grid to use, along with with content to populate the cells. For example:'whatever', {
  content: 'this is some content...', 
  layout: 'default', 
  grid: {
    name: 'magazine',
    structure: {
      nav: {
        data: {span: 12},
        content: '<div class="nav">...</div>'
      banner: {
        data: {span: 12},
        content: '<div class="banner">...</div>'
      main: {
        data: {span: 6}
        content: 'some content or partials or whatever for the `main` cell on the `magazine` grid'

`TypeError: is not a function`

This issue popped up today, not sure what is happening

"version": "0.15.11"

  if (view.use);

TypeError: is not a function
    at Views.setView (/Users/davidfox-powell/dev/balloon/balloon/server/static/node_modules/templates/lib/views.js:157:22)
    at DestroyableTransform._transform (/Users/davidfox-powell/dev/balloon/balloon/server/static/node_modules/assemble-fs/index.js:152:25)
    at DestroyableTransform.Transform._read (/Users/davidfox-powell/dev/balloon/balloon/server/static/node_modules/through2/node_modules/readable-stream/lib/_stream_transform.js:159:10)
    at DestroyableTransform.Transform._write (/Users/davidfox-powell/dev/balloon/balloon/server/static/node_modules/through2/node_modules/readable-stream/lib/_stream_transform.js:147:83)
    at doWrite (/Users/davidfox-powell/dev/balloon/balloon/server/static/node_modules/through2/node_modules/readable-stream/lib/_stream_writable.js:313:64)
    at writeOrBuffer (/Users/davidfox-powell/dev/balloon/balloon/server/static/node_modules/through2/node_modules/readable-stream/lib/_stream_writable.js:302:5)
    at DestroyableTransform.Writable.write (/Users/davidfox-powell/dev/balloon/balloon/server/static/node_modules/through2/node_modules/readable-stream/lib/_stream_writable.js:241:11)
    at DestroyableTransform.ondata (/Users/davidfox-powell/dev/balloon/balloon/server/static/node_modules/through2/node_modules/readable-stream/lib/_stream_readable.js:531:20)
    at emitOne (events.js:90:13)
    at DestroyableTransform.emit (events.js:182:7)
    at readableAddChunk (/Users/davidfox-powell/dev/balloon/balloon/server/static/node_modules/through2/node_modules/readable-stream/lib/_stream_readable.js:198:18)
    at DestroyableTransform.Readable.push (/Users/davidfox-powell/dev/balloon/balloon/server/static/node_modules/through2/node_modules/readable-stream/lib/_stream_readable.js:157:10)
    at DestroyableTransform.Transform.push (/Users/davidfox-powell/dev/balloon/balloon/server/static/node_modules/through2/node_modules/readable-stream/lib/_stream_transform.js:123:32)
    at afterTransform (/Users/davidfox-powell/dev/balloon/balloon/server/static/node_modules/through2/node_modules/readable-stream/lib/_stream_transform.js:79:51)
    at TransformState.afterTransform (/Users/davidfox-powell/dev/balloon/balloon/server/static/node_modules/through2/node_modules/readable-stream/lib/_stream_transform.js:58:12)
    at /Users/davidfox-powell/dev/balloon/balloon/server/static/node_modules/vinyl-fs/lib/src/getContents/bufferFile.js:18:5
    at /Users/davidfox-powell/dev/balloon/balloon/server/static/node_modules/graceful-fs/graceful-fs.js:78:16
    at FSReqWrap.readFileAfterClose [as oncomplete] (fs.js:404:3)


Tests were temporarily moved to base-test-suite to prevent creation of duplicate tests while we're updating all of the tests in the assemble, verb, update, generate and base libs.

Documentation: What is the difference between templates and template?

I'm a quite heavy user of assemble. Maybe there is no reason to change something in assemble, but the project seems to be sleeping for a while and for that reason I was looking for the next big thing in static site generation. I encountered templates and template and they appear to be very similar, not just their names.

Could you please provide some information which project to use, depending on the case?

And I'm asking myself how much value assemble provides compared to templates. Is it much more than a grunt-plugin calling template and selecting a template engine (handlebars)?

Where would templates be used? Typically "offline" site generation or delivering "online", embedded in something like express?

I apologize if the questions are dumb, maybe I'm not deep enough in that business and as a result not able to imagine what to do with the more low-level libraries you provide. BTW thanks for your great work!

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