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categorymanager's Issues

Show Categories for Google Contacts using Browser & Category changes not reflecting in another PC after syncing in first PC & followed by second PC

I've just started using tbsync, Provider for Caldav & Category manager on my gmail account. I can set the categories for various contacts using T'bird. I then sync Address Book etc in tbsync which goes Ok. However, I am not able to see the Categories for those Contacts displayed in Google Contacts looked at from my Browser. Also, when I sync Address Book from another computer, the Categories are not applied to those Contacts even though any new contacts or other changes to existing contacts are. Any ideas about how to show Categories for Contacts displayed in Google Contacts and how to make tbsync cause updates to Categories from T'bird to Contacts displayed in Google Contacts?

the category manager leads to persisent wrong phone number views

when activating the category manager in TB78 it happens that almost all addresses are shown to have phone numbers (always the same) which are related to one other contact. Opening the contact this numbers are not mentioned. So the db is not crashed. it is only a problem on contact overview window.

CategoryManager with Google labels for contacts


I have the AddOn 'TbSync' with 'Provider for CalDAv & CardDav' installed, and syncing works fine for the Google contacts. I also have 'CategoryManager' installed but unfortunately the labels which I use in Google contacts for grouping (categorizing) my contacts are not imported - athough I expected that to happen.
What could be the problem here? What are the essentials to make it happen? Or is this not possible and did I misinterpret this possibility?

Thanks for helping!
Regards Jan

Conflict between CategoryManager and Thunderbird Conversations

Following this issue, I post here about a conflict between CategoryManager and Thunderbird Conversations. We suspect a problem in the way CategoryManager attempts to load its category tools.

  • Thunderbird version: 68.2.2
  • CategoryManager version: 3.7
  • Thunderbird Conversation version: 2.15.16
  • Operating System: Xubuntu 18.04

What did you do?
I try to open an existing contact card directly from the small popup on the name of a participant of a conversation, in clicking on the pencil button, provided by Thunderbird Conversations add-on.

What did you expect to happen?
I expect the contact card to open and display all data recorded for the target contact. I also expect to be able to add some modifications to that contact card.

What actually happened?
The contact card open and display not all data recorded for the target contact but only some of them, namely email address and phone number. The name and surname, photo field are particularly empty. Sometimes the contact card is totally virgin. All modifications are always lost.

When opening the contact card, the following message displays in the Error Console : TypeError: jbCatMan.getReducedCategoriesForHierarchyMode is not a functioncommon-card-overlay.js:201:36

How to workaround ?
Disabling the CategoryManager add-on is sufficient to solve the problem. Everything works fine if Thunderbird Conversations runs alone.

Thunderbird 78 support



First I would thank you for such a wonderful extension. Thank you!

Thunderbird 78 is Mozilla's newest ESR (extended-support release), which comes out yearly and is considered the latest stable release. Right now you can download the newest version from the official website, and existing users will be automatically updated in the near future.

Right now, Thunderbird 78 support is not there, but it is extremely needed. Thus, I'd like ask to provide this support.
Thank you,


Kategorienfenster behält die Position nicht

Wenn das Adressbuch neu gestartet wird, bleibt das Kategorienfenster nicht in der Position vor dem Beenden. Für mich nimmt es so zu viel Platz ein (gut 3/4 der Sidebar). Deshalb fände ich es wünschenswert, wenn es die Position behält, die vorher eingestellt war.

E-Mail an mehrere Kategorien?

Extra temporär eine neue Kategorie anzulegen, die die anderen Kategorien vereint, scheint mir sehr umständlich zu sein.

Gibt es ein Feature eine E-Mail an mehrere Kategorien zu mailen?

unable to get CM to work

I'm attempting to add a category or assign a category to a contact. Using both Cardbook and CM. I edit a contact and add a category, then save the contact. The contact is saved and then (a couple of seconds later) is reverted to original status. I'm also using "GcontactSync", to sync with my gmail contacts.
How to determine which of the addons is causing the problem?
How to add a category without using it (assigning it to a contact)?

Categories not being recognised within mailing lists

It seems that categories are not recognised within mailing lists, even though they are correctly listed in the adress book view.

Opening the contacts' edit view from within the mailing list reveals that categories are still set correctly.

Fig.1: CategoryManager correctly recognises the categories from contacts.
screen shot 2015-12-17 at 15 23 16

Fig.2: In a mailing list categories are not displayed, even though they are still set.
screen shot 2015-12-17 at 15 23 58

Windows 7 / 2012 R2 (x64), Thunderbird 38.4.0, CategoryManager 1.60, SOGo Connector 31.0.2, ownCloud 8.2.1

UTF-8 Or Accent export issue

I try to export my list of contacts with "Category" columns, this works fine but some contacts or lines has weird typo such as :

  • affiché instead of affiché
  • Christèle instead of Christèle

Maybe it's because of not using UTF-8 encoding?
is there a way to avoid these weird typo and have all accent exported correctly?
Thank you in advance
Kind Regards,

Google contact groups won't work

I've synced with Google Contacts using TBSync add-on while having CategoryManager already installed.
Unfortunately, after syncing I don't see any Google contact groups show up in my TB address book — just see all contacts as Uncategorised. Any idea?

Preinstalling shows 'null ' as AddOn Name

If you deploy Tb with provisioning and preinstalled AddOns, the title for this AddOn will show 'null' as name.
Unfortunately this AddOn needs to be installed manually/separately.

Not able to export contents of category

There is no visible way to export a category to a csv or tsv file.
This could be helpful to manage large addressbooks.
Is there a way to export an addressbook with the categories field included?

Compatible w/ TB 78.3.3

Just installed TB 78.3.3. Using TB Sync to sync addresses & calendar. Also then added category manager since it is now past September date. Labels in Gmail which I assume are categories did not sync over. Is the Catagory Manager operational? If so how do I use? I need to build 3 distribution lists that already exist in Gmail contacts.

Filter for Categories

Hello everyone,
it would be nice if there were the posibility to filter incoming mails by categories. Right now I can only filter by "adress is in my adressbook" but not by "adress is in category". I haven't yet found something like elsewhere so I opened this issue here.

Option: Use full recipient list instead of BCC field

Congratulations on CategoryManager. Its extremely useful.

The only drawback from my point of view is that the real recipient is not displayed in the "To:" field. I appreciate you have partially addressed the issue by allowing a default sender's address, along with a dummy display name, to be set in the preferences. However this is still not very helpful to the recipient and means the sender has to reset the preferences for each list that is sent.

Would it be possible to offer the more usual list handling procedure as an option to the current arrangement? It would make the add-on so much more useful for users working in less restrictive (enlightened?) domains.

Why is existing field Label not used rather than new field Category

I've just started using tbsync, Provider for Caldav & Category manager on my gmail account. I can set the categories for various contacts using T'bird. I then sync Address Book etc in tbsync which goes Ok. However, I am not able to see the Categories for those Contacts displayed in Google Contacts looked at from my Browser, because Category is a new field to Google. So on each computer that I use on my home network, I have to create a Category & assign Contacts to it again. Consider a company with a lot of computers: this would entail a lot of work t o assign Contacts to a Category.
I suggest using the existing Label field for Contacts to create a 'list'/'group' of Contacts.

Button zum Ausblenden der Kategorien

Nachdem ich ca 15 Adressbücher und 50 Kategorien habe wäre es eine echte Hilfe wenn es möglich wäre das Kategorienfenster nach unten in die Benachrichtungsleiste Verschwinden zu lassen, ähnlich wie z.B. bei lightning den Tagesplan.

Denn sonst ist entweder der Bereich für die Adressbücher oder der Bereich für die Kategorien immer zu klein.

Google Contacts


are "categories" what Google Contacts calls "labels"?


If yes, TbSync doesn't manage to synchronize them to build appropriate address lists (groups). :-(


I really like the category manager.
But is there a possibility to use for forwarding a mail to all members of a category? At the moment I think I can use it only for starting new mails. It would be nice to have a way to use it in the address-field of a mail already existing.
Thx in advance

Feature Request - Default category or category selection while adding a contact

I need a quick way to add contacts to a category.
Now I need to add them to unorganised category and later move them to desired category. It is does not seem to be user-friendly.

There are two ways to to do that.

  1. Easy: Make a category default when new contact is added. It will have automatically to the category.
  2. Ideal: While adding a contact using small star button. Ask user to select category of the contact. There is an extension which addes contacts to mailing list. This feature can be somewhat similar to the extension.


Synch contacts with EAS?

I am new to TB, migrating from Outlook. I have connected to Outlook for email and contacts. Thank you for TBsync and EAS Provider. I have installed CategoryManager and restarted and resynched with EAS outlook account. The categories that do exist for many contacts on Outlook EAS are not showing up in TB address book or Cardbook.

What can I do to have TBsync and CategoryManager read and synchronize the categories in my Outlook contacts?
Thank You

Filter messages by contact categories

Presently, it doesn't seem possible to set up a filter rule for messages using contact categories. For example : "redirecting in the folder X all the messages sent by the users listed in the category Y of the address book Z".

However, it would be a very useful feature ! If I want to send messages to contact groups (and that's why this addon is indispensable), I could also want to receive messages from such contact groups, couldn't I ?

Does it make sense to you ? ;-)

CategoryManager in die Sidebar des Nachrichtenfensters integrieren

Hallo und schönen guten Tag, der CategoryManager ist mir immer wieder hilfreich. Leider ist er stets nur funktionell, wenn man eine E-Mail neu verfassen will. Soblad es jedoch darum geht eine E-Mail an bestimmte oder alle Mitglieder einer Kategorie weiterzuleiten, fehlt mir der CategoryManager in der Sidebar. Gibt es eine Möglichkeit den Manager in die Sidebar des Nachrichtenfensters (nach dem Klick auf "E-Mail-Verfassen" bzw. "E-Mail-Weiterleiten") zu integrieren? Ich hoffe mich verständlich ausgedrückt zu haben.

Herzlichen Dank für diesen Manager.
Grüße Holger

Category 3.3


I am using Thunderbird 68.1 with Category 3.3 and I have tested all addons under thurderbird and it seems that Category 3.3 is slowing down the address book terribly. any thought on fixing this ?


gmail lables

Hi. I installed TBSync, Provider, and Category Manager. My contacts are syncing correctly, but categories (gmail calls them Labels) are no syncing.

My gmail is my university's gsuite, with as the domain.

Am I doing something wrong?


Category 'more than one'

Next to the category Uncategorized, please offer a category called More than one. This will list all contacts that have more than one category.

Many users only want to add a contact to only one category and this function will enable finding quickly which contacts have more than one category.

This also helps #20

[MFFAB] Categories not recognzed by CategoryManager

A very useful idea, unfortunately it doesn't work for me. Only a part of the existing contacts are listed as "members" for the respective "category name" in "Found categories". Checking the contacts I found the categories partly out of sync comparing the new Tab "Categories" added by "Category Manager" and the standard Tab "Other Data".

Creating a new contact and adding categories via the "Other Data" Tab are nor recognized by the "CategoryManager" and categories entered in the "Categories" Tab are not displayed in "Other Data" Tab.

This might be related to a different naming, I've seen the column "Category" as well as "Categories" in the export generated by CategoryManager?! Or does it interfere with "MoreFunctionsForAddressBook"?


  • Thunderbird V45.6.0
  • CategoryManager V2.0.4
  • MoreFunctionsForAddressBook V0.7.5

Dutch translation

Hello, is there a Dutch translation available for category manager?

Gmail task list

Can the Gmail task list calendar be synchronized with TBSync?

Polish translation

PL translation attached:
I failed to test it, due to the fact that the _locale and locale folders in the categorymanager-3.11-tb.xpi file contain language files in converted form.

Remove redundant link “Support site” from

On the right of are two links:

Add-on home page →
Support site →

Remove one of the links, as there is no point to have both.

Likewise for, where the difference is minimal

Kategorien synchronieren per CardDAV

Wir nutzen einen owncloud 9.1-Server auf Ubuntu für unsere Kontakte. Meiner Beobachtung zufolge gibt es Probleme, wenn man bei einem Kontakt die Kategorie wegnimmt, ohne sonst was zu ändern. Der Upload zur owncloud funktioniert, aber der Download auf das andere Thunderbird erfolgt nicht. Kann das jemand bestätigen? Gibt's andere CardDAV-Addons? Abhilfe: als Kategorie was anderes eintragen, z.B. "keine", oder ein anderes Feld zusätzlich ändern.
Thunderbird 52.3.0, CategoyManager2 2.04, Inverse SOGo Connector 31.0.3

[gContactSync] category manager upgrade

Hallo Admin

i moved from old version to new Catagorymanager2.
all my previous categories which i worked with does not show up now.

to rework all again seems too much for me.

what might be a problem and how can i i solve it?

thanks for comments.

Question: AddOn rights for Category Mgr - "Full access"

Hi / Hallo John,

German or English, what's your preference? I'll start in English :-)

I'm using TB 78.4.0 on OpenSuse Leap 15.2, together with addons "TbSync" and "Provider für calDAV and cardDAV", to get my contacts, calendars and tasks synced from my Nextcloud on my VPS to my local TB. Among others.

As I more and more need categories, which are not synced from Nextcloud via cardDAV with the addons above only, I've found the hint for your addonn category manager.

But I'm somewhat surprised that your addon requests full access "Vollständiger Zugriff auf Thunderbird und Ihren Computer". Which neither "TbSync" nor "Provider für calDAV and cardDAV" (nor any other of my addons) are requesting.

Why does your addon needs this IMHO risky high access level?


Import function and Enigmail


I have just tried the good looking CategoryManager in Thunderbider 68.1.1 (Opensuse) but have two problems:

  1. Is it possible to import the "categories" from MoreFunctionsForAddressbook? I have some thousands of addresses and to do it manually is ....
  2. When I try to send an email to a category, there seems to be a problem with Enigmail, used for the encription in one of my email accounts. The email creation is called, a message "start Enigmail" appears and that's it. Enigmail in normal usage works fine.

Any idea/ help, what I can do?

Thank you


[gContactSync] Adressen und Kategorienimport aus Google - sehe im einzelnen Datensatz keine Kategorien

Nach dem Import der Daten aus Google finde ich zwar die einzelnen Kategorien und darin auch die jeweiligen Adressen, jedoch wenn ich eine Adresse öffne, sehe ich nicht die zugehörigen Kategorien.

Toll wäre auch, könnte man bei der Einstellung der Spalten der Spaltenansicht im Adressbuch auch die Spalte "Kategorien" anwählen. So sähe man im Überblick sofort, wer welchen Kategorien zugeordnet ist und wer nicht.

Oder gibt es einen anderen Approach mein Problem der Kategorieüberprüfung bei bestehenden Daten zu erfüllen.

Habe ich etwas falsch gemacht oder vergessen?

Danke sehr!

Mit freundlichen Grüßen aus Wien!


Category manger height prevents address book window resizing

The height of category manager list doesn't adjust when resizing the address book window.

This causes some user confusion when you have a long list of categories on initial start as the window can extend far below the monitor edge and you cannot resize to fit the monitor even when maximizing the window.


2020-11-04 10_06_25-Window


2020-11-04 10_09_06-Window

TB: 78.4.0 (32-bit)
OS: Windows 10 Pro

All toolbars re-set from safemode
All other addons except TbSync and Provider for CalDav & CardDAV were disabled

Exporting all contacts to .csv

I have just exported my full contacts list to a csv file but it doe not populate the categories field. I am sure it used to when I last did it about a year ago!

David Elliott

Filter more than one category

I am able to addict more than one categories to any contact. So it should be possible to filter after more than one categories the same time, f.e. "collegues" and category "concurrent", only collegues show all of them, the additional "concurrent" only that part.

Sender Address via Category

Dear Sirs and Madams,

using the CategoryManager is quite nice especially if you have to send e-mails to a bunch of addresses and have to ensure data-protection.

One thing I for myself observe a bit "bothersome".
I have more than one address books: Private, work, ...
When I use CategoryManager to send an email to a Kategory, e.g. "colleagues" which are saved in "work" address book they are put to BCC which is fine, but in my sender address my private email is used and not the one for work. It can be corrected by klicking and choosing the right one, but sometimes you can forget that correction (especially when you are in a hurry).
Would there be a solution for that beside manually correcting? Maybe a connetion of a default own addresses to the address book or category (which can be changed manually as now - but the first appearance is set)

I would be grateful for your information.
Yours sincerely
M. Reichenwallner

Support for Polish letters

When you include Polish letters in the category name, the category list (window left bottom, "Filter contacts by categories:") breaks by category that includes a Polish letter = stops listing categories.
Polish letters: ąćęłńóśżźĄĆĘŁŃÓŚŻŹ
ą \u0105
ć \u0107
ę \u0119
ł \u0142
ń \u0144
ó \u00F3
ś \u015B
ź \u017A
ż \u017C
Ą \u0104
Ć \u0106
Ę \u0118
Ł \u0141
Ń \u0143
Ó \u00D3
Ś \u015A
Ź \u0179
Ż \u017B

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