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cookbook-openstack-block-storage's Introduction


Installs the OpenStack Block Storage service Cinder as part of the OpenStack reference deployment Chef for OpenStack. The contains documentation for using this cookbook in the context of a full OpenStack deployment. Cinder is currently installed from packages.


  • Chef 0.10.0 or higher required (for Chef environment use).


The following cookbooks are dependencies:

  • apt
  • openstack-common
  • openstack-identity
  • openstack-image
  • selinux (Fedora)
  • python



  • Installs the cinder-api, sets up the cinder database, and cinder service/user/endpoints in keystone


  • Install the cinder client packages


  • Installs the cinder-scheduler service


  • Installs the cinder-volume service, sets up the iscsi helper and create volume group when using the LVMVolumeDriver

Defaults to the LVM Volume Driver.


  • openstack["block-storage"]["db"]["username"] - cinder username for database
  • openstack["block-storage"]["volume_name_template"] - Template string to be used to generate volume names
  • openstack["block-storage"]["snapshot_name_template"] - Template string to be used to generate snapshot names
  • openstack['block-storage']['api']['auth']['version'] - Select v2.0 or v3.0. Default v2.0 inherited from common cookbook. The default auth API version used to interact with identity service
  • openstack['block-storage']['api']['auth']['memcached_servers'] - A list of memcached server(s) to use for caching
  • openstack['block-storage']['api']['auth']['memcache_security_strategy'] - Whether token data should be authenticated or authenticated and encrypted. Acceptable values are MAC or ENCRYPT
  • openstack['block-storage']['api']['auth']['memcache_secret_key'] - This string is used for key derivation
  • openstack['block-storage']['api']['auth']['hash_algorithms'] - Hash algorithms to use for hashing PKI tokens
  • openstack['block-storage']['api']['auth']['cafile'] - A PEM encoded Certificate Authority to use when verifying HTTPs connections
  • openstack['block-storage']['api']['auth']['insecure'] - Set whether to verify HTTPS connections

Glance Attributes

  • openstack["block-storage"]["image"]["glance_api_insecure"] - If True, this indicates that glance-api allows the client to perform insecure SSL(https) requests, this should be the same as the setting in the glance-api service
  • openstack["block-storage"]["image"]["glance_ca_certificates_file"] - Location of ca certificates file to use for glance client requests

MQ attributes

  • openstack["block-storage"]["mq"]["service_type"] - Select qpid or rabbitmq. default rabbitmq TODO: move rabbit parameters under openstack["block-storage"]["mq"]

  • openstack["block-storage"]["rabbit"]["username"] - Username for nova rabbit access

  • openstack["block-storage"]["rabbit"]["vhost"] - The rabbit vhost to use

  • openstack["block-storage"]["rabbit"]["port"] - The rabbit port to use

  • openstack["block-storage"]["rabbit"]["host"] - The rabbit host to use (must set when openstack["block-storage"]["rabbit"]["ha"] false).

  • openstack["block-storage"]["rabbit"]["ha"] - Whether or not to use rabbit ha

  • openstack["block-storage"]["mq"]["qpid"]["host"] - The qpid host to use

  • openstack["block-storage"]["mq"]["qpid"]["port"] - The qpid port to use

  • openstack["block-storage"]["mq"]["qpid"]["qpid_hosts"] - Qpid hosts. TODO. use only when ha is specified.

  • openstack["block-storage"]["mq"]["qpid"]["username"] - Username for qpid connection

  • openstack["block-storage"]["mq"]["qpid"]["password"] - Password for qpid connection

  • openstack["block-storage"]["mq"]["qpid"]["sasl_mechanisms"] - Space separated list of SASL mechanisms to use for auth

  • openstack["block-storage"]["mq"]["qpid"]["reconnect_timeout"] - The number of seconds to wait before deciding that a reconnect attempt has failed.

  • openstack["block-storage"]["mq"]["qpid"]["reconnect_limit"] - The limit for the number of times to reconnect before considering the connection to be failed.

  • openstack["block-storage"]["mq"]["qpid"]["reconnect_interval_min"] - Minimum number of seconds between connection attempts.

  • openstack["block-storage"]["mq"]["qpid"]["reconnect_interval_max"] - Maximum number of seconds between connection attempts.

  • openstack["block-storage"]["mq"]["qpid"]["reconnect_interval"] - Equivalent to setting qpid_reconnect_interval_min and qpid_reconnect_interval_max to the same value.

  • openstack["block-storage"]["mq"]["qpid"]["heartbeat"] - Seconds between heartbeat messages sent to ensure that the connection is still alive.

  • openstack["block-storage"]["mq"]["qpid"]["protocol"] - Protocol to use. Default tcp.

  • openstack["block-storage"]["mq"]["qpid"]["tcp_nodelay"] - Disable the Nagle algorithm. default disabled.

Cinder attributes

  • openstack["block-storage"]["service_tenant_name"] - name of tenant to use for the cinder service account in keystone
  • openstack["block-storage"]["service_user"] - cinder service user in keystone
  • openstack["block-storage"]["service_role"] - role for the cinder service user in keystone
  • openstack["block-storage"]["service_name"] - Cinder Volume Service name in keystone, cinder for V1 and cinderv2 for v2.
  • openstack["block-storage"]["service_type"] - Cinder Volume Service type in keystone, volume for V1 and volumev2 for v2.
  • openstack["block-storage"]["notification_driver"] - Set the notification driver to be used (default to cinder.openstack.common.notifier.rpc_notifier)
  • openstack["block-storage"]["syslog"]["use"]
  • openstack["block-storage"]["syslog"]["facility"]
  • openstack["block-storage"]["syslog"]["config_facility"]
  • openstack["block-storage"]["platform"] - hash of platform specific package/service names and options
  • openstack["block-storage"]["volume"]["state_path"] - Top-level directory for maintaining cinder's state
  • openstack["block-storage"]["volume"]["driver"] - Driver to use for volume creation
    • Supported volume drivers
      • cinder.volume.drivers.netapp.iscsi.NetAppISCSIDriver - NetApp iSCSI driver for clustered Data
      • cinder.volume.drivers.rbd.RBDDriver - Ceph Block Device driver
      • cinder.volume.drivers.netapp.nfs.NetAppDirect7modeNfsDriver - NetApp NFS direct driver for 7-Mode storage controller
      • - IBM Storwize/SVC driver
      • - IBM General Parallel File System driver
      • - IBM Storwize V7000 Unified and IBM SONAS Cinder driver
      • cinder.volume.drivers.lvm.LVMVolumeDriver - LVM Driver
      • cinder.volume.drivers.emc.emc_smis_iscsi.EMCSMISISCSIDriver - EMC SMI-S iSCSI Driver
  • openstack["block-storage"]["volume"]["volume_clear"] - Defines the method for clearing volumes on a volume delete possible options: 'zero', 'none', 'shred' (
  • openstack["block-storage"]["volume"]["volume_clear_size"] - size in MB used to limit the cleared area on deleting a volume, to the first part of the volume only. (default 0 = all MB)
  • openstack["block-storage"]["volume"]["volume_group"] - Name for the VG that will contain exported volumes
  • openstack["block-storage"]["voluem"]["volume_group_size"] - The size (GB) of volume group (default is 40)
  • openstack["block-storage"]["voluem"]["create_volume_group"] - Create volume group or not when using the LVMVolumeDriver (default is false)
  • openstack["block-storage"]["volume"]["create_volume_group_type"] - 'file' or 'block_devices'. Create volume group from block devices or just a file for testing
  • openstack["block-storage"]["volume"]["block_devices"] - String of blank separated block devices to use for creating volume group when type is 'block_devices'
  • openstack["block-storage"]["volume"]["iscsi_helper"] - ISCSI target user-land tool to use
  • openstack["block-storage"]["volume"]["iscsi_ip_address"] - The IP address where the iSCSI daemon is listening on
  • openstack["block-storage"]["volume"]["iscsi_port"] - The port where the iSCSI daemon is listening on
  • openstack["block-storage"]["rbd_pool"] - RADOS Block Device pool to use
  • openstack["block-storage"]["rbd_user"] - User for Cephx Authentication
  • openstack["block-storage"]["rbd_secret_uuid"] - Secret UUID for Cephx Authentication
  • openstack["block-storage"]["netapp"]["protocol"] - How are we talking to either dfm or filer, http or https
  • openstack["block-storage"]["netapp"]["dfm_hostname"] - Host or IP of your dfm server
  • openstack["block-storage"]["netapp"]["dfm_login"] - Username for dfm
  • openstack["block-storage"]["netapp"]["dfm_password"] - Password for the dfm user
  • openstack["block-storage"]["netapp"]["dfm_port"] - Default port for dfm
  • openstack["block-storage"]["netapp"]["dfm_web_port"] - Web gui port for wsdl file download
  • openstack["block-storage"]["netapp"]["storage_service"] - Name of the service in dfpm
  • openstack["block-storage"]["netapp"]["netapp_server_port"] - Web admin port of the filer itself
  • openstack["block-storage"]["netapp"]["netapp_server_hostname"] - Hostname of your filer, needs to be resolvable
  • openstack["block-storage"]["netapp"]["netapp_server_login"] - Username for netapp filer
  • openstack["block-storage"]["netapp"]["netapp_server_password"] - Password for user above
  • openstack["block-storage"]["nfs"]["shares_config"] - File containing line by line entries of server:export
  • openstack["block-storage"]["nfs"]["mount_point_base"] - Directory to mount NFS exported shares
  • openstack["block-storage"]["control_exchange"] - The AMQP exchange to connect to if using RabbitMQ or Qpid, defaults to cinder
  • openstack["block-storage"]["rpc_backend"] - The messaging module to use, defaults to kombu.
  • openstack["block-storage"]["rpc_thread_pool_size"] - Size of RPC thread pool
  • openstack["block-storage"]["rpc_conn_pool_size"] - Size of RPC connection pool
  • openstack["block-storage"]["rpc_response_timeout"] - Seconds to wait for a response from call or multicall
  • `openstack["block-storage"]["misc_cinder"] - Array of strings to be added to cinder.conf for misc options, e.g. ['# Comment', 'key=value']
  • openstack["block-storage"]["enable_v1_api"] - Whether to enable cinder v1 api or not.
  • openstack["block-storage"]["enable_v2_api"] - Whether to enable cinder v2 api or not.

Storwize/SVC attributes

  • `openstack['block-storage']['san']['san_ip'] - IP address of SAN controller
  • `openstack['block-storage']['san']['san_login'] - Username for SAN controller
  • `openstack['block-storage']['san']['san_private_key'] - Filename of private key to use for SSH authentication
  • `openstack['block-storage']['san']['san_private_key_url'] - Source url of private key to use for SSH authentication
  • `openstack['block-storage']['storwize']['storwize_svc_volpool_name'] - Storage system storage pool for volumes
  • `openstack['block-storage']['storwize']['storwize_svc_vol_rsize'] - Storage system space-efficiency parameter for volumes
  • `openstack['block-storage']['storwize']['storwize_svc_vol_warning'] - Storage system threshold for volume capacity warnings
  • `openstack['block-storage']['storwize']['storwize_svc_vol_autoexpand'] - Storage system autoexpand parameter for volumes
  • `openstack['block-storage']['storwize']['storwize_svc_vol_grainsize'] - Storage system grain size parameter for volumes
  • `openstack['block-storage']['storwize']['storwize_svc_vol_compression'] - Storage system compression option for volumes
  • `openstack['block-storage']['storwize']['storwize_svc_vol_easytier'] - Enable Easy Tier for volumes
  • `openstack['block-storage']['storwize']['storwize_svc_vol_iogrp'] - The I/O group in which to allocate volumes
  • `openstack['block-storage']['storwize']['storwize_svc_flashcopy_timeout'] - Maximum number of seconds to wait for FlashCopy to be prepared
  • `openstack['block-storage']['storwize']['storwize_svc_connection_protocol'] - Connection protocol (iSCSI/FC)
  • `openstack['block-storage']['storwize']['storwize_svc_iscsi_chap_enabled'] - Configure CHAP authentication for iSCSI connections
  • `openstack['block-storage']['storwize']['storwize_svc_multipath_enabled'] - Connect with multipath (FC only; iSCSI multipath is controlled by Nova)
  • `openstack['block-storage']['storwize']['storwize_svc_multihostmap_enabled'] - Allows vdisk to multi host mapping
  • `openstack['block-storage']['storwize']['storwize_svc_allow_tenant_qos'] - Allow tenants to specify QOS on create
  • `openstack['block-storage']['storwize']['storwize_svc_stretched_cluster_partner'] - Enable volume-replication for stretched cluster

FlashSystem attributes

  • `openstack['block-storage']['san']['san_ip'] - IP address of FlashSystem Cluster node
  • `openstack['block-storage']['san']['san_login'] - Username for FlashSystem Cluster node
  • `openstack['block-storage']['flashsystem']['flashsystem_connection_protocol'] - The connection protocol for FlashSystem data path (FC)
  • `openstack['block-storage']['flashsystem']['flashsystem_multipath_enabled'] - The multipath enablement flag (FC only)
  • `openstack['block-storage']['flashsystem']['flashsystem_multihostmap_enabled'] - Enable vdisk to multi-host mapping

VMware attributes

  • openstack['block-storage']['vmware']['secret_name'] - VMware databag secret name
  • openstack['block-storage']['vmware']['vmware_host_ip'] - IP address for connecting to VMware ESX/VC server. (string value)
  • openstack['block-storage']['vmware']['vmware_host_username'] - Username for authenticating with VMware ESX/VC server. (string value)
  • openstack['block-storage']['vmware']['vmware_wsdl_location'] - Optional VIM service WSDL Location e.g http:///vimService.wsdl. Optional over-ride to default location for bug work-arounds. (string value)
  • openstack['block-storage']['vmware']['vmware_api_retry_count'] - Number of times VMware ESX/VC server API must be retried upon connection related issues. (integer value, default 10)
  • openstack['block-storage']['vmware']['vmware_task_poll_interval'] - The interval (in seconds) for polling remote tasks invoked on VMware ESX/VC server. (integer value, default 5)
  • openstack['block-storage']['vmware']['vmware_volume_folder'] - Name for the folder in the VC datacenter that will contain cinder volumes. (string value, default cinder-volumes)
  • openstack['block-storage']['vmware']['vmware_image_transfer_timeout_secs'] - Timeout in seconds for VMDK volume transfer between Cinder and Glance. (integer value, default 7200)
  • openstack['block-storage']['vmware']['vmware_max_objects_retrieval'] - Max number of objects to be retrieved per batch. (integer value, default 100)

IBM GPFS attributes

  • openstack['block-storage']['gpfs']['gpfs_mount_point_base'] - Path to directory in GPFS filesystem where volume files are located (string value)
  • openstack['block-storage']['gpfs']['gpfs_images_dir'] - Path to directory in GPFS filesystem where Glance images are located (string value)
  • openstack['block-storage']['gpfs']['gpfs_images_share_mode'] - Type of image copy to use, either "copy_on_write" or "copy" (string value)
  • openstack['block-storage']['gpfs']['gpfs_sparse_volumes'] - Create volumes as sparse or fully allocated files (boolean value, default true)
  • openstack['block-storage']['gpfs']['gpfs_max_clone_depth'] - Maximum clone indirections allowed when creating volume file snapshots clones; zero indicates unlimited clone depth (integer, defalut 0)
  • openstack['block-storage']['gpfs']['gpfs_storage_pool'] - GPFS storage pool that volumes are assigned to (string value)

IBMNAS (SONAS/Storwize V7000 Unified) attributes

  • openstack['block-storage']['ibmnas']['nas_ip'] - Management IP address of IBMNAS storage
  • openstack['block-storage']['ibmnas']['nas_login'] - Username for IBMNAS storage system
  • openstack['block-storage']['ibmnas']['nas_access_ip'] - Hostname/Public IP address to access shares
  • openstack['block-storage']['ibmnas']['nas_ssh_port'] - ssh port of IBMNAS storage
  • openstack['block-storage']['ibmnas']['export'] - Storage system shares/export path parameter
  • openstack['block-storage']['ibmnas']['shares_config'] - File that contains list of IBMNAS Shares
  • openstack['block-storage']['ibmnas']['mount_point_base'] - Storage system autoexpand parameter for volumes
  • openstack['block-storage']['ibmnas']['nfs_sparsed_volumes'] - Storage system volume creation method
  • openstack['block-storage']['ibmnas']['ibmnas_platform_type'] - Platform type to be used as backend storage

Multiple backends attributes

  • openstack['block-storage']['volume']['multi_backend'] - Hash map to indicate multiple backends sections, e.g. { 'lvm1' => { 'volume_driver' => 'cinder.volume.drivers.lvm.LVMVolumeDriver', 'volume_backend_name' => 'lvm1' }, 'lvm2' => { 'volume_driver' => 'cinder.volume.drivers.lvm.LVMVolumeDriver', 'volume_backend_name' => 'lvm2' } }
  • default['openstack']['block-storage']['volume']['default_volume_type'] - String to indicate the volume_type that maps to one of the configured volume backends

The following attributes are defined in attributes/default.rb of the common cookbook, but are documented here due to their relevance:

  • openstack['endpoints']['block-storage-api-bind']['host'] - The IP address to bind the api service to
  • openstack['endpoints']['block-storage-api-bind']['port'] - The port to bind the api service to
  • openstack['endpoints']['block-storage-api-bind']['bind_interface'] - The interface name to bind the api service to

Backup service attributes

  • openstack['block-storage']['backup']['enabled'] - Whether to enable cinder backup service or not.
  • openstack['block-storage']['backup']['driver'] - The driver for cinder backup service.
  • openstack['block-storage']['backup']['swift']['url'] - The URL of Swift endpoint.
  • openstack['block-storage']['backup']['swift']['catalog_info'] - Info to match when looking for swift in the service catalog.
  • openstack['block-storage']['backup']['swift']['auth'] - Swift authentication mechanism.
  • openstack['block-storage']['backup']['swift']['auth_version'] - Swift authentication version.
  • openstack['block-storage']['backup']['swift']['user'] - Swift user name.
  • openstack['block-storage']['backup']['swift']['tenant'] - Swift tenant/account name. Required when connecting.
  • openstack['block-storage']['backup']['swift']['key'] - Swift key for authentication.
  • openstack['block-storage']['backup']['swift']['container'] - The default Swift container to use.
  • openstack['block-storage']['backup']['swift']['object_size'] - The size in bytes of Swift backup objects.
  • openstack['block-storage']['backup']['swift']['block_size'] - The size in bytes that changes are tracked for incremental backups.
  • openstack['block-storage']['backup']['swift']['retry_attempts'] - The number of retries to make for Swift operations.
  • openstack['block-storage']['backup']['swift']['retry_backoff'] - The backoff time in seconds between Swift retries.
  • openstack['block-storage']['backup']['swift']['enable_progress_timer'] - Enable or Disable the timer to send the periodic progress notifications to Ceilometer when backing up the volume to the Swift backend storage.

If the value of the 'bind_interface' attribute is non-nil, then the block-storage service will be bound to the first IP address on that interface. If the value of the 'bind_interface' attribute is nil, then the block-storage service will be bound to the IP address specified in the host attribute.


Please refer to the for instructions for testing the cookbook.


Berks will resolve version requirements and dependencies on first run and store these in Berksfile.lock. If new cookbooks become available you can run berks update to update the references in Berksfile.lock. Berksfile.lock will be included in stable branches to provide a known good set of dependencies. Berksfile.lock will not be included in development branches to encourage development against the latest cookbooks.

License and Author

Author Justin Shepherd ([email protected])
Author Jason Cannavale ([email protected])
Author Ron Pedde ([email protected])
Author Joseph Breu ([email protected])
Author William Kelly ([email protected])
Author Darren Birkett ([email protected])
Author Evan Callicoat ([email protected])
Author Matt Ray ([email protected])
Author Jay Pipes ([email protected])
Author John Dewey ([email protected])
Author Abel Lopez ([email protected])
Author Sean Gallagher ([email protected])
Author Ionut Artarisi ([email protected])
Author David Geng ([email protected])
Author Salman Baset ([email protected])
Author Chen Zhiwei ([email protected])
Author Mark Vanderwiel ([email protected])
Author Eric Zhou ([email protected])
Author Edwin Wang ([email protected])
Author Jan Klare ([email protected])
Copyright Copyright (c) 2012, Rackspace US, Inc.
Copyright Copyright (c) 2012-2013, AT&T Services, Inc.
Copyright Copyright (c) 2013, Opscode, Inc.
Copyright Copyright (c) 2013-2014, SUSE Linux GmbH
Copyright Copyright (c) 2013-2015, IBM, Corp.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

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