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安装 tssc 命令

* 从 Gitee 上安装
net install tssc.pkg, from("") replace force
* 从 GitHub 上安装:
net install tssc.pkg, from("") replace force

安装 tssc 部署的 Stata 外部命令

* 查看命令列表
tssc list

* 安装命令(以 spmap 为例)
tssc install spmap, all replace

另外你也可以使用 net install 安装:

* 从 Gitee 上安装:
net install spmap.pkg, from("") all replace force
* 如果提示 Web Error 可以尝试从 GitHub 上安装:
net install spmap.pkg, from("") all replace force

TSSC 命令列表

TSSC 上合计有 2981 个 Stata 外部命令:


cmd info install
_gapport module to calculates seats in party-list proportional representation tssc install _gapport
_gclsort module to sort a single variable via egen tssc install _gclsort
_gprod module to extend egen for product of observations tssc install _gprod
_grmedf module to compute row medians with egen tssc install _grmedf
_grndraw module for random number generation from the GB2, Singh-Maddala, Dagum, Fisk and Pareto distributions" tssc install _grndraw
_grpos module to identify observations with at least n positive values tssc install _grpos
_grprod module to extend generate to produce row products tssc install _grprod
_gslope module to compute simple regression slope tssc install _gslope
_gsoundex module to implement soundex algorithm tssc install _gsoundex
_gvreldif module to compute relative difference between successive observations tssc install _gvreldif
_gwtmean module containing extensions to generate to implement weighted mean tssc install _gwtmean
_gzanthro tssc install _gzanthro
_peers module to allow egen to compute the average characteristics of peers in a given unit (school, firm, etc.) specified by by()" tssc install _peers
a2reg module to estimate models with two fixed effects tssc install a2reg
aaniv module to compute unbiased IV regression tssc install aaniv
aaplot module for scatter plot with linear and/or quadratic fit, automatically annotated" tssc install aaplot
abar module to perform Arellano-Bond test for autocorrelation tssc install abar
abg module to implement the Alpha-Beta-Gamma Method of Distributional Analysis tssc install abg
absdid module to estimate treatment effect with Abadie semiparametric DID estimator tssc install absdid
acelong module to fit multilevel mixed-effects ACE, AE and ADE variance decomposition models" tssc install acelong
acplot module to plot the autocorrelogram tssc install acplot
actest module to perform Cumby-Huizinga general test for autocorrelation in time series tssc install actest
addbefore module to add number or character before a variable tssc install addbefore
addinby module to add in data from a disk dataset using a foreign key tssc install addinby
addnotes program to add notes to the end of text files tssc install addnotes
addplot module to add twoway plot objects to an existing twoway graph tssc install addplot
addtex module to display text on a graph tssc install addtex
addtxt module to add text to graphs tssc install addtxt
adecomp module to estimate Shapley Decomposition by Components of a Welfare Measure tssc install adecomp
adfmaxur module to calculate Leybourne (1995) ADFmax unit root test statistic along with 1, 5 and 10% finite-sample critical values and associated p-values" tssc install adfmaxur
adftest module to perform ADF and Breusch-Godfrey tests tssc install adftest
adjacent module to list adjacent values of variables tssc install adjacent
adjksm module to perform adjusted "“ksm”" for robust scatterplot smoothing" tssc install adjksm
adjmean module to calculate variables’ means adjusted for covariates tssc install adjmean
adjprop module to calculate adjusted probabilities from logistic regression estimates tssc install adjprop
adjust module (corrected) to compute adjusted predictions and probabilities after estimation tssc install adjust
admetan module to provide comprehensive meta-analysis tssc install admetan
adodev module to reorder ado-path for developers and other independent-minded users tssc install adodev
adoedit module to edit ado file in Stata’s do-file editor tssc install adoedit
adolist module to manage lists of ado packages tssc install adolist
adostore module to store and restore the current ado-path tssc install adostore
adotype module to type ado file tssc install adotype
aedot module to produce dot plot for adverse event data tssc install aedot
aefdr module to perform false discovery rate p-value adjustment for adverse event data tssc install aefdr
aevolcano module to produce volcano plot for adverse event data tssc install aevolcano
aextlogit module to compute average elasticities for fixed effects logit tssc install aextlogit
affiliationexposure module to compute an affiliation exposure model using two-mode actor(row)-by-event(column) network data tssc install affiliationexposure
aggind module to aggregate indicators among units within a specified radius tssc install aggind
agrm module to calculate van der Eijk’s measure of agreement "“A”"" tssc install agrm
ainequal module to compute measures of inequality tssc install ainequal
airnet module to create networks from airline traffic data tssc install airnet
akdensity module to perform adaptive kernel density estimation tssc install akdensity
albatross module to create albatross plots tssc install albatross
alignedpairs module to perform the aligned ranks test for matched pairs (Hodges-Lehmann) tssc install alignedpairs
alignedranks module to perform a two-sample aligned rank-sum (Hodges-Lehmann) test with exact statistics for small samples tssc install alignedranks
alignedsets module to perform aligned ranks test for matched sets (Hodges-Lehmann) tssc install alignedsets
alignmicro module to perform alignment in microsimulation tssc install alignmicro
allcross modules to create variables corresponding to moment matrices tssc install allcross
allpossible module to fit all possible models with subsets of predictors tssc install allpossible
allsubsets module to perform all subsets (combinatorial) meta-analysis in a set of studies tssc install allsubsets
almon Module to Estimate Shirley Almon Generalized Polynomial Distributed Lag Model tssc install almon
almon1 module to estimate Shirley Almon Polynomial Distributed Lag Model tssc install almon1
alogit module to estimate (In)attentive logit regression from Abaluck and Adams tssc install alogit
alorenz module to produce Pen’s Parade, Lorenz and Generalised Lorenz curve" tssc install alorenz
alphawgt module to compute Cronbach’s alpha for weighted data tssc install alphawgt
alsmle module to perform Beach-Mackinnon AR(1) Autoregressive Maximum Likelihood Estimation tssc install alsmle
anketest module to perform diagnostic tests for spatial autocorrelation in the residuals of OLS, SAR, IV, and IV-SAR models" tssc install anketest
anogi module to generate Analysis of Gini tssc install anogi
anymatch module to perform distance matching based on any metric tssc install anymatch
anythingtodate module to convert all types of date variables to Stata date variables tssc install anythingtodate
apc module for estimating age-period-cohort effects tssc install apc
apcd module for estimating age-period-cohort effects with detrended coefficients tssc install apcd
apcgo module to calculate age-period-cohort effects for the gap between two groups (based on a Blinder-Oaxaca decomposition), including trends for each parameter" tssc install apcgo
apch module for estimating age-period-cohort and hysteresis effects tssc install apch
apoverty module to compute poverty measures tssc install apoverty
appendfile module to append text files tssc install appendfile
archlm module to calculate LM test for ARCH effects tssc install archlm
archqq module to generate Q-Q plot and distribution tests for ARCH models tssc install archqq
ardl module to perform autoregressive distributed lag model estimation tssc install ardl
arimafit module to calculate AIC, SIC for ARIMA model" tssc install arimafit
arimasel module to compute selection criteria for ARMA(p,q) models" tssc install arimasel
armadiag module to compute post-estimation residual diagnostics for time series tssc install armadiag
armaroots module to compute roots of AR- and MA-polynomials tssc install armaroots
arrowplot module to produce combined plot for graphing inter-group and intra-group trends tssc install arrowplot
art module for complex sample size calculation in randomized trials tssc install art
ascii module to display the ASCII character set tssc install ascii
asciiplot module to generate ASCII character map tssc install asciiplot
ascol module to convert frequency of stock returns or stock prices tssc install ascol
asdoc module to create high-quality tables in MS Word from Stata output tssc install asdoc
asgen module to generates weighted average mean using an existing variable as weight tssc install asgen
ashell module to capture output from OS shell command tssc install ashell
asl_norm module computing bootstrap Gaussianity tests tssc install asl_norm
asreg module to estimate rolling window regressions. Fama-MacBeth and by(group) regressions tssc install asreg
asrol module to generate rolling window / groups descriptive statistics tssc install asrol
assertky module to assert unique dataset keys tssc install assertky
astile module to provide a faster and byable alternative for xtile tssc install astile
astx module to create a table of descriptive statistics and t-statistics by a grouping variable tssc install astx
autofmt module to automatically format a significant number of digits tssc install autofmt
autolog module to generate dialog to create log files tssc install autolog
autorename module to automatically rename variables tssc install autorename
autosum module to produce automatic generation of a comparison table tssc install autosum
avar module to perform asymptotic covariance estimation for iid and non-iid data robust to heteroskedasticity, autocorrelation, 1- and 2-way clustering, and common cross-panel autocorrelated disturbances" tssc install avar
avciplot module to produce added-variable plot with confidence intervals tssc install avciplot
avg_effect module to calculate mean (standardized) effect size across multiple outcomes tssc install avg_effect
avplot2 modules for added variable plots tssc install avplot2
avplot3 module to generate partial regression plots for subsamples tssc install avplot3
avplots4 module to graph added-variable plots for specified regressors in a single image tssc install avplots4
b1x2 module to account for changes when X2 is added to a base model with X1 tssc install b1x2
babibplot module to plot two graph types which are rooted in Bland-Altman plots using journal and paper percentiles tssc install babibplot
backrasch module to implement a backward procedure with a Rasch model tssc install backrasch
backup module to make daily backup of important files (Windows only) tssc install backup
bacondecomp module to perform a Bacon decomposition of difference-in-differences estimation tssc install bacondecomp
baing module to determine and estimate the number of common factors following Bai and Ng tssc install baing
balancetable module to build a balance table and print it in a LaTeX file or an Excel file tssc install balancetable
bandplot module to plot summary statistics of responses for bands of predictors tssc install bandplot
baplot module to produce Bland-Altman plots tssc install baplot
barplot module to plot varlist against xvar tssc install barplot
barplot2 module to produce bar plot with optional error bars tssc install barplot2
basetable module to compare a set of risk factors or effects with respect to a categorical variable tssc install basetable
batcher module to parallelise tasks tssc install batcher
batplot module to produce Bland-Altman plots accounting for trend tssc install batplot
bayerhanck module to compute test for non-cointegration tssc install bayerhanck
bayesmixedlogit module to perform Bayesian estimation of mixed logit models tssc install bayesmixedlogit
bayesmixedlogitwtp module for Bayesian estimation of mixed logit model in willingness-to-pay (WTP) space tssc install bayesmixedlogitwtp
bcii module to to estimate the number needed to treat (NNT) and confidence intervals for patients improving, or ‘benefiting’ (either improvements gained or deteriorations prevented), in a randomised controlled trial" tssc install bcii
bcoeff module to save regression coefficients to new variable tssc install bcoeff
bcoeffs module to save regression coefficients to new variable tssc install bcoeffs
bcss module to create graphs to show how baseline data (prospective or retrospective) affect sample size for a cluster randomised trial tssc install bcss
bcstats module to analyze back check (field audit) data and compare it to the original survey data tssc install bcstats
bctobit module to produce a test of the tobit specification tssc install bctobit
bcuse module to access instructional datasets on Boston College server tssc install bcuse
bdiff module to compute Bootstrap and Permutation tests for difference in coefficients between two groups tssc install bdiff
beamplot module to draw horizontal dotplots using beams tssc install beamplot
benford module to test Benford’s Law on a variable tssc install benford
betacoef module to calculate beta coefficients from regression tssc install betacoef
betafit module to fit a two-parameter beta distribution tssc install betafit
betaprior module to calculate the parameters of a Beta distribution given the mean and variance tssc install betaprior
betterbar module to produce bar graphs with optional standard error bars and cross-group comparisons tssc install betterbar
bfmcorr module for correcting surveys using tax data tssc install bfmcorr
bgshade module to add background shading to twoway plots using either dummy variable(s) denoting shaded areas and/or precoded NBER recessions tssc install bgshade
bgtest module to calculate Breusch-Godfrey test for serial correlation tssc install bgtest
bhatt module to compute Bhattacharyya Coefficient and Bhattacharyya Distance statistics of distribution overlap tssc install bhatt
biasepi module to perform simple bias analysis, multidimensional bias analysis, and multiple bias modeling" tssc install biasepi
bibrep module to produce a bibliometric report on a single senior researcher tssc install bibrep
bic module to evaluate the statistical significance of variables in a model tssc install bic
bicdrop1 module to estimate the probability a model is more likely without each explanatory variable tssc install bicdrop1
bidensity module to produce and graph bivariate density estimates tssc install bidensity
bigtab module to produce frequency tables for "“too many values”"" tssc install bigtab
bihist module to produce bihistograms tssc install bihist
bineq module to analyze multidimensional inequality in two dimensions of wellbeing tssc install bineq
binscatter module to generate binned scatterplots tssc install binscatter
bioprobit module for bivariate ordered probit regression tssc install bioprobit
biplot module to generate biplots tssc install biplot
biplotvlab module to produce biplot with variable labels tssc install biplotvlab
bipolar module to calculate four measures of income bi-polarization tssc install bipolar
bipolate module to perform bivariate interpolation and smooth surface fitting for values given at irregularly distributed points tssc install bipolate
birthsim module to simulate completed fertility and birth intervals tssc install birthsim
bitobit module to perform bivariate Tobit regression tssc install bitobit
bking module to implement Baxter-King filter for timeseries data tssc install bking
bkrosenblatt module for Blum, Kiefer and Rosenblatt test of bivariate independence" tssc install bkrosenblatt
blinding module to compute blinding indexes tssc install blinding
blindschemes module to provide graph schemes sensitive to color vision deficiency tssc install blindschemes
blist module to list values of variables in as small a space as possible tssc install blist
blogit2 module to produce grouped data logit with support for in tssc install blogit2
blp module to estimate Berry Levinsohn Pakes random coefficients logit estimator tssc install blp
bmi module to compute Body Mass Index tssc install bmi
bmjcip module to format confidence intervals and P-values for medical journals tssc install bmjcip
bmp2dta module to convert bitmap files to Stata datasets tssc install bmp2dta
bnormpdf module to calculate the bivariate normal density tssc install bnormpdf
boost module to perform boosted regression tssc install boost
boottest module to provide fast execution of the wild bootstrap with null imposed tssc install boottest
boxpanel module to produce box plots for panel data tssc install boxpanel
boxtid module to fit Box-Tidwell and exponential regression models tssc install boxtid
bpagan module to perform Breusch-Pagan test for heteroskedasticity tssc install bpagan
bpass module to compute band pass filter for time series data tssc install bpass
bpmedian module to compute Bonett-Price confidence intervals for medians and their contrasts tssc install bpmedian
brain module to provide neural network tssc install brain
brewscheme a toolkit for data visualizations in Stata. tssc install brewscheme
brglm module to perform bias-reduced estimation of binary response models tssc install brglm
brmunid module to standardize geocodes for Brazilian municipalities tssc install brmunid
bronch module to describe bronchiolitis severity tssc install bronch
bsens module to compute Sensitivity metric using McNemar’s test tssc install bsens
bsopm module to compute Black-Scholes European Option Pricing Model tssc install bsopm
bspline modules to compute B-splines parameterized by their values at reference points tssc install bspline
buckley module to implement Buckley-James method for analysing censored data tssc install buckley
bugsdat module to convert a Stata datafile into the S-plus format used in Winbugs tssc install bugsdat
bugwrite module to write data from Stata into a format compatible with WinBUGS tssc install bugwrite
bunching module to use bunching to partially and point identify the elasticity of income with respect to tax rates tssc install bunching
bundle module to bundle image files in a web page using base64 encoding tssc install bundle
butterworth module to implement Butterworth square-wave highpass filter for timeseries data tssc install butterworth
bygap module to insert by-gap observation at the start of each by-group tssc install bygap
byhist module to produce interlaced histograms tssc install byhist
bynote module to Create a note with a user-specified format for use with the by option tssc install bynote
bys module to automatically sort on the bylist (version 5) tssc install bys
bystore module to repeat estimation commands and store estimates tssc install bystore
byvar module to repeat a command by variable tssc install byvar
c_ml_stata module to implement machine learning classification in Stata tssc install c_ml_stata
cal module to generate calendar tssc install cal
calibest module to estimate proportions and means after survey data have been calibrated to population totals tssc install calibest
calibrate module to calibrate survey datasets to population totals tssc install calibrate
calinski module to compute Calinski-Harabasz cluster stopping index from distance matrix tssc install calinski
calipmatch module for caliper matching without replacement tssc install calipmatch
callsado module to find (user-written) ado-files called by (a)do-file tssc install callsado
canon module (corrected) to compute canonical correlations tssc install canon
capass module to wrap Stata’s assert command, throws error messages" tssc install capass
care module to randomly generate helpful tips to keep you on top of your mental wellbeing tssc install care
carryforward module to carry forward previous observations tssc install carryforward
cart module to perform Classification And Regression Tree analysis tssc install cart
casefat module for estimating the case fatality ratio of a new infectious disease tssc install casefat
catenate module to concatenate variables into string variable tssc install catenate
caterpillar module to generate confidence intervals, Bonferroni-corrected confidence intervals, and null distribution" tssc install caterpillar
catgraph module to plotting means of a variable by category tssc install catgraph
catplot module for plots of frequencies, fractions or percents of categorical data" tssc install catplot
cb2html module to write a codebook to an HTML file tssc install cb2html
cbarplot module for centred bar plots of absolute or relative frequencies tssc install cbarplot
ccmatch module to match cases and controls using specified variables tssc install ccmatch
ccmpre module to compute PRE Measures for Cultural Consensus Models tssc install ccmpre
cctable module to calculate summary table for case-control study tssc install cctable
ccweight module to generate inverse sampling probability weights tssc install ccweight
cddens module to estimate a Density under Measurement Error using Auxiliary Information tssc install cddens
cdecompose module to estimate canonical permanent-transitory state space models tssc install cdecompose
cdfplot module to plot a cumulative distribution function tssc install cdfplot
cdfquantreg module for estimating generalized linear models for doubly-bounded random variables with cdf-quantile distributions tssc install cdfquantreg
cdo module to get an update when the dofile stalls tssc install cdo
cdreg module to estimate Linear Regression under Measurement Error using Auxiliary Information tssc install cdreg
cedesign module to find the optimal flexible two stage single-arm binary outcome design tssc install cedesign
cem module to perform Coarsened Exact Matching tssc install cem
cenpois module to estimate censored maximum likelihood Poisson regression models tssc install cenpois
censornb module to estimate censored negative binomial regression as survival model tssc install censornb
censusapi module to download Census data through the Census API tssc install censusapi
centcalc module to calculate distribution-based centiles tssc install centcalc
center module to center (or standardize) variables tssc install center
centpow module to calculate centrality and power indices for each node in a network. tssc install centpow
centroid module to calculate centroids tssc install centroid
ceq module to carry out Commitment to Equity (CEQ) fiscal incidence analysis tssc install ceq
cf2 module to compare two datasets tssc install cf2
cf3 module to compare two datasets tssc install cf3
cfby module to compare datasets and produce discrepancy rates tssc install cfby
cfitzrw module to implement Christiano-Fitzgerald Random Walk band pass filter for timeseries data tssc install cfitzrw
cflpois module to calculate confidence limits for rates based on Poisson outcome tssc install cflpois
cfout module to compare two datasets, saving a list of differences" tssc install cfout
cfvars module to compare variable name lists in two data sets tssc install cfvars
cgroup module to group contiguous observations with identical values of a varlist tssc install cgroup
chaid module to conduct chi-square automated interaction detection tssc install chaid
chaidforest module to conduct random forest ensemble classification based on chi-square automated interaction detection (CHAID) as base learner tssc install chaidforest
changemean module to compute Income and Inequality Contribution on Poverty Variation tssc install changemean
chaos module to iterate a logistic difference equation tssc install chaos
chardef module to assign values to a characteristic of a list of variables tssc install chardef
charlist module to list characters present in string variable tssc install charlist
charlson module to calculate Charlson index of comorbidity tssc install charlson
charon module to redistribute deaths by ill-defined causes and garbage codes tssc install charon
chartab module to tabulate character frequency counts tssc install chartab
charutil module of utilities for working with characteristics tssc install charutil
checkfor2 module to check whether a variable exists or not in a dataset tssc install checkfor2
checkipaddresses module to detect Fraud in Online Surveys by Tracing and Scoring IP Addresses tssc install checkipaddresses
checkreg3 module to check identification status of simultaneous equations system tssc install checkreg3
checkrob module to perform robustness check of alternative specifications tssc install checkrob
checkvar module to check the values of a created variable tssc install checkvar
chewfile module to chew and digest ASCII file down to size tssc install chewfile
chinagcode module to geocode Chinese addresses tssc install chinagcode
chiplot module to produce graphical assessment plot for dependence tssc install chiplot
chm module to copy hard missings tssc install chm
choi_lr_test module to perform Choi’s likelihood ratio test tssc install choi_lr_test
chowreg module to compute Structural Change Regressions and Chow Test tssc install chowreg
chunky module to chunk a large text file into smaller parts tssc install chunky
chunky8 module to chunk a large text file into smaller parts (version 8) tssc install chunky8
ci2 module to compute confidence intervals for correlations tssc install ci2
ci_marg_mu module to produce simulation-based confidence intervals after gllapred tssc install ci_marg_mu
cibar module to plot bar graphs and confidence intervals over groups tssc install cibar
cibplot module for bar-on-bar plots of confidence intervals tssc install cibplot
cic module to implement the Athey and Imbens (2006) Changes-in-Changes model tssc install cic
cid module to calculate confidence intervals for means or differences tssc install cid
ciform module to format confidence interval for tables in documents tssc install ciform
cifunction module for computing and graphically displaying all possible confidence intervals around a point estimate tssc install cifunction
cihplot module to show horizontally labelled plots showing confidence intervals tssc install cihplot
cij module for binomial confidence intervals for proportions using Jeffreys prior tssc install cij
ciplot module for plots of confidence intervals tssc install ciplot
cipolate module for cubic interpolation tssc install cipolate
circular module for circular statistics tssc install circular
cisd module to compute confidence intervals for standard deviations tssc install cisd
cistat module to produce confidence intervals in matrix form tssc install cistat
civplot module to plot confidence intervals vertically tssc install civplot
ciw module for binomial confidence intervals for proportions using Wilson scores tssc install ciw
ciwidth_proportions_mc module to calculate precision and power for a CI-based comparison of two independent proportions (RD, RR, or OR)" tssc install ciwidth_proportions_mc
ckvar module to allow error checking routines to easily be defined and attached directly to variables tssc install ckvar
clan module to perform cluster-level analysis of cluster randomised trials tssc install clan
classplot module to plot predicted probability and empirical values after a binary response model tssc install classplot
classtabi module for generating classification statistics and table using summarized data tssc install classtabi
clean_class module to clean classroom variables tssc install clean_class
clean_name module to clean name variables tssc install clean_name
cleanchars module to replace specific characters or strings in variable names and/or variable labels and/or string variable values and/or value label names and levels with stated characters/strings (using 1-1 or m-1 match) tssc install cleanchars
cleanlog module to clean log files tssc install cleanlog
clemao_io module to perform unit root tests with one or two structural breaks tssc install clemao_io
clogithet module to estimate heteroscedastic conditional logit model tssc install clogithet
clorenz module to estimate Lorenz and concentration curves tssc install clorenz
clrbound module to perform estimation and inference on intersection bounds tssc install clrbound
clstop_lbt module to add stopping rule in cluster analysis tssc install clstop_lbt
cltest modules for performing cluster-adjusted chi-square and t-tests tssc install cltest
clump module to compute permutation test approach to assessing genetic associations with case/control status tssc install clump
clus_nway module to perform Multi-way Clustering for Various Model Specifications tssc install clus_nway
cluster module to perform nonhierarchical k-means (or k-medoids) cluster analysis tssc install cluster
cluster2 module to perform power analysis for two-level cluster randomized trials tssc install cluster2
cluster3 module to perform power analysis for up to three-level cluster randomized trial tssc install cluster3
clusterbs module to perform a pairs symmetric cluster bootstrap-t procedure tssc install clusterbs
clustergram module to produce graph for visualizing hierarchical and non-hierarchical cluster analyses tssc install clustergram
clustersampsim module to simulate cluster-randomized trial sample size requirements tssc install clustersampsim
clustpop module to estimate population cluster group assignments tssc install clustpop
clustse module to estimate the statistical significance of parameters when the data is clustered with a small number of clusters tssc install clustse
clustsens module to perform sensitivity analysis for cluster commands tssc install clustsens
clv module to implement a clustering of variables around latent components tssc install clv
cm2in module to provide conversion between inch/cm and others tssc install cm2in
cmatch module to tabulate matched pairs in 1:1 case control study by exposure status tssc install cmatch
cmaxuse module to access Cmax instructional datasets tssc install cmaxuse
cme program to estimate generalized linear models with covariate measurement error tssc install cme
cmitest module to implement testing and inference methods for conditional moment inequalities/equalities models tssc install cmitest
cmogram module to plot histogram-style conditional mean or median graphs tssc install cmogram
cmp module to implement conditional (recursive) mixed process estimator tssc install cmp
cnar module to retrieve Chinese listed firms’ financial data tssc install cnar
cnbreg module to estimate negative binomial regression - canonical parameterization tssc install cnbreg
cndnmb3 module to calculate condition number of regressor matrix tssc install cndnmb3
cngcode module to geocode Chinese addresses tssc install cngcode
cnindex module to download historical stock quotations from Chinese market tssc install cnindex
cnintraday module to Download intraday stock quotations for a list of stock codes in a given date from SinaFinance tssc install cnintraday
cnmapsearch module to extract the specified information by keyword in a certain geographic range tssc install cnmapsearch
cnormp module to evaluate censored normal distribution tssc install cnormp
cns module to compute Consensus Measure for Ordinal Scales tssc install cns
cnsrsig module to evaluate validity of restrictions on a regression tssc install cnsrsig
cnstock module to download stock names and codes for Chinese listed companies tssc install cnstock
cnstock3 从和讯网爬取沪深两市所有上市公司基本情况数据 tssc install cnstock3
cntop10 module to download information of top 10 shareholders for a list of stock codes from HeXun tssc install cntop10
cntrade module to retrieve Chinese stock market quotations from NetEase tssc install cntrade
cntraveltime module to extract the time needed for traveling between two locations from Baidu Map tssc install cntraveltime
cochran module to test for equality of proportions in matched samples (Cochran’s Q) tssc install cochran
codci module to calculate Bonett-Seier’s Confidence Interval for the COD tssc install codci
codebook2 module to produce a codebook describing a data file tssc install codebook2
codebook_ripper module to convert metadata managed in a spreadsheet into do files with renaming, notes as well as variable and value labelling" tssc install codebook_ripper
codebookout module to save codebook in MS excel format tssc install codebookout
coefplot module to plot regression coefficients and other results tssc install coefplot
cohend module to compute Cohen’s d tssc install cohend
coldiag module to perform BWK regression collinearity diagnostics tssc install coldiag
coldiag2 module to evaluate collinearity in linear regression tssc install coldiag2
colelms module to calculate Cole’s LMS values for growth data tssc install colelms
collapse2 module to extend the collapse command tssc install collapse2
collapseunique module to reduce data to unique observations based on specified key variables tssc install collapseunique
colorscatter module to draw scatter plots with marker colors varying by a third variable. tssc install colorscatter
colorscheme tssc install colorscheme
colrspace module providing a class-based color management system in Mata tssc install colrspace
combinatorics module to evaluate the performance of all possible 2^n models generated with a given set of n possible explanatory variables tssc install combinatorics
combine module to combine n, mean, and SD from two groups according to the Cochrane-recommended formula for meta-analyses" tssc install combine
combineplot module to combine similar univariate or bivariate plots for different variables tssc install combineplot
combival module to combine levels of a categorical variable over observation groups tssc install combival
combomarginsplot module to combine the saved results from multiple calls to margins into one marginsplot tssc install combomarginsplot
complexity module to compute complexity indexes from comparative advantage tables tssc install complexity
complogit module to compare logit coefficients across groups tssc install complogit
comtrade module to download trade data from UN Comtrade using jsonio and parse the output in a user friendly format tssc install comtrade
concindc module to calculate concentration index with both individual and grouped data tssc install concindc
concindex module to calculate measures of the concentration index tssc install concindex
concord module for concordance correlation tssc install concord
concordance module to harmonize classification codes tssc install concordance
conddens module to estimate a conditional density to correct for measurement error and missing values tssc install conddens
condisc module to perform convergent and discriminant validity assessment in CFA tssc install condisc
confa module to perform confirmatory factor analysis modeling tssc install confa
confall module to plot and display estimates to assess confounding tssc install confall
confirmdir module to confirm if a directory exists tssc install confirmdir
confnd module to plot and display estimates to assess confounding tssc install confnd
confsvy module to assess confounding effects in survey studies tssc install confsvy
conindex module to perform estimation of concentration indices tssc install conindex
contour module to draw contour plots tssc install contour
contrast module to calculate contrasts between factor levels tssc install contrast
convert_top_lines module to handle leading lines of text file tssc install convert_top_lines
copycode module to produce modular self-written ado files tssc install copycode
copydesc module to copy description of variable tssc install copydesc
coranal module to perform simple correspondence analysis tssc install coranal
corr2docx module to report Pearson & Spearman correlation coefficients to formatted table in DOCX file tssc install corr2docx
corr_svy module to compute correlation tables for survey data tssc install corr_svy
corrtab module to display correlation coefficients in a formatted tabular output tssc install corrtab
corrtable module to show correlation matrix as graphical table tssc install corrtable
corrtex module to generate correlation tables formatted in LaTeX tssc install corrtex
corsp module to display combined Pearson and Spearman correlation matrix tssc install corsp
cortesti module to test equality of two correlation coefficients tssc install cortesti
cospectdens module to compute cross spectra tssc install cospectdens
couliari module to implement Corbae-Ouliaris frequency domain filter to time series data tssc install couliari
countmatch module to count matching values for one variable in another tssc install countmatch
covbal module for producing covariate balance statistics tssc install covbal
cowsay tssc install cowsay
cpcorr module for correlations for each row vs each column variable tssc install cpcorr
cpigen module to add US CPI series to current dataset tssc install cpigen
cpiget module to construct an annual CPI series based on a user-specified fiscal-year time span tssc install cpiget
cpoisson module to estimate censored Poisson regression tssc install cpoisson
cpoissone module to estimate censored Poisson regression (econometric parameterization) tssc install cpoissone
cpr module producing results for all possible combinations of arguments tssc install cpr
cprdenttype module to convert CPRD entity string data of any enttype to numeric tssc install cprdenttype
cprdentutil module to convert CPRD entity data variables to numeric variables tssc install cprdentutil
cprdhesaeutil module to input CPRD HES A&E linkage datasets into Stata tssc install cprdhesaeutil
cprdhesoputil module to input CPRD HES/OP linkage datasets into Stata tssc install cprdhesoputil
cprdhesutil module for inputting HES-linkage datasets into Stata tssc install cprdhesutil
cprdlinkutil module for inputting CPRD linkage-source datasets into Stata tssc install cprdlinkutil
cprdlsoautil module to input CPRD LSOA-linkage datasets into Stata tssc install cprdlsoautil
cprdonsutil module to input CPRD ONS-linkage datasets into Stata tssc install cprdonsutil
cprdutil module for inputting CPRD datasets into Stata tssc install cprdutil
cpredict module to produce conditional predictions tssc install cpredict
cprplot2 module to graph component-plus-residual plots for transformed regressors tssc install cprplot2
cprplots module to graph (augmented) component-plus-residual plots in a single image tssc install cprplots
cpyxplot module to produce scatter plots for each y vs each x variable tssc install cpyxplot
cqiv module to perform censored quantile instrumental variables regression tssc install cqiv
cquad module to perform conditional maximum likelihood estimation of quadratic exponential models tssc install cquad
cquadr module to estimate Quadratic Exponential models running the cquad R package tssc install cquadr
cquantile module to generate corresponding quantiles tssc install cquantile
crater module to calculate computer scorer vs. human rater agreement statistics tssc install crater
creplace module to exchange values cyclically between variables tssc install creplace
crm module to implement the continual reassessment model tssc install crm
crossfold module to perform k-fold cross-validation tssc install crossfold
crossplot module for scatter (or other twoway) plots for each y vs each x variable tssc install crossplot
crtest module to perform Cramer-Ridder Test for pooling states in a Multinomial logit tssc install crtest
crtrees module to compute Classification and Regression Trees algorithms tssc install crtrees
csipolate module to perform cubic spline interpolation tssc install csipolate
csjl module to extend cs command for exposures with more than two categories tssc install csjl
cssc 从 SSC 下载并构建本地安装包 tssc install cssc
cstable module to calculate summary table for cohort study tssc install cstable
csti module that modifies csi command in order to use total numbers rather than individual cell counts tssc install csti
csvconvert module to append multiple csv files tssc install csvconvert
cta module for conducting Classification Tree Analysis tssc install cta
ctabstat module to display table of summary statistics tssc install ctabstat
ctreatreg module for estimating dose-response models under exogenous and endogenous treatment tssc install ctreatreg
cub module to estimate ordinal outcome model estimated by a mixture of a uniform and a shifted binomial tssc install cub
cuentacot module for Contributions Counting tssc install cuentacot
cupdatecheck 检查最新版本的Stata离线更新包的版本 tssc install cupdatecheck
cureregr module to estimate parametric cure regression tssc install cureregr
cureregr8 module to estimate parametric cure regression (version 8.2) tssc install cureregr8
curvefit module to produces curve estimation regression statistics and related plots between two variables for alternative curve estimation regression models tssc install curvefit
cuse tssc install cuse
cusum6 module to compute cusum, cusum^2 stability tests" tssc install cusum6
cusum9 module to compute cusum, cusum^2 stability tests" tssc install cusum9
cutpt module for empirical estimation of cutpoint for a diagnostic test tssc install cutpt
cv module to compute coefficient of variation after regress tssc install cv
cv2 module to calculate the coefficient of variation for variables tssc install cv2
cv_kfold module to implement k-fold cross-validation procedures tssc install cv_kfold
cv_regress module to estimate the leave-one-out error for linear regression models tssc install cv_regress
cvauroc module to compute Cross-validated Area Under the Curve for ROC Analysis after Predictive Modelling for Binary Outcomes tssc install cvauroc
cvcrand module for efficient design and analysis of Cluster Randomized Trials tssc install cvcrand
cvxhull module to compute and plot convex hulls of bivariate data tssc install cvxhull
cycleplot module for cycle plot (month plot or seasonal subseries plot) tssc install cycleplot
d3network module to create network visualizations using D3.js to view in browser tssc install d3network
dadjoke module to produce terrible dad jokes tssc install dadjoke
dag module to provide utilities for directed acyclic graphs tssc install dag
dagfit module to fit a Generalized Beta (Type 2) distribution to grouped data via ML tssc install dagfit
dagumfit module to fit a Dagum distribution by maximum likelihood tssc install dagumfit
dash module to score Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder and Hand" tssc install dash
dashgph module to construct dashed lines in scatterplots tssc install dashgph
dashln module to add dashed lines to graphs tssc install dashln
datacheck module to perform data checks and produce informative output tssc install datacheck
dataex module to generate a properly formatted data example for Statalist tssc install dataex
datanet module to facilitate dataset organization for network analysis purposes tssc install datanet
dataout module to export a dataset or tab-delimited file into various formats tssc install dataout
dataplink module to import data from plink tssc install dataplink
datesum module to display summary statistics for date variables tssc install datesum
datmat module to multiply variables via matrix multiplication tssc install datmat
dbmscopybatch module to produce a batch file for DBMS/Copy tssc install dbmscopybatch
dbnomics module for DB.nomics, the world’s economic database" tssc install dbnomics
dcreate module to create efficient designs for discrete choice experiments tssc install dcreate
ddf2dct module to facilitate infiling US Government data distributed with a DDF tssc install ddf2dct
deci module to perform Variable Base conversion tssc install deci
decomp module to compute decompositions of earnings gaps tssc install decomp
decompose module to compute decompositions of wage differentials tssc install decompose
delta module to compute the Delta index of scale discrimination tssc install delta
demotivate module to remind users of the harsh reality of econometric & statistical practice tssc install demotivate
denton module to interpolate a flow or stock series from low-frequency totals via proportional Denton method tssc install denton
dep4asm module to create [in]dependent variable for alternative-specific models tssc install dep4asm
depthplot module to plot one or more variables with depth as vertical axis tssc install depthplot
des2 module to describe current dataset with clickable output tssc install des2
descgen module to add Stata dataset attribute variables to a xdir resultsset tssc install descgen
desclong module to create and save a dataset holding variable information while including long variable labels tssc install desclong
descogini module to perform Gini decomposition by income source tssc install descogini
descsave module to export data set and machine-readable codebook tssc install descsave
designplot module to produce a graphical summary of response given one or more factors tssc install designplot
desma module to design and simulate (adaptive) multi-arm clinical trials tssc install desma
desmat module to generate interactions and contrasts tssc install desmat
detect module to compute the DETECT, Iss and R indexes to test a partition of items" tssc install detect
devcon module to apply the deviation contrast transform to estimation results tssc install devcon
devnplot module for deviation plots tssc install devnplot
devr2 module to compute Cameron and Windmeijer’s deviance based R-squared measure tssc install devr2
dfao module to perform Dickey-Fuller unit root test in the presence of additive outliers tssc install dfao
dfgls module to compute Dickey-Fuller/GLS unit root test tssc install dfgls
dfl module to estimate DiNardo, Fortin and Lemieux Counterfactual Kernel Density" tssc install dfl
dfsummary module to compute the (Augmented) Dickey-Fuller unit-root test and reports a summary table for different lags tssc install dfsummary
dftol module to compute distribution-free tolerance intervals tssc install dftol
diagma module for the split component synthesis method of diagnostic meta-analysis tssc install diagma
diagram module to analyze executed ado programs and produce a dynamic profile diagram tssc install diagram
diagreg module to compute Model Selection Diagnostic Criteria tssc install diagreg
diagreg2 module to compute 2SLS-IV ModeL Selection Diagnostic Criteria tssc install diagreg2
diagsampsi module for computing sample size for a single diagnostic test with a binary outcome tssc install diagsampsi
diagt module to report summary statistics for diagnostic tests compared to true disease status tssc install diagt
diagtest module to report summary statistics for diagnostic test tssc install diagtest
dict module to loop over multiple arguments tssc install dict
did_multiplegt module to estimate sharp Difference-in-Difference designs with multiple groups and periods tssc install did_multiplegt
didq module to compute treatment effects under alternative Parallel-q assumptions tssc install didq
difd module to evaluate test items for differential item functioning (DIF) tssc install difd
difdetect module to detect and adjust for differential item functioning (DIF) tssc install difdetect
diff module to perform Differences in Differences estimation tssc install diff
diffpi module to calculate difference expressed as a percentage tssc install diffpi
difwithpar module for detection of and adjustment for differential item functioning (DIF) tssc install difwithpar
digdis module to analyze the distribution of digits tssc install digdis
digits module to examine digit preferences in numeric variables tssc install digits
diplot module to draw double interval plot tssc install diplot
diptest module to compute dip statistic to test for unimodality tssc install diptest
directma module to conducts multiple pair-wise meta-analysis (head-to-head comparisons) and export the pooled results to Excel tssc install directma
dirifit module to fit a Dirichlet distribution tssc install dirifit
dirlist module to retrieve directory information tssc install dirlist
dirtools modules to manage files in the working directory tssc install dirtools
discrepancy module to implement a pseudo-ANOVA method for partitions of pairwise distance matrices tssc install discrepancy
disjoint module to generate end variable demarcating disjoint spells tssc install disjoint
dissim module to calculate dissimilarity index tssc install dissim
distan module to generate similarity measures tssc install distan
distinct module to display distinct values of variables tssc install distinct
distmatch module to perform distance matching based on latitudes and longitudes tssc install distmatch
distplot module to generate distribution function plot tssc install distplot
distrate module to compute direct standardized rates with improved confidence interval tssc install distrate
divcat module to calculate five measures of diversity for multiple categories tssc install divcat
dkdensity module for deconvolution kernel density estimation and construction of its uniform confidence band tssc install dkdensity
dlagif Module to Estimate Irving Fisher Arithmetic Distributed Lag Model tssc install dlagif
dlist module to list with variable labels tssc install dlist
dmariano module to calculate Diebold-Mariano comparison of forecast accuracy tssc install dmariano
dmerge module to merge datasets using a modification of Stata’s merge tssc install dmerge
dmexogxt module to test consistency of OLS vs XT-IV estimates tssc install dmexogxt
dmout module to create difference-in-means tables tssc install dmout
do2screen module to display do-files in result window tssc install do2screen
dolog modules to execute commands from a file with logging tssc install dolog
dologx modules to execute commands from a file with logging tssc install dologx
domdiag module to construct dominance diagrams tssc install domdiag
domin module to conduct dominance analysis tssc install domin
domme module to conduct dominance analysis with multiple equation models tssc install domme
doparser module to look for dta-files used in do-files tssc install doparser
doptimal module to find the D-optimal Design for Dose Ranging studies tssc install doptimal
doseresponse module to estimate dose-response function through adjustment for the generalized propensity score tssc install doseresponse
doseresponse2 module to estimate generalized propensity score tssc install doseresponse2
dotemplate module to creates templates for do-files tssc install dotemplate
dotex module to generate TeX log from do-file tssc install dotex
doub2flt module to change storage type of real variable tssc install doub2flt
doubleb module to compute Contingent Valuation using Double-Bounded Dichotomous Choice tssc install doubleb
doubletofloat module to recast variables from double to float storage type tssc install doubletofloat
doubmass module to draw double mass plot tssc install doubmass
dpplot module for density probability plots tssc install dpplot
dpredict module to produce dynamic forecasts for ARIMA(p,s,q) models" tssc install dpredict
drarea module to overlap two range area plots tssc install drarea
drcate module to estimate and plot conditional average treatment effect functions with uniform confidence bands using a doubly robust method tssc install drcate
drdecomp module to estimate Shapley value of growth and distribution components of changes in poverty indicators tssc install drdecomp
drm module to fit Sobel’s Diagonal Reference Model (DRM) tssc install drm
drmeta module for dose-response meta-analysis tssc install drmeta
drmmws module to perform doubly-robust marginal mean weighting through stratification tssc install drmmws
ds2 v6 module to describe variables in memory tssc install ds2
ds3 module to describe variables in memory tssc install ds3
ds5 module to describe variables in memory tssc install ds5
dsconcat module to concatenate a list of Stata data files into memory tssc install dsconcat
dsearch module to find variables with given variable label tssc install dsearch
dseg module to compute decomposable multigroup segregation indexes tssc install dseg
dsginideco module to compute decomposition of inequality change into pro-poor growth and mobility components tssc install dsginideco
dsweight module to generate direct standardization weights tssc install dsweight
dta2ddi module to convert Stata data to DDI standards tssc install dta2ddi
dta2html module to generate HTML code to display a Stata dataset on the web tssc install dta2html
dta2kml module to output a KML file from selected datapoints in a Stata dataset tssc install dta2kml
dta2md module to convert Stata system file to metadata tssc install dta2md
dta2sav module to export in SPSS format tssc install dta2sav
dtalink module to implement probabilistic record linkage tssc install dtalink
dtanotes module to add metadata as dataset notes tssc install dtanotes
dtapaper module to create an HTML datapaper tssc install dtapaper
dtastamp module to store current date and time in dataset characteristics tssc install dtastamp
dthaz module to compute discrete-time hazard and survival probability estimates tssc install dthaz
dtobit2 module to estimate a tobit model with marginal effects at observed censoring rate tssc install dtobit2
dudahart module to calculate and graph Duda-Hart cluster stopping indices from distance matrix tssc install dudahart
dummies function to create families of dummy variables tssc install dummies
dummies2 module to create indicator variables from categorical variable and vice versa tssc install dummies2
dummieslab module to convert categorical variable to dummy variables using label names tssc install dummieslab
duncan module to calculate dissimilarity index tssc install duncan
dups module to identify and optionally remove duplicate observations tssc install dups
durbinh module to calculate Durbin’s h test for serial correlation tssc install durbinh
dyadid module to perform Dyad ID matching tssc install dyadid
dyads module to transform observations into dyads tssc install dyads
dynardl module to dynamically simulate autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) models tssc install dynardl
dynpandoc module creating dynamic documents using dynamic tags and pandoc tssc install dynpandoc
dynsimpie module to examine dynamic compositional dependent variables tssc install dynsimpie
eaalogit module to estimate endogenous attribute attendance models tssc install eaalogit
eba module to perform extreme bound analysis tssc install eba
ebalance module to perform Entropy reweighting to create balanced samples tssc install ebalance
ebct module to perform entropy reweighting to create balanced samples for continuous treatments tssc install ebct
ebrowse module to to display variables in the Data Editor, ordered by varlist" tssc install ebrowse
eclpci module to compute Exact and Approximate Confidence Limits for Poisson Counts tssc install eclpci
eclplot module to generate estimates and confidence limits plots tssc install eclplot
edm module to implement empirical dynamic modeling tssc install edm
efetch_tools module to retrieve genetic data from NCBI tssc install efetch_tools
effcon module to calculate confidence limits for effect size estimated from one or two samples from normal distribution tssc install effcon
effects module to provide a graphical interface for estimation commands tssc install effects
efolder module to easily create folders and/or subfolders tssc install efolder
egen_inequal module providing extensions to generate inequality and poverty measures tssc install egen_inequal
egenmisc module to provide various egen functions tssc install egenmisc
egenmore modules to extend the generate function tssc install egenmore
egfr module to calculate estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) tssc install egfr
egi module to calculate Ellison and Glaeser’s index of geographical concentration tssc install egi
egranger module to perform Engle-Granger cointegration tests and 2-step ECM estimation tssc install egranger
eitc module to compute U.S. Earned Income Tax Credit receipts tssc install eitc
elabel module to extend the label commands tssc install elabel
elapse module to calculate elapsed time in procedure tssc install elapse
elasticregress module to perform elastic net regression, lasso regression, ridge regression" tssc install elasticregress
electool module containing toolkit to analyze electoral data tssc install electool
elife module to model annual increments of life expectancy tssc install elife
elixhauser module to calculate Elixhauser index of comorbidity tssc install elixhauser
ellip module to graph confidence ellipses (version 8) tssc install ellip
ellip6 module to plot confidence ellipses (version 6) tssc install ellip6
ellip7 module to plot confidence ellipses (version 7) tssc install ellip7
ellipticity module to compute optimal rank-based multivariate tests of elliptical symmetry and sphericity tssc install ellipticity
eltmle module to provide Ensemble Learning Targeted Maximum Likelihood Estimation tssc install eltmle
email module to send emails from Stata via Python tssc install email
emailme module to facilitate sending mail on Windows systems tssc install emailme
emc module providing prefix command estimating contrasts for effect modifier values tssc install emc
emh module to compute extended Mantel-Haenszel statistics tssc install emh
encodefrom module to rename and encode variables using an external crosswalk tssc install encodefrom
encoder module to encode strings into numerics with the option to replace tssc install encoder
enforce module to force variables to satisfy a set of accounting identities tssc install enforce
enlarge module to propagate constant values through group tssc install enlarge
entropy module to compute Shannon, Renyi, HCT entropy & Hill numbers" tssc install entropy
entropyetc module for entropy and related measures for categories tssc install entropyetc
eofplot module to plot coefficients or loadings after principal component or factor analysis tssc install eofplot
eperiod module to calculate elapsed time between dates tssc install eperiod
epiconf module to assess confounding effects in epidemiological studies tssc install epiconf
epimodels module to implement epidemiological models and simulations tssc install epimodels
episens module for basic sensitivity analysis of epidemiological results tssc install episens
episensrri module for basic sensitivity analysis for unmeasured confounders tssc install episensrri
epiweek module to create epidemiological week and equivalent epidemiological year tssc install epiweek
epresent module to present non-linear relationships in regression models with log or logit-link tssc install epresent
epsigr module to save graph in EPSF format in UNIX environment tssc install epsigr
eqprhistogram module for equal probability histogram tssc install eqprhistogram
equation module to Output The Equation of a Regression tssc install equation
er module to compute Esteban and Ray measure of polarization tssc install er
erate module to import up-to-date exchange rates for any currency pairs tssc install erate
ereplace module to extend egen and egenmore to permit replacing tssc install ereplace
erepost module to repost the estimation results tssc install erepost
eret2 module to save results in e() tssc install eret2
ersur module to calculate Elliott, Rothenberg & Stock DF-GLS unit root test statistic along with 1, 5 and 10% finite-sample critical values and associated p-values" tssc install ersur
esetran module to transform estimates and standard errors in parmest resultssets tssc install esetran
esizereg module for computing the effect size based on a linear regression coefficient tssc install esizereg
esli module to calculate the equation of a straight line tssc install esli
est2tex module to create LaTeX tables from estimation results tssc install est2tex
estout module to make regression tables tssc install estout
estout1 module to export estimation results from estimates table tssc install estout1
estparm module to save results from a parmest resultsset and test equality tssc install estparm
estquant module to implement Quantile approach by Combes et al. tssc install estquant
estrat module to perform Endogenous Stratification for Randomized Experiments tssc install estrat
estsave module to save estimation results with current dataset tssc install estsave
estudy module to perform an event study tssc install estudy
estwrite module to store estimation results on disk tssc install estwrite
etime module to time how long a program runs tssc install etime
eurostatuse module to import data from Eurostat repository into Stata tssc install eurostatuse
eurouse module to import data from Eurostat tssc install eurouse
evalue module for conducting sensitivity analyses for unmeasured confounding in observational studies tssc install evalue
evalue_estat module for conducting postestimation sensitivity analyses of unmeasured confounding in observational studies tssc install evalue_estat
evalues module to calculate E-values tssc install evalues
eventdd module to panel event study models and generate event study plots tssc install eventdd
eventstudy module to perform event studies in finance tssc install eventstudy
eventstudy2 module to perform event studies with complex test statistics tssc install eventstudy2
eventstudyweights module to estimate the implied weights on the cohort-specific average treatment effects on the treated (CATTs) (event study specifications) tssc install eventstudyweights
evhistplot module to produce event history plot tssc install evhistplot
ewma module to calculate exponentially weighted moving average tssc install ewma
exampleobs module to prints example observations tssc install exampleobs
examples module to show examples from on-line help files tssc install examples
excel2latex module to convert Excel table to LaTeX table tssc install excel2latex
excelclean module to clean and integrate excel files tssc install excelclean
excelcol module to convert a column index into a name of an Excel column tssc install excelcol
excelsave module to provide a convenient way to export matched Stata datasets from a specified input directory (also including, if wanted, additionally recursively matched subsets of files within distinctly matched offspring-directories) to Excel-files" tssc install excelsave
expand_n module to expand dataset tssc install expand_n
expandby module to duplicate observations by variable tssc install expandby
expandihlp module to expand the help file preprocessor directive for substituting repeated material in a given help file tssc install expandihlp
expgen module to duplicate observations sorted in original order with generated variables tssc install expgen
expl module to explore folders and files tssc install expl
explist module to generate an exponentially-spaced list of numbers tssc install explist
explorelabs module to explore the use of value labels in the dataset tssc install explorelabs
expy module to calculate the EXPY-index as proposed by Hausmann et al. (2007) tssc install expy
extfunnel module to produce graphical augmentations to the funnel plot to indicate the potential impact of a new study on an existing meta-analysis tssc install extfunnel
extreme module to fit models used in univariate extreme value theory tssc install extreme
extremes module to list extreme values of a variable tssc install extremes
f_able module for the estimation of marginal effects with transformed covariates tssc install f_able
faam module to score Foot and Ankle Ability Measure tssc install faam
fabplot module for plots for each subset with rest of the data as backdrop tssc install fabplot
factext module to extract factor values from a label variable created by parmest tssc install factext
factmerg module to merge a list of factors to create string variables tssc install factmerg
factorn module to calculate the factors of an integer tssc install factorn
factortest module to perform tests for appropriateness of factor analysis tssc install factortest
factref module to insert new observations with reference values for factors tssc install factref
fagan module for Fagan’s Bayesian nomoigram tssc install fagan
fairlie module to generate nonlinear decomposition of binary outcome differentials tssc install fairlie
far5 module to compute floating absolute risk for Cox and conditional logit regression tssc install far5
fastcd module to automate changing directories tssc install fastcd
fastgini module to calculate Gini coefficient with jackknife standard errors tssc install fastgini
fastreshape module for efficient implementation of reshape for big datasets tssc install fastreshape
fastxtile module to generate a variable of quantile categories tssc install fastxtile
favplots module for formatted added-variable plot(s) tssc install favplots
fbar module to produce bar charts showing frequencies of categorical variables tssc install fbar
fbep Module to Estimate Financial Break-Even Point Analysis (BEP) tssc install fbep
fcstats module to compute time series forecast accuracy statistics tssc install fcstats
fdta module to change contents of string variables tssc install fdta
fedit module to find and edit text file from within Stata tssc install fedit
feldti module to compare two independent coefficients of reliability tssc install feldti
fese module to calculate standard errors for fixed effects tssc install fese
fgt_ci module to calculate and decompose Foster–Greer–Thorbecke (and standard) concentration indices tssc install fgt_ci
fgtest module to Compute Farrar-Glauber Multicollinearity Chi2, F, t Tests" tssc install fgtest
fhsae module to fit an area level Fay-Herriot model tssc install fhsae
fieldarea module to compute the area of an irregularly shaped plot from GPS coordinates of its vertices tssc install fieldarea
fieller module to calculate confidence intervals of quotients of normal variates tssc install fieller
filei module to write lines to end or beginning of text files tssc install filei
filelist module to recursively search directories for files tssc install filelist
filesearch module to recursively list files matching to a pattern or regular expression tssc install filesearch
fileutils module for faster file navigation tssc install fileutils
fillmissing module to fill missing values in numeric or string variables tssc install fillmissing
filtertrace module to trace filter or contingency questions tssc install filtertrace
find module to find matching strings across files in the current directory tssc install find
find_index module to determine the index (observation number) of an observation that satisfies a specified condition tssc install find_index
finddup module to find non-unique values or observations tssc install finddup
findname module to list variables matching name patterns or other properties tssc install findname
findsysmis module to find system missing values in a list of variables tssc install findsysmis
findunique module to display combinations of unique identifiers in a dataset. tssc install findunique
findval module to find a specific value tssc install findval
firstdigit module to analyse first digits of numeric variables tssc install firstdigit
firthfit module to compute model fit for Firth’s logit models tssc install firthfit
firthlogit module to calculate bias reduction in logistic regression tssc install firthlogit
fiscal_impoverishment module to estimate fiscal impoverishment and fiscal gains to the poor tssc install fiscal_impoverishment
fiskfit module to fit a Fisk distribution by ML to unit record data tssc install fiskfit
fitint module to fit generalized linear model and test two-way interactions tssc install fitint
fitmacro module to evaluate fit of loglinear GLM Poisson models tssc install fitmacro
fitstat module to compute fit statistics for single equation regression models tssc install fitstat
fitstat_ers module to compute goodness of fit statistics for Rasch model tssc install fitstat_ers
fixedrho module to estimate treatment and selection models with fixed rho tssc install fixedrho
fixsort module to sort variables and align in sorted order, with others fixed" tssc install fixsort
flex module for flexible pseudo maximum likelihood estimation of models for doubly-bounded data tssc install flex
floattolong module to recast variables from float to long storage type tssc install floattolong
flowchart module to generate subject disposition flow diagram figures in LaTeX using PGF/TikZ to include in manuscripts tssc install flowchart
flower module to draw sunflower plots tssc install flower
fmiss module to identify variables with problematic missing values tssc install fmiss
fmlogit module fitting a fractional multinomial logit model by quasi maximum likelihood tssc install fmlogit
fmm module to estimate finite mixture models tssc install fmm
fmmlc module for postestimation with finite mixture models tssc install fmmlc
fndmtch module to find matching values tssc install fndmtch
fodstr modules to handle fractional day calculations tssc install fodstr
for211 modules to document features of for and extend the for command tssc install for211
forec_instab module to perform forecast comparison and forecast rationality tests tssc install forec_instab
forest module to visualize results from multiple regressions on a single independent variable tssc install forest
forfile module to execute command for each matching file tssc install forfile
fprank module to compute Two-Sample Fligner-Policello Robust Rank Order Test tssc install fprank
fpref module to add prefix or suffix to filenames tssc install fpref
fpro module to compute Financial Protection Indicators for Health Expenditures tssc install fpro
fqreg module to estimate quantile regression for non-negative data with a mass-point at zero and an upper bound tssc install fqreg
fracdiff module to generate fractionally-differenced timeseries tssc install fracdiff
fracdydx module to evaluate derivatives of fractional polynomials tssc install fracdydx
fracirf module to compute impulse response function for fractionally-integrated timeseries tssc install fracirf
fraclogit module to estimate fractional logit model tssc install fraclogit
fractal module to generate fractals tssc install fractal
fractileplot module for smoothing with respect to distribution function predictors tssc install fractileplot
fragility module to compute the fragility index and quotient tssc install fragility
frameappend module to append frames tssc install frameappend
framingham module for calculating the Framingham 10-year Cardiovascular Disease Risk Prediction tssc install framingham
framingham30 module to calculate 30-year risk of cardiovascular disease tssc install framingham30
frcount module to estimate fractional response model under the presence of count endogeneity and unobservable heterogeneity tssc install frcount
fre module to display one-way frequency table tssc install fre
freduse module to Import FRED (Federal Reserve Economic Database) data tssc install freduse
fren module to batch rename files (Windows only) tssc install fren
freplace module to batch convert ASCII text or binary patterns in files tssc install freplace
freqindex module to generate an index of terms from string variable tssc install freqindex
frm module to estimate and test fractional regression models tssc install frm
frontier_teci module to generate technical efficiency confidence intervals tssc install frontier_teci
frontierhtail module to estimate stochastic production frontier models for heavy tail data tssc install frontierhtail
fs module to show names of files in compact form tssc install fs
fsdet module to compute Factor score determinacy coefficient tssc install fsdet
fsum module to generate and format summary statistics tssc install fsum
fsx module to show names of files in compact form (Unix-friendly defaults) tssc install fsx
ftest module comparing two nested models using an F-test tssc install ftest
ftocci module to back calculate the conventional confidence intervals from the floated confidence intervals tssc install ftocci
ftools module to provide alternatives to common Stata commands optimized for large datasets tssc install ftools
ftrans module to batch convert file formats tssc install ftrans
ftree module to save directory information in text file (Windows only) tssc install ftree
full_palette module to display color palette tssc install full_palette
fulltab module to generate ‘full tables’ which can be stacked into matrices tssc install fulltab
funnelcompar module to perform funnel plot for institutional comparison tssc install funnelcompar
funnelperform module to produce funnel plot for institutional comparison tssc install funnelperform
fuzzydid module to estimate Fuzzy Difference-in-Difference Designs tssc install fuzzydid
fvfix module to compute the future value of a series of equal payments (cash flows) tssc install fvfix
fview module to find and view a file tssc install fview
fvprevar module to extend fvrevar generating permanent result variables tssc install fvprevar
fvregen module to regenerate factor variables in a parmest output dataset tssc install fvregen
fvvar module to compute the future value of a series of payments (cash flows) tssc install fvvar
fxbcr Module to Estimate Benefit-Cost Ratio (BCR) tssc install fxbcr
gamet module to perform game-theoretic calculations tssc install gamet
gammafit module to fit a two-parameter gamma distribution tssc install gammafit
gammasym module to compute the value of the symmetrical gamma function tssc install gammasym
gausshermite module to estimate integrals using Gauss Hermite quadratures tssc install gausshermite
gb2fit module to fit Generalized Beta of the Second Kind distribution by maximum likelihood tssc install gb2fit
gb2lfit module to fit Generalized Beta of the Second Kind distribution by maximum likelihood (log parameter metric) tssc install gb2lfit
gb2reg module to perform Regression with a GB2 Error Term tssc install gb2reg
gbgfit module to fit a Generalized Beta (Type 2) distribution to grouped data via ML tssc install gbgfit
gboxplot module to create Box plot for skewed or heavy-tailed distributions tssc install gboxplot
gby module to subset graphs and calculate in the same output tssc install gby
gcause module to perform Granger causality tests tssc install gcause
gciget module to read Global Competitiveness Index data into Stata tssc install gciget
gcode module to download Google geocode data tssc install gcode
gconc module to compute generalized measures of concentration tssc install gconc
gcrobustvar module to compute a VAR-based Granger-causality Test in the Presence of Instabilities tssc install gcrobustvar
gdecomp module to compute decomposition of outcome differentials after nonlinear models tssc install gdecomp
gdsum module to summarize grouped data tssc install gdsum
ge_gravity module to solve a simple general equilibrium one sector Armington-CES trade model tssc install ge_gravity
geekel2d module to estimate the parameters of unidimensional and bidimensional IRT models tssc install geekel2d
geivars module to calculate Generalized Entropy inequality indices tssc install geivars
gen_tail module to work with indicator observations tssc install gen_tail
genass module to perform Genetic Case-control Association tests tssc install genass
geneigen module to calculate eigenvalues of a real general matrix tssc install geneigen
genfreq module to produce a frequency distribution for a variable tssc install genfreq
gengroup module to produce groups of individuals tssc install gengroup
genhwcci module to calculate Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium test in case-control studies tssc install genhwcci
genicv module to generate interaction between continuous (or dummy) variables tssc install genicv
genidseq module for generating a numeric sequence to represent long identifiers tssc install genidseq
geninteract module to generate N-way interaction terms tssc install geninteract
genqreg module to perform Generalized Quantile Regression tssc install genqreg
genscore module to generate a score tssc install genscore
genspec module to implement a General-to-Specific modelling algorithm tssc install genspec
genstack module to generate Twoway Stacked Charts tssc install genstack
genstest module to perform generalized S tests for models in the generalized method of moments framework tssc install genstest
gentrun module to generate truncated normal variate tssc install gentrun
genvars module to generate covariate patterns tssc install genvars
geo2xy module to convert latitude and longitude to xy using map projections tssc install geo2xy
geochart module to create interactive map web pages from Stata data tssc install geochart
geocircles module to create circles defined by geographic coordinates tssc install geocircles
geocode module to geocode data tssc install geocode
geocode_ip module to geocode IP addresses tssc install geocode_ip
geocodehere module to provide geocoding relying on Nokia’s Here Maps API tssc install geocodehere
geocodeopen module to geocode addresses using MapQuest Open Geocoding Services and Open Street Maps tssc install geocodeopen
geodist module to compute geographical distances tssc install geodist
geodist2 module to calculate straight line distance between two coordinates tssc install geodist2
geoinpoly module to match geographic locations to shapefile polygons tssc install geoinpoly
geonear module to find nearest neighbors using geodetic distances tssc install geonear
georoute module to calculate travel distance and travel time between two addresses or two geographical points tssc install georoute
getdata module to import SDMX data from several providers tssc install getdata
getfilename2 program for handling filename specifications tssc install getfilename2
getmstatistic module to Quantify Systematic Heterogeneity in Meta-Analysis tssc install getmstatistic
getmxdata module to import Mexican economic data tssc install getmxdata
getprime module to get the prime number closer to the specified number tssc install getprime
getregstats module for computing all values in a regression table when only the coefficient and one other statistic is available tssc install getregstats
gets module to implement a General-to-Specific modelling algorithm tssc install gets
getsymbols module to collect and integrate one or more series from, Google Finance, Yahoo Finance, and Alpha Vantage" tssc install getsymbols
gevfit module to module to fit a generalized extreme value distribution by maximum likelihood tssc install gevfit
gformula module to implement the g-computation formula for estimating causal effects in the presence of time-varying confounding or mediation tssc install gformula
ggt module to implement Geweke, Gowrisankaran, and Town Model Quality Estimator" tssc install ggt
ggtax module to identify the most suitable GG family model tssc install ggtax
ggtaxonomy module to identify the most suitable GG family model tssc install ggtaxonomy
ghansen module to perform Gregory-Hansen test for cointegration with regime shifts tssc install ghansen
ghistcum module to graph histogram and cumulative distribution tssc install ghistcum
ghk2 module (enhanced Mata function) to implement the Geweke-Hajivassiliou-Keane multivariate normal simulator tssc install ghk2
ghsurv module for the estimation of survival model using repeated cross-sectional data tssc install ghsurv
ghxt module to compute Panel Groupwise Heteroscedasticity Tests tssc install ghxt
ginidesc module to compute Gini index with within- and between-group inequality decomposition tssc install ginidesc
giniinc module for measuring inequality from incomplete income and survival data tssc install giniinc
ginireg module for Gini regression tssc install ginireg
gintreg module to perform Generalized Interval Regression tssc install gintreg
gipf module to graphically display a log-linear model tssc install gipf
git module to manage git repositories tssc install git
givgauss2 module to estimate generalized two-parameter inverse Gaussian regression tssc install givgauss2
glcurve module to derive generalised Lorenz curve ordinates tssc install glcurve
glcurve7 module to derive generalised Lorenz curve ordinates with unit record data (version 7) tssc install glcurve7
glgamma2 module to estimate generalized two-parameter log-gamma regression tssc install glgamma2
gllamm program to fit generalised linear latent and mixed models tssc install gllamm
glmcorr module for correlation measure of predictive power for GLMs tssc install glmcorr
glmdeco module to compute Detailed Decomposition of Average Outcome Differentials in Generalized Linear Models tssc install glmdeco
glst module for trend estimation of summarized dose-response data tssc install glst
gmap module to create heatmaps for the web, using java api developped by google" tssc install gmap
gmci module to calculate geometric means and their confidence intervals tssc install gmci
gmemultinomial module to fit multinomial models using generalized maximum entropy tssc install gmemultinomial
gmmcovearn module to compute GMM estimates of the Covariance Structure of Earnings tssc install gmmcovearn
gnbstrat module to estimate Generalized Negative Binomial with Endogenous Stratification tssc install gnbstrat
gnpoisson module to estimate generalized Poisson regression tssc install gnpoisson
goelevation module to compute elevation for latitude and longitude from Google tssc install goelevation
gologit module to estimate generalized ordered logit models tssc install gologit
gologit2 module to estimate generalized logistic regression models for ordinal dependent variables tssc install gologit2
gologit29 module to estimate generalized logistic regression models for ordinal dependent variables tssc install gologit29
googleplaces module to return search results from Google Places tssc install googleplaces
goprobit module to estimate generalized ordered probit models tssc install goprobit
gpfobl module to perform rotation after factor / principal components tssc install gpfobl
gphepssj module to translate Stata graph files to .eps as used for The Stata Journal tssc install gphepssj
gphudak module to estimate long memory in a timeseries tssc install gphudak
gprefscode module to report on graphics preferences tssc install gprefscode
gpreg module to estimate regressions with two dimensional fixed effects tssc install gpreg
gpreset module to reset preferences for a custom graphics scheme to their original values tssc install gpreset
gpscore2 module to estimate the parameters of the conditional distribution of the treatment via GLM tssc install gpscore2
grand modules to compute grand mean and dummies for differences tssc install grand
grand2 module to compute an estimate of the grand mean/intercept and differences tssc install grand2
graph3d module to draw colored, scalable, rotatable 3D plots" tssc install graph3d
graphbinary module to plot explanatory variables vs binary outcome tssc install graphbinary
graphexportpdf module to produce PDF graphics on non-Windows systems tssc install graphexportpdf
graphlog module to convert log files to PDF documents with embedded graphs using LaTeX tssc install graphlog
grby program to draw bar charts for each covariate pattern tssc install grby
grcomb module to create and combine several single graphs into one tssc install grcomb
grcompare module to make group comparisons in binary regression models tssc install grcompare
grep module to search within your datasets for keywords tssc install grep
grexport module to produce a resultset of graph contents tssc install grexport
grfreq module to plot proportion of one variable by categories of another tssc install grfreq
grlogit module to plot logit of a variable by categories of another variable tssc install grlogit
grnote module to add text and lines to graphs tssc install grnote
group1d module for grouping or clustering in one dimension tssc install group1d
group2hdfe module to compute number of restrictions in a linear regression model with two high-dimensional fixed effects tssc install group2hdfe
group3hdfe module to compute number of restrictions in a linear regression model with three high-dimensional fixed effects tssc install group3hdfe
group_id module to group identifiers when values for specified variables match tssc install group_id
group_twoway module to group observations by the connected components of two variables tssc install group_twoway
groupcl module to estimate grouped conditional logit models tssc install groupcl
groupdist module to generate within-group minimum and maximum distances tssc install groupdist
groupfunction module to replace several basic collapse functions tssc install groupfunction
grouplabs module to create value labels for grouped variables tssc install grouplabs
groups module to list group frequencies tssc install groups
groupseq module providing functions to determine group sequential trial designs tssc install groupseq
grpdf module to produce PDFs from memory graphs tssc install grpdf
grqreg module to graph the coefficients of a quantile regression tssc install grqreg
grsftest module to perform the Gibbons, Ross, Shanken test of mean-variance efficiency of asset returns" tssc install grsftest
grstest module to implement the Gibbons et al. (1989) test in a single-factor or multi-factor setting tssc install grstest
grstest2 module to implement the Gibbons, Ross, Shanken (1989) test" tssc install grstest2
grstyle module to customize the overall look of graphs tssc install grstyle
grtext module to insert nonstandard characters in graph text tssc install grtext
grubbs module to perform Grubbs’ test for outliers tssc install grubbs
grvar module to apply a non-constant growth rate to a variable tssc install grvar
gs2sls module to estimate Generalized Spatial Two Stage Least Squares Cross Sections Regression tssc install gs2sls
gs2slsar module to estimate Generalized Spatial Autoregressive Two Stage Least Squares Regression tssc install gs2slsar
gs2slsarxt module to estimate Generalized Spatial Panel Autoregressive Two Stage Least Squares Cross Sections Regression tssc install gs2slsarxt
gs2slsxt module to estimate Generalized Spatial Panel Autoregressive Two-Stage Least Squares Regression tssc install gs2slsxt
gs3sls module to estimate Generalized Spatial Three Stage Least Squares (3SLS) tssc install gs3sls
gs3slsar module to estimate Generalized Spatial Autoregressive Three Stage Least Squares (3SLS) Cross Sections Regression tssc install gs3slsar
gsa module to perform generalized sensitivity analysis tssc install gsa
gsample module to draw a random sample tssc install gsample
gsdata module to download high frequency data for a list of stock in ShangHai or ShenZhen markets tssc install gsdata
gsgroup module to create a group variable and optionally an output dataset for a gsort key tssc install gsgroup
gsreg module to perform Global Search Regression tssc install gsreg
gsum module to calculate summary statistics for grouped data tssc install gsum
gtools module to provide a fast implementation of common group commands tssc install gtools
gumbelfit module to fit a two-parameter Gumbel distribution tssc install gumbelfit
guttmanl module to produce Guttman lower bound reliability coefficients tssc install guttmanl
gvselect module to perform best subsets variable selection tssc install gvselect
gwhet module to perform test for groupwise heteroskedasticity tssc install gwhet
gzipuse module to use and save compressed dta files and compress .dta files tssc install gzipuse
gziputil module to provide access to gzipped files tssc install gziputil
gzsave module to save and use datasets compressed by gzip tssc install gzsave
hadrilm module to perform Hadri panel unit root test tssc install hadrilm
haif module to compute Homoskedastic Adjustment Inflation Factors for model selection tssc install haif
hallt-skewt module to compute skewness-adjusted bootstrap t-statistics tssc install hallt-skewt
hamiltonfilter module to calculate the Hamilton Filter for a Single Time Series or for a Panel Dataset tssc install hamiltonfilter
hammock module to implement Hammock plot, visualizing categorical (and continuous) data" tssc install hammock
hangroot module creating a hanging rootogram comparing an empirical distribution to the best fitting theoretical distribution tssc install hangroot
hansen2 module for Hansen’s test for parameter instability tssc install hansen2
hapblock module to perform haplotype analysis to identify the edges of haplotype blocks tssc install hapblock
hapipf module to perform haplotype analysis tssc install hapipf
harmby module to harmonize values of variables within by-groups tssc install harmby
hausman module to compute a Hausman test statistic (version 5) tssc install hausman
hbar module to generate horizontal bar charts tssc install hbar
hbox module to draw horizontal box plots tssc install hbox
hcavar module to perform Hierarchical Clusters Analysis of variables tssc install hcavar
hcnbreg module to estimate Heterogeneous Canonical Negative Binomial Regression tssc install hcnbreg
hdfe module to partial out variables with respect to a set of fixed effects tssc install hdfe
hdquantile module for Harrell-Davis estimator of quantiles tssc install hdquantile
heabs module to calculate the ICER and Net Benefit for up to two datasets tssc install heabs
head module to print the head observations (first observations in data set) tssc install head
heart module to make coding fun and accessible tssc install heart
heatmapgraph module to measure the evolution of risks to financial stability over the financial cycle tssc install heatmapgraph
heatplot module to create heat plots and hexagon plots tssc install heatplot
heckprob2 module to run heckprob and svyheckprob with d2 evaluator tssc install heckprob2
heckroc module to plot ROC curves tssc install heckroc
hegy4 module to compute Hylleberg et al seasonal unit root test tssc install hegy4
heterogi module to quantify heterogeneity in a meta-analysis tssc install heterogi
hetop module for estimating heteroskedastic ordered probit models with ordered frequency data tssc install hetop
hetprob module to estimate heteroskedastic probit model tssc install hetprob
hetred module to implement heterogeneity reducing algorithms tssc install hetred
hettreatreg module to compute diagnostics for linear regression when treatment effects are heterogeneous tssc install hettreatreg
hgclg module to estimate geometric-complementary log log hurdle regression tssc install hgclg
hglogit module to estimate geometric-logit hurdle regression tssc install hglogit
hhi module to compute Herfindahl index tssc install hhi
hhi5 module to generate Herfindahl-Hirschman index (HHI) variables tssc install hhi5
hildasetup module to create a longitudinal dataset for the Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia (HILDA) Survey" tssc install hildasetup
himap module to create heatmaps for the web, using java api developed by highcharts" tssc install himap
himatrix module to highlight selected elements of scatterplot tssc install himatrix
hireg module for hierarchial regression tssc install hireg
hist3 module to draws histograms for intervals of different size tssc install hist3
histbox module to generate histogram with boxplot tssc install histbox
historaj module to produce histogram with descriptive statistics tssc install historaj
histplot module to produce histogram for frequency distribution tssc install histplot
hlist module for horizontally listing values tssc install hlist
hlm module to invoke and run HLM v6 software from within Stata tssc install hlm
hlp2html module to translate a list of Stata help files to HTML tssc install hlp2html
hlp2pdf module to create PDF or PostScript from Stata help file tssc install hlp2pdf
hlp2winpdf module to convert Stata’s help files into pdf in Windows environment tssc install hlp2winpdf
hlpdir module to find location(s) of help file tssc install hlpdir
hlpedit module to edit help file in do-file editor tssc install hlpedit
hmap module to graph a heatmap tssc install hmap
hnbclg module to estimate negative binomial-complementary log log hurdle regression tssc install hnbclg
hnblogit module to estimate negative binomial-logit hurdle regression tssc install hnblogit
hnbreg1 module to estimate Heterogeneous linear negative binomial regression (NB-1) tssc install hnbreg1
hodgesl module to perform Hodges-Lehmann aligned rank test tssc install hodgesl
hoi module to compute Human Opportunity Index tssc install hoi
hoishapley module to perform Shapley Decomposition of the Human Opportunity Index tssc install hoishapley
holsti module to compute Holsti intercoder reliability coefficients tssc install holsti
hotdeck module to impute missing values using the hotdeck method tssc install hotdeck
hotdeckvar module for hotdeck imputation tssc install hotdeckvar
hotvalue module to generate scales with missing values conditionally imputed tssc install hotvalue
how_many_imputations module to determine required number of imputations tssc install how_many_imputations
hpc module to perform specification test to discriminate between models for non-negative data with many zeros tssc install hpc
hpclg module to estimate Poisson-complementary log log hurdle regression tssc install hpclg
hpfilter module to compute one-sided Hodrick-Prescott filter tssc install hpfilter
hplogit module to estimate Poisson-logit hurdle regression tssc install hplogit
hplot module to generate horizontal plots tssc install hplot
hprescott module to implement Hodrick-Prescott filter for timeseries data tssc install hprescott
hrimvol module providing simple option implied volatility calculator tssc install hrimvol
hshaz module to estimate discrete time (grouped data) proportional hazards models tssc install hshaz
hsmode module to calculate half-sample modes tssc install hsmode
hte module to perform heterogeneous treatment effect analysis tssc install hte
htmlcb module to write a codebook as an html file tssc install htmlcb
htmltab2stata module to load html tables into Stata tssc install htmltab2stata
htmltit module to generate a document title variable for a HTML filename variable tssc install htmltit
htmlutil module to provide utilities for writing Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) files tssc install htmlutil
hue module to produce graphical display of named Stata colors tssc install hue
hummels module to compute intensive and extensive trade margins tssc install hummels
hutchens module to calculate the Hutchens `square root’ segregation index with optional decompositions by subgroup tssc install hutchens
iati module to import International Aid Transparency Initiative data tssc install iati
ic module to compute measures of interaction contrast (biological interaction) tssc install ic
icc23 module that computes models 2 and 3 of the intra-class correlation tssc install icc23
iccconf module to compute a confidence interval for an intraclass correlation (ICC) tssc install iccconf
iccvar module to calculate intraclass correlation (ICC) after xtmixed tssc install iccvar
icdpic module to provide methods for translating International Classification of Diseases (Ninth Revision) diagnosis codes into standard injury categories and/or scores tssc install icdpic
ice module for multiple imputation of missing values tssc install ice
icet module to perform multiple imputation of covariates tssc install icet
icio module for Economic Analysis with Inter-Country Input-Output tables tssc install icio
icomp module to calculate model selection information criteria tssc install icomp
icw_index module to aggregate the variables included in the varlist into an index tssc install icw_index
idonepsu module for dealing with strata that have singleton PSUs tssc install idonepsu
ie_rate module to conduct age, period, and cohort (APC) analysis of tabular rate data using the intrinsic estimator" tssc install ie_rate
iefieldkit module providing Stata commands for primary data collection and cleaning tssc install iefieldkit
ietoolkit module providing commands specially developed for Impact Evaluations tssc install ietoolkit
ifin module to generate a local containing an if statement to select multiple values tssc install ifin
ifwins module to subset a dataset by ‘if exp’ before subsetting by ‘in range’ tssc install ifwins
igeintb module to estimate intergenerational income elasticities (IGEs) with multiple sets of instruments tssc install igeintb
igencox module to fit generalized Cox models tssc install igencox
igenerate module to apply a variety of coding schemes, including weighted effect coded interactions" tssc install igenerate
igeset module to estimate intergenerational income elasticities (IGEs) with a single set of instruments tssc install igeset
igesetci module to compute confidence intervals for partially identified intergenerational income elasticities (IGEs) tssc install igesetci
igini1 module to perform Gini index decomposition by individual and group tssc install igini1
ihstrans module for generating inverse hyperbolic sine (IHS) transformed variables tssc install ihstrans
iia module to test the iia assumption in conditional logistic regression (version 5) tssc install iia
imbalance module to check covariate imbalance before and after matching tssc install imbalance
imperfectiv module to estimate bounds with "“Imperfect Instrumental Variables”" (Nevo and Rosen, 2012)" tssc install imperfectiv
importsav module to convert SPSS file to Stata tssc install importsav
imputeitems module to impute missing data of binary items tssc install imputeitems
imputemok module to impute binary data by a Mokken scale tssc install imputemok
imputerasch module to impute binary data by a Rasch model tssc install imputerasch
imvol module to compute Implied Volatility in Black-Scholes European Option Pricing Model tssc install imvol
inccat module to concatenate one or more input files to an output file inserting additional input files tssc install inccat
indeplist module to returns lists of independent variables from the active estimation command tssc install indeplist
index Module to Estimate Price, Quantity, and Value Index Numbers" tssc install index
ineq module to calculate measures of inequality tssc install ineq
ineqdec0 module to calculate inequality indices with decomposition by subgroup tssc install ineqdec0
ineqdecgini module to estimate Gini coefficient with optional decomposition by subgroups tssc install ineqdecgini
ineqdeco module to calculate inequality indices with decomposition by subgroup tssc install ineqdeco
ineqfac module to calculate inequality decomposition by factor components tssc install ineqfac
ineqord module to calculate indices of inequality and polarization for ordinal data tssc install ineqord
ineqrbd module to calculate regression-based inequality decomposition tssc install ineqrbd
inequal2 module to compute measures of inequality tssc install inequal2
inequal7 module to compute measures of inequality tssc install inequal7
ingap module to insert gap observations into a data set before output by listtex tssc install ingap
inorm module to perform multiple imputation using Schafer’s method tssc install inorm
insheetjson module for importing tabular data from JSON sources on the internet tssc install insheetjson
insingap module to insert a single gap observation at the top of each by-group tssc install insingap
insob module to insert empty observations tssc install insob
intcens module to perform interval-censored survival analysis tssc install intcens
inteff3 module to compute partial effects in a probit or logit model with a triple dummy variable interaction term tssc install inteff3
integrate module to perform one-dimensional integration tssc install integrate
integrate_aq module to do adaptive quadrature for integrals tssc install integrate_aq
interactplot module to generate plots for interaction terms of multiplicative regressions tssc install interactplot
interflex module to estimate multiplicative interaction models with diagnostics and visualization tssc install interflex
intext module to read text files into string variables tssc install intext
intgph module to interpret interaction effects and present graphically tssc install intgph
intterms module to enumerate all indicators for all intersections of two categorical variables tssc install intterms
invcdf module to invert the cumulative distribution function tssc install invcdf
invcise module to compute standard errors using the inverse confidence interval method tssc install invcise
invdesc module to change variable attributes using a describe or descsave resultsset tssc install invdesc
invgammafit module to fit a two-parameter inverse gamma distribution tssc install invgammafit
invgaussfit module to fit a two-parameter inverse Gaussian distribution tssc install invgaussfit
iop module to to compute different measures of inequality of opportunity for dichotomous, ordered and continuous outcome variables" tssc install iop
iot module to estimate Leontief Input-Output Table tssc install iot
ipdforest module to produce forest plot for individual patient data IPD meta-analysis (one stage) tssc install ipdforest
ipdmetan module for performing two-stage IPD meta-analysis tssc install ipdmetan
ipdpower module to perform simulation based power calculations for mixed effects modelling tssc install ipdpower
ipf module to perform log-linear modelling using Iterative Proportional Fitting tssc install ipf
ipfraking module to perform iterative proportional fitting, aka raking" tssc install ipfraking
ipfweight module to create adjustment weights for surveys tssc install ipfweight
ipshin module to perform Im-Pesaran-Shin panel unit root test tssc install ipshin
iquantile module to calculate interpolated quantiles tssc install iquantile
ira module to calculate rwg and related interrater agreement indices tssc install ira
irax module to perform isotonic regression analysis tssc install irax
irr module to calculate the (periodic) internal rate of return for a series of periodic cash flows. tssc install irr
irrepro module to produce a simulation of irreproducible results tssc install irrepro
irscharities module to import and format IRS Exempt Organization Business Master File Data tssc install irscharities
isa module to perform Imbens’ (2003) sensitivity analysis tssc install isa
isco module to recode 4 digit ISCO-68 occupational codes tssc install isco
iscogen module to translate ISCO codes tssc install iscogen
isko module to recode 4 digit ISCO-88 occupational codes tssc install isko
isograph module to compute inequality over logit ranks of social hierarchy tssc install isograph
isopoverty module to generate data for Inequality-Poverty and Iso-Poverty curves tssc install isopoverty
istdize module to generate indirectly standardized rates using a standard population tssc install istdize
isvar module to filter names into variable names and others tssc install isvar
itsa module to perform interrupted time series analysis for single and multiple groups tssc install itsa
itsamatch module to perform matching in multiple group interrupted time-series analysis tssc install itsamatch
itsaperm module to perform permutation tests for matched multiple group interrupted time series analysis tssc install itsaperm
itsarand module for conducting randomization tests for single-case and multiple-baseline AB phase designs tssc install itsarand
itsp_ado module to accompany Introduction to Stata Programming book tssc install itsp_ado
itspower module for simulation based power calculations for linear interrupted time series (ITS) designs tssc install itspower
ivactest module to perform Cumby-Huizinga test for autocorrelation after IV/OLS estimation tssc install ivactest
ivcheck module to choose between OLS and contaminated IV tssc install ivcheck
ivcrc module to implement the instrumental variables correlated random coefficients estimator tssc install ivcrc
ivdesc module to profile compliers and non-compliers for instrumental variable analysis tssc install ivdesc
ivendog module to calculate Durbin-Wu-Hausman endogeneity test after ivreg tssc install ivendog
ivgauss2 module to estimate two-parameter log-inverse Gaussian regression tssc install ivgauss2
ivglog module to estimate inverse Gaussian distribution-log link MLE model tssc install ivglog
ivgmm0 module to perform instrumental variables via GMM tssc install ivgmm0
ivgravity module containing method-of-moment IV estimators of exponential-regression models with two-way fixed effects from a cross-section of data on dyadic interactions and endogenous covariates tssc install ivgravity
ivhettest module to perform Pagan-Hall and related heteroskedasticity tests after IV tssc install ivhettest
ivpois module to estimate an instrumental variables Poisson regression via GMM tssc install ivpois
ivprob-ivtobit6 modules to estimate instrumental variables probit and tobit tssc install ivprob-ivtobit6
ivqreg2 module to provide structural quantile function estimation tssc install ivqreg2
ivreg2 module for extended instrumental variables/2SLS and GMM estimation tssc install ivreg2
ivreg210 module for extended instrumental variables/2SLS and GMM estimation (v10) tssc install ivreg210
ivreg28 module for extended instrumental variables/2SLS and GMM estimation (v8) tssc install ivreg28
ivreg29 module for extended instrumental variables/2SLS and GMM estimation (v9) tssc install ivreg29
ivreg2h module to perform instrumental variables estimation using heteroskedasticity-based instruments tssc install ivreg2h
ivreg2hdfe module to estimate an Instrumental Variable Linear Regression Model with two High Dimensional Fixed Effects tssc install ivreg2hdfe
ivreg_ss module to compute confidence intervals, standard errors, and p-values in an IV regression in which the excluded instrumental variable has a shift-share structure" tssc install ivreg_ss
ivreghdfe module for extended instrumental variable regressions with multiple levels of fixed effects tssc install ivreghdfe
ivregress2 module to export first and second-stage results similar to ivregress tssc install ivregress2
ivreset module to perform Ramsey/Pesaran-Taylor/Pagan-Hall RESET specification test after IV/GMM/OLS estimation tssc install ivreset
ivtreatreg module to estimate binary treatment models with idiosyncratic average effect tssc install ivtreatreg
ivvif module to report variance inflation factors after IV tssc install ivvif
jarowinkler module to calculate the Jaro-Winkler distance between strings tssc install jarowinkler
jb module to perform Jarque-Bera test for normality on series tssc install jb
jb6 modules to perform Jarque-Bera test for normality tssc install jb6
jc module to dynamically load and call Java plugins tssc install jc
jformat module to justify formats for a list of variables tssc install jformat
jmpierce module to perform Juhn-Murphy-Pierce decomposition tssc install jmpierce
jmpierce2 module to compute trend decomposition of outcome differentials tssc install jmpierce2
jnsn module to fit Johnson distributions tssc install jnsn
johans module to perform Johansen-Juselius ML estimates of cointegration tssc install johans
joinvars module to join values of variables tssc install joinvars
jonter module to perform Jonckheere-Terpstra test tssc install jonter
jrule module to detect model misspecifications in SEM tssc install jrule
jsonio module for I/O operations on JSON data tssc install jsonio
kalpha module to compute Krippendorff’s Alpha-Reliability tssc install kalpha
kanom module to estimate Krippendorff’s alpha for nominal variables tssc install kanom
kaplansky module to graph examples of distributions of varying kurtosis tssc install kaplansky
kappa2 module to produce Generalizations of weighted kappa for incomplete designs tssc install kappa2
kappaetc module to evaluate interrater agreement tssc install kappaetc
kapprevi module to plot the dependence of kappa statistic on true prevalence tssc install kapprevi
kaputil module to generate confidence intervals and sample size calculations for the kappa-statistic tssc install kaputil
katego module to split a continuous numerical variable in custom categories tssc install katego
kdbox module to generate kernel density plot with boxplot tssc install kdbox
kdens module for univariate kernel density estimation tssc install kdens
kdens2 module to estimate bivariate kernel density tssc install kdens2
kdmany module to perform kernel density estimation for several variables tssc install kdmany
keeporder module to keep and order a set of variables tssc install keeporder
keepvar module to keep a list of variables in the order of their appearance in the list tssc install keepvar
kernel module to compute various kernels tssc install kernel
kernreg1 module to compute kernel regression (Nadaraya-Watson estimator) tssc install kernreg1
kernreg2 module to compute kernel regression (Nadaraya-Watson estimator) tssc install kernreg2
keyby module to key the dataset by a variable list tssc install keyby
keyplot module to generate scatter plot with keys in user-chosen positions tssc install keyplot
kfoldclass module for generating classification statistics of k-fold cross-validation for binary outcomes tssc install kfoldclass
khb module to decompose total effects into direct and indirect via KHB-method tssc install khb
kinkyreg module to perform kinky least squares estimation and inference tssc install kinkyreg
kit_livingincome module providing Tables and Bar charts of the Gap to the Living Income Benchmark tssc install kit_livingincome
kitchensink module to return the model with the highest number of statistically significant predictors tssc install kitchensink
kmatch module module for multivariate-distance and propensity-score matching, including entropy balancing, inverse probability weighting, (coarsened) exact matching, and regression adjustment" tssc install kmatch
kmest module to compute Kaplan-Meier survival probabilities as estimation results tssc install kmest
knapsack module to solve the knapsack problem tssc install knapsack
kobo2stata module to create labelled Stata datasets from KoboToolbox tssc install kobo2stata
konfound module to quantify robustness of causal inferences tssc install konfound
kountry module to standardize country names across various datasets tssc install kountry
kpss module to compute Kwiatkowski-Phillips-Schmidt-Shin test for stationarity tssc install kpss
kr20 module to calculate Kuder-Richardson coefficient of reliability tssc install kr20
krippalpha module to compute Krippendorff’s alpha intercoder reliability coefficient tssc install krippalpha
krls module to perform Kernel–Based Regularized Least Squares tssc install krls
ksi module to compute Krugman specialization index tssc install ksi
kssur module to calculate Kapetanios, Shin & Snell unit root test statistic along with critical values and p-values" tssc install kssur
ksur module to calculate Kapetanios & Shin unit root test statistic along with finite-sample critical values and p-values tssc install ksur
kwallis2 module to perform Kruskal-Wallis Test for equality of populations tssc install kwallis2
kwstat module to compute kernel weighted sample statistics tssc install kwstat
labcenswdi module to automatically manage datasets obtained from US Census 2000 and World Development Indicators databases tssc install labcenswdi
labeldatasyntax module to produce syntax to label variables and values, given a data dictionary" tssc install labeldatasyntax
labellacking module to report numeric variables with values lacking value labels tssc install labellacking
labellist module to list value labels tssc install labellist
labelmiss module to label missing data tssc install labelmiss
labelsof module to obtain a list of labeled values tssc install labelsof
labgen module to generate or replace variables with definitions in variable labels tssc install labgen
lablist module to list value labels (if present) for one or more variables tssc install lablist
labmatch module to find observations by label values tssc install labmatch
labmm module to modify multiple value labels simultaneously tssc install labmm
labmv module to change numeric values to extended missing values preserving value labels tssc install labmv
labone module to label variables after import excel tssc install labone
labrec module to recode variables according to value label tssc install labrec
labsort module to recode a grouping variable according to a group statistic and reorder its value labels tssc install labsort
labsumm module to generate summary table with variable labels tssc install labsumm
labup module to module to order/move variables based on label contents tssc install labup
labutil modules for managing value and variable labels tssc install labutil
labutil2 module to manage value and variable labels tssc install labutil2
labvalch3 module to change value labels tssc install labvalch3
labvalcl module to clear value labels of null strings tssc install labvalcl
labvalpool module to change value labels tssc install labvalpool
labvars module to attach a list of labels to varlist tssc install labvars
lambda module for Goodman and Kruskal’s lambda measures for two-way tables tssc install lambda
landemets module to compute boundaries for group sequential clinical trials using alpha spending functions tssc install landemets
laplacereg module to perform Laplace regression for censored data tssc install laplacereg
lars module to perform least angle regression tssc install lars
lasagna module to produce lasagna plots tssc install lasagna
lassopack module for lasso, square-root lasso, elastic net, ridge, adaptive lasso estimation and cross-validation" tssc install lassopack
lastupto module to collapse a dataset to have 1 observation for each of a list of X-values tssc install lastupto
latab module to generate LaTeX output from tabulate tssc install latab
lbpower module to calculate approximate power (or sample size) for longitudinal studies with binary response and two equally sized treatment groups tssc install lbpower
lbsvmat module to create labeled variables from a matrix tssc install lbsvmat
lclogit module to fit latent class conditional logit models via EM algorithm tssc install lclogit
lclogit2 module to estimate latent class conditional logit models tssc install lclogit2
lcmc module to estimate latent class missing covariate model for continous main response, ordinal covariate with missing values, and informative selection" tssc install lcmc
ldecomp module decomposing the total effects in a logistic regression into direct and indirect effects tssc install ldecomp
ldtest module to compute Lorenz Dominance tests tssc install ldtest
leanout module to produce lean output formatting for estimation results tssc install leanout
leebounds module for estimating Lee (2009) treatment effect bounds tssc install leebounds
leftalign module to left-align (or right-align) variables tssc install leftalign
levels module to report distinct levels of integer or string variable tssc install levels
levene module to test for equal population variances tssc install levene
levinlin module to perform Levin-Lin-Chu panel unit root test tssc install levinlin
levpet Production function estimation in Stata using … tssc install levpet
levpredict module to compute log-linear level predictions reducing retransformation bias tssc install levpredict
lfk module to compute LFK index and Doi plot for detection of publication bias in meta-analysis tssc install lfk
lfsum modules to describe variables located by name fragments tssc install lfsum
lgamma2 module to estimate two-parameter log-gamma regression tssc install lgamma2
lgraph module to draw line graphs with optional error bars tssc install lgraph
libd3 module providing D3js Mata library tssc install libd3
libhtml module providing an object oriented implementation of HTML in Mata tssc install libhtml
libjson module to provide Mata class library for obtaining and parsing JSON strings into object trees tssc install libjson
lincheck module to graphically assess the linearity of a continuous covariate in a regression model tssc install lincheck
lincom2 module to compute multiple linear combinations tssc install lincom2
lincomest module to generate linear combinations of estimators saved as estimation results tssc install lincomest
linequate module to calculate linear equating constants using the Tucker and Levine Methods tssc install linequate
linkplot module for linked (connected) scatter plots tssc install linkplot
lintrend module to graph observed proportions or means for a continuous or ordinal X variable tssc install lintrend
linuxlsd1 module to create a dataset of file records from the output of a Linux ls -d1 command tssc install linuxlsd1
lisrelinput module to generate input for pasting into LISREL tssc install lisrelinput
listmiss module to analyse missing values related to an estimation command tssc install listmiss
listsome module to list a (possibly random) sample of observations tssc install listsome
listtab module to list variables as rows of a TeX, HTML or word processor table" tssc install listtab
listtex module to list variables as rows of a TeX, HTML or word processor table" tssc install listtex
listutil modules to manipulate lists of words tssc install listutil
ljs module to left-justify string variables for printing tssc install ljs
lmabg Module to compute OLS Autocorrelation Breusch-Godfrey Test at Higher Order AR(p) tssc install lmabg
lmabg2 Module to Compute 2SLS-IV Autocorrelation Breusch-Godfrey Test at Higher Order AR(p) tssc install lmabg2
lmabgnl module to compute NLS Autocorrelation Breusch-Godfrey Test at Higher Order AR(p) tssc install lmabgnl
lmabgxt module to compute Panel Data Autocorrelation Breusch-Godfrey Test tssc install lmabgxt
lmabp module to compute Box-Pierce Autocorrelation LM Test at Higher Order AR(p) tssc install lmabp
lmabp2 module to compute 2SLS-IV Box-Pierce Autocorrelation LM Test at Higher Order AR(p) tssc install lmabp2
lmabpg module to compute OLS Autocorrelation Breusch-Pagan-Godfrey Test at Higher Order AR(p) tssc install lmabpg
lmabpg2 Module to Compute 2SLS-IV Autocorrelation Breusch-Pagan-Godfrey Test at Higher Order AR(p) tssc install lmabpg2
lmabpgnl Module to Compute NLS Autocorrelation Breusch-Pagan-Godfrey Test at Higher Order AR(p) tssc install lmabpgnl
lmabpgxt module to compute Panel Data Autocorrelation Breusch-Pagan-Godfrey Test tssc install lmabpgxt
lmabpnl module to compute NLS Autocorrelation Box-Pierce Test at Higher Order AR(p) tssc install lmabpnl
lmabpxt module to compute Panel Data Autocorrelation Box-Pierce Test tssc install lmabpxt
lmabxt module to compute Panel Autocorrelation Baltagi Test tssc install lmabxt
lmadurh module to compute Durbin h, Harvey LM, Wald LM Autocorrelation Tests" tssc install lmadurh
lmadurh2 module to compute 2SLS-IV Autocorrelation Dynamic Durbin h, Harvey LM, and Wald Tests" tssc install lmadurh2
lmadurhxt module to Compute Panel Data Autocorrelation Dynamic Durbin h and Harvey LM Tests tssc install lmadurhxt
lmadurm module to compute OLS Autocorrelation Dynamic Durbin m Test at Higher Order AR(p) tssc install lmadurm
lmadurm2 module to compute 2SLS-IV Autocorrelation Dynamic Durbin m Test at Higher Order AR(p) tssc install lmadurm2
lmadurmnl module to compute NLS Autocorrelation Dynamic Durbin m Test at Higher Order AR(p) tssc install lmadurmnl
lmadurmxt module to compute Panel Data Autocorrelation Dynamic Durbin m Test tssc install lmadurmxt
lmadw module to compute Durbin-Watson Autocorrelation Test tssc install lmadw
lmadw2 module to compute 2SLS-IV Autocorrelation Durbin-Watson Test at Higher Order AR(p) tssc install lmadw2
lmadwnl module to compute NLS Autocorrelation Durbin-Watson Test at Higher Order AR(p) tssc install lmadwnl
lmadwxt module to compute Panel Data Autocorrelation Durbin-Watson Test tssc install lmadwxt
lmalb module to compute Ljung-Box Autocorrelation LM Test at Higher Order AR(p) tssc install lmalb
lmalb2 module to compute 2SLS-IV Autocorrelation Ljung-Box Test at Higher Order AR(p) tssc install lmalb2
lmalbnl module to compute NLS Autocorrelation Ljung-Box Test at Higher Order AR(p) tssc install lmalbnl
lmanlsur module to perform Overall System NL-SUR Autocorrelation Tests tssc install lmanlsur
lmareg3 module to compute Overall System Autocorrelation Tests after 3SLS and SURE tssc install lmareg3
lmasem module to perform Overall System Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) Autocorrelation Tests tssc install lmasem
lmavon module to compute Von Neumann Ratio Autocorrelation Test at Higher Order AR(p) tssc install lmavon
lmavon2 Module to Compute 2SLS-IV Autocorrelation Von Neumann Ratio Test at Higher Order AR(p) tssc install lmavon2
lmavonnl module to compute NLS Autocorrelation Von Neumann Ratio Test at Higher Order AR(p) tssc install lmavonnl
lmavonxt module to compute Panel Data Autocorrelation Von Neumann Ratio Test tssc install lmavonxt
lmawxt Module to Compute Panel Data Autocorrelation Wooldridge Test tssc install lmawxt
lmaz module to compute OLS Autocorrelation Z Test at Higher Order AR(p) tssc install lmaz
lmaznl Module to Compute NLS Autocorrelation Z Test at Higher Order AR(p) tssc install lmaznl
lmcol module to compute OLS Multicollinearity Diagnostic Tests tssc install lmcol
lmcovnlsur module to perform Breusch-Pagan Lagrange Multiplier Diagonal Covariance Matrix Test after (NL-SUR) Regressions tssc install lmcovnlsur
lmcovreg3 module to Compute Breusch-Pagan Lagrange Multiplier Diagonal Covariance Matrix Test after (3SLS-SURE) Regressions tssc install lmcovreg3
lmcovsem module to perform Overall System Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) Breusch-Pagan Lagrange Multiplier Diagonal Covariance Matrix Test tssc install lmcovsem
lmcovvar module to compute (VAR) Breusch-Pagan Diagonal Covariance Matrix Test tssc install lmcovvar
lmcovxt module to Compute Breusch-Pagan Lagrange Multiplier Diagonal Covariance Matrix Test for Panel Data tssc install lmcovxt
lmdi module to compute Logarithmic Mean Divisia Index (LMDI) Decomposition tssc install lmdi
lmeg module to compute Augmented Engle-Granger Cointegration Test at Higher Order AR(p) tssc install lmeg
lmfreg module to Compute OLS Linear vs Log-Linear Functional Form Tests tssc install lmfreg
lmfreg2 module to compute 2SLS-IV Linear vs Log-Linear Functional Form Tests tssc install lmfreg2
lmgc module to compute Granger Causality Test at Higher Order AR(p) tssc install lmgc
lmharch module to compute OLS Heteroscedasticity Engle (ARCH) Test tssc install lmharch
lmharch2 Module to Compute 2SLS-IV Heteroscedasticity Engle (ARCH) Test tssc install lmharch2
lmharchnl Module to Compute NLS Heteroscedasticity Engle (ARCH) Test tssc install lmharchnl
lmharchxt Module to Compute Panel Data Heteroscedasticity Engle (ARCH) Test tssc install lmharchxt
lmhcw Module to Compute OLS Heteroscedasticity Cook-Weisberg Test tssc install lmhcw
lmhcw2 Module to Compute 2SLS-IV Heteroscedasticity Cook-Weisberg Test tssc install lmhcw2
lmhcwnl module to compute NLS Heteroscedasticity Cook-Weisberg Test tssc install lmhcwnl
lmhcwxt Module to Compute Panel Data Heteroscedasticity Cook-Weisberg Test tssc install lmhcwxt
lmhgl module to Compute Glejser Lagrange Multiplier Heteroscedasticity Test for Residuals after OLS Regression tssc install lmhgl
lmhgl2 Module to Compute 2SLS-IV Heteroscedasticity Glejser Test tssc install lmhgl2
lmhglnl module to compute NLS Heteroscedasticity Glejser Test tssc install lmhglnl
lmhharv module to Compute Harvey Lagrange Multiplier Heteroscedasticity Test for Residuals after OLS Regression tssc install lmhharv
lmhharv2 Module to Compute 2SLS-IV Heteroscedasticity Harvey Test tssc install lmhharv2
lmhhp Module to Compute OLS Heteroscedasticity Hall-Pagan Test tssc install lmhhp
lmhhp2 Module to Compute 2SLS-IV Heteroscedasticity Hall-Pagan Test tssc install lmhhp2
lmhhpnl module to compute NLS Heteroscedasticity Hall-Pagan Test tssc install lmhhpnl
lmhhpxt module to compute Panel Data Heteroscedasticity Hall-Pagan Test tssc install lmhhpxt
lmhlmxt module to Compute Breusch-Pagan Lagrange Multiplier Panel Heteroscedasticity Test tssc install lmhlmxt
lmhlrxt module to Compute Greene Likelihood Ratio Panel Heteroscedasticity Test tssc install lmhlrxt
lmhmss2 Module to Compute 2SLS-IV Heteroscedasticity Machado-Santos-Silva Test tssc install lmhmss2
lmhnlsur module to perform Overall System NL-SUR Heteroscedasticity Tests tssc install lmhnlsur
lmhreg3 module to compute Overall System Heteroscedasticity Tests after (3SLS-SURE) Regressions tssc install lmhreg3
lmhsem module to perform Overall System Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) Heteroscedasticity Tests tssc install lmhsem
lmhwald module to compute OLS Heteroscedasticity Wald Test tssc install lmhwald
lmhwaldxt module to compute Panel Data Heteroscedasticity Wald Test tssc install lmhwaldxt
lmnad Module to Compute OLS Non Normality Anderson-Darling Test tssc install lmnad
lmnad2 Module to Compute 2SLS-IV Non Normality Anderson-Darling Test tssc install lmnad2
lmnadnl Module to Compute NLS Non Normality Anderson-Darling Test tssc install lmnadnl
lmnadxt module to compute Panel Data Non Normality Anderson-Darling Test tssc install lmnadxt
lmndh Module to Compute OLS Non Normality Doornik-Hansen Test tssc install lmndh
lmndp module to Compute OLS Non Normality D’Agostino-Pearson Test tssc install lmndp
lmndp2 module to compute 2SLS-IV Non Normality D’Agostino-Pearson Test tssc install lmndp2
lmngr module to compute Jarque-Bera Non Normality Lagrange Multiplier Runs Test for Residuals after OLS Regression tssc install lmngr
lmngry module to compute Geary Non Normality Lagrange Multiplier Runs Test tssc install lmngry
lmngry2 Module to Compute 2SLS-IV Non Normality Geary Runs Test tssc install lmngry2
lmngryxt module to compute Panel Data Non Normality Geary Runs Test tssc install lmngryxt
lmnjb module to compute Lagrange Multiplier LM Jarque-Bera Normality Test tssc install lmnjb
lmnjbnl module to compute NLS Non Normality Jarque-Bera Test tssc install lmnjbnl
lmnnlsur module to perform Overall System NL-SUR Non-Normality Tests tssc install lmnnlsur
lmnreg3 module to compute Overall System Non Normality Tests after (3SLS-SURE) Regressions tssc install lmnreg3
lmnsem module to perform Overall System Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) Non Normality Tests tssc install lmnsem
lmnwhite module to Compute White Non Normality Lagrange Multiplier Test after OLS Regression tssc install lmnwhite
lmnwhite2 Module to Compute 2SLS-IV White IM Non Normality Test tssc install lmnwhite2
lmnwhitenl module to compute NLS Non Normality White Test tssc install lmnwhitenl
lmnwhitext module to compute Panel Data Non Normality White Test tssc install lmnwhitext
lmoments module to generate L-moments and derived statistics tssc install lmoments
lms module to perform least median squares regression fit tssc install lms
lmsrd module to compute Spurious Regression Diagnostic after OLS Regression tssc install lmsrd
localp module for kernel-weighted local polynomial smoothing tssc install localp
locpr module for semi-parametric estimation tssc install locpr
loevh module to compute Guttman errors and Loevinger H coefficients tssc install loevh
log2do2 module to convert log file to do file tssc install log2do2
log2html module to produce HTML log files tssc install log2html
log2markup module to transform a Stata text log into a markup document tssc install log2markup
logitcprplot module to graph component-plus-residual plot for logistic regression tssc install logitcprplot
logitfe module to compute analytical and jackknife bias corrections for fixed effects estimators of panel logit models with individual and time effects tssc install logitfe
logithetm module to estimate Logit Multiplicative Heteroscedasticity Regression tssc install logithetm
lognfit module to fit lognormal distribution by maximum likelihood tssc install lognfit
logout module to convert log or ASCII files into various output formats tssc install logout
logpred module to calculate logistic regression probabilities tssc install logpred
logtest module to test significance of a predictor in logistic models tssc install logtest
lomackinlay module to perform Lo-MacKinlay variance ratio test tssc install lomackinlay
lomodrs module to perform Lo R/S test for long range dependence in timeseries tssc install lomodrs
longch module to identify how many records satisfy a condition tssc install longch
longplot module to produce exploratory plot for longitudinal data tssc install longplot
longshape module to reshape long (limited alternative version) tssc install longshape
looclass module for generating classification statistics of Leave-One-Out cross-validation for binary outcomes tssc install looclass
loocv module to perform Leave-One-Out Cross-Validation tssc install loocv
lookfor2 module to search for string in variable names, variable labels, value labels, and notes" tssc install lookfor2
lookfor_all module to search for variables/patterns in .dta files tssc install lookfor_all
lookfor_val module to search the current dataset for values that match a specified pattern tssc install lookfor_val
lookforit module to search variable names and labels for some string or strings tssc install lookforit
loopplot modules to generate scatter plots with loops tssc install loopplot
lorenz module to estimate and display Lorenz curves and concentration curves tssc install lorenz
louvain module to find communities in weighted graph tssc install louvain
lprplot module to produce logistic regression partial residual plots tssc install lprplot
lrchg module to calculate change in coefficients between logistic models tssc install lrchg
lrdrop1 module to calculate likelihood-ratio test after dropping one term tssc install lrdrop1
lrmatx module to make logistic regression estimates available tssc install lrmatx
lrplot module to plot coefficients from a logistic regression tssc install lrplot
lrseq module to calculate sequential likelihood-ratio test after model estimation tssc install lrseq
lrutil modules providing utilities for logistic regression tssc install lrutil
lsacsetup module to create a longitudinal dataset for Growing Up in Australia: The Longitudinal Study of Australian Children (LSAC) tssc install lsacsetup
lstack module to stack variables with labelled _stack tssc install lstack
lstrfun module to modify long local macros tssc install lstrfun
ltable2 module to generate life tables for rare events tssc install ltable2
lvalues module for letter value calculation tssc install lvalues
lvr2plot2 module to produce leverage versus squared residual plot with Cook’s D tssc install lvr2plot2
lxpct_2 module to calculate multistate life expectancies tssc install lxpct_2
m_stats module to implement interpoint distance distribution analysis tssc install m_stats
mac_unab module to unabbreviate Global Macro Lists tssc install mac_unab
madfuller module to perform Dickey-Fuller test on panel data tssc install madfuller
mads module to calculate Median Absolute Deviations tssc install mads
mahapick module to select matching observations based on a Mahalanobis distance measure tssc install mahapick
mail module to send progress reports (Mac OSX/Linux/Unix) tssc install mail
majority module for majority calculations for real or hypothetical elections tssc install majority
makeddi module to improve the quality and efficiency of meta-data documentation production tssc install makeddi
makehlp module to automatically create a help file tssc install makehlp
makeid module to create a unique ID for every observation in the dataset. tssc install makeid
makematrix module to make a matrix of results from other commands tssc install makematrix
maketex module to generate LaTeX code from a text file tssc install maketex
malmq2 module to compute Malmquist Productivity Index tssc install malmq2
map module to map string variables using an external dictionary file tssc install map
mapch module map chains of events tssc install mapch
maptile module to map a variable tssc install maptile
margdistfit module to check the distributional assumptions underlying a parametric regression model tssc install margdistfit
margeff module to compute average marginal effects for categorical and limited dependent variable models tssc install margeff
marginscontplot2 module to graph margins for continuous predictors tssc install marginscontplot2
margintegrate module to estimate non-parametric smooth functions for generalized additive models tssc install margintegrate
marglmean module to compute marginal log means from regression models tssc install marglmean
margprev module to compute marginal prevalences from binary regression models tssc install margprev
marhis module to produce predictive margins and marginal effects plots with histogram after regress, logit, xtmixed and mixed" tssc install marhis
mark_changes module to generate a variable indicating where one or more variables changes value tssc install mark_changes
markov module to generate Markov probabilities tssc install markov
markstat module to support literate data analysis using Stata and Markdown tssc install markstat
marktouse module to mark the observations to be used tssc install marktouse
markupest module for markup estimation via Micro and Macro approaches tssc install markupest
mat2txt module to write matrix to ASCII file tssc install mat2txt
matamatrix module to enable using Mata functions on Stata matrices tssc install matamatrix
matchit module to match two datasets based on similar text patterns tssc install matchit
matin4-matout4 module to import and export matrices tssc install matin4-matout4
matmap module to perform elementwise calculations for matrices tssc install matmap
matnames module to return matrix row and column names tssc install matnames
matodd modules to produce various matrix tasks tssc install matodd
matpwcorr module to takes the output from pwcorr and creates the corresponding matrices tssc install matpwcorr
matrixof module to produce matrix or vector of results for paired or single variables tssc install matrixof
matrixtools module to build, present and style Stata matrices" tssc install matrixtools
matsave module to save and load matrices tssc install matsave
matsort module to sort a matrix by a given column tssc install matsort
matvsort module for sorting vectors or rows or columns of matrices tssc install matvsort
matwrite module to write Stata variables as MATLAB matrices tssc install matwrite
mauchly module to compute Mauchly’s sphericity test for repeated measures ANOVA models tssc install mauchly
maxdrawdown module to calculate the maximum drawdown of a stock, fund or other financial product" tssc install maxdrawdown
mbitobit module to fit bivariate Tobit regression tssc install mbitobit
mbsens module to compute Sensitivity metric for matched sample using McNemar’s test tssc install mbsens
mc module to calculate a matched concordance index tssc install mc
mca module to perform multiple correspondence analysis tssc install mca
mcenter module to center variables at their means tssc install mcenter
mces module for Marginal Comparison Effect Sizes tssc install mces
mcib module to estimate income distribution and inequality statistics from grouped data tssc install mcib
mcl module to estimate multinomial conditional logit models tssc install mcl
mcmccqreg module to perform simulation assisted estimation of censored quantile regression using adaptive Markov chain Monte Carlo tssc install mcmccqreg
mcmclinear module for MCMC sampling of linear models tssc install mcmclinear
mcmcstats module to compute convergence and summary statistics for MCMC estimation tssc install mcmcstats
mcqscore module to score the Monetary Choice Questionnaire using logistic regression tssc install mcqscore
mdensity module for univariate kernel density estimation, for variables or groups" tssc install mdensity
mdepriv module to compute synthetic indicators of multiple deprivation tssc install mdepriv
mdesc module to tabulate prevalence of missing values tssc install mdesc
mdrd tssc install mdrd
mean2 module to make a table of estimate means with subpopulation differences tssc install mean2
meaning module to use internet search for the meaning for a word or phrase tssc install meaning
medcouple module to compute medcouple measure of asymmetry and heaviness of the tails tssc install medcouple
median module to perform the median test tssc install median
mediation module for causal mediation analysis and sensitivity analysis tssc install mediation
medoid module to calculate medoids tssc install medoid
medsem module to perform mediation analysis using structural equation modelling tssc install medsem
medsurv module to calculate the median survival time after Cox/Poisson regression tssc install medsurv
mehetprob module to compute marginal effects at means and their standard errors after hetprob tssc install mehetprob
meloreg2 module to perform Minimum Expected Loss (MELO) Instrumental Variables Regression tssc install meloreg2
melt module to melt variables into a dataset containing aggregated data by variable tssc install melt
meoprobit module to compute marginal effects after estimation of ordered probit tssc install meoprobit
mequate module to calculate equating constants using the Mean/Mean and Mean/Sigma methods tssc install mequate
meresc module to rescale the results of mixed nonlinear probability models tssc install meresc
mergeall module to merge multiple files tssc install mergeall
mergemany module to merge many files tssc install mergemany
mergepoly module to merge adjacent polygons from a shapefile tssc install mergepoly
merlin module to fit mixed effects regression for linear and non-linear models tssc install merlin
meta_lr module to graph positive and negative likelihood ratios in diagnostic test tssc install meta_lr
metaan module to perform fixed- or random-effects meta-analyses tssc install metaan
metabias module to test for small-study effects in meta-analysis tssc install metabias
metacum module to perform cumulative meta-analysis, with graphics" tssc install metacum
metadata module to enable access to metadata tssc install metadata
metadta module to perform fixed- and random-effects meta-analysis and meta-regression of diagnostic accuracy studies tssc install metadta
metaeff module to perform effect sizes calculations for meta-analyses tssc install metaeff
metafrag module to compute the fragility index for meta-analysis tssc install metafrag
metafunnel module to produce funnel plots for meta-analysis tssc install metafunnel
metagen module to perform meta-analysis of genetic-association studies tssc install metagen
metagraph module to draw Forrest plot after meta command tssc install metagraph
metamiss module to perform meta-analysis with missing data tssc install metamiss
metamiss2 module accounting for missing outcome data in meta-analysis tssc install metamiss2
metan module for fixed and random effects meta-analysis tssc install metan
metandi module to perform meta-analysis of diagnostic accuracy tssc install metandi
metaninf module to evaluate influence of a single study in meta-analysis estimation tssc install metaninf
metapow module for simulation based sample size calculations for designing new clinical trials and diagnostic test accuracy studies to update an existing meta-analysis tssc install metapow
metapred module producing outlier and influence diagnostics for meta-analysis tssc install metapred
metapreg module to compute fixed and random effects meta-analysis and meta-regression of proportions tssc install metapreg
metaprop module to perform fixed and random effects meta-analysis of proportions tssc install metaprop
metaprop_one module to perform fixed and random effects meta-analysis of proportions tssc install metaprop_one
metareg module to perform meta-analysis regression tssc install metareg
metatrend module to implement regression methods for detecting trends in cumulative meta-analysis tssc install metatrend
metatrim module to perform nonparametric analysis of publication bias tssc install metatrim
mfilegr module to view and save multiple graphs with filenames based on a numeric identifier tssc install mfilegr
mfpi module for modelling and displaying interactions tssc install mfpi
mfpigen module for modelling and displaying interactions between continuous predictors tssc install mfpigen
mfpmi module to build multivariable fractional polynomial models in multiply imputed data tssc install mfpmi
mfx2 module to enhance mfx command for obtaining marginal effects or elasticities after estimation tssc install mfx2
mgbe module to compute Multimodel Generalized Beta Estimator tssc install mgbe
mgen module to apply generate to a matrix tssc install mgen
mgof module to perform goodness-of-fit tests for multinomial data tssc install mgof
mhl module to compute Hodges and Lehman (1963) robust measure of location tssc install mhl
mhtexp module to perform multiple hypothesis testing correction procedure tssc install mhtexp
mhtreg module for multiple hypothesis testing controlling for FWER tssc install mhtreg
mi_impute_wlogit module to perform weighted multiple imputation for binary/categorical variables tssc install mi_impute_wlogit
mi_mvncat module to assign "“final”" values to (mvn) imputed categorical variables" tssc install mi_mvncat
mi_twoway module for computing scores on questionnaires containing missing item responses tssc install mi_twoway
mibmi module for cleaning and multiple imputation algorithm for body mass index (BMI) in longitudinal datasets tssc install mibmi
mict module to provide Multiple imputation for Categorical Time-series tssc install mict
midas module for meta-analytical integration of diagnostic test accuracy studies tssc install midas
mif2dta module convert MapInfo Interchange Format boundary files to Stata boundary files tssc install mif2dta
miinc module to conduct multi-model inference using information criteria tssc install miinc
mim module to analyse and manipulate multiply imputed datasets tssc install mim
mimix module to perform reference based multiple imputation for sensitivity analysis of longitudinal clinical trials with protocol deviation tssc install mimix
mimrgns module to run margins after mi estimate tssc install mimrgns
mimstack module to stack multiply-imputed datasets into format required by mim tssc install mimstack
minap module to calculate minimum average partial correlation for principal components tssc install minap
mint module to examine across-groups equivalence of confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) measurement model parameters tssc install mint
miparallel module to perform parallel estimation for multiple imputed datasets tssc install miparallel
mipolate module to interpolate values tssc install mipolate
mira module to compute Rubin’s measure for multiple imputation regression analysis tssc install mira
missing module to replace missing values tssc install missing
missingplot module to draw plot showing patterns of missing values in a dataset tssc install missingplot
missings module to manage missing values tssc install missings
misum module to calculate summary statistics in MI dataset tssc install misum
mivcausal module for testing the hypothesis about the signs of the 2SLS weights tssc install mivcausal
mivif module to calculate variance inflation factors after mi estimate regress tssc install mivif
mixlogit module to fit mixed logit models by using maximum simulated likelihood tssc install mixlogit
mixlogitwtp module to estimate mixed logit models in WTP space tssc install mixlogitwtp
mixmcm module to estimate finite mixtures of non-stationary Markov chain models by maximum likelihood (ML) and the Expectation-Maximization (EM) algorithm tssc install mixmcm
mixmixlogit module to estimate mixed-mixed multinomial logit model tssc install mixmixlogit
mkbilogn module to create bivariate lognormal variables tssc install mkbilogn
mkcorr module to generate correlation table formatted for easy inclusion in articles tssc install mkcorr
mkdat module providing easy SOEP retrievals tssc install mkdat
mkdensity module to graph kernel densities of several variables tssc install mkdensity
mkern module to perform multivariate nonparametric kernel regression tssc install mkern
mkest module to convert variables to estimates matrix tssc install mkest
mkprofile module to create or edit your ‘’ tssc install mkprofile
mkstrsn modules to format Social Security number variables tssc install mkstrsn
mktab module to print table of estimates in delimited or screen-presentation format tssc install mktab
mlboolean module to implement Boolean logit and probit tssc install mlboolean
mlcoint module to compute Johansen cointegration tests tssc install mlcoint
mlincom module to estimate multiple linear combinations of parameters tssc install mlincom
mlogitroc module to calculate multiclass ROC Curves and AUC from Multinomial Logistic Regression tssc install mlogitroc
mlogpred module to produce predicted probabilities after mlogit and svymlog tssc install mlogpred
mlowess module for lowess smoothing with multiple predictors tssc install mlowess
mlr2sls module for 2SLS estimation with multiple-LATEs robust standard error under treatment effect heterogeneity tssc install mlr2sls
mlt module to provide multilevel tools tssc install mlt
mm_regress module to compute robust regression estimates tssc install mm_regress
mmat2tex module to output Mata matrix as LaTeX table tssc install mmat2tex
mmeiv module to perform Multiple Marginal Effects IV Estimation tssc install mmeiv
mmerge module: Safer and easier to use variant of merge. tssc install mmerge
mmodes module to calculate the mode for a numeric varlist tssc install mmodes
mmqreg module to estimate quantile regressions via Method of Moments tssc install mmqreg
mmsel module to simulate (counterfactual) distributions from quantile regressions (w/optional sample selection correction) tssc install mmsel
mmsrm module to estimate Multidimensional Marginally Sufficient Rasch Model (MMSRM) tssc install mmsrm
mmws module to perform marginal mean weighting through stratification tssc install mmws
mnthplot module for scatter plot for monthly data with repetition of data tssc install mnthplot
mod11 module to generate Chile’s National Identification Number (RUT) check digit (DV) (modulo 11) tssc install mod11
modeldiag module to generate graphics after regression tssc install modeldiag
modlpr module to estimate long memory in a timeseries tssc install modlpr
mog module to produce one way or two way tables of means (or totals) tssc install mog
mol module to evaluate literacy level tssc install mol

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