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moodle-mod_activequiz's Issues

Error when editing quiz while session is open


while using your plugin, I ran into the situation that I edited a quiz while a session was open and after that I got the following error message:


With this error, it's impossible to use that instance of the quiz because it occurs when going to the open session and so this session cannot be closed.

I'm not sure if it should be impossible to edit a quiz while a session is open. If so, the usability would be better of the tab edit quiz will be disabled when a session is started.

Kind regards,

CJK charset does not display correctly in individual "Download responses " function

For the latest stable relase of Moodle v3.5.3, the chinese characters in the response part displays wrong as "?€????" in the CSV file exported by the individual "Download responses" function. Please check the following screenshots:
The CVS exported as belows:
As you can see in the red circle, the chinese character is displayed wrongly as "?€????".

DB column "grouping" is an xmldb reserved word: cannot add questiosn to activequiz

Active Quiz has a DB table named "activequiz", with a column named "grouping".
But in versions of moodle > 3.5 "grouping" is a reserved word, cannot be used for table or columns names in the DB.
The result is that when trying to use the module and adding a question from bank to a quiz instance, a Fatal error is generated due to to failure tor write to DB in thar field 'grouping'

I have renamed the column to "teamsgrouping", and changed the code in the few scripts that actually contains references to ->grouping (writing ->teamsgrouping) and it works fine.

For 4.x, some renaming of calls to qbank classes is needed, but woks.

Activequiz shortcut links jump to Dashbord page

When clicking the shortcut link from Active Qiuzzes of Activity Sidemenu, it will jump back to Dashboard page rather than into the coressponding active quiz page. For example, in the following page, we click the 2nd link named "review 1", it shows the weblink it jumps, xxxxxxxxx/mod/jazzquiz/view.php?cmid=41815
but the actual page link is xxxxxxxxx/mod/jazzquiz/view.php?id=41815, which does not have cm.

Query for Activequiz to support global search

Hi John. Many thanks for providing this plugin to the community; its functionality is really appreciated by our staff and students, and we’re really grateful to you for your efforts to maintain and update it.

On that note, please could I quickly query whether you have any plans to update the plugin to be fully compatible with Moodle v3.1, and its new Global Search feature in particular? To clarify: while we’ve tested the Active quiz plugin under v3.1 and all of the core functionality seems to work fine, we’ve found that instances of the activity are not searchable via v3.1’s Global Search feature. Please see the following screenshot for details, which lists all of the available areas that can searched under v3.1 (note that these settings are available via: Site Administration -> Plugins -> Search -> Manage Global Search):

Note also that the above screenshot was taken on a v3.1 system where the Active quiz plugin is installed and available. However, as you can see, the Active quiz activity is not listed as being available to be searched. Obviously, this is likely to be a significant problem/cause of confusion for users who might want to search for specific instances of the Active quiz activity across Moodle.

I’m not a developer, but my understanding is that mod plugins can be made searchable relatively easily via the addition of a new search class within the plugin’s codebase (located at ../classes/search/activity.php). Please see the following for further details:

We really hope this search capability can be added to Active quiz as I’m sure it would be a huge benefit to our users (as well as those of other v3.1 systems) and, again, many thanks for all your efforts to develop this plugin and share it with the community.

Best wishes,

Fails to save settings on moodle 3.3.

I am using activequiz on moodle 3.3 and I get an error message when I attempt to modify the review settings.
The error message I am getting is:
Notice: Undefined index: pageurl in /var/www/html/moodle/mod/activequiz/classes/activequiz.php on line 335

I cannot change the review settings.

I am using moodle version 3.3.1+ (Build: 20170907)
and active quiz version 2017010400


Restore attempt in 3.5 and 3.9 fail - invalid input syntax for integer: ""

The following error occurred when restoring a course: Our db is postgres 9.6

Debug info: ERROR: invalid input syntax for integer: ""
SELECT * FROM mdl_backup_ids_temp WHERE backupid = $1 AND itemname = $2 AND itemid = $3
[array (
0 => '844d4b17576b42fb59a34f8403fc0cb7',
1 => 'activequiz_question',
2 => '',
Error code: dmlreadexception
×Stack trace:
line 486 of /lib/dml/moodle_database.php: dml_read_exception thrown
line 329 of /lib/dml/pgsql_native_moodle_database.php: call to moodle_database->query_end()
line 920 of /lib/dml/pgsql_native_moodle_database.php: call to pgsql_native_moodle_database->query_end()
line 1624 of /lib/dml/moodle_database.php: call to pgsql_native_moodle_database->get_records_sql()
line 1596 of /lib/dml/moodle_database.php: call to moodle_database->get_record_sql()
line 1575 of /lib/dml/moodle_database.php: call to moodle_database->get_record_select()
line 240 of /backup/util/dbops/restore_dbops.class.php: call to moodle_database->get_record()
line 1737 of /backup/util/dbops/restore_dbops.class.php: call to restore_dbops::get_backup_ids_cached()
line 219 of /backup/util/plan/restore_structure_step.class.php: call to restore_dbops::get_backup_ids_record()
line 211 of /backup/util/plan/restore_structure_step.class.php: call to restore_structure_step->get_mapping()
line 202 of /mod/activequiz/backup/moodle2/restore_activequiz_stepslib.php: call to restore_structure_step->get_mappingid()
line 181 of /mod/activequiz/backup/moodle2/restore_activequiz_stepslib.php: call to restore_activequiz_activity_structure_step->recode_activequiz_questionorder()
line 409 of /backup/util/plan/restore_structure_step.class.php: call to restore_activequiz_activity_structure_step->after_execute()
line 113 of /backup/util/plan/restore_structure_step.class.php: call to restore_structure_step->launch_after_execute_methods()
line 181 of /backup/util/plan/base_task.class.php: call to restore_structure_step->execute()
line 210 of /backup/moodle2/restore_activity_task.class.php: call to base_task->execute()
line 178 of /backup/util/plan/base_plan.class.php: call to restore_activity_task->execute()
line 168 of /backup/util/plan/restore_plan.class.php: call to base_plan->execute()
line 384 of /backup/controller/restore_controller.class.php: call to restore_plan->execute()
line 219 of /backup/util/ui/restore_ui.class.php: call to restore_controller->execute_plan()
line 143 of /backup/restore.php: call to restore_ui->execute()

Issues from Moodle plugin comments

from @mpetrowi

Hi John,

We do have a couple suggestions for improvements which have come up:

  1. Allow questions to have a max score of 0. This is useful when there are technical problems and instructors want to cancel-out a question.
  2. Have regrade actually regrade the question attempts. For example if a question has an error which is fixed after the fact by the instructor.

Feature Requests for Active Quiz

We have some feature requests for active quiz. Is there a chance that they could be implemented? Can we get a quote? How can we get in touch?

This does not work with Moodle 3.2

I know it's not advertised as working with version 3.2, but I might as well let you know anyway.
Many parts do work. It is possible to add and create questions. Students can access the questions and respond to them and the results are stored in the gradebook. However, it doesn't seem to be possible to save the settings for the active quiz (e.g. default time and the review options).

When one attempts to save the settings, there is an erorr such as:

Debug info: Out of range value for column 'defaultquestiontime' at row 1
UPDATE mdl_activequiz SET name = ?,defaultquestiontime = ?,waitforquestiontime = ?,graded = ?,scale = ?,grademethod = ?,workedingroups = ?,groupattendance = ?,course = ?,intro = ?,introformat = ?,timemodified = ?,reviewoptions = ? WHERE id=?
[array (
0 => 'TGain',
1 => 2592000.0,
2 => 432000.0,
3 => '1',
4 => 10,
5 => '1',
6 => '0',
7 => 0,
8 => '18',
9 => '',
10 => '1',
11 => 1483473821,
12 => '{"after":{"attempt":"1","correctness":"1","marks":"1","specificfeedback":"1","generalfeedback":"1","rightanswer":"1","manualcomment":"1"}}',
13 => '3',
Error code: dmlwriteexception

Capabilities not localised

Please make sure to turn developer debugging on while developing a moodle plugin. There are missing strings for the capability names:

Invalid get_string() identifier: 'activequiz:attempt' or component 'mod_activequiz'. Perhaps you are missing $string['activequiz:attempt'] = ''; in mod/activequiz/lang/en/activequiz.php?
Invalid get_string() identifier: 'activequiz:control' or component 'mod_activequiz'. Perhaps you are missing $string['activequiz:control'] = ''; in mod/activequiz/lang/en/activequiz.php?
Invalid get_string() identifier: 'activequiz:editquestions' or component 'mod_activequiz'. Perhaps you are missing $string['activequiz:editquestions'] = ''; in mod/activequiz/lang/en/activequiz.php?
Invalid get_string() identifier: 'activequiz:seeresponses' or component 'mod_activequiz'. Perhaps you are missing $string['activequiz:seeresponses'] = ''; in mod/activequiz/lang/en/activequiz.php?
Invalid get_string() identifier: 'activequiz:viewownattempts' or component 'mod_activequiz'. Perhaps you are missing $string['activequiz:viewownattempts'] = ''; in mod/activequiz/lang/en/activequiz.php?


some of your string got


in it.
I thnik you must let only strign to translate in lang file, and put the html code in the code.
It could be easier for translateur.


Graph labels

I am looking for a way to rename the answer labels on the graph. Some of the answers we have are lengthy and they make it challenging to read the graph.

Issue with changing question category on edit page in Moodle 2.7

I have ActiveQuiz version 3.4.5 installed in Moodle 2.7. Like previous commenter Pancala Chien, I am also getting the "A required parameter (courseid) was missing" error while editing a quiz if I try to select any Question Bank category or sub-category other than the "Default for " (the course's own course root default question bank). So yes, I can tick the "Also show questions from subcategories" checkbox to see all the questions from all the subcategories, but directly selecting a subcategory throws the "A required parameter (courseid) was missing" error. Yes, I can successfully create an ActiveQuiz using the "show all subcategory questions" option, but that defeats the filtering purpose of subcategories.

In addition, my user account has assigned both the course editing teacher role and a custom "Question Sharer" role (described in Moodle Docs here ) which allows me as a course teacher access to Question Banks located at system levels higher than Course level. Advantage: I maintain only one question bank available to many courses. When editing an ActiveQuiz quiz, I can see printed in the "Select a category" dropdown list these other Question Banks (and their sub-categories) located at system levels higher than Course level. However, selecting any of these Question Banks also throws the "A required parameter (courseid) was missing" error. The workaround here is to duplicate selected questions in these higher-level question banks and then move the duplicates into the course-level default question bank. But this means maintaining multiple copies of the same question.

Is this the proper place to post this issue or does ActiveQuiz have a public GitHub account (or use Moodle's own bug tracker?) ? In any case, thank you for an otherwise great update of Davosmith's great original module.

Error when working with groups


when I choose the setup that students can work in groups, I make a new quiz, add questions to it, start a new session and then this error occurs:

Debug info: ERROR: invalid input syntax for integer: ""
SELECT * FROM mdl_activequiz_attempts WHERE forgroupid = $1 AND status = $2 AND sessionid = $3
[array (
0 => '',
1 => 10,
2 => '1',
Error code: dmlreadexception
Stack trace:
line 443 of /lib/dml/moodle_database.php: dml_read_exception thrown
line 244 of /lib/dml/pgsql_native_moodle_database.php: call to moodle_database->query_end()
line 764 of /lib/dml/pgsql_native_moodle_database.php: call to pgsql_native_moodle_database->query_end()
line 606 of /mod/activequiz/classes/activequiz_session.php: call to pgsql_native_moodle_database->get_records_sql()
line 153 of /mod/activequiz/classes/controllers/view.php: call to mod_activequiz\activequiz_session->can_take_quiz_for_group()
line 38 of /mod/activequiz/view.php: call to mod_activequiz\controllers\view->handle_request()

This error makes it impossible to use your plugin with groups... :(

Kind regards,

You have an error in your SQL syntax

Hello, guys,

I have got an issue like this:

FIY, the environment is:

  • Moodle 3.5.2+ (Build: 20181103)
  • mySql:Server version: 8.0.13 MySQL Community Server - GPL

Thank you very much!

Debug info: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'grouping = NULL,reviewoptions = '{"after":{"attempt":"1","correctness":' at line 1
UPDATE mdl_activequiz SET course = ?,name = ?,intro = ?,introformat = ?,graded = ?,scale = ?,grademethod = ?,workedingroups = ?,groupattendance = ?,grouping = ?,reviewoptions = ?,timecreated = ?,timemodified = ?,defaultquestiontime = ?,waitforquestiontime = ?,questionorder = ? WHERE id=?
[array (
0 => '2',
1 => '谁发的发斯蒂芬',
2 => '


3 => '1',
4 => '1',
5 => '10',
6 => '1',
7 => '0',
8 => '0',
9 => NULL,
10 => '{"after":{"attempt":"1","correctness":"1","marks":"1","specificfeedback":"1","generalfeedback":"1","rightanswer":"1","manualcomment":"1"}}',
11 => '1541543013',
12 => '1541543013',
13 => '30',
14 => '5',
15 => 1,
16 => '1',
Error code: dmlwriteexception
×Stack trace:
line 489 of /lib/dml/moodle_database.php: dml_write_exception thrown
line 1557 of /lib/dml/mysqli_native_moodle_database.php: call to moodle_database->query_end()
line 1589 of /lib/dml/mysqli_native_moodle_database.php: call to mysqli_native_moodle_database->update_record_raw()
line 166 of /mod/activequiz/classes/activequiz.php: call to mysqli_native_moodle_database->update_record()
line 445 of /mod/activequiz/classes/questionmanager.php: call to mod_activequiz\activequiz->saveRTQ()
line 473 of /mod/activequiz/classes/questionmanager.php: call to mod_activequiz\questionmanager->set_question_order()
line 154 of /mod/activequiz/classes/questionmanager.php: call to mod_activequiz\questionmanager->update_questionorder()
line 185 of /mod/activequiz/classes/controllers/edit.php: call to mod_activequiz\questionmanager->add_question()
line 39 of /mod/activequiz/edit.php: call to mod_activequiz\controllers\edit->handle_action()

Essay answers are not recorded

The Essay answers are not recorded in the Active Quiz, following is what I have in the view responses:

1 4/01/16, 14:49 Started Not yet answered
2 4/01/16, 15:34 Attempt finished Not answered

Even the student did press submit answer before time is up. Thanks.

Add GDPR support

it would be great if you could implement the new Privacy API. We are using the module and thus it is important for us that you implement it.

Subcategories always show

There is a checkbox to display subcategories. When I uncheck it it immediately rechecks itself.

Using Moodle 3.14, Ubuntu 14.04. And this is a great add-on!


CSS selector's scope

CSS selectors like .close or .loading can easily affect other HTML code outside of your module scope. Note that your styles.css is concatenated with all other plugins and core components CSS files. For that reason, it is important to use selectors that affect only you module's code.

See more information at where we generally suggest to use the frankenstyle prefix of other ways of making sure your selectors are well namespaced.

CJK charset does not display correctly in overall "Download report" function

For the latest stable relase of Moodle v3.5.3, the chinese characters in the response part displays wrong as "?€????" in the CSV file exported by the overall "Download report" function. Please check the following screenshots:
The Exported CVS is showed as below:
As you can see in the red circle of above pic, the character "选词" is displayed as "?€????"

kahoot score like

Hi again.
French translation is now done.

I would appreciate if this activity could have a second grading methode, like

Each question begin with 1000 points, and it go down with time. So :

  • if student respond rapidly → many point,
  • if he is slowly → less points,
  • if he is wrong → no point

I think it's not to hard because it juste have to take start time and answering time and make a percentage with 1000 points for full time (30 seconds for exemple).

Try kahoot if you don't know it, you will also eared music that's make a good game ambiance, a top 5 students and who is over me, and above me whne you play.
It's really appreciate, and I really hope that this activity can take this place...

Thanks again.

Active Quiz not Working


I tried to conduct a Quiz in my Class to the students using Active Quiz.
When i asked to attend quiz via web browser every thing went well.
But accessing via mobile app, it says that it is not yet supported.

Please suggest what to do.


Krishnakumar Masimalai

Hard-coded English language strings

I love this plugin.

But there are some hard-coded English language strings used. It would be best if these were declared as variables, so that AMOS can be used to fully translate this plugin into other languages.
I translated this plugin in AMOS into Mexican Spanish, but found a couple of English hard-coded strings. The first one:

When the teacher is informed 'Waiting for the question to be sent in'... seconds THE TIME SHOWN IS xx seconds (the word 'seconds' is hard-wired).

I will post the other strings I found as soon as can run it with students.

Thanks in advance for your help.

Feature Request: Make it possible to anonymize Answers in quiz


I've tested your plugin and I like it very much. We discussed it with some of our key users and we think that your plugin could also be used as an audience response system.
So a teacher could for example ask if students understood the content of the lesson and he could get a feedback via your active quiz plugin.
However, if it would be visible to him who of the students gave a specific answer, the students won't probably give an honest answer.

So it would be great if the plugin could be extended with an anonymous vote function. This should be really anonymous and not be revealable by the teacher at a later time.

It would be important that the quiz is done in anonymous mode is also shown to the participants, so that they won't fear honest answers.

Kind regards,

Edit Quiz Page Output Incorrectly in Moodle 2.7

Thanks for this plugin, you've saved us a lot of time. We did have plans to develop the RTQ to include pretty much identical functiotnality to what you have here

Using version 3.4.3 on Moodle 2.7 with clean theme the edit quiz page is being incorrectly output

screen shot 2015-06-03 at 14 47 10

Submit button hidden

In moodle 2.9, theme More

The submit button is not visible in the bottom of the setting page.

Submit buton are in a fieldste with class="hidden".
You can see them and use them by playing in css and uncheck hidden.


Can't add question

Moodle 2.9 / theme More

In a active quizz, when I press + button in front of a question, page is reloaded and a blank frame apear under Edit quiz.

Don't know why...

And no quesiion is added.



response history is not shown to student

There is a bug that if a teacher answer the questions as a test in an active response first, then students answer the questions, the response history is not shown in student point of view. The following the way to re-produce the bug.

After creating an active quiz, a teacher starts a new session to test the active quiz. The teacher chooses a choice in the question, then click the “end questions”. After trying all the questions in the active quiz, the teacher closes the session. And the responses from the teacher is stored in the “view responses” section.
screen shot 1
screen shot 2

Then, the teacher asks the students to join in the active quiz in the class. The “fully anonymise student responses” setting is not ticked, as can be seen below. After students answer the questions in the active quiz, they cannot see the response history.
screen shot 3
screen shot 4

However, I duplicate the active quiz and keep the session setting the same with the one before. Then I let students to answer the question in the new active quiz, without teacher trying the questions at first, students can see the response history.
screen shot 5

Though a teacher is not a normal ”student”, it should not cause problem for the sessions later after the teacher answers the questions in active quiz. It is really confusing since many teachers are willing to have a try before using the active quiz in the class. And reviewing response history plays a significant role for students. I really hope this bug can be fixed soon.

sort by category seems not work !

Hi !
Thanks for this module.

In moodle 2.7 , theme CLEAN,
when I "edit quizz", All platform questions are listed.

There are more than 9000 questions on my platform. All of them appear in the list. Sort by category seems not works. It's hard to find the question I want to add in my quizz.

Thanks for your help.

Students able to get multiple attempts on questions

Hi John,

Here is some feedback from our support staff:

There seems to be a problem with multiple choice questions for active quizzes. It seems that when a multiple choice question is in progress, the person taking the quiz is able to select an answer, save it and see "This answer is incorrect", then refresh the page and be able to select a different answer that is correct. The instructor can see in the results that the student answered, refreshed, and answered again. When we were testing it, the problem was occurring on both mobile devices and computers. Please let us know if you would like us to do additional testing on the problem, or if you have any questions.

Hopefully this is an easy fix.


Feature Request: add a setting to disable / enable question types


it's me again. ;)

While testing your plugin with all of our installed question types, we ran into some usability displaying issues with some of them.

So we thought, it would be nice as an admin to have the possibility to disable question types within this activity. There also might be question types that make no sense in a live testing.

With this setting, trainers could only choose question types that are intended (in our admin opinion) to be used with your activity.

Kind regards,

V3.7 checklist

  • Get #28 fixed and implemented
  • Work with Davo to integrate #30
  • Ensure that newer "under the hood" features are complete
  • Moving to separate renderers
  • Report architecture is in place and doesn't break the default "Overview" report
  • Updates to documentation in the readme, the plugin page, and
  • Continued work with Andy to determine his issue #29

Why are there global statements in scripts like view.php?

In the current view.php (and probably other places like edit.php) code like

require_once($CFG->libdir . '/questionlib.php');
require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/question/editlib.php');
global $CFG, $DB, $PAGE, $OUTPUT;

what is the point of the global declarations? These scripts are
supposed to be always executed directly from the HTTP request in the
global scope, not included into a functions. Am I missing something?

store stastistic bar chat after close the active quiz

Currently, the active quiz provides a bar chart of student responses for multiple choice questions. However, the bar chart is only shown during the time of that question. It will be a very useful improvement if the bar chart is stored and can be reviewed by teacher after the session is closed.

Could I know whether you have any plans to development this function, please? I am looking forward to hearing from you.

(Screen shot:

Delete attempts on a session

Issue from Adrian Zetner

Is there any way to delete attempts? In the process of testing the courses I want to delete and then reattempt the active quiz results numerous times. If an attempt remains then it ruins the completion data for the course. Apparently Active Quiz isn't available to 'reset' like the other types of activities and grades/attempts can't be deleted that way.

Also it may be good to be able to delete a session entirely as well.

View page not linked

Hi, John.

I was looking at Active Quiz and noted the view page is not linked to docs. You might want to add a page in the docs or redirect to your existing page (that the config page links to).

Adding Question not working in MySql Community Version 8x

Get the following error when trying to add a question using the plugin. Using Mysql Community Server 8.0.23.

Debug info: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'grouping = NULL,reviewoptions = '{"after":{"attempt":"1","correctness":' at line 1
UPDATE mdl2_activequiz SET course = ?,name = ?,intro = ?,introformat = ?,graded = ?,scale = ?,grademethod = ?,workedingroups = ?,groupattendance = ?,grouping = ?,reviewoptions = ?,timecreated = ?,timemodified = ?,defaultquestiontime = ?,waitforquestiontime = ?,questionorder = ? WHERE id=?
[array (
0 => '1942',
1 => 'Active Quiz 1',
2 => '',
3 => '1',
4 => '1',
5 => '10',
6 => '1',
7 => '0',
8 => '0',
9 => NULL,
10 => '{"after":{"attempt":"1","correctness":"1","marks":"1","specificfeedback":"1","generalfeedback":"1","rightanswer":"1","manualcomment":"1"}}',
11 => '1641182024',
12 => '1641182024',
13 => '30',
14 => '5',
15 => 9,
16 => '3',
Error code: dmlwriteexception
×Stack trace:
line 489 of /lib/dml/moodle_database.php: dml_write_exception thrown
line 1561 of /lib/dml/mysqli_native_moodle_database.php: call to moodle_database->query_end()
line 1593 of /lib/dml/mysqli_native_moodle_database.php: call to mysqli_native_moodle_database->update_record_raw()
line 166 of /mod/activequiz/classes/activequiz.php: call to mysqli_native_moodle_database->update_record()
line 445 of /mod/activequiz/classes/questionmanager.php: call to mod_activequiz\activequiz->saveRTQ()
line 473 of /mod/activequiz/classes/questionmanager.php: call to mod_activequiz\questionmanager->set_question_order()
line 154 of /mod/activequiz/classes/questionmanager.php: call to mod_activequiz\questionmanager->update_questionorder()
line 185 of /mod/activequiz/classes/controllers/edit.php: call to mod_activequiz\questionmanager->add_question()
line 39 of /mod/activequiz/edit.php: call to mod_activequiz\controllers\edit->handle_action()

Is there something I can do to fix?

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