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gumer-psn's Introduction


Since the introduction of catpchas on all of Sony' sites and apps, none of the login methods listed here will work.


A Playstation Network API written in Node.js



This script uses the method found in Sony's official Android application that sends JSON in every response and NOT xml. For now this script can get:

  • Updated profile data. (1 hour max)
  • Trophy data
    • Summary whithin all games owned (that supports trophies)
    • by gameID (npCommunicationID)
    • by group (DLC, Expansion)

Features planned

  • Caching
  • Friends
    • Friends management (add, delete, block)
    • Messaging (chat) Voice/Image support will be added someday, no way to test it without a PSVITA/PS3/PS4 system
  • Profile Feeds (depends on user's privacy) (user just played Battlefield 4, "user" has started broadcasting, "user" has just become friends with "another user", etc...)
  • Stream Freed (Twitch, UStream)
  • User's login for self management
  • Notifications
  • User friend list (depends on user's privacy)
  • Gems (Pronuntiation for PS4, and a few console downloads) NOTE: I will not share SONY's HmacSHA1 key here on GitHub


  • A valid PSN account (can be new)
  • Node.js / io.js

Known Limitations

  • It doesn't display hidden trophies this is a server-side restriction. If you do have another way to get them please share it.


You can install it with the package manager

	npm install gumer-psn

Or clone the repository and install the dependencies

	git clone
	cd gumer-psn/
	npm install


Using the example

NOTE: Please replace the login details on top of the file in the example, including the braces.

This example uses Express

cp example/index.js ./
npm install express
node index.js

Once it has started, you can start asking profile or trophy data by going to:


var gumerPSN 	= require('./psn');
	// Init the API
gumerPSN.init({		// Our PSN Module, we have to start it once. - irkinsander
	debug: 		true					// Let's set it true, it's still in early development. So, report everything that goes wrong please.
	,email: 	"your_account"			// A valid PSN/SCE account (can be new one) // TODO: Using the user's credentials to do this.
	,password: 	"your_password"			// Account's password, du'h
	,npLanguage:"en"					// The language the trophy's name and description will shown as
	,region: 	"us"					// The server region that will push data

Getting profile data by ID

// ID
gumerPSN.getProfile('JSachs13', function(error, profileData) { 



Getting trophy summary by userID

gumerPSN.getProfile('OSXelot', 0, 10, function(error, trophyData) { 

It should output 10 trophies formatted like this:

	"totalResults": 119,
	"offset": 0,
	"limit": 10,
	"trophyTitles": [{
			"npCommunicationId": "NPWR05738_00",
			"trophyTitleName": "Thief",
			"trophyTitleDetail": "Thief",
			"trophyTitleIconUrl": "",
			"trophyTitlePlatfrom": "PS4",
			"hasTrophyGroups": false,
			"definedTrophies": {
					"bronze": 24,
					"silver": 8,
					"gold": 5,
					"platinum": 1
			"comparedUser": {
					"onlineId": "OSXelot",
					"progress": 1,
					"earnedTrophies": {
							"bronze": 1,
							"silver": 0,
							"gold": 0,
							"platinum": 0
					"lastUpdateDate": "2014-02-26T01:48:59Z"

Getting trophies list by GameID (npCommunicationID)

// ID (optional, if blank it doesn't compare to that user), GAMEID, GROUPID (optional, if leave blank it displays every trophy (default + DLCs))
gumerPSN.getGameTrophies('OSXelot', 'NPWR05506_00', '', function(error, trophyData) {

Output: (Killzone)

	"trophies": [{
		"trophyId": 0,
		"trophyHidden": false,
		"trophyType": "platinum",
		"trophyName": "Hero",
		"trophyDetail": "Obtain all Killzone Shadow Fall trophies",
		"trophyIconUrl": "",
		"trophyRare": 0,
		"trophyEarnedRate": "0.1",
		"comparedUser": {
			"onlineId": "OSXelot",
			"earned": false
	}, {
		"trophyId": 1,
		"trophyHidden": false,
		"trophyType": "bronze",
		"trophyName": "The Father",
		"trophyDetail": "Complete level 'The Father'",
		"trophyIconUrl": "",
		"trophyRare": 3,
		"trophyEarnedRate": "92.0",
		"comparedUser": {
			"onlineId": "OSXelot",
			"earned": true,
			"earnedDate": "2013-11-25T21:37:50Z"
		"trophyId": 3,
		"trophyHidden": false,
		"trophyType": "bronze",
		"trophyName": "Deniable",
		"trophyDetail": "In 'The Shadow', operate without raising an alarm or disabling the security mainframe",
		"trophyIconUrl": "",
		"trophyRare": 0,
		"trophyEarnedRate": "1.5",
		"comparedUser": {
			"onlineId": "OSXelot",
			"earned": false
	},	{"..."}]

Getting trophies groups by GameID (npCommunicationID)

// ID (optional, if not blank it displays the progression of each group), GAMEID
gumerPSN.getGameTrophyGroups('OSXelot', 'NPWR05506_00', function(error, trophyData) {


	"trophyTitleName": "Killzone Shadow Fall",
	"trophyTitleDetail": "Killzone Shadow Fall trophy set",
	"trophyTitleIconUrl": "",
	"trophyTitlePlatfrom": "PS4",
	"definedTrophies": {
		"bronze": 23,
		"silver": 9,
		"gold": 7,
		"platinum": 1
	"trophyGroups": [{
		"trophyGroupId": "default",
		"trophyGroupName": "Killzone Shadow Fall",
		"trophyGroupDetail": "Killzone Shadow Fall trophy set",
		"trophyGroupIconUrl": "",
		"definedTrophies": {
			"bronze": 18,
			"silver": 8,
			"gold": 6,
			"platinum": 1
		"comparedUser": {
			"onlineId": "OSXelot",
			"progress": 24,
			"earnedTrophies": {
				"bronze": 7,
				"silver": 2,
				"gold": 1,
				"platinum": 0
			"lastUpdateDate": "2014-02-16T21:26:06Z"
	}, {
		"trophyGroupId": "001",
		"trophyGroupName": "Insurgent Expansion",
		"trophyGroupDetail": "Insurgent Expansion trophies",
		"trophyGroupIconUrl": "",
		"definedTrophies": {
			"bronze": 5,
			"silver": 1,
			"gold": 1,
			"platinum": 0
		"comparedUser": {
			"onlineId": "OSXelot",
			"progress": 0,
			"earnedTrophies": {
				"bronze": 0,
				"silver": 0,
				"gold": 0,
				"platinum": 0
			"lastUpdateDate": "2014-02-16T21:26:06Z"

Getting trophy info by trophyID

// ID (optional, if not blank it displays if the user has earned it), GAMEID, GROUPID (Not really necessary here), TROPHYID
gumerPSN.getTrophy('OSXelot', 'NPWR05506_00', '', 33, function(error, trophyData) {


	"trophies": [{
		"trophyId": 33,
		"trophyHidden": false,
		"trophyType": "bronze",
		"trophyName": "Hacktivist",
		"trophyDetail": "Reach the maximum level for the Hacking Ability",
		"trophyIconUrl": "",
		"trophyRare": 0,
		"trophyEarnedRate": "0.1",
		"comparedUser": {
			"onlineId": "OSXelot",
			"earned": false


Contribute by cloning the repository and start making changes to make it better, other API has failed because of being very "Copyrighted" and closed source. This is different, I'm also planning on making a site using PSN profiles but I want everyone to join in order to make the perfect PSN API possible and FREE.

NOTE: I do not own any PlayStation system, I only play PC games (PC MASTER RACE!). All this comes from checking the network activity within my Android Device and reading Mali code (decompiling their .apk).

If you want to make a donation, feel free to do it to my paypal account: [email protected]. It helps me to mantain this project, and a coffe while coding isn't bad.

gumer-psn's People


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gumer-psn's Issues

Error on latest update

Hello Jose,

I have tried updating since it stopped working because of the PS login changes, although I am back to the same issues as before :(

On the previous update, I had to change the last to lines to get it to work on Heroku to -

app.listen(Number(process.env.PORT || 5000));
console.log('gumerPSN Example running at port: ' + Number(process.env.PORT || 5000));

I am doing the same thing with the latest, and getting Application Error.
Here's a paste of the web.js

and here's a log of the push

any help is much appreciated, thank you!

Token expiry causes this to not work

Hey, Unfortunately every once a while oauth token (client_id, client_secret, ...) gets expired and causes your code to not work anymore

Does anybody know a way to get a new "client_id" and "client_secret" with "grant_type=password" permission ?

Cannot read property '1' of null

gPSN | Invalid "eu" region value, using "us" instead
gPSN | Getting login
gPSN | Logging in, sending POST
gPSN | Logged in, following redirects

TypeError: Cannot read property '1' of null
    at Request._callback (/Users/jasperdansercoer/kayzrapi/node_modules/gumer-psn/psn.js:132:30)
    at Request.self.callback (/Users/jasperdansercoer/kayzrapi/node_modules/request/request.js:188:22)
    at emitTwo (events.js:125:13)
    at Request.emit (events.js:213:7)
    at Request.<anonymous> (/Users/jasperdansercoer/kayzrapi/node_modules/request/request.js:1171:10)
    at emitOne (events.js:115:13)
    at Request.emit (events.js:210:7)
    at IncomingMessage.<anonymous> (/Users/jasperdansercoer/kayzrapi/node_modules/request/request.js:1091:12)
    at Object.onceWrapper (events.js:314:30)
    at emitNone (events.js:110:20)
    at IncomingMessage.emit (events.js:207:7)
    at endReadableNT (_stream_readable.js:1047:12)
    at _combinedTickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:102:11)
    at process._tickDomainCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:198:9)

Any idea? Is this related to my incorrect region? Because the docs don't state what the possible regions are.

freezes under high concurrency

i wrote a script to test the concurrency, on grabbing psn profiles - since there is no limit doing so on Sony's end.

However, the script just froze when we reached to maybe like 1500?

any reason to this? my server is a beast and should be able to handle it, would be script's fault.

Not working anymore?

Since the last privacy changes in PSN it is not working anymore. I don't know if it is just my case or everybody's.

DUID Definition

According to this PSN API written in Java a DUID is a unique identifier Sony uses to distinguish between devices based on the manufacturer name and the MAC address of the device.

Errors with gameID

Hello again.

First time using the /gameID and they all give me the error "report to github"

I have gotten these 2 to display the json

Although all of the ones below give that error.

Feature request: logout

This is not a bug, but I didn't know where else to ask this:

After successfully logging in and getting the access token, is there a way we can log out / purposefully time out the access token?

Basically Sony wants you to login to the PSN using your credentials and then get a token so you can request info for the next hour at which time you need another token. I have a heroku app on a server that has a front-end login that will check the credentials and return basic PSN profile information of whoever logs in. The web worker of the heroku app only gets activated when someone goes to the heroku app url. After that, the web worker shuts down - but I believe the token gets saved and is active for the next hour. So when the next person tries to check this (or a couple people after that), PSN starts temporarily blocking token access for the heroku app.

Is there a simple logout mechanism we could try? I know there is a logout button on Sony's Auth page: Could we execute this same functionality?

gPSN | ERROR: Error: options.uri is a required argument

Hello Jose,

I'm running telegram bot, which posts new PSN achievements to channel. Bot is based on your API.
It worked fine for some months. And today your API starts reporting some errors:

gPSN | Asking for new token
gPSN | Getting login
gPSN | Logging in, sending POST
gPSN | Logged in, following redirects
gPSN | ERROR: Error: options.uri is a required argument

and does not answer on requests.

$ npm --version

Thanks for your help.

trying to add event feed

app.get('/PSN/feed/:id', function(req, res){ gumerPSN.getFeed(, function(error, eventFeed) { if (!error) { res.send(eventFeed) } else { if (eventFeed.error.code == 2105356) { // User not found code res.send({ error: true, message: "PSN ID not found" }) } else { res.send({ error: true, message: "Something went terribly wrong, submit an issue on GitHub please!", response: eventFeed }) } } }) })

exports.getFeed = function (psnid, callback) { if (accessToken.length > 1) { debug('Asking profile events for: ' + psnid); psnGETRequest(psnURL.eventFeed.replace("{{id}}", psnid),callback); } else { debug('Asking for new token'); getAccessToken('',function() { psnGETRequest(psnURL.eventFeed.replace("{{id}}", psnid),callback); }) } }

,eventFeed: '{{id}}/feed/0?includeComments=true&includeTaggedItems=true&filters=PURCHASED&filters=RATED&filters=VIDEO_UPLOAD&filters=SCREENSHOT_UPLOAD&filters=PLAYED_GAME&filters=WATCHED_VIDEO&filters=TROPHY&filters=BROADCASTING&filters=LIKED&filters=PROFILE_PIC&filters=FRIENDED&filters=CONTENT_SHARE&filters=IN_GAME_POST&filters=RENTED&filters=SUBSCRIBED&filters=FIRST_PLAYED_GAME&filters=IN_APP_POST&filters=APP_WATCHED_VIDEO&filters=SHARE_PLAYED_GAME&filters=VIDEO_UPLOAD_VERIFIED&filters=SCREENSHOT_UPLOAD_VERIFIED&filters=SHARED_EVENT&filters=JOIN_EVENT&filters=TROPHY_UPLOAD&filters=FOLLOWING&filters=RESHARE'

this never returns any data, any idea why?

Not working anymore

When initiating, it says:

gPSN | Logging in, sending POST
gPSN | Logged in, following redirects

TypeError: Cannot read property '1' of null
at Request._callback (/root/psnapi2/gumer-psn-6fbe8fbf225ed7517154617e58f1770467ce1eee/psn.js:132:30)
at Request.self.callback (/root/psnapi2/gumer-psn-6fbe8fbf225ed7517154617e58f1770467ce1eee/node_modules/request/request.js:198:22)
at Request.emit (events.js:98:17)
at Request. (/root/psnapi2/gumer-psn-6fbe8fbf225ed7517154617e58f1770467ce1eee/node_modules/request/request.js:1073:14)
at Request.emit (events.js:117:20)
at IncomingMessage. (/root/psnapi2/gumer-psn-6fbe8fbf225ed7517154617e58f1770467ce1eee/node_modules/request/request.js:1019:12)
at IncomingMessage.emit (events.js:117:20)
at _stream_readable.js:944:16
at process._tickCallback (node.js:448:13)

Some question about gumer-psn

Gumer-psn is now running pretty good. However, for trophy data, I can not get infomation of trophyDetail and trophyName etc. How can i solve this problem.

Not working anymore

Since last Friday July the 3rd the API is not working anymore. It is not able to obtain the access_token due to changes in the login page apparently made by Sony. Does anyone else have this problem?

Hidden trophy support with .ESFM decryption and hash generation

I've been doing some research regarding getting hidden trophy information. It looks like major trophy sites use the .ESFM file decryption and hash generation method to fill in all trophies for games in conjunction with the PlayStation mobile application/website. I found some sample code on the psdevwiki for downloading trophy related files:
The trick is to find the HMAC key, erk, and iv for running the python script. I haven't been able to locate these just yet, but in theory, one should be able to get these from the metadata header on the np_trophy_util.sprx/prx file from a PS3 firmware extraction. After this is done, files should be able to download. I don't know how to decrypt ESFM files at the moment, but I think that there are tools available that can handle decryption. If anyone has pointers on how to extract the HMAC key, erk, and iv, I think we can make this part of the API to get hidden trophy information. Currently, it appears that larger organizations profit off of the mentioned method and it would be great to open source the method.

Need some guidance to help

I started sniffing the traffic from the app so I can help out. The duid that I have is different than the one you have. Did you find that this is different across devices too? I'm still looking for the client_secret to see if it's any different from what you posted as well.

  • EDIT: Client id is still the same as well as the client secret. So far duid looks different only.

Rate limit exceeded

After a while I am getting the following response:
{"error":true,"message":"Something went terribly wrong, submit an issue on GitHub please!","response":{"error":{"code":2105867,"message":"Rate limit exceeded"}}}

I know that this error comes from PSN indicating I'm doing too much requests but does anybody know what the amount/time ratio is? or how this could be bypassed?

TypeError: Cannot read property '1' of null

ypeError: Cannot read property '1' of null
at Request._callback (/root/node_modules/gumer-psn/psn.js:132:30)
at Request.self.callback (/root/node_modules/gumer-psn/node_modules/request/request.js:198:22)
at Request.emit (events.js:98:17)
at Request. (/root/node_modules/gumer-psn/node_modules/request/request.js:1035:10)
at Request.emit (events.js:117:20)
at IncomingMessage. (/root/node_modules/gumer-psn/node_modules/request/request.js:962:12)
at IncomingMessage.emit (events.js:117:20)
at _stream_readable.js:944:16
at process._tickCallback (node.js:442:13)
[root@ns3009754 gumer-psn]# nano index.js
[root@ns3009754 gumer-psn]# node index.js
Starting gPSN
gPSN | Getting login
gumerPSN Example running at http://localhost:3000/
gPSN | Logging in, sending POST
gPSN | Logged in, following redirects

TypeError: Cannot read property '1' of null
at Request._callback (/root/node_modules/gumer-psn/psn.js:132:30)
at Request.self.callback (/root/node_modules/gumer-psn/node_modules/request/request.js:198:22)
at Request.emit (events.js:98:17)
at Request. (/root/node_modules/gumer-psn/node_modules/request/request.js:1035:10)
at Request.emit (events.js:117:20)
at IncomingMessage. (/root/node_modules/gumer-psn/node_modules/request/request.js:962:12)
at IncomingMessage.emit (events.js:117:20)
at _stream_readable.js:944:16
at process._tickCallback (node.js:442:13)

There is a way to get hidden trophy detail

I've found a way to get hidden trophy name and details. It's kinda tricky, but it allows me to show hidden trophies automatically (I have a bot for Telegram, which posts new trophies of my friends to our group). There is a file with all trophies here , so I just download it and parse (if you need more detailed algorithm, let me know, and I will share it).

Client ID & Is this permitted by Sony?

I was planning on using this to add functionality for an app I'm working on currently, but after going through the code, I noticed your clientId is hardcoded within the psn.js file.

I imagine this is something that would come with access to the API from Sony. I just wanted to ask if there is a way to acquire a client Id directly from sony, or if while using the code, I would have to use your clientId.

Just trying to avoid any potential issues from Sony

[question] About ‘default language’ of trophy set

First of all, thank you for this great project.

I'm wondering if there is a way to know about ‘default language’ when requesting the trophy info?

As we know, a trophy set with multi-language will return a fixed (default) language when we request with another language which is not in its supported languages.
For example, the result of a pure Japanese game will have Japanese as its language even if we provide the argument npLanguage = ‘en’.
I’ve tried set npLanguage = ‘’ or send request without this argument, but I got a server-side error:

        "error": {
            "code": 2138373,
            "message": "'npLanguage' parameter required in query string"

Legality, TOS, Reliability Concerns

Thank you for taking the time to create the project and showcase how people can integrate with PSN - fantastic job.

Finding this project was really easy but finding any kind of documentation or hearing from anyone with experience in integrating PSN OAuth has been next to nil. But unfortunately the lack of official documentation or information of any kind (that I can find) worries me.

I have just a couple of questions I'd like to ask about this project and to the people who have integrated it into their own websites:

(1) Are you imitating another server in your requests? That's what it seems to be doing - you are setting a false origin header right? I only assume with any other origin the server just does not respond? What is the legality of imitating another server?

(1-a) A follow-up: Does this break any TOS for the person with the PSN account. Could Sony take action against users who use a 3rd party site or application to access information through their PSN account?

(2) What kind of reliability does this project have? How often do API changes occur that may break a service that implements this code or approach? When an API change occurs is there any notice or does it immediately result in no-service?

(2-a) A follow-up: How are you checking for service outages or deprecation of the API so that you do not show your visitors a "sign-in with PSN" button, for example.

I'm sure I'll have more questions as I continue to explore the possibility of officially integrating PSN / Xbox Live log in to my site.


Looking forward

I just wanted to say I am looking forward to this project. I have been looking for something that works for a month now, and kept reaching your site after multiple threads and google searches..

I honestly do not know too much about oauth, but am trying to learn. I can handle most php code, and can't wait for a release! I am new to json also, but it seems pretty simple. I noticed on your site you are generating json files? Or are those pulled from Playstation and can we use them on our own site?

I just wanted to thank you ahead of time and appreciate the work!



Just wanted to thank you again for working on the code for this. Unfortunately I have no knowledge of running node.js and it appears my hosting account does not allow it on shared hosting. I am going to try and figure out how to run node.js on my localhost, because I really want to see this working.

Question: Is this the same thing you had on your site running?
Because I noticed the file asked for login information. Is that only to login and actually 'view' other peoples trophies etc?

Can you give me any hints or guides on how to get started with node.js?

Thank you!

error login

[root@10-4-5-5 gumer-psn]# node app.js
gPSN | Getting login
gPSN | Asking for new token
gPSN | Login for the first time
gPSN | ERROR: {"error":"4098","error_description":"Mandatory parameter 'code' is missing","docs":"","error_code":4098}
gPSN | authCode obtained: k97y2D
gPSN | Login for the first time
gPSN | access_token/refresh_token obtained: {"access_token":"a1f1678e-c7e2-4890-b506-897bb36d61fd","token_type":"bearer","refresh_token":"ba2fa306-9b07-4baf-b5b0-0b128659ffe5","expires_in":3599,"scope":"psn:sceapp"}

Cannot read property '1' of null

Looking to build a simple PSN friends list menubar app with notifications and such myself. Nice work so far!

Starting gPSN
gPSN | Getting login
express deprecated router.param(fn): Refactor to use path params node_modules/express/lib/application.js:331:16
gumerPSN Example running at http://localhost:3000/
gPSN | Logging in, sending POST
gPSN | Logged in, following redirects
TypeError: Cannot read property '1' of null
    at Request._callback (/Users/michael/Dev/gumer-psn/psn.js:132:30)
    at Request.self.callback (/Users/michael/Dev/gumer-psn/node_modules/request/request.js:198:22)
    at Request.emit (events.js:110:17)
    at Request.<anonymous> (/Users/michael/Dev/gumer-psn/node_modules/request/request.js:1073:14)
    at Request.emit (events.js:129:20)
    at IncomingMessage.<anonymous> (/Users/michael/Dev/gumer-psn/node_modules/request/request.js:1019:12)
    at IncomingMessage.emit (events.js:129:20)
    at _stream_readable.js:908:16
    at process._tickCallback (node.js:355:11)

ECMAScript 6

How many of you are running the lastest Node.js, or better yet, io.js?
I want to rewrite the module in ECMAScript 6 mantaining the same API.

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    Bring data to life with SVG, Canvas and HTML. 📊📈🎉

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    Some thing interesting about game, make everyone happy.

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