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lazygit's Issues

not installing

os: fedora28

$ go get
$ lazygit
fish: lazygit: command not found...

Releases / Binary Distribution

Is there a way to distribute binaries in this project by using the releases/tags for it?

It would heavily improve the installation for people not familiar with go and people that don't have a working go setup and just want to build a simple package for a binary.

Windows: The term 'lazygit' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program.

I just pulled latest version but can't run it

PS C:\Users\vovik> go get
PS C:\Users\vovik> lazygit
lazygit : The term 'lazygit' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program.
Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again.
At line:1 char:1
+ lazygit
+ ~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : ObjectNotFound: (lazygit:String) [], CommandNotFoundException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : CommandNotFoundException

Homebrew formula

Hi, it would be great to have this available in homebrew main tree or as a tap.

Shell Config Nuke

In the installation part of the, the use of the redirect operator > will cause the entire files contents to be overwritten. It should be changed to the append operator >>. If someone were to copy and paste it without version controlled dot files, it could lead to a very sad programmer.

echo "alias lg='lazygit' > ~/.zshrc
echo "alias lg='lazygit'" >> ~/.zshrc

Installation via Homebrew

Is there any chance lazygit will be available via Homebrew?

I tried installing via go get but I had to resolve some symlinks manually.

Ubuntu throws error

2018/08/07 10:15:06 invalid argument
panic: invalid argument

goroutine 1 [running]:
log.Panicln(0xc420065f00, 0x1, 0x1)
/usr/lib/go-1.10/src/log/log.go:340 +0xc0
/build/lazygit-3g32Dt/lazygit-0.0git20180807.66.4d425de/obj-x86_64-linux-gnu/src/ +0x8a
git20180807.66.4d425de/obj-x86_64-linux-gnu/src/ +0xf2


Installed go for windows. Ran go get. Go bin is in path. Ran lazy git in git repo, command not found.

Can't commit with multiple words commit message

As in the title.
If the commit message is only one word long, it commits without any problems.
And i can commit with multiple words message from the Command Prompt (using 'git commit -m ) also without any problems.

2018-08-07 18_54_37-windows powershell

2018-08-07 18_54_52-windows powershell

Any ideas?

lazygit: command not found

Call command: go get
Execute lazygit command in iTerm2
prompt: -bash: lazygit: command not found

Installation not working on macOS


Trying to get this installed on macOS but still have nothing working. my go environment works as expected but when running go get, the command runs and produces nothing in the terminal session. Any suggestions?


Automatically Set Upstream


I created a new branch using lazygit, commited some changes, and pressed "p". It started pulling the code, and then gave the following error:

It would be nice to have it ask what branch to set the upstream to and default to the current branch name.

Other than that, love lazygit!

Vi key bindings

hi there,

Is there a settings files so I can add vi key bindings?


Not available in path

I needed ~/go/bin added to my $PATH in order to use lazygit.

Since I know absolutely nothing about Golang, it took me quite some time to figure out where the heck Go stuffs its binaries installed via go get. Maybe you could make a brief note about this in the README?

Make active tab more prominent

Currently it's not really clear which tab is active just by looking at them (when there's not much information in them). The active tab is bolded, but the difference could be very subtle on some terminal setups (like mine). The active tab should be more distinguishable, maybe even use a different color for the outline.

Multiline commit messages

There should be a way to write multi-line commit messages. For example, you could use Enter for newlines and Shift+Enter to commit.

How to get binaries built on travis CI

I'm not sure why my builds aren't making binaries. Could anybody give me some pointers?

0.79s$ git clone --depth=50 --branch=v0.1.4 jesseduffield/lazygit
Cloning into 'jesseduffield/lazygit'...
remote: Counting objects: 773, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (410/410), done.
remote: Total 773 (delta 372), reused 736 (delta 341), pack-reused 0
Receiving objects: 100% (773/773), 960.14 KiB | 3.83 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (372/372), done.
Note: checking out '1730089b09b623d55227ddcc8ce02ad57d7f2cf0'.
You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental
changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this
state without impacting any branches by performing another checkout.
If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may
do so (now or later) by using -b with the checkout command again. Example:
  git checkout -b <new-branch-name>
$ cd jesseduffield/lazygit
$ git checkout -qf v0.1.4
Setting environment variables from .travis.yml
$ export LATEST=true
9.90s$ GIMME_OUTPUT="$(gimme 1.x | tee -a $HOME/.bashrc)" && eval "$GIMME_OUTPUT"
go version go1.11beta3 linux/amd64
$ export GOPATH=$HOME/gopath
$ export PATH=$HOME/gopath/bin:$PATH
$ mkdir -p $HOME/gopath/src/
$ rsync -az ${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}/ $HOME/gopath/src/
$ export TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR=$HOME/gopath/src/
$ cd $HOME/gopath/src/
$ gimme version
$ go version
go version go1.11beta3 linux/amd64
$ go env
GOGCCFLAGS="-fPIC -m64 -pthread -fmessage-length=0 -fdebug-prefix-map=/tmp/go-build399365960=/tmp/go-build -gno-record-gcc-switches"
0.94s$ curl | sh
ARCH = amd64
OS = linux
Will install into /home/travis/gopath/bin
Release Tag = v0.5.0
Setting executable permissions.
Moving executable to /home/travis/gopath/bin/dep
0.01s$ chmod +x $GOPATH/bin/dep
0.01s$ ls $GOPATH/bin/
$ dep ensure
16.05s$ if [ "${LATEST}" = "true" ]; then gox -os="linux darwin windows" -arch="amd64" -output="lazygit.." -ldflags "-X main.Rev=`git rev-parse --short HEAD`" -verbose ./...; fi
Number of parallel builds: 1
-->   windows/amd64:
-->     linux/amd64:
-->    darwin/amd64:
The command "if [ "${LATEST}" = "true" ]; then gox -os="linux darwin windows" -arch="amd64" -output="lazygit.." -ldflags "-X main.Rev=`git rev-parse --short HEAD`" -verbose ./...; fi" exited with 0.
1.85s$ rvm $(travis_internal_ruby) --fuzzy do ruby -S gem install dpl
Fetching: dpl-1.9.8.gem (100%)
Successfully installed dpl-1.9.8
1 gem installed
Installing deploy dependencies
Fetching: multipart-post-2.0.0.gem (100%)
Successfully installed multipart-post-2.0.0
Fetching: faraday-0.15.2.gem (100%)
Successfully installed faraday-0.15.2
Fetching: public_suffix-3.0.2.gem (100%)
Successfully installed public_suffix-3.0.2
Fetching: addressable-2.5.2.gem (100%)
Successfully installed addressable-2.5.2
Fetching: sawyer-0.8.1.gem (100%)
Successfully installed sawyer-0.8.1
Fetching: octokit-4.6.2.gem (100%)
Successfully installed octokit-4.6.2
Fetching: mime-types-2.99.3.gem (100%)
Successfully installed mime-types-2.99.3
Fetching: dpl-releases-1.9.8.gem (100%)
Successfully installed dpl-releases-1.9.8
8 gems installed
Preparing deploy
Logged in as Jesse Duffield
Deploying to repo: jesseduffield/lazygit
Current tag is: v0.1.4
Deploying application
Done. Your build exited with 0.

Keybindings for editors

I've noticed there's keybindings set for specific editors such as "s" for "sublime" and "v" for "vscode". If I may suggest, instead of making a new keybinding for every editor, maybe it might be better to make one keybinding for opening whatever editor is specified with the $EDITOR, $GIT_EDITOR, or $VISUAL environment variable. This is what git does to determine which editor to use.

Color scheme

I'm using the Solarized Light color scheme for my terminal - which unfortunately doesn't work well with the color map of lazygit in many sections of the GUI:
screen shot 2018-08-05 at 12 20 51

Please not the (at least for my eyes) unreadable blue status bar text, and very faint text in the Status/Branches/Commits sections.
It would be great if we could configure individual colors or select a color profile / palette!

dep support for building process

It could be better supporting dep on building process. Installing dependencies on global stash is not that preferred way for building go executables.

Panic: no changed file. Crash when executing "sublime"

When i open lazygit and press on 's' (to open sublime) in crashes with this error:

panic: No changed files

goroutine 1 [running]:
log.Panicln(0xc42005df08, 0x1, 0x1)
	/home/ron/go1.9.2/src/log/log.go:340 +0xc0
	/home/ron/go/src/ +0x1de
	/home/ron/go/src/ +0xfc

Consider collapsing adjacent panel borders

I’ll just draw these, remark that if you collapsed adjacent panel borders you’d save roughly four rows and one column and generally make it more pleasant to look at, and leave it at that; decide what you will with it.

│Contents              ││Contents              │
└──────────────────────┘│                      │
┌─Title────────────────┐│                      │
│Contents              ││                      │
┃Contents              ┃Contents              │
┡━Title━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┩                      │
│Contents              │                      │

(OK, one more remark—note I used heavy box drawing characters to highlight the active pane rather than using bright white instead of dim white; that will probably be necessary.)

Fails with exit status 1

I'm running on Windows 10. I don't see any sort of log file, so I can't provide much more detail.



apt-secure error

After running sudo apt-get update

E: The repository ' artful Release' does not have a Release file.
N: Updating from such a repository can't be done securely, and is therefore disabled by default.
N: See apt-secure(8) manpage for repository creation and user configuration details.

I'm on Ubuntu 17.10 Artful. Guess it's time to upgrade :D

Bash? On Windows?

I get the following error when running on Windows.


And after a sec this message also popped up.


(Pretty sure that second message is just to add the fingerprint to the list of known hosts, but how do I answer the prompt?)

Can't scroll the bottom "hints"

screen shot 2018-08-05 at 7 38 13 pm

This bottom "hints" section runs off of my screen (even in fullscreen mode) however It doesn't look like I can scroll right to see the rest of the hints

Doing this might clobber your rc file!


Looks like a cool and useful project 👍 😄

In the readme, you have this:

If you want, you can also add an alias for this with echo "alias lg='lazygit' > ~/.zshrc (or whichever rc file you're using)

This seems to be missing the closing quote for the string and it_ will clobber the file 😱

Should it be echo "alias lg='lazygit'" >> ~/.zshrc?

Stage lines

I have been waiting for something like this for a long time, the only feature I'm missing is the ability to select lines and only stage them without staging the whole file.

Contrast Issues (panel borders)

I pushed a commit to increase the contrast of the highlighted panel vs the other panels as a few people suggested, and although it's looking good on all my iterm themes, I don't have full visibility over what it looks like for everybody. So if your contrast is out of whack, please let me know here :)

What mine currently looks like:

Feature request: easy way to merge remote branch

Congrats on lazygit, its great.

One of the slowest workflows with git is that to merge develop/master etc into your current branch you have to stash/commit current, checkout master, pull, switch back to current, then merge. This is awfully slow in SourceTree.

There are two quicker ways on the command line, discussed in the stackoverflow answers here:
git pull origin master - this effectively merges the origin version of develop into your branch in one command

git fetch origin master:master
git merge master

Which updates the local master to the remote without a checkout, then merges it

In lazygit, I reckon the best would be to have a one key command to update a non checkout branch to latest - eg run git fetch origin master:master on it

Thanks for consideration.

Avoid reading whole files into memory

Had a large un-staged file in the repo and while scrolling the file-list in lazygit it seemed like everything gets loaded into memory, even though the preview only shows a couple dozen of lines.

Could you maybe use use a different approach instead of reading everything?

Tree view

Hi would it be possible to add a tree view to lazygit that way you can visually see branch history
git log --color --graph --pretty=format:'%Cred%h%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr) %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset' --abbrev-commit

shortcuts for up and down arrows

It would be great if one could use the classic emacs/terminal shortcuts of C-n and C-p as substitutes for the up and down arrows. That way I could use lazygit without having to move my fingers too far from starting position. Another more general option would be either an interface or tutorial to allow users to change this to their desired keys.

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