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希望更详细一点的 Workers & Fetcher 配置描述

折腾了一天将全套系统部署完了,fetch 了 OneJAV 的几部影片到本地后成功 move 到 rclone 挂载的 Google Drive ,网页登陆也可以看到云端硬盘中的文件,可 WebUI 显示有一个硬盘但是没有视频。

不知道是因为我用的是云端共享硬盘还是因为配置错了 QAQ 。fetcher lemp core 全部使用 Docker 部署,以下是我的部分配置过程:


关于 core 中说要用到 client_id client_secret access_token refresh_token ,但是我并不知道是在哪里用的... rclone 在服务器挂载硬盘时倒是有需要 client_id client_secret ,然后点链接授权之后返回了 access_token refresh_token 。之后本地挂载和文件 move 都正常。

然后在数据库导入 drives 表数据时说明是这样的:

INSERT INTO `drivers` (`id`, `name`, `driverType`, `driverData`, `isEnable`, `createTime`, `updateTime`) VALUES
(1, '1', 'gd', 
1, '【timestanp_in_ms_here】', '【timestanp_in_ms_here】');

嗯,好的,我按照 rclone 挂载时的 client_id client_secret access_token refresh_token 填好了,后面的 driveId 我填的是【id】 这里后面的文件夹 id 。

然后 secret 我就不知道是什么了 QAQ 。我将部署 google drive workers 时要填的 aes_password 填了进去。


workers 里面的 gd-config.js 中要填 aes_password client_id client_secret refresh_token ,后三个我将 rclone 挂载的时候那几个对应 client_id client_secret refresh_token 填进去了, aes_password emmm... 不知道是啥,我就把 access_token 填了进去,webpack 构建完后部署到 了。


我尝试将 AES 加密的密码填在 workers gd-config.js 的 aes_password ,修改 drivers 数据表中的 【path_ase_secret】 为 AES 加密后的谷歌盘文件夹 id ,然后更新 core 容器编排,但是好像也不对 QAQ


虽然作者写了很详细的 readme,但我怀疑究竟有几个人能成功部署,更别提还要自己翻墙,我要收回我的小星星。欢迎部署成功的大佬来打我脸。

  1. docker-lempJAVClub_core 项目的 docker-compose.yml 文件里都没有配置 port 映射,导致容器外部无法访问。
  2. docker-lemp 项目的 my.cnf 文件里面配置了 user=mysql 导致 /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock 文件因权限问题无法使用,改成 user=root 可解决。
  3. 还得自己建数据库用户和表结构......
  4. 早点儿说还得翻墙我就不折腾了......


想知道大佬有没有兴趣爬一下 Swag 的内容 @LoliLin

你好, 请问可以更详细地描述一下实现原理吗?

通过阅读文档, 可以知道该项目由三个子项目组成: fetcher, core, web,

  1. fetcher: 抓取种子 -> 推送qBittorrent下载 -> 处理 -> 上传Google Drive.
  2. core: 读取 Google Drive 文件列表->导入本地数据库.
  3. web: 展示信息.

针对上面三个部分, 我有如下的疑问点:

  • 对于"1.":
    • "推送qBittorrent下载": "qBittorrent"是一个node的种子下载器lib吗? 还是说是第三方的种子下载服务呢?
  • 对于"2.":
    • "导入本地数据库": 这里导入的是视频的内容吗? 但是Features上面不是说"视频、图片数据不占用本地空间"吗?

这些疑问我相信通过完成一遍项目的部署和阅读源码来得以解答, 但是在一些概念没有理解之前埋头去做这些事情性价比是不高的, 时间上会耗费更多. 因此想到来这里提一个issues向作者请教, 希望能得到回复. 非常感谢!





You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''drivers' ('id','name','driverType','driverData','isEnable','createTime','update' at line 1

關於Google API的小建議


driveId: 'your_drive_id',
corpora: 'drive',
includeItemsFromAllDrives: true,
supportsTeamDrives: true,
pageSize: 1000,
orderBy: 'modifiedTime desc',
q: "name='info.json'",
fields: 'nextPageToken, files(id, name, modifiedTime, parents, size)'

但根據Google API文件的說法,上面只能查詢到僅在shared drive裡面的檔案,而shared drive的建立是需要G Suite
的 (還要有權限建立shared drive),因此個人雲端的無限容量就無法用到 (像我個人本身的大學附的學校帳號)。


corpora: 'user',
pageSize: 1000,
orderBy: 'modifiedTime desc',
q: "name='info.json' and 'Your_folder_id' in parents",
fields: 'nextPageToken, files(id, name, modifiedTime, parents, size)'



The resource was preloaded using link preload but not used within a few seconds from the window's load event. Please make sure it has an appropriate as value and it is preloaded intentionally.


[INFO] API: Main - [UID: -1] POST /api/auth/login
This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). The promise rejected with the reason:
Error: ER_NOT_SUPPORTED_AUTH_MODE: Client does not support authentication protocol requested by server; consider upgrading MySQL client
at Handshake.Sequence._packetToError (/usr/app/node_modules/mysql/lib/protocol/sequences/Sequence.js:47:14)
at Handshake.ErrorPacket (/usr/app/node_modules/mysql/lib/protocol/sequences/Handshake.js:123:18)
at Protocol._parsePacket (/usr/app/node_modules/mysql/lib/protocol/Protocol.js:291:23)
at Parser._parsePacket (/usr/app/node_modules/mysql/lib/protocol/Parser.js:433:10)
at Parser.write (/usr/app/node_modules/mysql/lib/protocol/Parser.js:43:10)
at Protocol.write (/usr/app/node_modules/mysql/lib/protocol/Protocol.js:38:16)
at Socket. (/usr/app/node_modules/mysql/lib/Connection.js:88:28)
at Socket. (/usr/app/node_modules/mysql/lib/Connection.js:523:10)
at Socket.emit (events.js:314:20)
at Socket.EventEmitter.emit (domain.js:548:15)
at Protocol._enqueue (/usr/app/node_modules/mysql/lib/protocol/Protocol.js:144:48)
at Protocol.handshake (/usr/app/node_modules/mysql/lib/protocol/Protocol.js:51:23)
at Connection.connect (/usr/app/node_modules/mysql/lib/Connection.js:116:18)
at /usr/app/node_modules/knex/lib/dialects/mysql/index.js:68:18
at new Promise ()
at Client_MySQL.acquireRawConnection (/usr/app/node_modules/knex/lib/dialects/mysql/index.js:63:12)
at create (/usr/app/node_modules/knex/lib/client.js:289:39)
at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:93:5)

想請問一下如何解決這個問題QQ,使用docker配置的,docker-compose ps如下:

  Name                     Command                  State               Ports

core_javclub_1 node ... Up>3000/tcp
core_mysql_1 / --default-a ... Up (healthy) 3306/tcp, 33060/tcp
core_phpmyadmin_1 / apac ... Up>80/tcp


server {
listen 80;
server_name my_domain;
root /heihei/JAVClub_docker/core/wwwroot/JAVClub_web/dist;

location / {
    try_files $uri $uri/ /index.html;

location ^~ /api {
    proxy_set_header   X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
    proxy_set_header   Host              $http_host;
    proxy_set_header   X-Real-IP         $remote_addr;
# 其他如default





项目跑起来 第一个种子下载完成后 /tmp/sync/ 目录下没有出现xx/xx/xx.....xx/ 这种目录


[2020-09-26T22:22:44.278] [DEBUG] Importer: GD 1 - Video id undefined
[2020-09-26T22:22:44.279] [DEBUG] Importer: GD 1 - Storyboard folder id undefined
[2020-09-26T22:22:44.279] [INFO] Driver[1]: Google Drive - Getting file list of keyword 'undefined' in parents
[2020-09-26T22:22:44.279] [DEBUG] Driver[1]: Google Drive - Getting page 1
[2020-09-26T22:22:44.562] [DEBUG] Driver[1]: Google Drive - Attempt 1 failed. There are 5 retries left
[2020-09-26T22:22:55.814] [DEBUG] Driver[1]: Google Drive - Attempt 2 failed. There are 4 retries left
[2020-09-26T22:23:08.069] [DEBUG] Driver[1]: Google Drive - Attempt 3 failed. There are 3 retries left
[2020-09-26T22:23:22.330] [DEBUG] Driver[1]: Google Drive - Attempt 4 failed. There are 2 retries left
[2020-09-26T22:23:40.607] [DEBUG] Driver[1]: Google Drive - Attempt 5 failed. There are 1 retries left
[2020-09-26T22:24:06.870] [DEBUG] Driver[1]: Google Drive - Attempt 6 failed. There are 0 retries left
[2020-09-26T22:24:16.872] [ERROR] Driver[1]: Google Drive - Error while getting dir list 'undefined' in parents GaxiosError: File not found: .
at Gaxios. (/usr/app/node_modules/gaxios/build/src/gaxios.js:73:27)
at ()
at fulfilled (/usr/app/node_modules/gaxios/build/src/gaxios.js:16:58)
at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:93:5) {
response: {
config: {
url: '',
method: 'GET',
paramsSerializer: [Function (anonymous)],
headers: [Object],
params: [Object: null prototype],
validateStatus: [Function (anonymous)],
responseType: 'json'
data: { error: [Object] },
headers: {
'cache-control': 'private, max-age=0',
connection: 'close',
'content-encoding': 'gzip',
'content-security-policy': "frame-ancestors 'self'",
'content-type': 'application/json; charset=UTF-8',
date: 'Sat, 26 Sep 2020 14:24:06 GMT',
expires: 'Sat, 26 Sep 2020 14:24:06 GMT',
server: 'GSE',
'transfer-encoding': 'chunked',
vary: 'Origin, X-Origin',
'x-content-type-options': 'nosniff',
'x-frame-options': 'SAMEORIGIN',
'x-xss-protection': '1; mode=block'
status: 404,
statusText: 'Not Found'
config: {
url: '',
method: 'GET',
paramsSerializer: [Function (anonymous)],
headers: {
'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip',
'User-Agent': 'google-api-nodejs-client/0.7.2 (gzip)',
Authorization: 'Bearer ya29.a0AfH6SMCmCDPCZ_506QJrsfvFSE-nNuXZMzG9GdP6l4_tsnVARXuzyPwSnxSEbEYjWl93D-sLILmefF-n3880VSUVpaIkHn1FSYdYnLSutVZuYbsXDqU5ETFLd9FwoenUmqiWm03m3ggOAypmAQc1SooAv4BYETRS4BA',
Accept: 'application/json'
params: [Object: null prototype] {
pageSize: 1000,
orderBy: 'modifiedTime desc',
q: "'undefined' in parents",
fields: 'nextPageToken, files(id, name, modifiedTime, parents, size)',
driveId: '0AJIzFPBxaQGjUk9PVA',
corpora: 'drive',
includeItemsFromAllDrives: true,
supportsTeamDrives: true
validateStatus: [Function (anonymous)],
responseType: 'json'
code: 404,
errors: [
domain: 'global',
reason: 'notFound',
message: 'File not found: .',
locationType: 'parameter',
location: 'fileId'
attemptNumber: 6,
retriesLeft: 0
[2020-09-26T22:24:16.873] [INFO] Importer: GD 1 - Video 0259f105ee7372f5bddcb474083b61774f99f12a havn't fully upload yet
[2020-09-26T22:24:16.874] [DEBUG] Importer: GD 1 - Handling info.json file 1Hmb5I0xkhW9G3SaZg6l35-nBkUHHCZ_F
[2020-09-26T22:24:16.874] [DEBUG] Driver[1]: Google Drive - Downloading file 1Hmb5I0xkhW9G3SaZg6l35-nBkUHHCZ_F
[2020-09-26T22:24:17.671] [DEBUG] Importer: GD 1 - File 1Hmb5I0xkhW9G3SaZg6l35-nBkUHHCZ_F's content {"JAVID":"JUL171","company":"JUL","id":"171","episode":"A","metadata":{"video":{"width":1920,"height":1080,"codec":"h264","duration":8496,"bitRate":6006074,"fps":30},"audio":{"codec":"aac","duration":8496,"bitRate":192002,"channels":2}},"hash":"072d3507459fd608c3a27bd7d7f74722a85aef6d"}
[2020-09-26T22:24:17.671] [DEBUG] Importer: GD 1 - Info {
JAVID: 'JUL171',
company: 'JUL',
id: '171',
episode: 'A',
metadata: {
video: {
width: 1920,
height: 1080,
codec: 'h264',
duration: 8496,
bitRate: 6006074,
fps: 30
audio: { codec: 'aac', duration: 8496, bitRate: 192002, channels: 2 }
hash: '072d3507459fd608c3a27bd7d7f74722a85aef6d'
[2020-09-26T22:24:17.672] [INFO] Importer: GD 1 - Processing JUL-171
[2020-09-26T22:24:17.672] [DEBUG] Importer: GD 1 - JUL-171 info.json file version: 1
[2020-09-26T22:24:17.677] [DEBUG] Importer: GD 1 - Video folder id 1WF0RLkT_RAeu7bybOBJugfown_QREkQL
[2020-09-26T22:24:17.677] [INFO] Driver[1]: Google Drive - Getting file list of keyword '1WF0RLkT_RAeu7bybOBJugfown_QREkQL' in parents
[2020-09-26T22:24:17.678] [DEBUG] Driver[1]: Google Drive - Getting page 1
[2020-09-26T22:24:18.124] [INFO] Driver[1]: Google Drive - Got 1 files' metadatas
[2020-09-26T22:24:18.125] [DEBUG] Importer: GD 1 - Video folder file list [
id: '1Hmb5I0xkhW9G3SaZg6l35-nBkUHHCZ_F',
name: 'info.json',
parents: [ '1WF0RLkT_RAeu7bybOBJugfown_QREkQL' ],
modifiedTime: '2020-03-20T22:45:46.075Z',
size: '287'
[2020-09-26T22:24:18.125] [DEBUG] Importer: GD 1 - Video id undefined
[2020-09-26T22:24:18.126] [DEBUG] Importer: GD 1 - Storyboard folder id undefined
[2020-09-26T22:24:18.126] [INFO] Driver[1]: Google Drive - Getting file list of keyword 'undefined' in parents
[2020-09-26T22:24:18.126] [DEBUG] Driver[1]: Google Drive - Getting page 1
[2020-09-26T22:24:18.389] [DEBUG] Driver[1]: Google Drive - Attempt 1 failed. There are 5 retries left
[2020-09-26T22:24:29.654] [DEBUG] Driver[1]: Google Drive - Attempt 2 failed. There are 4 retries left
[2020-09-26T22:24:41.904] [DEBUG] Driver[1]: Google Drive - Attempt 3 failed. There are 3 retries left
[2020-09-26T22:24:56.189] [DEBUG] Driver[1]: Google Drive - Attempt 4 failed. There are 2 retries left
[2020-09-26T22:25:14.441] [DEBUG] Driver[1]: Google Drive - Attempt 5 failed. There are 1 retries left


[2020-09-26T13:46:57.388] [INFO] Handle: Init - Processing torrent 9eaf2491b3bf306179ec21c8e0bcab0e541a0c53
hash: '8e49a090343e78b5879ff7db992e8b70eb689c93c7c69a542da20fd7146c1e5e',
size: 4.9,
torrentURL: '',
metadata: {
title: '自撮り神ありなの激盛りハメ「ラレ」撮り交尾 橋本ありな',
cover: '',
studio: 'FALENO',
series: '',
tags: [ '単体作品', 'ハイビジョン', '長身', 'ハメ撮り', 'お姉さん' ],
stars: [ [Object] ],
releaseDate: '2020-09-24',
screenshots: [
torrentHash: '9eaf2491b3bf306179ec21c8e0bcab0e541a0c53'
} {
title: '自撮り神ありなの激盛りハメ「ラレ」撮り交尾 橋本ありな',
cover: '',
studio: 'FALENO',
series: '',
tags: [ '単体作品', 'ハイビジョン', '長身', 'ハメ撮り', 'お姉さん' ],
stars: [
{ name: '橋本ありな', img: '' }
releaseDate: '2020-09-24',
screenshots: [
[2020-09-26T13:46:58.854] [ERROR] Handle: Init - FFMpeg threw an error Error: ffprobe exited with code 1
ffprobe version 4.2.1 Copyright (c) 2007-2019 the FFmpeg developers
built with gcc 9.2.0 (Alpine 9.2.0)
configuration: --prefix=/usr --enable-avresample --enable-avfilter --enable-gnutls --enable-gpl --enable-libass --enable-libmp3lame --enable-libvorbis --enable-libvpx --enable-libxvid --enable-libx264 --enable-libx265 --enable-libtheora --enable-libv4l2 --enable-postproc --enable-pic --enable-pthreads --enable-shared --enable-libxcb --disable-stripping --disable-static --disable-librtmp --enable-vaapi --enable-vdpau --enable-libopus --disable-debug
libavutil 56. 31.100 / 56. 31.100
libavcodec 58. 54.100 / 58. 54.100
libavformat 58. 29.100 / 58. 29.100
libavdevice 58. 8.100 / 58. 8.100
libavfilter 7. 57.100 / 7. 57.100
libavresample 4. 0. 0 / 4. 0. 0
libswscale 5. 5.100 / 5. 5.100
libswresample 3. 5.100 / 3. 5.100
libpostproc 55. 5.100 / 55. 5.100
/usr/app/tmp/downloads/JAVClub/FSDSS-098.mp4: No such file or directory

at ChildProcess.<anonymous> (/usr/app/node_modules/fluent-ffmpeg/lib/ffprobe.js:233:22)
at ChildProcess.emit (events.js:321:20)
at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (internal/child_process.js:275:12)

[2020-09-26T13:46:58.917] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Check torrent status] Job finished, setting timer
[2020-09-26T13:47:57.359] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Download queue] Starting job
[2020-09-26T13:47:57.362] [INFO] Pull: Init - Handling BGN-060's torrent, hash ad855a5aae9e5c0f010724c5f582aba24b134ce176cf6e66a5747fa54e87ed44
[2020-09-26T13:47:58.919] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Check torrent status] Starting job
[2020-09-26T13:47:58.922] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Check torrent status] Job finished, setting timer
[2020-09-26T13:47:59.555] [INFO] Pull: Init - [BGN-060] Adding to qBittorrent
[2020-09-26T13:47:59.680] [INFO] Pull: Init - Handling TIKP-049's torrent, hash 17159d1da9a36208c6de93c181b3abf22ad664607df41273f14e11a060a143e5
[2020-09-26T13:48:03.582] [INFO] Pull: Init - [TIKP-049] Adding to qBittorrent
[2020-09-26T13:48:03.590] [INFO] Pull: Init - Handling ONSG-027's torrent, hash d11e9e47f028594a7bfe4427110714ccced49b324db585435e02f7f15f34dec2
[2020-09-26T13:48:09.377] [INFO] Pull: Init - [ONSG-027] Adding to qBittorrent
[2020-09-26T13:48:09.387] [INFO] Pull: Init - Handling FSDSS-100's torrent, hash 64619d55a65f9d42f667579c21694c6e6d256e36d3a37b6fcebf90bb82f548bb
[2020-09-26T13:48:11.195] [INFO] Pull: Init - [FSDSS-100] Adding to qBittorrent
[2020-09-26T13:48:11.201] [INFO] Pull: Init - Handling STARS-265's torrent, hash df36715429f1e7b6e27461dea7928ddf630e58e21a164722cbf597f027e577ac
[2020-09-26T13:48:13.259] [INFO] Pull: Init - [STARS-265] Adding to qBittorrent
[2020-09-26T13:48:13.263] [INFO] Pull: Init - Handling HND-879's torrent, hash 91c0e0bacc8dbe836a7a25b781c858c8136b533093048f351b26a0bac5ed3df1
[2020-09-26T13:48:15.145] [INFO] Pull: Init - [HND-879] Adding to qBittorrent
[2020-09-26T13:48:15.150] [INFO] Pull: Init - Handling FSDSS-101's torrent, hash 3af4950a75b558f26650d8c811d3a6db744e5be7feac2d60e506ab65eaa5c2e5
[2020-09-26T13:48:19.100] [INFO] Pull: Init - [FSDSS-101] Adding to qBittorrent
[2020-09-26T13:48:19.103] [INFO] Pull: Init - Handling ABW-013's torrent, hash a2c6f313f00c3596611ad2dc93451ae3831f013dd18e3b156bac1f9fe5ba04c9
[2020-09-26T13:48:20.572] [INFO] Pull: Init - [ABW-013] Adding to qBittorrent
[2020-09-26T13:48:20.576] [INFO] Pull: Init - Handling FSDSS-098's torrent, hash 067f52665c2e72dbb4e192b12c35719f4d81142b31f95de83db540d7296c953e
[2020-09-26T13:48:22.453] [INFO] Pull: Init - [FSDSS-098] Adding to qBittorrent
[2020-09-26T13:48:22.457] [INFO] Pull: Init - Handling CAWD-120's torrent, hash b2fa066b1d605fff4a2a238ab1b11681d91670ca7528a69e5455c18ce319391c
[2020-09-26T13:48:24.077] [INFO] Pull: Init - [CAWD-120] Adding to qBittorrent
[2020-09-26T13:48:24.080] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Download queue] Job finished, setting timer
[2020-09-26T13:48:58.927] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Check torrent status] Starting job
[2020-09-26T13:48:58.931] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Check torrent status] Job finished, setting timer
[2020-09-26T13:49:24.083] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Download queue] Starting job
[2020-09-26T13:49:24.087] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Download queue] Job finished, setting timer
[2020-09-26T13:49:58.935] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Check torrent status] Starting job
[2020-09-26T13:49:58.943] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Check torrent status] Job finished, setting timer
[2020-09-26T13:50:24.089] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Download queue] Starting job
[2020-09-26T13:50:24.092] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Download queue] Job finished, setting timer
[2020-09-26T13:50:58.947] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Check torrent status] Starting job
[2020-09-26T13:50:58.950] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Check torrent status] Job finished, setting timer
[2020-09-26T13:51:01.965] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [OneJAV: 0] Starting job
Node { namespace: null, text: undefined, _selfCloseTag: false },
Node { namespace: null, text: undefined, _selfCloseTag: false },
Node { namespace: null, text: undefined, _selfCloseTag: false },
Node { namespace: null, text: undefined, _selfCloseTag: false },
Node { namespace: null, text: undefined, _selfCloseTag: false },
Node { namespace: null, text: undefined, _selfCloseTag: false },
Node { namespace: null, text: undefined, _selfCloseTag: false },
Node { namespace: null, text: undefined, _selfCloseTag: false },
Node { namespace: null, text: undefined, _selfCloseTag: false },
Node { namespace: null, text: undefined, _selfCloseTag: false }
[2020-09-26T13:51:06.096] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [OneJAV: 0] Job finished, setting timer
[2020-09-26T13:51:24.095] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Download queue] Starting job
[2020-09-26T13:51:24.100] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Download queue] Job finished, setting timer
[2020-09-26T13:51:58.951] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Check torrent status] Starting job
[2020-09-26T13:51:58.954] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Check torrent status] Job finished, setting timer
[2020-09-26T13:52:24.105] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Download queue] Starting job
[2020-09-26T13:52:24.108] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Download queue] Job finished, setting timer
[2020-09-26T13:52:58.956] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Check torrent status] Starting job
[2020-09-26T13:52:58.960] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Check torrent status] Job finished, setting timer
[2020-09-26T13:53:24.111] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Download queue] Starting job
[2020-09-26T13:53:24.115] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Download queue] Job finished, setting timer
[2020-09-26T13:53:58.963] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Check torrent status] Starting job
[2020-09-26T13:53:58.967] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Check torrent status] Job finished, setting timer
[2020-09-26T13:54:24.119] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Download queue] Starting job
[2020-09-26T13:54:24.122] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Download queue] Job finished, setting timer
[2020-09-26T13:54:58.969] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Check torrent status] Starting job
[2020-09-26T13:54:58.973] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Check torrent status] Job finished, setting timer
[2020-09-26T13:55:24.126] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Download queue] Starting job
[2020-09-26T13:55:24.131] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Download queue] Job finished, setting timer
[2020-09-26T13:55:58.975] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Check torrent status] Starting job
[2020-09-26T13:55:58.978] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Check torrent status] Job finished, setting timer
[2020-09-26T13:56:06.099] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [OneJAV: 0] Starting job
Node { namespace: null, text: undefined, _selfCloseTag: false },
Node { namespace: null, text: undefined, _selfCloseTag: false },
Node { namespace: null, text: undefined, _selfCloseTag: false },
Node { namespace: null, text: undefined, _selfCloseTag: false },
Node { namespace: null, text: undefined, _selfCloseTag: false },
Node { namespace: null, text: undefined, _selfCloseTag: false },
Node { namespace: null, text: undefined, _selfCloseTag: false },
Node { namespace: null, text: undefined, _selfCloseTag: false },
Node { namespace: null, text: undefined, _selfCloseTag: false },
Node { namespace: null, text: undefined, _selfCloseTag: false }
[2020-09-26T13:56:07.475] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [OneJAV: 0] Job finished, setting timer
[2020-09-26T13:56:24.135] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Download queue] Starting job
[2020-09-26T13:56:24.139] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Download queue] Job finished, setting timer
[2020-09-26T13:56:58.982] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Check torrent status] Starting job
[2020-09-26T13:56:58.985] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Check torrent status] Job finished, setting timer
[2020-09-26T13:57:24.143] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Download queue] Starting job
[2020-09-26T13:57:24.147] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Download queue] Job finished, setting timer
[2020-09-26T13:57:58.987] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Check torrent status] Starting job
[2020-09-26T13:57:58.990] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Check torrent status] Job finished, setting timer
[2020-09-26T13:58:24.151] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Download queue] Starting job
[2020-09-26T13:58:24.154] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Download queue] Job finished, setting timer
[2020-09-26T13:58:58.992] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Check torrent status] Starting job
[2020-09-26T13:58:58.996] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Check torrent status] Job finished, setting timer
[2020-09-26T13:59:24.158] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Download queue] Starting job
[2020-09-26T13:59:24.161] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Download queue] Job finished, setting timer
[2020-09-26T13:59:58.999] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Check torrent status] Starting job
[2020-09-26T13:59:59.002] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Check torrent status] Job finished, setting timer
[2020-09-26T14:00:24.163] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Download queue] Starting job
[2020-09-26T14:00:24.166] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Download queue] Job finished, setting timer
[2020-09-26T14:00:59.006] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Check torrent status] Starting job
[2020-09-26T14:00:59.009] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Check torrent status] Job finished, setting timer
[2020-09-26T14:01:07.476] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [OneJAV: 0] Starting job
Node { namespace: null, text: undefined, _selfCloseTag: false },
Node { namespace: null, text: undefined, _selfCloseTag: false },
Node { namespace: null, text: undefined, _selfCloseTag: false },
Node { namespace: null, text: undefined, _selfCloseTag: false },
Node { namespace: null, text: undefined, _selfCloseTag: false },
Node { namespace: null, text: undefined, _selfCloseTag: false },
Node { namespace: null, text: undefined, _selfCloseTag: false },
Node { namespace: null, text: undefined, _selfCloseTag: false },
Node { namespace: null, text: undefined, _selfCloseTag: false },
Node { namespace: null, text: undefined, _selfCloseTag: false }
[2020-09-26T14:01:12.522] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [OneJAV: 0] Job finished, setting timer
[2020-09-26T14:01:24.170] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Download queue] Starting job
[2020-09-26T14:01:24.174] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Download queue] Job finished, setting timer
[2020-09-26T14:01:59.011] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Check torrent status] Starting job
[2020-09-26T14:01:59.014] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Check torrent status] Job finished, setting timer
[2020-09-26T14:02:24.178] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Download queue] Starting job
[2020-09-26T14:02:24.182] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Download queue] Job finished, setting timer
[2020-09-26T14:02:59.017] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Check torrent status] Starting job
[2020-09-26T14:02:59.020] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Check torrent status] Job finished, setting timer
[2020-09-26T14:03:24.186] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Download queue] Starting job
[2020-09-26T14:03:24.190] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Download queue] Job finished, setting timer
[2020-09-26T14:03:59.022] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Check torrent status] Starting job
[2020-09-26T14:03:59.025] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Check torrent status] Job finished, setting timer
[2020-09-26T14:04:24.194] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Download queue] Starting job
[2020-09-26T14:04:24.197] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Download queue] Job finished, setting timer
[2020-09-26T14:04:59.029] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Check torrent status] Starting job
[2020-09-26T14:04:59.033] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Check torrent status] Job finished, setting timer
[2020-09-26T14:05:24.201] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Download queue] Starting job
[2020-09-26T14:05:24.205] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Download queue] Job finished, setting timer
[2020-09-26T14:05:59.035] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Check torrent status] Starting job
[2020-09-26T14:05:59.038] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Check torrent status] Job finished, setting timer
[2020-09-26T14:06:12.523] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [OneJAV: 0] Starting job
[2020-09-26T14:07:32.625] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Check torrent status] Starting job
[2020-09-26T14:07:33.014] [INFO] Pull: Init - Remote list [
driver: 'OneJAV',
url: '',
interval: 300
[2020-09-26T14:07:33.018] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [OneJAV: 0] Starting job
[2020-09-26T14:07:33.036] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Download queue] Starting job
[2020-09-26T14:07:33.418] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Check torrent status] Job finished, setting timer
[2020-09-26T14:07:33.421] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Download queue] Job finished, setting timer
Node { namespace: null, text: undefined, _selfCloseTag: false },
Node { namespace: null, text: undefined, _selfCloseTag: false },
Node { namespace: null, text: undefined, _selfCloseTag: false },
Node { namespace: null, text: undefined, _selfCloseTag: false },
Node { namespace: null, text: undefined, _selfCloseTag: false },
Node { namespace: null, text: undefined, _selfCloseTag: false },
Node { namespace: null, text: undefined, _selfCloseTag: false },
Node { namespace: null, text: undefined, _selfCloseTag: false },
Node { namespace: null, text: undefined, _selfCloseTag: false },
Node { namespace: null, text: undefined, _selfCloseTag: false }
[2020-09-26T14:07:34.430] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [OneJAV: 0] Job finished, setting timer
[2020-09-26T14:08:33.425] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Check torrent status] Starting job
[2020-09-26T14:08:33.428] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Download queue] Starting job
[2020-09-26T14:08:33.433] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Check torrent status] Job finished, setting timer
[2020-09-26T14:08:33.440] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Download queue] Job finished, setting timer
[2020-09-26T14:09:33.435] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Check torrent status] Starting job
[2020-09-26T14:09:34.144] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Download queue] Starting job
[2020-09-26T14:09:34.428] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Download queue] Job finished, setting timer
[2020-09-26T14:09:34.429] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Check torrent status] Job finished, setting timer
[2020-09-26T14:10:34.429] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Download queue] Starting job
[2020-09-26T14:10:39.131] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Check torrent status] Starting job
[2020-09-26T14:10:39.370] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Check torrent status] Job finished, setting timer
[2020-09-26T14:10:39.719] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Download queue] Job finished, setting timer
[2020-09-26T14:11:40.111] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Check torrent status] Starting job
[2020-09-26T14:11:44.470] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Download queue] Starting job
[2020-09-26T14:11:44.877] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Check torrent status] Job finished, setting timer
[2020-09-26T14:11:44.879] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Download queue] Job finished, setting timer
[2020-09-26T14:12:34.593] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [OneJAV: 0] Starting job
[2020-09-26T14:12:44.908] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Check torrent status] Starting job
[2020-09-26T14:12:44.910] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Download queue] Starting job
[2020-09-26T14:12:44.915] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Check torrent status] Job finished, setting timer
[2020-09-26T14:12:44.916] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Download queue] Job finished, setting timer
Node { namespace: null, text: undefined, _selfCloseTag: false },
Node { namespace: null, text: undefined, _selfCloseTag: false },
Node { namespace: null, text: undefined, _selfCloseTag: false },
Node { namespace: null, text: undefined, _selfCloseTag: false },
Node { namespace: null, text: undefined, _selfCloseTag: false },
Node { namespace: null, text: undefined, _selfCloseTag: false },
Node { namespace: null, text: undefined, _selfCloseTag: false },
Node { namespace: null, text: undefined, _selfCloseTag: false },
Node { namespace: null, text: undefined, _selfCloseTag: false },
Node { namespace: null, text: undefined, _selfCloseTag: false }
[2020-09-26T14:12:47.237] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [OneJAV: 0] Job finished, setting timer
[2020-09-26T14:13:44.916] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Check torrent status] Starting job
[2020-09-26T14:13:45.575] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Download queue] Starting job
[2020-09-26T14:13:45.579] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Check torrent status] Job finished, setting timer
[2020-09-26T14:13:45.580] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Download queue] Job finished, setting timer
[2020-09-26T14:14:45.579] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Check torrent status] Starting job
[2020-09-26T14:14:45.711] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Download queue] Starting job
[2020-09-26T14:14:45.826] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Check torrent status] Job finished, setting timer
[2020-09-26T14:14:45.828] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Download queue] Job finished, setting timer
[2020-09-26T14:15:45.831] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Check torrent status] Starting job
[2020-09-26T14:15:45.833] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Download queue] Starting job
[2020-09-26T14:15:45.836] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Check torrent status] Job finished, setting timer
[2020-09-26T14:15:45.837] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Download queue] Job finished, setting timer
[2020-09-26T14:16:45.839] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Check torrent status] Starting job
[2020-09-26T14:16:45.840] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Download queue] Starting job
[2020-09-26T14:16:45.844] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Check torrent status] Job finished, setting timer
[2020-09-26T14:16:45.845] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Download queue] Job finished, setting timer
[2020-09-26T14:17:45.847] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Check torrent status] Starting job
[2020-09-26T14:17:45.849] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Download queue] Starting job
[2020-09-26T14:17:45.851] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Check torrent status] Job finished, setting timer
[2020-09-26T14:17:45.853] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Download queue] Job finished, setting timer
[2020-09-26T14:17:47.238] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [OneJAV: 0] Starting job
Node { namespace: null, text: undefined, _selfCloseTag: false },
Node { namespace: null, text: undefined, _selfCloseTag: false },
Node { namespace: null, text: undefined, _selfCloseTag: false },
Node { namespace: null, text: undefined, _selfCloseTag: false },
Node { namespace: null, text: undefined, _selfCloseTag: false },
Node { namespace: null, text: undefined, _selfCloseTag: false },
Node { namespace: null, text: undefined, _selfCloseTag: false },
Node { namespace: null, text: undefined, _selfCloseTag: false },
Node { namespace: null, text: undefined, _selfCloseTag: false },
Node { namespace: null, text: undefined, _selfCloseTag: false }
[2020-09-26T14:17:51.298] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [OneJAV: 0] Job finished, setting timer
[2020-09-26T14:18:45.855] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Check torrent status] Starting job
[2020-09-26T14:18:45.856] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Download queue] Starting job
[2020-09-26T14:18:45.860] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Check torrent status] Job finished, setting timer
[2020-09-26T14:18:45.862] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Download queue] Job finished, setting timer
[2020-09-26T14:19:45.865] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Check torrent status] Starting job
[2020-09-26T14:19:45.866] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Download queue] Starting job
[2020-09-26T14:19:45.869] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Check torrent status] Job finished, setting timer
[2020-09-26T14:19:45.871] [INFO] Pull: Init - Handling FSDSS-099's torrent, hash 1c01535daa0a590941f7d9bd8842feb2689fdcd091adf3bcac8874ad2bbd60c9
[2020-09-26T14:19:49.884] [INFO] Pull: Init - [FSDSS-099] Adding to qBittorrent
[2020-09-26T14:19:53.079] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Download queue] Job finished, setting timer
[2020-09-26T14:20:45.871] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Check torrent status] Starting job
[2020-09-26T14:20:45.875] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Check torrent status] Job finished, setting timer
[2020-09-26T14:21:00.764] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Download queue] Starting job
[2020-09-26T14:21:00.769] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Download queue] Job finished, setting timer
[2020-09-26T14:21:45.877] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Check torrent status] Starting job
[2020-09-26T14:21:45.881] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Check torrent status] Job finished, setting timer
[2020-09-26T14:22:00.771] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Download queue] Starting job
[2020-09-26T14:22:00.774] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Download queue] Job finished, setting timer
[2020-09-26T14:22:45.884] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Check torrent status] Starting job
[2020-09-26T14:22:45.887] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Check torrent status] Job finished, setting timer
[2020-09-26T14:22:51.301] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [OneJAV: 0] Starting job
Node { namespace: null, text: undefined, _selfCloseTag: false },
Node { namespace: null, text: undefined, _selfCloseTag: false },
Node { namespace: null, text: undefined, _selfCloseTag: false },
Node { namespace: null, text: undefined, _selfCloseTag: false },
Node { namespace: null, text: undefined, _selfCloseTag: false },
Node { namespace: null, text: undefined, _selfCloseTag: false },
Node { namespace: null, text: undefined, _selfCloseTag: false },
Node { namespace: null, text: undefined, _selfCloseTag: false },
Node { namespace: null, text: undefined, _selfCloseTag: false },
Node { namespace: null, text: undefined, _selfCloseTag: false }
[2020-09-26T14:22:52.751] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [OneJAV: 0] Job finished, setting timer
[2020-09-26T14:23:00.776] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Download queue] Starting job
[2020-09-26T14:23:00.780] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Download queue] Job finished, setting timer
[2020-09-26T14:23:45.889] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Check torrent status] Starting job
[2020-09-26T14:23:45.892] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Check torrent status] Job finished, setting timer
[2020-09-26T14:24:00.782] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Download queue] Starting job
[2020-09-26T14:24:00.786] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Download queue] Job finished, setting timer
[2020-09-26T14:24:45.895] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Check torrent status] Starting job
[2020-09-26T14:24:45.898] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Check torrent status] Job finished, setting timer
[2020-09-26T14:25:00.788] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Download queue] Starting job
[2020-09-26T14:25:00.792] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Download queue] Job finished, setting timer
[2020-09-26T14:25:45.900] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Check torrent status] Starting job
[2020-09-26T14:25:45.903] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Check torrent status] Job finished, setting timer
[2020-09-26T14:26:00.795] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Download queue] Starting job
[2020-09-26T14:26:00.798] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Download queue] Job finished, setting timer
[2020-09-26T14:26:45.904] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Check torrent status] Starting job
[2020-09-26T14:26:45.907] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Check torrent status] Job finished, setting timer
[2020-09-26T14:27:00.803] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Download queue] Starting job
[2020-09-26T14:27:00.806] [INFO] Module: runAndSetInterval - [Download queue] Job finished, setting timer


INSERT INTO `drivers` (`id`, `name`, `driverType`, `driverData`, `isEnable`, `createTime`, `updateTime`) VALUES
(2, 'My first drive', 'gd', '{\"oAuth\":{\"client_id\":\"\",\"client_secret\":\"BzGuesxxxxxUvTzXyAXC\",\"redirect_uri\":\"urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob\",\"token\":{\"access_token\":\"ya29.a0AfH6xxxxxxxxxycZotCJcsjlnKNTnHZnT9_Z7kvHgCSPa2H8pVraIxJptC8YP8kdEOs6QC7HIKDDk3xQEoGEAv4TjMu8QKX-dh7RwVpfHHpZK7cOnCt1JuWFQjNRQgPHw8ZumOIWsGxxxxxxxaLWuVX58rg9mflPCAw\",\"refresh_token\":\"1//0eHvhUK_7spkssssssxxxxF-L9IrL9HfoUshrgIiGYiKe-oh7mqI5yW4gCBgd4YUOjuN1uBjl08d3B9a1WVhnVh4xX4ZvlE\",\"scope\":\"\",\"token_type\":\"Bearer\",\"expiry_date\":1583679345619}},\"drive\":{\"driveId\":\"15R5DRknP1Pxxxxxxxxxx2aamgVb\"},\"encryption\":{\"secret\":\"tsyxxxxxx524\",\"server\":\""}}', 1, '1583679345619', '1583679345619');


[2020-08-10T22:21:22.430] [DEBUG] Driver[2]: Google Drive - Attempt 5 failed. There are 1 retries left
[2020-08-10T22:21:27.456] [DEBUG] Driver[1]: Google Drive - Attempt 5 failed. There are 1 retries left
[2020-08-10T22:21:48.682] [DEBUG] Driver[2]: Google Drive - Attempt 6 failed. There are 0 retries left
[2020-08-10T22:21:53.653] [DEBUG] Driver[1]: Google Drive - Attempt 6 failed. There are 0 retries left
[2020-08-10T22:21:58.684] [ERROR] Driver[2]: Google Drive - Error while getting dir list name='info.json' GaxiosError: Shared drive not found: 1O6rDfVXddddddLdtsaF9B
    at Gaxios.<anonymous> (/usr/app/node_modules/gaxios/build/src/gaxios.js:73:27)
    at (<anonymous>)
    at fulfilled (/usr/app/node_modules/gaxios/build/src/gaxios.js:16:58)
    at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:93:5) {
  response: {
    config: {
      url: '',
      method: 'GET',
      paramsSerializer: [Function (anonymous)],
      headers: [Object],
      params: [Object: null prototype],
      validateStatus: [Function (anonymous)],
      responseType: 'json'
    data: { error: [Object] },
    headers: {
      'alt-svc': 'h3-29=":443"; ma=2592000,h3-27=":443"; ma=2592000,h3-T050=":443"; ma=2592000,h3-Q050=":443"; ma=2592000,h3-Q046=":443"; ma=2592000,h3-Q043=":443"; ma=2592000,quic=":443"; ma=2592000; v="46,43"',
      'cache-control': 'private, max-age=0',
      connection: 'close',
      'content-encoding': 'gzip',
      'content-security-policy': "frame-ancestors 'self'",
      'content-type': 'application/json; charset=UTF-8',
      date: 'Mon, 10 Aug 2020 14:21:48 GMT',
      expires: 'Mon, 10 Aug 2020 14:21:48 GMT',
      server: 'GSE',
      'transfer-encoding': 'chunked',
      vary: 'Origin, X-Origin',
      'x-content-type-options': 'nosniff',
      'x-frame-options': 'SAMEORIGIN',
      'x-xss-protection': '1; mode=block'
    status: 404,
    statusText: 'Not Found'
  config: {
    url: '',
    method: 'GET',
    paramsSerializer: [Function (anonymous)],
    headers: {
      'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip',
      'User-Agent': 'google-api-nodejs-client/0.7.2 (gzip)',
      Authorization: 'Bearer ya29.a0AfH6SMCBMxrQutwxxxxxxxxcYN17q1BmzLs4AaAiogXrWoqBHmZOWBrgJbI-oUDXxMEGVDaw7HQLhG25qOAZkDqhwTVT4_gDGaOL2iIIYExxxxxxxxKstoVMu5UCWcWu5UnYR6jWdWaquQz8IwULsI',
      Accept: 'application/json'
    params: [Object: null prototype] {
      pageSize: 1000,
      orderBy: 'modifiedTime desc',
      q: "name='info.json'",
      fields: 'nextPageToken, files(id, name, modifiedTime, parents, size)',
      driveId: '1O6rDfVXGJxxxxxxxxPyLdtsaF9B',
      corpora: 'drive',
      includeItemsFromAllDrives: true,
      supportsTeamDrives: true
    validateStatus: [Function (anonymous)],
    responseType: 'json'
  code: 404,
  errors: [
      domain: 'global',
      reason: 'notFound',
      message: 'Shared drive not found: 1O6rDfVXGJxxxxxxyLdtsaF9B',
      locationType: 'parameter',
      location: 'driveId'
  attemptNumber: 6,
  retriesLeft: 0

encryption 是不是一定要设置,留空或者用别人的行不行;这个应该只读gd里面的info.json文件到数据库里吧。


root@instance-2:~/JAVClub_web# npm run build 构建web前端时一直报错,但是我尝试用 run dev 可以运行起来, 错误信息是:
⠏ Building for production...Killed
npm ERR! errno 137
npm ERR! [email protected] build: vue-cli-service build
npm ERR! Exit status 137
npm ERR!
npm ERR! Failed at the [email protected] build script.
npm ERR! This is probably not a problem with npm. There is likely additional logging output above.

我又尝试在全局安装了 vue-cli 还是无果, 原来在ubunbu 18下这样,更换 debian9也是一样。 core已经配置好能跑起来监听3000端口了,就差这个web,请大佬指路。 谢谢

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