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moize's Introduction


moize is a blazing fast memoization library for JavaScript. It handles multiple parameters (including default values) without any additional configuration, and offers options to help satisfy a number of implementation-specific needs. It has no dependencies, and is ~3.2kb when minified and gzipped.

Table of contents

Upgrade notification

Users of moize 2.x.x may experience breaking changes, especially if using a custom cache or using moize.react in a mutative way. Please see the changelog for more details about how to manage the upgrade.


$ npm i moize --save


import moize from 'moize';

const method = (a, b) => {
  return a + b;

const memoized = moize(method);

memoized(2, 4); // 6
memoized(2, 4); // 6, pulled from cache

All parameter types are supported, including circular objects, functions, etc. There are also a number of shortcut methods to easily create memoization for targeted use-cases. You can even memoize functional React components based on their props + context combination (see the isReact option, or the moize.react shortcut method)!

Advanced usage

moize optionally accepts an object of options as either the second parameter or as the first step in a curried function:

// inline
moize(fn, options);

// curried

The full shape of these options:

  equals: Function, // custom method to compare equality between two objects
  isPromise: boolean, // is the result a promise
  isReact: boolean, // is the result a React component
  maxAge: number, // amount of time in milliseconds before the cache will expire
  maxArgs: number, // maximum number of arguments to use as key for caching
  maxSize: number, // maximum size of cache for this method
  promiseLibrary: Function|Object, // promise library to use when isPromise is true, if not using native promises
  serialize: boolean, // should the parameters be serialized instead of directly referenced
  serializeFunctions: boolean, // should functions be included in the serialization of multiple parameters
  serializer: Function // method to serialize the arguments to build a unique cache key


defaults to strict equality

Custom method used to compare equality of keys for cache purposes.

// using fast-equals's deep equal comparison method
import {deepEqual} from 'fast-equals';

const fn = ({foo, bar}) => {
  return [foo, bar];

const memoized = moize(fn, {
  equals: deepEqual

memoized({foo: 'foo', bar: 'bar'});
memoized({foo: 'foo', bar: 'bar'}); // pulls from cache

The equals method receives two parameters (cache key values) and should return a boolean. Please note that this will be slower than the default strict equality comparison, however how much slower is based on the efficiency of the method passed.


defaults to false

Is the computed value in the function a Promise, and should we cache the resolved value from that Promise. This is also available via the shortcut method of moize.promise.

const fn = async (item) => {
  return await item;

const memoized = moize(fn, {
  isPromise: true

The resolved value of the Promise will be stored in cache as a Promise itself, so that cached returns will always be in the form of a Promise. For common usage reasons, if the Promise is rejected, the cache entry will be deleted. Also, if a maxAge is provided, the countdown of that TTL will begin upon the resolution of the promise rather than at the instantiation of it.


defaults to false

Is the function passed a stateless functional React component. This is also available via the shortcut method of moize.react.

const Foo = ({bar, baz}) => {
  return (
      {bar}: {baz}

export default moize(Foo, {
  isReact: true

The method will do a shallow comparison of both props and context of the component based on strict equality. If you have mutative props and instead want to do a deep equals comparison, provide a custom equals option.


defaults to Infinity

The maximum amount of time in milliseconds that you want a computed value to be stored in cache for this method. This is also available via the shortcut method of moize.maxAge.

const fn = (item) => {
  return item;

const memoized = moize(fn, {
  maxAge: 1000 * 60 * 5 // five minutes


defaults to the length of arguments passed to the method

The maximum number of arguments used in creating the key for the cache. This is also available via the shortcut method of moize.maxArgs.

const fn = (item1, item2, item3) => {
  return item1 + item2 + item3;

const memoized = moize(fn, {
  maxArgs: 2

memoize('foo', 'bar', 'baz');
memoize('foo', 'bar', 'quz'); // pulls from cache, as the first two args are the same

Please note that if maxArgs is combined with either serialize or transformArgs, the following order is used:

  1. limit by maxArgs
  2. transform by transformArgs (if applicable)
  3. serialize by serializer (if applicable)


defaults to Infinity

The maximum number of values you want stored in cache for this method. Clearance of the cache once the maxSize is reached is on a Least Recently Used basis. This is also available via the shortcut method of moize.maxSize.

const fn = (item) => {
  return item;

const memoized = moize(fn, {
  maxSize: 5


A callback that is called when one of cache item expires. Note that maxAge must also be set because by default keys never expire.

const fn = (item) => {
  return item;

const memoized = moize(fn, {
  maxAge: 10000,
  onExpire(key) {

If you return false from this method, it will prevent the key's removal, instead refreshing the expiration in the same vein as updateExpire based on maxAge:

const fn = (item) => {
  return item;

let expirationAttempts = 0;

const memoized = moize(fn, {
  maxAge: 1000 * 10, // 10 seconds
  onExpire(key) {

    return expirationAttempts < 2;

memoized('foo'); // will expire key after 30 seconds, or 3 expiration attempts


defaults to native Promise

The promise library to use for resolution / rejection of promises.

const fn = (foo) => {
  return new Bluebird((resolve) => {

const memoized = moize(fn, {
  isPromise: true,
  promiseLibrary: Bluebird

Please note that for this option to work isPromise must be set to true.

You can use any library where the following aspects of the specification are included:

  • It is thenable (the generated promise has a .then() function)
  • The Promise object itself has .resolve() and .reject() functions on it

Most modern libraries (bluebird, q, etc.) include these by default, however if you are using a custom library that does not meet these requirements then you will need to implement them yourself. An example of a wrapper that creates the .resolve() and .reject() methods:

import foo from 'my-promise-library';

// create a wrapper so as not to touch the library itself

const customPromise = (fn) => {
  return foo(fn);

// lets pretend foo has a .result() method that has the first
// parameter as successful, second as failure

customPromise.resolve = function(value) {
  return foo.result(value);
customPromise.reject = function(error) {
  return foo.result(undefined, error);

const fn = (foo) => {
  return customPromise((resolve) => {

const memoized = moize(fn, {
  isPromise: true,
  promiseLibrary: customPromise


defaults to false

Serializes the parameters passed into a string and uses this as the key for cache comparison. This is also available via the shortcut method of moize.serialize.

const fn = (mutableObject) => {

const memoized = moize(fn, {
  serialize: true

const object = {
  foo: 'foo'

memoized(object); // 'foo' = 'bar';

memoized(object); // 'bar'

Please note that this is slower than the default key storage (see benchmarks). Also note that if serialize is combined with either maxArgs or transformArgs, the following order is used:

  1. limit by maxArgs (if applicable)
  2. transform by transformArgs (if applicable)
  3. serialize by serializer


defaults to false

A custom replacer is used when serializing to ensure functions are included in the key serialization.

const FunctionalComponent = ({onClickFoo}) => {
  return (
      Click me!

const MemoizedFunctionalComponent = moize(FunctionalComponent, {
  serialize: true,
  serializeFunctions: true

Please note that you must also set serialize to true for this setting to take effect.


defaults to serializeArguments in utils.js

Overrides the internal serializer when serializing the parameters for cache key comparison. The value returned from the function must be a valid value of keys for a Map; it does not need to a string, but should be unique from a strict equality perspective.

const serializer = (args) => {
  return JSON.stringify(args[0]);

const memoized = moize(fn, {
  serialize: true,

Please note that you must also set serialize to true for this setting to take effect.


Transform the arguments passed before it is used as a key. The function accepts a single argument, the Array of args, and must also return an Array.

const fn = (one, two, three) => {
  return [two, three];

const ignoreFirstArg = (args) => {
  return args.slice(1);

const moized = moize(fn, {
  transformArgs: ignoreFirstArg

moize('foo', 'bar', 'baz');
moize(null, 'bar', 'baz'); // pulled from cache

Please note that if transformArgs is combined with either maxArgs or serialize, the following order is used:

  1. limit by maxArgs (if applicable)
  2. transform by transformArgs
  3. serialize by serializer (if applicable)


When a maxAge is set, clear out the scheduled expiration of the key whenever that key is retrieved, updating the new expiration to be based on the last retrieval from cache.

const fn = (item) => {
  return item;

const memoized = moize(fn, {
  maxAge: 1000 * 60 * 5, // five minutes
  updateExpire: true


setTimeout(() => {
  memoized('foo'); // hits cache, which updates the expire to be 5 minutes from this run instead of the first
}, 1000 * 60);

Usage with shortcut methods


Pre-applies the maxAge option as a curriable method.

import moize from 'moize';

const foo = (bar, baz) => {
  return `${bar} ${baz}`;

export default moize.maxAge(5000)(foo);


Pre-applies the maxArgs option as a curriable method.

import moize from 'moize';

const foo = (bar, baz) => {
  return `${bar} ${baz}`;

export default moize.maxArgs(1)(foo);


Pre-applies the maxSize option as a curriable method.

import moize from 'moize';

const foo = (bar, baz) => {
  return `${bar} ${baz}`;

export default moize.maxSize(5)(foo);


Pre-applies the isPromise option.

import moize from 'moize';

const foo = async (bar, baz) => {
  return await someApiCall(bar, baz);

export default moize.promise(foo);

Please note that if you want to provide a custom promiseLibrary, you must do so with additional options:

const additionalOptions = {
  promiseLibrary: Bluebird

moize.promise(fn, additionalOptions);
// or


Shortcut for memoizing functional components in React. This uses a special cache key that will do a shallow equal comparison of changes to both props and context.

import moize from 'moize';

const Foo = ({bar, baz}) => {
  return (
      {bar} {baz}

export default moize.react(Foo);

Also, it should be noted that in usages that involve a lot of variety in the parameter changes, this has the potential for excessive memory consumption, as the cache will retain the history of all elements. It is therefore recommended to apply a maxSize, or to use the shortcut method moize.reactSimple, which automatically sets the maxSize to 1.

Please note moize.react will not operate with components made via the class instantiation, as they do not offer the same referential transparency.


Shortcut for memoizing functional components in React, with the cache size limited to a single entry. This mimics the PureComponent optimization, where the cache will only contain the component with the most recent props and context combination.

import moize from 'moize';

const Foo = ({bar, baz}) => {
  return (
      {bar} {baz}

export default moize.reactSimple(Foo);

Please note moize.reactSimple will not operate with components made via the class instantiation, as they do not offer the same referential transparency.


Pre-applies the serialize option.

import moize from 'moize';

const foo = (bar, baz) => {
  return `${bar} ${baz}`;

export default moize.serialize(foo);

Please note that if you want to serializeFunctions or provide a custom serializer, you must do so with additional options:

const additionalOptions = {
  serializeFunctions: true

moize.serialize(fn, additionalOptions);
// or


Pre-applies the maxSize option with 1.

import moize from 'moize';

const foo = (bar, baz) => {
  return `${bar} ${baz}`;

export default moize.simple(foo);


Starting with version 2.3.0, you can compose moize methods. This will create a new memoized method with the original function that shallowly merges the options of the two setups. Example:

import moize from 'moize';

const Foo = (props) => {
  return (
    <div {...props}/>

// memoizing with react, as since 2.0.0
const MemoizedFoo = moize.react(Foo);

// creating a separately-memoized method that has maxSize of 5
const LastFiveFoo = moize.maxSize(5)(MemoizedFoo);

You can also create an options-first curriable version of moize if you only pass the options:

import moize from 'moize';

// creates a function that will memoize what is passed
const limitedSerializedMoize = moize({
  maxSize: 5,
  serialize: true

const foo = (bird) => {
  return `${bird} is the word`;

const moizedFoo = limitedSerializedMoize(foo);

You can also combine all of these options with moize.compose to create moize wrappers with pre-defined options.

import moize from 'moize';

// creates a moizer that will have the options of
// {isReact: true, maxAge: 5000, maxSize: 5}
const superLimitedReactMoize = moize.compose(moize.react, moize.maxSize(5), moize.maxAge(5000));


There currently is only one method to introspect objects specific to moize, but if you want more just ask!


Is the function passed a moized function.

const fn = () => {};
const moizedFn = moize(fn);

moize.isMoized(fn); // false
moize.isMoized(moizedFn); // true


All values provided are the number of operations per second (ops/sec) calculated by the Benchmark suite. Note that underscore, lodash, and ramda do not support mulitple-parameter memoization, so they are not included in those benchmarks.

Each benchmark was performed using the default configuration of the library, with a fibonacci calculation based on a starting parameter of 35, and in the case of multiple parameters a second parameter (boolean for primitives, object for complex objects) was used.

Single parameter

Single parameter image

Operations / second Relative margin of error
moize 44,547,124 0.64%
fast-memoize 30,048,291 0.97%
moize (serialized) 14,877,726 0.63%
underscore 13,821,853 0.61%
memoizee 11,494,292 0.90%
lodash 10,020,324 0.52%
lru-memoize 10,017,832 1.30%
Addy Osmani 4,423,578 0.76%
memoizerific 2,174,503 1.31%
ramda 1,171,053 0.71%

Multiple parameters (primitives only)

Multiple primitive parameters image

Operations / second Relative margin of error
moize 24,947,214 0.77%
moize (serialized) 10,982,454 0.84%
memoizee 8,602,634 0.59%
lru-memoize 7,667,460 1.58%
Addy Osmani 2,039,761 0.86%
memoizerific 1,336,321 0.81%
fast-memoize 844,633 0.76%

Multiple parameters (complex objects)

Multiple complex parameters image

Operations / second Relative margin of error
moize 24,146,198 1.16%
memoizee 8,324,025 0.86%
lru-memoize 7,986,555 1.15%
moize (serialized) 1,798,895 0.95%
memoizerific 1,416,617 1.15%
Addy Osmani 1,097,775 0.78%
fast-memoize 746,371 1.03%

Direct cache manipulation

There are a few methods provided on the moized function which allow for programmatic manipulation of the cache:

add(key, value)

This will manually add the value at key in cache if key does not already exist. key is an Array of values, meant to reflect the arguments passed to the method.

// single parameter is straightforward
const memoized = moize((item) => {
  return item;

memoized.add(['foo'], 'bar');

// pulls from cache


This will clear all values in the cache, resetting it to an empty state.

const memoized = moize((item) => {
  return item;



This will return true if a cache entry exists for the key passed, else will return false. key is an Array of values, meant to reflect the arguments passed to the method.

const memoized = moize((first, second) => {
  return [first, second];

memoized('foo', 'bar');

console.log(memoized.has(['foo', 'bar'])); // true
console.log(memoized.has(['bar', 'baz'])); // false


This will return a list of the current keys in cache.

const memoized = moize((item) => {
  return item;

const foo = 'foo';


const bar = {
  baz: 'baz'


const keys = memoized.keys(); // ['foo', {baz: 'baz'}]


This will remove the provided key from cache. key is an Array of values, meant to reflect the arguments passed to the method.

const memoized = moize((item) => {
  return item;

const foo = {
  bar: 'baz'



// will re-execute, as it is no longer in cache


This will return a list of the current values in cache when the native Cache.

const memoized = moize((item) => {
  return {

const foo = 'foo';


const bar = {
  baz: 'baz'


const values = memoized.values(); // [{item: 'foo'}, {item: {baz: 'baz'}}]

Browser support

  • Chrome (all versions)
  • Firefox (all versions)
  • Edge (all versions)
  • Opera 15+
  • IE 9+
  • Safari 6+
  • iOS 8+
  • Android 4+


Standard stuff, clone the repo and npm install dependencies. The npm scripts available:

  • build => run webpack to build development dist file with NODE_ENV=development
  • build:minifed => run webpack to build production dist file with NODE_ENV=production
  • dev => run webpack dev server to run example app (playground!)
  • dist => runs build and build-minified
  • docs => builds the docs via jsdoc
  • lint => run ESLint against all files in the src folder
  • prepublish => runs compile-for-publish
  • prepublish:compile => run lint, test, transpile:es, transpile:lib, dist
  • test => run AVA test functions with NODE_ENV=test
  • test:coverage => run test but with nyc for coverage checker
  • test:watch => run test, but with persistent watcher
  • transpile:lib => run babel against all files in src to create files in lib
  • transpile:es => run babel against all files in src to create files in es, preserving ES2015 modules (for pkg.module)

moize's People


planttheidea avatar redsandro avatar aduth avatar vhfmag avatar tquetano-r7 avatar


James Cloos avatar

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