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JavaScript obfuscator


JavaScript Obfuscator is a powerful free obfuscator for JavaScript, containing a variety of features which provide protection for your source code.

Key features:

  • variables renaming
  • strings extraction and encryption
  • dead code injection
  • control flow flattening
  • various code transformations
  • and more...

The example of obfuscated code:

Online version:


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NOTE! the README on the master branch might not match that of the latest stable release!

If you have a question, check this section first: FAQ

⚠️ Important

Only obfuscate the code that belongs to you.

It is not recommended to obfuscate vendor scripts and polyfills, since the obfuscated code is 15-80% slower (depends on options) and the files are significantly larger.


Using Yarn or NPM

Install the package with Yarn or NPM and add it to your dependencies or devDependencies:

$ yarn add --dev javascript-obfuscator


$ npm install --save-dev javascript-obfuscator

In a Browser

From CDN:

<script src=""></script>

From node_modules:

<script src="./node_modules/javascript-obfuscator/dist/index.browser.js"></script>


var JavaScriptObfuscator = require('javascript-obfuscator');

var obfuscationResult = JavaScriptObfuscator.obfuscate(
            var variable1 = '5' - 3;
            var variable2 = '5' + 3;
            var variable3 = '5' + - '2';
            var variable4 = ['10','10','10','10','10'].map(parseInt);
            var variable5 = 'foo ' + 1 + 1;
        compact: false,
        controlFlowFlattening: true,
        controlFlowFlatteningThreshold: 1,
        numbersToExpressions: true,
        simplify: true,
        stringArrayShuffle: true,
        splitStrings: true,
        stringArrayThreshold: 1

var _0x9947 = [
function _0x33e4(_0x1809b5, _0x37ef6e) {
    return _0x33e4 = function (_0x338a69, _0x39ad79) {
        _0x338a69 = _0x338a69 - (0x1939 + -0xf * 0x1f3 + 0x1 * 0x469);
        var _0x2b223a = _0x9947[_0x338a69];
        return _0x2b223a;
    }, _0x33e4(_0x1809b5, _0x37ef6e);
(function (_0x431d87, _0x156c7f) {
    var _0x10cf6e = _0x33e4;
    while (!![]) {
        try {
            var _0x330ad1 = -parseInt(_0x10cf6e(0x6c)) * -parseInt(_0x10cf6e(0x6d)) + -parseInt(_0x10cf6e(0x74)) * -parseInt(_0x10cf6e(0x78)) + parseInt(_0x10cf6e(0x6a)) + -parseInt(_0x10cf6e(0x70)) + parseInt(_0x10cf6e(0x6e)) * -parseInt(_0x10cf6e(0x75)) + parseInt(_0x10cf6e(0x72)) + -parseInt(_0x10cf6e(0x67)) * parseInt(_0x10cf6e(0x73));
            if (_0x330ad1 === _0x156c7f)
        } catch (_0x9f878) {
}(_0x9947, -0xb6270 + 0x4dfd2 * 0x2 + 0x75460 * 0x2), function () {
    var _0x1f346d = _0x33e4, _0x860db8 = {
            'ytpdx': _0x1f346d(0x6b) + _0x1f346d(0x71),
            'bvmqO': function (_0x560787, _0x519b9e) {
                return _0x560787 - _0x519b9e;
            'rDjOa': function (_0x4501fe, _0x2b07a3) {
                return _0x4501fe + _0x2b07a3;
            'xPfLC': function (_0x5f3c9b, _0x434936) {
                return _0x5f3c9b + _0x434936;
            'XBoAA': function (_0x535b8a, _0x42eef4) {
                return _0x535b8a + _0x42eef4;
            'iBHph': _0x1f346d(0x65)
        }, _0x346c55 = _0x860db8[_0x1f346d(0x69)][_0x1f346d(0x79)]('|'), _0x3bf817 = 0x4bb * 0x1 + 0x801 + -0xcbc;
    while (!![]) {
        switch (_0x346c55[_0x3bf817++]) {
        case '0':
        case '1':
        case '2':
            var _0x65977d = _0x860db8[_0x1f346d(0x66)]('5', -0x586 + -0x2195 + -0x6 * -0x685);
        case '3':
        case '4':
            var _0x56d39b = _0x860db8[_0x1f346d(0x76)]('5', -'2');
        case '5':
        case '6':
            var _0x544285 = [
        case '7':
            var _0x4c96d8 = _0x860db8[_0x1f346d(0x68)]('5', 0x622 * -0x6 + 0x4a * 0x3 + 0x1 * 0x23f1);
        case '8':
        case '9':
            var _0x101028 = _0x860db8[_0x1f346d(0x6f)](_0x860db8[_0x1f346d(0x6f)](_0x860db8[_0x1f346d(0x77)], 0x6fb * 0x5 + 0x1ebf * 0x1 + -0x41a5), 0x209 * 0xa + 0x1314 + -0x276d);

obfuscate(sourceCode, options)

Returns ObfuscationResult object which contains two public methods:

  • getObfuscatedCode() - returns string with obfuscated code;
  • getSourceMap() - if sourceMap option is enabled - returns string with source map or an empty string if sourceMapMode option is set as inline;
  • getIdentifierNamesCache() - returns object with identifier names cache if identifierNamesCache option is enabled, null overwise.

Calling toString() for ObfuscationResult object will return string with obfuscated code.

Method takes two parameters, sourceCode and options – the source code and the options respectively:

  • sourceCode (string, default: null) – any valid source code, passed as a string;
  • options (Object, default: null) – an object with options.

For available options, see options.

obfuscateMultiple(sourceCodesObject, options)

Accepts sourceCodesObject that is a map which keys are identifiers of source codes and values are source codes:

    foo: 'var foo = 1;',
    bar: 'var bar = 2;'

Returns a map object which keys are identifiers of source codes and values are ObfuscationResult objects.


Returns an options object for the passed options preset name.

CLI usage

See CLI options.

Obfuscate single file


javascript-obfuscator input_file_name.js [options]
javascript-obfuscator input_file_name.js --output output_file_name.js [options]
javascript-obfuscator input_file_name.js --output output_folder_name [options]
javascript-obfuscator input_folder_name --output output_folder_name [options]

Obfuscation of single input file with .js extension.

If the destination path is not specified with the --output option, the obfuscated file will be saved into the input file directory, with INPUT_FILE_NAME-obfuscated.js name.

Some examples:

javascript-obfuscator samples/sample.js --compact true --self-defending false
// creates a new file samples/sample-obfuscated.js

javascript-obfuscator samples/sample.js --output output/output.js --compact true --self-defending false
// creates a new file output/output.js

Obfuscate directory recursively


javascript-obfuscator ./dist [options]
// creates a new obfuscated files under `./dist` directory near the input files with `obfuscated` postfix

javascript-obfuscator ./dist --output ./dist/obfuscated [options]
// creates a folder structure with obfuscated files under `./dist/obfuscated` path

Obfuscation of all .js files under input directory. If this directory contains already obfuscated files with -obfuscated postfix - these files will ignored.

Obfuscated files will saved into the input directory under INPUT_FILE_NAME-obfuscated.js name.

Conditional comments

You can disable and enable obfuscation for specific parts of the code by adding following comments:

  • disable: // javascript-obfuscator:disable or /* javascript-obfuscator:disable */;
  • enable: // javascript-obfuscator:enable or /* javascript-obfuscator:enable */.


// input
var foo = 1;
// javascript-obfuscator:disable
var bar = 2;

// output
var _0xabc123 = 0x1;
var bar = 2;

Conditional comments affect only direct transformations of AST-tree nodes. All child transformations still will be applied to the AST-tree nodes.

For example:

  • Obfuscation of the variable's name at its declaration is called direct transformation;
  • Obfuscation of the variable's name beyond its declaration is called child transformation.

Kind of variables

Kind of variables of inserted nodes will auto-detected, based on most prevailing kind of variables of source code.

Conflicts of identifier names between different files

During obfuscation of the different files, the same names can be generated for the global identifiers between these files. To prevent this set the unique prefix for all global identifiers for each obfuscated file with identifiersPrefix option.

When using CLI this prefix will be added automatically.

JavaScript Obfuscator Options

Following options are available for the JS Obfuscator:


    compact: true,
    controlFlowFlattening: false,
    controlFlowFlatteningThreshold: 0.75,
    deadCodeInjection: false,
    deadCodeInjectionThreshold: 0.4,
    debugProtection: false,
    debugProtectionInterval: 0,
    disableConsoleOutput: false,
    domainLock: [],
    domainLockRedirectUrl: 'about:blank',
    forceTransformStrings: [],
    identifierNamesCache: null,
    identifierNamesGenerator: 'hexadecimal',
    identifiersDictionary: [],
    identifiersPrefix: '',
    ignoreImports: false,
    inputFileName: '',
    log: false,
    numbersToExpressions: false,
    optionsPreset: 'default',
    renameGlobals: false,
    renameProperties: false,
    renamePropertiesMode: 'safe',
    reservedNames: [],
    reservedStrings: [],
    seed: 0,
    selfDefending: false,
    simplify: true,
    sourceMap: false,
    sourceMapBaseUrl: '',
    sourceMapFileName: '',
    sourceMapMode: 'separate',
    sourceMapSourcesMode: 'sources-content',
    splitStrings: false,
    splitStringsChunkLength: 10,
    stringArray: true,
    stringArrayCallsTransform: true,
    stringArrayCallsTransformThreshold: 0.5,
    stringArrayEncoding: [],
    stringArrayIndexesType: [
    stringArrayIndexShift: true,
    stringArrayRotate: true,
    stringArrayShuffle: true,
    stringArrayWrappersCount: 1,
    stringArrayWrappersChainedCalls: true,
    stringArrayWrappersParametersMaxCount: 2,
    stringArrayWrappersType: 'variable',
    stringArrayThreshold: 0.75,
    target: 'browser',
    transformObjectKeys: false,
    unicodeEscapeSequence: false

CLI options:

    -v, --version
    -h, --help

    -o, --output

    --compact <boolean>
    --config <string>
    --control-flow-flattening <boolean>
    --control-flow-flattening-threshold <number>
    --dead-code-injection <boolean>
    --dead-code-injection-threshold <number>
    --debug-protection <boolean>
    --debug-protection-interval <number>
    --disable-console-output <boolean>
    --domain-lock '<list>' (comma separated)
    --domain-lock-redirect-url <string>
    --exclude '<list>' (comma separated)
    --force-transform-strings '<list>' (comma separated)
    --identifier-names-cache-path <string>
    --identifier-names-generator <string> [dictionary, hexadecimal, mangled, mangled-shuffled]
    --identifiers-dictionary '<list>' (comma separated)
    --identifiers-prefix <string>
    --ignore-imports <boolean>
    --log <boolean>
    --numbers-to-expressions <boolean>
    --options-preset <string> [default, low-obfuscation, medium-obfuscation, high-obfuscation]
    --rename-globals <boolean>
    --rename-properties <boolean>
    --rename-properties-mode <string> [safe, unsafe]
    --reserved-names '<list>' (comma separated)
    --reserved-strings '<list>' (comma separated)
    --seed <string|number>
    --self-defending <boolean>
    --simplify <boolean>
    --source-map <boolean>
    --source-map-base-url <string>
    --source-map-file-name <string>
    --source-map-mode <string> [inline, separate]
    --source-map-sources-mode <string> [sources, sources-content]
    --split-strings <boolean>
    --split-strings-chunk-length <number>
    --string-array <boolean>
    --string-array-calls-transform <boolean>
    --string-array-calls-transform-threshold <number>
    --string-array-encoding '<list>' (comma separated) [none, base64, rc4]
    --string-array-indexes-type '<list>' (comma separated) [hexadecimal-number, hexadecimal-numeric-string]
    --string-array-index-shift <boolean>
    --string-array-rotate <boolean>
    --string-array-shuffle <boolean>
    --string-array-wrappers-count <number>
    --string-array-wrappers-chained-calls <boolean>
    --string-array-wrappers-parameters-max-count <number>
    --string-array-wrappers-type <string> [variable, function]
    --string-array-threshold <number>
    --target <string> [browser, browser-no-eval, node]
    --transform-object-keys <boolean>
    --unicode-escape-sequence <boolean>


Type: boolean Default: true

Compact code output on one line.


Type: string Default: ``

Name of JS/JSON config file which contains obfuscator options. These will be overridden by options passed directly to CLI


Type: boolean Default: false

⚠️ This option greatly affects the performance up to 1.5x slower runtime speed. Use controlFlowFlatteningThreshold to set percentage of nodes that will affected by control flow flattening.

Enables code control flow flattening. Control flow flattening is a structure transformation of the source code that hinders program comprehension.


// input
    function foo () {
        return function () {
            var sum = 1 + 2;

// output
(function () {
    function _0x3bfc5c() {
        return function () {
            var _0x3260a5 = {
                'WtABe': '4|0|6|5|3|2|1',
                'GokKo': function _0xf87260(_0x427a8e, _0x43354c) {
                    return _0x427a8e + _0x43354c;
            var _0x1ad4d6 = _0x3260a5['WtABe']['split']('|'), _0x1a7b12 = 0x0;
            while (!![]) {
                switch (_0x1ad4d6[_0x1a7b12++]) {
                case '0':
                case '1':
                case '2':
                case '3':
                case '4':
                    var _0x1f2f2f = _0x3260a5['GokKo'](0x1, 0x2);
                case '5':
                case '6':



Type: number Default: 0.75 Min: 0 Max: 1

The probability that the controlFlowFlattening transformation will be applied to any given node.

This setting is especially useful for large code size because large amounts of control flow transformations can slow down your code and increase code size.

controlFlowFlatteningThreshold: 0 equals to controlFlowFlattening: false.


Type: boolean Default: false

⚠️ Dramatically increases size of obfuscated code (up to 200%), use only if size of obfuscated code doesn't matter. Use deadCodeInjectionThreshold to set percentage of nodes that will affected by dead code injection.
⚠️ This option forcibly enables stringArray option.

With this option, random blocks of dead code will be added to the obfuscated code.


// input
    if (true) {
        var foo = function () {
        var bar = function () {
        var baz = function () {
        var bark = function () {
        var hawk = function () {


// output
var _0x37b8 = [
function _0x43a7(_0x12cf56, _0x587376) {
    _0x43a7 = function (_0x2f87a8, _0x47eac2) {
        _0x2f87a8 = _0x2f87a8 - (0x16a7 * 0x1 + 0x5 * 0x151 + -0x1c92);
        var _0x341e03 = _0x37b8[_0x2f87a8];
        return _0x341e03;
    return _0x43a7(_0x12cf56, _0x587376);
(function () {
    if (!![]) {
        var _0xbbe28f = function () {
            var _0x2fc85f = _0x43a7;
            if (_0x2fc85f(0xaf) === _0x2fc85f(0xae)) {
            } else {
        var _0x5e46bc = function () {
            var _0x15b472 = _0x43a7;
            if (_0x15b472(0xb6) !== _0x15b472(0xaa)) {
            } else {
        var _0x3669e8 = function () {
            var _0x47a442 = _0x43a7;
            if (_0x47a442(0xb7) !== _0x47a442(0xb0)) {
            } else {
        var _0x28b05a = function () {
            var _0x497902 = _0x43a7;
            if (_0x497902(0xb1) === _0x497902(0xb1)) {
            } else {
        var _0x402a54 = function () {
            var _0x1906b7 = _0x43a7;
            if (_0x1906b7(0xab) === _0x1906b7(0xac)) {
            } else {


Type: number Default: 0.4 Min: 0 Max: 1

Allows to set percentage of nodes that will affected by deadCodeInjection.


Type: boolean Default: false

⚠️ Can freeze your browser if you open the Developer Tools.

This option makes it almost impossible to use the debugger function of the Developer Tools (both on WebKit-based and Mozilla Firefox).


Type: number Default: 0

⚠️ Can freeze your browser! Use at own risk.

If set, an interval in milliseconds is used to force the debug mode on the Console tab, making it harder to use other features of the Developer Tools. Works if debugProtection is enabled. Recommended value is between 2000 and 4000 milliseconds.


Type: boolean Default: false

⚠️ This option disables console calls globally for all scripts

Disables the use of console.log,, console.error, console.warn, console.debug, console.exception and console.trace by replacing them with empty functions. This makes the use of the debugger harder.


Type: string[] Default: []

⚠️ This option does not work with target: 'node'

Allows to run the obfuscated source code only on specific domains and/or sub-domains. This makes really hard for someone to just copy and paste your source code and run it elsewhere.

If the source code isn't run on the domains specified by this option, the browser will be redirected to a passed to the domainLockRedirectUrl option URL.

Multiple domains and sub-domains

It's possible to lock your code to more than one domain or sub-domain. For instance, to lock it so the code only runs on add To make it work on the root domain including any sub-domains (,, use


Type: string Default: about:blank

⚠️ This option does not work with target: 'node'

Allows the browser to be redirected to a passed URL if the source code isn't run on the domains specified by domainLock


Type: string[] Default: []

A file names or globs which indicates files to exclude from obfuscation.


Type: string[] Default: []

Enables force transformation of string literals, which being matched by passed RegExp patterns.

⚠️ This option affects only strings that shouldn't be transformed by stringArrayThreshold (or possible other thresholds in the future)

The option has a priority over reservedStrings option but hasn't a priority over conditional comments.


		forceTransformStrings: [


Type: Object | null Default: null

The main goal for this option is the ability to use the same identifier names during obfuscation of multiple sources/files.

Currently the two types of the identifiers are supported:

  • Global identifiers:
    • All global identifiers will be written to the cache;
    • All matched undeclared global identifiers will be replaced by the values from the cache.
  • Property identifiers, only when renameProperties option is enabled:
    • All property identifiers will be written to the cache;
    • All matched property identifiers will be replaced by the values from the cache.

Node.js API

If a null value is passed, completely disables the cache.

If an empty object ({}) is passed, enables the writing identifier names to the cache-object (TIdentifierNamesCache type). This cache-object will be accessed through the getIdentifierNamesCache method call of ObfuscationResult object.

The resulting cache-object can be next used as identifierNamesGenerator option value for using these names during obfuscation of all matched identifier names of next sources.


const source1ObfuscationResult = JavaScriptObfuscator.obfuscate(
        function foo(arg) {
        function bar() {
            var bark = 2;
        compact: false,
        identifierNamesCache: {},
        renameGlobals: true

        globalIdentifiers: {
            foo: '_0x5de86d',
            bar: '_0x2a943b'

const source2ObfuscationResult = JavaScriptObfuscator.obfuscate(
        // Expecting that these global functions are defined in another obfuscated file
        // Expecting that this global function is defined in third-party package
        compact: false,
        identifierNamesCache: source1ObfuscationResult.getIdentifierNamesCache(),
        renameGlobals: true



CLI has a different option --identifier-names-cache-path that allows defining a path to the existing .json file that will be used to read and write identifier names cache.

If a path to the empty file will be passed - identifier names cache will be written to that file.

This file with existing cache can be used again as --identifier-names-cache-path option value for using these names during obfuscation of all matched identifier names of the next files.


Type: string Default: hexadecimal

Sets identifier names generator.

Available values:

  • dictionary: identifier names from identifiersDictionary list
  • hexadecimal: identifier names like _0xabc123
  • mangled: short identifier names like a, b, c
  • mangled-shuffled: same as mangled but with shuffled alphabet


Type: string[] Default: []

Sets identifiers dictionary for identifierNamesGenerator: dictionary option. Each identifier from the dictionary will be used in a few variants with a different casing of each character. Thus, the number of identifiers in the dictionary should depend on the identifiers amount at original source code.


Type: string Default: ''

Sets prefix for all global identifiers.

Use this option when you want to obfuscate multiple files. This option helps to avoid conflicts between global identifiers of these files. Prefix should be different for every file.


Type: boolean Default: false

Prevents obfuscation of require imports. Could be helpful in some cases when for some reason runtime environment requires these imports with static strings only.


Type: string Default: ''

Allows to set name of the input file with source code. This name will be used internally for source map generation. Required when using NodeJS API and sourceMapSourcesMode option has sources value`.


Type: boolean Default: false

Enables logging of the information to the console.


Type: boolean Default: false

Enables numbers conversion to expressions


// input
const foo = 1234;

// output
const foo=-0xd93+-0x10b4+0x41*0x67+0x84e*0x3+-0xff8;


Type: string Default: default

Allows to set options preset.

Available values:

  • default;
  • low-obfuscation;
  • medium-obfuscation;
  • high-obfuscation.

All addition options will be merged with selected options preset.


Type: boolean Default: false

⚠️ this option can break your code. Enable it only if you know what it does!

Enables obfuscation of global variable and function names with declaration.


Type: boolean Default: false

⚠️ this option MAY break your code. Enable it only if you know what it does!

Enables renaming of property names. All built-in DOM properties and properties in core JavaScript classes will be ignored.

To switch between safe and unsafe modes of this option use renamePropertiesMode option.

To set format of renamed property names use identifierNamesGenerator option.

To control which properties will be renamed use reservedNames option.


// input
(function () {
    const foo = {
        prop1: 1,
        prop2: 2,
        calc: function () {
            return this.prop1 + this.prop2;

// output
(function () {
    const _0x46529b = {
        '_0x10cec7': 0x1,
        '_0xc1c0ca': 0x2,
        '_0x4b961d': function () {
            return this['_0x10cec7'] + this['_0xc1c0ca'];


Type: string Default: safe

⚠️ Even in safe mode, renameProperties option MAY break your code.

Specifies renameProperties option mode:

  • safe - default behaviour after 2.11.0 release. Trying to rename properties in a more safe way to prevent runtime errors. With this mode some properties will be excluded from renaming.
  • unsafe - default behaviour before 2.11.0 release. Renames properties in an unsafe way without any restrictions.

If one file is using properties from other file, use identifierNamesCache option to keep the same property names between these files.


Type: string[] Default: []

Disables obfuscation and generation of identifiers, which being matched by passed RegExp patterns.


		reservedNames: [


Type: string[] Default: []

Disables transformation of string literals, which being matched by passed RegExp patterns.


		reservedStrings: [


Type: string|number Default: 0

This option sets seed for random generator. This is useful for creating repeatable results.

If seed is 0 - random generator will work without seed.


Type: boolean Default: false

⚠️ Don't change obfuscated code in any way after obfuscation with this option, because any change like uglifying of code can trigger self defending and code wont work anymore!
⚠️ This option forcibly sets compact value to true

This option makes the output code resilient against formatting and variable renaming. If one tries to use a JavaScript beautifier on the obfuscated code, the code won't work anymore, making it harder to understand and modify it.


Type: boolean Default: true

Enables additional code obfuscation through simplification.

⚠️ in future releases obfuscation of boolean literals (true => !![]) will be moved under this option.


// input
if (condition1) {
    const foo = 1;
    const bar = 2;
    return bar;
} else if (condition2) {
    return 4;
} else {
    return 5;

// output
if (condition1) {
    const foo = 0x1, bar = 0x2;
    return console['log'](foo), bar;
} else
    return condition2 ? (console['log'](0x1), console['log'](0x2), console['log'](0x3), 0x4) : 0x5;


Type: boolean Default: false

Enables source map generation for obfuscated code.

Source maps can be useful to help you debug your obfuscated JavaScript source code. If you want or need to debug in production, you can upload the separate source map file to a secret location and then point your browser there.


Type: string Default: ``

Sets base url to the source map import url when sourceMapMode: 'separate'.

CLI example:

javascript-obfuscator input.js --output out.js --source-map true --source-map-base-url 'http://localhost:9000'


//# sourceMappingURL=http://localhost:9000/


Type: string Default: ``

Sets file name for output source map when sourceMapMode: 'separate'.

CLI example:

javascript-obfuscator input.js --output out.js --source-map true --source-map-base-url 'http://localhost:9000' --source-map-file-name example


//# sourceMappingURL=http://localhost:9000/


Type: string Default: separate

Specifies source map generation mode:

  • inline - add source map at the end of each .js files;
  • separate - generates corresponding '.map' file with source map. In case you run obfuscator through CLI - adds link to source map file to the end of file with obfuscated code //#


Type: string Default: sources-content

Allows to control sources and sourcesContent fields of the source map:

  • sources-content - adds dummy sources field, adds sourcesContent field with the original source code;
  • sources - adds sources field with a valid source description, does not add sourcesContent field. When using NodeJS API it's required to define inputFileName option that will be used as sources field value.


Type: boolean Default: false

Splits literal strings into chunks with length of splitStringsChunkLength option value.


// input
    var test = 'abcdefg';

// output
    var _0x5a21 = 'ab' + 'cd' + 'ef' + 'g';


Type: number Default: 10

Sets chunk length of splitStrings option.


Type: boolean Default: true

Removes string literals and place them in a special array. For instance, the string "Hello World" in var m = "Hello World"; will be replaced with something like var m = _0x12c456[0x1];


Type: boolean Default: false

⚠️ stringArray option must be enabled

Enables the transformation of calls to the stringArray. All arguments of these calls may be extracted to a different object depending on stringArrayCallsTransformThreshold value. So it makes it even harder to automatically find calls to the string array.


function foo() {
    var k = {
        c: 0x2f2,
        d: '0x396',
        e: '0x397',
        f: '0x39a',
        g: '0x39d',
        h: 0x398,
        l: 0x394,
        m: '0x39b',
        n: '0x39f',
        o: 0x395,
        p: 0x395,
        q: 0x399,
        r: '0x399'
    var c = i(k.d, k.e);
    var d = i(k.f, k.g);
    var e = i(k.h, k.l);
    var f = i(k.m, k.n);
    function i(c, d) {
        return b(c - k.c, d);
    var g = i(k.o, k.p);
    var h = i(k.q, k.r);
function j(c, d) {
    var l = { c: 0x14b };
    return b(c - -l.c, d);
console[j(-'0xa6', -'0xa6')](foo());
function b(c, d) {
    var e = a();
    b = function (f, g) {
        f = f - 0xa3;
        var h = e[f];
        return h;
    return b(c, d);
function a() {
    var m = [
    a = function () {
        return m;
    return a();


Type: number Default: 0.5

⚠️ stringArray and stringArrayCallsTransformThreshold options must be enabled

You can use this setting to adjust the probability (from 0 to 1) that calls to the string array will be transformed.


Type: string[] Default: []

⚠️ stringArray option must be enabled

This option can slow down your script.

Encode all string literals of the stringArray using base64 or rc4 and inserts a special code that used to decode it back at runtime.

Each stringArray value will be encoded by the randomly picked encoding from the passed list. This makes possible to use multiple encodings.

Available values:

  • 'none' (boolean): doesn't encode stringArray value
  • 'base64' (string): encodes stringArray value using base64
  • 'rc4' (string): encodes stringArray value using rc4. About 30-50% slower than base64, but more harder to get initial values. It's recommended to disable unicodeEscapeSequence option when using rc4 encoding to prevent very large size of obfuscated code.

For example with the following option values some stringArray value won't be encoded, and some values will be encoded with base64 and rc4 encoding:

stringArrayEncoding: [


Type: string[] Default: ['hexadecimal-number']

⚠️ stringArray option must be enabled

Allows to control the type of string array call indexes.

Each stringArray call index will be transformed by the randomly picked type from the passed list. This makes possible to use multiple types.

Available values:

  • 'hexadecimal-number' (default): transforms string array call indexes as hexadecimal numbers
  • 'hexadecimal-numeric-string': transforms string array call indexes as hexadecimal numeric string

Before 2.9.0 release javascript-obfuscator transformed all string array call indexes with hexadecimal-numeric-string type. This makes some manual deobfuscation slightly harder but it allows easy detection of these calls by automatic deobfuscators.

The new hexadecimal-number type approaches to make harder auto-detect of string array call patterns in the code.

More types will be added in the future.


Type: boolean Default: true

⚠️ stringArray option must be enabled

Enables additional index shift for all string array calls


Type: boolean Default: true

⚠️ stringArray must be enabled

Shift the stringArray array by a fixed and random (generated at the code obfuscation) places. This makes it harder to match the order of the removed strings to their original place.


Type: boolean Default: true

⚠️ stringArray must be enabled

Randomly shuffles the stringArray array items.


Type: number Default: 1

⚠️ stringArray option must be enabled

Sets the count of wrappers for the string array inside each root or function scope. The actual count of wrappers inside each scope is limited by a count of literal nodes within this scope.


// Input
const foo = 'foo';
const bar = 'bar';
function test () {
    const baz = 'baz';
    const bark = 'bark';
    const hawk = 'hawk';

const eagle = 'eagle';

// Output, stringArrayWrappersCount: 5
const _0x3f6c = [
const _0x48f96e = _0x2e13;
const _0x4dfed8 = _0x2e13;
const _0x55e970 = _0x2e13;
function _0x2e13(_0x33c4f5, _0x3f6c62) {
    _0x2e13 = function (_0x2e1388, _0x60b1e) {
        _0x2e1388 = _0x2e1388 - 0xe2;
        let _0x53d475 = _0x3f6c[_0x2e1388];
        return _0x53d475;
    return _0x2e13(_0x33c4f5, _0x3f6c62);
const foo = _0x48f96e(0xe4);
const bar = _0x4dfed8(0xe3);
function test() {
    const _0x1c262f = _0x2e13;
    const _0x54d7a4 = _0x2e13;
    const _0x5142fe = _0x2e13;
    const _0x1392b0 = _0x1c262f(0xe7);
    const _0x201a58 = _0x1c262f(0xe2);
    const _0xd3a7fb = _0x1c262f(0xe6);
const eagle = _0x48f96e(0xe5);


Type: boolean Default: true

⚠️ stringArray and stringArrayWrappersCount options must be enabled

Enables the chained calls between string array wrappers.


// Input
const foo = 'foo';
const bar = 'bar';
function test () {
    const baz = 'baz';
    const bark = 'bark';

    function test1() {
        const hawk = 'hawk';
        const eagle = 'eagle';

// Output, stringArrayWrappersCount: 5, stringArrayWrappersChainedCalls: true
const _0x40c2 = [
const _0x31c087 = _0x3280;
const _0x31759a = _0x3280;
function _0x3280(_0x1f52ee, _0x40c2a2) {
    _0x3280 = function (_0x3280a4, _0xf07b02) {
        _0x3280a4 = _0x3280a4 - 0x1c4;
        let _0x57a182 = _0x40c2[_0x3280a4];
        return _0x57a182;
    return _0x3280(_0x1f52ee, _0x40c2a2);
const foo = _0x31c087(0x1c8);
const bar = _0x31c087(0x1c4);
function test() {
    const _0x848719 = _0x31759a;
    const _0x2693bf = _0x31c087;
    const _0x2c08e8 = _0x848719(0x1c9);
    const _0x359365 = _0x2693bf(0x1c5);
    function _0x175e90() {
        const _0x310023 = _0x848719;
        const _0x2302ef = _0x2693bf;
        const _0x237437 = _0x310023(0x1c6);
        const _0x56145c = _0x310023(0x1c7);


Type: number Default: 2

⚠️ stringArray option must be enabled
⚠️ Currently this option affects only wrappers added by stringArrayWrappersType function option value

Allows to control the maximum number of string array wrappers parameters. Default and minimum value is 2. Recommended value between 2 and 5.


Type: string Default: variable

⚠️ stringArray and stringArrayWrappersCount options must be enabled

Allows to select a type of the wrappers that are appending by the stringArrayWrappersCount option.

Available values:

  • 'variable': appends variable wrappers at the top of each scope. Fast performance.
  • 'function': appends function wrappers at random positions inside each scope. Slower performance than with variable but provides more strict obfuscation.

Highly recommended to use function wrappers for higher obfuscation when a performance loss doesn't have a high impact on an obfuscated application.

Example of the 'function' option value:

// input
const foo = 'foo';

function test () {
    const bar = 'bar';
    console.log(foo, bar);


// output
const a = [
const foo = d(0x567, 0x568);
function b(c, d) {
    b = function (e, f) {
        e = e - 0x185;
        let g = a[e];
        return g;
    return b(c, d);
function test() {
    const c = e(0x51c, 0x51b);
    function e (c, g) {
        return b(c - 0x396, g);
    console[f(0x51b, 0x51d)](foo, c);
    function f (c, g) {
        return b(c - 0x396, g);
function d (c, g) {
    return b(g - 0x3e1, c);


Type: number Default: 0.8 Min: 0 Max: 1

⚠️ stringArray option must be enabled

You can use this setting to adjust the probability (from 0 to 1) that a string literal will be inserted into the stringArray.

This setting is especially useful for large code size because it repeatedly calls to the string array and can slow down your code.

stringArrayThreshold: 0 equals to stringArray: false.


Type: string Default: browser

Allows to set target environment for obfuscated code.

Available values:

  • browser;
  • browser-no-eval;
  • node.

Currently output code for browser and node targets is identical, but some browser-specific options are not allowed to use with node target. Output code for browser-no-eval target is not using eval.


Type: boolean Default: false

Enables transformation of object keys.


// input
    var object = {
        foo: 'test1',
        bar: {
            baz: 'test2'

// output
var _0x4735 = [
function _0x390c(_0x33d6b6, _0x4735f4) {
    _0x390c = function (_0x390c37, _0x1eed85) {
        _0x390c37 = _0x390c37 - 0x198;
        var _0x2275f8 = _0x4735[_0x390c37];
        return _0x2275f8;
    return _0x390c(_0x33d6b6, _0x4735f4);
(function () {
    var _0x17d1b7 = _0x390c;
    var _0xc9b6bb = {};
    _0xc9b6bb[_0x17d1b7(0x199)] = _0x17d1b7(0x19c);
    var _0x3d959a = {};
    _0x3d959a[_0x17d1b7(0x198)] = _0x17d1b7(0x19b);
    _0x3d959a[_0x17d1b7(0x19a)] = _0xc9b6bb;
    var _0x41fd86 = _0x3d959a;


Type: boolean Default: false

Allows to enable/disable string conversion to unicode escape sequence.

Unicode escape sequence increases code size greatly and strings easily can be reverted to their original view. Recommended to enable this option only for small source code.

Preset Options

High obfuscation, low performance

The performance will be much slower than without obfuscation

    compact: true,
    controlFlowFlattening: true,
    controlFlowFlatteningThreshold: 1,
    deadCodeInjection: true,
    deadCodeInjectionThreshold: 1,
    debugProtection: true,
    debugProtectionInterval: 4000,
    disableConsoleOutput: true,
    identifierNamesGenerator: 'hexadecimal',
    log: false,
    numbersToExpressions: true,
    renameGlobals: false,
    selfDefending: true,
    simplify: true,
    splitStrings: true,
    splitStringsChunkLength: 5,
    stringArray: true,
    stringArrayCallsTransform: true,
    stringArrayEncoding: ['rc4'],
    stringArrayIndexShift: true,
    stringArrayRotate: true,
    stringArrayShuffle: true,
    stringArrayWrappersCount: 5,
    stringArrayWrappersChainedCalls: true,    
    stringArrayWrappersParametersMaxCount: 5,
    stringArrayWrappersType: 'function',
    stringArrayThreshold: 1,
    transformObjectKeys: true,
    unicodeEscapeSequence: false

Medium obfuscation, optimal performance

The performance will be slower than without obfuscation

    compact: true,
    controlFlowFlattening: true,
    controlFlowFlatteningThreshold: 0.75,
    deadCodeInjection: true,
    deadCodeInjectionThreshold: 0.4,
    debugProtection: false,
    debugProtectionInterval: 0,
    disableConsoleOutput: true,
    identifierNamesGenerator: 'hexadecimal',
    log: false,
    numbersToExpressions: true,
    renameGlobals: false,
    selfDefending: true,
    simplify: true,
    splitStrings: true,
    splitStringsChunkLength: 10,
    stringArray: true,
    stringArrayCallsTransform: true,
    stringArrayCallsTransformThreshold: 0.75,
    stringArrayEncoding: ['base64'],
    stringArrayIndexShift: true,
    stringArrayRotate: true,
    stringArrayShuffle: true,
    stringArrayWrappersCount: 2,
    stringArrayWrappersChainedCalls: true,
    stringArrayWrappersParametersMaxCount: 4,
    stringArrayWrappersType: 'function',
    stringArrayThreshold: 0.75,
    transformObjectKeys: true,
    unicodeEscapeSequence: false

Low obfuscation, High performance

The performance will be at a relatively normal level

    compact: true,
    controlFlowFlattening: false,
    deadCodeInjection: false,
    debugProtection: false,
    debugProtectionInterval: 0,
    disableConsoleOutput: true,
    identifierNamesGenerator: 'hexadecimal',
    log: false,
    numbersToExpressions: false,
    renameGlobals: false,
    selfDefending: true,
    simplify: true,
    splitStrings: false,
    stringArray: true,
    stringArrayCallsTransform: false,
    stringArrayEncoding: [],
    stringArrayIndexShift: true,
    stringArrayRotate: true,
    stringArrayShuffle: true,
    stringArrayWrappersCount: 1,
    stringArrayWrappersChainedCalls: true,
    stringArrayWrappersParametersMaxCount: 2,
    stringArrayWrappersType: 'variable',
    stringArrayThreshold: 0.75,
    unicodeEscapeSequence: false

Default preset, High performance

    compact: true,
    controlFlowFlattening: false,
    deadCodeInjection: false,
    debugProtection: false,
    debugProtectionInterval: 0,
    disableConsoleOutput: false,
    identifierNamesGenerator: 'hexadecimal',
    log: false,
    numbersToExpressions: false,
    renameGlobals: false,
    selfDefending: false,
    simplify: true,
    splitStrings: false,
    stringArray: true,
    stringArrayCallsTransform: false,
    stringArrayCallsTransformThreshold: 0.5,
    stringArrayEncoding: [],
    stringArrayIndexShift: true,
    stringArrayRotate: true,
    stringArrayShuffle: true,
    stringArrayWrappersCount: 1,
    stringArrayWrappersChainedCalls: true,
    stringArrayWrappersParametersMaxCount: 2,
    stringArrayWrappersType: 'variable',
    stringArrayThreshold: 0.75,
    unicodeEscapeSequence: false

Frequently Asked Questions

What javascript versions are supported?

es3, es5, es2015, es2016, es2017, es2018, es2019 and partially es2020

I want to use feature that described in but it's not working!

The README on the master branch might not match that of the latest stable release.

Why CLI command not working?

Try to run npm link javascript-obfuscator command or install it globally with npm i -g javascript-obfuscator

Online version?

JSX support?

No. JSX support isn't planned.

How to change kind of variables of inserted nodes (var, let or const)?

See: Kind of variables

Why I got null value instead of BigInt number?

BigInt obfuscation works correctly only in environments that support BigInt values. See ESTree spec

I enabled renameProperties option, and my code broke! What to do?

Try renamePropertiesMode: 'safe' option, if it still doesn't work, just disable this option.


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FOSSA Status

Copyright (C) 2016-2022 Timofey Kachalov.

Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:

  • Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
  • Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.


javascript-obfuscator's People


adiantek avatar billsykes avatar blackyuzia avatar brainsucker-na avatar cytrostudios avatar da411d avatar demidovakatya avatar dependabot[bot] avatar dickeylth avatar erikdubbelboer avatar fohletex avatar haeguri avatar iamanishroy avatar jbruni avatar kida7 avatar leopucci avatar markshall avatar pmacostapdi avatar rednblack avatar rogerhardiman avatar sanex3339 avatar seho-dev avatar srguiwiz avatar stevefan1999-personal avatar sxzz avatar tyronedougherty avatar whoami-shubham avatar xdamman avatar zamotkin avatar zamsky avatar


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javascript-obfuscator's Issues

ES5 React class

For a very simple React es5 class exemple I have this error:

Error: Line 1: Unexpected token <
Code :

var Answer = React.createClass({render() {return (<div>Hello World </div> );}});

Any idea how to have the React syntax "return(

..." accepted by the obfuscator ?

Thk U !!

Question: What's the point of hexadecimal obfuscation?

I'm using mangle=true. It seems function and variable names are turned into hexadecimal, instead of using random names. Isn't decoding that as easily as translating the hex? I'm genuinely asking, I don't really know how the obfuscator works, just curious and concerned about the code I'm protecting. Thanks.

Domain lock WIP feature


I've been studying your project and I loved it. Thanks for sharing.

I started a feature that I'm going to use and I'd like to know if you're interested in adding it to your project (I can create a PR) and if you can help me with some questions.

Here's what I've come up with:

Things working right now:

  • Multiple domains and subdomains. (e.g: "" allows any subdomain, and "" matches exactly with ""

Things that need to be done:

  • Now it only shows an alert displaying if the current domain is allowed or not. I've thought of using an while(1) or throwing an exception, and both seem to work, but I'm not sure what's the best, or what is the one that you recommend;
  • Update the README;
  • Write proper tests (not sure how to test this kind of feature, I'd love to hear your input);

Random questions:

  • I wrote a simple function to hide the domain list inside a string and use a RegExp on the browser to get back the string. I found this method to be more resilient against closure compiler pretty print. What do you think?
  • Should this feature be appended before the obfuscation or after? Right now I'm using before.
  • For now, the code on DomainLockTemplate.ts is unobfuscated. Should I run it on jscrush or leave it as this?

Thank you very much for your time and patience!


This is a must need as a ton of code I write now is using async/await.

0.9.0 development: control flow flattening, TemplateLiteral obfuscation

Plans: implement new feature controlFlowFlattening. First working implementation in branch

Right now it works only with binary expressions.

Input code:

    function t () {
        return function () {
            var t = 1 * 2;
    var s = 1 - 3;

Output code:

(function() {
    var _0x3256c0 = {
        yXA: function _0x3f3ab8(_0x424cad, _0x160400) {
            return _0x424cad * _0x160400;
        ALl: function _0x59ad20(_0x73693d, _0x810251) {
            return _0x73693d - _0x810251;

    function _0x3d53de() {
        var _0x2aac75 = {
            xfm: function _0x25e35b(_0x562551, _0x19bae8) {
                return _0x3256c0.yXA(_0x562551, _0x19bae8);
        return function() {
            var _0x4ead21 = {
                tux: function _0x353def(_0x47dac9, _0x76457f) {
                    return _0x2aac75.xfm(_0x47dac9, _0x76457f);
            var _0x5b40a3 = _0x4ead21.tux(1, 2);
    var _0x3f9aa = _0x3256c0.ALl(1, 3);

Obfuscation and reflection

I'm facing a problem with angular1

I have a class :

export default class User {}

The decorator:

function Provider() {
  return function decorator(target) {
    module.provider(, target);

The class is obfuscated so when I try to register my provider using reflection, I get the obfuscated version of the class name.
This looks logical but breaks the application. Do you have an idea to solve this issue ?

NPM Module broken?

After countless attempts to install on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS via NPM, when I run the CLI command javascript-obfuscator it says command not found. Other commands work fine, such as jsuglify.

Any suggestions?

command not found

Just downloaded and installed via npm.

Getting "command not found" when trying to run from CLI.

Is this feature available?


Mike Brown

Error with es6 destructuring

Create test.js file with

function foo({bar}) {
  return bar;

foo({bar: 'baz'});

$ javascript-obfuscator test.js
$ node test-obfuscated.js

ReferenceError: _0x5c1443 is not defined

_0x5c1443 is bar in original return bar; but foo({bar}) can not be changed.
I think the only solution is with _0x5c1443 =;
I am using babel over the obfuscated file to solve the problem

$ node -v

$ javascript-obfuscator --version

Can't disable stringArray on 0.8.0-dev.4


I'm trying to have stringArray disabled, and I'm getting my strings in the array no matter what. Here's how I'm running it:

./node_modules/javascript-obfuscator/bin/javascript-obfuscator.js file.js --stringArray false --selfDefending false --compact false --disableConsoleOutput false

Running it on:

    var variable = 'abc';

Gives me:

var _0x157f = ['\x61\x62\x63'];
(function (_0x4757bc, _0x5f5a80) {
    var _0x53eef6 = function (_0x452baf) {
        while (--_0x452baf) {
}(_0x157f, 0x1c7));
var _0x4c25 = function (_0x223bc3, _0x47330e) {
    var _0x223bc3 = parseInt(_0x223bc3, 0x10);
    var _0x40d778 = _0x157f[_0x223bc3];
    return _0x40d778;
(function () {
    var _0x29647c = _0x4c25('0x0');

I'm having the same trouble using the API. I must have been missing something.


[new feature] sanitize array value


lets say now is like

var _0x2MX0 = ["\x75\x70\x64\x61\x74\x65\x64\x21","\x75\x72\x6c","\x23\x6f\x43\x4f\x4d\x50\x41\x4e\x59\x5f\x64\x65\x73\x63\x72\x69\x70\x74\x69\x6f\x6e\x4c\x61\x72\x67\x65"];
if (realORdebug)
                _0x2IN18890 = _0x2IN0[5];
                _0x2IN18890 = _0x2IN0[4];

will be more secure as

if (_0x2IN6850)
                _0x2IN18890 = _0x2IN0[(9-4)];
                _0x2IN18890 = _0x2IN0[~((-(2))-3)];

years ago implemented on a desktop application doing JS obfuscation, getting snippets from Poly engine by


What about adding a new CLI option "sourceMapBaseUrl" that can be used in this way?

javascript-obfuscator library.js --output library.min.js --sourceMap true --sourceMapBaseUrl "http://localhost/private-folder/"

I've tested this functionality, wherewith you can upload on server only obfuscated code, and keep locally the map file. So, everybody will see only obfuscated code and those who have the map file locally, will be able to debug the code and see it clearly.

Javascript Obfuscator Web frontend - WIP


I made a web frontend using React+Redux that I intend to open-source soon.

Since there're no good free online obfuscators and lots of people have a hard time installing all the tooling needed to run this, I decided this was a good project to make and learn about React.

I've just deployed it, so I'm sure there're bugs and lots of things to work on. Hope this can be useful or at least used to showcase your project. Currently I'm using the last stable version of your package, so the domain lock feature on the UI doesn't work.

PS: Since it's currently on the free heroku plan, the first request can take a while to process.

"use strict" converted to hexa breaks strict mode

Maybe an "exclude" option could be useful for string to hexa.
Additionally, strings are always converted to hexadecimal code. Since it's not difficult to decrypt hexa, could you please make this optional ?

function is_strict(){
    'use strict'; // <------- broken
    var is_strict = false;
    try {
        mistypeVariable = 17;  // throws a ReferenceError in strict mode
    } catch(e) {
        is_strict = true;
    return is_strict;
alert('strict mode = '+is_strict());

//function is_strict() {
//    '\x75\x73\x65\x20\x73\x74\x72\x69\x63\x74';
//    var _0x2d65e3 = ![];
//    try {
//        mistypeVariable = 0x11;
//    } catch (_0x457d9d) {
//        _0x2d65e3 = !![];
//    }
//    return _0x2d65e3;
//alert('\x73\x74\x72\x69\x63\x74\x20\x6d\x6f\x64\x65\x20\x3d\x20' + is_strict());

data is not defined

// Paste your JavaScript code here
function hi() {
  console.log("Hello World!");


var _0x04d6 = [
(function (_0x3c9124, _0x540e40) {
    var _0x19d61d = function (_0x4dd74f) {
        while (--_0x4dd74f) {
}(_0x04d6, 0x122));
var _0x604d = function (_0x20012c, _0x45bcb6) {
    _0x20012c = _0x20012c - 0x0;
    var _0x522921 = _0x04d6[_0x20012c];
    return _0x522921;
function hi() {
    var _0x3eb898 = function () {
        var _0xb93624 = !![];
        return function (_0xb1d744, _0x2a7845) {
            var _0x7b6e3e = _0xb93624 ? function () {
                if (_0x2a7845) {
                    var _0x5eceeb = _0x2a7845['\x61\x70\x70\x6c\x79'](_0xb1d744, arguments);
                    _0x2a7845 = null;
                    return _0x5eceeb;
            } : function () {
            _0xb93624 = ![];
            return _0x7b6e3e;
    var _0x47b068 = _0x3eb898(this, function () {
        var _0x111269 = Function(_0x604d('0x0') + _0x604d('0x1') + '\x29\x3b');
        var _0x5c94cb = function () {
            return {
                '\x6b\x65\x79': _0x604d('0x2'),
                '\x76\x61\x6c\x75\x65': _0x604d('0x3'),
                '\x67\x65\x74\x41\x74\x74\x72\x69\x62\x75\x74\x65': function () {
        var _0x33a4cb = new RegExp(_0x604d('0x6'), '\x67');
        var _0x5d10dd = _0x604d('0x7')[_0x604d('0x8')](_0x33a4cb, '')[_0x604d('0x9')]('\x3b');
        var _0x704eca = [][_0x604d('0xa')][_0x604d('0xb')];
        var _0xddef70 = _0x704eca(_0x604d('0xc'))();
        var _0x46484d;
        var _0x38a755;
        for (var _0x5c640e in _0xddef70) {
            if (_0x5c640e[_0x604d('0xd')] == 0x8 && _0x5c640e[_0x604d('0xe')](0x7) == 0x74 && _0x5c640e[_0x604d('0xe')](0x5) == 0x65 && _0x5c640e[_0x604d('0xe')](0x3) == 0x75 && _0x5c640e[_0x604d('0xe')](0x0) == 0x64) {
                _0x46484d = _0x5c640e;
        for (var _0x9a515c in _0xddef70[_0x46484d]) {
            if (_0x9a515c[_0x604d('0xd')] == 0x6 && _0x9a515c['\x63\x68\x61\x72\x43\x6f\x64\x65\x41\x74'](0x5) == 0x6e && _0x9a515c[_0x604d('0xe')](0x0) == 0x64) {
                _0x38a755 = _0x9a515c;
        if (!_0x46484d && !_0x38a755 || !_0xddef70[_0x46484d] && !_0xddef70[_0x46484d][_0x38a755]) {
        var _0x4e9be7 = _0xddef70[_0x46484d][_0x38a755];
        var _0x5c5834 = ![];
        for (var _0x397a0e = 0x0; _0x397a0e < _0x5d10dd[_0x604d('0xd')]; _0x397a0e++) {
            var _0x38a755 = _0x5d10dd[_0x397a0e];
            var _0x5968fb = _0x4e9be7[_0x604d('0xd')] - _0x38a755['\x6c\x65\x6e\x67\x74\x68'];
            var _0x4aa50e = _0x4e9be7['\x69\x6e\x64\x65\x78\x4f\x66'](_0x38a755, _0x5968fb);
            var _0x37253b = _0x4aa50e !== -0x1 && _0x4aa50e === _0x5968fb;
            if (_0x37253b) {
                if (_0x4e9be7['\x6c\x65\x6e\x67\x74\x68'] == _0x38a755['\x6c\x65\x6e\x67\x74\x68'] || _0x38a755[_0x604d('0xf')]('\x2e') === 0x0) {
                    _0x5c5834 = !![];
        if (!_0x5c5834) {
        } else {
var _0xd6e05a = function () {
    function _0x1d4755(_0x4da7c3) {
        if (('' + _0x4da7c3 / _0x4da7c3)[_0x604d('0xd')] !== 0x1 || _0x4da7c3 % 0x14 === 0x0) {
            (function () {
        } else {
            (function () {
    try {
    } catch (_0x260bcc) {

error place


eval() breaks Chrome Extensions

I just tried out the obfuscator online here:

...which I believe is based on this TS obfuscator. But after obfuscating the js files in my Chrome Extension, my extension breaks hard because eval() is illegal in some contexts of Chrome Extensions. This is a show-stopper for me, so I was wondering if there's some way to instruct the obfuscator to not ever use eval() in the obfuscation. It would be especially nice if you could tell me which setting(s) to avoid at so I can retry there first. And then, how would I do the same thing in the downloaded TS app?

Thanks so much in advance, this seems like an awesome free tool.


I'm getting Avast antivirus detecting my script as false positive virus threat.

my config used to be:

      	rotateUnicodeArray: true
	compact: true,
	controlFlowFlattening: false,
	deadCodeInjection: false,
	debugProtection: false,
	debugProtectionInterval: false,
	disableConsoleOutput: true,
	rotateStringArray: true,
	selfDefending: true,
	stringArray: true,
	stringArrayEncoding: 'base64',
	stringArrayThreshold: 0.75,
	unicodeEscapeSequence: false

I also tried "lowest" settings, but it still detected as false positive. Forgone the obfuscation altogether and it stopped complaining.



Could you confirm the syntax for domain lock ?

I use

--domainLock [localhost,]

but it locks the file also on localhost.

Thk U much !!

Can't run javascript-obfuscator CLI

I tried on both my mac and a debian VM and both get below error

node --version
npm --version

javascript-obfuscator test.js output.js

let instance = this.instances.find(instance => instance.type === someClass);
TypeError: Object has no method 'find'
at class_1.get (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/javascript-obfuscator/node_modules/class-validator/container.ts:26:39)
at Object.getFromContainer (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/javascript-obfuscator/node_modules/class-validator/container.ts:65:29)
at /usr/local/lib/node_modules/javascript-obfuscator/node_modules/class-validator/decorator/decorator/decorators.ts:210:9
at decorate (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/javascript-obfuscator/dist/index.js:2749:60)
at Object.module.exports.i (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/javascript-obfuscator/dist/index.js:2776:1)
at __webpack_require
at Object.module.exports.i (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/javascript-obfuscator/dist/index.js:768:17)
at webpack_require (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/javascript-obfuscator/dist/index.js:47:30)
at Object.module.exports.i (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/javascript-obfuscator/dist/index.js:1244:38)
at webpack_require (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/javascript-obfuscator/dist/index.js:47:30)

npm list --global
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└── [email protected]

Syntax error with ES6 shorthand properties

The following input file (test.js) contains shorthand properties:

let a = 23;
let b = 42;
exports.o = {a, b};

Node.js can handle them:

$ node --version
$ node
> require('./test.js')
{ o: { a: 23, b: 42 } }

However, loading the obfuscated file raises a syntax error:

$ javascript-obfuscator test.js --output obfuscated.js
$ node
> require('./obfuscated.js')
(function (exports, require, module, __filename, __dirname) { var _0x8065=['\x6a\x6f\x69\x6e','\x73\x70\x6c\x69\x74'];(function(_0x18a2d3,_0x168483){var _0x427e21=function(_0x18c5bd){while(--_0x18c5bd){_0x18a2d3['\x70\x75\x73\x68'](_0x18a2d3['\x73\x68\x69\x66\x74']());}};(function(){var _0x655c94=function(){return'\x64\x65\x76';};!Function('\x72\x65\x74\x75\x72\x6e\x2f\x5c\x77\x2b\x20\x2a\x5c\x28\x5c\x29\x20\x2a\x7b\x5c\x77\x2b\x20\x2a\x5b\x27\x7c\x22\x5d\x2e\x2b\x5b\x27\x7c\x22\x5d\x3b\x3f\x20\x2a\x7d\x2f')()['\x74\x65\x73\x74'](_0x655c94['\x74\x6f\x53\x74\x72\x69\x6e\x67']())?[]['\x66\x69\x6c\x74\x65\x72']['\x63\x6f\x6e\x73\x74\x72\x75\x63\x74\x6f\x72']((+0x20)['\x74\x6f\x53\x74\x72\x69\x6e\x67'](0x21)+(+0x65)['\x74\x6f\x53\x74\x72\x69\x6e\x67'](0x15)[0x1]+([![]]+undefined)[0xa]+(![]+'')[0x2]+(!![]+'')[0x3]+'\x28\x74\x72\x75\x65\x29\x7b\x7d')():Function('\x61','\x62','\x61\x28\x2b\x2b\x62\x29')(_0x427e21,_0x168483)?[]['\x66\x69\x6c\x74\x65\x72']['\x63\x6f\x6e\
SyntaxError: Unexpected token ,

After replacing the shorthand properties in test.js with {a: a, b: b}, things work fine.

Error: Cannot find module 'babel-runtime/helpers/classCallCheck'

I did npm install -g javascript-obfuscator but whenever I try to run it, I get:

Error: Cannot find module 'babel-runtime/helpers/classCallCheck'


> javascript-obfuscator --help
Error: Cannot find module 'babel-runtime/helpers/classCallCheck'
    at Function.Module._resolveFilename (module.js:469:15)
    at Function.Module._load (module.js:417:25)
    at Module.require (module.js:497:17)
    at require (internal/module.js:20:19)
    at Object.<anonymous> (C:\Users\me\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\javascri
pt-obfuscator\dist\webpack:\external "babel-runtime\helpers\classCallCheck":1:1)

    at __webpack_require__ (C:\Users\me\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\javascr
ipt-obfuscator\dist\webpack:\webpack\bootstrap e2fb854ce0768d6a61f0:19:1)
    at Object.<anonymous> (C:\Users\me\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\javascri
    at __webpack_require__ (C:\Users\me\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\javascr
ipt-obfuscator\dist\webpack:\webpack\bootstrap e2fb854ce0768d6a61f0:19:1)
    at Object.module.exports.i (C:\Users\me\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\jav
    at __webpack_require__ (C:\Users\me\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\javascr
ipt-obfuscator\dist\webpack:\webpack\bootstrap e2fb854ce0768d6a61f0:19:1)

Unable to pass in an existing source map?

Hi again,

Firstly thanks for fixing the CLI since my initial issue / and the last few updates since.

Secondly, I noticed it is not possible to pass in an existing source map? I have a map from a previous step and would like to ensure this is remapped, just like JSUglify offers.

Would this be possible to add in an update?

how to use by command line

i installed from npm on ubuntu then typing: javascript-obfuscator
i receive error "javascript-obfuscator: command not found"
how to use by command line to run it. please help me.

Obfuscated code fails to work in IE8

Hello! I know IE8 is a little bit outdated, but still =)
Running the obfuscated script on IE8 outputs the following error:
'filter' is null or not an object

I assume this is caused by this JSFuck line, as Array.filter support started from IE9:
Window: '[]["filter"]["constructor"]("return this")()',

If this is the case, it should probably be safe to change this for a more supported method, such as push:
Window: '[]["push"]["constructor"]("return this")()',

NodeJS: SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier


I obfuscated my whole NodeJS project with you Grunt task and when I want to run it I got this syntax error.

SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier
at Object.exports.runInThisContext (vm.js:76:16)
at Module._compile (module.js:542:28)
at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:579:10)
at Module.load (module.js:487:32)
at tryModuleLoad (module.js:446:12)
at Function.Module._load (module.js:438:3)
at Module.require (module.js:497:17)
at require (internal/module.js:20:19)
at Object. (C:\Data\Private\Innovation\EV\ev-server\dist\client\soap\SoapChargingStationClient.js:1:6037)
at Module._compile (module.js:570:32)

I tried several other options (medium obfuscation, optimal performance...) without success.

I search a solution but found nothing.

Any clue?


problem with file paths

i am using javascript obfuscator with angular 2 and sytemjs for electron application.
the problem is after obfuscation file paths are wrong and systemjs get file not found error.
for example:
Object['defineProperty'](exports, '\x5f\x5fesModule', { '\x76\x61\x6c\x75\x65': !![] }); var core_1 = require('\x40angular\x2fcore'); var router_1 = require('\x40angular\x2frouter');

Undefined objects

I tried the obfuscator on a couple of complex projects but the obfuscated code has runtime errors that prevents it from running, like some object being undefined.
Any suggestions?

Why didn't you use babel transpiler?

Hey there. Awesome work indeed. Thank you.

With babel transpiler it's easy to get an AST tree and generate obfuscated code through it. Why didn't you just use it and write it on your own again? I just wonder about your reasonings.

Production Ready?

I'm about to JSObfuscator in my SPA project.

But I'm not sure if this is 'secure' enough to keep malicious client away from stealing/exploiting/attacking my code.

By now, only main business logic is obfuscated. Vendor packages, for performance's sake, are not. High obfuscation profile is chosen, and still I'm very afraid of decompiliation/deobfuscation...

Is JSObfuscator battle-ready to defend the code beneath?

[RFC] Input empty (or comment only)

This is probably as design, but still, I wanted to ask why does the obfuscator generate output even when the input is empty or is comment-only js?

> var obf = JavaScriptObfuscator.obfuscate("");
> console.log(obf)
var _0xbf7b=['\x01\x05\x5f\x02\x3b','\x5f\x03\x02\x66\x75\x6e\x63\x74\x69\x6f\x6e','\x7b\x05\x20\x3d\x20\x06\x76\x61\x72\x20','\x5f\x07\x63\x6f\x6e\x73','\x07\x06\x05\x04\x03\x02\x01','\x73\x70\x6c\x69\x74','\x6a\x6f\x69\x6e','\x66\x69\x6c\x74\x65\x72','\x63\x6f\x6e\x73\x74\x72\x75\x63\x74\x6f\x72','\x28\x04\x06\x03\x05\x5b\x5d','\x2e','\x03\x3b\x06\x02\x05\x04\x7d\x3b','\x5f\x03\x2e\x6c\x6f\x67\x01\x2e\x69\x6e','\x66\x6f\x01\x2e','\x77\x61\x72','\x6e\x01\x2e\x65\x72','\x72','\x6f\x72\x01\x7d\x29\x28\x29\x3b'];(function(_0x79a7a0,_0x5255b7){var _0x8d46cb=function(_0x5036ef){while(--_0x5036ef){_0x79a7a0['\x70\x75\x73\x68'](_0x79a7a0['\x73\x68\x69\x66\x74']());}};(function(){var _0x2ad899=function(){return'\x64\x65\x76';};!Function(('\x72\x65\x74\x75\x72\x6e\x2f\x5c\x77\x2b\x20\x2a\x5c\x28\x5c\x29\x20\x2a\x7b\x5c\x77\x2b\x20\x2a\x5b\x27\x7c\x22\x5d\x2e\x2b\x5b\x27\x7c\x22\x5d\x3b\x3f\x20\x2a\x7d\x2f'))()['\x74\x65\x73\x74'](_0x2ad899['\x74\x6f\x53\x74\x72\x69\x6e\x67']())?[]['\x66\x69\x6c\x74\x65\x72']['\x63\x6f\x6e\x73\x74\x72\x75\x63\x74\x6f\x72']((+(0x20))[('\x74\x6f')+String['\x6e\x61\x6d\x65']]((0x21))+(+(0x65))[('\x74\x6f')+String['\x6e\x61\x6d\x65']]((0x15))[0x1]+([![]]+undefined)[0xa]+(![]+(''))[0x2]+(!![]+(''))[0x3]+('\x28\x21\x21\x5b\x5d\x29\x7b\x7d'))():Function(('\x61'),('\x62'),('\x61\x28\x2b\x2b\x62\x29'))(_0x8d46cb,_0x5255b7)?[]['\x66\x69\x6c\x74\x65\x72']['\x63\x6f\x6e\x73\x74\x72\x75\x63\x74\x6f\x72']((+(0x20))[('\x74\x6f')+String['\x6e\x61\x6d\x65']]((0x21))+(+(0x65))[('\x74\x6f')+String['\x6e\x61\x6d\x65']]((0x15))[0x1]+([![]]+undefined)[0xa]+(![]+(''))[0x2]+(!![]+(''))[0x3]+('\x28\x21\x5b\x5d\x29\x7b\x7d'))():[]['\x66\x69\x6c\x74\x65\x72']['\x63\x6f\x6e\x73\x74\x72\x75\x63\x74\x6f\x72']((+(0x20))[('\x74\x6f')+String['\x6e\x61\x6d\x65']]((0x21))+(+(0x65))[('\x74\x6f')+String['\x6e\x61\x6d\x65']]((0x15))[0x1]+([![]]+undefined)[0xa]+(![]+(''))[0x2]+(!![]+(''))[0x3]+('\x28\x21\x5b\x5d\x29\x7b\x7d'))();}());}(_0xbf7b,(0xab)));var _0x6034=function(_0x90b529){return _0xbf7b[parseInt(_0x90b529,(0x010))];};(function(){var _0x27e9a2=function(){return'\x64\x65\x76';},_0x01667b=function(){return'\x77\x69\x6e\x64\x6f\x77';};!Function(('\x72\x65\x74\x75\x72\x6e\x2f\x5c\x77\x2b\x20\x2a\x5c\x28\x5c\x29\x20\x2a\x7b\x5c\x77\x2b\x20\x2a\x5b\x27\x7c\x22\x5d\x2e\x2b\x5b\x27\x7c\x22\x5d\x3b\x3f\x20\x2a\x7d\x2f'))()['\x74\x65\x73\x74'](_0x27e9a2['\x74\x6f\x53\x74\x72\x69\x6e\x67']())?Function(('\x72\x65\x74\x75\x72\x6e\x2f\x28\x5c\x5c\x5b\x78\x7c\x75\x5d\x28\x5c\x77\x29\x7b\x32\x2c\x34\x7d\x29\x2b\x2f'))()['\x74\x65\x73\x74'](_0x01667b['\x74\x6f\x53\x74\x72\x69\x6e\x67']())?[]['\x66\x69\x6c\x74\x65\x72']['\x63\x6f\x6e\x73\x74\x72\x75\x63\x74\x6f\x72']((+(0x20))[('\x74\x6f')+String['\x6e\x61\x6d\x65']]((0x21))+(+(0x65))[('\x74\x6f')+String['\x6e\x61\x6d\x65']]((0x15))[0x1]+([![]]+undefined)[0xa]+(![]+(''))[0x2]+(!![]+(''))[0x3]+('\x28\x21\x5b\x5d\x29\x7b\x7d'))():[]['\x66\x69\x6c\x74\x65\x72']['\x63\x6f\x6e\x73\x74\x72\x75\x63\x74\x6f\x72']((+(0x20))[('\x74\x6f')+String['\x6e\x61\x6d\x65']]((0x21))+(+(0x65))[('\x74\x6f')+String['\x6e\x61\x6d\x65']]((0x15))[0x1]+([![]]+undefined)[0xa]+(![]+(''))[0x2]+(!![]+(''))[0x3]+('\x28\x21\x21\x5b\x5d\x29\x7b\x7d'))():[]['\x66\x69\x6c\x74\x65\x72']['\x63\x6f\x6e\x73\x74\x72\x75\x63\x74\x6f\x72']((+(0x20))[('\x74\x6f')+String['\x6e\x61\x6d\x65']]((0x21))+(+(0x65))[('\x74\x6f')+String['\x6e\x61\x6d\x65']]((0x15))[0x1]+([![]]+undefined)[0xa]+(![]+(''))[0x2]+(!![]+(''))[0x3]+('\x28\x21\x5b\x5d\x29\x7b\x7d'))();}());(function(){var _0xf66c2b=_0x6034('0x0')+'\x5b\x22\x66\x69\x6c\x74\x65\x72\x22\x5d\x5b\x22\x07\x74\x72\x75\x63\x74\x6f\x72\x22\x5d'+'\x28\x22\x72\x65\x74\x75\x72\x6e\x20\x74\x68\x69\x73\x22\x29\x28\x29'+_0x6034('0x1')+_0x6034('0x2')+_0x6034('0x3')+_0x6034('0x4')+_0x6034('0x5')+_0x6034('0x6')+_0x6034('0x7')+_0x6034('0x8')+_0x6034('0x9')+_0x6034('0xa')+'\x03\x07\x6f\x6c\x65\x04\x02\x20\x28\x29'+_0x6034('0xb')+_0x6034('0xc'),_0x8ec2f2,_0xeb0923;for(_0x8ec2f2 in _0xeb0923=_0x6034('0xd')){var _0x957e45=_0xf66c2b[_0x6034('0xe')](_0xeb0923[_0x8ec2f2]);_0xf66c2b=_0x957e45[_0x6034('0xf')](_0x957e45['\x70\x6f\x70']());}[][_0x6034('0x10')][_0x6034('0x11')](_0xf66c2b)();}());

I suspect the generated js code is probably some initialization data for the obfuscator. On some occasion, giving comment only as input (aka /* bla bla stuffs */), it generate strange output with console.log("VAR....) stuffs (coming from esprima ast traversal?)

Thanks & Cheers

Intermittent restart/crash

I had implemented obfuscator in my module - working fine in local but not in live
compact: true,
controlFlowFlattening: false,
debugProtection: false,
debugProtectionInterval: false,
disableConsoleOutput: true,
rotateStringArray: true,
selfDefending: true,
stringArray: true,
domainLock: [""],
stringArrayEncoding: false,
stringArrayThreshold: 0.75,
unicodeEscapeSequence: false
screen shot 2017-05-24 at 1 40 21 pm

disableConsoleOutput question

Can I ask how disableConsoleOutput works please?
I have a node project that has two files
File 1 - the main application. It handles a 'log' event and writes logs to the console.
my_class.on('log', function(msg) {console.log(msg)});

File 2 - My javascript class which uses Node's Event Emit to fire a 'log' event to the main application.
(the main application is the only place where there is a console.log() call.

I am only obfuscating File 2.
But if I onfuscate it, the main application (File1) does not write to the console.
So I have to remember to use the --disableConsoleOutput even though the javascript I am obfuscating does not write to the console.

Is this designed to be this way?

Not able to handle the Invalid Domain - DomainLock


I am using Domain Lock feature, and when the domain is incorrect if throws this error:

Uncaught ReferenceError: data is not defined at out.js:1 at _0xd895e (out.js:1) at out.js:1

Is there any way to handle this? I need to show popup which says "Invalid Domain". Is there any way to achieve this?

Thanks in advance.

Obfuscating transpilade babel ES5

Is it possible?
I'm using the gulp task, but all i get is this error:

C:\Users\<MyProjectPath>\src\node_modules\ttf2woff2\jssrc\ttf2woff2.js:1 (function (exports, require, module, __filename, __dirname) { var Module;if(!Module)Module=(typeof Module!=="undefined"?Module:null)||{};var moduleOverrides={};for(var key in Module){if(Module.hasOwnProperty(key)){moduleOverrides[key]=Module[key]}}var ENVIRONMENT_IS_WEB=typeof window==="object";var ENVIRONMENT_IS_WORKER=typeof importScripts==="function";var ENVIRONMENT_IS_NODE=typeof process==="object"&&typeof require==="function"&&!ENVIRONMENT_IS_WEB&&!ENVIRONMENT_IS_WORKER;var ENVIRONMENT_IS_SHELL=!ENVIRONMENT_IS_WEB&&!ENVIRONMENT_IS_NODE&&!ENVIRONMENT_IS_WORKER;if(ENVIRONMENT_IS_NODE){if(!Module["print"])Module["print"]=function print(x){process["stdout"].write(x+"\n")};if(!Module["printErr"])Module["printErr"]=function printErr(x){process["stderr"].write(x+"\n")};var nodeFS=require("fs");var nodePath=require("path");Module["read"]=function read(filename,binary){filename=nodePath["normalize"](filename);var ret=node Error: Line 1: Unexpected token : at ErrorHandler.constructError (C:\Users\<MyProjectPath>\src\node_modules\javascript-obfuscator\node_modules\esprima\dist\esprima.js:3396:16) at ErrorHandler.createError (C:\Users\<MyProjectPath>\src\node_modules\javascript-obfuscator\node_modules\esprima\dist\esprima.js:3414:27) at Parser.unexpectedTokenError (C:\Users\<MyProjectPath>\src\node_modules\javascript-obfuscator\node_modules\esprima\dist\esprima.js:542:39) at Parser.throwUnexpectedToken (C:\Users\<MyProjectPath>\src\node_modules\javascript-obfuscator\node_modules\esprima\dist\esprima.js:552:21) at Parser.consumeSemicolon (C:\Users\<MyProjectPath>\src\node_modules\javascript-obfuscator\node_modules\esprima\dist\esprima.js:845:23) at Parser.parseExpressionStatement (C:\Users\<MyProjectPath>\src\node_modules\javascript-obfuscator\node_modules\esprima\dist\esprima.js:2080:15) at Parser.parseStatement (C:\Users\<MyProjectPath>\src\node_modules\javascript-obfuscator\node_modules\esprima\dist\esprima.js:2495:35) at Parser.parseStatementListItem (C:\Users\<MyProjectPath>\src\node_modules\javascript-obfuscator\node_modules\esprima\dist\esprima.js:1823:31) at Parser.parseBlock (C:\Users\<MyProjectPath>\src\node_modules\javascript-obfuscator\node_modules\esprima\dist\esprima.js:1835:30) at Parser.parseStatement (C:\Users\<MyProjectPath>\src\node_modules\javascript-obfuscator\node_modules\esprima\dist\esprima.js:2500:39) at Parser.parseStatementListItem (C:\Users\<MyProjectPath>\src\node_modules\javascript-obfuscator\node_modules\esprima\dist\esprima.js:1823:31) at Parser.parseProgram (C:\Users\<MyProjectPath>\src\node_modules\javascript-obfuscator\node_modules\esprima\dist\esprima.js:3061:29) at Object.parse (C:\Users\<MyProjectPath>\src\node_modules\javascript-obfuscator\node_modules\esprima\dist\esprima.js:117:24) at JavaScriptObfuscatorInternal.obfuscate (C:\Users\<MyProjectPath>\src\node_modules\javascript-obfuscator\dist\webpack:\src\JavaScriptObfuscatorInternal.ts:61:54) at Function.obfuscate (C:\Users\<MyProjectPath>\src\node_modules\javascript-obfuscator\dist\webpack:\src\JavaScriptObfuscator.ts:30:85) at DestroyableTransform._transform (C:\Users\<MyProjectPath>\src\node_modules\gulp-javascript-obfuscator\index.js:19:46)

Not working in IE

I have this sample code:

function hello() {
    var try= 'a';
    try= 'hi';

function load() {

I'm using the CLI in this way:

javascript-obfuscator library.js --output ohoh.min.js --sourceMap true --disableConsoleOutput false

This simple HTML does not work in IE, whatever version...

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <script type="text/javascript" src="ohoh.min.js"></script>

    <body onload="load();">
        <button onclick="hello();">
            click me

...getting this error:


In both Google Chrome and Firefox is ok.
Thank you.

[feature request] Seed option to produce consistent output

Hello again!

The problem:
Each obfuscator run on the same input with the same options produces different output. This is undesirable when deploying to multiple machines simultaneously (e.g. test build script and production build script must be the same).

The solution:
It would be great to have an ability to pass a seed option to the underlying chance random generator you use. I think it will be pretty easy to implement, just put the seed from options to this line:

Example with seed value = 123:
private static randomGenerator: Chance.Chance = new Chance(123);

I've tested it briefly with hardcoded values and it works as expected! The only problem I got is actually creating and passing the option from CLI/Node, as there're too many files containing options configuration.

Would you please add one? Thanks in advance!

JavascriptObfuscator crashes when used in Jest environment

Hello! This one is really strange.
I've tried to run some unit tests for gulp-javascript-obfuscator using Jest and instantly found that my unit tests fail for no apparent reason (working like a charm in Mocha in the same time with the exact same test code).

I've managed to boil down the issue to the following lines:

const JavaScriptObfuscator = require('javascript-obfuscator');

describe('JavaScriptObfuscator', function () {
	it('should definitely succeed', ()=> {
		const obfuscationResult = JavaScriptObfuscator.obfuscate(`alert('Hello, world!')`,{});

Output for mocha:

    √ should definitely succeed (116ms)

  1 passing (122ms)

Output for jest:

FAIL  test\test.js
  ● javascriptObfuscator() › should definitely succeed

    Cannot read property 'constructor' of null

      at _createSubRequests (node_modules/inversify/lib/planning/planner.js:106:19)
      at Object.plan (node_modules/inversify/lib/planning/planner.js:125:5)
      at node_modules/inversify/lib/container/container.js:218:37
      at Container.Object.<anonymous>.Container._get (node_modules/inversify/lib/container/container.js:211:44)
      at Container.Object.<anonymous>.Container.get (node_modules/inversify/lib/container/container.js:176:21)
      at InversifyContainerFacade.get (node_modules/javascript-obfuscator/dist/index.js:2647:35)
      at Function.obfuscate (node_modules/javascript-obfuscator/dist/index.js:1302:65)
      at (test/test.js:5:50)

    × should definitely succeed (4389ms)

Test Suites: 1 failed, 1 total
Tests:       1 failed, 1 total
Snapshots:   0 total
Time:        5.316s
Ran all test suites.

Issue with two separated obfuscated files on the same page


I think I found an issue. I have two independent javascript files on a page, each one obfuscated by the webpack-obfuscator plugin (i.e: different bundles on different <script> tags). Since they both use the same configuration from webpack.conf.js, they have the same seed config and thus the first variable name that is used on the stringArray variable is the same for both obfuscated files. That is an issue as the variable used by stringArray is a global and gets replaced by the second script.
Then somewhere after loading the scripts, any interaction from the first bundle with the stringArray function will look at the second bundle stringArray variable.

Possible workarounds that I could think:

  1. Have the obfuscator output an immediately invoked function that would scope the variable and not leak them to the global scope.
  2. Use the seed parameter plus an hash of the source code as the real seed used by the obuscator. This is not fail-proof as it still might generate two variables with the same name and mess things.


async functions not working


This function outputs an error:
const hi = async () => { console.log("Hello World!"); } hi();

async/await is cutting edge, but do you plan to add this feature ?

Thx in advance,

Excluding blocks from Obfuscation


Is there a way to exclude a block of code from obfuscation?

For Example:

StringFormat = function(format) {
	var args =, 1);
	return format.replace(/{(\d+)}/g, function(match, number) { 
		return typeof args[number] != 'undefined'
		? args[number] 
		: match

The code above is not working after obfuscation with the following settings:

            compact: true,
            controlFlowFlattening: true,
            controlFlowFlatteningThreshold: 1,
            deadCodeInjection: true,
            deadCodeInjectionThreshold: 1,
            debugProtection: false,
            debugProtectionInterval: false,
            disableConsoleOutput: false,
            mangle: false,
            rotateStringArray: true,
            selfDefending: true,
            stringArray: true,
            stringArrayEncoding: 'rc4',
            stringArrayThreshold: 1,
            unicodeEscapeSequence: false

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