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2023-05-ajna's Introduction

Ajna Protocol contest details

  • Total Prize Pool: $60,500 USDC
    • HM awards: $37,500 USDC
    • QA report awards: $5,000 USDC
    • Gas report awards: $2,500 USDC
    • Bot race awards: $5,000 USDC
    • Judge awards: $6,000 USDC
    • Lookout awards: $4,000 USDC
    • Scout awards: $500 USDC
  • Join C4 Discord to register
  • Submit findings using the C4 form
  • Read our guidelines for more details
  • Starts May 03, 2023 20:00 UTC
  • Ends May 11, 2023 20:00 UTC

Automated Findings / Publicly Known Issues

Automated findings output for the contest can be found [here](add link to report) within 24 hours of contest opening.

Note for C4 wardens: Anything included in the automated findings output is considered a publicly known issue and is ineligible for awards.


About Ajna

The Ajna protocol is a non-custodial, peer-to-peer, permissionless lending, borrowing and trading system that requires no governance or external price feeds to function. The protocol consists of pools: pairings of quote tokens provided by lenders and collateral tokens provided by borrowers. Ajna is capable of accepting fungible tokens as quote tokens and both fungible and non-fungible tokens as collateral tokens.


On-chain context

DEPLOYMENT: Ethereum mainnet, Arbitrum, Optimism, Binance Smart Chain, Polygon, Fantom, Tron, Avalanche
ERC20:  any - ERC20's are used in fungible, collection and subset pool types
ERC721: any - ERC721's are used in collection and subset pool types
ERC777: none


Files in scope

File SLOC Description Libraries
Contracts (3)
ajna-grants/src/grants/GrantFund.sol 32 @oz/*
ajna-core/src/PositionManager.sol 🖥 Σ 186 This contract holds the LP position of lenders and gives them an ERC721 token representing their position in exchange @openzeppelin/*
ajna-core/src/RewardsManager.sol Σ 386 This contract provides rewards (in Ajna token) to Ajna lenders who lock up their ERC721 position from the PositionManager.sol contract @openzeppelin/*
Abstracts (3)
ajna-grants/src/grants/base/Funding.sol 🖥 🧮 Σ 66 @oz/*
ajna-grants/src/grants/base/ExtraordinaryFunding.sol 🧮 102 @oz/*
ajna-grants/src/grants/base/StandardFunding.sol 🧮 Σ 372 @oz/*
Libraries (1)
ajna-grants/src/grants/libraries/Maths.sol 38
Interfaces (4)
ajna-grants/src/grants/interfaces/IGrantFund.sol 21
ajna-grants/src/grants/interfaces/IFunding.sol 35
ajna-grants/src/grants/interfaces/IExtraordinaryFunding.sol 41
ajna-grants/src/grants/interfaces/IStandardFunding.sol 112
Total (over 11 files): 1391

All other source contracts (out of scope)

File SLOC Description Libraries
Contracts (7)
ajna-grants/src/token/AjnaToken.sol 25 @oz/*
ajna-grants/src/token/BurnWrapper.sol 27 @oz/*
ajna-core/src/ERC20PoolFactory.sol 🧮 🌀 38 @clones/*
ajna-core/src/ERC721PoolFactory.sol 🧮 🌀 ♻️ Σ 59 @clones/* @openzeppelin/*
ajna-core/src/ERC20Pool.sol 261 @openzeppelin/*
ajna-core/src/PoolInfoUtils.sol 307
ajna-core/src/ERC721Pool.sol Σ 321
Abstracts (4)
ajna-core/src/base/PoolDeployer.sol 19
ajna-core/src/base/FlashloanablePool.sol 🧮 49 @openzeppelin/*
ajna-core/src/base/PermitERC721.sol 🖥 🧮 🔖 72 @openzeppelin/*
ajna-core/src/base/Pool.sol 458 @clones/* @openzeppelin/*
Libraries (12)
ajna-core/src/libraries/internal/Maths.sol 47
ajna-core/src/libraries/internal/Buckets.sol 69
ajna-core/src/libraries/external/PositionNFTSVG.sol 108 @openzeppelin/* @base64-sol/*
ajna-core/src/libraries/internal/Loans.sol 122
ajna-core/src/libraries/external/LPActions.sol Σ 140
ajna-core/src/libraries/internal/Deposits.sol 186
ajna-core/src/libraries/external/PoolCommons.sol 218 @prb-math/*
ajna-core/src/libraries/external/SettlerActions.sol 260
ajna-core/src/libraries/external/BorrowerActions.sol 261
ajna-core/src/libraries/external/KickerActions.sol 270
ajna-core/src/libraries/external/LenderActions.sol Σ 393
ajna-core/src/libraries/external/TakerActions.sol 423 @prb-math/*
Interfaces (43)
ajna-core/src/interfaces/pool/commons/IPoolBorrowerActions.sol 4
ajna-core/src/interfaces/pool/erc20/IERC20PoolImmutables.sol 4
ajna-core/src/interfaces/pool/erc721/IERC721PoolErrors.sol 4
ajna-core/src/interfaces/pool/erc721/IERC721PoolImmutables.sol 4
ajna-core/src/interfaces/pool/commons/IPoolSettlerActions.sol 7
ajna-core/src/interfaces/rewards/IRewardsManagerDerivedState.sol 7
ajna-core/src/interfaces/pool/IPoolFactory.sol 8
ajna-core/src/interfaces/pool/commons/IPoolImmutables.sol 8
ajna-core/src/interfaces/pool/erc20/IERC20PoolLenderActions.sol 8
ajna-core/src/interfaces/pool/erc20/IERC20Taker.sol 8
ajna-core/src/interfaces/pool/erc721/IERC721Taker.sol 8
ajna-core/src/interfaces/rewards/IRewardsManagerErrors.sol 8
ajna-core/src/interfaces/pool/erc20/IERC20PoolFactory.sol 9
ajna-core/src/interfaces/position/IPositionManagerErrors.sol 9
ajna-core/src/interfaces/pool/IERC3156FlashBorrower.sol 10
ajna-core/src/interfaces/position/IPositionManagerState.sol 10
ajna-core/src/interfaces/pool/erc721/IERC721PoolFactory.sol 12
ajna-core/src/interfaces/pool/erc721/IERC721PoolLenderActions.sol 13
ajna-core/src/interfaces/position/IPositionManager.sol 14
ajna-core/src/interfaces/rewards/IRewardsManager.sol 14
ajna-core/src/interfaces/pool/erc20/IERC20PoolEvents.sol 15
ajna-core/src/interfaces/pool/commons/IPoolKickerActions.sol 16
ajna-core/src/interfaces/pool/erc20/IERC20PoolBorrowerActions.sol 16
ajna-core/src/interfaces/pool/erc721/IERC721PoolBorrowerActions.sol 16
ajna-core/src/interfaces/pool/IERC3156FlashLender.sol 17
ajna-core/src/interfaces/pool/commons/IPoolDerivedState.sol 17
ajna-core/src/interfaces/pool/commons/IPoolTakerActions.sol 17
ajna-core/src/interfaces/pool/erc721/IERC721PoolState.sol 17
ajna-core/src/interfaces/pool/erc20/IERC20Pool.sol 18
ajna-core/src/interfaces/pool/erc721/IERC721PoolEvents.sol 20
ajna-core/src/interfaces/pool/erc721/IERC721Pool.sol 22
ajna-core/src/interfaces/pool/commons/IPoolLenderActions.sol 23
ajna-core/src/interfaces/rewards/IRewardsManagerOwnerActions.sol 23
ajna-core/src/interfaces/position/IPositionManagerDerivedState.sol 25
ajna-core/src/interfaces/pool/commons/IPoolLPActions.sol 28
ajna-core/src/interfaces/position/IPositionManagerEvents.sol 30
ajna-core/src/interfaces/rewards/IRewardsManagerEvents.sol 31
ajna-core/src/interfaces/rewards/IRewardsManagerState.sol 34
ajna-core/src/interfaces/position/IPositionManagerOwnerActions.sol 43
ajna-core/src/interfaces/pool/commons/IPoolErrors.sol 44
ajna-core/src/interfaces/pool/IPool.sol 47
ajna-core/src/interfaces/pool/commons/IPoolState.sol 142
ajna-core/src/interfaces/pool/commons/IPoolEvents.sol 145
Structs (1)
ajna-core/src/interfaces/pool/commons/IPoolInternals.sol 33
Constants (1)
ajna-core/src/libraries/helpers/PoolHelper.sol 199 @prb-math/*
Other (2)
ajna-core/src/libraries/helpers/SafeTokenNamer.sol 45
ajna-core/src/libraries/helpers/RevertsHelper.sol 64
Total (over 70 files): 5449

External imports

Scoping Details

- If you have a public code repo, please share it here:
  - [grants](
  - [RewardsManager](
  - [PositionsManager](
- How many contracts are in scope?:   3
- Total SLoC for these contracts?:  1191
- How many external imports are there?: 22 
- How many separate interfaces and struct definitions are there for the contracts within scope?:  15 interfaces and 15 structs
- Does most of your code generally use composition or inheritance?:   Inheritance
- How many external calls?:   0
- What is the overall line coverage percentage provided by your tests?:  100
- Is there a need to understand a separate part of the codebase / get context in order to audit this part of the protocol?:   true
- Please describe required context:   It may be helpful for auditors to gain an understanding of how positions manifest themselves as LP inside of the core pool contracts via methods like `addQuoteToken()` to better understand `PositionManager.sol`. Additionally, an understanding of reserve auctions (`kickReserveAuction()` and `takeReserves()`) will assist auditors in understanding and auditing `RewardsManager.sol`. `ajna-grants/src/grants` is relatively self encapsulating.
- Does it use an oracle?:  No
- Does the token conform to the ERC20 standard?:  True -> the Ajna token
- Are there any novel or unique curve logic or mathematical models?: Listed in a whitepaper
- Does it use a timelock function?:  No
- Is it an NFT?: True -> in `PositionManager.sol` one is created of a user's position
- Does it have an AMM?: Swapping exists in the pool contracts but is out of scope for this audit
- Is it a fork of a popular project?:   False
- Does it use rollups?:   
- Is it multi-chain?:  True
- Does it use a side-chain?: False

Previous Audits


Quickstart command

export ETH_RPC_URL='<RPC_URL_HERE>' && export QUOTE_PRECISION=18 && export COLLATERAL_PRECISION=18 && export BUCKET_INDEX_ERC20=2570 && export BUCKET_INDEX_ERC721=850 && export NO_OF_BUCKETS=3 && rm -Rf 2023-05-ajna || true && git clone -j8 --recurse-submodules && cd 2023-05-ajna && foundryup -v nightly-87bc53fc6c874bd4c92d97ed180b949e3a36d78c && cd ajna-grants && make test-with-gas-report && cd .. && cd ajna-core && make test-with-gas-report && cd ..


  • install foundry by running foundryup -v nightly-87bc53fc6c874bd4c92d97ed180b949e3a36d78c (this version is required due to breaking changes introduced in foundry-rs/foundry#4827)
  • Follow instructions in each sub repo -> Make a copy of .env.example and name it .env add the values for
    • ETHERSCAN_TOKEN - required by brownie to verify contract sources
    • WEB3_INFURA_PROJECT_ID - required by brownie to fork chain
    • ETH_RPC_URL - required by forge to fork chain
    • QUOTE_PRECISION - required by invariant tests
    • COLLATERAL_PRECISION - required by invariant tests
    • BUCKET_INDEX_ERC20 - required by invariant tests
    • BUCKET_INDEX_ERC721 - required by invariant tests
    • NO_OF_BUCKETS - required by invariant tests

clone down and cd into the repo

git clone && cd 2023-05-ajna


cd into sub repo:

cd ajna-grants

To run unit tests:

make tests

To run unit tests with gas report:

make test-with-gas-report

PositionManager and RewardsManager

cd into sub repo:

cd ajna-core

To run unit tests:

make test

To run unit tests with gas report:

make test-with-gas-report

Known slither issues

Issue File Effected Reason / Explanation
Arbitrary from in transferFrom src/base/FlashloanablePool.sol#48-52 Implemented as designed so auctions can be atomically swapped
Incorrect ERC20 function interface src/interfaces/pool/IPool.sol#57-61 Non-issue believe to be slither related
Dangerous strict equalities src/base/Pool.sol#384 Implemented as designed to restrict contract surface area
Dead code src/base/FlashloanablePool.sol#89-93 dead code is from the abstract contract, implemented by concrete contracts
State variables that could be declared immutable src/ERC20PoolFactory.sol#25 Limits Ajna to specific chain, no action
State variables that could be declared immutable src/base/PoolDeployer.sol#19 Limits Ajna to specific chain, no action
Known Contracts That Exceed Spurious Dragon Req

2023-05-ajna's People


kartoonjoy avatar grandizzy avatar itsmetechjay avatar

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