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phreeze's Issues

Running app on a subdomain

Do I need to do something special when I want to run my Phreeze app on a subdomain?
Trying to run my app on, and I get an internal server error 500.
This also happens when trying to run on a subfolder

-edit- nevermind, probably typo's. Used Builder on host and it worked.

Many to many relations

Does phreeze support many to many relations?

Can you provide some guidelines on how to use this?

Invalid row Paramter

Hi there,

Im a front-end and Wordpress developer who is looking for a great MVC framework, which is easy to use. So thanks in advance. I think me and Phreeze will be friends.. but all beginnings are confusing. Because I am not a database architect I probably did something wrong while setting up.

I get the following error: Invalid row parameter:

#0 C:\wamp\www\Phreeze\builder\libs\App\AppConfig.php(115): TemplateFile->TemplateFile('?')
#1 C:\wamp\www\Phreeze\builder\libs\Controller\GeneratorController.php(75): AppConfig->GetTemplateFiles()
#2 [internal function]: GeneratorController->Generate()
#3 C:\wamp\www\Phreeze\libs\verysimple\Phreeze\Dispatcher.php(98): call_user_func(Array)
#4 C:\wamp\www\Phreeze\builder\index.php(23): Dispatcher::Dispatch(Object(Phreezer), Object(SavantRenderEngine), '', NULL, Object(GenericRouter))
#5 {main}

This happens with and without row prefixes. I've got a WAMP instead of a LAMP setup. Could you please help me understand how to get started, so I can go and create some awesome stuff?

installation phreeze

I commented that and try to install windows phreeze in giving me problems / phreeze / builder / analyze, and ubuntuaccess forbidden someone can help me

sorry for my English

Backbone Model default logged in user

I'm playing around with Backbone and I am wondering if there is any way of setting the model's default stuff dynamically. Is there anyway I can set the default authorId of my Posts model to the currently logged in user?

Installation Issues


I cloned the phreeze git to my apache root

after inputing the parameters in phreeze/builder/index.php
and clicking on "Analyze Database" I get the following error

The requested URL /phreeze/builder/analyze was not found on this server.

Is there any other stuff/changes that needs to be done besides cloning the git repo.


Display of Date columns not working correctly

When I have a MySQL column of the DateTime type, phreeze identifies this correctly and I can also update it through the modal.

However, when I have the Date type column, Phreeze defaults to the current date and time, not showing the original value in the database.

The error lies on the Javascript site, as a call to /api/XXXX reveals, that the column is correctly read from the PHP site.

The problem is that app.parseDate delivers the wrong result.

Having a look at the template generated by phreeze:

<input type="text" class="date-picker input-xlarge" id="myID" value="<%= _date(app.parseDate(item.get('myID'))).format('YYYY-MM-DD') %>">

I modified it to :

<input type="text" class="date-picker input-xlarge" id="myID" value="<%= _date(app.parseDate(item.get('myID') + ' 00:00:00')).format('YYYY-MM-DD') %>">

Seems like app.parseDate requires a fully qualified language string, although if a detectable date has been submitted it should go with it and just omit the minutes.

Secure enviroment

I would like to start my app by logging in. I have been looking into the Phreeze Api Docs, but how would I implement Authenticator into a login form?

Multiple reporters

I have a page where all posts are shown and I have a page that should only show posts that are unviewed by the currentUser. All is handled by storing postId and userId into a database table called PostUser.
Can I have multiple reporters?

DataAdapter.php on line 58

I'm getting this:
PHP Fatal error: Class 'DataDriverMySQL' not found in /home/ldavim/WorkingCopies/Sites/phreeze-test/phreeze/libs/verysimple/Phreeze/DataAdapter.php on line 58

Line 58 reads:

$this->_driver  = new DataDriverMySQL();

Where it should be:

$this->_driver  = new DataDriverMySQLi();

issues with installing on webhost

i have setup a local dev. enviroment using xamp and its working like a charm.
but when i try to upload apps to a webhost they dont work. mysql conf. are rigth.

i even uploaded the framework to the webhost and it didnt work.
mod_rewrite is enable in the webhost.

license change..?

I'm thinking about changing the license from LGPL to MIT. MIT is more permissive and easier to comprehend. I've used LGPL for years but as I re-read it recently I have to admit there is a lot of language in there that is confusing - having to do with dynamic vs static linked libraries (which are irrelevant for PHP as far as I know).

It may not make any difference as far as PHP, but if it did it would give you even greater flexibility in using Phreeze. The only downside is that I think LGPL prevents another party from taking Phreeze as-is and rebranding it as a their own library. MIT license would have no such restrictions.

Any thoughts?

Templating system

Right now I want to show the latest posts, the latest comments and the latest projects on the DefaultHome.tpl.php

I do this by creating a copy of the PostListView, CommentsListView, ProjectsListView and


Is this the way to go or is there a nicer way I can render loads of different stuff on one page?

Generate static HTML for disabled javascript

Does Phreeze have a good way to render routes as full, static pages for when javascript is disabled (for accessibility reasons and so search engines can crawl your site)? I noticed the Phreeze demo site doesn't work with javascript disabled. Basically, what I want to implement is but I'd love for a framework to handle all the mess for me (e.g. sharing templates between the front and back-end).

How to run add jquery plugins and use them

I tried the following in Master.tpl

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
        <script type="text/javascript" src="scripts/libs/LAB.min.js"></script>
        <script type="text/javascript">
        <script type="text/javascript" src="scripts/libs/jquery.tablesorter.min.js"></script>
        <script type="text/javascript">

And it did not work.

Note that I had to load jquery without using LAB.

If I did it with LAB it complained about jQuery and $ not being defined. Which is weird since I could use $("#id") to select an element with jQuery...

I also tried adding the tablesorter plugin like you add the jquery.scrollIntoView plugin, but ran into the same problem of jQuery not being defined.

So, I suppose a more general question would be: How do you run your own javascript and libraries in Phreeze?

upload images

Hello! What would be the correct way to add a field that is input file type for the user to select a file from your computer and may come up, such as a picture ...

Thank you very much!

WAMP + Phreeze

I need coment my experience with Phreeze and WAMP.

I am C# programmer, but have some time that I am working with PHP and YES, i like Windows, and I like very Windows 7. So, I dont know very well about this free world with templates and other very nice things. Four days ago I was looking for a nice template when I found "Bootstrap". The Bootstrap show me about "Backbone.js" and Backbone.js show me the AMAZING: Phreeze (!!).

Now, I start my history, lol...
I dont know very well about Apache and PHP tips,tricks, so I installed WAMP, because its more easy for me. I downloaded Phreeze and unziped in folder:


Using my Apache from WAMP, I made the "Alias Directory" to my Phreeze application and when tried run "Phreeze\builder", this error happened:

"The requested URL /phreeze/builder/analyze was not found on this server"

And now?? What to do??

I read the information about .htaccess in your GitHub, but its don't help me, so I tried change the Phreeze ( lol), internal paths and...nothing. Searched in the internet about the .htaccess

Now, exactly now, when I was almost giving up I tried again, but now I unziped the files in:


I made the "Alias Directory" again with wamp and I tried run again...WOW!!  How we say in Brazil: Puta que pariu!!! 

Worked fine!!!

So, for me, the builder only worked using WAMP when I installed Phreeze in C:\

Osmar Malheiros

Facebook authentication

I'm working on an Phreeze app with facebook authentication. Is anybody interested if I make a sample app to show how to do it?

Loading bar loop

I load my UserListView.tpl.php in the browser. I do get the list of users, but when I try to edit a problem arises.

Modal windows shows up, loading bar next to edit.. but then nothing. Loading bar stays there and no form appears here I can edit something.

Order results

Sorry for this noob question, but where i should ideally modify or add code to order the results before the pagination?

Support for ENUM type

It would be nice to have a dropdown selection if the field is an enum type when adding or editing a row.

Update app with new tables

I went through builder and got my tables analysed. I ended up with a couple of things, including Projects. Now I was asked to add a ticket system which can be hooked onto the Projects..

So I created an extra table and want to run builder again. I will end up with a zip file with new stuff. What do I need to copy? And do I need to take care of certain stuff, because I added FOREIGN keys?

Backbone relational models

hi there,

So now that I have got the Phreeze Views updating nicely, I want to have my Posts and PostComments
to work. After reading a lot about backbone, I found this library and tutorial companion:

I have been following the tutorial on a test build of Phreeze and the api/Posts does not show the relations like in the tutorial.

Can somebody follow the tutorial and see if they get the same results? These are my models:

Comments( the names are still ugly, but that's because I made a quick demo build)

 * TbComments Backbone Model
model.TbCommentsModel = Backbone.RelationalModel.extend({
    urlRoot: 'api/tbcomments',
    idAttribute: 'id',
    id: '',
    postId: '',
    authorId: '',
    date: '',
    content: '',
    defaults: {
        'id': null,
        'postId': '',
        'authorId': '',
        'date': new Date(),
        'content': ''

My Posts Model

 * TbPosts Backbone Model
model.TbPostsModel = Backbone.RelationalModel.extend({
    urlRoot: 'api/tbposts',
    idAttribute: 'id',
    id: '',
    authorId: '',
    title: '',
    content: '',
    excerpt: '',
    date: '',
    defaults: {
        'id': null,
        'authorId': '',
        'title': '',
        'content': '',
        'excerpt': '',
        'date': new Date()
    relations: [{
        type: Backbone.HasMany,
        key: 'comments',
        relatedModel: 'model.TbCommentsModel',
        reverseRelation: {
            key: 'post',
            includeInJSON: 'id',

The application works fine. I can update, delete, edit etc. But the relations aren't shown like in the tutorial. Any suggestions?

Error pulling up initial tables

Here's the error I get when running the builder against our instance of mysql :

"Undefined offset: 1 in DBTable.php at line 232
You may want to try returning to the the previous page and verifying that all fields have been filled out correctly.
If you continue to experience this error please contact support."

I'm able to login to mysql fine with other tools using the same settings so I'm not clear on the issue. Also I tried to run the builder on local instance of mysql and it seems to bring back the tables well. Is there a maximum number of tables we can bring back?

Case sensitive file systems


I'm just getting started with Phreeze and it looks very promising but I have a problem using it on Ubuntu:

include_once(verysimple/DB/DataDriver/mysqli.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory

the problem is that Ubuntu's file system is case sensitive and the file is actually named MySQLi.php....

MySQL DB connection is not marked as UTF-8 and fails on big selects

May this is not a bug perse, but I couldn't find any clue in the really sparse documentation.

I am running on MySQL Database with many german umlauts in the data.

When one of the fields has an umlaut, such as "ä" in it, the Phreeze returns from the api (meaning an api/* call) a null value for that field.

I patched this, by calling:


in line 48 of /phreeze/libs/verysimple/DB/DataDriver/MySQL.php

This instantiates the connection correctly as UTF-8

Too I had problems with big joins through the reporter and couldn't find out how to send raw queries to the database.

So in line 49 of /phreeze/libs/verysimple/DB/DataDriver/MySQL.php I also added

mysql_query('SET SQL_BIG_SELECTS=1');

As I said before, maybe this is not a bug, but I could not find the interface in your classes to submit these queries.

Safe authentication by default

Hi people,

Can somebody tell me how they implemented a safe login system into Phreeze? I have a nice application set up, but I now need to be able to authenticate users, but right now it's done by Routing the password and username in the URL.

Thanks 👍

Current User

How can I get the user credentials of the currently logged in user?


What would be the right way to do a ajax in Phreeze?!
For example, I want to make a jquery ajax for where I place my php controller for the answer?! In that folder, you should create one? or is there something already done to make any XMLHTTP request.



Localization and internationalization, VARCHAR foreign keys


how does one approach the translation of Phreeze? I need application support for three concurrent languages and none of them is English.

Also, while here, am I correct that foreign key id of VARCHAR(3) currently isn't supported, just INT?

Kudos for great framework!


Class __PHP_Incomplete_Class has no unserializer in Authenticator.php at line 50

My app broke after trying out some authentication examples.


Class __PHP_Incomplete_Class has no unserializer in Authenticator.php at line 50

Stack Trace:

#0 [internal function]: ExceptionThrower::HandleError(2, 'Class __PHP_Inc...', 'C:\wamp\www\phr...', 50, Array)
#1 C:\wamp\www\phreeze\projects\teambase2\phreeze\libs\verysimple\Authentication\Authenticator.php(50): unserialize('C:7:"Account":2...')
#2 C:\wamp\www\phreeze\projects\teambase2\phreeze\libs\verysimple\Phreeze\Controller.php(606): Authenticator::GetCurrentUser('teambase2_127_0...')
#3 C:\wamp\www\phreeze\projects\teambase2\phreeze\libs\verysimple\Phreeze\Controller.php(93): Controller->GetCurrentUser()
#4 C:\wamp\www\phreeze\projects\teambase2\phreeze\libs\verysimple\Phreeze\Dispatcher.php(89): Controller->__construct(Object(Phreezer), Object(SavantRenderEngine), NULL, Object(GenericRouter))
#5 C:\wamp\www\phreeze\projects\teambase2\index.php(28): Dispatcher::Dispatch(Object(Phreezer), Object(SavantRenderEngine), '', NULL, Object(GenericRouter))
#6 {main}


utils/password questions

I have used the password_hash function, so that passwords get stored as a hash.
in the util/password.php there are a couple of interesting things which I might want to use.

the function takes a couple of parameters:

password_hash($password, $algo, $options);

As an option, there is salt. At the bottom there is a function that should create them:


How is this intended to be used?

Filetype enum validation

First, I would like to say that your work is awesome!

Second, I am having troubles whit enum fields, The program (untouched) return:

{"success":false,"message":"Please check the form for errors","errors":{"jobStatus":"JobStatus:open exceeds the maximum length of openclosedpendingstalled","postedBy":"PostedBy:admin exceeds the maximum length of tenantadminowner","propertyMultiUnitsId":"PropertyMultiUnitsId is not a valid number","priority":"Priority:urgent exceeds the maximum length of urgenthighmediumlow"}}

And if I look into de the code I see this:

//Generated code

  1. $fm["JobStatus"] = new FieldMap("JobStatus","REPM_jobs","job_status",false,FM_TYPE_ENUM,'open'.'closed'.'pending'.'stalled',"open",false);

2. public function __construct($pn, $tn, $cn, $pk = false, $ft = FM_TYPE_UNKNOWN, $fs = 0, $dv = null, $iai = null)

3. if ($fm->FieldSize && (strlen($this->$prop) > $fm->FieldSize))
$this->AddValidationError($prop,"$prop exceeds the maximum length of " . $fm->FieldSize . "");

So, I think you are sending a string where there should be a number, and there is not a base validation for the enum type field.

Cristian David.

Filtering a table

One feature I've found very useful in several situations, is the ability to automatically filter a table as I'm typing. See for a quick prototype example I wrote.

That wouldn't be too hard to add to my table view in Phreeze, but I don't think it would load more rows from the next pages when I have a LOT of rows.

So suggestions on how to do this? Should I look at using the backbone code, or keep using jquery, or something else?

Also, any chance of getting this kind of functionality built into Phreeze as an option on the builder page? Pointers on where I could start doing that myself?

I guess the main thrust of my question is what the relationship between backbone, Phreeze, and jquery is and how I should attack problems like this?

Getting user information in front-end

How do I get info from some logged in user t show inside the template? Do I need to use an instant of Savant and if so, could you point me into the right direction?

Support for TimeStamp type

It would be nice to have a date selection for timestamp as well as datetime. I realize timestamp is not as straight forward since timezone has to be taken into account.

My suggestion is to either have the same picker and just ignore timezone so it will default to the server's, or also have an offset dropdown so you select the date, time, and offset.

Generated header covering page

The database I'm trying this out with has enough tables to cause the generated app header to have three rows of tables. The large header overlaps part of the home page and the table pages.

A user manual is required or at least recommended

There're many thing I figured out by trial and error.
For example:

  • PEAR is required in the webserver before installing.
  • Table names and plurals do not have to have spaces.
  • Column prefixes apply for foreign keys.

The video is pretty self explanatory and convincing (and the main reason that I chose Phreeze) but these subtle things not shown out-of-the-box can scare users not used to check the console.

Best regards and keep the great job.

Advice on query forms - newbie level

This is Joe. I'm just starting to dive in and mess with Phreeze!

This isn't a Phreeze specific question, but I'm hoping someone can help a new Phreeze user out.

I'm trying to find a good tut for creating varible query form but not having much luck way. None of the tuts so far show how to submit a query based on user selected criteria. Everything so far assumes the view is automatically presented upon opening the page. I don't really want that to happen. I guess I could have one static criteria upon the page load, but I want the user to be able to fitler the results.

Here's what I'm basically trying to. Take an exising table view and add filters where the user could either select a custom date range (From Date - To Date) via calender or a select box value (Today, Yesterday, This Week, Last Week, This Month, Last Month) Then once either of these criteria have been select the user hits the submit button and the filtered data is presented.

Anyway, that's my first goal!

Secure example

Hi there,

I'm stuck implementing the my Account class, into the SecureExample.
I have been trying a lot the last couple of hours.

I have my databases set up like this:

The SecureExampleController adds the ExampleUser, which constructs a array of USERS.
Can you give me a pointer how I can get my Account tables inside this array?

Second detail view on same list

Please, need a few hints as of how to most effectively code two or more detail views from the same list. I have 20 fields in my table, 7 are mandatory and I would like to enter them in one detail view. Good for quickly adding records and editing basic data. Other fields are not mandatory and might be under access control. I plan to show an edit button at right end of the list (already did that by changing the JS script for tr click to td clicks) which brings up another/extended details form. This also keeps my forms less cluttered and more pleasant to use on smaller screens.

So, any idea as how to approach? No need for detail coding, just guidelines.


Template naming

The PostsListView.tpl.php shows content that has been created by running the
function ListView in the PostsController.php.

If I would create PostsPartyChaos.tpl.php and run a function called PartyChaos from the PostsController.php., would I then get the result of that function? Or am I too optimistic?

This would be great for a templating system within Phreeze. It would remove the need of backbone.js model binding.

Phreeze enhancements

Dear everbody,

The Phreeze community is very small, but it's only because people do not understand it's potential.
There are alternatives for Phreeze, with a builder also. But the builder in Phreeze is 10 times faster and it also scaffolds Backbone.js, which is a huge advantage.

Phreeze made it possible for me to create nice things real fast, understand MVC, URL routing, database relations, underscore and backbone.js. All the other stuff I need to go through still. All through practical code and flow.
One disadvantage is the authentication stuff. I have talked about this in the issues a couple of times.
I make this a big deal, because it is. All database related stuff should require a login and because it is very easy to create a nice app, I think that having a secure login system would push Phreeze right at the top of the market. Phreeze is just a spark of genius. It's fast, smart, hight-tech and now it needs security.

I can not build this myslve(yet) I'm just a front-end developer with some programming skills. That's why I think Phreeze is a big help. It's great for front-end developers, it's awesome for programmers

Updating a table, instead of saving

In order to get information about Messages, that are Viewed by the User I need to update or save into the database.

I have 2 tables: Messages and MessageViewed.
MessageViewed should be filled or updated when the SingleView method of the Messages controller is called. So I decided to use the following code in order to do so:


    public function SingleView()
        require_once 'Model/MessageViewed.php';
        require_once 'Model/MessageViewedCriteria.php';

        $messageId = $this->GetRouter()->GetUrlParam('id');
        $accountId = $this->GetCurrentUser()->Id;

        $criteria = new MessageViewedCriteria();
        $criteria->MessageId_Equals = $messageId;
        $criteria->AccountId_Equals = $accountId;

        $viewedMessages = $this->Phreezer->Query('MessageViewed', $criteria)->ToObjectArray();

        if($viewedMessages!= null){
            # update an existing database entry if there is one.
            foreach ($viewedMessages as $viewed) {
                $viewed->MessageId = $messageId;
                $viewed->AccountId = $accountId;
        } else{
            # create a new database entry when there isn't one.
            foreach ($viewedMessages as $viewed) {
                $viewed->MessageId = $messageId;
                $viewed->AccountId = $accountId;


Is this the way to go?

Automated routing

If I create a Post, which has a title and content, I would like to get a pretty link.
So instead of:


I would like:


How would I proceed?

Str_Len is calculated wrong

In our app we do have very strict length regulations on certain fields.

For instance we do have a varchar in MySQL of 22 in length.

Through a non-phreeze frontend people can enter data and often enter up to 22 chars.

When administrating this data in the backend, often changes have to be made to the data, but upon opening the modal and clicking save, the error "XY exceeds the maximum length of 22" occurs.

This is due to the fact, that we are having a utf_general_ci table and we save german umlauts.

On line 384 in "/phreeze/libs/verysimple/Phreeze/Phreezable.php" it says:

if ($fm->FieldSize && (strlen($this->$prop) > $fm->FieldSize))

This code does obviously not hold true for multi-byte encodings.

Ths string "Stefan Müller" (a german name), is miscalcualted as beeing 14 chars long, although it is only 13.

Maybe this happens in other parts of the code too ....

Switching it to mb_strlen fixes the issue, but this will bring another dependency to the program. I dont know if this is intended. Otherwise the fix would need to scan on byte-level if it is non-ascii ...

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