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permissions2's Introduction

#Permissions Build Status Build Status GoDoc Report Card

Middleware for keeping track of users, login states and permissions.

Online API Documentation

Features and limitations

  • Uses secure cookies and stores user information in a Redis database.
  • Suitable for running a local Redis server, registering/confirming users and managing public/user/admin pages.
  • Also supports connecting to remote Redis servers.
  • Does not support SQL databases. For MariaDB/MySQL support, look into permissionsql.
  • For Bolt database support (no database host needed, uses a file), look into permissionbolt.
  • Supports registration and confirmation via generated confirmation codes.
  • Tries to keep things simple.
  • Only supports public, user and admin permissions out of the box, but offers functionality for implementing more fine grained permissions, if so desired.
  • The default permissions can be cleared with the Clear() function.
  • Supports Negroni, Martini, Gin, Macaron, Echo, Goji and plain net/http.
  • Should also work with other frameworks, since the standard http.HandlerFunc is used everywhere.

Example for Negroni

package main

import (


func main() {
	n := negroni.Classic()
	mux := http.NewServeMux()

	// New permissions middleware
	perm, err := permissions.New2()
    if err != nil {

	// Blank slate, no default permissions

	// Get the userstate, used in the handlers below
	userstate := perm.UserState()

	mux.HandleFunc("/", func(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
		fmt.Fprintf(w, "Has user bob: %v\n", userstate.HasUser("bob"))
		fmt.Fprintf(w, "Logged in on server: %v\n", userstate.IsLoggedIn("bob"))
		fmt.Fprintf(w, "Is confirmed: %v\n", userstate.IsConfirmed("bob"))
		fmt.Fprintf(w, "Username stored in cookies (or blank): %v\n", userstate.Username(req))
		fmt.Fprintf(w, "Current user is logged in, has a valid cookie and *user rights*: %v\n", userstate.UserRights(req))
		fmt.Fprintf(w, "Current user is logged in, has a valid cookie and *admin rights*: %v\n", userstate.AdminRights(req))
		fmt.Fprintf(w, "\nTry: /register, /confirm, /remove, /login, /logout, /makeadmin, /clear, /data and /admin")

	mux.HandleFunc("/register", func(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
		userstate.AddUser("bob", "hunter1", "[email protected]")
		fmt.Fprintf(w, "User bob was created: %v\n", userstate.HasUser("bob"))

	mux.HandleFunc("/confirm", func(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
		fmt.Fprintf(w, "User bob was confirmed: %v\n", userstate.IsConfirmed("bob"))

	mux.HandleFunc("/remove", func(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
		fmt.Fprintf(w, "User bob was removed: %v\n", !userstate.HasUser("bob"))

	mux.HandleFunc("/login", func(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
		userstate.Login(w, "bob")
		fmt.Fprintf(w, "bob is now logged in: %v\n", userstate.IsLoggedIn("bob"))

	mux.HandleFunc("/logout", func(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
		fmt.Fprintf(w, "bob is now logged out: %v\n", !userstate.IsLoggedIn("bob"))

	mux.HandleFunc("/makeadmin", func(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
		fmt.Fprintf(w, "bob is now administrator: %v\n", userstate.IsAdmin("bob"))

	mux.HandleFunc("/clear", func(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
		fmt.Fprintf(w, "Clearing cookie")

	mux.HandleFunc("/data", func(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
		fmt.Fprintf(w, "user page that only logged in users must see!")

	mux.HandleFunc("/admin", func(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
		fmt.Fprintf(w, "super secret information that only logged in administrators must see!\n\n")
		if usernames, err := userstate.AllUsernames(); err == nil {
			fmt.Fprintf(w, "list of all users: "+strings.Join(usernames, ", "))

	// Custom handler for when permissions are denied
	perm.SetDenyFunction(func(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
		http.Error(w, "Permission denied!", http.StatusForbidden)

	// Enable the permissions middleware

	// Use mux for routing, this goes last

	// Serve

Example for Martini

package main

import (


func main() {
	m := martini.Classic()

	// New permissions middleware
	perm, err := permissions.New2()
    if err != nil {

	// Blank slate, no default permissions

	// Get the userstate, used in the handlers below
	userstate := perm.UserState()

	m.Get("/", func(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
		fmt.Fprintf(w, "Has user bob: %v\n", userstate.HasUser("bob"))
		fmt.Fprintf(w, "Logged in on server: %v\n", userstate.IsLoggedIn("bob"))
		fmt.Fprintf(w, "Is confirmed: %v\n", userstate.IsConfirmed("bob"))
		fmt.Fprintf(w, "Username stored in cookies (or blank): %v\n", userstate.Username(req))
		fmt.Fprintf(w, "Current user is logged in, has a valid cookie and *user rights*: %v\n", userstate.UserRights(req))
		fmt.Fprintf(w, "Current user is logged in, has a valid cookie and *admin rights*: %v\n", userstate.AdminRights(req))
		fmt.Fprintf(w, "\nTry: /register, /confirm, /remove, /login, /logout, /makeadmin, /clear, /data and /admin")

	m.Get("/register", func(w http.ResponseWriter) {
		userstate.AddUser("bob", "hunter1", "[email protected]")
		fmt.Fprintf(w, "User bob was created: %v\n", userstate.HasUser("bob"))

	m.Get("/confirm", func(w http.ResponseWriter) {
		fmt.Fprintf(w, "User bob was confirmed: %v\n", userstate.IsConfirmed("bob"))

	m.Get("/remove", func(w http.ResponseWriter) {
		fmt.Fprintf(w, "User bob was removed: %v\n", !userstate.HasUser("bob"))

	m.Get("/login", func(w http.ResponseWriter) {
		userstate.Login(w, "bob")
		fmt.Fprintf(w, "bob is now logged in: %v\n", userstate.IsLoggedIn("bob"))

	m.Get("/logout", func(w http.ResponseWriter) {
		fmt.Fprintf(w, "bob is now logged out: %v\n", !userstate.IsLoggedIn("bob"))

	m.Get("/makeadmin", func(w http.ResponseWriter) {
		fmt.Fprintf(w, "bob is now administrator: %v\n", userstate.IsAdmin("bob"))

	m.Get("/clear", func(w http.ResponseWriter) {
		fmt.Fprintf(w, "Clearing cookie")

	m.Get("/data", func(w http.ResponseWriter) {
		fmt.Fprintf(w, "user page that only logged in users must see!")

	m.Get("/admin", func(w http.ResponseWriter) {
		fmt.Fprintf(w, "super secret information that only logged in administrators must see!\n\n")
		if usernames, err := userstate.AllUsernames(); err == nil {
			fmt.Fprintf(w, "list of all users: "+strings.Join(usernames, ", "))

	// Set up a middleware handler for Martini, with a custom "permission denied" message.
	permissionHandler := func(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, c martini.Context) {
		// Check if the user has the right admin/user rights
		if perm.Rejected(w, req) {
			// Deny the request
			http.Error(w, "Permission denied!", http.StatusForbidden)
			// Reject the request by not calling the next handler below
		// Call the next middleware handler

	// Enable the permissions middleware

	// Serve

Example for Gin

package main

import (


func main() {
	g := gin.New()

	// New permissions middleware
	perm, err := permissions.New2()
    if err != nil {

	// Blank slate, no default permissions

	// Set up a middleware handler for Gin, with a custom "permission denied" message.
	permissionHandler := func(c *gin.Context) {
		// Check if the user has the right admin/user rights
		if perm.Rejected(c.Writer, c.Request) {
			// Deny the request, don't call other middleware handlers
			fmt.Fprint(c.Writer, "Permission denied!")
		// Call the next middleware handler

	// Logging middleware

	// Enable the permissions middleware, must come before recovery

	// Recovery middleware

	// Get the userstate, used in the handlers below
	userstate := perm.UserState()

	g.GET("/", func(c *gin.Context) {
		msg := ""
		msg += fmt.Sprintf("Has user bob: %v\n", userstate.HasUser("bob"))
		msg += fmt.Sprintf("Logged in on server: %v\n", userstate.IsLoggedIn("bob"))
		msg += fmt.Sprintf("Is confirmed: %v\n", userstate.IsConfirmed("bob"))
		msg += fmt.Sprintf("Username stored in cookies (or blank): %v\n", userstate.Username(c.Request))
		msg += fmt.Sprintf("Current user is logged in, has a valid cookie and *user rights*: %v\n", userstate.UserRights(c.Request))
		msg += fmt.Sprintf("Current user is logged in, has a valid cookie and *admin rights*: %v\n", userstate.AdminRights(c.Request))
		msg += fmt.Sprintln("\nTry: /register, /confirm, /remove, /login, /logout, /makeadmin, /clear, /data and /admin")
		c.String(http.StatusOK, msg)

	g.GET("/register", func(c *gin.Context) {
		userstate.AddUser("bob", "hunter1", "[email protected]")
		c.String(http.StatusOK, fmt.Sprintf("User bob was created: %v\n", userstate.HasUser("bob")))

	g.GET("/confirm", func(c *gin.Context) {
		c.String(http.StatusOK, fmt.Sprintf("User bob was confirmed: %v\n", userstate.IsConfirmed("bob")))

	g.GET("/remove", func(c *gin.Context) {
		c.String(http.StatusOK, fmt.Sprintf("User bob was removed: %v\n", !userstate.HasUser("bob")))

	g.GET("/login", func(c *gin.Context) {
		// Headers will be written, for storing a cookie
		userstate.Login(c.Writer, "bob")
		c.String(http.StatusOK, fmt.Sprintf("bob is now logged in: %v\n", userstate.IsLoggedIn("bob")))

	g.GET("/logout", func(c *gin.Context) {
		c.String(http.StatusOK, fmt.Sprintf("bob is now logged out: %v\n", !userstate.IsLoggedIn("bob")))

	g.GET("/makeadmin", func(c *gin.Context) {
		c.String(http.StatusOK, fmt.Sprintf("bob is now administrator: %v\n", userstate.IsAdmin("bob")))

	g.GET("/clear", func(c *gin.Context) {
		c.String(http.StatusOK, "Clearing cookie")

	g.GET("/data", func(c *gin.Context) {
		c.String(http.StatusOK, "user page that only logged in users must see!")

	g.GET("/admin", func(c *gin.Context) {
		c.String(http.StatusOK, "super secret information that only logged in administrators must see!\n\n")
		if usernames, err := userstate.AllUsernames(); err == nil {
			c.String(http.StatusOK, "list of all users: "+strings.Join(usernames, ", "))

	// Serve

Example for Macaron

package main

import (


func main() {
	m := macaron.Classic()

	// New permissions middleware
	perm, err := permissions.New2()
    if err != nil {

	// Blank slate, no default permissions

	// Logging middleware

	// Renderer middleware

	// Set up a middleware handler for Macaron, with a custom "permission denied" message.
	permissionHandler := func(ctx *macaron.Context) {
		// Check if the user has the right admin/user rights
		if perm.Rejected(ctx.Resp, ctx.Req.Request) {
			fmt.Fprintf(ctx.Resp, "Permission denied!")
			// Deny the request
			// Don't call other middleware handlers
		// Call the next middleware handler

	// Enable the permissions middleware, must come before recovery

	// Recovery middleware

	// Get the userstate, used in the handlers below
	userstate := perm.UserState()

	m.Get("/", func(ctx *macaron.Context) string {
		msg := ""
		msg += fmt.Sprintf("Has user bob: %v\n", userstate.HasUser("bob"))
		msg += fmt.Sprintf("Logged in on server: %v\n", userstate.IsLoggedIn("bob"))
		msg += fmt.Sprintf("Is confirmed: %v\n", userstate.IsConfirmed("bob"))
		msg += fmt.Sprintf("Username stored in cookies (or blank): %v\n", userstate.Username(ctx.Req.Request))
		msg += fmt.Sprintf("Current user is logged in, has a valid cookie and *user rights*: %v\n", userstate.UserRights(ctx.Req.Request))
		msg += fmt.Sprintf("Current user is logged in, has a valid cookie and *admin rights*: %v\n", userstate.AdminRights(ctx.Req.Request))
		msg += fmt.Sprintln("\nTry: /register, /confirm, /remove, /login, /logout, /makeadmin, /clear, /data and /admin")
		return msg

	m.Get("/register", func(ctx *macaron.Context) string {
		userstate.AddUser("bob", "hunter1", "[email protected]")
		return fmt.Sprintf("User bob was created: %v\n", userstate.HasUser("bob"))

	m.Get("/confirm", func(ctx *macaron.Context) string {
		return fmt.Sprintf("User bob was confirmed: %v\n", userstate.IsConfirmed("bob"))

	m.Get("/remove", func(ctx *macaron.Context) string {
		return fmt.Sprintf("User bob was removed: %v\n", !userstate.HasUser("bob"))

	m.Get("/login", func(ctx *macaron.Context) string {
		// Headers will be written, for storing a cookie
		userstate.Login(ctx.Resp, "bob")
		return fmt.Sprintf("bob is now logged in: %v\n", userstate.IsLoggedIn("bob"))

	m.Get("/logout", func(ctx *macaron.Context) string {
		return fmt.Sprintf("bob is now logged out: %v\n", !userstate.IsLoggedIn("bob"))

	m.Get("/makeadmin", func(ctx *macaron.Context) string {
		return fmt.Sprintf("bob is now administrator: %v\n", userstate.IsAdmin("bob"))

	m.Get("/clear", func(ctx *macaron.Context) string {
		return "Clearing cookie"

	m.Get("/data", func(ctx *macaron.Context) string {
		return "user page that only logged in users must see!"

	m.Get("/admin", func(ctx *macaron.Context) {
		fmt.Fprintf(ctx.Resp, "super secret information that only logged in administrators must see!\n\n")
		if usernames, err := userstate.AllUsernames(); err == nil {
			fmt.Fprintf(ctx.Resp, "list of all users: "+strings.Join(usernames, ", "))

	// Serve

Example for Goji

package main

import (


func main() {
	// New permissions middleware
	perm, err := permissions.New2()
    if err != nil {

	// Blank slate, no default permissions

	// Get the userstate, used in the handlers below
	userstate := perm.UserState()

	goji.Get("/", func(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
		fmt.Fprintf(w, "Has user bob: %v\n", userstate.HasUser("bob"))
		fmt.Fprintf(w, "Logged in on server: %v\n", userstate.IsLoggedIn("bob"))
		fmt.Fprintf(w, "Is confirmed: %v\n", userstate.IsConfirmed("bob"))
		fmt.Fprintf(w, "Username stored in cookies (or blank): %v\n", userstate.Username(req))
		fmt.Fprintf(w, "Current user is logged in, has a valid cookie and *user rights*: %v\n", userstate.UserRights(req))
		fmt.Fprintf(w, "Current user is logged in, has a valid cookie and *admin rights*: %v\n", userstate.AdminRights(req))
		fmt.Fprintf(w, "\nTry: /register, /confirm, /remove, /login, /logout, /makeadmin, /clear, /data and /admin")

	goji.Get("/register", func(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
		userstate.AddUser("bob", "hunter1", "[email protected]")
		fmt.Fprintf(w, "User bob was created: %v\n", userstate.HasUser("bob"))

	goji.Get("/confirm", func(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
		fmt.Fprintf(w, "User bob was confirmed: %v\n", userstate.IsConfirmed("bob"))

	goji.Get("/remove", func(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
		fmt.Fprintf(w, "User bob was removed: %v\n", !userstate.HasUser("bob"))

	goji.Get("/login", func(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
		userstate.Login(w, "bob")
		fmt.Fprintf(w, "bob is now logged in: %v\n", userstate.IsLoggedIn("bob"))

	goji.Get("/logout", func(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
		fmt.Fprintf(w, "bob is now logged out: %v\n", !userstate.IsLoggedIn("bob"))

	goji.Get("/makeadmin", func(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
		fmt.Fprintf(w, "bob is now administrator: %v\n", userstate.IsAdmin("bob"))

	goji.Get("/clear", func(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
		fmt.Fprintf(w, "Clearing cookie")

	goji.Get("/data", func(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
		fmt.Fprintf(w, "user page that only logged in users must see!")

	goji.Get("/admin", func(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
		fmt.Fprintf(w, "super secret information that only logged in administrators must see!\n\n")
		if usernames, err := userstate.AllUsernames(); err == nil {
			fmt.Fprintf(w, "list of all users: "+strings.Join(usernames, ", "))

	// Custom "permissions denied" message
	perm.SetDenyFunction(func(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
		http.Error(w, "Permission denied!", http.StatusForbidden)

	// Permissions middleware for Goji
	permissionHandler := func(next http.Handler) http.Handler {
		return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
			// Check if the user has the right admin/user rights
			if perm.Rejected(w, req) {
				// Deny the request
				perm.DenyFunction()(w, req)
			// Serve the requested page
			next.ServeHTTP(w, req)

	// Enable the permissions middleware

	// Goji will listen to port 8000 by default

Example for Echo

package main

import (


// Convenience function for making it easier to get hold of http.ResponseWriter
func w(c echo.Context) http.ResponseWriter {
	return c.Response().(*standard.Response).ResponseWriter

// Convenience function for making it easier to get hold of *http.Request
func req(c echo.Context) *http.Request {
	return c.Request().(*standard.Request).Request

func main() {
	e := echo.New()

	// New permissions middleware
	perm, err := permissions.New2()
	if err != nil {

	// Blank slate, no default permissions

	// Set up a middleware handler for Echo, with a custom "permission denied" message.
	permissionHandler := echo.MiddlewareFunc(func(next echo.HandlerFunc) echo.HandlerFunc {
		return echo.HandlerFunc(func(c echo.Context) error {
			// Check if the user has the right admin/user rights
			if perm.Rejected(w(c), req(c)) {
				// Deny the request
				return echo.NewHTTPError(http.StatusForbidden, "Permission denied!")
			// Continue the chain of middleware
			return next(c)

	// Logging middleware

	// Enable the permissions middleware, must come before recovery

	// Recovery middleware

	// Get the userstate, used in the handlers below
	userstate := perm.UserState()

	e.Get("/", echo.HandlerFunc(func(c echo.Context) error {
		var buf bytes.Buffer
		b2s := map[bool]string{false: "false", true: "true"}
		buf.WriteString("Has user bob: " + b2s[userstate.HasUser("bob")] + "\n")
		buf.WriteString("Logged in on server: " + b2s[userstate.IsLoggedIn("bob")] + "\n")
		buf.WriteString("Is confirmed: " + b2s[userstate.IsConfirmed("bob")] + "\n")
		buf.WriteString("Username stored in cookies (or blank): " + userstate.Username(req(c)) + "\n")
		buf.WriteString("Current user is logged in, has a valid cookie and *user rights*: " + b2s[userstate.UserRights(req(c))] + "\n")
		buf.WriteString("Current user is logged in, has a valid cookie and *admin rights*: " + b2s[userstate.AdminRights(req(c))] + "\n")
		buf.WriteString("\nTry: /register, /confirm, /remove, /login, /logout, /makeadmin, /clear, /data and /admin")
		return c.String(http.StatusOK, buf.String())

	e.Get("/register", echo.HandlerFunc(func(c echo.Context) error {
		userstate.AddUser("bob", "hunter1", "[email protected]")
		return c.String(http.StatusOK, fmt.Sprintf("User bob was created: %v\n", userstate.HasUser("bob")))

	e.Get("/confirm", echo.HandlerFunc(func(c echo.Context) error {
		return c.String(http.StatusOK, fmt.Sprintf("User bob was confirmed: %v\n", userstate.IsConfirmed("bob")))

	e.Get("/remove", echo.HandlerFunc(func(c echo.Context) error {
		return c.String(http.StatusOK, fmt.Sprintf("User bob was removed: %v\n", !userstate.HasUser("bob")))

	e.Get("/login", echo.HandlerFunc(func(c echo.Context) error {
		// Headers will be written, for storing a cookie
		userstate.Login(w(c), "bob")
		return c.String(http.StatusOK, fmt.Sprintf("bob is now logged in: %v\n", userstate.IsLoggedIn("bob")))

	e.Get("/logout", echo.HandlerFunc(func(c echo.Context) error {
		return c.String(http.StatusOK, fmt.Sprintf("bob is now logged out: %v\n", !userstate.IsLoggedIn("bob")))

	e.Get("/makeadmin", echo.HandlerFunc(func(c echo.Context) error {
		return c.String(http.StatusOK, fmt.Sprintf("bob is now administrator: %v\n", userstate.IsAdmin("bob")))

	e.Get("/clear", echo.HandlerFunc(func(c echo.Context) error {
		return c.String(http.StatusOK, "Clearing cookie")

	e.Get("/data", echo.HandlerFunc(func(c echo.Context) error {
		return c.String(http.StatusOK, "user page that only logged in users must see!")

	e.Get("/admin", echo.HandlerFunc(func(c echo.Context) error {
		var buf bytes.Buffer
		buf.WriteString("super secret information that only logged in administrators must see!\n\n")
		if usernames, err := userstate.AllUsernames(); err == nil {
			buf.WriteString("list of all users: " + strings.Join(usernames, ", "))
		return c.String(http.StatusOK, buf.String())

	// Serve

Example for just net/http

package main

import (


type permissionHandler struct {
	// perm is a Permissions structure that can be used to deny requests
	// and acquire the UserState. By using `pinterface.IPermissions` instead
	// of `*permissions.Permissions`, the code is compatible with not only
	// `permissions2`, but also other modules that uses other database
	// backends, like `permissionbolt` which uses Bolt.
	perm pinterface.IPermissions

	// The HTTP multiplexer
	mux *http.ServeMux

// Implement the ServeHTTP method to make a permissionHandler a http.Handler
func (ph *permissionHandler) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
	// Check if the user has the right admin/user rights
	if ph.perm.Rejected(w, req) {
		// Let the user know, by calling the custom "permission denied" function
		ph.perm.DenyFunction()(w, req)
		// Reject the request
	// Serve the requested page if permissions were granted
	ph.mux.ServeHTTP(w, req)

func main() {
	mux := http.NewServeMux()

	// New permissions middleware
	perm, err := permissions.New2()
    if err != nil {

	// Blank slate, no default permissions

	// Get the userstate, used in the handlers below
	userstate := perm.UserState()

	mux.HandleFunc("/", func(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
		fmt.Fprintf(w, "Has user bob: %v\n", userstate.HasUser("bob"))
		fmt.Fprintf(w, "Logged in on server: %v\n", userstate.IsLoggedIn("bob"))
		fmt.Fprintf(w, "Is confirmed: %v\n", userstate.IsConfirmed("bob"))
		fmt.Fprintf(w, "Username stored in cookies (or blank): %v\n", userstate.Username(req))
		fmt.Fprintf(w, "Current user is logged in, has a valid cookie and *user rights*: %v\n", userstate.UserRights(req))
		fmt.Fprintf(w, "Current user is logged in, has a valid cookie and *admin rights*: %v\n", userstate.AdminRights(req))
		fmt.Fprintf(w, "\nTry: /register, /confirm, /remove, /login, /logout, /makeadmin, /clear, /data and /admin")

	mux.HandleFunc("/register", func(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
		userstate.AddUser("bob", "hunter1", "[email protected]")
		fmt.Fprintf(w, "User bob was created: %v\n", userstate.HasUser("bob"))

	mux.HandleFunc("/confirm", func(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
		fmt.Fprintf(w, "User bob was confirmed: %v\n", userstate.IsConfirmed("bob"))

	mux.HandleFunc("/remove", func(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
		fmt.Fprintf(w, "User bob was removed: %v\n", !userstate.HasUser("bob"))

	mux.HandleFunc("/login", func(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
		userstate.Login(w, "bob")
		fmt.Fprintf(w, "bob is now logged in: %v\n", userstate.IsLoggedIn("bob"))

	mux.HandleFunc("/logout", func(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
		fmt.Fprintf(w, "bob is now logged out: %v\n", !userstate.IsLoggedIn("bob"))

	mux.HandleFunc("/makeadmin", func(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
		fmt.Fprintf(w, "bob is now administrator: %v\n", userstate.IsAdmin("bob"))

	mux.HandleFunc("/clear", func(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
		fmt.Fprintf(w, "Clearing cookie")

	mux.HandleFunc("/data", func(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
		fmt.Fprintf(w, "user page that only logged in users must see!")

	mux.HandleFunc("/admin", func(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
		fmt.Fprintf(w, "super secret information that only logged in administrators must see!\n\n")
		if usernames, err := userstate.AllUsernames(); err == nil {
			fmt.Fprintf(w, "list of all users: "+strings.Join(usernames, ", "))

	// Custom handler for when permissions are denied
	perm.SetDenyFunction(func(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
		http.Error(w, "Permission denied!", http.StatusForbidden)

	// Configure the HTTP server and permissionHandler struct
	s := &http.Server{
		Addr:           ":3000",
		Handler:        &permissionHandler{perm, mux},
		ReadTimeout:    10 * time.Second,
		WriteTimeout:   10 * time.Second,
		MaxHeaderBytes: 1 << 20,

	log.Println("Listening for requests on port 3000")

	// Start listening

Default permissions

  • The /admin path prefix has admin rights by default.
  • These path prefixes have user rights by default: /repo and /data
  • These path prefixes are public by default: /, /login, /register, /style, /img, /js, /favicon.ico, /robots.txt and /sitemap_index.xml

The default permissions can be cleared with the Clear() function.

Password hashing

  • bcrypt is used by default for hashing passwords. sha256 is also supported.
  • By default, all new password will be hashed with bcrypt.
  • For backwards compatibility, old password hashes with the length of a sha256 hash will be checked with sha256. To disable this behavior, and only ever use bcrypt, add this line: userstate.SetPasswordAlgo("bcrypt")

Passing userstate to functions

One way of passing a userstate to a function is to use the pinterface package, like in this source file (using perm pinterface.IPermissions as the argument). Another method is to use a closure, as in the examples above.

Coding style

  • The code shall always be formatted with go fmt.

Setting and getting properties for users

  • Setting a property:
username := "bob"
propertyName := "clever"
propertyValue := "yes"

userstate.Users().Set(username, propertyName, propertyValue)
  • Getting a property:
username := "bob"
propertyName := "clever"
propertyValue, err := userstate.Users().Get(username, propertyName)
if err != nil {
    return err
fmt.Printf("%s is %s: %s\n", username, propertyName, propertyValue)

General information

  • Version: 2.2
  • License: MIT
  • Alexander F Rødseth

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