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google_cloud_scc_temp's Introduction

Security Command Center is a security and risk management platform for Google Cloud. Security Command Center enables you to understand your security and data attack surface by providing asset inventory and discovery, identifying vulnerabilities and threats, and helping you mitigate and remediate risks across an organization. This integration helps you to perform tasks related to findings and assets. This integration was integrated and tested with version v1 of GoogleCloudSCC.

Detailed Description

Security Command Center is a security and risk management platform for Google Cloud. This integration uses Pub/Sub to fetch the incidents. To set up initial parameters of Google SCC in Cortex XSOAR, please follow below instructions -


We need to provide the below mentioned OAuth scope to execute the commands:

Create a Service Account

  1. Go to the Google documentation and follow the procedure mentioned in the Creating a Service Account section. After you create a service account, a Service Account Private Key file is downloaded. You will need this file when configuring an instance of the integration.
  2. Grant the Security Command Center admin permission to the Service Account to enable the Service Account to perform certain Google Cloud API commands.
  3. In Cortex XSOAR, configure an instance of the Google Cloud Security Command Center integration. For the Service Account Private Key parameter, add the Service Account Private Key file contents (JSON).

Getting your Organization ID

The Organization ID is a unique identifier for an organization and is automatically created when your organization resource is created.

  1. To get the Organization ID for your organization, follow the steps mentioned in Google documentation provided here.
  2. To get your Organization ID using the Cloud Console, Go to the Cloud Console and at the top of the page, click the project selection drop-down list and from the Select window that appears, click the organization drop-down list and select the organization you want.
  3. On the right side, click More, then click Settings. The Settings page displays your organization's ID.

Getting your Project ID

When we create a new project or for an existing project, Project ID generates for that project. To get the Project ID and the Project number, you can follow the same instructions provided above for getting Organization ID. For more details, You can follow the instructions provided in Google documentation here.

Getting Subscription ID from Pub/Sub

To fetch incidents using Google Pub/Sub, we need to configure Pub/Sub first. This Google documentation will help setting up Pub/Sub prerequisites for creating a subscription.

  1. To add a subscription, we need to have a topic first. So after you create a topic, go to the menu for the topic and click on Create subscription and it will take you to the Add new subscription page.
  2. Type a name for the subscription and leave the delivery type as Pull.
  3. Set the Message retention duration to retain unacknowledged messages for a specified duration. If the checkbox of Retain acknowledged messages is enabled, acknowledged messages are retained for the same duration. It is recommended to keep maximum possible value for Message retention so messages can be retained inside subscription until they are pulled.
  4. Set the Acknowledgement deadline for pub/sub to wait for the subscriber to acknowledge receipt before resending the message. Minimum recommended value for Acknowledgement deadline is 300 seconds for this integration.
  5. Apply the other settings as required and click on the CREATE button.
  6. Once the subscription is created, it will take you to the Subscriptions page, where you can see the Subscription ID for the subscription you just created.

Setting up finding notifications

  • Enable the Security Command Center API notifications feature. Notifications send information to a Pub/Sub topic to provide findings updates and new findings within minutes. Set up the notifications as per Google Documentation available and get SCC data in Cortex XSOAR.
  • The basic parameters required for setting up pub/sub notifications are ORGANIZATION_ID, PUBSUB_TOPIC, DESCRIPTION and FILTER.
  • Before creating a pub/sub notification, make sure to check the filter parameters using google-cloud-scc-finding-list command provided in this integration. The total size applicable for the filter provided can be checked using Total retrieved findings available inside the command results section. A maximum of 200 findings per minute is recommended.

Configure GoogleCloudSCC on Cortex XSOAR

  1. Navigate to Settings > Integrations > Servers & Services.

  2. Search for GoogleCloudSCC.

  3. Click Add instance to create and configure a new integration instance.

    Parameter Description Required
    Service Account JSON Service Account JSON. True
    Organization ID Organization ID defines from which organization incidents need to be fetched. True
    Fetch incidents Enables fetch incident. False
    Project ID ID of the project to use for fetching incidents. If ID is not provided it will be taken from the provided service account JSON. False
    Subscription ID ID of subscription from which to fetch incidents. False
    Max Incidents The maximum number of incidents to fetch every time. False
    Incident type Type of incident. False
    Trust any certificate (not secure) Enables to trust on all certificates. False
    Use system proxy settings Enables system proxy settings. False
  4. Click Test to validate configuration parameter.


You can execute these commands from the Cortex XSOAR CLI, as part of an automation, or in a playbook. After you successfully execute a command, a DBot message appears in the War Room with the command details.


Lists an organization's assets.

Base Command



Argument Name Description Required
filter The filter expression is a list of one or more restrictions combined via logical operators AND and OR.
Parentheses are supported, and OR has higher precedence than AND.Examples include:
1) name
2) securityCenterProperties.resource_name
4) securityMarks.marks.marka

The supported operators are:
1) = for all value types.
2) >, <, >=, <= for integer values.
3) :, meaning substring matching, for strings.

The following field and operator combinations are supported:
1) name: =
2) updateTime: =, >, <, >=, <

Example: resourceProperties.displayName="" OR resourceProperties.projectNumber="455757558851"
Use a negated partial match on the empty string to filter based on a property not existing: "-resourceProperties.project=45".
orderBy This parameter defines what fields and order to use for sorting.
The string value should be a comma-separated list of fields.
The default sorting order is ascending. To specify descending order for a field, a suffix "desc" should be appended to the field name.
For example: "name desc,resourceProperties.owner".
The following fields are supported for orderBy:
name, updateTime, resourceProperties, securityMarks.marks, securityCenterProperties.resource_name,
securityCenterProperties.resource_display_name, securityCenterProperties.resource_parent, securityCenterProperties.resource_parent_display_name, securityCenterProperties.resource_project,
securityCenterProperties.resource_project_display_name, securityCenterProperties.resource_type.
readTime Time is used as a reference point when filtering assets. The filter is limited to assets existing at the supplied time and their values are those at that specific time. If not provided, it will take current time. Format: YYYY-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.sssZ
Example: 2020-07-22T07:10:02.782Z.
compareDuration When compareDuration is set, the "stateChange" attribute is updated to indicate whether the asset was added, removed, or remained present during the compareDuration period of time that precedes the readTime.
Possible "stateChange" values when compareDuration is specified:

If compareDuration is not specified, then the only possible stateChange is "UNUSED",
Example value: 3.5s.
fieldMask A field mask is used to specify the specific response fields to be listed in the response.
An empty field mask will list all fields. Comma-separated values are supported in this parameter.
Example: "asset.resourceProperties.owner,asset.securityCenterProperties.resourceName".
pageToken The value returned by the last response of the google-cloud-scc-asset-list command indicates that this is a continuation of prior assets.list call, and that the system should return the next page of data. Optional
pageSize The maximum number of results to return in a single response. The minimum value is 1 and maximum value is 1000. Default is 10. Optional
resourceType This parameter is used to filter assets by resource types by providing a single value or a comma-separated value of resource types. If any resource type is not provided, by default all resource types will be considered for listing assets.The value provided inside resourceType would be applied in the query as a filter parameter for filtering results. Example: cloudfunction, bucket. Optional
project This parameter is used to filter assets by the project by providing a single value or a comma-separated value of projects. If any project is not provided, by default all projects will be considered for listing assets. Value provided inside the project would be applied in the query as a filter parameter for filtering results. Example: Automeet, Backstory. Optional
activeAssetsOnly This parameter is used to filter assets by their lifeCycleState value by selecting an option from the dropdown. If 'True' is selected the assets having lifeCycleState as 'ACTIVE' will be fetched and if 'False' or no option selected from the dropdown, then assets with all states will be considered for listing assets. The value selected in activeAssetsOnly would be applied in the query as a filter parameter for filtering results. Possible values are: True, False. Default is False. Optional

Context Output

Path Type Description String The relative resource name of the asset.
GoogleCloudSCC.Asset.securityCenterProperties.resourceName String The full resource name of the Google Cloud resource this asset represents.
GoogleCloudSCC.Asset.securityCenterProperties.resourceType String The type of the Google Cloud resource.
GoogleCloudSCC.Asset.securityCenterProperties.resourceParent String The full resource name of the immediate parent of the resource.
GoogleCloudSCC.Asset.securityCenterProperties.resourceProject String The full resource name of the project the resource belongs to.
GoogleCloudSCC.Asset.securityCenterProperties.resourceOwners String Owners of the Google Cloud resource.
GoogleCloudSCC.Asset.securityCenterProperties.resourceDisplayName String The user defined display name for this resource.
GoogleCloudSCC.Asset.securityCenterProperties.resourceParentDisplayName String The user defined display name for the parent of this resource.
GoogleCloudSCC.Asset.securityCenterProperties.resourceProjectDisplayName String The user defined display name for the project of this resource.
GoogleCloudSCC.Asset.securityCenterProperties.folders.resourceFolder String Full resource name of this folder.
GoogleCloudSCC.Asset.securityCenterProperties.folders.resourceFolderDisplayName String The user defined display name for this folder.
GoogleCloudSCC.Asset.resourceProperties Unknown Resource managed properties. These properties are managed and defined by the Google Cloud resource and cannot be modified by the user. Properties are varying from assets to assets. String The relative resource name of the SecurityMarks.
GoogleCloudSCC.Asset.securityMarks.marks String Mutable user specified security marks belonging to the parent resource.
GoogleCloudSCC.Asset.createTime String The time at which the asset was created in the Security Command Center.
GoogleCloudSCC.Asset.updateTime String The time at which the asset was last updated, added, or deleted in Security Command Center.
GoogleCloudSCC.Asset.iamPolicy.policyBlob String Cloud IAM Policy information associated with the Google Cloud resource described by the Security Command Center asset.
GoogleCloudSCC.Asset.stateChange String State change of the asset between the points in time.
GoogleCloudSCC.Asset.readTime String Time used for executing the list request.
GoogleCloudSCC.Token.nextPageToken String Token to retrieve the next page of results, or empty if there are no more results. String Name of the command.

Command Example

!google-cloud-scc-asset-list pageSize="3"

Context Example

    "GoogleCloudSCC": {
        "Asset": [
                "createTime": "2020-07-22T07:10:02.782Z",
                "iamPolicy": {
                    "policyBlob": "{\"bindings\":[{\"role\":\"roles/billing.admin\",\"members\":[\"group:[email protected]\",\"user:[email protected]\",\"user:[email protected]\",\"user:[email protected]\"]},{\"role\":\"roles/billing.creator\",\"members\":[\"\",\"group:[email protected]\",\"user:[email protected]\",\"user:[email protected]\",\"user:[email protected]\"]},{\"role\":\"roles/billing.user\",\"members\":[\"group:[email protected]\"]},{\"role\":\"roles/browser\",\"members\":[\"user:[email protected]\"]},{\"role\":\"roles/cloudfunctions.serviceAgent\",\"members\":[\"\"]},{\"role\":\"roles/cloudsql.admin\",\"members\":[\"\"]},{\"role\":\"roles/cloudsupport.admin\",\"members\":[\"group:[email protected]\"]},{\"role\":\"roles/compute.admin\",\"members\":[\"user:[email protected]\"]},{\"role\":\"roles/iam.organizationRoleAdmin\",\"members\":[\"group:[email protected]\"]},{\"role\":\"roles/iam.serviceAccountAdmin\",\"members\":[\"user:[email protected]\"]},{\"role\":\"roles/orgpolicy.policyAdmin\",\"members\":[\"group:[email protected]\"]},{\"role\":\"roles/owner\",\"members\":[\"user:[email protected]\"]},{\"role\":\"roles/pubsub.editor\",\"members\":[\"serviceAccount:[email protected]\"]},{\"role\":\"roles/resourcemanager.folderAdmin\",\"members\":[\"group:[email protected]\"]},{\"role\":\"roles/resourcemanager.organizationAdmin\",\"members\":[\"group:[email protected]\",\"user:[email protected]\",\"user:[email protected]\",\"user:[email protected]\",\"user:[email protected]\"]},{\"role\":\"roles/resourcemanager.organizationViewer\",\"members\":[\"group:[email protected]\",\"user:[email protected]\"]},{\"role\":\"roles/resourcemanager.projectCreator\",\"members\":[\"group:[email protected]\",\"user:[email protected]\"]},{\"role\":\"roles/securitycenter.admin\",\"members\":[\"\",\"group:[email protected]\",\"serviceAccount:[email protected]\",\"deleted:serviceAccount:[email protected]?uid\\u003d111170257821042589392\",\"serviceAccount:[email protected]\",\"user:[email protected]\",\"user:[email protected]\",\"user:[email protected]\"]},{\"role\":\"roles/securitycenter.serviceAgent\",\"members\":[\"\"]},{\"role\":\"roles/serviceusage.serviceUsageAdmin\",\"members\":[\"\"]},{\"role\":\"roles/viewer\",\"members\":[\"serviceAccount:[email protected]\",\"deleted:serviceAccount:[email protected]?uid\\u003d111170257821042589392\"]}]}"
                "name": "organizations/595779152576/assets/7180457033309348544",
                "readTime": "2021-02-11T13:51:59.620Z",
                "resourceProperties": {
                    "creationTime": "2017-01-23T08:50:47.212Z",
                    "displayName": "",
                    "lifecycleState": "ACTIVE",
                    "name": "organizations/595779152576",
                    "organizationId": "595779152576",
                    "owner": "{\"directoryCustomerId\":\"C02umwv6u\"}"
                "securityCenterProperties": {
                    "resourceDisplayName": "",
                    "resourceName": "//",
                    "resourceType": ""
                "securityMarks": {
                    "marks": {
                        "compressed": "SSH",
                        "LastSeen": "Yesterday"
                    "name": "organizations/595779152576/assets/7180457033309348544/securityMarks"
                "updateTime": "2021-02-06T11:01:26.317Z"
                "createTime": "2020-12-16T10:05:58.742Z",
                "iamPolicy": {
                    "policyBlob": "{\"bindings\":[{\"role\":\"roles/owner\",\"members\":[\"user:[email protected]\"]}]}"
                "name": "organizations/595779152576/assets/2994068353411300094",
                "readTime": "2021-02-11T13:51:59.620Z",
                "resourceProperties": {
                    "createTime": "2020-12-16T10:05:54.696Z",
                    "lifecycleState": "ACTIVE",
                    "name": "Calender",
                    "parent": "{\"id\":\"595779152576\",\"type\":\"organization\"}",
                    "projectId": "calender-1608113154215",
                    "projectNumber": "455757558851"
                "securityCenterProperties": {
                    "resourceDisplayName": "calender-1608113154215",
                    "resourceName": "//",
                    "resourceOwners": [
                        "user:[email protected]"
                    "resourceParent": "//",
                    "resourceParentDisplayName": "",
                    "resourceProject": "//",
                    "resourceProjectDisplayName": "calender-1608113154215",
                    "resourceType": ""
                "securityMarks": {
                    "marks": {
                        "compressed": "SSH",
                        "LastSeen": "Yesterday"
                    "name": "organizations/595779152576/assets/2994068353411300094/securityMarks"
                "updateTime": "2020-12-16T10:06:00.134Z"
                "createTime": "2019-09-24T02:10:50.766Z",
                "iamPolicy": {
                    "policyBlob": "{\"bindings\":[{\"role\":\"roles/owner\",\"members\":[\"user:[email protected]\"]}]}"
                "name": "organizations/595779152576/assets/14656821127596596302",
                "readTime": "2021-02-11T13:51:59.620Z",
                "resourceProperties": {
                    "createTime": "2019-08-13T06:58:21.574Z",
                    "lifecycleState": "ACTIVE",
                    "name": "Test Proj",
                    "parent": "{\"id\":\"595779152576\",\"type\":\"organization\"}",
                    "projectId": "test-proj-249706",
                    "projectNumber": "265894444436"
                "securityCenterProperties": {
                    "resourceDisplayName": "test-proj-249706",
                    "resourceName": "//",
                    "resourceOwners": [
                        "user:[email protected]"
                    "resourceParent": "//",
                    "resourceParentDisplayName": "",
                    "resourceProject": "//",
                    "resourceProjectDisplayName": "test-proj-249706",
                    "resourceType": ""
                "securityMarks": {
                    "name": "organizations/595779152576/assets/14656821127596596302/securityMarks"
                "updateTime": "2020-04-16T06:09:38.488Z"
        "Token": {
            "name": "google-cloud-scc-asset-list",
            "nextPageToken": "CugB3cy7qgAx8QqfeYDI-euaqohhc0C4DIrRMAEGfAmMCR27cfv1xzE1JtzInEO5j7S-cXxVkULYewQwSL-n-rwP50CfX1GmmjXb8-TxYbD8XfivDJw6AR7yzVz4f4_VqViVSkoYFzeRiW4-WabEQjued3j9IN0gGt_4v8MS0pFrbKGFSRdgOfv9CfrhFecQQruiLBD135jve-sSgrezxexc0YbzXfJuvsn7TPMG0p0sGa_ujb9HzxPhapIO4OVat2mTINzt2RU5ejxxLypD9SJ-S29q9Jdr3OkjEEVZ8MyTuFzHEBIgaygfFQ=="

Human Readable Output

Total retrieved asset(s): 3

Name Project Resource Name Resource Type Resource Owners Security Marks
organizations/595779152576/assets/7180457033309348544 organizations/595779152576 // compressed: SSH
LastSeen: Yesterday
organizations/595779152576/assets/2994068353411300094 Calender // user:[email protected] compressed: SSH
LastSeen: Yesterday
organizations/595779152576/assets/14656821127596596302 Test Proj // user:[email protected]

Next Page Token: CugB3cy7qgAx8QqfeYDI-euaqohhc0C4DIrRMAEGfAmMCR27cfv1xzE1JtzInEO5j7S-cXxVkULYewQwSL-n-rwP50CfX1GmmjXb8-TxYbD8XfivDJw6AR7yzVz4f4_VqViVSkoYFzeRiW4-WabEQjued3j9IN0gGt_4v8MS0pFrbKGFSRdgOfv9CfrhFecQQruiLBD135jve-sSgrezxexc0YbzXfJuvsn7TPMG0p0sGa_ujb9HzxPhapIO4OVat2mTINzt2RU5ejxxLypD9SJ-S29q9Jdr3OkjEEVZ8MyTuFzHEBIgaygfFQ==


Lists an organization or source's findings.

Base Command



Argument Name Description Required
severity Filter findings by their severity (LOW, MEDIUM, HIGH, CRITICAL). Comma-separated values are supported and if any severity value is not provided, by default all the severities will be considered for listing of findings. Value provided inside severity would be applied in the query as a filter parameter for filtering results. Optional
category Filter findings by providing comma-separated values of categories or a single category.
If any category value is not provided, by default all the categories will be considered for listing findings.
Value provided inside the category would be applied in the query as a filter parameter for filtering results.
For Example: anomaly,application.
sourceTypeId Filter findings by providing the value of a single source type. If any source type Id value is not provided, by default all source types will be considered for list findings. Default is -. Optional
pageSize The maximum number of results to return in a single response. The minimum value is 1 and maximum value is 1000. Default is 10. Optional
state Filter the findings by their state. Can be 'ACTIVE', 'INACTIVE'. Comma-separated values are supported and if any state value is not provided, by default 'ACTIVE' state will be considered for listing of findings. Value provided inside the state would be applied in the query as a filter parameter for filtering results. Default is ACTIVE. Optional
filter The filter expression is a list of one or more restrictions combined via logical operators AND and OR.
Parentheses are supported, and OR has higher precedence than AND.Examples include:
1) name
2) sourceProperties.a_property
3) securityMarks.marks.marka

The supported operators are:
1) = for all value types.
2) >, <, >=, <= for integer values.
3) :, meaning substring matching, for strings.

The following field and operator combinations are supported:
1) name: =
2) parent: =, :
3) resourceName: =, :
4) state: =, :
5) category: =, :
6) externalUri: =, :
7) eventTime: =, >, <, >=, <=
8) severity: =, :

Examples: "sourceProperties.browser="chrome" AND sourceProperties.event_type="proximity""
Use a negated partial match on the empty string to filter based on a property not existing: "-severity=LOW".
orderBy This parameter defines what fields and order to use for sorting.
The string value should be a comma separated list of fields. The default sorting order is ascending.
To specify descending order for a field, a suffix " desc" should be appended to the field name.
For example: "name desc,sourceProperties.browser".
Supported fields: name, parent, state, category, resourceName, eventTime, sourceProperties, securityMarks.marks.
compareDuration When compareDuration is set, the "stateChange" attribute is updated to indicate whether the finding had its state changed, the finding's state remained unchanged, or if the finding was added in any state during the compareDuration period of time that precedes the readTime. This is the time between (readTime - compareDuration) and readTime.
The results aren't affected if the finding is made inactive and then active again.

Possible "stateChange" values when compareDuration is specified:

If compareDuration is not specified, then the only possible stateChange is "UNUSED".
Example value: "3.5s".
readTime Time used as a reference point when filtering findings. The filter is limited to findings existing at the supplied time and their values are those at that specific time. If not provided, it will take current time.
Format: YYYY-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.sssZ
Example: 2020-07-22T07:10:02.782Z.
fieldMask A field mask is used to specify the specific response fields to be listed in the response.
An empty field mask will list all fields. Comma-separated values are supported in this parameter.
Example: "user.displayName,sourceProperties.browser".
pageToken The value returned by the last response of a google-cloud-scc-finding-list command indicates that this is a continuation of a prior findings.list call, and that the system should return the next page of data. Optional

Context Output

Path Type Description String The relative resource name of this finding.
GoogleCloudSCC.Finding.parent String The relative resource name of the source the finding belongs to.
GoogleCloudSCC.Finding.resourceName String For findings on Google Cloud resources, the full resource name of the Google Cloud resource this finding is for.
GoogleCloudSCC.Finding.state String The state of the finding.
GoogleCloudSCC.Finding.category String The additional taxonomy group within findings from a given source.
GoogleCloudSCC.Finding.externalUri String The URI that, if available, points to a web page outside of Security Command Center where additional information about the finding can be found.
GoogleCloudSCC.Finding.createTime String The time at which the finding was created in Security Command Center.
GoogleCloudSCC.Finding.eventTime String The time at which the event took place, or when an update to the finding occurred. String The full resource name of the resource.
GoogleCloudSCC.Finding.resource.parentDisplayName String The human readable name of resource's parent.
GoogleCloudSCC.Finding.resource.parentName String The full resource name of resource's parent.
GoogleCloudSCC.Finding.resource.projectDisplayName String The human readable name of project that the resource belongs to.
GoogleCloudSCC.Finding.resource.projectName String The full resource name of the project that the resource belongs to.
GoogleCloudSCC.Finding.resource.folders.resourceFolder String Full resource name of this folder.
GoogleCloudSCC.Finding.resource.folders.resourceFolderDisplayName String The user defined display name for this folder.
GoogleCloudSCC.Finding.stateChange String State change of the finding between the points in time.
GoogleCloudSCC.Finding.sourceProperties Unknown Source specific properties. These properties are managed by the source that writes the finding. Properties are varying from finding to finding.
GoogleCloudSCC.Finding.severity String Severity of the finding. String The relative resource name of the SecurityMarks.
GoogleCloudSCC.Finding.securityMarks.marks String Mutable user specified security marks belonging to the parent resource.
GoogleCloudSCC.Finding.readTime String Time used for executing the list request.
GoogleCloudSCC.Token.nextPageToken String Token to retrieve the next page of results, or empty if there are no more results. String Name of the command.

Command Example

!google-cloud-scc-finding-list sourceTypeId="-" pageSize="3" state="ACTIVE"

Context Example

    "GoogleCloudSCC": {
        "Finding": [
                "category": "page",
                "createTime": "2020-05-15T05:57:46.641Z",
                "eventTime": "2021-02-11T09:33:30.716Z",
                "externalUri": "",
                "name": "organizations/595779152576/sources/10134421585261057824/findings/00002906967111ea87141217baf6db4d",
                "parent": "organizations/595779152576/sources/10134421585261057824",
                "readTime": "2021-02-11T13:52:10.594Z",
                "resource": {
                    "name": "//",
                    "parentDisplayName": "",
                    "parentName": "//",
                    "projectDisplayName": "gscc-demo-0908",
                    "projectName": "//"
                "resourceName": "//",
                "securityMarks": {
                    "name": "organizations/595779152576/sources/10134421585261057824/findings/00002906967111ea87141217baf6db4d/securityMarks"
                "sourceProperties": {
                    "access_method": "IPSec",
                    "appcategory": "Technology",
                    "bypass_traffic": "yes",
                    "category": "Technology",
                    "ccl": "unknown",
                    "count": "1",
                    "domain": "",
                    "dst_country": "US",
                    "dst_geoip_src": "2",
                    "dst_latitude": 35.7319,
                    "dst_location": "Morganton",
                    "dst_longitude": -81.7091,
                    "dst_region": "North Carolina",
                    "dst_zipcode": "28655",
                    "dstip": "",
                    "id": "fda1f2cb566f247dac4c4c77",
                    "insertion_epoch_timestamp": "1584069016",
                    "organization_unit": "None",
                    "page": "",
                    "page_id": "0",
                    "policy": "Domains",
                    "site": "apple",
                    "src_country": "US",
                    "src_geoip_src": "2",
                    "src_latitude": 37.4073,
                    "src_location": "San Jose",
                    "src_longitude": -121.939,
                    "src_region": "California",
                    "src_zipcode": "95134",
                    "srcip": "",
                    "ssl_decrypt_policy": "no",
                    "tenant_name": "partners",
                    "timestamp": "1584069012",
                    "traffic_type": "Web",
                    "transaction_id": "0",
                    "type": "page",
                    "ur_normalized": "",
                    "url": "",
                    "user": "",
                    "user_generated": "yes",
                    "userip": ""
                "state": "ACTIVE"
                "category": "page",
                "createTime": "2020-05-30T15:19:49.539Z",
                "eventTime": "2021-02-11T07:21:45.317Z",
                "name": "organizations/595779152576/sources/10134421585261057824/findings/00002ccaa28911ea9d221217baf6db4d",
                "parent": "organizations/595779152576/sources/10134421585261057824",
                "readTime": "2021-02-11T13:52:10.594Z",
                "resource": {
                    "name": "//",
                    "parentDisplayName": "",
                    "parentName": "//",
                    "projectDisplayName": "gscc-demo-0908",
                    "projectName": "//"
                "resourceName": "//",
                "securityMarks": {
                    "name": "organizations/595779152576/sources/10134421585261057824/findings/00002ccaa28911ea9d221217baf6db4d/securityMarks"
                "state": "ACTIVE"
                "category": "page",
                "createTime": "2020-05-30T02:41:01.848Z",
                "eventTime": "2020-03-16T01:38:52Z",
                "externalUri": "",
                "name": "organizations/595779152576/sources/10134421585261057824/findings/000031c6a21f11ea9d221217baf6db4d",
                "parent": "organizations/595779152576/sources/10134421585261057824",
                "readTime": "2021-02-11T13:52:10.594Z",
                "resource": {
                    "name": "//",
                    "parentDisplayName": "",
                    "parentName": "//",
                    "projectDisplayName": "gscc-demo-0908",
                    "projectName": "//"
                "resourceName": "//",
                "securityMarks": {
                    "name": "organizations/595779152576/sources/10134421585261057824/findings/000031c6a21f11ea9d221217baf6db4d/securityMarks"
                "sourceProperties": {
                    "access_method": "IPSec",
                    "app": "LinkedIn",
                    "appcategory": "Social",
                    "bypass_traffic": "yes",
                    "category": "Social",
                    "cci": "65",
                    "ccl": "medium",
                    "count": "1",
                    "domain": "",
                    "dst_country": "US",
                    "dst_geoip_src": "1",
                    "dst_latitude": 37.368889,
                    "dst_location": "Sunnyvale",
                    "dst_longitude": -122.035278,
                    "dst_region": "California",
                    "dst_timezone": "N/A",
                    "dst_zipcode": "N/A",
                    "dstip": "",
                    "id": "567a33f799d411dab82da23e",
                    "insertion_epoch_timestamp": "1584322739",
                    "organization_unit": "None",
                    "page": "",
                    "page_id": "0",
                    "policy": "No_Decrypt",
                    "site": "Linkedin",
                    "src_country": "US",
                    "src_geoip_src": "2",
                    "src_latitude": 37.4073,
                    "src_location": "San Jose",
                    "src_longitude": -121.939,
                    "src_region": "California",
                    "src_zipcode": "95134",
                    "srcip": "",
                    "ssl_decrypt_policy": "yes",
                    "tenant_name": "partners",
                    "timestamp": "1584322732",
                    "traffic_type": "CloudApp",
                    "transaction_id": "0",
                    "type": "page",
                    "ur_normalized": "",
                    "url": "",
                    "user": "",
                    "user_generated": "yes",
                    "userip": ""
                "state": "ACTIVE"
        "Token": {
            "name": "google-cloud-scc-finding-list",
            "nextPageToken": "CtwC3cy7qgAx8QqfNsgeRyxSDIxQ030KVfO_vWWGMks_91Ml1zNZzxlu76feNaXEfPJHjkcEQBsREtj-pzNtwP4ee4NoAuyhSY2lGiWOURBCkqXFDuwrWACHT0vGytG9wM_MikvTNrxt3W8j6ZAmzKEMuh_hG1Hmeoxv4sAo3xEPUQq7_T4n3kQD1I19MMrdCVnO6LyoOHBz44MQALRoTewtTn1O1qL8lybXS1Mqz1E1FEDb6Ug9czburnT8IkMiBWYaOIYzh2JPE2250L8zoGUcorUu7iLxZ5mMullbY5tES0R78ofrSWRddikkZ-8KYSD6dR3ozj38IcLkdfiH9TusqbgExN81-MkJCLCTwpSrhRQyVkycbCH0nMw70bD8rSheoXI-Lg3WubbgXzCwo6iLZTK4TVuHtlTr4W3u_dLpY7lHRjXyf5H8LVmIkg-6OAb_mP-Z6Gw0hm5fMS8v"

Human Readable Output

Total retrieved finding(s): 3

Name Category Resource Name Event Time Create Time
organizations/595779152576/sources/10134421585261057824/findings/00002906967111ea87141217baf6db4d page // February 11, 2021 at 09:33:30 AM May 15, 2020 at 05:57:46 AM
organizations/595779152576/sources/10134421585261057824/findings/00002ccaa28911ea9d221217baf6db4d page // February 11, 2021 at 07:21:45 AM May 30, 2020 at 03:19:49 PM
organizations/595779152576/sources/10134421585261057824/findings/000031c6a21f11ea9d221217baf6db4d page // March 16, 2020 at 01:38:52 AM May 30, 2020 at 02:41:01 AM

Next Page Token: CtwC3cy7qgAx8QqfNsgeRyxSDIxQ030KVfO_vWWGMks_91Ml1zNZzxlu76feNaXEfPJHjkcEQBsREtj-pzNtwP4ee4NoAuyhSY2lGiWOURBCkqXFDuwrWACHT0vGytG9wM_MikvTNrxt3W8j6ZAmzKEMuh_hG1Hmeoxv4sAo3xEPUQq7_T4n3kQD1I19MMrdCVnO6LyoOHBz44MQALRoTewtTn1O1qL8lybXS1Mqz1E1FEDb6Ug9czburnT8IkMiBWYaOIYzh2JPE2250L8zoGUcorUu7iLxZ5mMullbY5tES0R78ofrSWRddikkZ-8KYSD6dR3ozj38IcLkdfiH9TusqbgExN81-MkJCLCTwpSrhRQyVkycbCH0nMw70bD8rSheoXI-Lg3WubbgXzCwo6iLZTK4TVuHtlTr4W3u_dLpY7lHRjXyf5H8LVmIkg-6OAb_mP-Z6Gw0hm5fMS8v


Update an organization's or source's finding.

Base Command



Argument Name Description Required
name The relative resource name of the finding.
Format: organizations/{organization_id}/sources/{source_id}/finding/{findingId}
Example: organizations/595779152576/sources/14801394649435054450/findings/bc5a86da657611ebb979005056a5924e.
eventTime Time at which the event took place. By default UTC current time will be taken if no value is provided in eventTime.
Format: YYYY-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.sssZ
Example: 2020-07-22T07:10:02.782Z, 2014-10-02T15:01:23.045123456Z.
severity Related severity of the finding. Possible values are: LOW, MEDIUM, HIGH, CRITICAL. Optional
externalUri URI that points to a web page outside of Cloud SCC (Security Command Center) where additional information about the finding can be found. Optional
sourceProperties Source specific properties. These properties are managed by the source that writes the finding. For example "key1=val1,key2=val2". Optional
updateMask A updateMask argument supports single or comma-separated fields that need to be updated/deleted. A updateMask is automatically generated in the backend for the specific arguments provided in the command and only those values will be updated. To delete attributes/properties, add those keys in updateMask without specifying those fields individually in the command arguments. Optional

Context Output

Path Type Description String The relative resource name of this finding.
GoogleCloudSCC.Finding.parent String The relative resource name of the source the finding belongs to.
GoogleCloudSCC.Finding.resourceName String For findings on Google Cloud resources, the full resource name of the Google Cloud resource this finding is for.
GoogleCloudSCC.Finding.state String The state of the finding.
GoogleCloudSCC.Finding.category String The additional taxonomy group within findings from a given source.
GoogleCloudSCC.Finding.externalUri String The URI that, if available, points to a web page outside of Security Command Center where additional information about the finding can be found.
GoogleCloudSCC.Finding.createTime String The time at which the finding was created in Security Command Center.
GoogleCloudSCC.Finding.eventTime String The time at which the event took place, or when an update to the finding occurred.
GoogleCloudSCC.Finding.sourceProperties Unknown Source specific properties. These properties are managed by the source that writes the finding. Properties are varying from finding to finding.
GoogleCloudSCC.Finding.severity String Severity of the finding. String The relative resource name of the SecurityMarks.
GoogleCloudSCC.Finding.securityMarks.marks String Mutable user specified security marks belonging to the parent resource.

Command Example

!google-cloud-scc-finding-update name="organizations/595779152576/sources/10134421585261057824/findings/00002906967111ea87141217baf6db4d"

Context Example

    "GoogleCloudSCC": {
        "Finding": {
            "category": "page",
            "createTime": "2020-05-15T05:57:46.641Z",
            "eventTime": "2021-02-11T13:52:25.986162Z",
            "externalUri": "",
            "name": "organizations/595779152576/sources/10134421585261057824/findings/00002906967111ea87141217baf6db4d",
            "parent": "organizations/595779152576/sources/10134421585261057824",
            "resourceName": "//",
            "securityMarks": {
                "name": "organizations/595779152576/sources/10134421585261057824/findings/00002906967111ea87141217baf6db4d/securityMarks"
            "sourceProperties": {
                "access_method": "IPSec",
                "appcategory": "Technology",
                "bypass_traffic": "yes",
                "category": "Technology",
                "ccl": "unknown",
                "count": "1",
                "domain": "",
                "dst_country": "US",
                "dst_geoip_src": "2",
                "dst_latitude": 35.7319,
                "dst_location": "Morganton",
                "dst_longitude": -81.7091,
                "dst_region": "North Carolina",
                "dst_zipcode": "28655",
                "dstip": "",
                "id": "fda1f2cb566f247dac4c4c77",
                "insertion_epoch_timestamp": "1584069016",
                "organization_unit": "None",
                "page": "",
                "page_id": "0",
                "policy": "Domains",
                "site": "apple",
                "src_country": "US",
                "src_geoip_src": "2",
                "src_latitude": 37.4073,
                "src_location": "San Jose",
                "src_longitude": -121.939,
                "src_region": "California",
                "src_zipcode": "95134",
                "srcip": "",
                "ssl_decrypt_policy": "no",
                "tenant_name": "partners",
                "timestamp": "1584069012",
                "traffic_type": "Web",
                "transaction_id": "0",
                "type": "page",
                "ur_normalized": "",
                "url": "",
                "user": "",
                "user_generated": "yes",
                "userip": ""
            "state": "ACTIVE"

Human Readable Output

The finding has been updated successfully.

Name State Category Event Time Create Time External Uri Resource Name
organizations/595779152576/sources/10134421585261057824/findings/00002906967111ea87141217baf6db4d ACTIVE page February 11, 2021 at 01:52:25 PM May 15, 2020 at 05:57:46 AM //

Known Limitations

This integration supports only secure connection hence disabling SSL(Trust any certificate) support is not provided.

google_cloud_scc_temp's People


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