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rails_kindeditor's Introduction

Kindeditor for Ruby on Rails Gem Version

Kindeditor is a WYSIWYG javascript editor, visit for details. rails_kindeditor will helps your rails app integrate with kindeditor, includes images and files uploading.


Installation and usage

Add this to your Gemfile

  gem 'jquery-rails'
  gem 'rails_kindeditor'

notice: Rails 5.1 has dropped dependency on jQuery from the default,but rails_kindeditor need 'jquery-rails'.

Run "bundle" command.


Run install generator:

  rails g rails_kindeditor:install

notice: rails_kindeditor needs applications.js in your project.

Production mode

Precompiling assets no longer automatically copies non-JS/CSS assets from vendor/assets and lib/assets. see rails/rails#7968 please run 'rails kindeditor:assets', this method just copy kindeditor into public folder.

  rails kindeditor:assets


  1. <%= kindeditor_tag :content, 'default content value' %>
     # or <%= kindeditor_tag :content, 'default content value', :width => 800, :height => 300 %>
     # or <%= kindeditor_tag :content, 'default content value', :allowFileManager => false %>
  2. <%= form_for @article do |f| %>
       <%= f.kindeditor :content %>
       # or <%= f.kindeditor :content, :width => 800, :height => 300 %>
       # or <%= f.kindeditor :content, :allowFileManager => false %>
     <% end %>

You can use kindeditor's initial parameters as usual, please visit for details.

additionally, rails_kindeditor provides one "simple_mode" parameter for render simple mode quickly.

simple mode

  kindeditor_tag :content, 'default content value', :simple_mode => true
  f.kindeditor :content, :simple_mode => true
  f.input :content, :as => :kindeditor, :input_html => { :simple_mode => true } # simple_form & formtastic

That's all.

Work with Turbolinks5

Create a file app/assets/javascripts/

  # coffeescript code
  $(document).on 'turbolinks:before-cache', ->

  $(document).on 'turbolinks:load', ->
    $('.rails_kindeditor').each ->
      KindEditor.create "##{$(this).attr('id')}", "allowFileManager": true, "uploadJson": $(this).data('upload'), "fileManagerJson": $(this).data('filemanager'), "width": '100%', "height": '300'

simple mode

  # coffeescript code
  $(document).on 'turbolinks:before-cache', ->

  $(document).on 'turbolinks:load', ->
    $('.rails_kindeditor').each ->
      KindEditor.create "##{$(this).attr('id')}", "allowFileManager": true, "uploadJson": $(this).data('upload'), "fileManagerJson": $(this).data('filemanager'), "width": '100%', "height": '300', "items":["fontname","fontsize","|","forecolor","hilitecolor","bold","italic","underline","removeformat","|","justifyleft","justifycenter","justifyright","insertorderedlist","insertunorderedlist","|","emoticons","image","link"]

Make sure the file is loaded from your app/assets/javascripts/application.js

Include javascript files at bottom ? Not in the head tag ? How can I load kindeditor correctly ?

For some reasons, you includes javascript files at bottom in your template, rails_kindeditor provides a options for lazyload:

  <%= f.kindeditor :content, :window_onload => true %>

Warning: Kindeditor will be load when the others have been loaded.

SimpleForm and Formtastic integration


  <%= form.input :content, :as => :kindeditor %>
  # or
  <%= form.input :content, :as => :kindeditor, :label => false, :input_html => { :width => 800, :height => 300 } %>


  <%= form.input :content, :as => :kindeditor %>
  # or
  <%= form.input :content, :as => :kindeditor, :input_html => { :height => 300 } %>

How to get kindeditor's content

  <%= form_for @article do |f| %>
    <%= f.kindeditor :content, :editor_id => 'my_editor' %>
  <% end %>

You can get content like this:

  // Javascript code

Upload options configuration

When you run "rails generate rails_kindeditor:install", installer will copy configuration files in config/initializers folder. You can customize some option for uploading.

  # Specify the subfolders in public directory.
  # You can customize it , eg: config.upload_dir = 'this/is/my/folder'
  config.upload_dir = 'uploads'

  # Allowed file types for upload.
  config.upload_image_ext = %w[gif jpg jpeg png bmp]
  config.upload_flash_ext = %w[swf flv]
  config.upload_media_ext = %w[swf flv mp3 wav wma wmv mid avi mpg asf rm rmvb]
  config.upload_file_ext = %w[doc docx xls xlsx ppt htm html txt zip rar gz bz2]

  # Porcess upload image size, need mini_magick
  #     before    => after
  # eg: 1600x1600 => 800x800
  #     1600x800  => 800x400
  #     400x400   => 400x400 # No Change
  # config.image_resize_to_limit = [800, 800]

Asset host options configuration

  # if you have config in your rails application like this:
  # /config/enviroments/production.rb
  #   # config.action_controller.asset_host = ""
  #   # config.assets.prefix = "assets_prefx"
  # then you should:
  config.asset_url_prefix = "" if Rails.env.production?

Save upload file information into database(optional)

rails_kindeditor can save upload file information into database.

Just run migration generate, there are two ORM options for you: 1.active_record 2.mongoid, default is active_record.

  rails generate rails_kindeditor:migration
  rails generate rails_kindeditor:migration -o mongoid

The generator will copy model and migration to your application. When you are done, remember run rake db:migrate:

  rake db:migrate

Delete uploaded files automatically (only for active_record)

You can specify the owner for uploaded files, when the owner was destroying, all the uploaded files(belongs to the owner) will be destroyed automatically.

###1. specify the owner_id for kindeditor

   <%= form_for @article do |f| %>
     <%= f.kindeditor :content, :owner => @article  %>
   <% end %>
Warnning: the @article must be created before this scene, the should not be empty.

###2. add has_many_kindeditor_assets in your own model

  class Article < ActiveRecord::Base
    has_many_kindeditor_assets :attachments, :dependent => :destroy
    # has_many_kindeditor_assets :attachments, :dependent => :nullify
    # has_many_kindeditor_assets :your_name, :dependent => :destroy

###3. relationship

  article = Article.first
  article.attachments # => the article's assets uploaded by kindeditor
  asset = article.attachments.first
  asset.owner # => aritcle

If you're using mongoid, please add 'gem "carrierwave-mongoid"' in your Gemfile

  gem 'carrierwave-mongoid'


MIT License.

Kindeditor for Ruby on Rails 中文文档

Kindeditor是国产的所见即所得javascript富文本编辑器, 访问 获取更多信息. rails_kindeditor可以帮助你的rails程序集成kindeditor,包括了图片和附件上传功能,文件按照类型、日期进行存储。



  gem 'jquery-rails'
  gem 'rails_kindeditor'

注意:Rails 5.1 已没有将jQuery作为默认设置,但rails_kindeditor需要'jquery-rails'.




  rails g rails_kindeditor:install

注意: 在你的工程中需要有application.js文件。

Production mode

Precompiling assets不再自动从vendor/assets和lib/assets拷贝非JS/CSS文件. 参见 rails/rails#7968 如果要使用生产模式,请运行'rails kindeditor:assets', 此方法可将kindeditor自动拷贝到你的public/assets目录.

  rails kindeditor:assets


  1. <%= kindeditor_tag :content, 'default content value' %>
     # or <%= kindeditor_tag :content, 'default content value', :width => 800, :height => 300 %>
     # or <%= kindeditor_tag :content, 'default content value', :allowFileManager => false %>
  2. <%= form_for @article do |f| -%>
       <%= f.kindeditor :content %>
       # or <%= f.kindeditor :content, :width => 800, :height => 300 %>
       # or <%= f.kindeditor :content, :allowFileManager => false %>
     <% end -%>

你可以像往常那样使用kindeditor自身的初始化参数,请访问 查看更多参数。


  kindeditor_tag :content, 'default content value', :simple_mode => true
  f.kindeditor :content, :simple_mode => true
  f.input :content, :as => :kindeditor, :input_html => { :simple_mode => true } # simple_form & formtastic  



创建如下文件 app/assets/javascripts/

  # coffeescript code
  $(document).on 'turbolinks:before-cache', ->

  $(document).on 'turbolinks:load', ->
    $('.rails_kindeditor').each ->
      KindEditor.create "##{$(this).attr('id')}", "allowFileManager": true, "uploadJson": $(this).data('upload'), "fileManagerJson": $(this).data('filemanager'), "width": '100%', "height": '300'


  # coffeescript code
  $(document).on 'turbolinks:before-cache', ->

  $(document).on 'turbolinks:load', ->
    $('.rails_kindeditor').each ->
      KindEditor.create "##{$(this).attr('id')}", "allowFileManager": true, "uploadJson": $(this).data('upload'), "fileManagerJson": $(this).data('filemanager'), "width": '100%', "height": '300', "items":["fontname","fontsize","|","forecolor","hilitecolor","bold","italic","underline","removeformat","|","justifyleft","justifycenter","justifyright","insertorderedlist","insertunorderedlist","|","emoticons","image","link"]




  <%= f.kindeditor :content, :window_onload => true %>




  <%= form.input :content, :as => :kindeditor, :label => false, :input_html => { :width => 800, :height => 300 } %>


  <%= form.input :content, :as => :kindeditor %>
  <%= form.input :content, :as => :kindeditor, :input_html => { :height => 300 } %>


  <%= form_for @article do |f| %>
    <%= f.kindeditor :content, :editor_id => 'my_editor' %>
  <% end %>


  // Javascript code


当你运行"rails generate rails_kindeditor:install"的时候,安装器会将配置文件拷贝到config/initializers文件夹。 你可以配置以下上传选项:

  # 指定上传目录,目录可以指定多级,都存储在public目录下.
  # You can customize it , eg: config.upload_dir = 'this/is/my/folder'
  config.upload_dir = 'uploads'

  # 指定允许上传的文件类型.
  config.upload_image_ext = %w[gif jpg jpeg png bmp]
  config.upload_flash_ext = %w[swf flv]
  config.upload_media_ext = %w[swf flv mp3 wav wma wmv mid avi mpg asf rm rmvb]
  config.upload_file_ext = %w[doc docx xls xlsx ppt htm html txt zip rar gz bz2]

  # 处理上传文件,需要mini_magick
  #     处理以前      => 处理以后
  # eg: 1600x1600 => 800x800
  #     1600x800  => 800x400
  #     400x400   => 400x400 # 图片小于该限制尺寸则不作处理
  # config.image_resize_to_limit = [800, 800]


  # if you have config in your rails application like this:
  # /config/enviroments/production.rb
  #   # config.action_controller.asset_host = ""
  #   # config.assets.prefix = "assets_prefx"
  # then you should:
  config.asset_url_prefix = "" if Rails.env.production?


rails_kindeditor 可以将上传文件信息记录入数据库,以便扩展应用.

运行下面的代码,有两项选项:1.active_record 2.mongoid,默认是active_record。

  rails generate rails_kindeditor:migration
  rails generate rails_kindeditor:migration -o mongoid


  rake db:migrate



###1. 为kindeditor指定owner_id

   <%= form_for @article do |f| %>
     <%= f.kindeditor :content, :owner => @article  %>
   <% end %>
警告: @article应该事先被创建,@article.id不应该是空的。

###2. 在你自己的模型里加入has_many_kindeditor_assets

  class Article < ActiveRecord::Base
    has_many_kindeditor_assets :attachments, :dependent => :destroy
    # has_many_kindeditor_assets :attachments, :dependent => :nullify
    # has_many_kindeditor_assets :your_name, :dependent => :destroy

###3. 相互关系

  article = Article.first
  article.attachments # => the article's assets uploaded by kindeditor
  asset = article.attachments.first
  asset.owner # => aritcle

如果你使用的是mongoid, 请在你的Gemfile里加入'gem "carrierwave-mongoid"'

  gem 'carrierwave-mongoid'


MIT License.

rails_kindeditor's People


laliwa avatar macrow avatar roclv avatar sunny0425 avatar yfractal avatar zhangyuan avatar zmbacker avatar

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