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This adapter is DEPRECATED and will not be developed any further

Currently there is no further development for this adapter planned.


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Tests: Test and Release

Information adapter for ioBroker

This is an ioBroker adapter to get information about your system and some news about ioBroker.

This adapter uses Sentry libraries to automatically report exceptions and code errors to the developers. For more details and for information how to disable the error reporting see Sentry-Plugin Documentation! Sentry reporting is used starting with js-controller 3.0.


Forum and News

If you reach your admin window over a hostname (for example, http://myhouseiscontrolledbyioBroker:8081), the news and forum entries will not be automatically displayed. To do this, you must first register your host name here. After that, just enter the API Key in the configuration of the adapter.

Popup Messages (VIS Widget)

There is a new widget to display important messages in VIS. These messages are displayed ONLY if certain conditions are met. Either from date x to date y or even if you have a specific adapter installed. If nothing is displayed, then everything is ok.

System information

Many thanks to sebhildebrandt for the great work on the package systeminformation, because without his work, we would not have all the great information about the system.

Detailed information


2.0.0 (2023-09-10)

  • (bluefox) Updated packages
  • (bluefox) Breaking change: minimal supported node.js version is 16.x

1.9.26 (2023-02-03)

  • (bluefox) Corrected widget

1.9.25 (2023-01-10)

  • (Apollon77) Updated dependencies

1.9.24 (2022-12-22)

  • (Apollon77) downgrade axios package

1.9.23 (2022-12-06)

  • (bluefox) Packages were updated


The MIT License (MIT)

Copyright (c) 2017-2023 ldittmar [email protected]

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.



anzic23 avatar apollon77 avatar arteck avatar badenbaden avatar bjoernbusch avatar dependabot-preview[bot] avatar dependabot[bot] avatar dobis19 avatar dutchmannl avatar eistee82 avatar germanbluefox avatar greenkeeper[bot] avatar grothesk242 avatar haba1234 avatar jey-cee avatar johnnybyzhang avatar klein0r avatar ldittmar81 avatar lonsimbt avatar maag-da avatar mcm1957 avatar negalein avatar palmmaniac avatar sbormann avatar schumyhao avatar simatec avatar snyk-bot avatar stabilostick avatar unclesamswiss avatar vesler avatar


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 avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar's Issues

Adapter installation

How to install and after activate the adapter.

On upper left corner, after click, on list I do not see "informazioni" or "information" tab that I have to enable.

Help me please...

Please check with js-controller 2.0


the new js-controller 2.0 will come into latest repository in the next days and we want to make sure that all adapters are working well. We already did a 2 weeks Beta test and so some adapter were aleady checked and some needed slight adjustments.

You can find more information in ioBroker/ioBroker.js-controller#482 and in the ioBroker Forum. If you have more technical questions please write in the referenced issue or in the Developer thread please. General questions are best in the genral thread.

Please update your systems to js-controller 2.0 and check your adapter.

Please close this issue once you have checked your adapter or received successfull reports from users.

Thank you very much for your support. Please contact us in the other Threads or Forum on any question.

awkward spelling error

Info adapter 1.3.7 just produced this log entry:

info.0 2019-06-01 18:56:47.945 info Popup-News _readed_...

You really might want to get your spelling right.

Think about to fix the issues found by adapter checker

I am an automatic service that looks for possible errors in ioBroker and creates an issue for it. The link below leads directly to the test:

I noticed that in the io-package under “restartAdapters” only vis is available. If your widget also runs with vis2, you might want to add vis2 to the list too.

your automatic adapter checker.

Cannot read property 'split' of undefined

host.ioBroker 2019-10-09 19:21:20.863 error instance terminated with code 0 (OK)
Caught 2019-10-09 19:21:20.863 error by controller[0]: at Manager. (/opt/iobroker/node_modules/component-bind/index.js:21:15)
Caught 2019-10-09 19:21:20.863 error by controller[0]: at Socket.onpacket (/opt/iobroker/node_modules/
Caught 2019-10-09 19:21:20.863 error by controller[0]: at Socket.onack (/opt/iobroker/node_modules/
Caught 2019-10-09 19:21:20.863 error by controller[0]: at Socket.adapter.objects.getObjectView (/opt/iobroker/node_modules/
Caught 2019-10-09 19:21:20.863 error by controller[0]: at instances (/opt/iobroker/node_modules/
Caught 2019-10-09 19:21:20.863 error by controller[0]: at Array.forEach ()
Caught 2019-10-09 19:21:20.863 error by controller[0]: at messages.forEach.message (/opt/iobroker/node_modules/
Caught 2019-10-09 19:21:20.863 error by controller[0]: at Array.forEach ()
Caught 2019-10-09 19:21:20.863 error by controller[0]: at Object.keys.forEach.key (/opt/iobroker/node_modules/
Caught 2019-10-09 19:21:20.863 error by controller[0]: at checkVersion (/opt/iobroker/node_modules/
Caught 2019-10-09 19:21:20.863 error by controller[0]: TypeError: Cannot read property 'split' of undefined
info.0 2019-10-09 19:21:20.849 error uncaught exception: Cannot read property 'split' of undefined

Adapter Updates: Integrate as Object to use Telegram for notification

I woluld like to have a Section (beside sysinfo) with all updates avaliable for my installed adapters (and maybe more software if useful, ioBroker core, npm, ...). This info is already grabbed an shown in the "Update avaliable" Window, but not accessable for a script or something else.
could look like this:

  • sysinfo
  • avaliable Updates
    • ioBroker core
    • infotabs
    • telegram
    • ...

It's annoying and waste of time to look frequently into the info adapter to realize that there are no adapter updates avaliable. I would like to write a script which sends me a notification via telegram or eMail when an update for any installed adapter is avaliable like this: "Your installed Adapter >>Infotabs<< has received an update! Please take care of it." Maybe it's even easier to implement this directly into the adapter than the combination of adapter/script.

Verify Compact mode for your adapter

We have detected that your adapter supports the compact mode. Please use the latest js-controller 2.0 and verify that everything works.

Some more information what is important to check can be found at ioBroker/ioBroker.js-controller#512

On questions please answer to the linked issue. Please close this issue after your test and add the version number that you have tested please as a comment.

Thank you for your support.

Add "My issues"

Now I can create Issues for my adapters and I would like to see all my open issues here. So I could track the course of the issue and possibly provide additional data to the developer.

I like markdown

Titles are cool

And my List:

  1. apple
  2. milk
  3. toast

Here is a link to the documentation

created by

Annoying note

The note "Die Entwicklung geht weiter..." is really annoying and constantly pops up.
Best regards

Think about to fix the issues found by adapter checker

I am an automatic service that looks for possible errors in ioBroker and creates an issue for it. The link below leads directly to the test:

  • [E105] Title should not have ioBroker in the name. It is clear, for what this adapter was created. Now: ioBroker information tab
  • [E201] Bluefox was not found in the collaborators on NPM!. Please execute in adapter directory: "npm owner add bluefox"


your automatic adapter checker.

Smart Home Franken EV

In der Seitenleiste ist unter Comunity der Verein Smart Home Franken EV aufgeführt.
Das ist vollkommen unverständlich.
Auf deren Seite taucht an keiner einzigen Stelle auch nur eine Erwähnung des ioBrokers auf.
Auf Mailanfragen erfolgte mehrfach nichtmal eine Antwort.
Ich denke die sind da zu Unrecht verlinkt.

wrong info about npm version ?

i updated my Testsystem completly and run now node 10.15 und npm 6.7 but info Adapter shows me still version 6.4.1 - see attached files:

bildschirmfoto 2019-01-28 um 12 31 35

bildschirmfoto 2019-01-28 um 12 30 54

ioBroker Uhr abschalten/ausblenden

nix gegen diese schöne Analoge Uhr, aber sie ist mir fehl am Platz.
Es wäre sehr schön, wenn man diese unter den "Information adapter settings" abschalten/ausblenden könnte.
Ansonsten TOP ioBroker Erweiterung. Sehr brauchbarer Adapter!!

Exception bei lesen der Bios Information in virtueller Maschine


Ich hab bei Verwendung des Info-Adapters folgendes Problem:
In meinem Log sehe ich eine Exception "ToLowerCase" of undefinded..
Getestet hab ich die 1.37 und auch die aktuellste Version hier (1.40)

Hab mal tiefer nachgesehen und der Fehler kommt aus der function bios(callback) in system.js

Mein ioBroker läuft auf einer QNAP virtuellen Maschine und beim Abfragen des Bios Release Date versucht er mittels "result.releaseDate = util.parseDateTime(datetime).date;" das Datum umzuwandeln.
In meiner VM liefert jedoch die BIOS Information mittels "export LC_ALL=C; dmidecode --type 0 2>/dev/null; unset LC_ALL" den Wert "Not Specified"
Dabei kracht dann die Datumsumwandlung.

Evtl. muss hier eine andere Ermittlung statt finden oder einfach berücksichtigt werden, dass nicht immer ein Datum kommt.

Danke dir und beste Grüße

No info after update to 1.2.1

Thanks for the adapter. It makes things a little easier :-) and it used to work like a charm up to version 1.1.3.
Unfortunately after I've updated to version 1.2.1 there's no information shown on the info page anymore (even the clock shows only 12:00).
I've tried clearing the browser's cache, reloading the ioBroker webui, deleting and recreating the instance of the adapter and even restarting the ioBroker server. Starting the instance in debug mode shows only the following entries:

info.0 2019-03-02 10:57:23.324 info starting. Version 1.2.1 in /opt/iobroker/node_modules/, node: v8.15.0
info.0 2019-03-02 10:57:23.282 debug statesDB connected
info.0 2019-03-02 10:57:23.259 debug objectDB connected

I am running two ioBroker servers: One on a NUC with Debian 8, Node.js: v8.15.0 and NPM: v6.4.1, another one on a Tinkerboard S with TinkerOs, Node.js: v8.12.0 and NPM: 6.4.1.
I also tried installing version 1.2.0 without any luck. Setting the adapter back to version 1.1.3 didn't fix the issue either.
Is there anything I could have missed when updating to the latest version? Or could there be an issue with another adapter that has been updated recently (e.g. Script Engine)?

Fehlermeldung: Cannot read property 'split' of undefined ...

Habe heute im Log entdeckt, dass der Info-Adapter Probleme hat.
Im Minutenabstand werden Fehlermeldungen geschrieben.
Vor einer Woche war der Fehler definitiv noch nicht vorhanden.
Mein System: ioBroker auf Raspberry 4 mit 2GB Speicher.
Alle Adapter auf aktuellem Stand (stable)
RasPi ist ebenfalls auf aktuellem Stand.
Es wurde außer den Updates keine neuen Adapter installiert.
Info-Adapter habe ich auch schon gelöscht und neu installiert, hat aber nix gebracht.
Die anderen Issues zum gleichen Thema habe ich gelesen, aber der Fehler scheint auch in der aktuellen Stable.Version 1.5.6 noch zu bestehen.
Habe zum Test auch aus Github 1.5.7 installiert --> gleiches Problem

Hier die Fehlermeldungen:
host.iobroker 2020-02-07 17:45:29.827 info Restart adapter because enabled
host.iobroker 2020-02-07 17:45:29.827 info instance terminated with code 0 (NO_ERROR)
host.iobroker 2020-02-07 17:45:29.827 error Caught by controller[0]: at tryCatcher (/opt/iobroker/node_modules/standard-as-callback/built/utils.js:11:23)
host.iobroker 2020-02-07 17:45:29.827 error Caught by controller[0]: at (anonymous function).(anonymous function) (/opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.js-controller/node_modules/iobroker.objects-redis/index.js:17:90593)
host.iobroker 2020-02-07 17:45:29.827 error Caught by controller[0]: at adapter.objects.getObjectView (/opt/iobroker/node_modules/
host.iobroker 2020-02-07 17:45:29.827 error Caught by controller[0]: at instances (/opt/iobroker/node_modules/
host.iobroker 2020-02-07 17:45:29.826 error Caught by controller[0]: at Array.forEach ()
host.iobroker 2020-02-07 17:45:29.826 error Caught by controller[0]: at messages.forEach.message (/opt/iobroker/node_modules/
host.iobroker 2020-02-07 17:45:29.826 error Caught by controller[0]: at Array.forEach ()
host.iobroker 2020-02-07 17:45:29.826 error Caught by controller[0]: at Object.keys.forEach.key (/opt/iobroker/node_modules/
host.iobroker 2020-02-07 17:45:29.826 error Caught by controller[0]: at checkConditions (/opt/iobroker/node_modules/
host.iobroker 2020-02-07 17:45:29.825 error Caught by controller[0]: at checkVersion (/opt/iobroker/node_modules/
host.iobroker 2020-02-07 17:45:29.825 error Caught by controller[0]: TypeError: Cannot read property 'split' of undefined
info.0 2020-02-07 17:45:29.304 info (7573) Terminated (NO_ERROR): Without reason
info.0 2020-02-07 17:45:29.303 info (7573) terminating
info.0 2020-02-07 17:45:29.293 info (7573) cleaned everything up...
info.0 2020-02-07 17:45:29.291 error (7573) TypeError: Cannot read property 'split' of undefined at checkVersion (/opt/iobroker/node_modules/ at checkConditions (/opt/iobroker/node_modules/
info.0 2020-02-07 17:45:29.290 error (7573) uncaught exception: Cannot read property 'split' of undefined
info.0 2020-02-07 17:45:29.131 info (7573) Popup news was read...
info.0 2020-02-07 17:45:27.624 info (7573) starting. Version 1.5.6 in /opt/iobroker/node_modules/, node: v10.19.0

TypeError: Cannot read property 'env' of undefined

Ubuntu minimal 18.04 installation
ioBroker heute via Script installiert

Wenn ich /opt/iobroker/node_modules/ Zeile 40 auskommentiere läuft es

host.iobrokerdev | 2019-06-19 14:53:20.714 | error | instance terminated with code 1 ()
-- | -- | -- | --
Caught | 2019-06-19 14:53:20.714 | error | by controller[0]: at Module._compile (module.js:653:30)
Caught | 2019-06-19 14:53:20.714 | error | by controller[0]: at Object.<anonymous> (/opt/iobroker/node_modules/
Caught | 2019-06-19 14:53:20.714 | error | by controller[0]: at require (internal/module.js:11:18)
Caught | 2019-06-19 14:53:20.714 | error | by controller[0]: at Module.require (module.js:597:17)
Caught | 2019-06-19 14:53:20.714 | error | by controller[0]: at Function.Module._load (module.js:498:3)
Caught | 2019-06-19 14:53:20.714 | error | by controller[0]: at tryModuleLoad (module.js:506:12)
Caught | 2019-06-19 14:53:20.714 | error | by controller[0]: at Module.load (module.js:566:32)
Caught | 2019-06-19 14:53:20.714 | error | by controller[0]: at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:664:10)
Caught | 2019-06-19 14:53:20.714 | error | by controller[0]: at Module._compile (module.js:653:30)
Caught | 2019-06-19 14:53:20.714 | error | by controller[0]: at Object.<anonymous> (/opt/iobroker/node_modules/
Caught | 2019-06-19 14:53:20.714 | error | by controller[0]: TypeError: Cannot read property 'env' of undefined
Caught | 2019-06-19 14:53:20.714 | error | by controller[0]: ^
Caught | 2019-06-19 14:53:20.714 | error | by controller[0]: env: util._extend({}.process.env, { LANG: 'en_US.UTF-8' })
Caught | 2019-06-19 14:53:20.714 | error | by controller[0]: /opt/iobroker/node_modules/


Version 1.5.5: Bitte korrigieren

11:18:31.156 info javascript.1 script.js.common.Test: info.0.sysinfo.cpu.currentLoad.currentload_hist: Datenpunkttyp: array, Wert: string
11:18:31.156 info javascript.1 script.js.common.Test: info.0.sysinfo.cpu.temperature.main_hist: Datenpunkttyp: array, Wert: string
11:18:31.156 info javascript.1 script.js.common.Test: info.0.sysinfo.disks.fsSize.fs0.used_hist: Datenpunkttyp: array, Wert: string
11:18:31.156 info javascript.1 script.js.common.Test: info.0.sysinfo.disks.fsSize.fs1.used_hist: Datenpunkttyp: array, Wert: string
11:18:31.156 info javascript.1 script.js.common.Test: info.0.sysinfo.disks.fsSize.fs10.used_hist: Datenpunkttyp: array, Wert: string
11:18:31.156 info javascript.1 script.js.common.Test: info.0.sysinfo.disks.fsSize.fs11.used_hist: Datenpunkttyp: array, Wert: string
11:18:31.156 info javascript.1 script.js.common.Test: info.0.sysinfo.disks.fsSize.fs12.used_hist: Datenpunkttyp: array, Wert: string
11:18:31.156 info javascript.1 script.js.common.Test: info.0.sysinfo.disks.fsSize.fs13.used_hist: Datenpunkttyp: array, Wert: string
11:18:31.156 info javascript.1 script.js.common.Test: info.0.sysinfo.disks.fsSize.fs14.used_hist: Datenpunkttyp: array, Wert: string
11:18:31.156 info javascript.1 script.js.common.Test: info.0.sysinfo.disks.fsSize.fs15.used_hist: Datenpunkttyp: array, Wert: string
11:18:31.156 info javascript.1 script.js.common.Test: info.0.sysinfo.disks.fsSize.fs16.used_hist: Datenpunkttyp: array, Wert: string
11:18:31.156 info javascript.1 script.js.common.Test: info.0.sysinfo.disks.fsSize.fs17.used_hist: Datenpunkttyp: array, Wert: string
11:18:31.156 info javascript.1 script.js.common.Test: info.0.sysinfo.disks.fsSize.fs18.used_hist: Datenpunkttyp: array, Wert: string
11:18:31.156 info javascript.1 script.js.common.Test: info.0.sysinfo.disks.fsSize.fs2.used_hist: Datenpunkttyp: array, Wert: string
11:18:31.156 info javascript.1 script.js.common.Test: info.0.sysinfo.disks.fsSize.fs3.used_hist: Datenpunkttyp: array, Wert: string
11:18:31.156 info javascript.1 script.js.common.Test: info.0.sysinfo.disks.fsSize.fs4.used_hist: Datenpunkttyp: array, Wert: string
11:18:31.156 info javascript.1 script.js.common.Test: info.0.sysinfo.disks.fsSize.fs5.used_hist: Datenpunkttyp: array, Wert: string
11:18:31.156 info javascript.1 script.js.common.Test: info.0.sysinfo.disks.fsSize.fs6.used_hist: Datenpunkttyp: array, Wert: string
11:18:31.156 info javascript.1 script.js.common.Test: info.0.sysinfo.disks.fsSize.fs7.used_hist: Datenpunkttyp: array, Wert: string
11:18:31.156 info javascript.1 script.js.common.Test: info.0.sysinfo.disks.fsSize.fs8.used_hist: Datenpunkttyp: array, Wert: string
11:18:31.156 info javascript.1 script.js.common.Test: info.0.sysinfo.disks.fsSize.fs9.used_hist: Datenpunkttyp: array, Wert: string
11:18:31.156 info javascript.1 script.js.common.Test: Datenpunkttyp: array, Wert: string

Meldungen als gelesen markieren

Die Meldungen im Info-Adapter können zur Zeit nicht ausgeblendet werden. Ein Button "Gelesen und verstanden" soll implementiert werden. Mein Klick verschwindet die Meldung für immer.

Fehlermeldung nach update auf V 1.1.3


info.0 2019-03-01 09:37:52.778 error TypeError: Converting circular structure to JSON
info.0 2019-03-01 09:37:52.777 info News feed readed...


Pull Request: Easy copying of relevant info

I am not able to write a pull request.
When i click on "new pull request" i am redirected to the "compare" site.

I have a small suggestion for improving the work with the info adapter.

When i'm creating an issue or a forum thread with a problem, i have to describe the problem and my system of course.
Then i always need the same information about my system:
Version of NPM, nodejs, JS Controller, admin adapter...

Of course it's just a small thing, but wouldnt it be nice to have all these information in one place?
Best would be that there is a button that copies al these information into the clipboard...

Wrong Type: 'info.X.disks.fsSize.fs0.size' is string

The type of size for datapoints info.X.disks.fsSize.fs0.size is string.
I think this should be type number?

Because the type of size for datapoints 'info.0.sysinfo.disks.diskLayout.dev2.size' is as number.

Data point as JSON for all events

Please add an datapoint to the info-structure tree which allows us to see the Curren Event dat as JSON string.
This would allow users to adopt the table into their own vis.

I would like to see 3 datapoints for events

  • Full overview of events as JSON (or HTML or even both what's beter for VIS ?)
  • Datapoint : Event currently present (true/false)
  • Next scheduled event (Name, date/time

Disabling the watch leads to error messages


I just tested this adapter and tried to disable the watch. However, it was not possible and I obtaines serveral error messages within the log. I use the latest version of all installed adapters includind admin und js-controller.

In addition, my ioBroker runs within a Docker-Container on a Synology DiskStation.




lskdfjgkl sdlkgdklsfgkl dsgklsd gjkdsfgkl dsfkgjkldsjgksdjklg sdlkfgkldsfjkgldsflg

fnasjkadshf kljasd hkfjasdjkfh ajksdgkjdsfh gfd

Hallo!! hallo

System data:

Model: Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU J3455 @ 1.50GHz
RAM: 7.65 GB
Node.js: v8.15.1
NPM: 6.4.1
Platform: linux
Distribution: Debian GNU/Linux
Architecture: x64
JS-Controller (1): 1.5.7
Admin: 3.6.0
Information tab: 1.3.2

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