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openrtb's Issues

Logical expression on restrictions

Sometimes we need logical expression on bcat, badv, battr, etc on block/allow restriction fields, For example, IF advertiser = X THEN allow_category = A ELSE block_category = [B, C], such logic is difficult to be expressed in existing structure of block/allow fields.

One solution is to use vendor specified cattax to express a logical value on other cattax, but this seems overloading cattax when there are many logical expression to support. Another solution is to use new extension to logical expression. Wantted to hear what the community and IAB working group think for such use cases.

SupplyChain Object tamper-prevention

Does the 3.0 specification in any way prevent malicious/unscrupulous sellers from modifying the SupplyChain Object that is passed to downstream demand sources?

The Ads.cert specification allows buyers to cryptographically verify the integrity of the BidRequest object, but it doesn't seem as if any signing of the SupplyChain Object takes place at downstream transactions. What prevents a seller from simply removing SupplyChainNodes from the list and misrepresenting the supply chain to a buyer?

eids missing in final spec ? Define recommendation spec for user.ext.eids

There was a good standardisation proposal of how extended ids (eids) can be passed through oRTB in the draft/proposal :

Digitrust have also proposed using this standard in their oRTB spec:

Is there a reason why we ditched this in final release?

Looking at the growing adoption of identity solution:

  • If there is no eids object in AdCOM user object then let's include some recommendation around structure which industry should use under user.ext
  • This will help streamline implementations if we plan to include this later in spec

URLs for Brand Safety

Create community extension to better support brand safety in cases where the ad may appear in a feed type environment.

<script async src="" nonce="8v3euzFMkRnwVfHrCzv5eA"></script><script nonce="8v3euzFMkRnwVfHrCzv5eA">(function() {function signalGooglefcPresent() {if (!window.frames['googlefcPresent']) {if (document.body) {const iframe = document.createElement('iframe'); = 'width: 0; height: 0; border: none; z-index: -1000; left: -1000px; top: -1000px;'; = 'none'; = 'googlefcPresent'; document.body.appendChild(iframe);} else {setTimeout(signalGooglefcPresent, 0);}}}signalGooglefcPresent();})();</script>

Please consider replacing the references in section INTRODUCTION

In the file ads.cert 1.0 the citations explaining the fraud scenario in section INTRODUCTION should be revised.

Please consider replacing references [1] and [2] in that section by a new reference to IAB US benchmarking study of Nov. 2015.

The section INTRODUCTION refers to [1][2][3] in order to avoid explaining the fraud problem in detail. [1] and [2] are Wikipedia articles on cryptographic algorithms and don't mention the word "fraud" at all. [3] is a techcrunch article which explains some aspects of fraud in short and refers to the comprehensive IAB study mentioned above.

open rtb3.0 sample static request in JSON format

Find out the below static JSON format of open rtb 3.0 request for reference.Please check and conform back.,
Request JSON Start
"openrtb": {
"ver": "3.0",
"domainspec": "adcom",
"domainver": "1.0",
"request": {
"id": "0123456789ABCDEF",
"tmax": 150,
"at": 2,
"cur": [ "USD", "EUR" ],
"source": {
"tid": "FEDCBA9876543210",
"ts": 1541796182157,
"ds": "AE23865DF890100BECCD76579DD4769DBBA9812CEE8ED90BF",
"dsmap": "...",
"cert": "ads-cert.1.txt",
"pchain": "..."
"package": 0,
"item": [
"id": "1",
"qty": 1,
"flr": 0.03,
"private": 0,
"deal": [
"id": "1234",
"flr": 1.50
"spec": {
"placement": {
"tagid": "plc-ftr-123abc",
"secure": 1,
"display": {
"bannerformat": [
"w": 728,
"h": 90,
"pos": 1,
"btype": [4],
"battr": [14]
"event": [
"type": 1,
"method": [ 1 ]
"context": {
"site": {
"id": "102855",
"name": "Example Site Name",
"domain": "",
"cat" : [ "IAB15", "IAB15-10" ],
"sectioncat" : [ "IAB15", "IAB15-10" ],
"pagecat" : [ "IAB15", "IAB15-10" ],
"page": ";cre=mu;target=_blank",
"ref" : "http://refer+url",
"amp" : "0",
"keywords" : "sports,education,business",
"publisher": {
"id": "qqwer1234xgfd",
"name": "site_name",
"domain": ""
"app": {
"domain": "",
"cat" : [ "IAB15", "IAB15-10" ],
"sectioncat" : [ "IAB15", "IAB15-10" ],
"pagecat" : [ "IAB15", "IAB15-10" ],
"keywords" : "sports,education,business"

		"user": {  
					"buyeruid" : "89776897686798fwe87rtryt8976fsd7869678",
					"id": "55816b39711f9b5acf3b90e313ed29e51665623f",
					"gender": "M",
					"yob": 1975,
					"keywords": "sports,education,business",
					"data": {
						"name":"Example data Name",
											"name":"Example segment Name",
		"device": {  
					"ua": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_6_8) AppleWebKit/537.13  (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.1.7 Safari/534.57.2",
					"ip": "",
					"ipv6": "FE80:0000:0000:0000:0202:B3FF:FE1E:8329",
					"devicetype": "",
					"make": "Apple",
					"model": "iphone",
					"os": "iOS",
					"language": "",
					"carrier": "VERIZON",
						"geo": {
								"lat": 37.789,
								"lon": -122.394,
								"country": "USA",
								"city": "San Francisco",
								"region": "CA",
								"zip" : "94105",
								"metro": "",
								"type": 2
		"regs": {
					"gdpr": 0,
					"coppa": 0
		"restrictions": {
					"bcat": [ "IAB24", "IAB25", "IAB26" ],
					"cattax": 1,
					"badv": [ "", "" ]

Request JSON End

Stricter versioning?


Today I've found something interesting: 5a6aac5

Basically, List: Lost Reason Codes enum was shifted by one item in the middle.

And this is reflected in Change Log

Though version is not bumped - it's still 3.0, which surprises me (I consider such change not being back-compatible).

IMO such changes without version bump may prevent exchanges from adopting and fully adhering to the spec.

I understand that it's just a Loss Reason codes to be used in macro (like, it's not the "core" enum used in object props etc), but if spec defines such enum - I'd expect it to be more "stable".

Or is this spec supposed to be versioned not like 3.0, 3.1 or 3.0.1, but like 3.0 November 2018, 3.0 June 2020 etc?

I'd really love if this (reminding - supposed-to-be-industry-standard) spec would be versioned in a more strict way (I'd prefer semver).

Missing GPP Extension?

This document references the OpenRTB extensions in this repo:

Like other existing privacy signals (TCF and USPrivacy), the GPP string is also able to be transported via OpenRTB. This will be included in the Regs object in the November 2022 release. See this document for approved design prior to release.

However, there is no actual reference to GPP anywhere to be found, so far as I can tell. There is increasing pressure to support GPP by Jan 1, 2023, but I can't find any official information on the OpenRTB implementation.

Can anyone confirm the specification for OpenRTB 2.5? From some past proposals and discussion, I've gathered:

regs.ext.gpp (GPP string)
regs.ext.gpp_sid (array of relevant section IDs)

Macro object clarification - is Bid Response macros example correct?

I personally understand Macro object documentation as this:

  "key": "${OPENRTB_ID}",
  "value": "XXX",
  "ext": {
    "custom": "data"

But in Bid Response example it's:

{ "TIMESTAMP": "1127987134" },
{ "CLICKTOKEN": "A7D800F2716DB" }

Which is good for traffic saving.

Which is the correct variant to use it? (IMO, Macro section needs amendment then to eliminate such questions in future)

Restriction at placement level

The spec mentioned "The Placement group comprises objects that define the set of allowed ads and behaviors for a given placement. This might include mechanical information (e.g., sizes, supported mime types, and other rendering options), placement details and positioning, and various restrictions lists."

But I don't find where we can define restrictions of Restrictions object for a placement. Looks like Restrictions object only exist in Context object. Is this intended?

Per-Impression Transaction IDs for multi-impression bid requests

OpenRTB bid requests support an array of impression objects, which could correspond to multiple discrete transactions. However, the spec only supports 1 transaction ID via the source.tid field. I'm proposing a community extension that allows for specifying a transaction ID per item in the impression array.

schain or supplychain?


I'm working on implementing the SupplyChain object for our system and noticed that there is a paragraph in the text documentation referring to the object as "schain", and the examples show "supplychain".

Could you advise which is correct?

Mock up data for openrtb

Is there anywhere I can retrieve fake openrtb json data for native bid requests for testing integrations?

"Refer to Context"

Question about context field, on Object: Request.

the spec says: object: recomended

why not is defined as a Object: Context. with this spec, and with a reference "Refer to Context"


  • site: [Site],
  • app: [App],
  • dooh: [Dooh],
  • user: [User],
  • device: [Device],
  • regs: [Regs],
  • restrictions: [Restrictions]

Layer-4 domain object structure that provides context for the items being offered conforming to the specification and version referenced in openrtb.domainspec and openrtb.domainver.
For AdCOM v1.x, the objects allowed here all of which are optional are one of the DistributionChannel subtypes (i.e., Site, App, or Dooh), User, Device, Regs, Restrictions, and any objects subordinate to these as specified by AdCOM.


Contradiction in the supply chain object spec

In the definition of the nodes attribute, it says the first node can be the the owner of the site. However, the owner of the site or the publisher doesn't have an sid that represents the upstream entity because it's the inventory creator, not the reseller, and the field sid is required so how can a node of publisher be included in the supply chain object?

Zeros should not be meaningfull values

Depending on the api framework a value can be zero (not null) if it hasn't been set.
Therefore 0 (zero) values should never be used as a meaningfull value to avoid unwanted behaviour.
I hope it's not too late for this change in the Digital Services Act specification

segtax review and field usage mixup concerns

Standardise referencing taxonomies

Based on Open RTB 2.6 "segtax" is an out of date reference. "cattax" has been added to many objects to refer to the list of categories in the Adcom 3.0 spec. It would be better to align/standardise how this centrally managed list of categories is referred to, see cattax usage in here:

It appears data.ext.cattax would now be more suitable if needed.

Incorrect field usage

Regarding the need for this extension, there seems to be a conflict between this extension and open RTB itself, specifically between the use of and data.segment.value. To me it appears this spec is confused as to what each means.

  • Specifies the ID of the segment, e.g. "502"
  • Specifies the name e.g. "JW Player video content taxonomy"
  • data.segment.value Specifies the data segment value from within the segment e.g. "1234"

Here's an illustrative example to demonstrate how such data passing currently works without the need for "segtax".

      "name":"JW Player RTD Provider",
          "name":"JW Player video content taxonomy",
      "name":"Akamai Data Activation Platform (DAP)",
          "name":"Akamai Data Activation Platform (DAP) - Buyer Defined Audiences (BDA), Scrambled",
          "name":"Akamai Data Activation Platform (DAP) - Custom Audiences, Reserved 1",


  • Can someone comment on the apparent misuse of the instead of data.segment.value field in this spec and whether this 'segtax' extension achieves what it sets out to achieve if the field already covers this requirement?
  • If there is clarity of purpose for each of their fields, can you add an example where all 3 fields would be used together to demonstrate that clarity i.e., segment.value, and data.ext.segtax

Add the Global Privacy Control signal to the OpenRTB extensions

The Global Privacy Control is a specification that allows users to--at the browser or browser extension level--specify their preference to opt out of their data collection and into the available privacy regime that might support such a request. According to the specification:

the use of the GPC signal by an individual will be intended to communicate the individual's intention to invoke the following rights, as applicable:

  • Under the CCPA, the GPC signal will be intended to communicate a Do Not Sell request from a global privacy control, as per [CCPA-REGULATIONS] §999.315 for that browser or device, or, if known, the consumer.

Where the GPC signal conflicts with the existing privacy settings a consumer has with the business, the business shall respect the GPC signal but may notify the consumer of the conflict and give the consumer an opportunity to confirm the business-specific privacy setting or participation in the financial incentive program [CCPA-REGULATIONS] §999.315(c)(2).

While still experimental, GPC could potentially be used to indicate rights in other jurisdictions as well.

Currently the California AG has stated that the GPC signal is a legitimate way to state a Do Not Sell directive under CCPA and as such the primary use for most publishers will be to read the GPC signal and use it to set the preexisting USPAPI signal. However, not all publishers may decide to do this, some may not know to, and some may have legal interpretations that state otherwise.

Additionally, downstream consumers of the OpenRTB signal may decide through their own legal analysis that GPC applies more broadly than just to California residents. At this time, there is no way to enable anyone outside of the publisher who is involved in the bidstream to make such a decision, since the GPC signal--while present on the network request as a header--may not be present on the signals passed through servers and other systems in the form of the OpenRTB objects.

By adding GPC to the OpenRTB spec in the form of an extension, it will enable other bidding system participants to make their own decision as to if they wish to apply a stricter standard of privacy. docs should use string examples

The description of field is:

A unique identifier for this item within the context of the offer (typically starts with 1 and increments).

But the field has type string, so the example would be more clear as:

A unique identifier for this item within the context of the offer (typically starts with "1" and increments).

DSA example not fully correct

DSA PR was merged but I see one more thing should be fixed. Docs looks fine, but JSON response example doesn't.
In the response JSON example, transparency should be array of object, not object.


"ext": {
        "dsa": {
            "behalf": "Advertiser",
            "paid": "Advertiser",
            "transparency": {
                "domain": "",
                "params": [
            "adrender": 1


 "ext": {
        "dsa": {
            "behalf": "Advertiser",
            "paid": "Advertiser",
            "transparency": [
                    "domain": "",
                    "params": [
            "adrender": 1

@lamrowena @hillslatt

qty should be a float

When referencing digital out of home, shouldn't we allow qty to be a float instead of an integer.

When using data from studies, they might need to break down the number of contacts to something between 0 and 1.

And even modern tracking systems are advanced enough to say, that a user just saw one third of the spot, so this can go into as 0.333 instead of 0 or 1.

[INQUERY] Publishment about Japanese translation

I'm translating OpenRTB 3.0 spec personally, and eventually I would like to publish it for many Japanese engineers to get familier with ad-tech ;)
Of course, I figure out that no problem on the license. But I'm pleased to get your right comprehensions for this work.
Thanks !

pmp in final 3.0?


In OpenRTB 3.0 Draft (February 2017) there was pmp object in Item - private marketplace container. But it's missing in Final version. How can seller and buyer exchange Direct deal ID?

Create community extension to support

New object for dooh

Wouldn't it be better to introduce a new Object Type for dooh. Currently each SSP is using either site or app. But both are wrong.

Should we introduce something like

dooh: {
  player_id: "Some Unique Identifier per SSP",
  name: "Terminal A, Gate 52",
  location: {
    id: "42203".
    name: "Airport Citz XZY
  network: {
     id: "3442",
     name: "GDNP Airport"

If these information are not going into the standard, there should be at least a guidline about how to fill existing app or site object with these data. But I really prefer to add a new dooh type. I think dooh is a bigger evolution to openrtb then app has been to online.

I am open to discuss this. Happy to discuss this with you at Demexo. Just send me a message.

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