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pegasus's Introduction

Project Pegasus - Flying in the Cloud with Automated AWS Deployment

Pegasus is released under Apache License v2.0 and enables anyone with an Amazon Web Services (AWS) account to quickly deploy a number of distributed technologies all from their laptop or personal computer. The installation is fairly basic and should not be used for production. The purpose of this project is to enable fast prototyping of various distributed data pipelines and also help others explore distributed technologies without the headache of installing them.

We want to continue improving this tool by adding more features and other installations, so send us your pull requests or suggestions!

Supported commands:

  • peg config - shows the current configurations pegasus is using
  • peg aws <options> - query AWS for information about vpcs, subnets, and security groups
  • peg validate <template-path> - check if proper fields are set in the instance template yaml file
  • peg up <template-path> - launch an AWS cluster using the instance template yaml file
  • peg fetch <cluster-name> - fetch the hostnames and Public DNS of nodes in the AWS cluster and store locally
  • peg describe <cluster-name> - show the type of instances, hostnames, and Public DNS of nodes in the AWS cluster
  • peg install <cluster-name> <technology> - install a technology on the cluster
  • peg service <cluster-name> <technology> <start|stop> - start and stop a service on the cluster
  • peg uninstall <cluster-name> <technology> - uninstall a specific technology from the cluster
  • peg ssh <cluster-name> <node-number> - SSH into a specific node in your AWS cluster
  • peg sshcmd-node <cluster-name> <node-number> "<cmd>" - run a bash command on a specific node in your AWS cluster
  • peg sshcmd-cluster <cluster-name> "<cmd>" - run a bash command on every node in your AWS cluster
  • peg scp <to-local|to-rem|from-local|from-rem> <cluster-name> <node-number> <local-path> <remote-path> - copy files or folders to and from a specific node in your AWS cluster
  • peg down <cluster-name> - terminate a cluster
  • peg retag <cluster-name> <new-cluster-name> - retag an existing cluster with a different name
  • peg start <cluster-name> - start an existing cluster with on demand instances and put into running mode
  • peg stop <cluster-name> - stop and existing cluster with on demand instances and put into stop mode
  • peg port-forward <cluster-name> <node-number> <local-port>:<remote-port> - port forward your local port to the remote cluster node's port

Table of Contents

  1. Install Pegasus on your local machine
  2. Query for AWS VPC information
  3. Spin up your cluster on AWS
  4. Fetching AWS cluster DNS and hostname information
  5. Describe cluster information
  6. Setting up a newly provisioned AWS cluster
  7. Start installing!
  8. Starting and stopping services
  9. Uninstalling a technology
  10. SSH into a node
  11. Terminate a cluster
  12. Retag a cluster
  13. Starting and stopping on demand clusters
  14. Port forwarding to a node
  15. Deployment Pipelines

Install Pegasus on your local machine

This will allow you to programmatically interface with your AWS account. There are two methods to install Pegasus: using a pre-baked Docker image or manually installing it into your environment.


  • AWS account
  • VPC with DNS Resolution enabled
  • Subnet in VPC
  • Security group accepting all inbound and outbound traffic (recommend locking down ports depending on technologies)
  • AWS Access Key ID and AWS Secret Access Key ID


Clone the Pegasus project to your local computer and install awscli

$ git clone
$ pip install awscli

Next we need to add the following to your ~/.bash_profile.

export REM_USER=ubuntu
export PEGASUS_HOME=<path-to-pegasus>

Source the .bash_profile when finished.

$ source ~/.bash_profile

It is essential you store the key information in your ~/.bash_profile and not push it to GitHub. AWS scans github to see keys that are being stored. AWS will block your account and revoke all access if it finds it.

Docker (If Manual doesn't work)

Add the following to your ~/.bash_profile.


Source the .bash_profile when finished.

$ source ~/.bash_profile

Execute the script

$ ./ <pem-key-name> <path-to-folder-with-instance-template-files>

Everytime the container is started fresh, you will need to enable the ssh-agent otherwise you will not be able to SSH into your AWS nodes

root@containerid$ eval `ssh-agent -s`

Verify installation

Once the Docker container is running or you have set up Pegasus manually, you can verify the current configurations in Pegasus with peg config

$ peg config
access key: XXXX
secret key: XXXX
    region: us-west-2
  SSH User: ubuntu

You can test your AWS-CLI access by querying for the available regions for your AWS account:

$ aws ec2 --output json describe-regions --query Regions[].RegionName

Query for AWS VPC information

Note: You can find all these information at in your AWS UI at console. Here is how pegasus can help you.

The following queries can help you quickly determine which subnet-id and security-group-id to use in your instance deployments.


Let's say we want to deploy our instances in the VPC named my-vpc. We can view all VPCs in my region with peg aws vpcs

$ peg aws vpcs
|            DescribeVpcs            |
|    VPC_ID     |     VPC_NAME       |
|  vpc-add2e6c3	|  default           |
|  vpc-c2a496a1	|  my-vpc            |

We can see that vpc-c2a496a1 is the VPC id we would need my subnet-id and security-group-id associated with.


To choose the specific subnet-id we will use in my deployment, we can view all Subnets in our region with peg aws subnets

$ peg aws subnets
|                                     DescribeSubnets                                    |
|     AZ     |  IPS  |    SUBNET_ID     |          SUBNET_NAME          |    VPC_ID      |
|us-west-2c  |  251  |  subnet-6ac0bd26 |  private-subnet-west-2c       |  vpc-c2a496a1	 |	    	
|us-west-2b  |  4089 |  subnet-9fe6e3df |  aws-us-west-2b               |  vpc-add2e6c3  |

We see here that the first subnet is associated with the same VPC id we specified previously, so subnet-6ac0bd26 is the subnet-id I will need to use in my instance deployment later on.

We can also filter the Subnets down to a specific VPC name with peg aws subnets <vpc-name> if we have too many subnets to search through

$ peg aws subnets my-vpc
|                              DescribeSubnets                                      |
|     AZ     |  IPS  |     SUBNET_ID     |   SUBNET_NAME           |    VPC_ID      |
|  us-west-2c|  251  |  subnet-6ac0bd26  |  private-subnet-west-2c |  vpc-c2a496a1	|

Security groups

The last network related information we would need for our instance deployment is the security-group-id. We can view all Security Groups in our region with peg aws security-groups

$ peg aws security-groups
|          DescribeSecurityGroups          |
|    SG_ID    |  SG_NAME  |    VPC_ID      |
|  sg-7cb78418|  default  |  vpc-add2e6c3  |
|  sg-5deed039|  default  |  vpc-c2a496a1  |

We would choose the sg-5deed039 in this example, since it is also associated with the VPC that we wish to deploy in.

We can also filter Security Groups down to a specific VPC name peg aws security-groups <vpc-name> if there are too many security groups to search through

$ peg aws security-groups my-vpc
|          DescribeSecurityGroups          |
|    SG_ID    |  SG_NAME  |    VPC_ID      |
|  sg-5deed039|  default  |  vpc-c2a496a1  |

Spin up your cluster on AWS

Use peg up to deploy a cluster from the command line (recommended)

$ peg up <instance-template-file>

The instance-template-file is a yaml file that peg up uses. Examples of these can be found under ${PEG_ROOT}/examples. Within this file you should specify the following as shown:

purchase_type: spot or on_demand
subnet_id: string
price: string
num_instances: integer
key_name: string
security_group_ids: string
instance_type: string
tag_name: string
vol_size: integer
role: master or worker
use_eips: true or false
  • purchase_type (string) - choose between on_demand or spot instances
  • subnet_id (string) - the VPC subnet id (e.g. subnet-61c12804)
  • price (string) - spot price you would like to set. Ignored if purchase_type=on_demand (e.g. 0.25)
  • num_instances (integer) - number of instances to deploy
  • key_name (string) - the pem key name to be used for all instances (e.g. insight-cluster)
  • security_group_ids (string) - security group id (e.g. sg-e9f17e8c, does not support multiple security group ids yet)
  • instance_type (string) - type of instances to deploy (e.g. m4.large)
  • tag_name (string) - tag all your instances with this name. Instances with the same tag_name will be associated with the same cluster. This will be known as the cluster-name throughout the rest of the README (e.g. test-cluster)
  • vol_size (integer) - size of the EBS volume in GB. Uses magnetic storage. (e.g. 100)
  • role (string) - role of the instances (e.g. master)
  • use_eips (boolean) - use Elastic IPs with instances or not

You can check if the template file is valid with peg validate <template-file>.

The AMIs used in the peg up script have some basic packages baked in such as Java 7, Python, Maven 3, and many others. You can refer to the install/environment/ to view all the packages that have been installed. This should save quite a bit of time whenever you provision a new cluster. Reinstalling these packages can take anywhere from 10-30 minutes.

Fetching AWS cluster DNS and hostname information

Once the nodes are up and running on AWS, we'll need to grab the DNS and hostname information about the cluster you wish to work with on your local machine.

Always run peg fetch to store the instance Public DNSs and hostnames onto your local machine before installation. Public DNSs and hostnames will be saved into the tmp folder under the specified cluster name as public_dns and hostnames respectively

$ peg fetch <cluster-name>

Under the ${PEG_ROOT}/tmp/<cluster-name> folder you will find the public_dns and hostnames files. The first record in each file is considered the Master node for any cluster technology that has a Master-Worker setup.

${PEG_ROOT}/tmp/<cluster-name>/public_dns  **MASTER**  **WORKER1**   **WORKER2**   **WORKER3**


ip-172-31-38-105 **MASTER**
ip-172-31-39-193 **WORKER1**
ip-172-31-42-254 **WORKER2**
ip-172-31-44-133 **WORKER3**

You can always view the current cluster information stored locally with the peg describe <cluster-name> command

Once the cluster IPs have been saved to the tmp folder, we can begin with installations.

Describe a cluster

Shows the hostname and Public DNS for a specified cluster and also show which nodes are the Master and Workers.

$ peg describe <cluster-name>

Setting up a newly provisioned AWS cluster

If this is a newly provisioned AWS cluster, always start with at least the following 3 steps in the following order before proceeding with other installations. It is essential to do this else it will cause problems when installing software.

  1. Passwordless SSH - enables passwordless SSH from your computer to the MASTER and the MASTER to all the WORKERS. This is needed for some of the technologies.
  2. AWS Credentials - places AWS keys onto all machines under ~/.profile
  3. Environment/Packages - installs basic packages for Python, Java and many others
$ peg install <cluster-name> ssh
$ peg install <cluster-name> aws
$ peg install <cluster-name> environment

Start installing!

$ peg install <cluster-name> <technology>

The technology tag can be any of the following (version set in configuration is bolded):

  • cassandra (v3.11.1, v3.11.2)
  • elasticsearch (v5.1.2, v6.2.4)
  • flink (v1.4.2 with hadoop v2.7 and scala v2.11)
  • hadoop (v2.7.6)
  • hbase (v1.2.6)
  • hive (v2.3.3)
  • kafka (v1.0.0 and v1.1.0 with scala v2.11 and v2.12) (all combinations)
  • kibana (v6.2.4)
  • opscenter (v6.5.0)
  • pig (v0.17.0)
  • presto (v0.200)
  • redis (v4.0.9)
  • spark (v2.2.1, v2.3.0, v2.3.1 for hadoop v2.7)
  • storm (v1.2.1)
  • zookeeper (v3.4.10, v3.4.12, v3.4.13)

All environment variables relating to technology folder paths are stored in ~/.profile such as HADOOP_HOME, SPARK_HOME and so on.

All softwares and the given version are currently available in a S3 bucket. If you wish to install a different version of these technologies, go into the install/download_tech script and update the technology version and technology binary download URL.

Additional technologies can be included into Pegasus by adding the technology version and url to install/download_tech, writing the appropriate configurations in the config folder and writing the appropriate service scripts in the service folder.

Starting and stopping services

User the service option to start and stop distributed services easily without having to manually SSH into each node

$ peg service <cluster-name> <technology> <start|stop>

Note: There are few services which require other services to be running beforehand. Please ensure you manually start all services that are required for a given service to run. For example, to run spark, you need to install and start hadoop. To run kafka you need to install and start zookeeper.

Another Note: On starting/stopping kafka, the console will pause and will not come back to the terminal. You may use ctrl+c to get out of it safely. Kafka will still run.

Uninstalling a technology

A script has been provided to uninstall a specific technology from all nodes in the declared cluster

$ peg uninstall <cluster-name> <technology>

SSH into a node

If you need to SSH into a specific node in a cluster, you can use peg ssh to easily reference nodes

$ peg ssh <cluster-name> <node-number>

where node-number is the order in which the nodes appear in the hostnames and public_dns files starting with 1 (master node)

Terminate a cluster

Tears down an on-demand or spot cluster on AWS

$ peg down <cluster-name>

Retag a cluster

Rename an existing cluster on AWS

$ peg retag <cluster-name> <new-cluster-name>

Starting and stopping on demand clusters

Place a cluster into running and stop modes on AWS. This is particularly useful if you don't want to reinstall technologies each time you begin your workflow. Stopped instances are not charged to your account; however the Elastic IPs and EBS volumes will still incur charges.

$ peg start <cluster-name>
$ peg stop <cluster-name>

Port forwarding to a node

Forward your local port to a remote node's port. This is useful if you have any services that can only be accessed through port-forwarding.

$ peg port-forward <cluster-name> <node-number> <local-port>:<remote-port>

Deployment Pipelines

If you'd like to automate this deployment process completely, you can write your own scripts. An example has been provided in the examples/ file.

Here it shows how we can spin up a 4 node cluster (peg up) using the master.yml and workers.yml instance templates, grab the cluster information using peg fetch and install all the technologies with peg install in one script. We can deploy this cluster simply by changing the subnet-id and security-group-ids in the instance-template-files, adding relavent keypair, a tag name for identifying your cluster and then running the following:

$ examples/spark/

PEG_ROOT=$(dirname ${BASH_SOURCE})/../..


peg up ${PEG_ROOT}/example/spark_master.yml &
peg up ${PEG_ROOT}/example/spark_workers.yml &


peg fetch $CLUSTER_NAME

peg install ${CLUSTER_NAME} ssh
peg install ${CLUSTER_NAME} aws
peg install ${CLUSTER_NAME} environment
peg install ${CLUSTER_NAME} hadoop
peg install ${CLUSTER_NAME} spark

Things to remember

Pegasus has been a tool to set up clusters quickly and easily. However, it has its limitations in terms of the software version it supports, scaling up and scaling out of the infrastructure and the updates to the software. The current version of pegasus supports the listed software. Here are few things that you need to know if you want to add your own software or tech into pegasus.

  • /install: this folder has everything related to installing softwares in the cluster.
  • install/download_tech: This folder contains the version and the location of the software.
  • config: this folder should be created for any new software that you want to add to pegasus. This will help in configuring the software after installations.
  • service: this folder contains start, stop scripts that is required to start your software. Every software has a different way to start its service. Please created scripts here to aid that process.

Be sure to run the three statements before you install any software.

$ peg install <cluster-name> ssh
$ peg install <cluster-name> aws
$ peg install <cluster-name> environment

pegasus's People


altaha avatar aouyang1 avatar danielblazevski avatar ddrum001 avatar dfudenb avatar drfloob avatar emhoa avatar jlantos avatar johnoneill avatar jsolis1199 avatar nps avatar ronaknnathani avatar samariya57 avatar srirambaskaran avatar


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pegasus's Issues

upon installation of (some) packages, pegasus hijacks server-side tmux

when installing kafka and spark, pegasus starts up a 'kafka_server' tmux session and an 'ipython_notebook' session, respectively; however, if tmux isn't already running on the server, this pegasus spawned tmux server hijacks the user level tmux environment -- meaning, all keybindings are lost, as well as the user level .tmux.conf not being recognized.

ec2install on kafka does not set JMX_PORT

I had to manually add JMX_PORT entry (export JMX_PORT=${JMX_PORT:-9999}) in /usr/local/kafka/bin/

ec2install run from :
ubuntu@ip-172-31-2-169:~/projects/pegasus$ uname -a
Linux ip-172-31-2-169 3.13.0-48-generic #80-Ubuntu SMP Thu Mar 12 11:16:15 UTC 2015 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

Permission denied for no reason

My Pegasus worked super fine yesterday and today morning but I just cannot use it right now.

I do not change anything in my pegasus and it just shows
Permission denied (publicly).
The command I try to use is peg service Sidi-data hadoop stop.

Pegasus' HBASE_VER no longer available from Apache mirrors

Attempts to install HBase via pegasus fail as follows:

nps@l440:~/scm/pegasus$ peg install nps-work-cluster hbase                                                                                             

Installing hbase on nps-work-cluster
hbase missing.
installing hbase ...
hbase missing.
installing hbase ...
hbase missing.
installing hbase ...
hbase missing.
installing hbase ...
hbase missing.
installing hbase ...

gzip: stdin: not in gzip format
tar: This does not look like a tar archive
tar: Exiting with failure status due to previous errors

And so forth. Looking at Pegasus' configs, it appears that its HBASE_VER as defined in install/download_tech is no longer hosted by Apache:

nps@l440:~/scm/pegasus$ HBASE_VER=1.1.3
nps@l440:~/scm/pegasus$ curl -I$HBASE_VER/hbase-$HBASE_VER-bin.tar.gz 
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
Date: Mon, 13 Jun 2016 17:45:59 GMT
Server: Apache/2.4.7 (Ubuntu)
Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1

Add work-around for VPC hostname issue on Ubuntu 14.04 AMI

While using VPCs within Ubuntu 14.04 AMI on AWS, hosts our unable to resolve their own private DNS.

Need to explicitly add their Private IP and Hostname to the /etc/hosts file on each machine in the cluster. This can easily be done with cat and ssh.

Should be inserted before running ec2install ssh

issue when running pytest as per the readme

At the following point in the README:

Install pytest and run tests from top directory

$ sudo pip install pytest
$ cd /path/to/pegasus
$ export PYTHONPATH=$(pwd)
$ py.test

I get this as the data dump from running the tests:

[~/junk/pegasus] (git)-[master]- 
jgors@t450s-linux $ py.test
=========================================================== test session starts ============================================================
platform linux2 -- Python 2.7.10, pytest-2.8.5, py-1.4.31, pluggy-0.3.1
rootdir: /home/jgors/junk/pegasus, inifile: 
collected 10 items 

tests/ ..FF
tests/ ......

================================================================= FAILURES =================================================================
___________________________________________________ TestBotoUtil.test_request_on_demand ____________________________________________________

self = <test_botoutil.TestBotoUtil object at 0x7f0d996afb90>

    def test_request_on_demand(self):
        region = 'us-west-2'
        ami_dummy = 'ami-1234abcd' # default mock ami

        client = boto3.client('ec2', region)

        # setup mock vpc
>       vpc = client.create_vpc(CidrBlock="")

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/botocore/ in _api_call
    return self._make_api_call(operation_name, kwargs)
/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/botocore/ in _make_api_call
    operation_model, request_dict)
/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/botocore/ in make_request
    return self._send_request(request_dict, operation_model)
/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/botocore/ in _send_request
    success_response, exception):
/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/botocore/ in _needs_retry
/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/botocore/ in emit
    return self._emit(event_name, kwargs)
/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/botocore/ in _emit
    response = handler(**kwargs)
/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/botocore/ in __call__
    if self._checker(attempts, response, caught_exception):
/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/botocore/ in __call__
/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/botocore/ in _should_retry
    return self._checker(attempt_number, response, caught_exception)
/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/botocore/ in __call__
/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/botocore/ in __call__
    return self._check_caught_exception(attempt_number, caught_exception)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

self = <botocore.retryhandler.ExceptionRaiser object at 0x7f0d9907ea90>, attempt_number = 1
caught_exception = TypeError('__str__ returned non-string (type SysCallError)',)

    def _check_caught_exception(self, attempt_number, caught_exception):
        # This is implementation specific, but this class is useful by
        # coordinating with the MaxAttemptsDecorator.
        # The MaxAttemptsDecorator has a list of exceptions it should catch
        # and retry, but something needs to come along and actually raise the
        # caught_exception.  That's what this class is being used for.  If
        # the MaxAttemptsDecorator is not interested in retrying the exception
        # then this exception just propogates out past the retry code.
>       raise caught_exception
E       TypeError: __str__ returned non-string (type SysCallError)

/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/botocore/ TypeError
______________________________________________________ TestBotoUtil.test_request_spot ______________________________________________________

self = <test_botoutil.TestBotoUtil object at 0x7f0d98e62390>

    def test_request_spot(self):
        region = 'us-west-2'
        ami_dummy = 'ami-1234abcd' # default mock ami

        client = boto3.client('ec2', region)

        # setup mock vpc
>       vpc = client.create_vpc(CidrBlock="")

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/botocore/ in _api_call
    return self._make_api_call(operation_name, kwargs)
/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/botocore/ in _make_api_call
    operation_model, request_dict)
/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/botocore/ in make_request
    return self._send_request(request_dict, operation_model)
/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/botocore/ in _send_request
    success_response, exception):
/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/botocore/ in _needs_retry
/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/botocore/ in emit
    return self._emit(event_name, kwargs)
/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/botocore/ in _emit
    response = handler(**kwargs)
/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/botocore/ in __call__
    if self._checker(attempts, response, caught_exception):
/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/botocore/ in __call__
/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/botocore/ in _should_retry
    return self._checker(attempt_number, response, caught_exception)
/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/botocore/ in __call__
/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/botocore/ in __call__
    return self._check_caught_exception(attempt_number, caught_exception)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

self = <botocore.retryhandler.ExceptionRaiser object at 0x7f0d9907ea90>, attempt_number = 1
caught_exception = TypeError('__str__ returned non-string (type SysCallError)',)

    def _check_caught_exception(self, attempt_number, caught_exception):
        # This is implementation specific, but this class is useful by
        # coordinating with the MaxAttemptsDecorator.
        # The MaxAttemptsDecorator has a list of exceptions it should catch
        # and retry, but something needs to come along and actually raise the
        # caught_exception.  That's what this class is being used for.  If
        # the MaxAttemptsDecorator is not interested in retrying the exception
        # then this exception just propogates out past the retry code.
>       raise caught_exception
E       TypeError: __str__ returned non-string (type SysCallError)

/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/botocore/ TypeError
==================================================== 2 failed, 8 passed in 0.57 seconds ====================================================

Should there be failures like this when running the tests?

assuming ~/.profile by default

rather than basing everything off of ~/.profile, perhaps check what shell the user is running (eg. capture which $SHELL) and append to that environment -- eg. I use the zsh and .profile is not by default inherited/sourced by the zsh environment, so you could check what the shell environment is upon installation and append to that instead of always using .profile. this took me awhile to figure out why none of the environment variables were there after installation of packages w/ pegasus. or at least be explicit in the docs that stuff get appended to .profile so folks can source that from their actual shell environment.

Auto-association of Elastic IPs problematic.

In our AWS account, we don't have many EIPs available to us -- they are all in use. So, having Pegasus automatically try to associate an EIP to every node in the cluster doesn't work.

For example, we may only have 5 EIPs available and we want a 20-node spark cluster. The way the Pegasus code is currently written, it tries to associate an EIP to each node and as soon as we run out of EIPs, we get errors.

As a quick hack, I wrapped that section in code with a check for an environment variable being defined named AWS_ELASTIC_IPS. If it's defined, then it will run the EIP association code, otherwise it will skip it.

Pull request: #77

pegasys does not work with cygwin

Cygwin running on Windows8 64bit


  •<public_dns> instead of integer


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(Possibly others, will edit when i find them)

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