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cardano-rt-view's Introduction


RTView: real-time watching for Cardano nodes


This project is archived, its development was stopped 2 years ago.

Please check out our brand new RTView here.

cardano-rt-view's People


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cardano-rt-view's Issues

[BUG] cardano-prelude missing in build-depends section

cardano-rt-view is missing cardano-prelude in it's build-depends section of cardano-rt-view.cabal, see below:

[    4s] + cd cardano-rt-view-0.1.0
[    4s] + '[' -f Setup.hs -o -f Setup.lhs ']'
[    4s] + '[' -x Setup ']'
[    4s] + ghc --make -no-user-package-db Setup
[    4s] [1 of 1] Compiling Main             ( Setup.hs, Setup.o )
[    4s] Linking Setup ...
[    7s] + LANG=en_US.utf8
[    7s] + ./Setup --version
[    7s] Cabal library version
[    7s] + '[' -x Setup ']'
[    7s] + LANG=en_US.utf8
[    7s] + ./Setup configure --prefix=/usr --libdir=/usr/lib64 --docdir=/usr/share/licenses/cardano-rt-view '--libsubdir=$compiler/$pkgid' '--datasubdir=$pkgid' --ghc '--dynlibdir=/usr/lib64/$compiler/$pkgid' --global '--ghc-options= ' -v -p --enable-shared --htmldir=/usr/share/doc/ghc-8.10.2/html/libraries/cardano-rt-view-0.1.0 --global
[    8s] Using Parsec parser
[    8s] Configuring cardano-rt-view-0.1.0...
[    8s] CallStack (from HasCallStack):
[    8s]   $, called at libraries/Cabal/Cabal/Distribution/Simple/Configure.hs:1024:20 in Cabal-
[    8s]   configureFinalizedPackage, called at libraries/Cabal/Cabal/Distribution/Simple/Configure.hs:477:12 in Cabal-
[    8s]   configure, called at libraries/Cabal/Cabal/Distribution/Simple.hs:625:20 in Cabal-
[    8s]   confHook, called at libraries/Cabal/Cabal/Distribution/Simple/UserHooks.hs:65:5 in Cabal-
[    8s]   configureAction, called at libraries/Cabal/Cabal/Distribution/Simple.hs:180:19 in Cabal-
[    8s]   defaultMainHelper, called at libraries/Cabal/Cabal/Distribution/Simple.hs:116:27 in Cabal-
[    8s]   defaultMain, called at Setup.hs:2:8 in main:Main
[    8s] Setup: Encountered missing or private dependencies:
[    8s] cardano-prelude -any
[    8s]
[    8s] error: Bad exit status from /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.1Of1RU (%build)

[FR] add new tabs for - Stake, Delegators, Rewards details

In order to be 1 place for getting all the details about a stake pool, it would be nice to have different tabs for displaying:

  • number of delegators and their stake (per epoch)
  • active and live stake for the stake pool (per epoch)
  • rewards received by the stake pool (per epoch)

[FR] Documentation - add node config file example

Can we attach to documentation full config file listing or add link where there will be a node config file, (at least for mainnet) with all most important tracers, mappings and traceForwardTo section already added/defined so user can only download such file and start node ? I think it will be much more convenient for end users than adding it manually.

KES values are not shown for Producer node

Producer node is not shown as started in RT-View even it is connected and synced through Relay (peer) node.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. start RT-View
  2. start relay node - cardano-node.exe run --topology ./shelley_qa-topology.json --database-path ./state --port 3002 --config ./shelley_qa-config.json --socket-path \\.\pipe\cardano-node2
  3. start producer node - cardano-node.exe run --topology ./shelley_qa-topology.json --database-path ./state --host-addr --port 3003 --config ./shelley_qa-config.json --socket-path \\.\pipe\cardano-node3 --shelley-kes-key pool_kes.skey --shelley-vrf-key pool_vrf.skey --shelley-operational-certificate pool_operational.cert



[enhancement] add time-series graphs for different metrics

This would be useful in order to provide the same functionalities you can get with Grafana.

epoch, slotNo, blockNo - this functionality is useful to see if your node was in sync during the selected period. Now we can see only if the node is in sync at this moment.


[enhancement] add rt-view details/info values

Daedalus has some nice info displayed in the Diagnostics window.

We could display rt-view version, build number, process ID, link to the rt-view config file (and logs file), etc


The suggested traceForwardTo/contents value is not correct for Windows

When using pipes on windows, the message for traceForwardTo/contents should indicate "\\.\pipe\Users-Dorin-AppData-Local-Temp-_rt-view-pipes_node-1" instead of "\.\pipe\Users-Dorin-AppData-Local-Temp-_rt-view-pipes_node-1", otherwise the node will not start complaining the value inside the node-config file is not correct.

[FR] Add Hide all option in Select Metric menu

  1. I think it would be useful to also add Hide all option in Select metric menu
  2. Maybe it would be a better User XP if options: Select all & Hide all would be located at the very top of the list, instead of the bottom ?


Access/Serve RT View using non-root URI

I used RT View for some days now, server from In order to be able to use Let's Encrypt's cerbot for https (which includes serving static "challenge" files to show one is the owner of the domain in question), I want to move RT View from / to /rt-view/ in nginx' configuration (ergo

Previous nginx config:

location / {
    auth_basic           "Cardano RT View Authorization";
    auth_basic_user_file /etc/nginx/conf.d/.htpasswd-cardano-rt-view;
    proxy_pass ;

Resulting HTTP headers:

<-- GET: HTTP/1.1 200 OK
--> ws://
<-- GET: HTTP/1.1 101 WebSocket Protocol Handshake

Until here everything works as expected.

New nginx config:

root         /srv/www/;
index        index.html;
location / {
    try_files            $uri $uri/ =404;
location /rt-view/ {
    auth_basic           "Cardano RT View Authorization";
    auth_basic_user_file /etc/nginx/conf.d/.htpasswd-cardano-rt-view;
    proxy_pass ;

HTTP headers:

<-- GET: HTTP/1.1 200 OK
--> ws://

I've tried quite some configuration work-arounds, rewrites, added the same rules for location /websocket/ etc. but it seems that only a proper request might help here? As I'm no expert in nginx configuration I might be missing sth. as well...

OS:      Fedora 33 Server
RT View: 0.1.0
Nginx:   1.18.0

Thanks in advance

No stats for Bars/Charts in Resources tab

I can't see values for Bars/Charts views in Resources View tab:

I can see information on other tabs.
I am using both tracers "cardano.node.metrics" & "cardano.node-metrics" in my configuration file.

Here is the config file I am using:



Chrome, Opera, FF

Linux Mint 19.2 (Kernel: 4.15.0-101-generic)

cardano node:
cardano-node 1.19.1 - linux-x86_64 - ghc-8.6
git rev 497afd7dedc5d5b9bdcdb0e3cac6a50bd9f7dd54

[FR] Add Hide all option for Select node menu

Value of this FR depends on how many nodes people run at the same time - if there are many nodes then it might be useful to:

  1. Move to the top: Select all option
  2. Add additional option Hide all at the top of the list

Many entries with Error: Switchboard's queue full, dropping log items! in the service log


There is a lot of error entries:

Error: Switchboard's queue full, dropping log items!
Error: Switchboard's queue full, dropping log items!
Error: Switchboard's queue full, dropping log items!

which suggests that node tries to forward its metrics, but without a success.

After ~ one hour they stopped appearing.

This is the full log file, service was running for a bit over a one hour:

Linux Mint 19.2 (Kernel: 4.15.0-101-generic)

cardano node:
cardano-node 1.19.1 - linux-x86_64 - ghc-8.6
git rev 497afd7dedc5d5b9bdcdb0e3cac6a50bd9f7dd54

config files that were used:
node: the same as in #3
cardano-rt-view: default options for one node.

Global accessibility of webserver

The Key Features shows:
3. Web-based UI: it provides configurable sections, live charts, and interactive tooltips. Use any browser or run RTView behind a web server like NGINX and view your nodes' state on any third-party device.

If I understand that correctly it is possible to access the web-based UI from a third-party device like:
cardano-node (Client mashine) -> cardano-rt-view (Server mashine) <- access via Browser (tablet)

I have not yet figured out how to get this setup work as cardano-rt-view seems to listening on localhost only. Any help/docu out there?

Thank you

rt-view is listening on `` instead of ``

details here:

  • I have a node with IP: x.x.x.x where I installed and started the rt-view
   Now, indicate a host of machine RTView will be launched on (default is x.x.x.x
    Ok, it is assumed that RTView will be launched on the host "x.x.x.x"
  • I also set the web-server port to 8500
  • I opened port 8500 + https + http for host z.z.z.z (my pc over internet) on the machine:
  • on my pc (over internet - z.z.z.z) I am opening a browser and try to open http://x.x.x.x:8500/ but nothing happens (I cannot see anything coming into the rt-view console from the relay/linux machine)

Should the rt-view server listen on or x.x.x.x:8500 instead of ? Or am I missing anything? (or doing anything wrong)


RT-View does not communicate with nodes from different machines/IPs

  1. have a node on a different machine/VM (from the one with RT View) - IP: x.x.x.x
  2. install RT View on a different machine (Windows in my case) - IP: y.y.y.y
  3. open port 3011 on node machine to be accessed by RT View
  4. configure the node with the below traceForwarder:
  "traceForwardTo": {
    "tag": "RemoteSocket",
    "contents": [
  1. start RT View
  2. start the node

The RT View seems to not be able to connect to the node; The Node Endpoint seems not correct to.


PS: I tried to manually change the remoteAddr from rt-view.yaml to the IP of the remote node (x.x.x.x) but the RT View does not start anymore

[BUG] - Uptime rolls over after 24 hours

As was reported in IntersectMBO/cardano-node#1624, there is a bug with uptime format (both in LiveView and RTView).

It appears that the Liveview on the nodes do not count "days" as part of the uptime and roll over after 24:00 back to 00:00 and recount.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Open the cardano-node on live view,
  2. Wait for 24 hours.

Expected behavior
The Uptime should count the days

System info (please complete the following information):

  • OS: Ubuntu
  • Version 20.04
  • Node version: 1.18.0

Minor parsing issues for some options on rt-view start

There are two minor parsing issues when going through initial config setup for rt-view (in bold text):

artur@artur-desktop:~/Projects/RTView_1_19_1_node$ ./cardano-rt-view
RTView: real-time watching for Cardano nodes
Saved configuration file is found. Do you want to use it? <Y/N>

How many nodes will you connect (1 - 99, default is 3):
Ok, 1 nodes.
Input the names of the nodes (default are "node-1"):
Ok, the last node has name "n-1"
Indicate the port for the web server (1024 - 65535, default is 8024):

Ok, the server will be listening on
Connections shall be made via pipes (P, default way) or networking sockets (S)?

Ok, pipes will be used. Indicate the directory for them, default is "/tmp/rt-view-pipes":
Ok, directory "/home/artur/rt-view-pipes" will be used for the pipes.
Indicate the directory with static content for the web server, default is "static":
Ok, static content will be taken from directory "qa-static".
Great, RTView is ready to run!

Node logs cluttered with Notice: TraceForwarder's queue is full, dropping log items!

This is the output when running node 1.19.1 with additional entries in config file needed for rt-view, logs are cluttered with those notifications:

Notice: TraceForwarder's queue is full, dropping log items!
Notice: TraceForwarder's queue is full, dropping log items!
Notice: TraceForwarder's queue is full, dropping log items!
Notice: TraceForwarder's queue is full, dropping log items!
Notice: TraceForwarder's queue is full, dropping log items!
Notice: TraceForwarder's queue is full, dropping log items!
Notice: TraceForwarder's queue is full, dropping log items!
Notice: TraceForwarder's queue is full, dropping log items!
[artur-de:cardano.node.ChainDB:Notice:41] [2020-09-28 11:46:36.49 UTC] Chain extended, new tip: bb3ba87a12098b75957887cfce5945ff3dab3d8026a1edcd3e1e5839268eade8 at slot 3625253
Notice: TraceForwarder's queue is full, dropping log items!
Notice: TraceForwarder's queue is full, dropping log items!
Notice: TraceForwarder's queue is full, dropping log items!
Notice: TraceForwarder's queue is full, dropping log items!
Notice: TraceForwarder's queue is full, dropping log items!
Notice: TraceForwarder's queue is full, dropping log items!
Notice: TraceForwarder's queue is full, dropping log items!
Notice: TraceForwarder's queue is full, dropping log items!

Edit: After running node for > 1 hour they do not show up.

Linux Mint 19.2 (Kernel: 4.15.0-101-generic)

cardano node:
cardano-node 1.19.1 - linux-x86_64 - ghc-8.6
git rev 497afd7dedc5d5b9bdcdb0e3cac6a50bd9f7dd54

config file that was used:

[BUILD] When building with haddock enabled, build fails

Folloiwing comments breaks the build if build is enabled with haddock using GHC 8.10.2, have not tried to replicate with 8.6.5

-- | "basicInfo.slotLengthByron" `T.isInfixOf` aName ->
-- LogMessage slotLength ->
-- nsWith $ updateSlotLength ns slotLength
-- _ -> currentNodesState

Possible workarrounds:

In tab blockchain rename `System start time`

System start time is misleading as it is not clear (without reading the tooltip) if it is:

  • rt-view start time
  • node start time
  • etc

"Blockchain start time" is better even there could be better names too.

The IP suggested by the RT-View dialog (when Sockets are used) is not correct

Let's say I have 1-3 nodes (Relays + Producer) on 3 different VMs (Linux, etc) somewhere on some clouds
I want to see all the stats, using RT-View, on my PC (Windows/Linux/MAC) --> so I need to use Sockets inside node configs

After responding to rt-view questions, it suggests to add the below traceForwards to the nodes, but we should use the (public) IP of the machine were rt-view is started instead of


Cannot build RTView using nix

I tried to build 0.1.0 and the last commit but both failed:


[122 of 270] Compiling Distribution.SPDX.LicenseReference ( libraries/Cabal/Cabal/Distribution/SPDX/LicenseReference.hs, bootstrapping/Distribution/SPDX/LicenseReference.o )
[123 of 270] Compiling Distribution.SPDX.LicenseId ( libraries/Cabal/Cabal/Distribution/SPDX/LicenseId.hs, bootstrapping/Distribution/SPDX/LicenseId.o )
ghc/ ghc/stage1/ No such file or directory
make[1]: *** [utils/ghc-cabal/ utils/ghc-cabal/dist/build/tmp/ghc-cabal] Killed
make: *** [Makefile:123: all] Error 2
builder for '/nix/store/jp8yc7m6mb273gy6m6sg536kj9fyac4j-ghc-8.6.5.drv' failed with exit code 2
cannot build derivation '/nix/store/y4fr020iv5spkkwfdr8zz7x8kl2yqnwa-ghc-8.10.2-configured-src.drv': 1 dependencies couldn't be built
cannot build derivation '/nix/store/nqw8bg8n44828rqq3m1han06hb78szyz-ghc-8.10.2.drv': 1 dependencies couldn't be built
building '/nix/store/x5x0bzvdxl5ih3avb05a2z3zp4ck441s-tagged-0.8.6-3.cabal.drv'...
cannot build derivation '/nix/store/0c2rvc6ik4cf0al6m8fb2vhcrj834jsy-Cabal-lib-Cabal-': 1 dependencies couldn't be built
cannot build derivation '/nix/store/azclpifm98wgjdc9hbi3p9a9bq21p6x1-Cabal-lib-Cabal-': 1 dependencies couldn't be built
cannot build derivation '/nix/store/5bw58sfg09kcgiximbba8a4qklkcr8a0-Cabal-lib-Cabal-': 1 dependencies couldn't be built


error: while evaluating 'recRecurseIntoAttrs' at /nix/store/7lzfs8kl0s78d84f9q2lz1z095dm6w0n-source/overlays/haskell-nix-extra/default.nix:8:29, called from something-something/cardano-rt-view/default.nix:20:21:
while evaluating anonymous function at something-something/cardano-rt-view/nix/haskell.nix:4:1, called from something-something/cardano-rt-view/nix/pkgs.nix:3:34:
while evaluating 'cabalProject' at /nix/store/dyapy325zdmjq3hcbg7pc9i79qqkk1xb-source/overlays/haskell.nix:551:13, called from something-something/cardano-rt-view/nix/haskell.nix:35:12:
while evaluating the attribute 'hsPkgs' at /nix/store/dyapy325zdmjq3hcbg7pc9i79qqkk1xb-source/overlays/haskell.nix:518:15:
while evaluating the attribute 'hsPkgs' at /nix/store/dyapy325zdmjq3hcbg7pc9i79qqkk1xb-source/overlays/haskell.nix:500:43:
while evaluating 'mkCabalProjectPkgSet' at /nix/store/dyapy325zdmjq3hcbg7pc9i79qqkk1xb-source/overlays/haskell.nix:152:13, called from /nix/store/dyapy325zdmjq3hcbg7pc9i79qqkk1xb-source/overlays/haskell.nix:485:30:
while evaluating the attribute 'haskell-nix.compiler."${(((plan-pkgs).pkgs hackage)).compiler.nix-name}".version' at /nix/store/acfzlk0y1lmpw05k67a54nws1x8irkzm-source/lib/attrsets.nix:344:7:
while evaluating anonymous function at /nix/store/dyapy325zdmjq3hcbg7pc9i79qqkk1xb-source/lib/import-and-filter-project.nix:5:1, called from /nix/store/dyapy325zdmjq3hcbg7pc9i79qqkk1xb-source/overlays/haskell.nix:487:31:
build of '/nix/store/l227sg85874l75gbkmxlvn86axp7y4ar-cardano-rt-view-src-plan-to-nix-pkgs.drv' failed

Browser <-> Server communication broken when reloading the rt-view web page

Steps to reproduce:

  1. start rt-view + node
  2. reload the rt-view web page --> the below message can be seen into the logs
cardano-rt-view.exe: Foreign.JavaScript: Browser <-> Server communication broken - - [30/Sep/2020:12:13:00 +0300] "GET /static/images/iohk-logo.png HTTP/1.1" 200 8764 "" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:81.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/81.0"
Foreign.JavaScript: Browser window disconnected. - - [30/Sep/2020:12:15:36 +0300] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 369 - "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:81.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/81.0" - - [30/Sep/2020:12:15:36 +0300] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 369 - "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:81.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/81.0" - - [30/Sep/2020:12:15:36 +0300] "GET /haskell.css HTTP/1.1" 200 80 "" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:81.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/81.0" - - [30/Sep/2020:12:15:36 +0300] "GET /haskell.js HTTP/1.1" 200 100857 "" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:81.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/81.0" - - [30/Sep/2020:12:15:36 +0300] "GET /favicon.ico HTTP/1.1" 200 369 "" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:81.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/81.0" - - [30/Sep/2020:12:15:36 +0300] "GET /static/css/w3.css HTTP/1.1" 304 0 "" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:81.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/81.0" - - [30/Sep/2020:12:15:36 +0300] "GET /static/js/chart.js HTTP/1.1" 304 0 "" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:81.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/81.0" - - [30/Sep/2020:12:15:36 +0300] "GET /static/images/question-circle-solid.svg HTTP/1.1" 200 868 "" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:81.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/81.0" - - [30/Sep/2020:12:15:36 +0300] "GET /static/images/iohk-logo.png HTTP/1.1" 200 8764 "" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:81.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/81.0"
cardano-rt-view.exe: Foreign.JavaScript: Browser <-> Server communication broken.

[FR] Time scale issue - Charts view

I see different starting/ending points on time scale for nodes, I would expect they should start at the same time or I am wrong ?
(At the moment I can't see any values on Y axis, or for Bars view - not sure if this is related in any way to #6


Moreover - when I changed the view from pane view to grid view I see different starting points than in previous view:


RTView: lack of local log

Currently, RTView doesn't produce a local log. It would be useful to have such a log, at least for debugging purposes.

Documentation - explain each displayed parameter

As a pool operator, I am interested to find:

  • Forged blocks number - as the number of blocks forged from the last restart (ideally this should be historically but I don't think they have how to get this value)
  • no of slots the node was elected to create a block (won the lottery) but because multiple nodes were competing, other's node block was chosen
  • no of slots my node missed (and did not try to compete in the lottery) because it was not properly synced

For the moment I cannot make an accurate correlation between the above expectations and the available values.

Fix doc link in README

In the README in section Documentation in the sentence

The documentation is published here.

the here link is not resolved. Please, correct to the one that works.

Minor - menu item displaying UI issue

This is absolutely the lowest priority ""issue":

When you hover over Select metric, the very first item TraceAcceptor endpoint is displayed in two lines then after few seconds its moving to one line, changing the width of list and positions of elements, I mean user maybe pointing on some particular element on the list and when the click will happen list might slightly change at that time and different element will be clicked.


[FR] KES tab - add remaining days until KES expire

It would be nice to have another line inside the KES tab specifying in how many days the actual KES should be renewed. For mainnet, I think it is something like cardano_node_Forge_metrics_remainingKESPeriods_int * 129600 * 1 / 3600 / 24

Confusing message into the Errors tab

It is not clear that inside the Errors tab we have a table with 2 columns and the name of the second column - Error message - could be interpreted as there is an Error in displaying the errors.

Idea - maybe we can make it look more like a table with an empty first raw? ...


[FR] Errors tab improvements

I find this tab a lot :) and I would love to see some more improvements here, like:

  1. let the user change the size of the table/window in order to see more text/rows at the same time
  2. add an option to sort the rows
  3. add an option to copy / export all and/or selected lines
  4. add an option to select the severity level (Warning, Error, Info, etc)

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