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One to six

This script can use endomorphism and Symmetry used in secp256k1 curve of ECDSA.
Given 1 Pubkey (Compressed or Uncompressed), Print all 6 Uncompressed Pubkey.
Given 1 Pubkey (Compressed or Uncompressed), Print all 6 Compressed Pubkey.
Given 1 Privatekey, Print all 6 Privatekey.
Given 1 Privatekey, Print all 6 Uncompressed Pubkey.
Given 1 Privatekey, Print all 6 Compressed Pubkey.
Given 1 Privatekey, Print all 24 BTC Address.

(base) C:\anaconda3>python
PVK1 :  00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001ce
PVK2 :  7de2c0832660356a0ac68c9191311b4b6ccd935bf4f90b2011682d76fab5a7a6
PVK3 :  821d3f7cd99fca95f539736e6ecee4b34de1498aba4f951bae6a3115d58097cd
PVK4 :  fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffebaaedce6af48a03bbfd25e8cd0363f73
PVK5 :  821d3f7cd99fca95f539736e6ecee4b34de1498aba4f951bae6a3115d580999b
PVK6 :  7de2c0832660356a0ac68c9191311b4b6ccd935bf4f90b2011682d76fab5a974
C Pubkey1 :  0257eaa919a8428f13c04b336ac4e2d15ab4b29346bce2383a6269a8de20457a2f
C Pubkey2 :  02b57732abbb0b2ab3bd3cf0361e3b22e7b422bf6200619426e078b6ff4e84a4be
C Pubkey3 :  02f29e243a9cb246388277dc5f1ce20bbd972aad5742bc339ebd1da0209135d971
C Pubkey4 :  0357eaa919a8428f13c04b336ac4e2d15ab4b29346bce2383a6269a8de20457a2f
C Pubkey5 :  03b57732abbb0b2ab3bd3cf0361e3b22e7b422bf6200619426e078b6ff4e84a4be
C Pubkey6 :  03f29e243a9cb246388277dc5f1ce20bbd972aad5742bc339ebd1da0209135d971
U Pubkey1 :  0457eaa919a8428f13c04b336ac4e2d15ab4b29346bce2383a6269a8de20457a2f82db2be0286f2ba09aefdf2898b87830145c3c656ef5b9ce2321db14ea2a5bc6
U Pubkey2 :  04b57732abbb0b2ab3bd3cf0361e3b22e7b422bf6200619426e078b6ff4e84a4be82db2be0286f2ba09aefdf2898b87830145c3c656ef5b9ce2321db14ea2a5bc6
U Pubkey3 :  04f29e243a9cb246388277dc5f1ce20bbd972aad5742bc339ebd1da0209135d97182db2be0286f2ba09aefdf2898b87830145c3c656ef5b9ce2321db14ea2a5bc6
U Pubkey4 :  0457eaa919a8428f13c04b336ac4e2d15ab4b29346bce2383a6269a8de20457a2f7d24d41fd790d45f651020d7674787cfeba3c39a910a4631dcde24ea15d5a069
U Pubkey5 :  04b57732abbb0b2ab3bd3cf0361e3b22e7b422bf6200619426e078b6ff4e84a4be7d24d41fd790d45f651020d7674787cfeba3c39a910a4631dcde24ea15d5a069
U Pubkey6 :  04f29e243a9cb246388277dc5f1ce20bbd972aad5742bc339ebd1da0209135d9717d24d41fd790d45f651020d7674787cfeba3c39a910a4631dcde24ea15d5a069
PVK1 BTC Address : [Compressed  ]   14KoLerqk5VLjyrRZyWAqnxSsCzGFAcwK5
PVK1 BTC Address : [Uncompressed]   13jYGadig7f2hu8Dfzj6AeG2uFefy66MEH
PVK1 BTC Address : [Segwit      ]   3B4tteAzQ8c7NdthY5moqHNdAMvkU7hJh2
PVK1 BTC Address : [Bech32      ]   bc1qy3mghhu8ul9q6y678nxhx83axsgnxgn3w5g7vj
PVK2 BTC Address : [Compressed  ]   1MiqHdSrZpfXXmEbSyhBQyTywjTY1Gn3hx
PVK2 BTC Address : [Uncompressed]   12EnkPJ4q8FGHYn89p78E4z6vvMSsUNBzb
PVK2 BTC Address : [Segwit      ]   31kmsby7VAUFcm3YyUwaJkA6XoJ7rtp7rJ
PVK2 BTC Address : [Bech32      ]   bc1qud97pwzejhy5skrzy0d3yj0l7ts8s5mrr5xkey
PVK3 BTC Address : [Compressed  ]   1HXzAt8GPxxUYFrGbhqGMBH3qHCLVJQPD5
PVK3 BTC Address : [Uncompressed]   1LpwLzAjEkdvj3mN48ZttG14hisWkV5GCb
PVK3 BTC Address : [Segwit      ]   31yAdVLoxgrLMntzXZoKQy7N7cePSrTeSb
PVK3 BTC Address : [Bech32      ]   bc1qk40rdl3txrlpspu28kkvhrt0san0w2veemnhw9
PVK4 BTC Address : [Compressed  ]   13qPWJ8WRMG3iMaNNAGwH6B22VHvxM5b9N
PVK4 BTC Address : [Uncompressed]   1KPvuJpocDqxw2dBM4VZUWCrUvAkD3p86y
PVK4 BTC Address : [Segwit      ]   34idoX77gCyrNZbAgbKjCSC5W93PEX7WhS
PVK4 BTC Address : [Bech32      ]   bc1qrutszz99pq5y5ay526fq5jdmtcpmd7kzznuqsr
PVK5 BTC Address : [Compressed  ]   1J27QC7dpjvxb1YctZD9qBaM4dQRh67GYM
PVK5 BTC Address : [Uncompressed]   1FLzbds31ug9Qu9VspDQFvui5h5ZqSBYiP
PVK5 BTC Address : [Segwit      ]   38WHFg2XHaigVeNzBySTLHTp1qmCqgYNVD
PVK5 BTC Address : [Bech32      ]   bc1qh2h7tz9grqahy7g88a4saxzfhtpweyup8kqr30
PVK6 BTC Address : [Compressed  ]   1LrayyD4HWUeMWuCbJPkTKD6hwpMoygr73
PVK6 BTC Address : [Uncompressed]   1HMddELooUwMuRTtVaUrG7tSTNsfnjXL5u
PVK6 BTC Address : [Segwit      ]   3HVpNktWqUmAoVXapSG3t4QVaPMzaX6FTK
PVK6 BTC Address : [Bech32      ]   bc1qm89j8ynd52gvnckgex4qy332lw3uyahq2ztcqa

Pubkey Subtract

This script Creates many Subtracted Pubkeys with a predictable random method using SHA256 function.
Number of pubkeys in the outputs can be specified along with the bit range.
A fixed seed is used to find the constant used to subtract continuously.
If privatekey of any one of the pubkey is found then the Privatekey of original pubkey can be traced back using the same predictable random offset values.
Output can be uncompressed pubkey, compressed pubkey or xpoint for either binary file or text file.

(base) C:\anaconda3>python 02CEB6CBBCDBDF5EF7150682150F4CE2C6F4807B349827DCDBDD1F2EFA885A2630 100000 120 keysub120.txt upub
[+] Detecting output file extension. Output will be written as Text File
[-] Completed in 2.49 secs #  100000

Pubkey Divide

This script Creates many Divided Pubkeys with the bit reduction specified.
The division is achieved using the modular inverse of the scalar.
At least 1 of the Output pubkeys with have the reduced bit range specified in the argument.

  • Usage > To decrese the Puzzle #120 bit range by 5 to make it 115 bit pubkey. out of those 32 at least 1 will be 115 bit.
(base) C:\anaconda3>python 02CEB6CBBCDBDF5EF7150682150F4CE2C6F4807B349827DCDBDD1F2EFA885A2630 5 keydiv_bit5.txt
[+] Result will write Total 32 pubkeys in the Output File size Approx. [0.004 MB]
[+] Finished Total DivKeys #  32
[+] Completed in 0.24 sec

Small Subgroup Privatekey Search : BTC

This script Search for Privatekey created in a small subgroup starting from any high bit random number.
It searches offline for btc address (4 types [C][U][3][bc]) for collision from a input address file.

(base) C:\anaconda3>python
[+] Program Starting ... Please Wait
882 Legacy BTC, 498 Segwit BTC, 330 bech32 BTC,  address found in the file

[+] Starting search for the subgroup : 0x66f5232619a504f227979d87b5345f120a2db0f8cb633f20eecaa9bebdc7
[+] Completed :  160000 [C] 1CE2Xmkeygq1x8f4q5MNn4VRs9VMnnCSTk [U] 1GRaRCn3E5Gp6yU48bwmdxYSbjMAuNntVx [3] 3J9eo2LB5gWvQyYtUhZPmZPD1VgwMQTC4n [bc] bc1q0vsprx34qqps49p5udpxda6xhpx7kt2r5clx8t
[+] Starting search for the subgroup : 0x87478de57078cf05a2d0a1faa4461abb4e42b62df0e513203edcb4cddb2f
[+] Completed :  120000 [C] 14f6xBy1VEGk7msbhCBxm2ZxUmV44AzLAF [U] 1EPhCbpicTGwkqjzMrJbDYB44Bo2SpkMxW [3] 3PosuFmXMYxWMzrnRFVsyw98m2ehYRSMCX [bc] bc1q9qwjd68z297wx9zn58c2he76mwy6px99g5cv8e
[+] Starting search for the subgroup : 0xb5ab99b8376e61ea690a3b69811fb3fd0a291427962563b6a0c356c8fec8
[+] Completed :  90000 [C] 1FjP2Cid6H2ue3K9WgNmvXp5DYtRW7S1Rd [U] 1DpT8aBwQdkJYHNrNTmLhQpyCWqPTVJr95 [3] 32BT2zNGa4AjczTXZLvtiWhiJy5WAyxDmz [bc] bc1q5x2e6pqsq389p342fsvwxyh9damxwny2lnf8a7
[+] Starting search for the subgroup : 0x8a6205d1353769023a186bf7375bdd09277857fb98b4d595994b40e56689
[+] Completed :  120000 [C] 1E126e6iW4t3tyo5UNhDkz1VSosxr3M2ei [U] 12CSgRhcaBJufLVbmtFaFAjFK5xeZHfWJW [3] 3PHRQRLvncK8c7Rz5xfPsqrrikZKEiHSbU [bc] bc1q36dg69wmdpvs569sg3u9f2las32m0ncjlf5wsd
[+] Starting search for the subgroup : 0x37167b4424c8ec5a58116b3b9e9966163cdd9bcbcff813f4351b9e15b744
[+] Completed :  300000 [C] 1496uUWHi4YmSYqw6rkT2qhCVRuG9t9mLm [U] 1GPMxSBhY2ismsuq6xKsmj38G42kSHCU7J [3] 3HijqQbb3WYEzArGKeBoN2EVhAdVD2WXP2 [bc] bc1qyfc2y5s2j56mq70y4enlm7n2jhp65ed6506332
[+] Starting search for the subgroup : 0x8c52f8afdce82b6ea6279c979f245023b5fe8167ce0483f2ce366856ade5
[+] Completed :  110000 [C] 1CVFQAXsZmsJgjsUXnvna8hAUX2Hs58n4q [U] 1FEuLxSXiS7eP3E6wpWQsCR1D4vpzR6o18 [3] 31m26DsvDUD5Gpn75b4VUDusMbKjwmi4a7 [bc] bc1q0cqseugwr5qvtz837m8w9eamr0xk55fm399f6v
[+] Starting search for the subgroup : 0x6d8009113e440c2c39903409f1b228959a6880d3f75d95b579e5050acce5
[+] Completed :  150000 [C] 16UYnAuc6F8FsdnZKzJrrVVQg89WCvseUN [U] 1CcyENuxbYfrsjTHSWNL1RFyZBUDFvF6zj [3] 3KQs1spX2isrTVBeCd6r7Fb3L5VmvJVoci [bc] bc1q8s8xxvefws353mnsqg5kdk4n9d5w63zspu8xdz
[+] Starting search for the subgroup : 0x1f71e35f0dc9f15d5a9940e5900db47bf202e850597d3de864ebe14395f9
[+] Completed :  530000 [C] 1oCfxSa3sXg3jiiLWbZCvVk9f2SGnZBaR [U] 1DcZEbq6RnWxwwzMLrq8TXZMeaazXNsCt7 [3] 34GwDP8Ev8pcw9ZSzDct6yTtF7cp322Dft [bc] bc1qpz7wpy6vc4kg5zmvyhx2yyuvwt6nf4g398cqvk8
[+] Starting search for the subgroup : 0x12d1e581bf3564fff7bb90a27d056838bb25448746d8ecb2c4467204a2c3
[+] Completed :  890000 [C] 13nqzRNR5dJfJUTHapmiKRk2rZatdzthBB [U] 16oWriPod1TeXhixewAHJbN5jFbdfTB77b [3] 35ULGW9fnasrwLpb6soXyHXz1W16jBYo7E [bc] bc1qr6da6kfu79835fk94gm8k3267xgg2vdmma0ydz
[+] Starting search for the subgroup : 0xf6cc243e88ac3a60eb92408b8f865624f1f541ba4b17f30188af1008751c
[+] Completed :  60000 [C] 1ieGUfgfd3KSL5qgcLNNNacySzSjFADQx [U] 1QHWdvpSABJEhV134pr8rDDFQzf6WLYbf4 [3] 3AJZw54qiFPVmnNDnsmj48geL4AhgET29u [bc] bc1qqlsznjtqhlrsdeshj5gf3tymt5tmajam8yts0l8
[+] Starting search for the subgroup : 0xdef75762b050d1c3b3ab1cd366eefee03e7810add6257acb089b4cc1b587
[+] Completed :  70000 [C] 1DaihUbWd7Eedxde5cHmpD72gZ6qiKtZR4 [U] 14n3Xzszu6dTnqm55ZdmVo9Zy6tuvgarS4 [3] 3KaxhmcqvDsQYnpEqARsu4ekmDRmbB59n2 [bc] bc1q3gpqkdq4mn74mufhwl0dkfxnn4kp34w3encx5n

Small Subgroup Privatekey Search : ETH

This script Search for Privatekey created in a small subgroup starting from any high bit random number.
It searches offline for ETH address for collision from a input address file.

(base) C:\anaconda3>python
[+] Program Starting in ETH mode... Please Wait
216 ETH address found in the file. Ignored 0

[+] Starting search for the subgroup : 0x7ba4114643f06ac50129c191b80b1033a2f014aff020ed3f3a81c3c5a49f     [239 bit]
[+] Completed :  780000 [ETH-1] 0xbf8d47bbf4530f17bf1948cbd3d2a7ec5bf39453
[+] Starting search for the subgroup : 0x1610cab1f52307e0fca13c37070463d4653b4107e0d5efe67d3c8822817e     [237 bit]
[+] Completed :  4560000 [ETH-1] 0xf4f6072fe79bbf7c5e137022eef52fce7ad6da9c
[+] Starting search for the subgroup : 0x61d5e16b421f18e9b5bfeb8ff27028713e03a51680ce726e1fac14ea6010     [239 bit]
[+] Completed :  1020000 [ETH-1] 0xc856e69e4ce158cb90d703a6c03d22514614a5fd
[+] Starting search for the subgroup : 0xecbf9efad9e2f4e20cb2286e1e59d0288d44939110b1fc2d5874345942fc     [240 bit]
[+] Completed :  420000 [ETH-1] 0x310039396783c20b6e78ef9d0ba33c34e6f4e1f8
[+] Starting search for the subgroup : 0x4e1d77af27008404c9b1f6c8266f4a7fcf953d0d6b37982326cae27fd4a0     [239 bit]
[+] Completed :  1260000 [ETH-1] 0x59d6729d98176e756d0f76935c40ad7d5dfe56ce
[+] Starting search for the subgroup : 0xf9f663b9a96a08d0f9d9a34b23e0e8599fe74d2b0bd86c678e27a25dbd2     [236 bit]
[+] Completed :  3480000 [ETH-1] 0x3e000aef758b303644cf0d91fc4e1d926248a18e

quick's People


iceland2k14 avatar pianist-coder avatar


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quick's Issues

Is it possible to add print to text file if the key is found? If the computer goes off or crashes and you did not see a match it would be lost, you would never know.

Pubkey Subtract

Hello, sir.,

After subtracting the pubkey, I want to reach in the private key, how can I do this?

Make your programs for linux!? not working on linux..

You got a new scripts with your new ctypes, but its for windows, why you not make for linux? This scripts not working on linux.. undefined symbol: privatekey_to_address


And open your dll functions please. Thanks for your great work!!!

After a while I run out of free space on my SSD and it says the following error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Workshop\python\iceland2k14\quick\", line 78, in
addr4 = privatekey_to_ETH_address(np)
File "C:\Workshop\python\iceland2k14\quick\", line 42, in privatekey_to_ETH_address
res = ice.privatekey_to_ETH_address(pass_int_value)
OSError: exception: access violation writing 0x0000000000000018


Also thank you for all your work. How to remove randomness?

Hi, I liked your script very much. Which line of code to change to get: -1, -2, -3, -4, or add another step: -10, -20, -30, -40. I would be very grateful for your help. Thanks.

It's memory leak in library?

Hi! Thank you very much for your developments! It seems that there is a memory leak in your new libraries. In Could you check it out? I use its functions in my multiprocessor application. Thanks! And could you open the available functions of this library to use them? It's very fast leak memory to full in ubuntu 21.04.

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'fastecdsa

when i try to run it throws me "ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'fastecdsa" this error and when i try to install fastecdsa it throws me this `Preparing metadata ( ... done
Using legacy ' install' for fastecdsa, since package 'wheel' is not installed.
Installing collected packages: fastecdsa
Running install for fastecdsa ... error
error: subprocess-exited-with-error

× Running install for fastecdsa did not run successfully.
│ exit code: 1
╰─> [41 lines of output]
running install
running build
running build_py
creating build
creating build\lib.win32-3.10
creating build\lib.win32-3.10\fastecdsa
copying fastecdsa\ -> build\lib.win32-3.10\fastecdsa
copying fastecdsa\ -> build\lib.win32-3.10\fastecdsa
copying fastecdsa\ -> build\lib.win32-3.10\fastecdsa
copying fastecdsa\ -> build\lib.win32-3.10\fastecdsa
copying fastecdsa\ -> build\lib.win32-3.10\fastecdsa
copying fastecdsa\ -> build\lib.win32-3.10\fastecdsa
copying -> build\lib.win32-3.10\fastecdsa
creating build\lib.win32-3.10\fastecdsa\encoding
copying fastecdsa\encoding\ -> build\lib.win32-3.10\fastecdsa\encoding
copying fastecdsa\encoding\ -> build\lib.win32-3.10\fastecdsa\encoding
copying fastecdsa\encoding\ -> build\lib.win32-3.10\fastecdsa\encoding
copying fastecdsa\encoding\ -> build\lib.win32-3.10\fastecdsa\encoding
copying fastecdsa\encoding\ -> build\lib.win32-3.10\fastecdsa\encoding
copying fastecdsa\ -> build\lib.win32-3.10\fastecdsa\encoding
creating build\lib.win32-3.10\fastecdsa\tests
copying fastecdsa\tests\ -> build\lib.win32-3.10\fastecdsa\tests
copying fastecdsa\tests\ -> build\lib.win32-3.10\fastecdsa\tests
copying fastecdsa\tests\ -> build\lib.win32-3.10\fastecdsa\tests
copying fastecdsa\tests\ -> build\lib.win32-3.10\fastecdsa\tests
copying fastecdsa\tests\ -> build\lib.win32-3.10\fastecdsa\tests
copying fastecdsa\tests\ -> build\lib.win32-3.10\fastecdsa\tests
copying fastecdsa\tests\ -> build\lib.win32-3.10\fastecdsa\tests
copying fastecdsa\tests\ -> build\lib.win32-3.10\fastecdsa\tests
copying fastecdsa\tests\ -> build\lib.win32-3.10\fastecdsa\tests
copying fastecdsa\tests\ -> build\lib.win32-3.10\fastecdsa\tests
copying fastecdsa\tests\ -> build\lib.win32-3.10\fastecdsa\tests
copying fastecdsa\tests\ -> build\lib.win32-3.10\fastecdsa\tests
copying fastecdsa\ -> build\lib.win32-3.10\fastecdsa\tests
creating build\lib.win32-3.10\fastecdsa\tests\encoding
copying fastecdsa\tests\encoding\ -> build\lib.win32-3.10\fastecdsa\tests\encoding
copying fastecdsa\tests\encoding\ -> build\lib.win32-3.10\fastecdsa\tests\encoding
copying fastecdsa\tests\ -> build\lib.win32-3.10\fastecdsa\tests\encoding
running build_ext
building 'fastecdsa.curvemath' extension
error: Microsoft Visual C++ 14.0 or greater is required. Get it with "Microsoft C++ Build Tools":
[end of output]

note: This error originates from a subprocess, and is likely not a problem with pip.
error: legacy-install-failure

× Encountered error while trying to install package.
╰─> fastecdsa

note: This is an issue with the package mentioned above, not pip.
hint: See above for output from the failure.`
how do i resolve this..?

subtracted or added ??

i tested with a known key with key subtracter. The output comes with like the "pubkey # -scalar" does the "-" symbol denote the key is produced by adding the scalar with og pubkey? as we need to subtract the scalar if it hit! what i want to know is does all keys are added or subtracted keys? can you add an option for add or subtract like alberto's key subtracter.... thanks.

Speed up

Is it possible to speed up the program? I'm trying to reduce the key by 30. It takes about 1 month.

Не понятно как вычитать закрытый ключ?

042563d13a92ded78ffe7c12a8a16d68234f39cdaf5127a7604cbdf7112d86d9513c0aadfca8c57942588bfac7b836beaaa2e2ea04ca2624b556ea0032fec43828 # -1167274915921437132222366665358063804
049fbf04037192e07a52edbdc2eb74c6776358460b143fff9ff6c376e4b5435174c02304f65792533f047639492c6b774e43bb983274caa8ffa10587fbbb5ace41 # -1136864228615493423477229950623519881
04a1b809fedae98a9acbdd260493880b5a2793de9040b8a4fb4f98488225bfebde774506f920130b6522551eaac0255397ebb3cc085328dc5c05de361c4a54b479 # -990912526820145649708937874233773623
04cd7ecd45e8b2bc837f4c6656d194222a4ee024bc2a59e2b764c1d49a892ce49be4f72377a48cad479c9c7f0beebdb9c69d9fba20db95bc3d7f97c90ab01fb6ae # -824350883117718163000274420349749940
0477fd17ec74fc7b1bdaaf9d904d37976d366dc0fde80e63d78e9e102117670543e958e2446468152c1be26962afb04d1c8c89dea8ae1fc0d5447f18f380367b8e # -1241245164783056897103659509588556297
045339b9593130ea1f4effbcef41d5cc0bb21523e7c99ba04de1ec1e8b6619b323e68aa97d87a7c12f2a8c5e4c22e689e0147a678d3c9110cb63c7c0897451ce49 # -1175745690303447800609846273102645414
0408a8eabd086feb832216c4af77226b0d69d177b133268567c3e1acb4b0017fd3430be6a5e7ca476ea5fff36f88f5d5860b1b06e0b0b7232ec887d9125b5684c6 # -671229879241883336966499933018701142
04c210f5e9fc43df38abdaa8732806178ea12070d49e13e805ae53ef523c4c1591f82b006d01410be3a49d714176eec885e9b972828641c33926fca0f46e54e6f2 # -747690523335159390563466068127574196
042b80899e13a76daaa75cb2de8c96484f64c5945cf54df0fe27cac14a3bdff323f9ff46d37d0043ef9921d1ed505352f99e50a8c8b2fa021b24268ace9da189cb # -831694242023601945262763415746047914
04cb10526700526c8cbee7441931be663bd1fa01234a5f2eabd25e25ff6a9788a82155bccd9a6fd4421f1d1f5ede560c013020db4499b60ba1d3f7ab29f152d8f5 # -1166366076605599642512243835431561169
0432a71c75b81281ea6208df0dff07e3cd7365129ad1afbe9fbe172bf6026fa44c68d75fd7b59265e24bbc97eab19d0eae2ed1dc50c727ace4b7b653ec96e9de21 # -992246531620261671764610541725290236
0421a50814893d9ac694db13a1b7384c3aa8f3ebecdbe33100c16781d5c807f4acbc4950d72a6d99d76adbef2a3f535ba91a10773bef69feef12cbea8541fa71d7 # -958128860685469430714821932362103073
046f82f6664acd43be822f752cba834cdb9eb5f3b49044b3df556109eaade856bc19997664a9dc6ead8ed687d4fee472f15f058df03ac0b55a82ef5ed1e79b8c1a # -988059732174221169718507344701005153

Pubdiv Error

Hi, i just run your pubdiv code, and it give me this error : Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\datap\Desktop\Pubdiv\", line 11, in
import secp256k1 as ice
File "C:\Users\datap\Desktop\Pubdiv\", line 98, in
ice.get_x_to_y.argtypes = [ctypes.c_char_p, ctypes.c_bool, ctypes.c_char_p] # x,even,ret
File "C:\Python312\Lib\", line 392, in getattr
func = self.getitem(name)
File "C:\Python312\Lib\", line 397, in getitem
func = self._FuncPtr((name_or_ordinal, self))
AttributeError: function 'get_x_to_y' not found

I have double check and see the and ice_secp256k1.dll was there, thank you

Pubkey divide

how is it supposed to work?
for example, I took 55 bit space
seed: 41cfffe1000000
pub: 02a356773f0058ac88c31a305dd485a1dae845d1f03c790f1de5b3a08434a80cdf

python3 02a356773f0058ac88c31a305dd485a1dae845d1f03c790f1de5b3a08434a80cdf 5 1keydiv_bit5.txt
used to find the key:
./keyhunt -m bsgs -f 1keydiv_bit5.txt -t 16 -b 55

where the -b parameter is the bit space in which I'm looking ... apparently I misunderstood the principle of the code?

Pubkey Divide

thank you for this tool

just a question about divide

i trayed a 5 bit dividor i can confirm that the first pubkey result is divided by 32 , but i can't find the dividor of the other result

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