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yaapii.http's Issues

Add Url interface

Bug Report or Feature Request (mark with an x)

  • bug report -> please search issues before submitting
  • feature request
  • refactor request

Expected Behavior

We have a URL interface which will assist in creating url`s

Actual Behavior

there is no such interface

Steps to reproduce the behavior

The log given by the failure.

Mention any other details that might be useful

interface IUrl {
   IUrl Schema();
   IUrl Host();
   IUrl Port();
   IUrl With();

Add fallback body classes

Expected Behavior

var body = "";
if(new Body.Exists(response).Value())
    body = new Body.Of(response).AsString();

can be replaced with the less verbose

var body = new Body.FallbackOf(response).AsString();

Actual Behavior

No *.FallbackOf classes exist.

Mention any other details that might be useful

Steps to reproduce the behavior

The log given by the failure.

Update Yaapii.Atoms to 2.0.1

Expected Behavior

We use the current version of Yaapii.Atoms.
No Atoms classes are copied into this project.

Actual Behavior

We use Yaapii.Atoms 0.29.0.
For compatibility reasons, some classes from Atoms have been copied into this project.

Mention any other details that might be useful

Steps to reproduce the behavior

The log given by the failure.

Bump Atoms

Expected Behavior

Yaapii.HTTP uses Atoms 0.21.0

Actual Behavior

It uses Atoms 0.20.0

Steps to reproduce the behavior

The log given by the failure.

Mention any other details that might be useful

Add specialized body *.Of classes

Expected Behavior

We can write new TextBody.Of(response) instead of new TextOf(new Body.Of(response)) to get a body as IText. Similar things exist for IJSON, IXML and IBytes.

Actual Behavior

We had similar classes before, but they accidentally got lost in refactoring.
Now Body.Of is the only thing that can retrieve the body of a request/response.
Body.Of implements IInput, which can be converted into the other data types, but that makes things more verbose than they need to be.

Mention any other details that might be useful

To ensure consistent decoding, these classes should use Body.Of internally.

Steps to reproduce the behavior

The log given by the failure.

add Elegant Objects badge to readme

Expected Behavior

The badges at the top of the include the one provided by to inform potential contributors, that we follow those principles.

Actual Behavior has no reference to elegant objects.

Mention any other details that might be useful

add this to
EO principles respected here

Steps to reproduce the behavior

The log given by the failure.

Support different timeout values

Expected Behavior

A timeout given to the ctor of AspNetCoreWire is always used for requests sent over that Wire.

Actual Behavior

A singleton HttpClient is used. The timeout of a HttpClient can only be set before the first request is sent. This means only the first timeout value passed to AspNetCoreWire will be used.

Mention any other details that might be useful

The problem is in AspNetCoreClient, it ignores the given timeout when the HttpClient has already been initialized.
The singleton HttpClient is necessary, see
We may have to store several of them, one for each timeout value used. That should still be much better that creating a new HttpClient for each request.

Steps to reproduce the behavior

var wire1 = 
    new AspNetCoreWire(
        new TimeSpan(0, 1, 0) // should time out after one minute
wire1.Response(new Get("insert some url")); // first request will initialize the HttpClient
var wire2 = 
    new AspNetCoreWire(
        new TimeSpan(0, 0, 1) // should time out after one second (but won't)
wire2.Response(new Get("insert a url that can't be reached")); // will time out after one minute

The log given by the failure.

Add ability to set security protocol for wire

Expected Behavior

We can set the security protocol, when initializing a client.
By default, this should be:
ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol =SecurityProtocolType.Tls12 | SecurityProtocolType.Tls11 | SecurityProtocolType.Tls;

Actual Behavior

Mention any other details that might be useful

It can happen, that a server does not understand the security protocol, which the client (that sends the http request) is using.

Steps to reproduce the behavior

The log given by the failure.

Avoid throwing AggregateExceptions

Expected Behavior

When something goes wrong, a meaningful exception is thrown.

Actual Behavior

Due to the wires creating responses in separate tasks, if something goes wrong while getting a response, an AggregateException is thrown where the task's result is being accessed, to signal that something went wrong in that task. This is usually not very helpful in finding out what exactly went wrong.

Mention any other details that might be useful

An AggregateException can hold any number of inner exceptions, but in this case, it can be expected that there is only ever exactly one inner exception, the one that caused the task to fail.

If there is exactly one inner exception, throw that.
Otherwise, rethrow the AggregateException.

Steps to reproduce the behavior

The log given by the failure.

The appveyor.yml always publishes NuGet packages when pushing to the master

Expected behavior

Our build scripts (appveyor.yml and build.cake) publishes NuGet packages to our AppVeyor NuGet feed only when a tag was set.

Actual behavior

Setting the artifacts in the appveyor.yml causes in publishing the NuGet packages from the AppVeyor artifacts cloud to the NuGet Feed. This is an internal automated mechanism in the AppVeyor environment.
When the master builds on the AppVeyor the version number of the head of build.cake is taken to publish a NuGet package all the time. This may result in overwriting an already published NuGet package in our NuGet feed with wrong content.

Steps to reproduce the behavior

The log given by the failure.

Mention any other details that might be useful

Update to Yaapii.JSON 12.1

Expected Behavior

Actual Behavior

Mention any other details that might be useful

Steps to reproduce the behavior

The log given by the failure.

Port verano http library

Expected Behavior

Our library ports the design of verano-http, which is better than the current.

Actual Behavior

Mention any other details that might be useful

Steps to reproduce the behavior

The log given by the failure.

Feature Http Mock server

Expected Behavior

There is a HTTP server mock, which we can use to fire HTTP Requests at.

Actual Behavior

No such thing

Steps to reproduce the behavior

The log given by the failure.

Mention any other details that might be useful

Remove empty string entry in QueryParams

Expected Behavior

The QueryParams object can work with empty querys

Actual Behavior

if query is empty, a single, empty entry is returned which leads to an error

Mention any other details that might be useful

Steps to reproduce the behavior

The log given by the failure.

add special char encoding fix to major 3

Expected Behavior

The fix with special char encoding exists in version 3...

Actual Behavior

Mention any other details that might be useful

Steps to reproduce the behavior

The log given by the failure.

Deployment on internal and NuGet feed

Expected Behavior

The NuGet package is only deployed on the NuGet feed.

Actual Behavior

The NuGet package is deployed on the internal feed and NuGet.

Mention any other details that might be useful

Remove NuGet deployment from the AppVeyor.yml and control the NuGet release in the script.

Steps to reproduce the behavior

The log given by the failure.

Bug dictionaries are enumerated

Expected Behavior

No dictionary is enumerated

Actual Behavior

Some dictionaries are filtered and mapped
This results in all values being built

Mention any other details that might be useful

Steps to reproduce the behavior

The log given by the failure.

FormParams tolerates special characters

Expected Behavior

If a key or value stored in the body as form params contains special characters, they are escaped, encoded or something else to make that data compatible with content type application/x-www-form-urlencoded.

Actual Behavior

Characters like '&', '+', or '=' may cause unexpected behavior or errors.

Mention any other details that might be useful

The problem is in AspNetCoreWire:

                body =
                    new BytesOf(
                        new Yaapii.Atoms.Text.Joined("&",
                            new MappedDictionary<string>((key, value) =>

There has to be a better way of doing this.
Using System.Net.Http.FormUrlEncodedContent instead of System.Net.Http.ByteArrayContentmay solve this.

Steps to reproduce the behavior

The log given by the failure.

Request Timeout does not work

Expected Behavior

Giving the request a timeout works.

Actual Behavior

Does not work.

Steps to reproduce the behavior

The log given by the failure.

Mention any other details that might be useful

Slim temp atoms to map and many

Expected Behavior

AtomsTemp have only Map and Many classes and no interfaces

Actual Behavior

Mention any other details that might be useful

Steps to reproduce the behavior

The log given by the failure.

Add classes for standard ContentResults

Bug Report or Feature Request (mark with an x)

  • bug report -> please search issues before submitting
  • feature request
  • refactor request

Expected Behavior

We have classes for standard content results, which accepts a content and a contenttype. They return a ContentResult.

Actual Behavior

You have to build your content result every time complete by yourself

Steps to reproduce the behavior

The log given by the failure.

Mention any other details that might be useful

Body uses IInput

Expected Behavior

  • Body takes only IInput
  • Body.Of implements IInput
  • Zip files can be sent using Body and recieved using Body.Of
  • everything is base 64 encoded/decoded only once
  • only TextBody/TextBody.Of are used for handling plain text

Actual Behavior

  • Body/Body.Of handle plain text rather than IInput
  • No good way to send zip files.
  • redundant base 64 encoding in BytesBody
  • TextBody/.Of and Body/.Of have mostly the same purpose, except that TxetBody sets the Content-Type header

Mention any other details that might be useful

  • Add unit test to ensure zip files can be sent
  • Add unit test to ensure long strings (>1024 bytes) can be sent (Yaapii.atoms.TextOf internally uses StreamReader, which has a default buffer size of 1024)

Steps to reproduce the behavior

The log given by the failure.

Remove temporary MapOf after new Atoms release

Expected Behavior

The QueryParams object uses the MapOf from Yaapii.Atoms. Remove the temporary class after new release from Yaapii.Atoms (>2.3.1)

Actual Behavior

Temporary MapOf is used due to missing Atoms release

Mention any other details that might be useful

Steps to reproduce the behavior

The log given by the failure.

Set a security protocoll when initializing HttpClients

Expected Behavior

To secure, that our apps can talk with each other, the security protocol is set in AspNetCoreClients to

ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Ssl3 | SecurityProtocolType.Tls12 | SecurityProtocolType.Tls11 | SecurityProtocolType.Tls;

Actual Behavior

Depending on the Framework on which apps run, it can happen, that communication does not work because of differently used security protocols

Mention any other details that might be useful

Steps to reproduce the behavior

The log given by the failure.

AspNetCoreWire fails on unsupported Headers in request

Expected Behavior

AspNetCore is tolerant with unsupported headers

Actual Behavior

When there is a "authorization" header in the request it fails when trying to add it to the content headers

Mention any other details that might be useful

Steps to reproduce the behavior

The log given by the failure.

Improve error messages for missing response/request parts

Expected Behavior

When extracting a part from a request or response using *.Of, and the part doesn't exist, an appropriate Exception is thrown.
Example: Using Body.Of on a response that doesn't contain a body should throw an InvalidOperationException with a message like "Body not found"

Actual Behavior

a generic KeyNotFoundException is thrown

Mention any other details that might be useful

all *.Of classes are probably affected by this

Steps to reproduce the behavior

The log given by the failure.

Enable async processing of wire

Expected Behavior

We can use C# async command when sending a request.

Actual Behavior

IWire is a synced interface. Therefore the library is not useable in Blazor projects as they require async/await operators.

Mention any other details that might be useful

Steps to reproduce the behavior

The log given by the failure.

Update to Atoms 0.27.0

Expected Behavior

Library uses Atoms 0.27.0

Actual Behavior

Steps to reproduce the behavior

The log given by the failure.

Mention any other details that might be useful

bump atoms

Expected Behavior

Yaapii.Http uses Atoms 0.22.0

Actual Behavior

It uses Atoms 0.21.0

Steps to reproduce the behavior

The log given by the failure.

Mention any other details that might be useful

RequestBody.With should accept bytes, not text

Expected Behavior

RequestBody.With accepts bytes.

Actual Behavior

It accepts IText.

Mention any other details that might be useful

Steps to reproduce the behavior

The log given by the failure.

Add MatchingWire

Expected Behavior

HttpMock is not responsible for routing requests to different FkWires depending on the path.
Instead, HttpMock always takes one IWire, which can be a FkWire if you want the same response regardless of path, or a MatchingWire to return different responses for different requests.

MatchingWire compares incoming requests to request templates (which can contain any request part, not just a path, but also query params etc.) and chooses a FkWire associated with a template, that matches the request.

If no matching template is found, the response has status 404.

Actual Behavior

HttpMock does too many things.

Mention any other details that might be useful

Steps to reproduce the behavior

The log given by the failure.

Change param name in FkWire ctor to avoid ambiguity

Expected Behavior

ctor parameter names in FkWire are not ambiguous.

Actual Behavior

The names are ambiguous which results in more code to distinguish the on which should be used, like here:

new IsResponding(
       new FkConfig(
               "ssl", bool.TrueString,
               "port", "1337"
       new FkAuthorization(),
               new FkWire(response: req => throw new TimeoutException()), //ambiguity
               new FkIdentity()

Mention any other details that might be useful

Steps to reproduce the behavior

The log given by the failure.

Release test

Expected Behavior

Actual Behavior

Mention any other details that might be useful

Steps to reproduce the behavior

The log given by the failure.

Request Timeout interpretation is wrong

Expected Behavior

Timeout works fine when specifying it like new Timespan(0,0,1,0);

Actual Behavior

TimeSpan is misinterpreted: In the following line, it must be TotalMilliSeconds instead of MilliSeconds:

new KeyValuePair<string, string>("connect-timeout", timeout.Milliseconds.ToString()),

Steps to reproduce the behavior

The log given by the failure.

Mention any other details that might be useful

Add missing fake classes

Expected Behavior

There is fake implementations of all interfaces, for use in unit testing.

Actual Behavior

There is no fake implementation of IAspHttpClients and IVerification.

Mention any other details that might be useful

Steps to reproduce the behavior

The log given by the failure.

Make the Hostname configurable

Expected Behavior

We can specify the Hostname when we create a new MockServer, like

var server = new HttpMock("localhost", 80);

Actual Behavior

Only the port is configurable.

Mention any other details that might be useful

Steps to reproduce the behavior

The log given by the failure.

TextBody.Of only works with utf-8

Expected Behavior

TextBody.Of automatically selects the encoding specified in the content type header.

Actual Behavior

TextBody.Of internally uses Atoms.Text.TextOf(IInput), which uses utf-8 encoding by default.

Mention any other details that might be useful

Steps to reproduce the behavior

var expected = "this is a test @ ³ € 𤽜 𝄞";
    new TextBody.Of(
        new Request(
            new Body(
                new InputOf(
            new ContentType("text/plain; charset=utf-16")

The log given by the failure.

Deploy symbols

Expected Behavior

Symbols nuget package is deployed to

Actual Behavior

No symbols deployed

Mention any other details that might be useful

Steps to reproduce the behavior

The log given by the failure.

ASPNCoreWire must ignore body for verbs GET and DELETE

Bug Report or Feature Request (mark with an x)

  • bug report -> please search issues before submitting
  • feature request
  • refactor request

Expected Behavior

The wire does not send a body when using the verbs GET and DELETE. A body is not valid when using these verbs and ASPNet throws an Exception.

@koeeenig and me agreed to ignore the body if present, to establish a safe workflow for Yaapii.Http, even if someone tries to send a body illegally.

Actual Behavior

Steps to reproduce the behavior

The log given by the failure.

Mention any other details that might be useful

Add specialized unit testing responses

Expected Behavior

new Response.Of(
    new Status(200),
    new Reason("OK"),
    new JsonBody(json)

can be replaced with new JsonResponse.Of(json) for less verbose unit testing.
Similarly, XmlResponse.Of and BytesResponse.Of are a thing.

new JsonResponse(...) (without .Of) could be a less verbose variant of

new JsonBody.Of(
    new Response(

Same for XmlResponse and BytesResponse.

Actual Behavior

No specialized response classes exist.

Mention any other details that might be useful

Steps to reproduce the behavior

The log given by the failure.

FormParams causes duplicate Content-Type Header

Expected Behavior

No unnecessary duplicate header values.

Actual Behavior

When using FormParams, duplicate values may be sent for the content type header. This can cause problems with some servers (Status 400 / Bad Request).

Mention any other details that might be useful

AspNetCoreWire uses FormUrlEncodedContent which will automatically add a content type header. Since we can't expect this behavior from all IWire implementations, it should be ok to also manually add a content type header to a request dictionary, or have FormParams and similar classes add one, before passing that dictionary to a wire.
For that reason, AspNetCoreWire should tolerate duplicate header values in a request dictionary. When adding headers from a request dictionary to an HttpContent instance, AspNetCoreWire should first check if the same value already exists for the same header type and only add the value if it isn't a duplicate.

Steps to reproduce the behavior

The log given by the failure.

Add Request Headers Fails

Bug Report or Feature Request (mark with an x)

  • bug report -> please search issues before submitting
  • feature request
  • refactor request

Expected Behavior

Adding a request header for example Content-Type: application/json works.

Actual Behavior

A Exception is thrown by the Library. The header is added to the wrong request object.

Steps to reproduce the behavior

The log given by the failure.

Mention any other details that might be useful

Make accessing single header values easier

Expected Behavior

If you are sure that a header has exactly one value, or you just need the first of several values, it can be accessed with

new Header.FirstOf(response, "header key").AsString()

Similar *.FirstOf classes exist for specialized headers, e.g. BearerTokenAuth.FirstOf etc.

Actual Behavior

new FirstOf<string>(
    new Header.Of(response, "header key")

Mention any other details that might be useful

Steps to reproduce the behavior

The log given by the failure.

Change Body to be always Base64 encoded

Expected Behavior

Body class use Base64 encoding for strings.
The Wire decodes the Body with Base64

Actual Behavior

Mention any other details that might be useful

Steps to reproduce the behavior

The log given by the failure.

Add license headers

Expected Behavior

Files have MIT license headers.

Actual Behavior

No headers.

Mention any other details that might be useful

Steps to reproduce the behavior

The log given by the failure.

JsonBody.Of can not parse JArray

Expected Behavior

JToken.Parse is used to allow parsing JObject or JArray.

Actual Behavior

JObject.Parse is used. Trying to parse JArray results in an exception.

Mention any other details that might be useful

Steps to reproduce the behavior

The log given by the failure.

ExpectedStatus always builds Exception

Expected Behavior

The function that creates an Exception is only called, when an Exception is needed.

Actual Behavior

The function that creates an Exception to throw, if the status doesn't match, is always called, even when the status matches.

Mention any other details that might be useful

Yaapii.Atoms.FailWhen takes an exception, so the Func is being executed to build FailWhen from the result.
Use an if statement instead of FailWhen and only execute the Func when needed.

Steps to reproduce the behavior

The log given by the failure.

No tests are executed in the build script

Expected Behavior

Test will be executed.

Actual Behavior

No tests are executed.

Mention any other details that might be useful

Steps to reproduce the behavior

The log given by the failure.

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