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i18next-vue's Issues

Vue 2 compatible TranslationComponent not working as expected

πŸ› Bug Report

Thank you so much for the clear migration documentation it has mostly been a beeze to migrate from @panter/vue-i18next.

I've discovered a couple of slightly unexpected behaviors.

  1. I think the migration docs may need to be updated. According to the docs the <i18next> component is deprecated. However, it seems it was added in V1 here
  2. The TranslationComponent doesn't seem to be working as expected -- the child value isn't interpolated. This seemingly is because the translation prop enters the component's render function with the template values stripped (see screenshot)
Screenshot 2023-10-19 at 7 06 08 PM

To Reproduce

This is a private repository so I unfortunately cannot provide a reproduction but below is my i18next config:

import i18next from 'i18next';
import I18NextVue from 'i18next-vue';
import Vue from 'vue';

import english from '../locales/en/translation.json';
import spanish from '../locales/es/translation.json';

  lng: 'en',
  nsSeparator: false,
  keySeparator: false,
  fallbackLng: false,
  resources: {
    en: { translation: english },
    es: { translation: spanish },
  interpolation: {
    prefix: '{',
    suffix: '}',

Vue.use(I18NextVue, { i18next });

export function setDefaultInterpolationVariables(variables: { [key: string]: string }) {
  i18next.options.interpolation!.defaultVariables = variables;

Expected behavior

The following snippet

<i18next :translation="$t('Need help with {processor}?')">
     <template #processor>{{ processor }}</template>

with the follow es translation file key/value pair
"Need help with {processor}?": "ΒΏNecesita ayuda con {processor}?",

Should render as
Screenshot 2023-10-19 at 7 08 58 PM

Instead it renders as
Screenshot 2023-10-19 at 7 08 48 PM

Your Environment

  • runtime version: node v16.14.2
  • i18next version: 19.0.0
  • os: Mac
  • any other relevant information
    "vue": "2.7.14",
    "i18next-vue": "^1.1.0",
    "vite": "^2.5.4",

support v-t directive

πŸš€ Feature Proposal

Is it able to support v-t directive


I think v-t directive can make code more flexible, since we can provide a default transaction from the code


<p v-t="helloworld">Hello world</p>

importing i18next-vue breaks type checking a basic nuxt app

πŸ› Bug Report

In a fresh nuxt 3 app, if you add a util function, and import i18next-vue in a component, then type checking breaks for the util function.

It's possible this is more of a nuxt issue, but i thought i would report it here first since adding/removing this specific import causes/fixes the issue.

To Reproduce

Here's a minimal reproduction:

If you run npm run typecheck in the stackblitz console, you will get errors. If you comment out the import of i18next-vue then typechecking passes.

Expected behavior

Should not cause typescript issues

Your Environment

  • runtime version: node 19 (locally), node 16 (stackblitz)
  • i18next version: 22.4.9
  • i18next-vue version: 2.1.1
  • os: Mac
  • typescript 4.9.5

Unable to install via npm?

πŸ› Bug Report

Unable to install using npm and install from zip / folder creates unexpected errors

To Reproduce

  • Have node.js v15 or higher
  • Try "npm install i18next-vue"

Expected behavior

For the module to be installed

Actual behavior

NPM throws a 404 error message

Your Environment

  • runtime version: node v16.15.0
  • i18next version: i.e. 21.8.0
  • os: Mac

Limit the scope of a SFC component to some namespace and key prefix.

πŸš€ Feature Proposal


We propose to implement the possibility of narrowing down the scope of a t() function returned from the useTranslation() to a certain namespace and/or key prefix as this is possible with $t() function in a template.


This will allow restricting the component to a certain subtree of localization terms that we defined specifically for this component and produce less code. As of now, we have to write similar full keys in each t() call:

<script setup>
    // imports...
    const {t} = useTranslation();
    const term1 = computed(() => t(''));
    const term2 = computed(() => t(''));
    // ...
    const termN = computed(() => t(''));


We propose reimplementing the useTranslation() to accept the i18nOptions that limit the returned t() function to the provided namespace and/or key prefix:

<script setup>
    // imports...
    const {t} = useTranslation({
        namepsaces: 'namespace1',
        keyPrefix: '',
    const term1 = computed(() => t('term1'));
    const term2 = computed(() => t('term2'));
    // ...
    const termN = computed(() => t('termN'));

By the way, when applying i18nOptions to a component with Options API, the options apply only to the $t() function in a template:

<!-- Works as expected:  -->
<!-- Still have to specify the full path:  -->

export default {
    i18nOptions: {
        namepsaces: 'namespace1',
        keyPrefix: '',

<script setup>
    // imports...
    const {t} = useTranslation();
    const term2 = computed(() => t(''));

Would be grateful to hear any feedback on that.

Your Environment

  • i18next: ^21.8.10
  • i18next-vue: 2.0.0-beta.0
  • vue: ^3.2.37
  • npm: 8.5.5
  • node: v16.15.0
  • browsers: Firefox, Chrome
  • os: Mac
  • run command: npm run serve

[Typescript Error] useTranslation - Type instantiation is excessively deep and possibly infinite

Hi, thank you for the awesome framework, it's so amazing!

πŸ› Bug Report

I have two question:

  • The first one is related to the type error
    I get the typescript error Type instantiation is excessively deep and possibly infinite while using useTranslation composable function in a Vue component. I've searched some similar issues but did not find the solution.
  • I follow the youtube video to setup typescript for i18next:
    It seems doesn't work properly.

To Reproduce


Both useTranslation() and t() has the type error:

import { h, computed } from 'vue';
import { useTranslation } from 'i18next-vue';

export default {
  name: 'ComponentTypeError',
  setup() {
    // Here is the type error
    const { t } = useTranslation();

    // Here is the type error
    const insurance = computed(() => t('insurance'));

    return () => {
      return h('div', `inline => ${insurance.value}`);

Expected behavior

  • Should not cause typescript issues
  • The autocompletion should work properly

Your Environment

  • runtime version: node v18(locally), stackbliz(node v18.8)
  • i18next version: 23.5.1
  • i18next-vue: 3.0.0
  • typescript: 5.2.2
  • os: Mac

The `i18next` object returned from the `useTranslation()` is not reactive.

πŸ› Bug Report


When using i18next object returned from the useTranslation() in computed properties to get the current language, for example in a language switcher component, we expect it to be reactive as docs in the index.ts specify. But it it isn't.

To Reproduce

For example, in the following component, neither of the computed properties will be updated after the language change:

    <p>firstLanguage: {{firstLanguage}}</p>
    <p>resolvedLanguage: {{resolvedLanguage}}</p>
    <p>language: {{language}}</p>
    <button @click="translateToChinese">Zh</button>
    <button @click="translateToEnglish">En</button>
<script setup>
    import {computed} from 'vue';
    import {useTranslation} from 'i18next-vue';

    const {i18next} = useTranslation();
    const firstLanguage = computed(() => i18next.languages[0]);
    const resolvedLanguage = computed(() => i18next.resolvedLanguage);
    const language = computed(() => i18next.language);

    function translateToChinese() {

    function translateToEnglish() {

But the t() function updates as expected. To temporary work around this issue we've created our local composable that makes the i18next reactive by subscribing to common i18next events:

import {readonly, shallowRef, triggerRef} from "vue";
import {useTranslation} from "i18next-vue";

 * Composable that makes the `i18next` object reactive, allowing to trigger language updates.
 * <p>Exposes the `t()` function and `i18next` object from the `useTranslation()` composable,
 * but with reactive `i18next`.
export default function useI18next() {

    const {i18next: i18nextOriginal, t} = useTranslation();
    const i18next = shallowRef(i18nextOriginal);

    // watch for common i18next events:
    i18nextOriginal.on("languageChanged", update);
    i18nextOriginal.on("loaded", update);"added", update);"removed", update);

    function update() {
        triggerRef(i18next); // trigger update

    return {
        i18next: readonly(i18next), // prohibits changing `i18next` value in components

Could you please fix that and make the i18next returned from useTranslation() reactive, or clarify why it is not reactive if it is so by design and describe this in the documentation explicitly. Because the composable name makes us believe that the returned values are reactive, if not stated the opposite. Hope our solution helps in some way.

I would be grateful to get any feedback on that.

Expected behavior

It is expected that the i18next is reactive and can be used in computed properties to get the current language.

Your Environment

  • i18next: ^21.8.10
  • i18next-vue: 2.0.0-beta.0
  • vue: ^3.2.37
  • npm: 8.5.5
  • node: v16.15.0
  • browsers: Firefox, Chrome
  • os: Mac
  • run command: npm run serve

support esm export

πŸš€ Feature Proposal

A clear and concise description of what the feature is.


Please outline the motivation for the proposal.


Please provide an example for how this feature would be used.

dont work lazy loading file

When i want used i18next-resources-to-backend , lang loaded after render component. How change it. I need lang load before render

i18n.use(resourcesToBackend((language: string) => import(`./locales/${language}.json`))).init({
  detection: {
    order: ['cookie', 'localStorage'],
    lookupCookie: 'slang',
    lookupLocalStorage: 'last_language',
  fallbackLng: getDefaultLanguage(),
  debug: true,

debug info

render App
i18next.js:13 i18next::backendConnector: loaded namespace translation for language uk {qwe: 'uk', order: {…}, basicSkeleton: {…}, cardForm: {…}, form: {…}, …}
i18next.js:13 i18next: languageChanged uk
i18next.js:13 i18next: initialized {debug: true, initImmediate: true, ns: Array(1), defaultNS: Array(1), fallbackLng: Array(1), …}

how fix it?

Implement <i18next> component.

πŸš€ Feature Proposal

We propose to implement the <i18next> that was available in @panter/vue-i18next and and made it much easier to insert HTML and components as interpolation values.

Motivation and Example

Now we have to write HTML snippets outside of a template in a <script> and cannot use components as interpolation values.
For example, the following case with <i18next> component was rewritten into a composable that encapsulates translation and interpolation details:

  - Vue 2
  - @panter/vue-i18next
    <!-- ...some other template code... -->
    <i18next tag="p" class="value" path="license.goToTermsOfUse">
        <router-link :to="{ name: 'LICENSE' }"
            {{ $t('license.termsOfUse') }}
  - Vue 3
  - i18next/i18next-vue
    <!-- ...some other template code... -->
    <p class="value" v-html="goToTermsOfUse"/>

<script setup>
// imports and other code...

const {t} = useTranslation();
const {goToTermsOfUse} = useTermsOfUse(t);

/** Creates and exposes localized message of Terms of use. */
function useTermsOfUse(t) {

    const router = useRouter();
    const termsOfUseLink = router.resolve({ name: 'LICENSE' }).href;
    const termsOfUse = computed(() => t('somenamespace:license.termsOfUse'));

    const goToTermsOfUse = computed(() => t('somenamespace:license.goToTermsOfUse', {
        termsOfUse: `<a class="link" href="${termsOfUseLink}">${termsOfUse.value}</a>`,
        interpolation: {escapeValue: false},

    return {

Both of the snippets render the following message:

Screenshot 2022-06-29 at 13 05 34

I would be grateful to hear any response on the possibility of implementing that component.

Your Environment

  • i18next: ^21.8.10
  • i18next-vue: 2.0.0-beta.0
  • vue: ^3.2.37
  • npm: 8.5.5
  • node: v16.15.0
  • browsers: Firefox, Chrome
  • os: Mac
  • run command: npm run serve


πŸ› Bug Report

A clear and concise description of what the bug is.

To Reproduce

A minimal reproducible example.
A codesandbox example or similar
or at least steps to reproduce the behavior:

// Paste your code here

Expected behavior

A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.

// Paste the expected results here

Your Environment

  • runtime version: i.e. node v14, deno, browser xy
  • i18next version: i.e. 19.5.3
  • os: Mac, Windows, Linux
  • any other relevant information

Changes for `i18next-vue` v3

πŸš€ Proposed changes for i18next-vue v3

For version 3, we'd like to streamline the API of i18next-vue and lean more on the Composition API. Please leave your feedback below.

[Update 2023-08-10] Release 3.0.0 available

We have released version 3.0.0 and a migration guide with the (breaking) changes.

You are still welcome to leave a comment below.

Proposed (breaking) changes

  • [update 2023-07-23] This list is now superseded by
  • require i18next >=23
  • make this package ESM-only
    • this would make it hard for CommonJS users to consume the library
    • this would make the package smaller and easier to maintain
  • extend useTranslation() with parameters to specify a fixed language, namespace(s) and a keyprefix (all optional)
    • having this available via the Composition API feels like a clean API
  • remove support for i18nOptions in the Options API
    • you could instead use useTranslation() for most of these use-cases
    • update 2023-07-12: we'll probably continue to support everything but messages behind a legacy flag until v4.
  • remove support for <i18n> blocks in SFCs
    • apparently there is no compatible Vue 3 loader for this and nobody complained so far
    • Vue 3 loaders like @intlify/unplugin-vue-i18n produce a different, function-based format now, which is not what we want
  • remove support for per-component translations
    • that would be the result of removing i18nOptions and <i18n>
    • if there is demand for this, we could re-add per-component messages via useTranslation()
  • update 2023-07-12: the translation functions will return an empty string while i18next is not yet initialized
    • before they returned the untranslated translation key, which is usually uglier than an empty string

Your feedback is welcome!

These are all quite big changes if you are relying on them in an existing application. That's why we are looking for your user feedback in this issue as a comment below.

Let us know, which feature you would like to keep, or where you would like some backward compatibility to ease the upgrade process to v3. All of the changes are still up for debate.

Thank you!

Support TypeScript

πŸš€ Feature Proposal

When I use i18next react, it supports TypeScript. Could this vue version also add TypeScript support for the $t interface?


Add translation key validation/auto-completion support during dev.


//similar usage as react version.
const { t } = useTranslation('settings')//namespace support, load namespace if it's not loaded

t('TranslationKey')//can be validated by TypeScript

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