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[1.2.0] - 2020-04-23

Workflows (channel v0-14) - Added

  • 191 functions from NumPy are available for Workflows Arrays, including parts of the numpy.linalg and submodules. See the full list on the docs.
  • index_to_coords and coords_to_index methods on Image/ImageCollection/GeoContext for converting between geospatial and array coordinates
  • value_at function on Image and ImageCollection for extracting single pixel values at spatial coordinates.

Workflows - Fixed

  • Using datetimes as parameters to visualize behaves correctly.

[1.1.3] - 2020-04-02

Catalog client

  • Fixed a bug that prevented uploading ndarrays of type uint8

Workflows (channel v0-13) - Added

  • Array support for argmin, argmax, any, all
  • pick_bands supports an allow_missing kwarg to drop band names that may be missing from the data without an error.
  • wf.compute supports passing lists or tuples of items to compute at the same time. Passing multiple items to wf.compute, rather than calling obj.compute for each separately, is usually faster.
  • Casting from Bool to Int: wf.Int(True)
  • Experimental .inspect() method for small computations during interactive use.

Workflows - Changed

  • [breaking] Array no longer uses type parameters: now you construct an Array with wf.Array([1, 2, 3]), not wf.Array[wf.Int, 1]([1, 2, 3]). Remember, Array is an experimental API and will continue to make frequent breaking changes!
  • Workflows now reuses the same gRPC client by default---so repeated or parallel calls to .compute, etc. will be faster. Calling .compute within a thread pool will also be significantly more efficient.

Workflows - Fixed

  • wf.numpy.histogram correctly accepts a List[Float] as the range argument

[1.1.2] - 2020-03-12

1.1.2 fixes a bug which caused Workflows map layers to behave erratically when changing colormaps.

[1.1.1] - 2020-03-11

1.1.1 fixes a packaging issue that caused import descarteslabs.workflows to fail.

It also makes NumPy an explicit dependency. NumPy was already a transitive dependency, so this shouldn't cause any changes.

You should NOT install version 1.1.0; 1.1.1 should be used instead in all circumstances.

[1.1.0] - 2020-03-11

Catalog client

  • Image.upload() now emits a deprecation warning if the image has a cs_code or projection property. The projection defined in the uploaded file is always used and applied to the resulting image in the Catalog.
  • Image.upload_ndarray() now emits a deprecation warning if the image has both a cs_code and a projection property. Only one of them may be supplied, and cs_code is given preference.


  • SceneCollection.download_mosaic has new default behavior for mask_alpha wherein the alpha band will be used as a mask by default if it is available for all scenes in the collection, even if it is not specified in the list of bands.

Workflows (channel v0-12) - Added

  • Experimental Array API following the same syntax as NumPy arrays. It supports vectorized operations, broadcasting, and multidimensional indexing.
    • ndarray attribute of Image and ImageCollection will return a MaskedArray.
    • Over 60 NumPy ufuncs are now callable with Workflows Array.
    • Includes other useful Array functions like min(), median(), transpose(), concatenate(), stack(), histogram(), and reshape().
  • ImageCollection.sortby_composite() for creating an argmin/argmax composite of an ImageCollection.
  • Slicing of List, Tuple, Str, and ImageCollection.
  • wf.range for generating a sequence of numbers between start and stop values.
  • ImageCollectionGroupby.mosaic() for applying ImageCollection.mosaic to each group.
  • wf.exp(), wf.square(), wf.log1p(), wf.arcsin(), wf.arccos(), and wf.arctan()
  • Datetime.is_between() for checking if a Datetime falls within a specified date range
  • FeatureCollection.contains()
  • Container operations on GeometryCollection including:
    • GeometryCollection.contains()
    • GeometryCollection.sorted()
    • GeometryCollection.filter()
    • GeometryCollection.reduce()
  • List and Tuple can now be compared with other instances of their type via __lt__(), __eq__() etc.
  • List.__add__() and List.__mul__() for concatenating and duplicating Lists.

Workflows - Changed

  • Products without alpha band and nodata value are rejected, instead of silently producing unwanted behavior.
  • ImageCollection.concat_bands now throws a better error when trying to concatenate bands from another ImageCollection that is not the same length.
  • Any is now promotable to all other types automatically.
  • Better error when trying to iterate over Proxytypes.
  • Interactive map: calls to visualize now clear layer errors.
  • Interactive map: when setting scales, invalid values are highlighted in red.
  • Interactive map: a scalebar is shown on the bottom-left by default.
  • ImageCollection.mosaic() now in "last-on-top" order, which matches with GDAL and dl.raster. Use mosaic(reverse=True) for the same ordering as in v1.0.0.

Workflows - Fixed

  • Better errors when specifying invalid type parameters for Proxytypes that require them.
  • Field access on Feature, FeatureCollection, Geometry, and GeomeryCollection no longer fails.
  • In from_id, processing level 'cubespline' no longer fails.

[1.0.0] - 2020-01-20

As of January 1st, 2020, the client library no longer supports Python 2. For more information, please contact [email protected]. For help with porting to Python 3, please visit

Catalog client

  • There is an entirely new backend supporting asynchronous uploads of image files and ndarrays with the catalog client. There are minor changes to the ImageUpload class (a new events field has subsumed errors, and the job_id field has been removed) but the basic interface is unchanged so most code will keep functioning without any changes.
  • It is now possible to cancel image uploads.
  • Errors messages are now easier to read.
  • Many improvements to the documentation.
  • You can now create or retrieve an existing object using the get_or_create method.
  • Retrieving a Band or Image by name is now possible by calling get_band or get_image on the Product instance. You can also use the Product's named_id function to get a complete id for images and bands.
  • A new convenience function make_valid_name on Image and Band classes will return a sanitized name without invalid characters.
  • A new property ATTRIBUTES enumerates which attributes are available for a specific catalog object.
  • Trying to set an attribute that does not exist will now raise AttributeError.
  • update_related_objects_permissions() should no longer fail with a JSON serialization error.
  • Setting a read-only attribute will now raise an AttributeValidationError.
  • Saving a new object while one with the same id already exists will now raise a ConflictError instead of BadRequestError.
  • If a retrieved object has since been deleted from the catalog, saving any changes or trying to reload it will now raise a DeletedObjectError.
  • Resolution fields now accept string values such as "10m" or "0.008 degrees". If the value cannot be parsed, an AttributeValidationError will be raised.
  • Changes to the extra_properties attribute are now tracked correctly.


  • This release no longer supports Python 2.
  • This package is now distributed as a Python 3 wheel which will speed up installation.

Workflows (channel v0-11) - Added

  • Handling of missing data via empty ImageCollections
    • ImageCollection.from_id returns an empty ImageCollection if no data exist for the given time/place, rather than an error
    • ImageCollection.filter returns an empty ImageCollection if the predicate is False for every Image, rather than an error
    • Image.replace_empty_with and ImageCollection.replace_empty_with for explicitly filling in missing data
    • See the Workflows guide for more information
  • Docstrings and examples on every class and function!
  • Assigning new metadata to Image properties & bandinfo: Image.with_properties(), Image.with_bandinfo()
  • Interactive map: colorbar legends on layers with colormaps (requires matplotlib)
  • Dict.from_pairs: construct a Dict from a sequence of key-value pairs
  • Map displays a fullscreen button by default ([breaking] if your code adds one, you'll now get two)
  • wf.concat for concatentating Image and ImageCollection objects
    • ImageCollection.concat now accepts Image objects; new Image.concat accepts Image or ImageCollection
  • ImageCollection.mosaic()
  • FeatureCollection.sorted(), FeatureCollection.length(), FeatureCollection.__reversed__()
  • GeometryCollection.length(), GeometryCollection.__reversed__()

Workflows - Changed

  • now supports ImageCollection, FeatureCollection, GeometryCollection as well as List and Str
  • Get a GeoContext for the current bounds of the map in any resolution, shape, or CRS (including "utm", which automatically picks the right UTM zone for you) with Also now returns a Scenes GeoContext for better introspection and use with Raster.
  • Better backend type-checking displays the possible arguments for most functions if called incorrectly
  • arr_shape included when calling wf.GeoContext.compute()
  • More readable errors when communication with the backend fails
  • Interactive map: layout handles being resized, for example setting = '1000px'
  • Any is no longer callable; Any.cast encouraged
  • remove_layer and clear_layers moved from wf.interactive.MapApp class to wf.interactive.Map (non-breaking change)
  • [possibly breaking] band renaming in binary operators only occurs when broadcasting: red + red is just red, rather than red_add_red. red + blue is still red_add_blue. Code which depends on accessing bands by name may need to change.

Workflows - Fixed

  • wf.where propagates masks correctly, and handles metadata correctly with multi-band inputs
  • processing_level="surface" actually returns surface-reflectance-processed imagery
  • ImageCollection.sorted() works properly
  • Viewing global-extent WGS84 images on the Workflows map no longer causes errors
  • List proxytype no longer infinitely iterable in Python
  • Repeated use of axis="bands" works correctly
  • ImageCollection.from_images correctly aligns the bands of the inputs
  • Numeric casting (wf.Int(wf.Float(2.2))) works as expected
  • More descriptive error when constructing an invalid wf.Datetime
  • Computing a single Bool value derived from imagery works correctly

[0.28.1] - 2019-12-10


  • Update workflows client channel
  • Workflows map UI is more stable: errors and layers won't fill the screen

[0.28.0] - 2019-12-09


  • Catalog client: Added an update() method that allows you to update multiple attributes at once.


  • Catalog client: Images and Bands no longer reload the Product after calling save
  • Catalog client: Various attributes that are lists now correctly track changes when modifying them with list methods (e.g. Product.owners.append("foo"))
  • Catalog client: Error messages generated by the server have a nicer format
  • Catalog client: Fix a bug that caused waiting for tasks to never complete
  • The minimum numpy version has been bumped to 1.17.14 for Python version > 3.5, which addresses a bug with scenes.display

Workflows (channel v0-10) - Added

  • .compute() is noticeably faster
  • Most of the Python string API is now available on workflows.Str
  • Interactive map: more descriptive error when not logged in to
  • Passing the wrong types into functions causes more descriptive and reliable errors

Workflows - Fixed

  • RST_STREAM errors when calling .compute() have been eliminated
  • Image/ImageCollection.count() is much faster
  • .buffer() on vector types now works correctly
  • Calling .compute() on a GeometryCollection works

[0.27.0] - 2019-11-18


  • Catalog client: Added a MaskBand.is_alpha attribute to declare alpha channel behavior for a band.


  • The maximum number of extra_properties allowed for Catalog objects has been increased from 10 to 50.
  • Fixed bug causing to fail.

Workflows (channel v0-9) - Added

  • When you call .compute() on an Image or ImageCollection, the GeoContext is included on the result object (ImageResult.geocontext, ImageCollectionResult.geocontext)

Workflows - Fixed

  • Passing a Workflows Timedelta object (instead of a datetime.timedelta) into functions expecting it now behaves correctly
  • Arguments to the reducer function for reduce are now in the correct order

[0.26.0] - 2019-10-30


  • A new catalog client in descarteslabs.catalog makes searching and managing products, bands and images easier. This client encompasses functionality previously split between the descarteslabs.Metadata and descarteslabs.Catalog client, which are now deprecated. Learn how to use the new API in the Catalog guide.
  • Property filtering expressions such as used in and FeatureCollection.filter() now support an in_() method.


  • previously always returned successfully even if one or more of the downloads failed. Now if any of the downloads fail, a RuntimeError is raised, which will detail which destination files failed and why.
  • Fixed a bug where geometries used with the Scenes client had coordinates with reduced precision.

Workflows (channel v0-8) - Added

  • Interactive parameters: add parameters to map layers and interactively control them using widgets
  • Spatial convolution with wf.conv2d
  • Result containers have helpful reprs when displayed
  • Datetime and Timedelta are unpacked into datetime.datetime and datetime.timedelta objects when computed.

Workflows - Changed

  • [breaking] Result containers moved to descarteslabs/workflows/results and renamed, appending "Result" to disambiguate (e.g. ImageResult and ImageCollectionResult)
  • [breaking] .bands and .images attributes of ImageResult and ImageCollectionResult renamed .ndarray
  • [breaking] When compute-ing an Image or ImageCollection, the order of bandinfo is only correct for Python >= 3.6
  • Interactive maps: coordinates are displayed in lat, lon order instead of lon, lat for easier copy-pasting
  • Interactive maps: each layer now has an associated output that is populated when running autoscale and deleted when the layer is removed
  • Interactive maps: Image.visualize returns a Layer object, making it easier to adjust Layer.parameters or integrate with other widgets

Workflows - Fixed

  • Composing operations onto imported Workflows no longer causes nondeterministic errors when computed
  • Interactive maps: remove_layer doesn't cause an error
  • No more errors when creating a wf.parameter for Datetime and other complex types
  • .where no longer causes a backend error
  • Calling when the map is not fully initialized raises an informative error
  • Operations on numbers computed from raster data (like img_collection.mean(axis=None)) no longer fail when computed
  • Colormap succeeds when the Image contains only 1 value

[0.25.0] - 2019-08-22



  • Raster.stack max_workers is limited to 25 workers, and will raise a warning and set the value to 25 if a value more than 25 is specified.

Workflows (channel v0-7) - Added

  • Interactive maps: clear_layers and remove_layer methods
  • ImageCollections: reversed operator
  • ImageCollections: concat and sorted methods
  • ImageCollections: head, tail, and partition methods for slicing
  • ImageCollections: where method for filtering by condition
  • ImageCollections map_window method for applying sliding windows
  • ImageCollections: Indexing into ImageCollections is supported (imgs[1])
  • [breaking] Statistics functions are now applied to named axes
  • DateTime, Timedelta, Geocontext, Bool, and Geometry are now computable
  • ImageCollectionGroupby ProxyObject for grouping ImageCollection by properties, and applying functions over groups
  • ImageCollections: groupby method
  • parameter constructor

Workflows - Changed

  • Interactive maps: autoscaling is now done in the background
  • Tiles requests can now include parameters
  • median is noticeably faster
  • count is no longer breaks colormaps
  • map, filter, and reduce are 2x faster in the "PREPARING" stage
  • Significantly better performance for functions that reference variables outside their scope, like
overall_comp = ndvi.mean(axis="images")
deltas = img: img - overall_comp)
  • Full support for floor-division (//) between Datetimes and Timedeltas (imgs.filter(lambda img:['date'] // wf.Timedelta(days=14))

Workflows - Removed

  • [breaking] (in favor of indexing)

[0.24.0] - 2019-08-01


  • scenes.DLTile.assign(pad=...) method added to ease creation of a tile in all ways indentical except for the padding.


  • The parameter nbits has been deprecated for catalog bands.

Workflows (channel v0-6) - Added

  • New interactive map, with GUI controls for multiple layers, scaling, and colormaps.
  • Colormaps for single-band images.
  • Map interface displays errors that occur while the backend is rendering images.
  • ImageCollection compositing no longer changes band names (red does not become red_mean, for example).
  • .clip() and .scale() methods for Image/ImageCollection.
  • Support specifying raster resampler method.
  • Support specifying raster processing level: toa (top-of-atmosphere) or surface [surface reflectance).
  • No more tiles 400s for missing data; missing/masked pixels can optionally be filled with a checkerboard pattern.

Workflows - Changed

  • Workflows Image.concat renamed Image.concat_bands.
  • Data are left in data_range values if physical_range is not set, instead of scaling to the range 0..1.
  • Selecting the same band name twice (img.pick_bands("vv vv")) properly raises an error.
  • Reduced DeprecationWarnings in Python 3.7.

[0.23.0] - 2019-07-12


  • Alpha Workflows API client has been added. Access to the Workflows backend is restricted; contact support for more information.
  • Workflows support for Python 3 added in channel v0-5.


[0.22.0] - 2019-07-09


  • Scenes API now supports band scaling and output type specification for rastering methods.
  • Methods in the Metadata, Raster, and Vector service clients that accepted GeoJSON geometries now also accept Shapely geometries.


[0.21.0] - 2019-06-19


  • Add support for user cython modules in tasks.


  • Tasks webhook methods no longer require a group_id if a webhook id is provided.
  • catalog_id property on images is no longer supported by the API
  • Fix scenes.display handling of single band masked arrays with scalar masks
  • Fix problems with incomplete UploadTask instances returned by vectors.FeatureCollection.list_uploads

[0.20.0] - 2019-06-04


  • Metadata, Catalog, and Scenes now support a new storage_state property for managing image metadata and filtering search results. storage_state="available" is the default for new images and indicates that the raster data for that scene is available on the Descartes Labs platform. storage_state="remote" indicates that the raster data has not yet been processed and made available to client users.
  • The following additional colormaps are now supported for bands โ€“ 'cool', 'coolwarm', 'hot', 'bwr', 'gist_earth', 'terrain'. Find more details about the colormaps here.
  • Scene.ndarray, SceneCollection.stack, and SceneCollection.mosaic now support passing a string as the mask_alpha argument to allow users to specify an alternate band name to use for masking.
  • Scenes now supports a new save_image function that allows a user to save a visualization given a filename and extension.
  • Tasks now allows you to unambiguously get a function by group id using get_function_by_id.
  • All Client APIs now accept a retries argument to override the default retry configuration. The default remains the same as the prior behavior, which is to attempt 3 retries on errors which can be retried.


  • Bands of different but compatible types can now be rastered together in Scene.ndarray() and as well as across multiple scenes in SceneCollection.mosaic(), SceneCollection.stack() and The result will have the most general data type.
  • Vector client functions that accept a geometry argument now support passing Shapely shapes in addition to GeoJSON.


[0.19.0] - 2019-05-06


  • Removed deprecated method Metadata.sources()
  • FeatureCollection.filter(geometry) will now raise an InvalidQueryException if you try to overwrite an existing geometry in the filter chain. You can only set the geometry once.


[0.18.0] - 2019-04-18


  • Many old and obsolete examples were removed from the package.
  • Scene.ndarray, SceneCollection.stack, and SceneCollection.mosaic now will automatically mask alpha if the alpha band is available in the relevant scene(s), and will set mask_alpha to False if the alpha band does not exist.
  • FeatureCollection.add, FeatureCollection.upload, Vector.create_feature, Vector.create_features, and Vector.upload_features all accept a fix_geometry string argument that determines how to handle certain problem geometries including those which do not follow counter-clockwise winding order (which is required by the GeoJSON spec but not many popular tools). Allowed values are reject (reject invalid geometries with an error), fix (correct invalid geometries if possible and use this corrected value when creating the feature), and accept (the default) which will correct the geometry for internal use but retain the original geometry in the results.
  • Vector.get_upload_results and Vector.get_upload_result now accept a pending parameter to include pending uploads in the results. Such pending results will have status: PENDING and, in lieu of a task id, the id attribute will contain the upload id as returned by Vector.upload_features
  • UploadTask.status no longer blocks until the upload task is completed, but rather returns the current status of the upload job, which may be PENDING, RUNNING, SUCCESS, or FAILURE.
  • The FutureTask.ready and UploadTask.ready property has been added to test whether the task has completed. A return value of True means that if get_result(wait=True) were to be called, it would return without blocking.
  • You can now export features to a storage data blob. To export from the vector client, use Vector.export_product_from_query() with a storage key and an optional query. This returns the task id of the export task. You can ask for status using Vector.get_export_results() for all export tasks or Vector.get_export_result() for a specific task by task id.
  • FeatureCollection has been extended with this functionality with a FeatureCollection.export() method that takes a storage key. This operates on the filter chain that FeatureCollection represents, or the full product if there is no filter chain. It returns an ExportTask which behaves similar to the FutureTask.
  • Catalog.upload_image() and Catalog.upload_ndarray() now will return an upload_id that can be used to query the status of that upload using Catalog.upload_result(). Note that the upload id is the image id and if you use identical image ids Catalog.upload_result() will only show the result of the most recent upload.


  • Several typical kinds of non-conforming GeoJSON which previously caused errors can now be accepted or fixed by the FeatureCollection and Vector methods for adding or uploading new vector geometries.

[0.17.3] - 2019-03-06


  • Fixed issues with Catalog.upload_ndarray() under Windows
  • Added header to client requests to better debug retries


  • Improved error messages for Catalog client upload methods

[0.17.2] - 2019-02-26


  • Tasks methods create_function, create_or_get_function, and new_group now have image as a required parameter
  • The name parameter is renamed to product_id in Vector.create_product, and FeatureCollection.create and FeatureCollection.copy. The 'name' parameter is renamed to new_product_id in Vector.create_product_from_query. Using name will continue to work, but will be removed completely in future versions.
  • The name parameter is no longer required, and is ignored for Vector.replace_product, Vector.update_product, FeatureCollection.update and FeatureCollection.replace. This parameter will be removed completely in future versions.


  • Metadata.paged_search has been added and essentially supports the original behavior of prior to release 0.16.0. This method should generally be avoided in favor of Metadata.features (or

[0.17.1] - 2019-02-11



  • Fixed typo in UploadTask.status which caused exception when handling certain failure conditions
  • FeatureCollection.upload parameter max_errors was not being passed to Vector client.
  • Ensure cloudpickle==0.4.0 is version used when creating Tasks.
  • Eliminate redundant queries from FeatureCollection.list.

[0.17.0] - 2019-02-07


  • FeatureCollection.upload and Vector.upload_features now accept an optional max_errors parameter to control how many errors are acceptable before declaring an upload a failure.
  • UploadTask (as returned by FeatureCollection.upload and Vector.list_uploads) now has added attributes to better identify what was processed and what errors occurred.
  • Storage now has added methods set_file and get_file to allow for better uploading and downloading, respectively, of large files.
  • Storage class now has an exists() method that checks whether an object exists in storage at the location of a given key and returns a boolean.
  • allows limit=None
  • FeatureCollection.delete_features added to support deleting Features that match a filter
  • FeatureCollection.delete_features and FeatureCollection.wait_for_copy now use AsyncJob to poll for asynchronous job completion.
  • Vector.delete_features_from_query and Vector.get_delete_features_status added to support new FeatureCollection and AsyncJob methods.


  • Fixed tasks bugs when including modules with relative paths in sys.path

[0.16.0] - 2019-01-28


  • Tasks now support passing modules, data and requirements along with the function code, allowing for a more complex and customized execution environment.
  • Vector search query results now report their total number of results by means of the standard len() function.


  • no longer has a 10,000-item limit, and the number of items returned will be closer to limit. This method no longer accepts the continuation_token parameter.

[0.15.0] - 2019-01-09


  • Raster client can now handle arbitrarily large numbers of tiles generated from a shape using the new iter_dltiles_from_shape() method which allows you to iterate over large numbers of tiles in a time- and memory-efficient manner. Similarly the existing dltiles_from_shape() method can now handle arbitrarily large numbers of tiles although it can be very slow.
  • Vector client upload_features() can now upload contents of a stream (e.g. io.IOBase derivative such as io.StringIO) as well as the contents of a named file.
  • Vector FeatureCollection add() method can now handle an arbitrary number of Features. Use of the upload_features() method is still encouraged for large collections.
  • Vector client now supports creating a new product from the results of a query against an existing product with the create_product_from_query() method. This support is also accessible via the new FeatureCollection.copy() method.
  • XYZTile GeoContext class, helpful for rendering to web maps that use XYZ-style tiles in a spherical Mercator CRS.


  • Tasks client FutureTask now instantiates a client if none provided (the default).
  • Catalog client methods now properly handle add_namespace parameter.
  • Vector Feature now includes valid geojson type 'Feature'.
  • Tasks client now raises new GroupTerminalException if a task group stops accepting tasks.
  • General documentation fixes.

[0.14.1] - 2018-11-26


  • Scenes and raster clients have a processing_level parameter that can be used to turn on surface reflectance processing for products that support it

[0.14.0] - 2018-11-07


  • scenes.GeoContext: better defaults and bounds_crs parameter
    • bounds are no longer limited to WGS84, but can be expressed in any bounds_crs
    • New Scene.default_ctx uses a Scene's geotrans to more accurately determine a GeoContext that will result in no warping of the original data, better handling sinusoidal and other non-rectilinear coordinate reference systems.
    • Important: the default GeoContexts will now return differently-sized rasters than before! They will now be more accurate to the original, unwarped data, but if you were relying on the old defaults, you should now explicitly set the bounds to geometry.bounds, bounds_crs to "EPSG:4326", and align_pixels to True.
  • Scene.coverage and SceneCollection.filter_coverage accept any geometry-like object, not just a GeoContext.

[0.13.2] - 2018-11-06


  • FutureTask inheritance changed from dict to object.


  • Can now specify a GPU parameter for tasks.
  • Vectors.upload allows you to upload a JSON newline delimited file.
  • Vectors.list_uploads allows you to list all uploads for a vector product.
  • UploadTask contains the information about an upload and is returned by both methods.

[0.13.1] - 2018-10-16


  • Vector.list_products and Vector.search_features get query_limit and page_size parameters.


  • Vector.upload_features handles new response format.


  • Vector client support for retrieving status information about upload jobs. Added methods Vector.get_upload_results and Vector.get_upload_result.

[0.13.0] - 2018-10-05


  • Shapely is now a full requirement of this package. Note: Windows users should visit for installation guidance.
  • Reduced the number of retries for some failure types.
  • Resolved intermittent SceneCollection.stack bug that manifested as AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'coords' due to Shapely thread-unsafety.
  • Tracking system environment to improve installation and support of different systems.


  • The vector service is now part of the public package. See descarteslabs.vectors and

[0.12.0] - 2018-09-12


  • Fixed SSL problems when copying clients to forked processes or sharing them among threads
  • Removed extra keyword arguments from places client
  • Added deprecation warnings for parameters that have been renamed in the Metadata client
  • Scenes now exposes more parameters from raster and metadata
  • Scenes will take a python datetime object in addition to a string
  • Scenes will now allow Feature and FeatureCollection in addition to GeoJSON geometry types
  • Fixed Scenes issue preventing access to products with multi-byte data but single-byte alpha bands


  •,, and SceneCollection.download_mosaic methods
  • Colormaps supported in descarteslabs.scenes.display
  • Task namespaces are automatically created with the first task group

[0.11.2] - 2018-08-24


  • Moved metadata property filtering to common
  • Deprecated create_or_get_function in tasks
  • Renamed some examples

[0.11.1] - 2018-08-17


  • Namespaced auth environment variables: DESCARTESLABS_CLIENT_SECRET and DESCARTESLABS_CLIENT_ID. CLIENT_SECRET and CLIENT_ID will continue to work.
  • Tasks runtime check for Python version.


  • Documentation updates
  • Example updates

[0.11.0] - 2018-07-12


  • Scenes package
  • More examples


  • Deprecated add_namespace argument in catalog client (defaults to False now, formerly True)

[0.10.1] - 2018-05-30


  • Added org to token scope
  • Removed deprecated key usage

[0.10.0] - 2018-05-17


  • Tasks service

[0.9.1] - 2018-05-17


  • Patched bug in catalog service for py3

[0.9.0] - 2018-05-11


  • Catalog service
  • Storage service

[0.8.1] - 2018-05-03


  • Switched to start_datetime argument pattern instead of start_date
  • Fixed minor regression with descarteslabs.ext clients
  • Deprecated token param for Service class


  • Raster stack method

[0.8.0] - 2018-03-29


  • Removed deprecated searching by const_id
  • Removed deprecated raster band methods
  • Deprecated sat_id parameter for metadata searches
  • Changed documentation from readthedocs to


  • Dot notation access to dictionaries returned by services

[0.7.0] - 2018-01-24


  • Reorganization into a client submodule

[0.6.2] - 2018-01-10


  • Fix regression for NotFoundError

[0.6.1] - 2018-01-09


  • Reverted to

[0.6.0] - 2018-01-08


  • Reorganization of services
  • Places updated to v2 backend, provides units interface to statistics, which carries some backwards incompatibility.


  • Places updated to v2 backend, provides units interface to statistics, which carries some backwards incompatibility.

[0.5.0] - 2017-10-31


  • Blosc Support for raster array compression transport
  • Scrolling support for large metadata searches


  • Offset keyword argument in is deprecated. Please use the metadata.features for iterating over large search results

[0.4.7] - 2017-10-09


  • Complex filtering expressions for image attributes


  • Raise explicitly on 409 response
  • Keep retrying token refresh until token fully expired
  • Fixed race condition when creating .descarteslabs directory

[0.4.6] - 2017-09-08


  • Added ext namespace
  • Metadata multi-get


  • Fix OpenSSL install on OSX

[0.4.5] - 2017-08-29


  • Automatic retry on 504
  • Internal API refactoring / improvements for Auth

[0.4.4] - 2017-08-03


  • Add raster bands methods to metadata service.
  • Deprecate raster band methods.
  • Add require_bands param to derived bands search method.


  • Test suite replaces original token when finished running script tests.

[0.4.3] - 2017-07-18


  • Support for derived bands endpoints.
  • Direct access to const_id to product translation.


  • descarteslabs scripts on windows OS.

[0.4.2] - 2017-07-05


  • Fix auth login

[0.4.1] - 2017-07-05


  • Add metadata.bands and metadata.products search/get capabilities.
  • Add bands/products descriptions
  • Additional Placetypes


  • Better error messages with timeouts
  • Update to latest version of requests

[0.4.0] - 2017-06-22


  • Major refactor of
    • Introduction of "Products" through Metadata.products()
    • metadata entries id now concatenate the product id and the old metadata keys. The original metadata keys are available through entry['key'].
    • Additional sorting available.


  • Search & Raster using DLTile Feature GeoJSON or key. Uses output bounds, resolution, and srs to ease searching and rasterizing imagery over tiles.


  • Better Error messaging

[0.3.3] - 2017-06-20


  • DLTile notebook
  • save and outfile_basename in Raster.raster()


  • Fix metadata.features

[0.3.2] - 2017-05-27


  • Strict "requests" versions needed due to upstream instability.

[0.3.1] - 2017-05-17


  • Fix python 3 command line compatibility

[0.3.0] - 2017-05-15


  • API Change descarteslabs, raster, metadata have all been merged into 'descarteslabs'. 'descarteslabs login' is now 'descarteslabs auth login', 'raster'' is now 'descarteslabs raster', etc.


  • A Changelog
  • Testing around command-line scripts


  • Searching with cloud_fraction = 0
  • dltile API documentation

[0.2.2] - 2017-05-04


  • Fix login bug
  • Installation of "requests[security]" for python < 2.7.9

[0.2.1] - 2017-04-18


  • Doctests


  • Python 3 login bug

[0.2.0] - 2017-04-11


  • Search by Fractions

[0.1.0] - 2017-03-24


  • Initial release of client library

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