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Humanize Plus

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A simple utility library for making the web more humane.

Getting Started

Humanize Plus is available via node package manager.

npm install humanize-plus

Or download the minified version or the full version.

In your web page:

<script src="public/humanize.min.js"></script>
var capitalized = Humanize.capitalize("ten tiny ducklings.")
// "Ten tiny ducklings."

In your node package.json:

"dependencies": {
  "humanize-plus": "^1.7.0"

For recent changes, see the changelog.

API Methods



Formats a number to a human-readable string. Localize by overriding the precision, thousand and decimal arguments.

Humanize.formatNumber(123456789, 2)
// "123,456,789.00"

Converts an integer to a string containing commas every three digits.

// "123,456,789"
intcomma - DEPRECATED - This method will not be present in the next major version.

Alias for intComma

intword - DEPRECATED - This method will not be present in the next major version.

Converts a large integer to a friendly text representation. This method is now a thin wrapper around compactInteger

Humanize.intword(num, ch, de) === Humanize.compactInteger(num, de)

Humanize.intword(123456789, 'nopnopnopnop', 1)
// "123.5M"

Humanize.intword(123456789, 'this is a nop', 3)
// "123.457M"

Humanize.intword(10, 'still a nop', 1)
// "10"

Converts an integer into its most compact representation. Decimal precision is ignored for all integers, n, such that abs(n) < 1000.

Humanize.compactInteger(123456789, 1)
// "123.5M"

// Switch to scientific notation for trillons, because no one knows those abbreviations.
Humanize.compactInteger(-7832186132456328967, 4)
// "-7.8322x10^18"

Humanize.compactInteger(-100, 2)
// "-100"

Bounds a value from above. Modified values have customizable ending strings ('+' by default)

Humanize.boundedNumber(110, 100)
// "100+"

Humanize.boundedNumber(50, 100)
// "50"
truncatenumber - DEPRECATED - This method will not be present in the next major version.

Alias for boundedNumber


Converts an integer to its ordinal as a string.

// "22nd"

Interprets numbers as occurences. Also accepts an optional array/map of overrides.

for (i=0; i<5; i++) {
  Humanize.times(i, {"4": "too many"});
  // Bonus!
  if (i === 1) {
// never
// once
// 1.1 times
// twice
// 3 times
// too many times

Matches a pace (value and interval) with a logical time frame. Very useful for slow paces.

second = 1000
week = 6.048e8
decade = 3.156e11

Humanize.pace(1.5, second, "heartbeat")
// Approximately 2 heartbeats per second

Humanize.pace(4, week)
// Approximately 4 times per week

Humanize.pace(1, decade, "life crisis")
// Less than 1 life crisis per week

Formats the value like a 'human-readable' file size (i.e. '13 KB', '4.1 MB', '102 bytes', etc).

Humanize.fileSize(1024 * 20)
// "20 Kb"

Humanize.fileSize(1024 * 2000)
// "1.95 Mb"

Humanize.fileSize(Math.pow(1000, 4))
// "931.32 Gb"
filesize - DEPRECATED - This method will not be present in the next major version.

Alias for fileSize


Returns the plural version of a given word if the value is not 1. The default suffix is 's'.

Humanize.pluralize(1, "duck")
// "duck"

Humanize.pluralize(3, "duck")
// "ducks"

Humanize.pluralize(3, "duck", "duckies")
// "duckies"



Truncates a string if it is longer than the specified number of characters. Truncated strings will end with a translatable ellipsis sequence ("โ€ฆ").

Humanize.truncate('long text is good for you')
// "long text is good for you"

Humanize.truncate('long text is good for you', 19)
// "long text is goo..."

Humanize.truncate('long text is good for you', 19, '... etc')
// "long text is... etc"

Truncates a string after a certain number of words.

Humanize.truncateWords('long text is good for you', 5)
// "long text is good for ..."
truncatewords - DEPRECATED - This method will not be present in the next major version.

Alias for truncateWords

nl2br and br2nl

Flexible conversion of <br/> tags to newlines and vice versa.

// Use your imagination

Capitalizes the first letter in a string, optionally downcasing the tail.

Humanize.capitalize("some boring string")
// "Some boring string"

// "WHoOaA!"

Humanize.capitalize("wHoOaA!", true)
// "Whooaa!"

Captializes the first letter of every word in a string.

Humanize.capitalizeAll("some boring string")
// "Some Boring String"

Intelligently capitalizes eligible words in a string and normalizes internal whitespace.

Humanize.titleCase("some of a boring string")
// "Some of a Boring String"

Humanize.titleCase("cool the          iTunes cake, O'Malley!")
// "Cool the iTunes Cake, O'Malley!"
titlecase - DEPRECATED - This method will not be present in the next major version.

Alias for titleCase



Converts a list of items to a human readable string with an optional limit.

items = ['apple', 'orange', 'banana', 'pear', 'pineapple']

// "apple, orange, banana, pear, and pineapple"

Humanize.oxford(items, 3)
// "apple, orange, banana, and 2 others"

// Pluralizes properly too!
Humanize.oxford(items, 4)
// "apple, orange, banana, pear, and 1 other"

Humanize.oxford(items, 3, "and some other fruits")
// "apple, orange, banana, and some other fruits"

Describes how many times an item appears in a list

catPics = [
dogPics = []

"Cats " + Humanize.frequency(catPics, "typed on keyboards")
// "Cats typed on keyboards 3 times"

"Dogs " + Humanize.frequency(docPics, "typed on keyboards")
// "Dogs never typed on keyboards"

Utility methods


Fixes binary rounding issues (eg. (0.615).toFixed(2) === "0.61").

Humanize.toFixed(0.615, 2)
// "0.62"

Ensures precision value is a positive integer.

// 232

Important notes

Please don't edit files in the dist subdirectory as they are generated through compilation. You'll find source code in the src subdirectory!


npm run install && npm run build

And that's it!

The project will compile the CoffeeScript files into the dist subdirectory.


npm run test


Copyright (c) 2013-2016 HubSpotDev Licensed under the MIT license.

humanize's People


aaylward avatar b-ash avatar eedrah avatar eush77 avatar geekjuice avatar jredburn avatar kevinsawicki avatar nathancahill avatar trshafer avatar tusharmath avatar zackbloom avatar


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humanize's Issues

Extra comma when Humanizing a list of strings


When I use Humanize on a list of strings, I get an extra comma before the and.

Some code that works in Linqpad:

var list = new List<string>() {"Text1", "Text2", "Text3", "Text4"};

Here is the output (note the extra comma):

Text1, Text2, Text3, and Text4



P.S Just noticed the documentation it is Oxford standard. Is there a separate function call to not do this?

times doesn't support thrice

Right now, Humanize.times overrides have ' times' appended to them, which is sometimes desirable, but not always.

coffee> Humanize.times 3, {3:'thrice'}
'thrice times'

I think the above should return thrice, but I can imagine other circumstances like:

coffee> Humanize.times 12, {12:'douze'}
'douze times'

where we might want to append 'times'.

Rewrite functions as ES6 modules

So we can now require each function separately without having to include the whole library, this will be helpful to anyone trying to optimize their bundle on the client side, and will make it possible in the future to use tree shaking (i.e. removing unused code) when Node and Webpack supports ES6 modules.


crashes in React Native

I pulled this module into a React Native project using

npm install --save humanize-plus

and all I did to start using it was:

var humanize = require('humanize-plus');

and I got the following error:

TransformError: /Users/michael/gitprojects/test/node_modules/humanize-plus/dist/humanize.js:
Couldn't find preset "es2015-riot" relative to directory "/Users/michael/gitprojects/test/node_modules/humanize-plus"

I think this might be related to Issue #86, because React Native goes through a transpile step, so it might be finding your unnecessary .babelrc file inside the package files that has es2015-riot defined as a preset:

  "presets": ["es2015-riot"]

I don't think it matters for this issue, but just in case, here are my versions of React Native:

react-native-cli: 2.0.1
react-native: 0.39.2

TIME_FORMATS oject keys

I don't find it elegant when TIME_FORMATS are written:

        name: 'second',
        value: 1e3
    }, {
        name: 'minute',
        value: 6e4

Instead of:

    second : 1e3,
    minute: 6e4

Especially when the line after that is where LABELS_FOR_POWERS_OF_KILO is configured like how things should be configured. it's an odd choice when both dictionaries should serve the same purpose.

Please include a version inside the code

I think it would be helpful to have a comment on the top saying which version is it, since I just copy/paste the RAW text from github every time I update my copy, and it's not easy to know what version of the code I already have. it's pretty common anyway.. Thanks!

filesize unit should be capitalized B

In the readme and the code I see that filesize returns Gb, Mb, and Kb and bytes as values. Even ignoring the 1024/1000 thing those should still be GB, MB, kB, and bytes. With a capital B (for byte) instead of a lowercase b (for bit), and also kilo is not uppercased when used as 1000.


(Awesome library by the way)

method chaining

chaining support would be nice

right now, we have to wrap everything

> Humanize = require("humanize-plus")
> Humanize.truncate(Humanize.titleCase("In 1998 they had this promotion for the Disney film Mulan, where they created a new sauce for the McNuggets called Szechuan sauce"), 14, "...etc")
'In 1998 ...etc'

compared to

> Humanize.titleCase("In 1998 they had this promotion for the Disney film Mulan, where they created a new sauce for the McNuggets called Szechuan sauce").truncate(14, "...etc")

TypeScript definitions

I've started working with humanize as part of a TypeScript application, and ended up just going ahead and creating definitions for all the exposed methods. Is this something you'd be willing to include directly in the repository and npm package? If so I'm happy to submit a PR with the changes. If not I can create and maintain a separate typings repository to host the definitions, but it's a much better user experience to have it directly in the package.

Let me know! ๐Ÿ˜„

Should check for 'undefined' or `null` parameter values

All methods should check validity of parameters.

For example,

truncate(str, length = 100, ending = '...')
   if (str && str.length > length) ...

This is useful when calling Humanize.truncate directly from data received from db queries and other external entities. Validating parameters outside (before calling the methods of Humanize) is code redundancy and can be avoided if the library takes care of it.

Please change picture example to be more neutral

Could we please change the picture example in the README? This currently reads:

// "Asians took pictures of food 3 times"

This is a great library I have started to integrate into my company. When it comes to the documentation that people will be reading it would be nice to have neutral examples that don't potentially call on stereotypes - especially if there are similar examples that suffice.

Happy to make a pull request for you.

Don't store js in repo

Makes pull requests weird, and it's hard to trust that what's in the minified versions is actually the compiled change. It could be bad stuff...

Put the js in the release and published versions, but not in the repo itself.

"toFixed" - why does it exists?

excuse me but I want to understand why did you make your own "toFixed" method when there's one already exist natively in all browsers? how does it defer?

Thank you

standardize on camelCased method names

Re: #23 I think we should move toward a standard naming convention for Humanize public methods.

I like camelCase for v2, and I think we should make camelCase names in the 1.x branch as well. Existing non-camelCase names can ( and should? ) just be aliases for the names that will stick around in v2.

Sound reasonable?

document bug fix versions

In light of #27 and friends, we should add a or similar to make it easy for people to find out when certain changes were made or issues were resolved.

@hijonathan @b-ash What do you guys think?

titleCase unusable when required using destructured assignment


{titleCase} = require 'humanize-plus'


TypeError: Object object has no method 'capitalize'
    at doTitleCase (/Users/kevin/repos/test/node_modules/humanize-plus/public/src/humanize.js:414:71)
    at Humanize.titlecase.Humanize.titleCase (/Users/kevin/repos/test/node_modules/humanize-plus/public/src/humanize.js:427:12)


Let's use this issue to create a roadmap for humanize v2.

Some things we may want to do:

  • Remove methods that were deprecated in 1.x
  • Drop support for node 0.6.x #13 dd4d5ca
  • Move to grunt ~0.4.1 #13 dd4d5ca
  • intword has been removed from the v2.0.0alpha branch in favor of compactInteger.
  • Naming conventions are addressed in #26
  • truncatenumber is renamed boundedNumber in 98a5be8
  • Consider removing intComma as well. I don't think it adds value over formatNumber.
  • Consider removing public/ from git as it's really just compiled output, not source code.

Humanize.times is broken for node

times references window.isFinite via the local isFinite helper. window is undefined in node. There were previously no tests for the times method, but even if there had been, the jasmine test runner creates a mock window object which would have masked the problem.

npm package is pulling in development files

When I run the install command:

npm install --save humanize-plus

npm installs EVERYTHING in this repository, including the src, bin and __tests__ directories, along with other files which are only needed in development.


Telling npm what to include should lighten the load:

In package.json:

"files": [
  "main" : "dist/humanize.js",

Thanks for a useful module!

Humanize.truncateWords returns null when input has less number of words

Humanize.truncateWords("hello world", 2)
Humanize.truncateWords("hello world", 1)
"hello ..."

The primary reason one wants to use methods such as truncateWords is if the size increases beyond certain point, truncate it (and leave it untouched if input is smaller in length). Currently the method is returning null if input has less no. of words than requested.

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