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laravel-htmlmin's Issues

Specific blade syntaxes are outputed as text

Hey there,

thanks for this really good package.
I use the rappasoft boilerplate wich add some blade extensions (url), but those extensions when used are outputed as plain text when minified.

Anyway to add those extensions to the minifier list ?


We need some unit tests...

No effect in lumen?

I have installed this package in lumen.But nothing happened.

Does this package support lumen framework?

Disable minification on specific routes

Hello, I would like to know if there is a way to disable htmlmin in specific routes.
I am creating some txt files with blade, and the minification is breaking the markup.

Thank you very much!

don't minify markdown

I'm using Laravels 5.4 new Markdown Mail framework, but this plugin keeps stripping away newlines in markdown files. I'd love to see a way to ignore markdown blade files.

Incompatibility when extending blade ?


everything works fine at compilation time but when I register my Service Provider which adds a new blade word, it does not work anymore.

Here is my extend :

Blade::extend(function($view, $compiler)
    $pattern = $compiler->createMatcher('alternate');
    return preg_replace($pattern, "$1<?php echo app('blade.alternator')->choose$2 ?>", $view);

In your service provider, if I add 2 debug lines :

    protected function enableBladeOptimisations()
        $app = $this->app;
        // register a new engine
        $app['view']->getEngineResolver()->register('blade', function () use ($app) {
            $compiler = $app['htmlmin.compiler'];
            return new CompilerEngine($compiler);

        // add the extension
        $app->view->addExtension('blade.php', 'blade');

only coucou1 is displayed and not coucou2. If I remove my extend, coucou2is displayed at compilation time.

Do I extend blade not correctly ? (based on

Problem after installing

After I install laravel 5 and this via composer and add the two lines at config -> app I'm getting errors like: BadMethodCallException in ServiceProvider.php line 111: Call to undefined method [package]

at ServiceProvider->__call('package', array('graham-campbell/htmlmin', 'graham-campbell/htmlmin', 'C:\xampp\htdocs\vdhjonas\laravel\vendor\graham-campbell\htmlmin\src')) in HTMLMinServiceProvider.php line 46

So whatever view or url request I do I get this and when I use the command line 'php artisan publish:config graham-campbell/htmlmin' -> same error.
I used this line: composer create-project laravel/laravel test-laravel-5-project dev-develop --prefer-dist
for installing laravel 5. So can someone help me or get this fixed? thanks in advance.

configurable all minify options?

I have a use case that I need to not remove html comments,
would you accept a pr that make all the minifies into configable options?

'minifiers' => [
        'html' => [
            'remove_comments' => true,
            'trim_newlines' => true,

What are potential issues with "force"

This option ('force') forces blade minification on views where there such minification may be dangerous. This should only be used if you are fully aware of the potential issues this may cause. Obviously, this setting is dependent on blade minification actually being enabled. The default value for this setting is false.

I am unsure what the potential issues are ? can you please tell me what they are so I can have better judgment?

[2.0] Blade View Minification Not Working

@andrewdworn is having and issue with blade minification. He says that the blade files are not being minified on compile. He says:

The extension works in live mode, but doesn't work when only blade config option is enabled.
I've just upgraded to Laravel 4.2.6, and followed the install instructions.

The HTMLMin::html($value) function also works! Although, my html code gets 'divided' in strange places, for example:


I said:

I assume this issue is caused by the following scenario:

  1. You have a Laravel 4.2 project and you've been using it before you installed my package.
  2. You installed my package (~2.0@dev) and registered the service provider correctly.
  3. You enabled blade minification, but for some reason you observe no change.

Let me explain why this happens. Before you installed this package, Laravel compiled your views and stored then in "app/storage/views". Laravel will only re-compile a view if it has been modified. You now enable blade minification, but the old compiled view files still exist, and Laravel sees that the views haven't changed, so it doesn't re-compile then.

What you need to do to get Laravel to re-compile the views is to open up "app/storage/views" and delete all compiled views. Now Laravel will re-compile the views as you need them, and they should be minified.

Let me know how you get on, and give me a buzz if you've got any further questions.

He replied with:

Thanks for the quick answer!
I have my "app/storage/views" dir open in mc all the time, and I clean it before expecting any change in my page, so it must be something else...

This issue was extracted from #11 (comment).

Inline PHP comments within blade @php tags comments out succeeding code

When automatic blade optimizations is set to true in the config file, the following:

    // Just a comment
    $str = 'abc';

    // Just a comment
    $str = 'abc';

Gets minified and compiled to:

    // Just a comment
    $str = 'abc';
 <?php // Just a comment $str = 'abc'; ?>

Using the regular <?php ?> tags is fine, but when using the blade @php @endphp tags, the inline comment and succeeding code gets pushed onto the same line and is commented out.

Not a huge deal as /* */ can be used for comments instead. Just thought it worth pointing out.


Config File Not Generated

I have followed your instruction and even noticed the missing "r" in the service provide(r) per your instruction. On running "php artisan vendor:publish" the config file is not added to Laravel's config folder.

Getting Auth not found error

I have just installed the HTMLMin and then added the class and facade to my app.php file.

If I try to run php artisan vendor:publish nothing happens. If I try to load the site, I get a 500 error.

My PHP logs the following error:
[03-Apr-2017 07:40:45 America/Los_Angeles] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Exception: Class 'Auth' not found

I can't figure out what is causing this. If I comment out the class and facade in the app.php it goes away and everything works as it was before I installed.

Any ideas on what I could be missing?

New lines removed causing text between tags to be bunched together

First off, thanks for this package. I did notice some strange inconsistency that's causing some new lines to be removed and replaced with nothing.

Using Laravel 5.2.43, Laravel-HTMLMin 4.3,PHP 7.0.9, blade compilation disabled, live compilation via middle is active.

It's easier to just provide the reproducible code:

Example 1: Current, correct minification:


Gets minified as:


There's no change, which is good. The intentional line break before the opening bold <b> tag is honored.

Example 2: Incorrect minification (notice the extra line break in the middle):



Gets minified to this:


The two words get bunched together, new line eliminated, and there's not even a space separating Hello and World. This changes the layout, and the actual wording from Hello World to HelloWorld

I'm just using the bold <b> tag as an example. This happens with other tags as well.


HTML Not minified without Middleware

Hey @GrahamCampbell,
maybe I am reading the docs wrong, but it does not do any minification of m html without the middleware.

I did the following:

  • install
  • add service provider
  • publish config and set blade to true (also tried force to true)
  • artisan view:clear

No result. Only when I add the middleware, will the html be minified. However, the way I understood it, the minification would normally be done when the blade templates are cached, correct?

So I should have cached and minified blade templates?

Flattening <pre> tags with newlines in them

I have a blade file that contains a <pre> tag, however this package will flatten:


into a single line foo bar disregarding the newline. Is there any way to fix this?

Not every view is being compiled.

Hey there, nice package.

So when enabling 'Automatic Blade Optimisations' maybe 80% of my views compile.
The others, refuse to. So after some playing around I found that, indeed, 'Force Blade Optimisations' will 100% minify the views.

My question is why should it be 'USED WITH CAUTION', I don't really understand the potential security threats there, when all it's essentially doing is removing whitespace.

Also how can I compose a view so that I do not need to use the force setting? Like all the html validates fine, so what is it that's causing the view to refuse to be minified. Do I even need to be weary of the forced blade optimisations?

So yeah if you could expand on what the differences are amongst those settings, that'd be sweet.


[Feature request] Exclude some View folders

Hello and thanks for this useful piece of code :)

I had a hard time to understand why my text/plain emails (in /resources/views/emails folder) were displayed without any line breaks in my inbox. :)
They were just minified as the rest of my HTML views.

It would be great to be able to exclude some folders or some files or any tips to help me?

Thanks a lot.

Custom Blade Directives Do Not Get Rendered

With blade minification turned on, any custom directives just get turned into plain text, example:

Blade Minification On

Blade Minification Off

The force option doesn't seem to affect the behavior....

Alias/Facade and Service Providers in README are wrong

Hi there,

Have just finished installing and configuring this package to a project, and found out the Facade/Provider lines mentioned did not work for me.

I replaced 'HTMLMin' => HTMLMin\HTMLMin\Facades\HTMLMin::class, with 'HTMLMin' => GrahamCampbell\HTMLMin\Facades\HTMLMin::class,

Service Provider
I replaced HTMLMin\HTMLMin\Http\Middleware\MinifyMiddleware with GrahamCampbell\HTMLMin\HTMLMinServiceProvider::class.

Both substitutes mentioned above worked in my case. I just would like to confirm if this is correct?

HTMLMin not working for Laravel 4.2


I'm not sure if this is a problem with laravel or your package or mine.

Well all along I have been using laravel-html-minify until recently where I discovered that it just stopped working, no errors but when view source, nothing gets minified. So I deleted the compiled view files at storage/views.

But the problem pesist. So I decided to switch to HTMLMin. Had the same problem as well. blade option true, didn't see minification happen.

For live option true, all I see is all the space on the left are trimmed away, but everything that is on that line still stays on the same line.

I'm not sure if it helps to show you my composer.json to see if anything conflict with yours

    "require": {
        "laravel/framework": "4.2.*",
        "graham-campbell/markdown": "~2.0",
        "maatwebsite/excel": "1.*",
        "watson/validating": "0.10.*",
        "guzzlehttp/guzzle": "~4.0",
        "jenssegers/agent": "~2.1",
        "barryvdh/laravel-dompdf": "0.4.*",
        "frozennode/administrator": "dev-master",
        "graham-campbell/throttle": "~2.0",
        "propaganistas/laravel-phone": "~1.2",
        "pubnub/pubnub": "~3.7",
        "aloha/twilio": "dev-master",
        "antoineaugusti/laravel-easyrec": "0.5.2",
        "iron-io/iron_mq": "~3.0",
        "graham-campbell/htmlmin": "~2.0",
        "roave/security-advisories": "dev-master"
    "require-dev": {
        "way/generators": "~2.0",
        "barryvdh/laravel-ide-helper": "~1.11",
        "barryvdh/laravel-debugbar": "~1.8",
        "phpunit/phpunit": "4.5.*"

Thank you.

htmlmin.php not generated

I installed this package and ran php artisan vendor:publish and I get the message Nothing to publish.

Any idea how to fix this?

Minify Whitespace for Blade

It's not stripping whitespaces for blade templates.

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title></title> 

But it's okay for live.

How to minify JS/CSS

I haven't found a way to contact you elsewhere. I'm not to long into Laravel and I don't understand how to minify JS/CSS. The HTML minification works like a charme. But how to minify a stylesheet?

Incorrect path to classes

HTMLMin\HTMLMin\HTMLMinServiceProvider ---> GrahamCampbell\HTMLMin\HTMLMinServiceProvider
HTMLMin\HTMLMin\Facades\HTMLMin ---> GrahamCampbell\HTMLMin\Facades\HTMLMin

URL rendering issue in email blade

Use case: Laravel's standard password reminder/reset email. For this, I have set up a simple emails/pwreset.blade.php that echoes out the corresponding route {{ URL::route(...) }}. All fine with HTMLMin turned off. Strangely, when turned on, the received email shows the URL with a double dot in the domain name, i.e. instead of If I rename pwreset.blade.php to pwreset.php with standard php echo (easy workaround), all fine again even with HTMLMin turned on. So something is happening here between Laravel's blade compiler, HTMLMin and/or SwiftMailer(?). No big deal, but possibly a small symptom of a wider issue.

shouldMinify ignores @shield


i found a problem with this script.

i use defender for laravel and it uses @shield and @endshield

but the shouldMinify ignores this and prints the @shield as text on the web page.

what do i need to add to shouldMinify to fix this problem?

Nesting Level

Package looks great, but when I did a composer require I get this:

`$ php artisan vendor:publish

PHP Fatal error: Maximum function nesting level of '256' reached, aborting! in /var/www/ on line 647`

I removed the includes from app.php and re-ran which seemed to work fine, but i re-included them and ran '$ php artisan vendor:publish' and got the same error. If I am going to release this package to a live server I am iffy about changing that nesting level as the system has a VERY high potential traffic load.

The whole file that includes bad html is skipped from compression

You've used containsBadHtml function at BladeMinifier class to detect bad html and used shouldMinify function to decide whether skip the whole file that contains these pieces of codes. It was nicer if you took those segments out, minified them separately in case of need and put them back after compressing other codes.

Mess the email views

Unfurtunally, the package mess with the html email when automatic compile is enabled.

There is anyway to disable it on email views?

lot of @break in views

I have integrated GrahamCampbell/Laravel-HTMLMin in my project and i get lot of @break in my page
please check attached image

screenshot from 2017-07-05 09-09-25

the MinifyMiddleware not removing new lines

its just remove all whitespace but leave new lines, is it by intend?


<div class="navbar-header">
        <button type="button" class="navbar-toggle collapsed" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#navbar"
                aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="navbar">
            <span class="sr-only">Toggle navigation</span>
            <span class="icon-bar"></span>
            <span class="icon-bar"></span>
            <span class="icon-bar"></span>
        <a class="navbar-brand" href="#"><img src="/logo.png" style="max-height:25px;"></a>

become this:

type="button" class="navbar-toggle collapsed" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#navbar"
aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="navbar">
class="sr-only">Toggle navigation</span>
class="navbar-brand" href="#"><img
src="/logo.png" style="max-height:25px;"></a></div>

Live HTML Doesn't Get Minified

The output for "Automatic Live Optimizations" doesn't really seem to minifiy. At the moment it just breaks up the lines awkwardly with no real space saving.


<nav class="top_nav">
    <a href="/repairs">Repairs</a>
    <a href="/services">Services</a>
    <a href="/pricing">Pricing</a>




<nav class="top_nav"><a href="/repairs">Repairs</a><a href="/services">Services</a><a href="/pricing">Pricing</a></nav>

Improve Make Function

It would be better if it didn't render the view ediately, and instead returned a View object with a modified __toString method which could perform the minification when called. This would allow for more complex scenarios where we may wish to run methods on the object before rendering it.

Example of CSS and JS minifier

I know this sounds silly but this is what I found out from the API and other documentations of how to use the CSS Minifier which isn't working. Please guide me on how (and where) to use the correct code (what code exactly).

<link href="{!!HTMLMin::css('/themes/bootstrap/assets/global/css/components.css')!!}" rel="stylesheet">

Compiler Breaks Blade Extensions

Using the Blade compiler minification option breaks Blade extensions. From the looks of things your minification is similar to fitzrev/laravel-html-minify, and that package shares the same issue (fitztrev/laravel-html-minify#21 (comment)).

Specifically, the BladeCompiler::$extensions property is an empty array when the BladeCompiler::compileExtensions method is run. I am sure that the extensions are successfully registering via the BladeCompiler::extend method but can't put my finger on what happens from there. I'm not sure if the issue is with Laravel or the package but ATM I can't find a minifier at the compile stage that doesn't have this problem.

Filter: undefined method

I would like to minify a group of routes.
As suggested in the readme (there is no more filters in Laravel 5), I added "htmlmin" as a middleware to this group:
'middleware' => ['htmlmin']

But instead of a minification, I get this error:

FatalErrorException in Pipeline.php line 125:
Call to undefined method GrahamCampbell\HTMLMin\HTMLMin::handle()```

Did I done something wrong ?

Support for custom Blade tags

I am developing an application using AngularJS and need to modify the Blade content tags from the default {{ }} to avoid clashes.

Blade::setRawTags('@<%', '%>');
Blade::setContentTags('<%', '%>');
Blade::setEscapedContentTags('<%%', '%%>');

This seems to work fine with a clean install of Laravel 5, but not when using this package. The minifier seems to ignore these options completely.

Any suggestions?


WARN: using htmlmin besides artesaos/defender and other packages


i have found a bug when using GrahamCampbell/Laravel-HTMLMin and artesaos/defender together.

artesaos/defender registers some custom blade directives like @shield and @endshield... when using the option "Automatic Blade Optimizations" the directives will be printed instead of replaced by php code.

master blade template is not minified


I have a 'master.blade.php' file that includes the rest of the templates inside the body tag.
Those templates are minified, but not the master one.

I have both options, 'blade' and 'force' with TRUE value.

As you see in the image, the code inside the body tag occupies one line, but not the rest of the code.

captura de pantalla 2015-09-15 a la s 20 06 21

I am the only one with this problem, or is this a bug?

Thank you.

These elements created a bug in the blade minifier

<!--[if IE 8]> <html lang="{{Lang::getLocale()}}" class="ie8 no-js"> <![endif]-->
<!--[if IE 9]> <html lang="{{Lang::getLocale()}}" class="ie9 no-js"> <![endif]-->
<!--[if !IE]><!-->
<html lang="{{Lang::getLocale()}}">

These elements broke down the HTML Minifier

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