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Import App


Ionic CLI - If you don't have the ionic CLI installed refer official documentation for the installation instructions.

Build Notes (Users)

  1. Download the app from release page and extract it.
  2. Go to the app directory.
  3. Run following command to download dependencies
    npm i
  4. Create a .env file by taking reference from the .env.example.
  5. To run the app in browser use the command: ionic serve

Build Notes (Contributors)

  1. Open a Terminal window
  2. Clone app using the command: git clone <repository-name>
  3. Go to the directory using command: cd <repository-name>
  4. Run following command to download dependencies npm i
  5. Create a .env file by taking reference from the .env.example.
  6. To run the app in browser use the command: ionic serve

Firebase Hosting

We are using firebase hosting for the Import app deployment Here are the steps to deploy app on firebase hosting


  • Firebase Cli should be installed
  • Firebase project should be created
  • You should have access to firebase project


  • Generate .env file from .env.example

  • Build the application using following command ionic build

  • Login into firebase firebase login

  • Run following command to deploy to firebase hosting firebase deploy --only hosting:import firebase deploy --only hosting:import-dev

How to build application in different environment or modes(staging, production, qa, etc)?

As there is a bug in Ionic cli due to which we cannot pass flag variables for commands (See #4669). To build application in different modes we need to use vue-cli-service to build and then use the built app using capacitor copy command further.

Follow following instructions:

  1. Manually build the application using vue-cli-service: npx vue-cli-service build --mode=sandbox

  2. Copy web assets to the native project without building the app: ionic capacitor copy ios --no-build

  3. Open the Android Studio / XCode project: ionic capacitor open android
    ionic capacitor open ios

Contribution Guideline

  1. Fork the repository and clone it locally from the main branch. Before starting your work make sure it's up to date with current main branch.
  2. Pick an issue from here. Write in the issue comment that you want to pick it, if you can't assign yourself. Please stay assigned to one issue at a time to not block others.
  3. Create a branch for your edits. Use the following branch naming conventions: import/issue-number.
  4. Please add issue number to your commit message.
  5. Propose a Pull Request to main branch containing issue number and issue title.
  6. Use Pull Request template (it's automatically added to each PR) and fill as much fields as possible to describe your solution.
  7. Reference any relevant issues or other information in your PR.
  8. Wait for review and adjust your PR according to it.
  9. Congrats! Your PR should now be merged in!

If you can't handle some parts of the issue then please ask for help in the comment. If you have any problems during the implementation of some complex issue, feel free to implement just a part of it.

Report a bug or request a feature

Always define the type of issue:

  • Bug report
  • Feature request

While writing issues, please be as specific as possible. All requests regarding support with implementation or application setup should be sent to.

UI / UX Resources

You may find some useful resources for improving the UI / UX of the app here.

Join the community on Discord

If you have any questions or ideas feel free to join our Discord channel

The license

Import app is completely free and released under the Apache v2.0 License. Check LICENSE for more details.

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import's Issues

Deselecting a single product from a group, deselects all variants

Current behavior

When deselecting a single product from a group of products, all the products in that group gets deselected

Expected behavior

Deselecting a single product from the parents group should only deselect that product and virtual product.

Steps to reproduce the issue

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Additional information

Remove the code for search page

Current behavior

There is a Search.vue file that is not used anymore, and thus increasing the build size of the app.

Expected behavior

Steps to reproduce the issue

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Additional information

Reseting reverts to wrong info

Current behavior

When clicking on revert on a style, the ordered qty is not reverted to what was uploaded. Rather it seems like its changed to what the first item has.

Expected behavior

It should change back to what was initially uploaded

Steps to reproduce the issue

Upload PO, adjust qty with buffer and click reset.

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  • [x ] NO

Improved handling for invalid date time

What is the motivation for adding/enhancing this feature?

When user uploads a CSV with an invalid date time format we need a streamlined way of helping them correct their data.

What are the acceptance criteria?

Clicking on the chip with an invalid date time should open a modal where the user can configure the format they want to use and see why their input is invalid.

Additional information

Configure date time

Make file name easier to see

What is the motivation for adding/enhancing this feature?

After uploading a file it's not immediately obvious if the file uploaded and what the name of the file was.

What are the acceptance criteria?

The file name should be closer to the upload button so the user can see it if they're about to re-upload a file. It should also be bold so it stands out on the page.

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  • NO

Integrate field mappings feature with API

What is the motivation for adding/enhancing this feature?

Currently, we store field mappings in localstorage, use APIs to store it at backend.


mappingPrefId (optional)

mappingPrefId (optional)


What are the acceptance criteria?

  • ...

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Additional information

Apply button on the purchase order detail page of the import app repeating functionality

Current behavior

As described at :

While uploading a purchase order through Import App, the apply button is repeating the functionality.

For example: I tried uploading a purchase order with 20 quantity and added a buffer of 2 and clicked on "Apply", the quantity was reduced to 18. Then, I clicked on "Apply" again and the quantity reduced to 16 without any changes made in the conditions.
Same thing happened with buffer days.

Expected working of the button: if clicked on apply for the second time, it should not apply the conditions again.

Expected behavior

Steps to reproduce the issue

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Additional information

Warning when switching routes mid upload

Current behavior

If the user switches to another page, like the settings page, while reviewing their PO, when they return to the upload screen they land on the file upload screen which is disorienting.

Expected behavior

There should be a pop up that warns the user that if they switch to another screen while reviewing their PO, that their changes will be lost and they'll have to restart.

Improve PO review page

What is the motivation for adding/enhancing this feature?

  • Improve logic for updating missing facilities.
  • Implement static UI for missing Skus modal(#122 (comment))
  • Make missing sku modal functional

What are the acceptance criteria?

  • ...

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  • NO

Additional information

Leave page alert should not be displayed on PO detail page if token is expired, it should directly navigate to login page.

Current behavior

In case the user is on PO detail page and token expires, instead of directly navigating the user to login page it displays an alert.

Expected behavior

If the token is expired, the user should be redirected to login page without any alert.

Steps to reproduce the issue

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Additional information

The save mapping input value should be empty after save action

Current behavior

There is no way to verify whether the mapping has been saved or not. When the user clicks on the save button multiple times multiple mapppings with same name are created and stored.

Expected behavior

When the user clicks on save button, after the save action mapping name input should be set empty as this will disable the save mapping button, it will restrict the user from saving the same mapping multiple time.

Steps to reproduce the issue

  1. Log into the application.
  2. Upload CSV
  3. Map fields
  4. Enter mapping name
  5. Click on save mapping multiple time
  6. Click on field mapping drop down

It will display multiple mappings with the same name.

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Additional information

Improve the handling of order buffer

Current behavior

When we apply order buffer, in case any of the item has quantity less than order buffer, the quantity becomes negative after applying changes.

Expected behavior

Possible fixes:

  1. Apply buffer on items whose quantity is greater than the order buffer value and display a toast that says couldn't apply order buffer on some of the items and deselect those items and display their skus in either toast or modal.

  2. Apply buffer on items whose quantity is greater than the order buffer value and display the rest of the items in red color

  3. Find out the minimum quantity of items in the csv and set it as the maximum value of order buffer.

Steps to reproduce the issue

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Additional information

Remove code to generate mapping id when creating a new mapping

Current behavior

Currently, when creating a new mapping we are generating a random id for passing the same in the request, as the in parameter in the service is required.
But in current scenario as well, we are using the id returned from the api (which is an auto generated id) and we are using the same to identify the mappings.

Expected behavior

Need to remove the code for generating the id, once the id param will become optional

Steps to reproduce the issue

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Additional information

Item gets selected when clicking on reset button

Current behavior

When clicking on reset action for an item and if the item is not selected then it automatically gets selected

Expected behavior

On reset action the item should not get selected.

Steps to reproduce the issue

  1. Upload a file and map all the fields and move to details page
  2. Click on more actions for an item that is not selected
  3. Click reset and verify that the item gets selected.

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Environment details

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Additional information

Implement static UI for missing sku modal

What is the motivation for adding/enhancing this feature?

Missing Products Modal helps users to correct missing/wrong product SKU codes. User can select one SKU code at a time, the selected SKU code would appear in the input box letting user edit or rewrite the SKU code. Once done, user can update the SKU code. Once the user press the Update button, API will take the input and also fetch the product SKU code from the product information database. Following, there will be two results scenarios:

  1. If SKU codes match, input is valid and product will move to the completed tab.
  2. If SKU codes do not match, input is invalid and user must put the different SKU code. Note: User can abandon correcting the one SKU code and might move to other incorrect SKU code.


What are the acceptance criteria?

  • ...

Can you complete this feature request by yourself?

  • YES
  • NO

Additional information

Purchase order data is not cleared on logout.

Current behavior

Purchase order data is not cleared on logout.

Expected behavior

Steps to reproduce the issue

  1. Login to the application.
  2. Upload PO CSV
  3. Map the fields.
  4. Click on review button.
  5. Navigate to settings page and logout.
  6. Login again and you find the previous PO Uploaded and fields mapped.

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Additional information

Fix build console warnings

Compiled with 5 warnings

Module Warning (from ./node_modules/eslint-loader/index.js):
 /Users/shantanubangar/Desktop/Hotwax Commerce/import/src/components/Image.vue
   42:33  warning  'error' is defined but never used  @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars

Module Warning (from ./node_modules/eslint-loader/index.js):

 /Users/shantanubangar/Desktop/Hotwax Commerce/import/src/store/modules/order/actions.ts
   6:8  warning  'router' is defined but never used  @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars

Module Warning (from ./node_modules/eslint-loader/index.js):
/Users/shantanubangar/Desktop/Hotwax Commerce/import/src/store/modules/user/actions.ts
   88:25  warning  'state' is defined but never used  @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars

Module Warning (from ./node_modules/eslint-loader/index.js):
 /Users/shantanubangar/Desktop/Hotwax Commerce/import/src/views/OrderDetail.vue
   276:23  warning  'response' is assigned a value but never used  @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars

Module Warning (from ./node_modules/eslint-loader/index.js):

 /Users/shantanubangar/Desktop/Hotwax Commerce/import/src/views/PurchaseOrder.vue
   65:107  warning  'IonNote' is defined but never used  @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars

Changing the uploaded file should reset all the values

Current behavior

When changing the current uploaded file, the mappings selected remains as is and then clicking review button will break the app flow, as the mappings were selected as per the previous file and current file might not have those colunms.

Expected behavior

When changing the file, all the values should reset to default.

Steps to reproduce the issue

  1. Upload a file
  2. Select a mapping
  3. Change the uploaded file
  4. See that the select mapping remains as is, but all the values should reset to default

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Environment details

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Additional information

Implement feature to import CSV to reset Inventory

Once uploaded the inventory count will be set to the values in CSV.

Here is the format for CSV

facilityId | externalFacilityId | productId | idType | idValue | availableQty | locationSeqId | comments

Re-clicking on "Upload" file button & cancelling it gives error.

Current behavior

When we upload a file for the second time & click on upload button to upload a new file, instead of uploading a file if we click on cancel button, it gives errors.
Screenshot 2022-12-28 at 12 38 27 PM

Expected behavior

On clicking "Cancel" button second time, it should give any error

Steps to reproduce the issue

  1. Click on Upload button on "Purchase Order" page.
  2. Upload a file.
  3. Click on Upload button again & this time instead of uploading a file. Click on "Cancel" button.
  4. Check console for errors.

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Additional information

Pre-select facility entered from PO CSV

If the CSV that was uploaded has one facility ID, the drop down should pre-populate with the uploaded facility.

If the uploaded CSV has multiple facilities then the selector should show "Multiple"

User should be blocked from review action if the file is not uploaded

Steps to navigate to perform review action

  1. Login into application
    OMS: dev-apps
    Username: aaron.wagner
    password: Aaron@123
  2. Click on Review button without uploading the file and selecting the fields


Currently, user is navigated to Purchase Order details page

Review button should be disabled till file is not uploaded and all fields are not selected

Update locale file to add static text

Current behavior

Some of the static text is not added in translation file, thus giving warnings related to translation not found.

Expected behavior

There should not be any warning on console for static text

Steps to reproduce the issue

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Additional information

Some of the missing text are:

  • View
  • Upload purchase order
  • Make sure all the data you have entered is correct and only pre-order or backorder items are selected
  • cancel

Also check for any other missing text.

SAVE MAPPING button saves empty mapping when file not uploaded

Current behavior

If we don not upload a file and enter some mapping name & save it, it saves in the mapping list, which is not useful.

Expected behavior

SAVE MAPPING button should save mapping only if

  1. File is uploaded
  2. All field mappings are mapped
  3. A mapping name is entered

Steps to reproduce the issue

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Additional information

Implement logic to make missing sku modal functional

What is the motivation for adding/enhancing this feature?

Missing Products Modal helps users to correct missing/wrong product SKU codes. User can select one SKU code at a time, the selected SKU code would appear in the input box letting user edit or rewrite the SKU code. Once done, user can update the SKU code. Once the user press the Update button, API will take the input and also fetch the product SKU code from the product information database. Following, there will be two results scenarios:

  1. If SKU codes match, input is valid and product will move to the completed tab.
  2. If SKU codes do not match, input is invalid and user must put the different SKU code. Note: User can abandon correcting the one SKU code and might move to other incorrect SKU code.

What are the acceptance criteria?

  • ...

Can you complete this feature request by yourself?

  • YES
  • NO

Additional information

Alert on uploading PO to OMS

Current behavior

When uploading a purchase order, an alert is displayed.

Screenshot from 2022-11-16 18-29-42

Expected behavior

The alert should not be displayed when uploading purchase order, it should navigate directly to PO page.

Steps to reproduce the issue

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Additional information

Use oms-api axios api and client method

What is the motivation for adding/enhancing this feature?

What are the acceptance criteria?

  • ...

Can you complete this feature request by yourself?

  • YES
  • NO

Additional information

Toast overlapping in PO review page on order buffer over flow

Current behavior

If order buffer is greater than or equal to the quantity of any item, then we display a toast the states the quantity of items is set to 1.
and also a default toast that says changes have been applied successfully.

One toast overlaps over the another.

Screenshot from 2023-02-03 12-05-07

Expected behavior

Steps to reproduce the issue

  1. log into the application.
  2. Upload a CSV
  3. Click on bulk adjustment
  4. Set the value or order buffer greater then the quantity of any item.
  5. Click on save

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Additional information

Optimize code to improving readability and consistancy

Current behavior

  1. When uploading a file we are storing the file content's in a variable which is an array of object, and when accessing that variable we are always accessing 0th index of it to use the file's content which will be difficult to handle. So when storing the file content in the variable we can save the 0th index so everytime when accessing it, we don't need to explicitly define the index.

  2. In areAllFieldsSelected method we are using every method to check for un-selected values when mapping, but we can simply use some method and revert its logic.

Expected behavior

Steps to reproduce the issue

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Additional information

Error in console when login and logout

Current behavior

When logout/login then having errors in console related to reading undefined/null.


Expected behavior

There should not be any error in any case.

Steps to reproduce the issue

  1. Open app and login, and see the errors in console
  2. Logout from the app and see the errors in console

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Additional information

User should not be able to select a mapping before uploading a file

Current behavior

If we have some saved mapping, and file is not uploaded, we can still select a mapping which does not have any effect.

Expected behavior

User should not be able to select a mapping before uploading a file.

Steps to reproduce the issue

  • Login into the app
  • Select a mapping from available mappings before uploading a file and verify

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Additional information

Open external links in new tab and update date format on click of save button

Current behavior

When clickin Go to oms or any other external link then those links open in the same tab. Also when changing the date format the sample does not update.

Expected behavior

  • All external links should be open in new tab
  • Sample date format should be updated on clicking save button

Steps to reproduce the issue

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Additional information

Add Support for multiple POs

What is the motivation for adding/enhancing this feature?

Currently the import app can only accept POs with single PoId.
Add support for multiple POs

Sample csv :
DM12234_SUMPO111111 (1).csv

What are the acceptance criteria?

  • ...

Can you complete this feature request by yourself?

  • YES
  • NO

Additional information

Order buffer should be set using percentage

What is the motivation for adding/enhancing this feature?

What are the acceptance criteria?

  • Order Buffer should accept percentage value

Can you complete this feature request by yourself?

  • YES
  • NO

Additional information

Create new mapping should not show currently selected mapping name

Current behavior

When applying any mapping, the selected mapping name should not be set to Create new mapping input field.
This could be confusing if we are allowed to update the currently selected mapping.

Expected behavior

It should only reflect in drop down.

Steps to reproduce the issue

  1. Upload any file
  2. Select any mapping from dropdown

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