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traderforpoe's Introduction


The tool is currently not in development

This tool makes trading in Path of Exile easy.

It parses all incoming and outgoing trade whispers and shows a notification with usefull buttons.

Getting Started


  • Monitors the clipboard for trade whispers
  • Supports and
  • Show ratio when trading currency
  • Small (1,75 MB)
  • Standalone
  • Fast startup


Download here: TraderForPoe Releases



What things you need to run the sofware?

  • .NET Framework 4.6.1
  • Display mode has to be windowed or windowed fullscreen


Just download the .exe file and execute.


This project is licensed under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE 3.0 - see the LICENSE file for details

traderforpoe's People


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traderforpoe's Issues

[Suggestion] A few improvements

I looked at the code and I recommend a code cleanup with ReSharper. And I noticed that you saved Top as X and Left as Y in the settings. It should be the other way around (At MainWindow.xaml.cs line 488).

Settings.Default.WindowLocation = new System.Drawing.Point((int)this.Top, (int)this.Left);

Overall I like the program, but found a few possible improvements:

Smaller improvements

  • Pop up the settings window on first start instead of the dialog box
  • Browse button for the Client.txt selection in settings (Microsoft.Win32.OpenFileDialog)
  • When buying item make the stash button non-clickable (preventing the "is it a quad stash?" message)
  • When the game not in foreground hide the visible windows

New features

  • Option to grow upwards (to make it possible to place the window on the bottom right)

[Suggestion] Show Time Since Notification Popped Up

Add time since the trade offer came in to the notification panel. Using format 0-59s, or 1-59m, or 1-24h.

i.e. 25s, 15m, 2h, etc.

See attached example of where this might be placed after item name (note: stretched width of notification to 500 for this).


HighDPI Scaling.


first of all, this app is the best ever for trade on PoE. Honestly, it's light and powerful.

But i have a problem with stash highlight, i play in 1080p, but my desktop is scaled by a factor of 125%. I can say to pathofexile.exe to keep the application scaling settings (and not the system one) in compatibility screen (property of .exe).

But it's not working for TraderForPoe, it always use the scaling setting of the desktop no matter what, wich is neat for buttons as they are bigger, but stash highlight is not calibrated for it, and highlight wrong location.

Could we have a scaling option (like -scalingfactor=1.0), or a manual resolution option, or just could the app work with the compatibility option of windows.

Thanks very much !

Quad Tabs List In Settings Is Not Updated When New Tab Is Added

As the title says, the Quad Tabs list in the settings is not updated in real time when a new tab is added to the list.

When you click a tab name of an event and add it as a quad tab it should show up immediately in the settings when you open them (or if the settings are already open if possible).

Currently they only show up after restarting the app.


Great tool!

Two suggestions:

  1. Make the window stay around even if you whisper, or say thank you. Currently it disappears, and you have to go back to the history to find the whisper.
  2. Have it kick them or remove you from party when you say thank you, a combined feature.


All actions close active TraderForPoe sessions

When I click any button on TraderForPoe, it closes. Even when I have the setting unchecked for 'Remove Item After Trade' the window still closes after I press a button for thanks or kick from party.

I am rolled back to version 1.8 that does not have this problem and it's working fine. Unchecked the setting to check for updates and seems to be OK for now.

Buttons do not work

Wanted to give this a try. It detects trades correctly, but non of the buttons work, cannot invite, reply etc etc. Ideas for a fix?

[Suggestion] Add A "Check For Update" Option To The Right-click Menu Of System Tray Icon

As a way for users to check if there is an updated version of the app, you should add an option to check for updates to the right-click menu (currently has Stop Monitoring, Settings, About, Exit) of the system tray icon.

At some point it would probably be a good idea to make it automatically check for updates periodically and notify the user when there is a newer version with some way to get the update (a link or auto).

[Suggestion] Check for updates automatically

Have it check on startup and then periodically (once a day) check for a new version and alert the user with the popup asking if they want to update.

If they select no then dont ask them again until a newer version is available (to avoid annoying people with too many alerts if they are happy with their current version).

[Suggestion] Showing Settings window

  1. When double clicking on the application, show the settings window.
  2. When showing the settings window, bring it to focus. I was sometimes able to get the window to not be the top most window and focused when I was loading the settings on my second monitor.

[Suggestion] Enlarge Buttons

Widen notification to 500px, enlarge buttons by 5px each, and add 4px margin between buttons.

Note: Would also be nice to be able to customize the size of notifications/buttons/etc at some point.



It displays only a portion of the code when pasted into github as 'code' so here's a zip.


Detecting foreign languages.

Hello !

Ok, this seems to be dead right now, but i have to admit this is the best trade companion ever. So i will ask, and hope for an update. Could you add the detection for other language messages, it's so annoying to have to do it manually, i tried other companion, honestly they sucks, i love this one.

Here are an example of the same item whisp in differents languages :

@charname Olá, eu gostaria de comprar o seu item Ponta do Ferro Gélido Adaga Ezomita listado por 129 chaos na Metamorph (aba do baú: "Vente 1"; posição: esquerda 12, topo 2)
@charname Здравствуйте, хочу купить у вас Острие холодного железа Кинжал эзомита за 129 chaos в лиге Метаморф (секция "Vente 1"; позиция: 12 столбец, 2 ряд)
@charname สวัสดี, เราต้องการจะชื้อของคุณ Cold Iron Point Ezomyte Dagger ใน ราคา 129 chaos ใน Metamorph (stash tab "Vente 1"; ตำแหน่ง: ซ้าย 12, บน 2)
@charname Hi, ich möchte 'Gehärtete Eisenspitze Ezomytendolch' zum angebotenen Preis von 129 chaos in der Metamorph-Liga kaufen (Truhenfach "Vente 1"; Position: 12 von links, 2 von oben)
@charname Bonjour, je souhaiterais t'acheter Pointe de fer brut Dague ézomyte pour 129 chaos dans la ligue Metamorph (onglet de réserve "Vente 1" ; 12e en partant de la gauche, 2e en partant du haut)
@charname Hola, quisiera comprar tu Filo de hierro frío Daga Ezomita listado por 129 chaos en Metamorph (pestaña de alijo "Vente 1"; posición: izquierda12, arriba 2)
@charname 안녕하세요, 변형(보관함 탭 "Vente 1", 위치: 왼쪽 12, 상단 2)에 129 chaos(으)로 올려놓은 날붙이 끝(Cold Iron Point) 에조미어 단검을(를) 구매하고 싶습니다
@charname Hi, I would like to buy your Cold Iron Point Ezomyte Dagger listed for 129 chaos in Metamorph (stash tab "Vente 1"; position: left 12, top 2)

Note that Korean language seems to be in a different order, that should break the matches.

Please answer if you are still alive, reborn this, it was the best !

Offerings (Currency) Do Not Trigger Event

<W+W2> ClawofApocalypse: Hi, I'd like to buy your 4 chaos for my 1 offering in Bestiary.

The above message did not trigger an event.

Searching TraderForPoe/Classes/TradeItem.cs there is no entry for Offerings to the Goddess.

Stash item highlighting

after about 1-2 hours of using stash highlighting doesnt come up. i cant for sure say how to track it or how to reproduce but each day i have to right click on tray restart for it to help me locate items again

Keyboard support

Hey, any plans on adding hotkey support? If you aren't currently working on it I could do some initial work.

UI Suggestions

Using this app to replace abandoned MecruryTrade, but have a big wishlist regarding UI...

  1. Bigger UI. Buttons are very small and cluttered. Having to be very precise when clicking buttons isn't fun.
  2. More buttons. I almost have all buttons that I need, but not quite. For example, I want "I'm in Lab" button. I use separate buttons for "thx" when buying and selling (+"sold"), so I have no space for "in lab".
  3. Preview mode so I can position window when I have no incoming trades available.
  4. Reversed positioning mode when new messages go up, not down.
  5. Better order of buttons: Invite → Find → Trade → Thx → Kick...
  6. Whois button could be useful sometimes.
  7. Maybe option to choose custom icons for [1] & [2] buttons.

Ignore button

Is there a possibility to add an ignore button? would be such a QOL for a lot of people

[Suggestion] Option to Swap Leave Group and Kick Player shortcuts

Right now the Leave Group/Kick Player button behavior is:

Left click - Leave Group
Right click - Kick Player

I would like it if there was an option in the settings to swap these two shortcuts so that left click would kick the player and right click would leave the group, if the player chose that in the settings menu.

[Suggestion] Change Player Name Color When They Join/Leave Hideout

Give a visual indicator of when a certain player has joined or left your hideout by changing the color of the players name.

Suggested colors: light grey before player joins, [currently] white when they join, light grey when they leave.

Following is log file entries for joining and leaving hideout:

2017/05/03 01:36:28 98304328 951 [INFO Client 4372] : Fookn_Witcha has joined the area.
2017/05/03 01:37:14 98349875 951 [INFO Client 4372] : Fookn_Witcha has left the area.

Edit: Player name color is actually white currently, I had said red incorrectly.

essences and some divination cards do not showup

as in title.
@xloctis_Z Hi, I would like to buy your Deafening Essence of Anguish listed for 3 chaos in Incursion (stash tab "E"; position: left 76, top 1)
will not produce trade notification

[Suggestion] For the 2.0 Release

For the 2.0 release I suggest...

  • Update the list of features on the GitHub intro page to better reflect all the capabilities of TraderForPoe
  • Make a post on the PoE Forums detailing the app and all its features. This will also give users a central place to discuss the app and get info/ask questions/make suggestions.
  • Make a new post on reddit to hype the app some more ahead of PoE 3.3.0 Incursion League

Great work, thank you for all you've done to make TraderForPoe the app it is today! ;)

Stack msges from bottom up

Hi, I just started using this tool because mecurytrade is kinda buggy. But I'm missing some features that make me go back to mercurytrade.

Is it possible to make the next msg appear above the previous one?
I like to have the window at the bottom of my screen.

If someone spam whispers you, which happens a lot when you sell maps, the tool shows all the separate msges. It would be nice if you can ignore the duplicated msges or group them all under the same thingy.

Issues with comma in with their new search field

When I click the copy item name to stash search field it will type something like: Bla Bla, Ghastly Eye Jewel

The comma in the search line does not function anymore and cancels out the search. So I have to remove the "," for the search to show the item in the stash. Could you please remove the comma or find a better way to copy item to stash search field?

Thank you, me and the guild love your program :)

Would love to see trade option on both sent and received.

Was not sure where to post this as its not really an issue, and I do not know what pull requests are. Would love to see the (/trade "player") on both the sent messages and the received messages, as far as I know now its not possible to engage a trade if you send a person a trade message after entering their hideout, I would have to right click them in the upper left then click trade.


OpenClipboard Failed Error and Code fix.

If you do a lot of copying, you will get a known .NET error stating OpenClipboard Failed (Exception from HRESULT: 0x800401D0 (CLIPBRD_E_CANT_OPEN)). I updated private void ClipMoni_OnClipboardContentChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) to string strClipboard = GetClipboardText();

And added the function

    private string GetClipboardText ()
        string strClipboard = string.Empty;

        for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                strClipboard = Clipboard.GetText(TextDataFormat.UnicodeText);
                return strClipboard;
            catch (System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException ex)
                //fix for OpenClipboard Failed (Exception from HRESULT: 0x800401D0 (CLIPBRD_E_CANT_OPEN))
                if (ex.ErrorCode == -2147221040)
                    throw new Exception("Unable to get Clipboard text.");

        return strClipboard;

[Bug] Upgrading = All Settings Lost Still

When you skip one or more versions, all settings are lost due to it only checking for the last version's settings when upgrading.

Perhaps a loop starting at last version and going backwards checking for the most recent settings to upgrade from?

Note: I still think changing it to where the settings are in a static location instead of putting the settings in a version specific folder is a better idea though.

Edit: After researching the Settings.Upgrade() method in C# I understand why the above note is difficult at best - the whole system is designed up utilize versioning. Sigh.

[Suggestion] Trade With Seller for outgoing panel

I LOVE this program for trading in PoE. I experimented with this, MercuryTrade, and PoE Trades Companion, but I prefer this for sure. However, this program is missing one thing (in my opinion). The outgoing panel has shortcuts for everything you need to do during a trade, except for initiating a trade with a seller. I understand some people view the buyer initiating a trade as a bad thing, but I think it is personal preference and a lot of people enjoy when a buyer initiates. I think it would be nice to have the option to choose a trade initiation shortcut.

[Suggestion] Alpha/opacity slider

It would be very helpful if there was an Alpha or Opacity slider in the settings so that I can set my panels to be slightly see-through.

[Suggestion] Make PoeForTrade Check Both Locations For Client.txt

PoeForTrade currently defaults to the steam location to find Client.txt. To ensure there is no error for other users who don't use steam, on first run you should make it check for the file in both the steam directory and also in:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Grinding Gear Games\Path of Exile\logs\Client.txt

and update the setting according to whichever it finds first. I would check the above location first because in the case where they have both installed for some reason I think its reasonable to assume they probably use the stand-alone version (?).

[Suggestion] History List

This is a big one I know. But it would be nice to have a list of previously (different colored) received/sent trade requests.

Perhaps another option in the context menu under the system tray icon.

Each history entry in the list would contain player name, item name, league, price, and a button to 'restore notification'.

Also, there should be a button (or checkboxes?) to allow for deleting history entries.

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