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magiccrates's Introduction


Add customizable crates to your server.

  • Add as many crate types as you want
  • Item and command rewards
  • Open crates with a nice animation
  • In-game preview menu with the crate contents including the rarity of each item
  • Dynamic rewards
  • Customies support


How to use

Commands and permissions

Command aliases: /magiccrates, /mc

Command Description Permission Default
/magiccrates MagicCrates Command magiccrates.cmd True
/magiccrates receive Receive all your unreceived rewards magiccrates.cmd.receive True
/magiccrates receive show Show all rewards you have not yet received True
/magiccrates create Toggle crate Create mode magiccrates.cmd.create OP
/magiccrates remove Toggle crate Remove mode magiccrates.cmd.remove OP
/magiccrates key <crate_type> [amount] [player] Give a crate key to a player magiccrates.cmd.key OP
/magiccrates key all <crate_type> [amount] Give a crate key to all the online players magiccrates.cmd.key.all OP
/magiccrates reward set <crate_type> <player> <reward> <amount> Set the amount of times a reward is received magiccrates.cmd.reward.set OP
/magiccrates reward reset crate <crate_type> Reset the amount of times all rewards from the crate are received magiccrates.cmd.reward.reset OP
/magiccrates reward reset reward <crate_type> <reward> Reset the amount of times a reward is received from a crate type magiccrates.cmd.reward.reset OP
/magiccrates reward reset player <player> [crate_type] [reward] Reset the amount of times a player has received rewards from crates magiccrates.cmd.reward.reset OP

Create a new crate

  1. Use the command /mc create
  2. Click on the chest where you want your crate. (double chests do not work)
  3. Select the crate type in the dropdown menu and click Submit.
  4. Click save crate

Remove an existing crate

You can remove crates with a command:

  1. Use the command /mc remove
  2. Click on the crate you want to delete
  3. Click Delete crate

You can also remove crates by breaking the crate:

  1. Destroy a crate
  2. Click Delete crate

Create a crate key

You can only open crates by using a crate key. Each crate type has its own key.
You can create keys using the command /mc key <crate_type> [amount] [player]
When you have a crate key, you can open the matching crate by clicking on the crate.


All crates from the same Crate Type have the exact same content, and when opening a crate of a certain type, a random reward will be given to the player.

Crate Types

You can customize or add your own crates in crate_types.json.

Crate Rewards

In a crate type, you can specify multiple rewards. However, not every reward will behave the same.
Normal rewards have a static amount of them in the crate which results in a fixed probability of getting the item.
However, you can also create Dynamic rewards. The probability and amount of getting these rewards depends on the amount of times the reward has been received by the player or all players.
Crate rewards have to be added in crate_types.json, and there you can find more information about creating the rewards.


  • version - [DO NOT TOUCH] The version of the config file
  • delay - The delay in ticks before the crate-opening animation starts
  • prefix - The prefix in front of all messages the plugin sends
  • key - The item that should be used for the key.
  • show-crate-info - If players are able to see the contents of a crate, when clicking on a crate without a key
  • show-reward-info - If players are able to see the detailed information of a crate reward, when clicking on a reward in the crate info form.
  • database - Settings for the libasynql database


The key follows the same structure as the crate reward items.
The only difference is that the name of the item supports some parameters to distinguish keys for different crate types

  • prefix - The prefix defined in prefix in the config.yml
  • crate - The name of the crate type
  • crate_id - The ID of the crate type Further information about parameters can be found here.

Default values

version: 1
delay: 20
prefix: §r[§6Magic§cCrates§r]

  id: minecraft:paper
  name: §r[§6Crate §cKey§r] §e{crate}
    - §r[§6Magic§cCrates§r]
    - name: unbreaking
      level: 1

show-crate-info: true
show-reward-info: true

  type: sqlite
    file: data.sqlite
    username: root
    password: ""
    schema: your_schema
  worker-limit: 1


List of the most important changes in v3.x


  • + Implemented a database using libasynql
  • + Moved the contents of the JSON files crates.json and rewarded_players.json to the database tables Crates and Rewards respectively
  • + Added a Migrator to migrate all old JSON files to the database
  • + Added support to recover rewards when a player's inventory is full or the player logged out before the end of the animation using unreceived rewards.


  • + Added reward id's
  • + Added dynamic rewards
  • + Added keyall command
  • + Improved the crate opening animation
    • The chest will now open, and a sound will be played
    • If there are multiple items inside the reward, all items will hover out of the chest
    • Command only rewards will now display a command block as item
  • | Deprecated rewards without ID's
  • - Removed crate type yaml->json conversion for plugins before 2.2.1


  • In-game UI for managing crate types




Permission Description Default
magiccrates.cmd Access to the /magiccrates command OP
magiccrates.cmd.create Access to the /magiccrates create command OP
magiccrates.cmd.remove Access to the /magiccrates remove command OP
magiccrates.cmd.key Access to the /magiccrates key command OP
magiccrates.cmd.key.all Access to the /magiccrates keyall command OP
magiccrates.break.remove Permission to remove a crate by breaking it OP

Crate Types

The crate_types.json file contains all crate types, including the rewards. You can find all the specifications about how to create your own custom crate types below.

If there is something wrong with the file (e.g. invalid json, a type is missing required values, or invalid data values are given) the plugin will notify you in the server console on startup indicating what went wrong, so that you can fix the error.

Crate Types

The basic structure in crate_types.json is defined like the following:

  "<type_id>": "CrateType",

You can add as many crate types (<type_id>: CrateType) to this file as you need, but every CrateType needs an ID!

Crate Type

  // the name shown above the crate
  "name": "string",
  // the crate rewards
  "rewards": "CrateReward[]",
  //  commands executed after a player opened the crate
  "commands": "Command[]",
  // [optional] a reward or reward id that should be used as the replacement reward
  "replacement": "CrateReward|string"

The replacement defined in the CrateType is used as a global replacer for all DynamicCrateReward's (unless there is a replacement specified in the DynamicCrateReward).

Registration of Crate Rewards

Since v3.0.0, it is possible to register crate rewards with unique ID's. It is recommended to use unique ID's as those will prevent issues which can occur when renaming dynamic rewards without ID.
But because all versions before 3.0.0 do not make use of this system, I decided to make it backwards compatible until v4.0.0 releases.


  "rewards": {
    "<reward_id>": "CrateReward",

Deprecated: (will be removed in v4.0.0)

  "rewards": [


A command is a string representing the command you want the CONSOLE to execute, but it is possible to include some parameters in the command.

Command Parameters

to use the parameter, include {<parameter>} in the string.

parameter description
prefix The prefix defined in the config.yml
player The name of the player that opened the crate
crate The name of the crate type that was opened
crate_id The ID of the crate type that was opened
reward The name of the reward the player received
reward_id The id of the reward the player received

A Command will look something like this: "say {player} received {reward} from a {crate}".
Executing this command will result in say Hebbinkpro received Unique Diamond from a Rare Crate when Hebbinkpro opened a Rare Crate and won a Unique Diamond.

Crate Reward

This is the data structure of a CrateReward

  // name of the reward
  "name": "string",
  // amount of this reward inside the crate.
  "amount": "int",
  // the item(s) the player gets
  "items": "Item[]",
  // commands executed when the player wins this reward
  "commands": "string[]",
  // [optional] path/url to an image that will be displayed in the crate UI
  "icon": "string"

At least one item or command should be given

This is the data structure of a DynamicCrateReward

  // name of the reward
  "name": "string",
  // [optional] amount of this reward inside the crate.
  "amount": "int",
  // [optional] maximum amount of this reward the player can get
  "player_max": "int",
  // [optional] maximum amount of this reward that can be awarded server wide
  "global_max": "int",
  // [optional] amount of the replacement reward inside the crate
  "replace_amount": "int",
  // [optional] if the reward should be replaced by a replacment reward when the maximum is reached
  "replace": "bool",
  // the item(s) the player gets
  "items": "Item[]",
  // commands executed when the player wins this reward
  "commands": "string[]",
  // [optional] path/url to an image that will be displayed in the crate UI
  "icon": "string",
  // [optional] a reward or reward id that should be used as the replacement reward
  "replacement": "CrateReward|string"

The dynamic reward is a more complex version of the default reward.

  • The player_max AND/OR global_max should be specified (>0), otherwise it is a normal CrateReward
  • If amount is given, the amount will be used for the reward distribution, otherwise the amount of times the player is allowed to get the reward will be used.
  • If replace_amount is given, this is used for the max amount of replacements
  • If replace is false, the reward will not be replaced
  • If replacement is given, this will be used as the replacement for the reward
  • If no amount is specified, there will be some of the replacement reward inside the crate based upon the amount of times the player has received the reward.

WARNING You can only use a normal CrateReward as a replacement reward.


Icons are used for the UI when you interact with a crate without a key. In this UI, all items available in the chest are displayed with their icon.
By default, the icon of the rewarded item will be displayed, but you can customize this by providing an url.
You can use minecraft textures, in this case you only have to provide the path that points to a texture inside the texture pack (e.g. textures/items/diamond or textures/blocks/dirt)


This is the data structure of an Item inside a CrateReward.
Items registered using Customies are also supported, but make sure you identify them correctly.

  // id of the item (e.g. minecraft:dirt or customies:example)
  "id": "string",
  // [optional] custom name of the item
  "name": "string",
  // [optional] amount of the item the player will receive
  "amount": "int",
  // [optional] add one or more lines of lore to the item
  "lore": "string | string[]",
  // [optional] list of enchantments applied to the item
  "enchantments": "Enchantment | Enchantment[]"


This is the data structure of an Enchantment inside an Item

  // name of the enchantment
  "name": "string",
  // level of the enchantment
  "level": "int"

Note: The enchantment name should be registered in PMMP, otherwise the crate type will not be loaded

Example Crate Types

Common Crate

  "common": {
    "name": "§cCommon §6Crate",
    "rewards": {
      "iron": {
        "name": "Common Iron",
        "amount": 5,
        "item": {
          "id": "iron_ingot"
      "dirt": {
        "name": "Dirt",
        "amount": 15,
        "item": {
          "id": "dirt",
          "amount": 2

If a player opens this crate:

  • In this common crate are 5x iron and 15x dirt
  • The total amount of rewards inside the crate is 20.
  • The probability of getting iron is 5/20 * 100% = 25%

Rare Crate

  "rare": {
    "name": "§bRare §6Crate",
    "rewards": {
      "diamond": {
        "name": "Unique Diamond",
        "global_max": 1,
        "replacement": "dirt",
        "item": {
          "id": "diamond",
          "name": "Unique Diamond",
          "amount": 1,
          "lore": "The only Unique Diamond available in the server",
          "enchantments": [
              "name": "efficiency",
              "level": 1
        "commands": [
          "msg {player} you are the only player in the server with this diamond."
      "dirt": {
        "name": "Dirt",
        "amount": 9,
        "item": {
          "id": "dirt",
          "amount": 2
    "commands": [
      "say {player} won {reward} from a {crate} crate"

If a player opens this crate:

  • In this rare crate are 1x diamond and 9x dirt
  • If another user (or self) has already received the diamond, replace the diamond by 1x dirt
    • If there is no amount, or replacement_amount given, global_max or player_max is used
    • So now we have 10x dirt

Magic Crate

  "magic": {
    "name": "§cMagic §6Crate",
    "replacement": "dirt",
    "rewards": {
      "shard": {
        "name": "Magic Shard",
        "player_max": 1,
        "amount": 5,
        "replace_amount": 10,
        "item": {
          "id": "amethyst_shard",
          "name": "Magic Amethyst",
          "amount": 1,
          "lore": "A Shard full of Magic"
        "commands": [
          "msg {player} you have received your only magic shared."
      "dirt": {
        "name": "Dirt",
        "amount": 40,
        "item": {
          "id": "dirt",
          "amount": 2
    "commands": [
      "say {player} won {reward} from a {crate} crate"

If a player opens this crate:

  • In this magic crate are 5x shard and 40x dirt
  • If the player has already received 1x shard, the shard is replaced by 10x dirt (replace_amountx replacement)
    • The crate now contains 50x dirt and no shards

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