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md-padding's Introduction

Markdown Padding

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排版中只有空格不能忍,修复你 Markdown 中缺少的空格:

  • 中英文混排时,中文英文 之间,中文数字 之间添加空格。
  • 特定英文标点 后面添加空格,但 全角标点 前后不加空格。
  • 文字和 行内代码 之间、文字与 链接 之间、文字与 加粗强调删除线 之间添加空格。
  • 会解析生成 Markdown + 自然语言构成的 AST,最大限度解决问题同时避免误处理。

这里 有个例子: 和 之间的 Diff



可以 npm i -g md-padding 后使用,也可以用 npx md-padding

# 输出 格式化后的内容
npx md-padding

还可以接受标准输入(用在管道中),也可以原址(in-place)更改文件。详见 md-padding --help

> npx md-padding --help
md-padding [OPTION]... <FILE>

  --help, -h      Show help                  [boolean]
  --version       Show version number        [boolean]
  --in-place, -i  edit file in place         [boolean]
  --ignore-words, -I  ignore padding within/before/after these words  [string]
  --read-files, -r    read a file list containing one file per line, use empty value to read from STDIN  [string]

  stdout    md-padding
  in-place  md-padding -i
  pipe      cat | md-padding
  ignore-words  cat | md-padding -I '=' '::'
  batch format  cat list.txt | md-padding -r -i
  equivalent w/ md-padding -r list.txt -i

在 Vim 中使用

可以绑定一个快捷键 F6 来修复当前文件:

" 绑一个 Vim Filter
noremap <buffer> <F6> <Esc>:%!npx md-padding<CR>

在 VS Code 中使用

从 Marketplace 安装 Markdown Padding。 打开一个 Markdown 文件后,支持这些操作:

  • Command。打开 命令面板,输入 Markdown Padding 并回车。命令面板 快捷键:
    • Windows:Ctrl + Shift + P
    • Mac:Command + Shift + P
    • Linux:Ctrl + Shift + P
  • Formatting。在编辑器里右键点格式化,或者:
    • Windows:Shift + Alt + F
    • Mac:Shift + Option + F
    • Linux:Ctrl + Shift + I
参数 类型 描述
mdpadding.ignoreWords Array<string> 这些字词内部和前后禁止加空格







代码格式化不是本仓库的功能之一,请使用对应语言的 prettifier。但代码中的注释会被当做 Markdown 正文来格式化,目前支持这些语言的注释:

  • cpp, c, java, javascript, typescript, csharp, go
  • sql
  • bash, python, ruby


有些片段希望保持原状,这时可以用 md-padding-ignore 来包裹起来。

a*b=c, b>1 => a<c

md-padding's People


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md-padding's Issues

是否考虑支持 .mdx 文件


现在很多框架会使用 MD 的扩展文件 MDX 生成文档,里面可能包含少量的特殊语法,但特殊语法是需要内部程序去转换的特殊标记,一般都是固定的英文,也不需要任何处理,但绝大部分内容还是按照 Markdown 语法写的,是否考虑支持这种 .mdx 文件?

我使用的方式是 VS Code 插件,目前检测到 .mdx 文件插件不会生效,建议允许此文件类型生效,可能不能完美处理,但有总比没有好。我目前刚好需要处理很多 MDX 文件。

should be compatible with incorrect code syntax

开发者你好,发现一个 BUG。

对于以下文本,ABC 被三个反引号包裹,很多编辑器会将其解析为单个反引号的 code 语法。



但是由于源码中的以下代码,会将 ABC``` 解析为 lang,导致之后的所有内容都被解析为 codeBody,进而之后的全部文本都会失效

else if (state === state_1.State.BlockCodeLang && str[i] === '\n') {
    codeLang = popMarkdown();
else if (state === state_1.State.BlockCodeBody && c3 === blockCodeDelimiter) {
    resolve(new block_code_1.BlockCode(codeLang, blockCodeDelimiter, (0, parse_code_1.parseCode)(popMarkdown(), codeLang, parse, options)));
    i += 3;



* –––, 2023, “Practicing *ubuntu*,” *The Philosophical Forum*, 54: 143–159. doi:10.1111/phil.12338

会自动在 doi:10.1111 的冒号后加空格,这是 doi 引用规范,不能更改。

对于英文的 Markdown 处理也存在一些问题。会在 *: 符号前后加空格,造成 Markdown 语法识别错误或者影响引用规范。

比如某些数学公式存在比值 ::,例如 4:2::2:11:2

有什么方法能支持识别 `<br />` 等特殊 htmlTag?


|      |                       |
| ---- | --------------------- |
|      | 123<br />456<br />789 |



可见,虽然 123<br />456<br />789 处于同一行,但是用户期望的是换行输出,因此 <br /> 之后不能添加空格。

也就是说,需要识别 htmlTag 的内容,进行特殊处理。


  1. 行内公式前后添加可以空格,因为习惯用Tex形式的字母和数字(😂😂😂)
  2. 目前行内公式的*符号会和外部的加粗,斜体等产生一些空格导致的BUG
其实就类似我们学过的科学计数法,其一般形式为$N = S*r^j$,其中$S$称为**尾数**,$j$称为**阶码**,$r$称为**基值**
其实就类似我们学过的科学计数法,其一般形式为$N = S *r^j$,其中$S$称为* *尾数* *,$j$称为* *阶码* *,$r$称为* *基值**

对英文冒号设置 `--ignore-words` 参数不生效


find "$(pwd)" -type f -name "*.md" | npx md-padding@latest --ignore-words '-' ':' -f --read-files -i


以及对 1:2::2:1类似格式仍然会在第三个冒号后边插入空格。






let s = '天气'

let s = ' = 天气 '


以 `*` 开头的列表会对后边的 `*` 误识别


* –––, 2016, “L’antico Egitto, I suoi monumenti e i suoi idoli nelle riflessioni di un intellettuale musulmano vissuto tra XII e XIII secolo”, in *Pensiero e formazione. Stidi in onore di Giuseppe Micheli*, G. Piaia and G. Zago (eds.), Padova: CLEUP, pp. 171–186.
* –––, 2017, “ “Vi racconterò delle meraviglie che ho veduto con i miei occhi”. Un intellettuale musulmano al tempo del Saladino racconta l’Egitto ” ”, in *Atti e memorie dell’accademia galileiana di scienze, lettere ed arti in Padova*, parte i. atti 129: 43–57.
* –––, 2017a, “God’s Will and the Origin of the World. ‘Abd al-Latif al-Baghdadi’s Sources and Arguments”, *The Muslim World*, 107: 482–495.
* –––, 2017b, “The first ‘Proclean’ section (Chapter 20) of ʻAbd al-Laṭīf al-Baġdādī’s *Book on the Science of Metaphysics*. Is the Pure Good of the Maḥḍ al-ḫayr Aristotle’s First Principle, Intellect in Actuality?”, *Oriens*, 45 (2017), pp. 259–305.
* –––, 2018, “Una parafrasi araba di Metafisica Iota. Il capitolo undicesimo dal Libro sulla scienza della Metafisica di ʻAbd al-Laṭīf al-Baġdādī”, *Studia graeco-arabica*, 8 (2018), pp. 269–286.
* Meyrav, Y., *Themistius’ paraphrase of Aristotle’s Metaphysics 12: a critical Hebrew-Arabic edition of the surviving textual evidence, with an introduction, preliminary studies, and a commentary*, Leiden: Brill.
* Rashed, M., 2004, “Priorité de l’ΕΙΔΟΣ ou du ΓΕΝΟΣ entre Andronicos et Alexandre: vestiges arabes et grecs inédits”, *Arabic Sciences and Philosophy*, 14: 9–63.
* Rosenthal, F., “From Arabic Book and Manuscripts V: A one-volume library of Arabic philosophical and scientific texts in Istanbul”, *Journal of the American Oriental Society* 75 (1955): 14–23.
* Shalem, A., 2015, “Experientia and Auctoritas: ‘Abd Al-Latif al-Bagjdadi’s Kitab Al-Ifada Wa-l-I‘tibar and the Birth of the Critical Gaze, *Muqarnas Online*, 32 (1): 197–212.
* Stern, S.M., 1962, “A Collection of Treatises by ‘Abd al-Latif al-Baghdadi”, *Islamic Studies*, 1(1): 53–70.
* Taylor, R.C., 1981, *The Liber de Causis (Kalam fi mahd al-khayr). A study of Medieval Neoplatonism*, PhD Thesis, Toronto.
* –––, 1982, “Neoplatonic Texts in Turkey: Two Manuscripts Containing Ibn Tufayl’s *Hayy Ibn Yaqzan*, Ibn al-Sid’s *Kitab al-Hada’iq*, Ibn Bajja’s *Ittisal al-‘aql bi-l-insan*, *the Liber de causis* and an Anonymous Neoplatonic *Treatise on Motion*”, *Mélanges de l’Institut Dominican d’Etudes Orientales*, 15: 251–264.
* Toorawa, S.M., 1996, “The educational background of ‘Abd al-Latif al-Baghdadi”, *Muslim Education Quarterly*, 13 (1996), pp. 35–53.
* –––, 1997, Language and male homosocial desire in the autobiography of ‘Abd al-Latif al-Baghdadi (d. 629/1231)”, *Edebiyat. The Journal of Middle Easter Literatures*, 7(1997), pp. 45–59.
* –––, 2001, “The Autobiography of ‘Abd al-Latif al-Baghdadi (1162–1231)”, in *Interpreting the Self. Autobiography in the Arabic Literary Tradition*, D.F. Reynolds (ed.), Berkeley Los Angeles London: University of California Press, pp. 156–164.
* –––, 2004, “A Portrait of ‘Abd al-Latif al-Baghdadi’s Education and Instruction”, in *Law and Education in Medieval Islam. Studies in memory of Professor G. Makdisi*, J.E. Lowry, D.J. Stewart, and S.M. Toorawa (eds.), Oxford: E.J.W. Gibb Memorial Trust Series, pp. 91–109.
* –––, 2004a, “Travel in medieval Islamic World: the Importance of Patronage as illustrated by ‘Abd al-Latif al-Baghdadi (d. 629/1231) (and others littérateurs)”, in *Eastward Bound. Travel and travellers 1050–1550*, R. Allen (ed.), Manchester New York: Manchester University Press, pp. 53–70.
* Van Ess, J., 1966, “Über einige neue Fragmente des Alexander von Aphrodisias und des Proklos in arabischer Übersetzung”, *Der Islam*, 42: 148–68.
* Von Somogyi, J., 1937, “Ein arabischer Bericht über die Tataren im *Ta’rikh al-Islam* von al-Dhahabi”, *Der Islam*, 24(2): 105–130.
* Wiedeman, E., 1907, “Zur Alchemie bei den Arabern”, *Separatabdruck aus dem Journal für praktische Chemie*, 76: 65–123.
* Zimmermann, F.W., 1986, “The Origins of the So-called Theology of Aristotle”, in *Pseudo- Aristotle in the Middle Ages. The Theology and other texts*, J. Kraye, W.F. Ryan, and C.B. Schmitt (eds), London: The Warburg Institute, pp. 110–240.
* –––, 1994, “Proclus Arabus Rides Again”, *Arabic Sciences and Philosophy*, 4: 9–51.


Piaia and G. Zago (eds.), Padova: CLEUP, pp. 171–186.
* –––, 2017, “ “Vi racconterò delle meraviglie che ho veduto con i miei occhi”. Un intellettuale musulmano al tempo del Saladino racconta l’Egitto ” ”, in * Atti e memorie dell’accademia galileiana di scienze, lettere ed arti in Padova*, parte i. atti 129: 43–57.
* –––, 2017a, “God’s Will and the Origin of the World. ‘Abd al-Latif al-Baghdadi’s Sources and Arguments”, * The Muslim World*, 107: 482–495.
* –––, 2017b, “The first ‘Proclean’ section (Chapter 20) of ʻAbd al-Laṭīf al-Baġdādī’s * Book on the Science of Metaphysics *. Is the Pure Good of the Maḥḍ al-ḫayr Aristotle’s First Principle, Intellect in Actuality?”, * Oriens*, 45 (2017), pp. 259–305.
* –––, 2018, “Una parafrasi araba di Metafisica Iota. Il capitolo undicesimo dal Libro sulla scienza della Metafisica di ʻAbd al-Laṭīf al-Baġdādī”, * Studia graeco-arabica*, 8 (2018), pp. 269–286.
* Meyrav, Y., * Themistius’ paraphrase of Aristotle’s Metaphysics 12: a critical Hebrew-Arabic edition of the surviving textual evidence, with an introduction, preliminary studies, and a commentary*, Leiden: Brill.
* Rashed, M., 2004, “Priorité de l’ΕΙΔΟΣ ou du ΓΕΝΟΣ entre Andronicos et Alexandre: vestiges arabes et grecs inédits”, * Arabic Sciences and Philosophy*, 14: 9–63.
* Rosenthal, F., “From Arabic Book and Manuscripts V: A one-volume library of Arabic philosophical and scientific texts in Istanbul”, * Journal of the American Oriental Society* 75 (1955): 14–23.
* Shalem, A., 2015, “Experientia and Auctoritas: ‘Abd Al-Latif al-Bagjdadi’s Kitab Al-Ifada Wa-l-I‘tibar and the Birth of the Critical Gaze, * Muqarnas Online*, 32 (1): 197–212.
* Stern, S.M., 1962, “A Collection of Treatises by ‘Abd al-Latif al-Baghdadi”, * Islamic Studies*, 1(1): 53–70.
* Taylor, R.C., 1981, * The Liber de Causis (Kalam fi mahd al-khayr). A study of Medieval Neoplatonism*, PhD Thesis, Toronto.
* –––, 1982, “Neoplatonic Texts in Turkey: Two Manuscripts Containing Ibn Tufayl’s * Hayy Ibn Yaqzan *, Ibn al-Sid’s * Kitab al-Hada’iq *, Ibn Bajja’s * Ittisal al-‘aql bi-l-insan *, * the Liber de causis * and an Anonymous Neoplatonic * Treatise on Motion *”, * Mélanges de l’Institut Dominican d’Etudes Orientales*, 15: 251–264.
* Toorawa, S.M., 1996, “The educational background of ‘Abd al-Latif al-Baghdadi”, * Muslim Education Quarterly*, 13 (1996), pp. 35–53.
* –––, 1997, Language and male homosocial desire in the autobiography of ‘Abd al-Latif al-Baghdadi (d. 629/1231)”, * Edebiyat. The Journal of Middle Easter Literatures*, 7(1997), pp. 45–59.
* –––, 2001, “The Autobiography of ‘Abd al-Latif al-Baghdadi (1162–1231)”, in * Interpreting the Self. Autobiography in the Arabic Literary Tradition*, D.F. Reynolds (ed.), Berkeley Los Angeles London: University of California Press, pp. 156–164.
* –––, 2004, “A Portrait of ‘Abd al-Latif al-Baghdadi’s Education and Instruction”, in * Law and Education in Medieval Islam. Studies in memory of Professor G. Makdisi*, J.E. Lowry, D.J. Stewart, and S.M. Toorawa (eds.), Oxford: E.J.W. Gibb Memorial Trust Series, pp. 91–109.
* –––, 2004a, “Travel in medieval Islamic World: the Importance of Patronage as illustrated by ‘Abd al-Latif al-Baghdadi (d. 629/1231) (and others littérateurs)”, in * Eastward Bound. Travel and travellers 1050–1550*, R. Allen (ed.), Manchester New York: Manchester University Press, pp. 53–70.
* Van Ess, J., 1966, “Über einige neue Fragmente des Alexander von Aphrodisias und des Proklos in arabischer Übersetzung”, * Der Islam*, 42: 148–68.
* Von Somogyi, J., 1937, “Ein arabischer Bericht über die Tataren im * Ta’rikh al-Islam * von al-Dhahabi”, * Der Islam*, 24(2): 105–130.
* Wiedeman, E., 1907, “Zur Alchemie bei den Arabern”, * Separatabdruck aus dem Journal für praktische Chemie*, 76: 65–123.
* Zimmermann, F.W., 1986, “The Origins of the So-called Theology of Aristotle”, in * Pseudo- Aristotle in the Middle Ages. The Theology and other texts*, J. Kraye, W.F. Ryan, and C.B. Schmitt (eds), London: The Warburg Institute, pp. 110–240.
* –––, 1994, “Proclus Arabus Rides Again”, * Arabic Sciences and Philosophy*, 4: 9–51.

如图,以 * 开头的列表会对后边的 * 误识别:



如果需要处理大量不同路径的文本,目前我用的管道命令效率太低,现在默认的管道命令我用起来不支持参数 - i (也可能是我不会用),我现在是这么用的:

find "$(pwd)" -type f -name "*.md" | xargs -I {} npx mdp -i {}

这样效率太低了,需要十几分钟才能处理完 2000+ 文本。



should recognize UnorderedListItem with * prefix in blockquote

开发者你好,发现一个 BUG。


> * **测试**

因为 md-padding 并没有解析 blockquote,而是讨巧的把 > 解析为 Punctuation,因此,会把第一和第二个星号解析为斜体,但是其本意应该为一个无序列表:

  • 测试






还有,关于数组的访问为什么也加了空格呀,这个可不可以做成一个配置,比如我只在代码写 "[" ,正文一般不用这种括号,所以我不需要在我的 "[" 前面加空格,看能不能提供白名单功能







* Gonzalo Maeso, D., 1971, “La Judería de Soria y el Rabino José Albo”, *Misceláneade Estudios Arabes y Hebraicos*, 20 (2): 119–141.


* Gonzalo Maeso, D., 1971, “La Juder í a de Soria y el Rabino Jos é Albo”, *Miscel á neade Estudios Arabes y Hebraicos*, 20 (2): 119–141.
* Tänzer, A., 1896, *Die Religionsphilosophie Josef Albo’s nach seinem werke ‘Ikkarim’: Systematisch Dragestellt und Erläutert*, Frankfurt a.M.: Kauffmann.


* T ä nzer, A., 1896, *Die Religionsphilosophie Josef Albo’s nach seinem werke ‘Ikkarim’: Systematisch Dragestellt und Erl ä utert*, Frankfurt a.M.: Kauffmann.
# 萨克森的阿尔伯特 Albert of Saxony (Joél Biard)


# 萨克森的阿尔伯特 Albert of Saxony (Jo é l Biard)

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Good luck with your project ✨

Your semantic-release bot 📦🚀



    var a = 1;

console.log(a); //这里的a,指的是区块里的a

vscode MPE 图片导入语句格式化后失败问题

使用 vscode MPE(Markdown Preview Enhanced) 插件的导入图片并设置大小。
@import "image.png" {width="300px" alt="image"}
经过 md padding 格式化之后,由于在width 和 alt 之后加了一个空格,变成了
@import "image.png" {width = "300px" alt = "image"}

还有表示文件名的 "image.png" 中如果有中文的话,也会导致文件路径改变 ,而文件找不到。

should recognize blockCode nested in UnorderedList correctly

开发者你好,发现一个 BUG。

当代码块嵌套于无序列表时,代码块将会解析错误,导致后续的文本都被视为 code body。


- ```js
- 前word后


前word后 没有正确 padding。

对picture resize 的错误格式化

你好,最近使用了阁下的vscode版的格式化插件,大多场合下都能顺利工作,但是当在picture后引入resize参数后,格式化将导致resize 失效,如:
![ ](test.png){width=8cm}
格式化后 (resize不起作用)
![ ](test.png){width = 8 cm}


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