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FUSEE Setup and Performance Testing

This project details the process of setting up and testing FUSEE (Fully Memory-Disaggregated Key-Value Store) on multiple nodes, using Infiniband for network communication and YCSB workloads for benchmarking. The setup focuses on efficient memory usage, hugepages, and performance tests for latency and throughput.

Node Information

The following nodes are used for testing:

  • inv03: Client node 1
  • inv05: Client node 2
  • inv06: Server node 1
  • inv07: Server node 2

Initial Setup (Single Node)

Assume that the directory /home/hjang/storage/FUSEE is shared across all nodes.

  1. Navigate to the setup directory and run the environment preparation script:

    cd setup
  2. If installing Miniforge on a single node, you will be prompted to accept the license and confirm the installation location. Follow these instructions:

    Do you accept the license terms? [yes|no] 
    => yes
    Mambaforge will now be installed into this location:
    - Press ENTER to confirm the location
    => ENTER
    You can undo this by running `conda init --reverse $SHELL`? [yes|no]
    => yes
  3. Download the workload:

    cd setup

Package Installation on All Nodes

Run the following commands on each node to install the necessary packages:

cd setup

Note: The installed MLNX_OFED version is MLNX_OFED_LINUX-4.9-, which supports ConnectX-3.

As of MLNX_OFED version v5.1-, the following are no longer supported.
ConnectX-3 Pro
RDMA experimental verbs libraries (mlnx_lib)
To utilize the above devices/libraries, refer to version 4.9 long-term support (LTS).

Infiniband Testing

  1. Run the following tests on inv06 (server) and inv03 (client):

    # inv06 server
    # inv03 client
    ib_send_lat inv06
    ib_atomic_lat inv06
  2. Check for any CPU frequency issues:

    cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu*/cpufreq/scaling_governor

Compile FUSEE on Single Node (inv06)

  1. Compile FUSEE:

    mkdir build && cd build
    /usr/local/bin/cmake ..
    make -j
  2. For debug mode:

    cd ..
    rm -rf build
    mkdir build && cd build
    /usr/local/bin/cmake -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="-D_DEBUG" --build ..
    make -j

Running the Server for Memory Mode (inv06, inv07)

Since the server_config.json and client_config.json files should not be shared across nodes, we will copy the necessary files to /data/hjang, a local directory on each server.

  1. Configure and run the server on inv06:

    sudo su
    echo 7168 > /proc/sys/vm/nr_hugepages
    mkdir -p /data/hjang
    cp -rp /home/hjang/storage/FUSEE/build/ /data/hjang
    cd /data/hjang/build
    cp /home/hjang/storage/FUSEE/server_config1.json /data/hjang/build/server_config.json
    numactl -N 0 -m 0 ./ycsb-test/ycsb_test_server 0 
  2. Configure and run the server on inv07:

    sudo su
    echo 7168 > /proc/sys/vm/nr_hugepages
    mkdir -p /data/hjang
    cp -rp /home/hjang/storage/FUSEE/build/ /data/hjang
    cd /data/hjang/build
    cp /home/hjang/storage/FUSEE/server_config2.json /data/hjang/build/server_config.json
    numactl -N 0 -m 0 ./ycsb-test/ycsb_test_server 1

Server Output Example

  • inv06:

    ===== Starting Server 0 =====
    kv_area_addr: 18000000, block_size: 4000000
    my_sid_: 0, num_memory_: 2
    num_rep_blocks: 26, num_blocks: 26, limit: 90000000
    press to exit
    ===== Ending Server 0 =====
  • inv07:

    ===== Starting Server 1 =====
    kv_area_addr: 18000000, block_size: 4000000
    my_sid_: 1, num_memory_: 2
    num_rep_blocks: 26, num_blocks: 26, limit: 90000000
    press to exit
    ===== Ending Server 1 =====

Running the Client for Computing node (inv03, inv05)

Prepare Client for Computing node (inv03, inv05)

  1. Configure and run the client on inv03:

    sudo su
    echo 2048 > /proc/sys/vm/nr_hugepages
    mkdir -p /data/hjang
    cp -rp /home/hjang/storage/FUSEE/build/ /data/hjang
    cp /home/hjang/storage/FUSEE/client_config1.json /data/hjang/build/client_config.json
    cd /data/hjang/build
  2. Configure and run the client on inv05:

    sudo su
    echo 2048 > /proc/sys/vm/nr_hugepages
    mkdir -p /data/hjang
    cp -rp /home/hjang/storage/FUSEE/build/ /data/hjang
    cp /home/hjang/storage/FUSEE/client_config2.json /data/hjang/build/client_config.json
    cd /data/hjang/build

Micro Latency Test (inv03)

  1. Run the micro latency test:

    mkdir results
    numactl -N 0 -m 0 ./micro-test/latency_test_client ./client_config.json
  2. Results will be saved in the ./results directory.

Micro Throughput Test (inv03, inv05)

Run the micro throughput test simultaneously on inv03 and inv05:

numactl -N 0 -m 0 ./micro-test/micro_test_multi_client ./client_config.json 4

Output example:

  • inv03:

    insert total: 257140 ops
    insert failed: 0 ops
    insert tpt: 514280 ops/s
  • inv05:

    insert total: 251175 ops
    insert failed: 0 ops
    insert tpt: 502350 ops/s

YCSB Workload Testing (inv03)

  1. Copy workload files to inv03:

    cp -rp /home/hjang/storage/FUSEE/setup/workloads /data/hjang/build/ycsb-test/workloads
    cp /home/hjang/storage/FUSEE/ycsb-test/ /data/hjang/build/ycsb-test/
    cd /data/hjang/build/ycsb-test
  2. Run the YCSB workload:

    python 4
    numactl -N 0 -m 0 ./ycsb_test_multi_client ../client_config.json workloada 4

Output example:

thread: 0 128871 ops/s
thread: 1 133409 ops/s
total: 5229704 ops
tpt: 522970 ops/s

FUSEE: A Fully Memory-Disaggregated Key-Value Store

This is the implementation repository of our FAST'23 paper: FUSEE: A Fully Memory-Disaggregated Key-Value Store.


We proposes FUSEE, a FUlly memory-diSaggrEgated KV StorE that brings disaggregation to metadata management. FUSEE replicates metadata, i.e., the index and memory management information, on memory nodes, manages them directly on the client side, and handles complex failures under the DM architecture. To scalably replicate the index on clients, FUSEE proposes a client-centric replication protocol that allows clients to concurrently access and modify the replicated index. To efficiently manage disaggregated memory, FUSEE adopts a two-level memory management scheme that splits the memory management duty among clients and memory nodes. Finally, to handle the metadata corruption under client failures, FUSEE leverages an embedded operation log scheme to repair metadata with low log maintenance overhead.


  • For hardware, each machine should be equipped with one 8-core Intel processer(e.g., Intel Xeon E5-2450), 16GB DRAM and one RDMA NIC card (e.g., Mellanox ConnectX-3). Each RNIC should be connected to an Infiniband or Ethernet switch (e.g., Mellanox SX6036G). All machines are separated into memory nodes and compute nodes. At maximum 5 memory nodes and 17 compute nodes are used for the experiments in our paper. If you do not have such testbed, consider using CloudLab.

  • For software, Ubuntu 18.04 is recommended for each machine. In our experiments, 7168 HugePages of 2MB size in each memory node and 2048 ones in compute nodes is need to be allocated. You can set up this with echo 7168 > /proc/sys/vm/nr_hugepages command for memory nodes and echo 2048 > /proc/sys/vm/nr_hugepages for compute nodes.


Configuration files for servers and clients should be provided to the program. Here are two example configuration files below.

1. Servers configuration

For each memory node, you should provide a configuration file server_config.json where you can flexibly configure the server:

    "role": "SERVER",
    "conn_type": "IB",
    "server_id": 0,
    "udp_port": 2333,
    "memory_num": 3,
    "memory_ips": [
    "ib_dev_id": 0,
    "ib_port_id": 1,
    "ib_gid_idx": 0,

    "server_base_addr":  "0x10000000",
    "server_data_len":   15032385536,
    "block_size":        67108864,
    "subblock_size":     256,
    "client_local_size": 1073741824,

    "num_replication": 3,

    "main_core_id": 0,
    "poll_core_id": 1,
    "bg_core_id": 2,
    "gc_core_id": 3

For briefness, we call each memory node as "server i" (i = 0, 1, ...).

2. Clients configuration

For each compute node, you should provide a configuration file client_config.json where you can flexibly configure the client:

    "role": "CLIENT",
    "conn_type": "IB",
    "server_id": 2,
    "udp_port": 2333,
    "memory_num": 2,
    "memory_ips": [
    "ib_dev_id": 0,
    "ib_port_id": 1,
    "ib_gid_idx": 0,

    "server_base_addr":  "0x10000000",
    "server_data_len":   15032385536,
    "block_size":        67108864,
    "subblock_size":     1024,
    "client_local_size": 1073741824,

    "num_replication": 2,
    "num_idx_rep": 1,
    "num_coroutines": 10,
    "miss_rate_threash": 0.1,
    "workload_run_time": 10,
    "micro_workload_num": 10000,

    "main_core_id": 0,
    "poll_core_id": 1,
    "bg_core_id": 2,
    "gc_core_id": 3

For briefness, we call each compute node as "client i" (i = 0, 1, 2, ...).

It should be noted that, the server_id parameter of client i should be set to 2+i*8. For example, the server_id of the first three client is 2, 10, 18 respectively.


For each node, execute the following commands to compile the entire program:

mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
make -j

We test FUSEE with micro-benchmark and YCSB benchmarks respectively. For each experiments, you should put server_config.json in directory ./build, and then use the following command in memory nodes to set up servers:

numactl -N 0 -m 0 ./ycsb-test/ycsb_test_server [SERVER_NUM]

[SERVER_NUM] should be the serial number of this memory node, counting from 0.

1. Micro-benchmark

  • Latency

    To evaluate the latency of each operation, we use a single client to iteratively execute each operation (INSERT, DELETE, UPDATE, and SEARCH) for 10,000 times.

    Enter ./build/micro-test and use the following command in client 0

    numactl -N 0 -m 0 ./latency_test_client [PATH_TO_CLIENT_CONFIG]

    Test results will be saved in ./build/micro-test/results.

  • Throughput

    To evaluate the throughput of each operations, each client first iteratively INSERTs different keys for 0.5 seconds. UPDATE and SEARCH operations are then executed on these keys for 10 seconds. Finally, each client executes DELETE for 0.5 seconds.

    Enter ./build/micro-test and execute the following command on all client nodes at the same time:

    numactl -N 0 -m 0 ./micro_test_multi_client [PATH_TO_CLIENT_CONFIG] 8

    Number 8 indicates there are 8 client threads in each client node. You will need to use the keyboard to simultaneously send space signals to each client node for starting each operation testing synchronously.

    Test results will be displayed on each client terminal.

2. YCSB benchmarks

  • Workload preparation

    Firstly, download all the testing workloads using sh in directory ./setup and unpack the workloads you want to ./build/ycsb-test/workloads.

    Here is the description of the YCSB workloads:

    A 0.5 0.5 0
    B 0.95 0.95 0
    C 1 0 0
    D 0.95 0 0.05
    upd[X] 1-[X]% [X]% 0

    Then, you should execute the following command in ./build/ycsb-test to split the workloads into N parts(N is the total number of client threads):

    python [N]

    And then we can start testing FUSEE using YCSB benchmarks.

  • Throughput

    To show the scalability of FUSEE,we can test the throughput of FUSEE with different number of client nodes. Besides, we can evaluate the read-write performance of FUSEE by testing the throughput of FUSEE using workloads with different search-update ratios X. Here is the command of testing the throughput of FUSEE:

    numactl -N 0 -m 0 ./ycsb_test_multi_client [PATH_TO_CLIENT_CONFIG] [WORKLOAD-NAME] 8

    Execute the command on all the client nodes at the same time. [WORKLOAD-NAME] can be chosen from workloada ~ workloadd or workloadudp0 ~ workloadudp100 (indicating different search-update ratios) . Number 8 indicates there are 8 client threads in each client node. You will need to use the keyboard to simultaneously send space signals to each client node for starting each operation testing synchronously.

    Test results will be displayed on each client terminal.

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