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griptape's Issues

Add `Structure.rules` in addition to `Structure.rulesets`

Sometimes it makes sense to only add a small set of rules to a structure instead of multiple rulesets.

For that purpose we propose adding an optional rules: list[Rule] field to Structures. It should only be possible to use one or the other.


In order to start experimenting with PaLM models, we need to implement a new driver for Google Cloud GooglePromptDriver that can execute models on Google AI platform. We should be able to use their official Python SDK to accomplish this goal.

AWSCli tool spits "execute() takes 2 positional arguments but 3 were given"

I am using a MacOS M1 (12.6.6).
I have installed these modules with pip:

griptape             0.12.0
griptape-tools       0.14.0

I am trying to run the AWSCli example at this page reported below for convenience and history:

from import AwsCli
from griptape.memory.structure import ConversationMemory
from griptape.tasks import ToolkitTask
from griptape.structures import Pipeline

aws_cli = AwsCli(

pipeline = Pipeline(


result ="what S3 buckets do I have?")

I found a couple of problems (one blocking, one not).

The program appears to be missing the import os statement. Easy fix.

However, it still spits the following error message:

$ python 
[06/30/23 09:52:56] INFO     Task 04d58708c0a5418b80b8f9231fbf004a                                                                                                                                                                      
                             Input: what S3 buckets do I have?                                                                                                                                                                          
[06/30/23 09:53:00] INFO     Subtask fc7a518b91fb4f2d9aa82b80111b94df                                                                                                                                                                   
                             Thought: To find out what S3 buckets the user has, I can use the AwsCli tool and execute the "aws s3 ls" command.                                                                                          
                             {"type": "tool", "name": "AwsCli", "activity": "execute", "input": {"values": {"command": "aws s3 ls"}}}                                                                                                   
                    ERROR    Subtask fc7a518b91fb4f2d9aa82b80111b94df                                                                                                                                                                   
                             execute() takes 2 positional arguments but 3 were given                                                                                                                                                    
                             Traceback (most recent call last):                                                                                                                                                                         
                               File "/home/ec2-user/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/griptape/tasks/", line 91, in run                                                                                               
                                 observation = self._tool.execute(getattr(self._tool, self.action_activity), self)                                                                                                                      
                               File "/home/ec2-user/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/griptape/core/", line 25, in wrapper                                                                                                
                                 return func(self, *args, **kwargs)                                                                                                                                                                     
                             TypeError: execute() takes 2 positional arguments but 3 were given                                                                                                                                         
                    INFO     Subtask fc7a518b91fb4f2d9aa82b80111b94df                                                                                                                                                                   
                             Observation: execute() takes 2 positional arguments but 3 were given                                                                                                                                       
[06/30/23 09:53:06] INFO     Subtask 06772aec86074a029d34ea6ccbcbe6b6                                                                                                                                                                   
                             Thought: It seems that there is an error in the input schema for the execute activity of the AwsCli tool. I will need to fix this error before proceeding.       
                             Observation: execute() takes 2 positional arguments but 3 were given                                                                                                                                       
[06/30/23 09:54:13] INFO     Subtask 7c7b53ad8cb2450c82e417cb97a144b3                                                                                                                                                                   
                             Thought: The error message suggests that the execute() function of the AwsCli tool is expecting 2 positional arguments instead of 3. I will need to modify the input to fix this error.                    
                             Action: {"type": "tool", "name": "AwsCli", "activity": "execute", "input": {"values": {"command": "aws s3 ls"}}}                                                                                           
                    ERROR    Subtask 7c7b53ad8cb2450c82e417cb97a144b3                                                                                                                                                                   
                             execute() takes 2 positional arguments but 3 were given                                                                                                                                                    
                             Traceback (most recent call last):                                                                                                                                                                         
                               File "/home/ec2-user/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/griptape/tasks/", line 91, in run                                                                                               
                                 observation = self._tool.execute(getattr(self._tool, self.action_activity), self)                                                                                                                      
                               File "/home/ec2-user/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/griptape/core/", line 25, in wrapper                                                                                                
                                 return func(self, *args, **kwargs)                                                                                                                                                                     
                             TypeError: execute() takes 2 positional arguments but 3 were given                                                                                                                                         
                    INFO     Subtask 7c7b53ad8cb2450c82e417cb97a144b3                                                                                                                                                                   
                             Observation: execute() takes 2 positional arguments but 3 were given                                                                                                                                       
[06/30/23 09:54:15] INFO     Task 04d58708c0a5418b80b8f9231fbf004a                                                                                                                                                                      
                             Output: I apologize, but I am unable to execute the "aws s3 ls" command using the AwsCli tool at the moment. Please try again later.                                                                       
I apologize, but I am unable to execute the "aws s3 ls" command using the AwsCli tool at the moment. Please try again later.

I haven't modified anything in the script (beyond adding the import os statement).

huggingface text-generation-inference support?

We're standing up a local hf text gen service ( it's pretty good )

Griptape already has HuggingFaceHubPromptDriver, HuggingFacePipelinePromptDriver, could you add one that can interface with locally hosted huggingface text-generation-inference?

Here's the alternative

Thank you for developing griptape! It looks like it's gonna be awesome!

Agent unable to correct "subtask" action and execute it

Describe the bug
I've created a custom tool for LLM to call, and when it comes to a calling a method, it doesn't execute the actual subtask (and just exits).

It looks like the returned Action param has the json md template mark and fails to create the sub-task. See below

success-action failed-action

Raw output

Task 29114d55776f4aa4891eaf08c32dd63f                                                                                 
                             Input: For the calendar <gcal> and
                             RjNkBn, how many guests have we sent invitations out to?                                                              
[07/05/23 13:54:05] INFO     Task 29114d55776f4aa4891eaf08c32dd63f                                                                                 
                             Output: Thought: To find out how many guests we have sent invitations out to for a specific event, I can use the      
                             "get_event_details" activity of the GoogleCalendarManager tool.                                                       
                             {"type": "tool", "name": "GoogleCalendarManager", "activity": "get_event_details", "input": {"values": {"calendar_id":
                             "", "event_id":             

Memory should auto-load when instantiated

It would be useful not to have to load memory by hand after object initialization. I propose adding memory auto-loading logic in BaseMemoryDriver().__attrs_post_init__().

Tools vs Functions

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.

I was wondering what the plans are for supporting OpenAI function calling since that might help with LLM reliability and tool development.

Describe the solution you'd like
I would like to have griptape support OpenAI function calling internally and maintain the same semantics.

Describe alternatives you've considered

Additional context
I am evaluating griptape for my projects and have found that the function calling functionality makes for more reliable interactions with the 0613 series of models.

Get rid of the transformers warning

Any time Griptape is run, the following warning from the transformers library is displayed:

None of PyTorch, TensorFlow >= 2.0, or Flax have been found. Models won't be available and only tokenizers, configuration and file/data utilities can be used.

We need to get rid of it either by disabling it at the library level of importing transformers lazily in tokenizers and prompt drivers.

unexpected keyword argument 'openai_api_key'

Hi there,

thanks for creating this. I played around with the examples from and stumbled over this error in all examples, where OpenAiPromptDriver is used

TypeError: WebScraper.__init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'openai_api_key'

I tried also api_key because it is mentioned here but had no luck.


Thanks for your help.



Rulesets don't seem to work w/ Agents on 3.5

This works as expected w/ GPT-4. With 3.5 you get the following (no action + hallucination of a tool)

from griptape.memory import Memory
from griptape.rules import Rule
from griptape.rules.ruleset import Ruleset
from griptape.structures import Agent

ruleset = Ruleset(
        Rule("act like a pirate")

agent = Agent(
    # prompt_driver=OpenAiPromptDriver(
    #     model="gpt-4"
    # ),
)"my name is kyle")"what's my name?")

Returns the following output:

[05/13/23 11:30:39] INFO     Task a6705ea538e240648e69a084493b45d3              
                             Input: my name is kyle                             
[05/13/23 11:30:41] INFO     Task a6705ea538e240648e69a084493b45d3              
                             Output: Thought: I don't need to perform any       
                             actions for this request.                          
                             Output: Nice to meet you, Kyle.                    
                    INFO     Task a6705ea538e240648e69a084493b45d3              
                             Input: what's my name?                             
[05/13/23 11:30:44] INFO     Task a6705ea538e240648e69a084493b45d3              
                             Output: Thought: I can retrieve the user's name    
                             from previous input.                               
                             Action: {"type": "tool", "name": "retrieveName",   
                             "activity": "get"}  

Agent hallucinates ramps in sequential runs

from griptape.memory import Memory
from griptape.structures import Agent

agent = Agent(
)"my name is kyle")"write a haiku about me in new york city")

using 3.5 it'll imagine a generate_haiku ramp. 4 does fine and keeps memory context and generates the haiku.

[05/13/23 11:19:13] INFO     Task 2217534452044c48ab2bd42e275611d7              
                             Input: my name is kyle                             
[05/13/23 11:19:14] INFO     Task 2217534452044c48ab2bd42e275611d7              
                             Output: Hello Kyle. How can I assist you today?    
                    INFO     Task 2217534452044c48ab2bd42e275611d7              
                             Input: write a haiku about me in new york city     
[05/13/23 11:19:19] INFO     Task 2217534452044c48ab2bd42e275611d7              
                             Output: Thought: I can generate a haiku about New  
                             York City and mention Kyle in it.                  
                             Action: {"type": "ramp", "name": "generate_haiku", 
                             "activity": "mention_Kyle_in_NYC_haiku"}           

Custom prompt templates

Griptape should be able to support custom prompt template that the user can define. Additionally, we should provide a way for prompt drivers to provide their own default base templates.

Add support for text embeddings

We need a Griptape-native way to work with text embeddings and vector databases in order to support the following requested functionality:

  • Enable LLMs to access processed text data in vector databases via Griptape tools.
  • Help users generate text embeddings for their existing text and use it in Griptape tools.

Here is a general outline of proposed embeddings components and improvements

  • Generic BaseEmbeddingDriver and OpenAiEmbeddingDriver.
  • Update TextDocument to store and lazily generate embeddings.
  • Generic BaseVectorStorageDriver abstraction to provide a generic way to load and store embeddings.
  • PineconeVectorStorageDriver to be the first vector driver in order to support the most popular vector DB.

Count Token Usage for Open AI

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
I see a lot of back and forth when I run some of the examples, like where we're saving texts and blobs to, etc.
So I wanted to compare token usage for similar tasks from Langchain and Griptape.

Describe the solution you'd like
A way to count the number of tokens spent to fulfill a request.

For example, let's say you have an agent that is doing multiple things, similar to the RestApiClient Example. I'd like to know how many tokens we use to fulfill this request to compare to other frameworks.

Describe alternatives you've considered
I tried using Langchain's counter but it only works with Langchain LLMs. I also searched to see if the OpenAI package has this functionality already but it doesn't seem so.

Additional context

Remove names in activity decorators

Activity decorators don't need to have an explicit name property.

When a decorator is applied to a method, we can dynamically generate a name and set it as name similar to how we set config. This way, the method name itself can be used as an activity name: = func.__name__

Build a simple pipeline documentation doesn't currently work

Describe the bug
I'm trying to follow the example here: and the example fails when trying to run it. It's throwing a value error ValueError: activity query doesn't exist. This is on windows 10, using python 3.10.8 and I also tried with python 3.11.3

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. create a new virtual environment
  2. pip install griptape griptape-tools
  3. copy the example into
  4. try to run using the interpreter for the venv

Expected behavior
I expected the program to run without errors.

If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

Desktop (please complete the following information):

  • OS:Windows 10
  • Version: 22H2
  • Build: 19045.2965

Figure out how to fix `TestOpenAiEmbeddingDriver` to run in GitHub actions

Tests in TestOpenAiEmbeddingDriver run correctly locally but hang on GitHub.

Current hypothesis is that pinecone.Index in PineconeVectorStorageDriver either makes requests that hang forever or mismanages thread pools.

Our current fix is to move those tests outside of unit into integration, which don't yet run on GitHub.

model gpt-4 does not exist error

Hey again,

thanx for fixing the docs. It works very well. I stumbled into another issue when running the code for Agent:

(base) ➜  griptape: python
[05/09/23 19:37:28] INFO     Task 763acc754437403f9e17b36dc73e17f2
                             Input: Give me a summary of attempt 0 failed: The model: `gpt-4` does not exist
Retrying in 1 seconds
File "/Users/++++/miniconda/lib/python3.10/site-packages/openai/", line 687, in _interpret_response_line
raise self.handle_error_response(
openai.error.InvalidRequestError: The model: `gpt-4` does not exist

I would love to check this out by myself and find the error but unfortunately, I am new to this kinda stuff ;-)

Thanks for any hint.



Add ability to specify input prompt and exit text for Chat utility

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
I'm really enjoying the Chat utility and was wondering if it would be possible to add a flag to control the input and exit text to make it more personable?

Describe the solution you'd like
Possibly define it as part of the ruleset?

pirate_agent = Agent(
  rulesets = [
      name = "Pirate",
      rules = [
        Rule('You are a pirate'),
        Rule('You are worried about people stealing your gold)
      chat_prompt = "Arr?",
      chat_exit = "Arr!"

You might want to define other things about the chat utility as well.. things like:
Introduction Text: "Arr - I be a pirate. Please chat with me!"

or ways to exit:
"bye", "see ya", "I'm walking the plank now!"

Capture task outputs in a stream

As structures execute tasks, users want to see task outputs as stream events.

I propose adding Python iterator support to structures and implementing __iter__ and __next__ methods. This way users can execute structures like this:

for event in Agent().run():


Developers want to generate embeddings locally, so we need to build a driver for that.

Before starting on the issue, let's figure out what approach we should use (e.g., gensim).

LLM query runner for long text

Griptape needs a generic way to run queries against large bodies of text in TextArtifacts (e.g., for search). We currently rely on LlamaIndex for that functionality in tools but there is a number of downsides when it comes to using it.

I propose building a standalone component that uses PromptDrivers to load text of arbitrary length and run queries against it. After completing this feature, we can modify TextProcessor to support it.

Add an optional `install_dependencies_on_execute` flag to executors

Executors, such as LocalExecutor and DockerExecutor, always install tool dependencies on every run. It's wasteful and is often undesirable in production environments.

I propose adding an install_dependencies_on_execute flag to the BaseExecutor set to True by default that controls whether dependencies are installed on every run.

Separately, I propose adding an abstract method install_dependencies() to the BaseExecutor and consolidating LocalExecutor().install_dependencies() and DockerExecutor().build_image().

Second Agent in python script w/ ruleset negates first agent

Describe the bug
If you create two Agent objects in the same script and add different rulesets the first agent doesn't seem to work

To Reproduce

from griptape.structures import Agent
from griptape.rules import Rule
from griptape.rules.ruleset import Ruleset
pirate_ruleset = Ruleset(    
    rules = [Rule('act like a pirate')]
teacher_ruleset = Ruleset(    
    rules = [Rule('you are a teacher')]
agent1 = Agent(
agent2 = Agent(
)"Say hello")"Say hello")

You can comment out the 2nd run and the first agent still has an empty prompt.
You can comment out the 2nd instantiation and run and it works fine.

text-davinci-003 insert errors out

attempt to use [insert]

from griptape.memory import Memory
from griptape.structures import Agent
from griptape.drivers import OpenAiPromptDriver

agent = Agent(
)"hello friend, today we are going to do the following: [insert]")

returns a 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'to_text'

Custom rules appear to not have an impact on the results

Describe the bug
Custom rules don't appear to have an impact on Agents or Pipeline tasks.

To Reproduce

from griptape.structures import Agent
from griptape.rules import Rule

agent = Agent(
  rulesets = [
    Rule("Always reply backwards")
)"Say hello")

Expected behavior
Output: ayot uoy tsissa I nac woH !olleH

Actual behavior
Output: Hello! How can I assist you today?

Additional context
I may be using rules incorrectly - is this the expected way to use them?


To support users that want to use embeddings and vector DBs, we need to add classes for splitting text into chunks.

BaseChunker should have the following configuration options:

  • separators
  • tokenizer
  • max_tokens

Initial implementation should have the following chunkers:

  • TextChunker
  • PdfChunker
  • MarkdownChunker

Conversation Memory should store structure task results

There are some scenarios where it's useful to capture not just structure run inputs and outputs but also intermediate task and substask run inputs and outputs.

To store tasks and subtasks in memory, we'll need to add Marshmallow models for serialization and deserialization and integrate them with memory.


We need a streamlined way to load data from different sources.

I propose a new abstraction called Loaders. Initially, we should support the following two loaders:

  • TextLoader to load text and optionally chunk it and generate embeddings.
  • PdfLoader to load PDF files.
  • WebLoader to load web pages.


We want to enable developers who want to deploy tools in the cloud serverlessly by introducing AwsLambdaExecutor—one of the first serverless platform integrations.

Add unit tests to prompt drivers

Prompt drivers currently miss unit tests. We need to use Python mocks to mock out the underlying driver API libraries and write unit tests for all prompt drivers.

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