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Build super fast, modern websites with Vue.js

Gridsome is a Vue-powered static site generator for building CDN-ready websites for any headless CMS, local files or APIs

This project is under active development. Any feedback or contributions would be appreciated.

Enjoy a modern development stack

Build websites with modern tools like Vue.js, webpack and Node.js. Get hot-reloading and access to any packages from npm and write CSS in your favorite preprocessor like Sass or Less with auto-prefixing.

Connect to any CMS or data source

Use any CMS or data source for content. Pull data from WordPress, Contentful, local Markdown, or any other headless CMS or APIs and access it with GraphQL in your pages and components.

PWA Offline-first architecture

Only critical HTML, CSS, and JavaScript get loaded first. The next pages are then prefetched so users can click around incredibly fast without page reloads, even when offline.

Get perfect page speed scores

Gridsome automatically optimizes your frontend to load and perform blazing fast. You get code-splitting, image optimization, lazy-loading, and almost perfect lighthouse scores out-of-the-box.

Build future ready websites

The future of the web is JavaScript, API's, and Markup - the Jamstack. Gridsome uses the power of blazing-fast static site generator, JavaScript and APIs to create stunning dynamic web experiences.

Ready for global domination

Gridsome sites are usually not connected to any database and can be hosted entirely on a global CDN. It can handle thousands to millions of hits without breaking - and no expensive server costs.

Quick start

1. Install Gridsome CLI tool

  • npm install --global @gridsome/cli
  • yarn global add @gridsome/cli
  • pnpm install --global @gridsome/cli

2. Create a Gridsome project

  1. gridsome create my-gridsome-site to create a new project
  2. cd my-gridsome-site to open the folder
  3. gridsome develop to start a local dev server at http://localhost:8080
  4. Happy coding πŸŽ‰πŸ™Œ

3. Next steps

  1. Create .vue components in the ./src/pages directory to create pages
  2. Use gridsome build to generate static files in a ./dist folder

Learn more

How to Contribute

Install Node.js ^12.13.0 || ^14.0.0 || >=16.0.0 or higher and Yarn classic.

  1. Clone this repository.
  2. Create a new Gridsome project inside the ./projects folder.
  3. Enter the new project folder and run yarn install.
  4. The project will now use the local packages when you run gridsome develop.

Make sure your test project has a version number in its package.json if you use an existing project.

To use the local version of @gridsome/cli as the global command, enter the ./packages/cli folder and run npm link.

Yarn will add dependencies from your test projects to the root yarn.lock file. So you should not commit changes in that file unless you have added dependencies to any of the core packages. If you need to commit it, remove your projects from the ./projects folder temporary and run yarn install in the root folder. Yarn will then clean up the lock file with only necessary dependencies. Commit the file and move your projects back and run yarn install again to start developing.

Code of Conduct

In the interest of fostering an open and welcoming environment please read and follow our Code of Conduct.


Licensed under the MIT License.

Roadmap for v1.0

Visit the Gridsome Roadmap to keep track of which features we are currently working on.'s People


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Gridsome documentation header preventing text selection

@ilicmarko commented on Sun Nov 10 2019

Not sure where I should post this but its related to the Gridsome docs site.

The headings on the dock have a huge padding and a negative margin. This is preventing some text from being copied as you can't select it.

Here is an image from the start page:


I know this is probably a hack to offset the navigation when a user has an anchor.

I guess the easiest fix is to add:

position: relative;
z-index: 1;

@RomainLanz commented on Thu Nov 14 2019

Hey @ilicmarko! πŸ‘‹

In case you want to create a PR here's the website repository.

Delisting plugins

Plugins seem to be automatically pulled into the plugin listing if they have gridsome-plugin keyword in package.json, but I found at least 1 plugin that isn't functional in the listing:

Is there some way to remove plugins from the list that aren't useful?
There should also be a way for devs to request being listed again, after they've made changes to their plugin.

Translating to Japanese

Hi, I'm Yuuki from Japan.

In Japan, lots of developer is interested in Gridsome because of population of developers using Vue.js and increasing interest in JAM stack.
But donesn't have Japanese version.

Would you mind if I translate this repo intoJapanese?

Broken Github link in Quick Start

In the Quick Start of the doc, Edit this page on Github external link is broken. It takes you to a 404 page.

Wrong link -
Correct link -

Configuring Favicon (icon) for multiple resolutions

I'm trying to figure out the docs for specifying the icon (favicon) where I have separate files for each individual resolution (icon-32.png, icon-96.png, etc.). The docs at show a property "precomposed" which isn't defined anywhere.

How do I specify the individual files without Gridsome resizing my images? For example, I want to specify a file for size 16, a different file for size 32, etc., but the examples aren't enough to help me figure this out.

Twitter handles not displayed on contributor profiles

I noticed that the contributors.yaml file has a field for twitter handles, but it doesn't look like they're being displayed on contributor profiles.


Is this intentional? If not I'll submit a quick PR for this.

Site works fine on Netlify but NOT AWS

For the life of me I can't figure out why a site I deploy to Netlify works fine and when I deploy using either Amplify or Up + Cloudformation the site breaks. It appears to be some sort of pathing problem. Is there something I need to add to Gridsome.config.js to make this thing work?

Blog post date is always current date?

Hey! Not sure if anyone has noticed, but the post date on the blog article doesn't seem to reflect what's in the FrontMatter or the filename of the markdown file, but just shows the current date instead?


Using Background Images with GraphQL

I'd like to know how to query images from my markdown files frontmatter using GraphQL but in the case when the image is being used as a background image not as "g-image". I'd like to have my markdown files (blog post) cover image to have the post title overlaid on the cover image so I need to use a background image.

Any insight would be appreciated

Add a RSS feed for the blog posts


would it be possible to add a RSS-feed for the blog posts? (

A plugin search yields two options:

Are you willing to accept a PR which would implement this feature ?
Do you have any guidance regarding the implementation ?


Fun fact: I just read this comment from @tomtev gridsome/gridsome#147 (comment)

Great plugin @darthmeme blushtada It’s live on I will close this now

and I thought that it meant that the rss feed was integrated inside gridsome, but I think it actually means that the plugin is listed there: suggestion: add more details

Currently, this is the only information in

This is the Git repository for Feel free to contribute πŸ₯³

I thought it may be useful to add these sections from the from the contribution page:

  • Contributing to the docs
  • Contributing to the blog
  • Submit a Starter

This may make it more clear for those who want to contribute. I'll be happy to create a pull request for this

"addMetadata" is undefined for store

Function 'addMetadata' is undefined in 'store' variable. Only functions defined for 'store' are 'createUniqueId' and 'createReference'. Discovered trying to set a global metadata property with the value of a page ID.

[Enhancement] add Netlify Preview

Hi @gridsome/all, @tomtev πŸ‘‹πŸ»,
I think the preview adds a nice feel to the review process and makes it faster and smoother πŸš€.
So, I suggest activating the preview feature ( Netlify Bot with link for current update ) when publishing successfully βœ”οΈ.

Helper πŸ₯‘.

Text selection impossible on top of titles

All the h1, h2 and h3 have a positive padding-top and a negative margin-top like:

h1, h2, h3 {
padding-top: 6rem;
margin-top: -5rem;

Because of this negative margin-top the text above any title can't be selected (in the green area):

Screenshot from 2019-06-02 20-38-44


Can't we just do something like:

h1, h2, h3 {
  margin-top: 6rem;

If yes, I'm happy to open a PR.
Otherwise I'm curious about the usage of a negative margin/positive padding in this case?

Not able to set background in GraphQL image arguments

I've successfully fetched images for a component via a static-query.
Additionally, as documented (, I can resize and set the fit type inside the query using

image (width: 260, height: 70, fit:contain)

However, whereas I can set the background color for the 'contain' directly in g-image element, I can't seem to do that via the query ('Unknown argument "background" on field "image"'). It defaults to black, which gives me ugly borders on the image.

Am I missing something, or is this not (yet) implemented/possible?

FYI: I'm on Gridsome 0.6.6


Interface Incompatibility


If anyone use(usually most people) dark mode on web browser and visit to gridsome homepage and other pages then good luck .

Steps to reproduce

Install darkreader extension for example. (available for most browsers)
Google Chrome -

Now visit to Gridsome pages

Expected result

Even incompatible but shouldn't worst like that. Atleast readable interface expected.

Actual result

Become too darker with replaced black, transparent colors and difficult read or see most contents



The "Gridsome Netlify CMS Guide" Are Wrong? (Y/N)

I follow all the steps but when i going to
I get empty "404" page

In the docs you wrote:

Create an admin directory inside the src

But Under Netlify CMS docs i find this ("static")


Also in this youtube tuturial also i find diff folder loaction/ files Structure :

Also here:


Can you please take a look of this? Thanks

Search documentation

I'd love to see an example on how to search in Gridsome:

Specifically, would it be possible to have some kind of SSR? For SEO reasons, I'd really like the search results to be on the page when they are loaded. However, I want every other page on the site to be pre-rendered.

I really like Gridsome with link prefetching and the optimized images, but is something like SSR for searches make Nuxt a better fit?


Hello! Thank you for such a great work on GridSome.
I've seen your site and it's so beautiful!
I would want to use it for my web site / landing page / documentation.

Could you please add LICENSE to your project?
Under want conditions can I use this site as template?
And is it possible to use for commercial (potentially πŸ˜‚) web site?

Consider rewording 'Build-time server-side rendering'

In the 'How It Works' section:

This wording is a bit confusing, describing static site generation as server-side rendering at build-time. Usually, 'server-side' implies the existence of a server. I think that's why this combination of words are kind of confusing when there's no prototypical server in the equation. Are we looking at a developer workstation or a build server as the 'server-side' of things?

You can see that this wording leads to a bit of confusion and back-and-forth in this thread below:

I think optimizing for clarity is always a good goal when writing. I wouldn't create an issue just to nitpick.

Importing a yaml config but it's not working

So I am using a config,yml where I store social links which I want to fetch in a component.

query {
		allConfig {
      edges {
        node {
          social {
this returns the config in explorer but when I try to use it in the app
{{ $page.allConfig.edges[0] }}
it doesn't work.

Uncaught (in promise) DOMException on

When visited
I get this error on my console tab.

Uncaught (in promise) DOMException: Failed to execute 'appendChild' on 'Node': This node type does not support this method.
    at Object.appendChild (
    at d (
    at l (
    at h (
    at A (
    at a.__patch__ (
    at a.t._update (
    at a.r (
    at dn.get (
    at new dn (

Above error doesn't affect at all for this FAQ page alone.

However, if I visit another link (side menu links or "Dev tools" at the bottom of the page) from this page, I get another error message on the console.

app.f8d10897.js:7 TypeError: n.setAttribute is not a function
    at (app.f8d10897.js:7)
    at j (app.f8d10897.js:7)
    at app.f8d10897.js:7
    at j (app.f8d10897.js:7)
    at app.f8d10897.js:7
    at j (app.f8d10897.js:7)
    at app.f8d10897.js:7
    at j (app.f8d10897.js:7)
    at app.f8d10897.js:7
    at j (app.f8d10897.js:7)

From here, routing doesn't work.
It doesn't load the content but only URLs change.

[Enhancement] Extend Appearance

This's a suggestion for enhance sidebar. It'll definitely helpful for others who want to be Gridsome Users


No menu levels. just single topic list under each category.

Multiple menu levels(groups)/nested children
vuejs/vuepress#1497 (source)

(Keep exist gridsome sidebar ui and effects. just like it and better than vuepress)

If no consideration for extend default gridsome documentation as mentioned above, atleast prefer request for add proper guide, tutorial for necessary users to follow.

Layout Problems in Plugins Gallery

Screenshot from 2019-05-29 20-26-29

This occurs specially on this plugin:
At the viewport sizes 1036-851px.

Both on Firefox:
"Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:67.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/67.0"

And Chrome:
"Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/74.0.3729.169 Safari/537.36"

I attempted to create a reduced test case but all I could determine was that the first two tables are causing the issue. Removing them from the DOM resolves the issue.

Using page transitions while keeping the header


I would like to make a suggestion concerning the page transitions docs for people that want to keep the header during page transitions.
There is a way to do this by overriding the default router view rendering using the Gridsome API.


import MyHeader from '@/components/MyHeader.vue'

export default function (Vue, options, context) {
  Vue.component('my-header', MyHeader)

  context.appOptions.render = h => {
    return h('div', {}, [
      h('transition', { attrs: { name: 'page-fade', mode: 'out-in' } }, [
        h('router-view', { attrs: { id: 'app' } })

This way you can override the default rendering here and use a simple page transition while keeping the Header on the page.


    <header />

.page-fade-enter-active {
  transition: opacity 0.5s;

.page-fade-enter {
  opacity: 0;

Please note that this means this header component will be present regardless of the layout on all pages.

Since this approach may be fragile if the underlying render changes, I am not sure if this should be documented in any capacity, if so, I'd be happy to submit a corresponding PR.

[Doc] FontAwesome SVG part - replicate demo lead to error

When replicating demo of the FontAwesome SVG documentation, this don't work and lead to an error

Error: Could not find one or more icon(s) Object { prefix: "fas", iconName: "twitter" } Object { }


gridsome.client.js like in doc

added component 'test' :

    <font-awesome icon="twitter"/>

export default {
  name: 'test'

Edited page Index.vue :




Did we need to import icon again in each component ?

Adding css to head data from page not working

Hey seems like this should be straightforward but I can't seem to get stylesheets added to the page from the SRC dir. It only works with files in the public dir. Am I missing something, or is this the only way it works?

This does not work to add stylesheets to the head (in any computation, i've tried using ./ or ~/ or ~@, so it's not something like a bad path:

metaInfo: {
title: 'About us',
meta: [
{ name: 'author', content: 'John Doe' }
link: [
{ rel: 'stylesheet', href: '/assets/css/catalogue.css' },
// etc...

The solutions below work at the page level:

<style src="~/assets/css/catalogue.css"></style>
<style scoped>
  @import '~@/assets/css/catalogue.css';

Display github stars on starters

It's hard for people new to Gridsome to know which Starters are popular. Displaying their stars on GitHub would help to highlight the ones that are having the most interest.

cover_image error in Post.vue and Index.vue

I keep getting a cover_image error in my Post.vue and Index.vue. I'm running a default Netlify CMS template for Gridsome install. The only way i can get my site to publish is to remove cover_image (width: 759, height: 380, blur: 10) from the from both Index.vue and Post.vue pages.

I'm running @gridsome/cli v0.3.1 and gridsome v0.7.12

Module build failed (from ./node_modules/gridsome/lib/plugins/vue-components/lib/loaders/page-query.js):
Error: Unknown argument "width" on field "cover_image" of type "Post".

GraphQL request:71:18
70 |     content
71 |     cover_image (width: 900, blur: 40)
   |                  ^
72 |   }
    at Object.module.exports (/Users/Ter/wristtattoo-github/netlifycms-gridsome/node_modules/gridsome/lib/plugins/vue-components/lib/loaders/page-query.js:29:23)

Possible solutions i found here also doesn't work!

Homepage heading animation running in background/bugged upon reentering

Reproduction link

Steps to reproduce

  1. Open
  2. Keep opened, in same browser window switch to different tab
  3. Wait a while
  4. Re-enter previously opened tab

What is expected ?
Animation will continue playing as before

What is actually happening?
Since the animation is using setInterval only:

  • it keeps running even when tab is not active
  • it causes weird behaviour when reentering - as if multiple animation iterations were stacked on top of each other... only for first iteration upon reentering

Additional comments?
Checked on Chrome.

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