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cogmtc's Introduction

Conditional Grounded Multi-Task Counting (COGMTC)


This project seeks to disentangle the reason why language is correlated with some cognitive tasks. Specifically, this project seeks to determine if language is used as a tool for counting or it acts as a practice for learning counting concepts.

The experiment first creates two models. One is pretrained to use language to count objects. The other is pretrained on a task that requires counting but only uses a trinary signal of more, less, or equal to as its output. The models are then transferred to tasks that require manipulating an environment based on a visual count. If the two models perform equally, we can attribute the cognitive abilities associated with language to the practice that comes with learning a language. If the lingual model performs better, however, we can attribute the improvements to the model using language as a tool.

How to Use this Repo


To train a model you will need to have a hyperparameters json and a hyperranges json. The hyperparameters json details the values of each of the training parameters that will be used for the training. See the training scripts readme for parameter details. The hyperranges json contains a subset of the hyperparameter keys each coupled to a list of values that will be cycled through for training. Every combination of the hyperranges key value pairs will be scheduled for training. This allows for easy hyperparameter searches. For example, if lr is the only key in the hyperranges json, then trainings for each listed value of the learning rate will be queued and processed in order. If lr and l2 each are in the hyperranges json, then every combination of the lr and l2 values will be queued for training.

To run a training session, navigate to the training_scripts folder:

$ cd training_scripts

And then select the cuda device index you will want to use (in this case 0) and type the following command:

$ CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python3 path_to_hyperparameters.json path_to_hyperranges.json

It is also possible to split the hyperranges into multiple tmux sessions on multiple gpus using the ./training_scripts/ script. To use this script, you must create a metaparams.json file which is detailed within the script. If it does not work, you may need to upgrade tmux to at least 3.0 or you may need to upgrade ubuntu to 20.04 or later.


After cloning the repo, install all necessary packages locally:

python3 -m pip install --user -r requirements.txt

We use submodules for the gordongames environments. You will need to initialize these doing the following.

cd gordongames
git submodule init
git submodule update

Next you will to install this pip package and the gordongames package. Run the following in both the gordongames directory and the top directory of this project. The following assumes you're still located in the gordongames directory from the previous chunk of commands:

python3 -m pip install --user -e .
cd ..
python3 -m pip install --user -e .

Repo Usage

Watching Your Trained Policy

After training your policy, you can watch the policy run in the environment using the script. To use this file, pass the name of the saved model folder that you would like to watch. The viewing script will automatically create a version of the environment that the model was trained on, load the best version of the model based on the evaluated performance during training, and run the model on the environment.

Here's an example:

$ python search_name/search_name_0_whateverwaslistedhere/

Automated Hyper Parameter Search

Much of deep learning consists of tuning hyperparameters. It can be extremely addicting to change the hyperparameters by hand and then stare at the average reward as the algorithm trains. THIS IS A HOMERIAN SIREN! DO NOT SUCCUMB TO THE PLEASURE! It is too easy to change hyperparameters before their results are fully known. It is difficult to keep track of what you did, and the time spent toying with hyperparameters can be spent reading papers, studying something useful, or calling your Mom and telling her that you love her (you should do that right now. Your dad, too)

This repo can automate your hyperparameter searches using a hyperranges json. Simply specify the key you would like to search over and specify a list of values that you would like that key to take. If multiple keys are listed, then all combinations of the possible values will be searched.

Saved Outputs

Each combination of hyperparameters gets saved to a "model_folder" under the path within a greater folder called the "exp_folder". The experiment folder is specified within the hyperparams.json.

Within the model_folder a checkpoint file exists for each epoch in the training. The checkpoints contain details about the statistics for that epoch as well as holding the hyperparameters for that epoch. The "best" and "last" checkpoints also contain the model parameters. You can save a copy of the model parameters at every epoch using the hyperparams.json.


For this project a csv is created for each training session. The csv consists of the ending metrics of each validation episode for each epoch. This should enable you to analyze how the model performance changed over the course of the training and allow you to calculate statistics such as the coefficient of variation.

List of Valid Keys for hyperparams json

Set values in a json and run $ python3 your_hyperparams_json.json to use the specified parameters.

"exp_name": str
    the name of the folder in which the hyperparameter search will
    be saved to. This is different than the path. If you would like
    to save the experiment to a different folder than the one in
    which you run ``, use the hyperparemter called `save_root`
"exp_num_offset": int
    a number by which to offset all experiment numbers. This is
    useful in cases where you want to run trainings on different
    machines but avoid overlapping experiment numbers
"save_root": str
    this value is prepended to the exp_name when creating the save
    folder for the hyperparameter search.
"resume_folder": str
    path to a training to resume from. The epochs argued in this
    hyperparameter set must be larger than where the resumed
    training left off.
"init_checkpt": str
    path to a model checkpoint to initialize the model from.
    If a model_folder is argued (instead of a specific checkpoint
    file), the loaded weights will be from the last epoch of the
"lang_checkpt": str
    path to a language checkpoint to initialize the model from.
    If a model_folder is argued (instead of a specific checkpoint
    file), the loaded weights will be from the last epoch of phase
    0. This makes it possible to save time by using pretrained
    language models. This will make the training skip straight to
    the second phase but will leave the `skip_first_phase` parameter
"description": str
    this is an option key used to write notes or a description of
    the hyperparameter search
"render": bool
    if true, the validation operations are rendered
"del_prev_sd": bool
    option to only keep the most recent state dict in the
    checkpoints. This is used to conserve space on the disk. If
    true, previous state dicts are deleted from their checkpts
"seed": int
    The random seed for the training
"runner_seed_offset": int
    An offset for the random seed for each of the parallel
"pre_epochs": int
    the number of epochs used during pretraining
"n_epochs": int
    the number of epochs used for the final phase of the
"lang_epochs": int (deprecated for `pre_epochs` and `n_epochs`)
    The number of training epochs for the language training phase
"actn_epochs": int (deprecated for `pre_epochs` and `n_epochs`)
    The number of training epochs for the action training phase

"trn_whls_epoch": int
    the epoch in which the training wheels are removed from the
    model. This means that the training data is collected using
    the actions from the model. The action targets continue to be
    those produced by the oracle.
"trn_whls_p": float
    the initial probability of using an action from the oracle to
    step the environment after the `trn_whls_epoch`. 1 means that
    all actions used to step the environment are taken from the
    oracle. This value is automatically linearly interpolated from
    its initial value to the `trn_whls_min` over the course of
    `n_epochs`-`trn_whls_epoch`. If `trn_whls_min` is set to the
    same value as `trn_whls_p` then no decaying takes place.
"trn_whls_min": float
    this is the minimum value of the trn_whls_p. see the description
    of `trn_whls_p` for a explanation of how this value is used in

"use_count_words": int [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5]
    this determines what type of count words should be used. If 0,
    the model learns to count by issuing a less-than, equal-to, or
    greater-than prediction of the number of items relative to
    the number of targets. If 1, the model learns to count out the
    items using english number words. Lastly if 2 is argued, the
    model learns the Piraha count words which are probabilistically
    derived at runtime to match the statistics found in Frank 2008.
    In this case, 4 possible labels exist. 0, 1, and 2 each are used
    100% of the time for numbers 0,1,and 2. But for numbers 3 and
    greater, either label 2 or 3 is used for the count word with
    a probability matching the published values.

    -1: no language labels
    0: inequality labels
    1: english labels
    2: piraha labels
    3: random labels
    4: two equivalent labels exist for every label
    5: numeral system with argued base `numeral_base`
"actnlish": bool
    if true, the language model is trained to predict the action
    label for game steps in which the player has responded the
    correct number of times after the animation phase and/or the
    player is no longer on the pile. Overrides `langall` to true.
    Will ignore nullese if actnlish is true.
"nullese": bool
    if true, the language model is trained to predict a null label
    for game steps in which the player has responded the
    correct number of times after the animation phase and/or the
    player is no longer on the pile. Will set `langall` to true.
    will be ignored if actnlish is true.
"skippan": bool
    if true, will include a language prediction for skipped steps
    in random timing trials. Otherwise defaults to repeating the
    current count during skipped steps.
"skip_is_null": bool
    if true, will set the skip token (used in the `skippan` setting)
    equal to the null token to conserve the number of language
    prediction types. If false, creates an entirely new language
    token for skipped frames. Only applies if `skippan` is true.
"numeral_base": int or None
    if base is argued and use_count_words is 5, lang_preds are
    sequential and are trained to output the numerals inline with
    the argued base instead of one-hot labels.
"rev_num": bool
    if true, the InptConsolidationModule will reverse the
    order of numerals up to the STOP token when processesing
    language inputs. for example, the array [1,2,3,STOP]
    will become [3,2,1,STOP]. only operates along the last dimension,
    only applies to NUMERAL model types
"skip_first_phase": bool
    if true, the training will skip phase 0 and go straight to
    phase 1 or 2 (depending on the value of `second_phase`).
    Defaults to false.
"pre_rand": bool
    if true, uses random labels for language pretrainings. Currently
    only implemented for English count words. Only applies during
    phase 0 on the first phase.
"first_phase": int (0, 1 or 2)
    this determines if the model will be trained with language,
    actions, or both during the first phase of the training.
    0 means language only. 1 means the model is trained with actions
    only. 2 means the model is trained with both language and
"second_phase": int (0, 1 or 2)
    this determines if the model will be trained with language,
    actions, or both during the second phase of the training.
    0 means language only. 1 means actions only. 2 means both
    language and actions.
"blind_lang": bool
    if true, the observations are zeroed out during language 
    training, creating the effect of the model purely learning
    language. If false, this variable is effectively ignorned.
    Defaults to False.

"model_type": str
    the name of the model class that you wish to use for the
    training. i.e. "SimpleCNN"
"sep_pathways": bool
    if true, will create the model to have separate language and
    action pathways (separate defined by no shared computation and
    thus no shared gradients). The language prediction, however,
    will still be used by the action network. This setting will
    ensure the appropriate values are set to complete the experiment.
    For example, it turns `splt_feats` to True.
"splt_feats": bool
    effectively creates a separate convolutional network
    for the language pathway in the NSepLSTM variants.
    This ensures that the language and policy pathways do
    not overlap at all.
"aux_lang": bool
    if true, will set `incl_lang_inpt` to false. The goal is to
    ensure that a language prediction is made, but is not included
    in the action lstm pathway 
"n_lstms": int
    The number of LSTMs to use in the model type. This only applies
    for the NVaryLSTM and NSepLSTM variants. In the NVaryLSTM, the
    `n_lstms` arg determines how many LSTMs are chained together for
    the policy network. The language output is either off the
    output from the first or last LSTM in the chain. For the
    NSepLSTM model type, `n_lstms` creates a chain of `n_lstms`-1
    LSTMs for the policy network and uses 1 LSTM for the language
    prediction which is used to select an embedding as additional
    input into the policy network's first LSTM.

    NOTE: See n_pre_lstms, n_lang_lstms, and n_actn_lstms for 
    PreNSepLSTM model types.
"n_pre_lstms": int
    determines the number of lstms directly following the
    visual latent vector for PreNSepLSTM model types
"n_lang_lstms": int
    determines the number of LSTMs in the language pathway
    following the pre pathway for PreNSepLSTM model types
"n_actn_lstms": int
    determines the number of LSTMs in the actn pathway
    following the pre pathway for PreNSepLSTM model types
"lstm_lang": bool
    if true, and using numeral system, the language output will be
    done using an LSTM rather than a dense network. only applies
    for NUMERAL systems.
"lstm_lang_first": bool
    only used in multi-lstm model types. If true, the h
    vector from the first LSTM will be used as the input
    to the language layers. The second h vector will then
    be used for the action layers. If False, the second h
    vector will be used for language and the first h for
    actions. Defaults to True. For transformers, this determines
    if the language tokens or vision tokens come first when
    alternating within context. Only applies in transformersif
    stack_context is false.
"stagger_preds": bool
    if true, the language and action predictions are made from
    different LSTMs within the model if possible. The order is
    determined using `lstm_lang_first`
"incl_lang_inpt": bool
    if true, the softmax or one-hot
    encoding or h vector (depending on `langactn_inpt_type`)
    of the language output for the current timestep is included as
    input into the action prediction. If false,
    the language output is not included.
"emb_ffn": bool
    if true, will apply a feed forward network on any language
    embeddings used as input to the policy network. only applies
    when `incl_lang_inpt` is true.
"one_hot_embs": bool
    only applies when using `incl_lang_inpt`. will ensure that all
    language embeddings used as input to the policy lstms are
    one-hot encodings if true.
"lang_inpt_layer": int
    index of the lstm within the policy pathway to feed the lang
    prediction. 0 means the earliest lstm, this is the default.
    -1 means the lstm just before the action prediction. Only
    applicable in NSepLSTM variants.
"cut_lang_grad": bool
    if true, the gradient from the language pathway is not
    propagated beyond the first language lstm
"extra_lang_pred": bool
    if true, the DoubleVaryLSTM will include an extra
    language prediction system that it will use for making
    language predictions in the `incl_lang_inpt` cases
    (emulating the behavior of the SeparateLSTM). This is
    in addition to the DoubleVaryLSTM's usual
    language predictions. Only relevant when using the
    DoubleVaryLSTM model type and `incl_lang_preds` is true.
"tforce": bool
    if true, allows teacher forcing. See `lang_teacher_p` to make
    teacher forcing probabilistic during training. Setting tforce
    to true will always use teacher forcing during both training
    and validation.
"tforce_train": bool
    overwritten by `tforce`. If true, will use teacher forcing
    during training. Makes no changes to teacher forcing during
    validation. See `tforce_val` or `teacher_force_val` to use
    teacher forcing during validation.
"tforce_val": bool
    if true, the correct language inputs are fed into the model
    during validation. Only implemented for ENGLISH language, no
"lang_teacher_p": float [0,1]
    the probability of using teacher forcing on the language inputs
    for each training iteration. only applies if incl_lang_inpt
    is true.
"shuffle_teacher_lang": bool
    if true, will shuffle the teacher forced lang intputs during
    training. Does not do so during validation.
"teacher_force_val": bool
    if true, the correct language inputs are fed into the model
    during validation. Only implemented for ENGLISH language, no

"lang_inpt_drop_p": float [0,1]
    the dropout probability on the embeddings of the lang inputs.
    only applies if incl_lang_inpt is true
"bottleneck": bool
    if true, with the NSepLSTM and SeparateLSTM, the input to the
    action lstm(s) is only the language prediction (without the
    visual latent vector). If `actnlish`
    is false, the game will always spawn the agent in the same
    position relative to the pile and ending button. Otherwise the
    game is unsolvable.

"output_fxn": str
    the name of the output function for the model. if no output
    fxn is wanted, leave as null or specify "NullOp"
"h_size": int
    this number is used as the size of the RNN hidden vector and
    the transformer dim
"emb_ffn": bool
    if true, the embedding is processed through a feedforward network.
"inpt_consol_emb_size": int
    if using word embeddings as language input, can specify
    the dimensionality of the embeddings
"learn_h": bool
    determines if the hidden vectors should be learned or not. if
    true, both the h and c vectors are intiialized to a learned
"h_mult": int
    this number is a multiplier for the `h_size` to expand the
    dimensionality of the dense output hidden layers.
"n_outlayers": int
    the number of layers in the action and language output networks
    only applies when using Vary model variants
"bnorm": bool
    determines if the model should use batchnorm. true means it
    does use batchnorm
"legacy": bool
    determines if the fc nets will take on a legacy architecture
"lnorm": bool
    determines if the model should use layernorm. true means it
    does use layernorm on both the h and c recurrent vectors just
    after the lstm cell. This is overriden in cases where `c_lnorm`
    is false. Note that using the layernorm after the
    cell still results in a normalized input for the next step
    in time while normalizing the input for the action and language
"c_lnorm": bool
    determines whether or not lnorm should be performed on the
    c vector. You probably want this to be false.
"lang_lnorm": bool
    if true, will add an lnorm before the language lstms
"fc_lnorm": bool
    if true, the model uses a layernorm before each Linear layer
    in the fully connected layers
"fc_bnorm": bool
    if true, the model uses a batchnorm before each Linear layer
    in the fully connected layers
"scaleshift": bool
    if true, adds a ScaleShift layer after each Linear layer in
    the fully connected layers
"skip_lstm": bool
    if true, the features are inluded using a skip connection
    to the second lstm. Only applies in DoubleVaryLSTM variants
"actv_fxn": str
    the activation function for the output layers. defaults to "ReLU"
"n_frame_stack": int
    the number of frames to stack for an observation of the game
"lr": float
    the learning rate
"l2": float
    the weight decay or l2 regularization parameter
"lang_p": float between 0 and 1
    the portion of the loss during the second phase attributed
    to language.
"null_alpha": float
    a hyperparameter to adjust how much weight should be placed
    on producing zeros for the base numeral system outputs
    following the STOP token. loss is calculated as
    loss += null_alpha*null_loss
    (It is not a proportionality parameter like `lang_p`)
"conv_noise": float
    the standard deviation of gaussian noise applied to the
    convolutional layers of the model. if 0, has no effect
"dense_noise": float
    the standard deviation of gaussian noise applied to the
    dense layers of the model. if 0, has no effect
"feat_drop_p": float
    the probability of zeroing a neuron within the features
    of the cnn output.
"drop_p": float
    the probability of zeroing a neuron within the dense
    layers of the network.

"depths": tuple of ints
    the depths of the cnn layers. the number of cnn layers is
    dependent on the number of items in this tuple. This is
    also used to determine the embedding size of vision transformers
"kernels": tuple of ints
    the kernel sizes of the cnn layers. the number of items in this
    tuple should match that of the number of items in `depths`
"strides": tuple of ints
    the strides of the cnn layers. the number of items in this
    tuple should match that of the number of items in `depths`
"paddings": tuple of ints
    the paddings of the cnn layers. the number of items in this
    tuple should match that of the number of items in `depths`

"pre_grab_count": bool
    if true, the language system will be trained to predict the
    number of response items that will result from interacting
    with the dispenser. Defaults to false which trains the lang
    system to predict the number of response items currently on
    the grid.
"langall": bool
    if false, language predictions only occur when the agent drops
    an object. Otherwise the language predictions occur at every
    step. defaults to false. this parameter overrides `count_targs`
    and `lang_targs_only`. overridden by actnlish
"count_targs": bool
    LARGELY DEPRECATED!!! automatically set to false when
    `use_count_words` is 0, otherwise set to true.

    Only applies to v4, v7, and v8 variants of gordongames. if true,
    the model will learn to count out the targets in addition to
    the items. If false, model will only count the items. Differs
    from langall=True in that it skips the steps that
    the agent takes to move about the grid. Overridden by
    `lang_targs_only`. Forced to be False
"lang_targs_only": int
    Only applies to v4, v7, and v8 variants of gordongames. if 0,
    effectively does nothing. If 1, the language labels will only
    be for the targets. No counting is performed on the items.
    This argument is overridden by langall being true.
    count_targs is overridden by this argument. drop_perc_threshold
    has no impact on this argument.

"env_types": list of str
    the name of the gym environments to be used for the training.
    each environment spawns a new data collection process in the
    training. If you want to use only one environment with multiple
    data collection processes, specify the same environment
    repeatedly. `batch_size` will be forced to be divisible by the
    length of this list.
"incl_cdtnl": bool
    if true, guarantees conditional vector is used in model.
    If false, the conditional vector is only used when there are
    more than 1 environment types
"harsh": bool
    an optional parameter to determine the reward scheme for
    gordongames variants
"pixel_density": int
    the side length (in pixels) of a unit square in the game. Only
    applies to gordongames variants
"grid_size": list of ints (height, width)
    the number of units (height, width) of the game. Only applies
    to gordongames variants
"min_play_area": bool
    if true, minimizes the play area (area above the
    dividing line of the grid) to 4 rows. Otherwise,
    dividing line is placed at approximately the middle
    row of the grid.
"rand_pdb": bool
    if true, the player, dispenser, and ending button are randomly
    placed along the top row of the grid at the beginning of each
    episode. If false, they are evenly spaced along the top row
    in the following order player, dispenser, ending button.
"spacing_limit": int or null
    if not null and greater than 0, limits the spacing between the
    player and dispenser, and the ending button and dispenser to
    be within `spacing_limit` steps on either side of the
    dispenser's initial position. If `rand_pdb` is false, the
    player and ending button will always be `spacing_limit` steps
    away symmetrically centered on the dispenser.
"sym_distr": bool
    if false and `rand_pdb` is false, the player, dispenser, and
    button are consistently distributed the same way at
    initialization on every episode. Otherwise the initial
    distribution is reflected about the yaxis with 50% prob. Only
    applies when `rand_pdb` is false.
"rand_pdb": bool
    if true, the player, dispenser (aka pile), and ending button
    are randomly distributed along the top row at the beginning of
    the game. Otherwise they are deterministically set.
"player_on_pile": bool
    if true, the player always starts on top of the dispenser pile
    in counting games. If false, it will not.
"spacing_limit": int
    if greater than 0, limits the spacing between the player and
    dispenser, and the ending button and dispenser to be within
    `spacing_limit` steps on either side of the dispenser's initial
    position. If `rand_locs` is false, the player and ending
    button will always be `spacing_limit` steps away symmetrically
    centered on the dispenser.
"rand_timing": bool
    if true, the timing of the initial display phase is stochastic
    so that the agent cannot simply count the number of frames
    rather than the number of target items.
"timing_p": float between 0 and 1
    the probability of an animation step displaying the next target
    object. A value of 1 means the agent could count the number of
    frames instead of the number of target items. A value of 0 will
    not allow the game to progress past the animation phase.
"n_held_outs": int or None
    the number of held out locations for each target quantity in
    the gordongames
"center_signal": bool
    determines where the response phase signal pixel goes. if true,
    it will be centered in the demonstration half of the grid.
    if false, it will go in the rightmost column one down from the
    topmost row.
"targ_range": list of ints (low, high)
    the range of potential target counts. This acts as the default
    if lang_range or actn_range are not specified. both low and
    high are inclusive. only applies to gordongames variants.
"lang_range": list of ints (low, high)
    the range of potential target counts for training the language
    model during phase 0. both low and high are
    inclusive. only applies to gordongames variants.
"actn_range": list of ints (low, high)
    the range of potential target counts for training the action
    model during phases other than 0. both low and high are
    inclusive. only applies to gordongames variants.

"hold_outs": set (or list) of ints
    the targets/item counts to hold out during training. influences
    `hold_lang` and `hold_actns` depending on their respective
    values. See the documentation below for more detail
"hold_lang": set (or list) of ints or bool
    the language targets to hold out during training. if true,
    defaults to `hold_outs`. if None or False, no langauge is held
    out. if a set or list, then the contained integers represent
    the `n_items` values that are held out from the language training
"hold_actns": set (or list) of ints or bool
    the ending game target quantities to hold out during training.
    if true, defaults to value of `hold_outs`. if False or None, no
    target quantities are held out. if a set or list, then the game
    never has an ending target quantity of the listed integers.
    Important to note that the held target quantities are still
    contained within episodes with target quantities greater than
    the held target quantity. i.e. holding a target quanity of 6
    will not hold the necessary 6 value from training on target
    quantities of 7 or greater.

"log_samp": bool
    if true, will sample from a log distribution instead of a
    zifpian distribution. The log sampling uses `zipf_order` for
    the following proportional probability where max is the max
    target value and k is the sampled target value.
        `p(k) ~ (-log(k) + log(max) + 1)^zipf_order`
"zipf_order": float or None
    if greater than 0, the targets are drawn proportionally to the
    zipfian distribution using `zipfian_order` as the exponent.

"batch_size": int
    the number of rollouts to collect when collecting data and
    the batch size for the training. This parameter will be changed
    so that it is divisible by the number of environments listed
    in `env_types`.
"seq_len": int
    the number of consecutive frames to feed into the model for
    a single batch of data
"min_seq_len": int
    the seq length to start from if using `incr_seq_len` and the
    minimum possible `seq_len` if using rand_seq_len. Defaults to 7.
"incr_seq_len": bool
    if true, the seq_len for bptt will start small and increment
    upwards over the course of the whole training.
"rand_seq_len": bool
    if true and roll_data is true, the sequence length is sampled
    uniformly from 7 to the argued `seq_len`.
"exp_len": int
    the "experience" length for a single rollout. This is the
    number of steps to take in the environment for a single row
    in the batch during data collection.
"max_steps": int or None
    optional argument, if argued, determines the maximum number of
    steps that an episode can take. Be careful to make completion
    of an episode possible within the argued number of steps!
"randomize_order": bool
    if true, the training will randomize the order of the sequence
    chunks. This means that the elements of the sequence will not
    be randomized, but the order of the sequences will. If false,
    the sequences maintain the order they were collected in. If
    your model is stateful (i.e. recurrent), you probably want this
    to be false. Otherwise, true is probably good (for non-recurrent
    transformer types).

"n_heads": int
    the number of transformer attention heads
"n_vit_layers": int
    the number of vision transformer encoder layers
"n_layers": int
    the number of transformer encoder layers
"max_ctx_len": null or int
    if you would like to increase the context length for trainings
    using the transformer class without increasing the back-
    propagation context-window, you can set this value higher than
    `seq_len`. This will make the context window larger without
    backpropping through the increased number of tokens.
"stack_context": bool
    if true, transformer tokens will consist of the concatenation
    of the visual latent vector with the language embedding. These
    will each be half of h_size, combined to make h_size tokens for
    the transformer context. Otherwise the language and vision
    vectors will alternate in context. Their ordering in context
    will depend on lstm_lang_first.

"n_inner_loops": 1
    the number of times to train on one collected iteration of data.
    this effectively repeats each epoch n times. Makes most sense
    to use when shuffling data order.
"reset_trn_env": bool
    if true, the training environments are reset at the beginning
    of each collection. This ensures that the model never has to
    jump into the middle of an episode during training.
"roll_data": bool
    if true, training data is fed in such that the next training
    loop is only one time step in the future from the first step
    in the last loop (so seq_len-1 steps overlap with the previous
    loop). Otherwise training data is fed in such that
    the first data point in the current training loop is 1 time
    step after the last time step in the last loop (so there is
    no data overlap).

"val_targ_range": list of ints (low, high) or None
    the range of target counts during the validation phase. both
    low and high are inclusive. only applies to gordongames
    variants. if None, defaults to training range.
"val_max_actn": bool (deprecated: use `val_temp` instead)
    if true, actions during the validation phase are selected as
    the maximum argument over the model's action probability output.
    If False, actions are sampled from the action output with
    probability equal to the corresponding output probability
"val_temp": float or None
    the action sampling temperature for validation rollouts. if
    none or 0, will use argmax
"val_mod": int or null
    a modulus to determine which epochs to validate. This speeds
    up trainings. if None or 0, will default to validating every
"doubl_val_mod": null or list of ints
    a list of epochs at which `val_mod` should be doubled from its
    current value. This allows validation every other epoch for
    the first x epochs, and then every 4th for the next y epochs,
    and so on.
"always_epochs": null or int
    a threshold epoch before which all epochs are validated
    regardless of `val_mod`.
"n_eval_eps": int or null
    the number of episodes to collect for each target value during

"oracle_type": str
    the name of the class to use for the oracle. i.e. "GordonOracle"
"drop_grad": float (between 0 and 1)
    the probability of dropping gradient values. higher values means
    more dropout. This is applied to all model parameters after
    every backward pass before the optimizer update step.
"grad_norm": float
    the maximum gradient norm used for gradient norm clipping. If
    the argued value is less than or equal to 0, no gradient clipping
"optim_type": str
    the name of the class to use for the optimizer. i.e. "Adam"
"factor": float
    the factor to decrease the learning rate by. new_lr = factor*lr
"patience": int
    the number of epochs to wait for loss improvement before
    reducing the learing rate
"threshold": float
    the threshold by which to determine if the training has
    plateaued. smaller threshold means smaller changes count as
    meaningful progress in the training. This is proportional to
    the size of the loss.
    loss_to_beat = best_actual_loss*(1-threshold)
    If loss_to_beat is further away from actual loss, then a
    learning rate change is more likely to occur.
"min_lr": float
    the minimum learning rate allowed by the scheduler
"preprocessor": str
    the name of the preprocessing function. this function operates
    directly on observations from the environment before they are
    concatenated to form the "state" of the environment
"best_by_key": str
    the name of the metric to use for determining the best
    performing model. i.e. "val_perc_correct_avg"

Notes on Tranformer Model Type Trainings

In general you will want the following hyperparameter settings:

"randomize_order": true,
"roll_data": false,
"exp_len": 5000, # just use a longer exp_len here than for LSTMs
"seq_len": 96, # Use a longer seq_len here than for LSTMs
"rand_seq_len": false,

Some of the above settings will automatically occur, but it is best to be explicit where you can.

Note on Pre Navigation Trainings

The easiest way to do a pre_nav training is to first train on the navigation task and then to perform a standard training using the pre_nav models as the starting checkpoint.

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