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comlink's Issues


I have found v4 release, but I'm not sure what breaking changes are. Commit log is noisy because of a ton of renovate's PRs and merge commits.

Would you provide a changelog?

gitignore dist

It's best practice to not commit compiled outputs because they only create unneeded diffs and merge conflicts, and there's a risk of the dist files getting out of sync with the source.

windowEndpoint smells bad.

WindowEndpoint smells bad. Why does it exist? Why can't you just detect that its the endpoint and manage it. As a consumer of the endpoint I should never have to care.

NPM / Packaging Issues

The current NPM distro has a couple of issues which make comlink hard to use w/ webpack et al:

  • the package.main / package.module fields aren't set, meaning import {Comlink} from 'comlinkjs' fails in most tools
  • the package.typings field is not set, meaning Typescript fails to resolve type definition information
  • the package includes a .ts source file, which makes a mess of the output file structure, as TS transpiles it, and a developer ends up with an output dir like:





Suggested fixes:

  • add the following to the package.json
"main": "comlink.umd.js", //allows npm aware tools to find `require('comlinkjs');
"module": "comlink.es6.js", //allows ESM aware tools (webpack 2+) to do `import {Comlink} from 'comlinkjs'
"typings": "comlink.d.ts" //allows typescript to resolve the typedefs 
  • stop shipping .ts files to NPM (this is generally recommended, as it means developers don't have to recreate the specifics of the library's tsc environment)

Action Required: Fix Renovate Configuration

There is an error with this repository's Renovate configuration that needs to be fixed. As a precaution, Renovate will stop PRs until it is resolved.

Error type: Preset name not found within published preset config (monorepo:angularmaterial). Note: this is a nested preset so please contact the preset author if you are unable to fix it yourself.

How to proxy Observable?

Functions that return Promises work great with comlink, but we have a lot of APIs that use RxJS Observables. Currently these either get cloned (which is not useful) or one needs to proxy them with proxyValue(). However, then methods like .pipe() don't return Observable<T> anymore, but Promise<Observable<T>>.

How could we make it so that an Observable is not "promisified"?

Proxies permanently leak memory

Edit: see comments below for real issue (memory leak)

Objects returned by Comlink calls can't be used for further calls. Example:

<!-- index.html -->
<!doctype html>
<script src="comlink.js"></script>
"use strict";
	const worker = new Worker("worker.js");
	const api = Comlink.proxy(worker);

	async function start()
		const app = await new api.App();
		const ret = await app.getObject();
		await ret.log();		// error
// worker.js
"use strict";


class ReturnedObject {
		console.log("ReturnedObject log() method");

class App {
		return new ReturnedObject();

Comlink.expose({App, ReturnedObject}, self);

In index.html, the call to await ret.log() throws TypeError: ret.log is not a function. ret has become an empty object (i.e. {}) which seems to be because it got posted raw. This appears to prevent using comlink with APIs that return other objects, which is quite a severe limit on the complexity of APIs that can be used.

I would be super interested if you figure out a way to fix this without leaking memory, since it's the same problem that is blocking via.js being usable in production.

support exposing multiple classes/instances

@surma great library...

we have been playing with your library and wondering if you have ideas/plans to support exposing multiple classes/instances...

For example...

// main.js
var worker = new Worker('worker.js');

const MyClass = Comlink.proxy(worker, 'MyClass');
const instance = await new MyClass();
await instance.logSomething(); // logs “myValue = 42”

const OtherClass = Comlink.proxy(worker, 'OtherClass');
const otherInst = await new OtherClass();
await otherInst.logSomethingElse(); // logs “myOtherValue = 43”
// worker.js
const myValue = 42;
class MyClass {
  logSomething() {
    console.log(`myValue = ${myValue}`);
Comlink.expose(MyClass, 'MyClass', self);

class OtherClass {
  logSomethingElse() {
    console.log(`myOtherValue = ${myValue + 1}`);
Comlink.expose(OtherClass, 'OtherClass', self);

i played around and one simple method to implement this is to pass extra parameter string to proxy and expose method (as you can see in example above).

wondering if you have some thoughts on this use case and if this is on your roadmap?


Error: endpoint does not have all of addEventListener, removeEventListener and postMessage defined

My project is split into two modules, one for the web worker and one for the SPA.
In my Worker I have something similar to the following code:

import * as Comlink from 'comlinkjs'

// [...] Import other stuff

export class Integration {
  ping = () => Promise.resolve('pong')
 // Other stuff here

console.log('[Worker] Starting API connection')
customEvent.init().then(() => {
  console.log('[Worker] Connected to the network')

Comlink.expose(Integration, self)

This gets transpired and packed with Babel 7 and Webpack.

Then In my SPA instance I have

import * as Comlink from 'comlinkjs'
const workerProcess = typeof Worker !== 'undefined' ? new Worker('web-worker.js') : {}
const service = Comlink.proxy(workerProcess)

function isWorkerAlive () {
  return => value === 'pong')

But when I load it, I get an error:

Error: endpoint does not have all of addEventListener, removeEventListener and postMessage defined

What am I doing wrong?
In the documentation there is no explanation on how to import the module, just how to install it. it is not clear to me and I am not sure if I am missing something. Can anybody help?

[question] - npm "comlink" vs "comlinkjs"

Just installed comlink via npm, I noticed there's another package comlinkjs.
Wanted to know what package to install, I don't want to get "stuck" with an unmaintained package when you inevitably decide to focus on one.. (?)

Consider not using constructors for API proxy creation

Just subjective opinion here, but a line like this:

    // Note the usage of `await`:
    const app = await new api.App();

is a little confusing to me - it makes me think that api.App is a Promise, but then what type does the Promise resolve? I know it's a thennable that returns itself, but I think that ability of thennables probably goes over most people's heads. I think it'd be a little clearer with just a factory method:

    // Note the usage of `await`:
    const app = await api.createApp();

Explain/give examples when a web worker makes sense

Given that a web worker is not "free" and you need to "hop" you data around it should be explained when and when not to use web workers.

Even though they are available for quite some time the adoption ratio is pretty slow (iirc). So given a little head start seems like a good idea 🤗

This library makes it almost "too easy" to use them (which is awesome) but I'm still struggling to find a good use case for them in my day to day tasks 🙈

Problem with 2 way communication to & from iframe

I extended the iframe example a little, see

When running I get proper results and 2 errors:

Line 67 refers to

let that = await irequest.callPath.slice(0, -1).reduce((obj, propName) => obj[propName], rootObj as any);

Changing this line:

if (!

to if (! || ! fixes the problem, but I really don't know if thats OK.

Thanks for the library. Any help on getting 2 way communication done is greatly appreciated.

Angular 6 Failed to execute 'postMessage' on 'Worker'

Hello, I've been trying to use this example to make comlinkjs work in Angular:
(example is working when checked out: example

However I can't seem to replicate the example and I always get this error in my project

ERROR Error: Uncaught (in promise): DataCloneError: Failed to execute 'postMessage' on 'Worker': Symbol(Symbol.toPrimitive) could not be cloned.
Error: Failed to execute 'postMessage' on 'Worker': Symbol(Symbol.toPrimitive) could not be cloned.

Here is my setup


import { expose } from 'comlinkjs';

export class GenerateData {
  generateData(source: string) {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      resolve( "TEST" );

expose({GenerateData}, self);
import {Injectable} from '@angular/core';
import {proxy} from 'comlinkjs';

const GenerateDataWokrer = proxy<
  typeof import('../worker/generate-data').GenerateData
  new (Worker as any)('../worker/generate-data', { type: 'module' })

  providedIn: 'root'
export class GenerateDataService {
  async generateData(source: string): Promise<any> {
    const worker = await new GenerateDataWokrer();
    return await worker.generateData(source);

calling it as:

this.genDataService.generateData(``).then((value) => {

Can you help me understand from where is the error coming from?

Hosted demo?

It would be nice to have a hosted demo people can play with.


It could be useful to have a file to see what is changed from the previous version.
For example from 2.1 to 2.2 no idea what is the benefit to upgrade

TypeScript compilation fails for WebWorker

Compiling comlink.d.ts for a WebWorker fails with

Using tsc v2.8.3
node_modules/comlinkjs/comlink.d.ts(26,23): error TS2304: Cannot find name 'Window'.
node_modules/comlinkjs/comlink.d.ts(29,44): error TS2304: Cannot find name 'Window'.

My workaround is to remove "Window |" from method definitions for proxy and expose.

Dont we have another option?

Inaccurate typings for nested object properties

It seems like comlink will only return a Promise for the last property in a property access chain:


Lines 463 to 475 in 306a9d8

get(_target, property, proxy) {
if (property === "then" && callPath.length === 0) {
return { then: () => proxy };
} else if (property === "then") {
const r = cb({
type: "GET",
return Promise.resolve(r).then.bind(r);
} else {
return cbProxy(cb, callPath.concat(property), (<any>_target)[property]);

Meaning a call like this should be possible:

const foo = comlink.proxy()

However, the TypeScript typings currently always convert all properties to Promises:

: Promisify<T[P]>

Meaning you have to write this:

await (await

I need to do a lot of these nested method calls without intermediate Promise(s). How could we make them in a type safe way?

I think the other side could make the nested bar object explicitly a proxy value with comlink.proxy() so it is never Promisified:

class Foo {
  public bar = comlink.proxy({
    qux: () => 123

and comlink.proxy() values would need to be exposed to the type system:

export interface ProxyValue {
  [proxyValueSymbol]: true
export function proxyValue<T>(obj: T): T & ProxyValue

Then ProxifiedObject could take that into consideration and not wrap properties into Promises that are proxied values:

declare type ProxiedObject<T> = {
    [P in keyof T]: T[P] extends (...args: infer Arguments) => infer R // if is method
        ? (...args: Arguments) => Promisify<R> // promisify return type
        : (T[P] extends ProxyValue // if it's a proxied value
              ? T[P] // use raw type
              : Promisify<T[P]>) // regular prop, wrap in Promise

Which would make this work:

const foo = comlink.proxy<Foo>()

Q: async transformation to native promise

we are implementing comlink for site <-> iframe communication. Sadly we still need to support IE11 which has no support for async await. Async-await transpiling with babel adds about 28kb (unminified, nogzip) to the bundle.

I see the async keyword used twice. It it ok to convert them to native promises so we don't take this perf hit?

I don't mind doing the work.

proxyValues inside of argument objects are not serialized correctly

Problem: proxyValues inside of argument objects do not work.


  // Here "git" is a Comlink remote object
  function handleProgress (e) {
    store.progress[owner + '/' + name] = e.loaded /
  return git.clone({
    depth: 1,
    onprogress: Comlink.proxyValue(handleProgress),
    url: repo

Expected: the handleProgress callback would be called.


client.js:165 Uncaught (in promise) DOMException: Failed to execute 'postMessage' on 'MessagePort': function handleProgress (e) {
    store.progress[owner + '/' + name] = e.loaded /
  } could not be cloned.

Suggested Solution: Automatically wrap anything that throws a "could not be cloned" error in a ProxyValue. Then callbacks everywhere should Just Work (TM).

Possible to know when remote interface initialised

Would it be possible to know from a proxy, if the backing worker, or iframe is already up and will respond to your requests.

I have situation when i want wait until iframe is ready before i start calling remote api, ideally something like this

var remoteApi = await Comlink.proxy(iframe.contentWindow)
// now i am sure that iframe loaded and i can call the remote api's

Currently to do the same, i am forced to sent a postMessage from iframe when its loaded, and listen for this in main page, and then start using the remote api's using Comlink


There is a similar package called Workly. It also provides a simple API to work with a class in a WebWorker and even simpler to use.

// main.js
import * as Comlink from "comlink";

const MyClass = Comlink.wrap(
  new Worker("worker.js")

const instance = await new MyClass();
await instance.logSomething();
// worker.js
import * as Comlink from "comlink";

const myValue = 42;
class MyClass {
  logSomething() {
import * as workly from "workly";

const MyClass = workly.proxy(class {
  myValue = 42;
  logSomething() {

const instance = await new MyClass();
await instance.logSomething();

There is also an expose API in Workly but it isn't required for this example

What are the differences and advantages of Comlink over Workly?

Question about WebExtensions


I was wondering if comlink would be able to work with WebExtensions, since in WebExtensions we have a ton of different "threads", communication because a hassle. comlink would sound like a nice solution but alas I run into some issues:


import {Comlink} from 'comlink';
class MyClass {
    logSomething() {'hiya');
Comlink.expose(MyClass, window);


import {Comlink} from 'comlink';
chrome.runtime.getBackgroundPage(async bgPage => {
    if (bgPage) {
        const MyClass = Comlink.proxy(bgPage);
        const instance = await new (MyClass as any)();
        setInterval(() => {
        }, 5000);

Now on the background page I get a total of 2 events before it crashes:

The first one goes ok and looks like this:

The second one however:

since the next line slices the callPath property we end up with the following error/stacktrace:

Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read property 'slice' of undefined at comlink.es6.js:71
(anonymous) 		@ comlink.es6.js:71
postMessage (async)
postMessage 		@ comlink.es6.js:180
(anonymous) 		@ comlink.es6.js:105
async function (async)
(anonymous) 		@ comlink.es6.js:66

I was wondering if I'm doing something wrong or if WebExtensions (at least on chrome) has some implementation differences compared to other postMessage targets?

More useful type definition

Currently, Comlink.proxy returns just Function type. It is not useful because any language services or editors cannot suggest await new Foo() interface.

My proposal is to define a type of Comlink.proxy function, called PromisedConstructor.

type Promised<T> = {
  [P in keyof T]: T[P] extends (...args: infer A) => infer R
  ? (...args: A) => Promise<R>
  : Promise<T[P]>
type PromisedConstructor<T>  = {
  new(...args: any): Promise<Promised<T>>;

TypeScript Playground

Usecase (w/ Angular)

import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import * as Comlink from 'comlinkjs';
type LoggerType = import('./logger').Logger; // import only types

type Promised<T> = {
  [P in keyof T]: T[P] extends (...args: infer A) => infer R
  ? (...args: A) => Promise<R>
  : Promise<T[P]>
type PromisedConstructor<T>  = {
  new(...args: any): Promise<Promised<T>>;

const LoggerProxy = Comlink.proxy(
  new (Worker as any)('./logger', { type: 'module' }) // global `Worker` workaround...
) as PromisedConstructor<LoggerType>;

  providedIn: 'root'
export class LoggerService {
  async sendLog(value: any) {
    const logger = await new LoggerProxy(); // type safe
    await logger.log(value); // type-safe

I've not found out yet how to extract the original constructor's arguments type. With the above type definition, await new LoggerProxy() 's constructor arguments are all recognized as any[].


MessageChannelAdapter leaks event listeners

The MessageChannelAdapter has a leak. If it is used to transfer a MessagePort, a new event listener is added that never gets cleaned up (because smc.addEventListener is called but smc.removeEventListener is never called). Depending on the usage pattern, this can mean that the array of event listeners grows very quickly and has a significant performance impact on the page.

I saw the v4 branch removes the MessageChannelAdapter. Do you have a solution to this problem in mind in v4?

I was prototyping a way to monkey-patch MessagePort#close to send closed notifications and perform cleanup, to solve this problem. Does that sound like the right solution to you?

(Not directly related to #63, but that also talks about GCing MessagePorts.)

Won't start up in Electron

Using Comlink within Electron causes Electron to crash, as Electron's Node-based background process doesn't have a MessagePort object. Comlink is referring to the MessagePort global when enumerating the transferrable types.

If we can find some other way to test for MessagePort objects which doesn't assume the MessagePort global exists, then Comlink could be used to communicate between Electron's background and renderer processes.

An example using Service Worker?

When I saw this I assumed I could slot a service worker in the same place a web worker was being used in the example, but service workers don't have self.postMessage, so it doesn't work. I've got it working now by hooking up the proxy through a MessagePort in a message event - is that the best way to do it?

Either way, it would be great to have an example showing the best practise for this.

Transfer handlers broke after upgrading to v4

I'm encountering a bug that appeared after migrating from v3 to v4. It's related to babel's transpilation and proxying callback functions with Comlink.proxy, (Comlink.proxyValue in v3).

Some context:

I declared a transfer handler for Error

export function setTransferHandlers () {
    const errorTransferHandler = {
        canHandle (obj) {
            return obj instanceof Error
        serialize (obj) {
            return [cloneErrorObject(obj), []]
        deserialize (obj) {
            return Object.assign(Error(), obj)

    Comlink.transferHandlers.set('ERROR', errorTransferHandler)

Here's a block of my source code where the bug occurs.

const resolved = Promise.resolve()
function nextTickUnthrottled (fn, ...args) {
	resolved.then(() => {

By this point, fn has been passed thru Comlink.proxy. In my debugging tests, arg is a single Error object. After the fn is called with the Error arg, I expect my error transfer handler to handle it, which it does if my source code is running in the browser. That is, I expect the below func to return true.

canHandle (obj) {
    return obj instanceof Error

However, since i'm using babel, this is the code that runs in the browser.

function nextTickUnthrottled (fn) {
        for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len > 1 ? _len - 1 : 0), _key = 1; _key < _len; _key++) {
        	args[_key - 1] = arguments[_key];
        resolved.then(function () {
        	fn.apply(void 0, args)

The important bit is fn(...args) -> fn.apply(void 0, args). This results in a different code path for the proxy. Instead of the apply trap being called (which happens with my source), it results in the get trap being called, and THEN the apply trap.

The bug: After upgrading to v4, the obj param in canHandle(obj) is a single element array with the error obj, instead of the error obj itself.

Here's a snippet of comlink's source with my comments to illustrate the differing code path:

function createProxy(ep, path = []) {
    const proxy = new Proxy(new Function(), {
	// BABEL CODE calls 'get' first which returns a new proxy,
        // then the `apply` trap is called on the new proxy, 
        // but my error object has been inserted into an array
        get(_target, prop) {
            return createProxy(ep, [...path, prop]);
		// SOURCE CODE calls 'apply' first
        apply(_target, _thisArg, rawArgumentList) {
    return proxy;

Let me know if you need more info.
Is this something comlink can work around?

Maintenance of the webpack loader

It's been almost a year since v3.0 was released and the webpack loader still hasn't been bumped to version 3. With version 4 on the horizon, I was wondering if it would be possible to finally get some love for the webpack loader?

There is a PR open in the loader project currently GoogleChromeLabs/comlink-loader#11.

Publish source maps and declaration maps

Enabling sourceMap allows stepping into comlink code when debugging and to have stack traces that point to the real source, if the source is also included in the npm package either as files or inline in the source map.
declarationMap in tsconfig.json allows tools to map the .d.ts files back to the source, which for example allows cross-repository go-to-definition and find-all-references on

This is currently difficult to add because the package.json is copied into dist/, and TypeScript would then point to ../comlink.ts as the source, which doesn't exist because .. would be node_modules. Why not publish the package root? Comlink is just a single file so it's always imported through the main import anyway.

Document browser compatibility

Could you please document the browser compatibility, in terms of major dependencies. E.g. is full ES2015 Proxy support required? Is there a way, when using a polyfill, to pre-enumerate known properties?

Support callbacks as function parameters

I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong or there's a bug. What I'm doing is trying to use observable to receive the data.
Working example1:

public ngAfterViewInit(): void {
        this.main().then((ifr: any) => {
            const api = Comlink.proxy(ifr.contentWindow);
            (api as any).CommunicationChannel.getInstance().then((_instance) => {
                 _instance.setUserToken('123').then(() => {
                     _instance.getUserToken().then(res => console.log(res));

    private main(): Promise<any> {
        const ifr = document.querySelector('iframe');
        return new Promise((resolve) => ifr.onload = () => {


import {Comlink} from 'comlinkjs';
import 'rxjs/add/observable/of';
import {Observable} from 'rxjs/Observable';

 * Create a communication channel between the different apps

export default class CommunicationChannel {
    // Instance for the singleton class
    private static _instance: CommunicationChannel;

    // User token
    private _userToken;

    constructor() {
        if (CommunicationChannel._instance) {
            throw new Error('Error: Instantiation failed: Use SingletonClass.getInstance() instead of new.');

     * Create the instance
    public static getInstance() {
        if (!CommunicationChannel._instance) {
            CommunicationChannel._instance = new CommunicationChannel();
        return Comlink.proxyValue(CommunicationChannel._instance);


    public setUserToken(userToken: string) {
        this._userToken = userToken;

    public getUserToken(): string {
        return this._userToken;

// Expose listens for RPC messages on endpoint and applies the operations to rootObj
Comlink.expose({CommunicationChannel}, self.parent);

Changing in observable:

public ngAfterViewInit(): void {
        this.main().then((ifr: any) => {
            const api = Comlink.proxy(ifr.contentWindow);
            (api as any).CommunicationChannel.getInstance().then((_instance) => {
                const userToken = Observable.fromPromise(_instance.getUserToken());
                userToken.subscribe(res => console.log(res));


    private main(): Promise<any> {
        const ifr = document.querySelector('iframe');
        return new Promise((resolve) => ifr.onload = () => {

Iframe same as before but change this method:

public getUserToken(): Observable<string> {
        return new Observable((observer) => {
            setInterval(() => {
            }, 1000);


comlink.es6.js:65 Uncaught (in promise) DOMException: Failed to execute 'postMessage' on 'MessagePort': function (observer) {
            setInterval(function () {
            }...<omitted>... } could not be cloned.
    at MessagePort.<anonymous> (http://localhost:4201/vendor.bundle.js:2588:37)
    at <anonymous>

Cors Error in version 2.0

Version: 2.0.0

<!DOCTYPE html>
<iframe src="">
<script src=""></script>
  async function main() {
    const ifr = document.querySelector('iframe');
    await new Promise(resolve => ifr.onload = resolve);
    const api = Comlink.proxy(ifr.contentWindow);
    const instanceOfComunication = await api.Comunication.getInstance();
    console.log(await instanceOfComunication.counter);
    console.log(await instanceOfComunication.counter);


<!doctype html>
<script src=""></script>
let instance = null;
class Comunication {
  constructor() {
    this._counter = 0;

  static getInstance() {
      if (!instance)
          instance = new Comunication();
      return Comlink.proxyValue(instance);

  get counter() {
      return this._counter;

  inc() {
Comlink.expose({Comunication}, self.parent);

live-server index.html --cors --port=2000
live-server iframe.html --cors --port=2001

Error: Uncaught DOMException: Blocked a frame with origin "" from accessing a cross-origin frame.
    at j (
    at Object.c [as expose] (
j @
c @
(anonymous) @ (index):24 Uncaught (in promise) DOMException: Blocked a frame with origin "http://localhost:2000" from accessing a cross-origin frame.
    at j (
    at Object.a [as proxy] (
    at main (http://localhost:2000/:9:25)
    at <anonymous>
function j(a) {
        return 'Window' ===

New release?

Would you mind cutting a new release? Thanks!

`npm run build` fails

I did npm i and then npm run build and got

> [email protected] build /home/ian/git/comlink
> rm -rf dist && mkdir dist && npm run compile && npm run mangle_global && npm run minify

> [email protected] compile /home/ian/git/comlink
> tsc --outDir dist -m none && mv dist/comlink.{,global.}js && mv dist/messagechanneladapter.{,global.}js && tsc --outDir dist -m es2015 && mv dist/comlink.{,es6.}js && mv dist/messagechanneladapter.{,es6.}js && tsc -d --outDir dist -m umd && mv dist/comlink.{,umd.}js && mv dist/messagechanneladapter.{,umd.}js

messagechanneladapter.ts(46,37): error TS2345: Argument of type '(event: MessageEvent) => void' is not assignable to parameter of type 'EventListener | EventListenerObject | undefined'.
  Type '(event: MessageEvent) => void' is not assignable to type 'EventListenerObject'.
    Property 'handleEvent' is missing in type '(event: MessageEvent) => void'.
npm ERR! errno 2
npm ERR! [email protected] compile: `tsc --outDir dist -m none && mv dist/comlink.{,global.}js && mv dist/messagechanneladapter.{,global.}js && tsc --outDir dist -m es2015 && mv dist/comlink.{,es6.}js && mv dist/messagechanneladapter.{,es6.}js && tsc -d --outDir dist -m umd && mv dist/comlink.{,umd.}js && mv dist/messagechanneladapter.{,umd.}js`
npm ERR! Exit status 2
npm ERR! 
npm ERR! Failed at the [email protected] compile script.
npm ERR! This is probably not a problem with npm. There is likely additional logging output above.

npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
npm ERR!     /home/ian/.npm/_logs/2017-11-23T14_54_50_488Z-debug.log
npm ERR! errno 2
npm ERR! [email protected] build: `rm -rf dist && mkdir dist && npm run compile && npm run mangle_global && npm run minify`
npm ERR! Exit status 2
npm ERR! 
npm ERR! Failed at the [email protected] build script.
npm ERR! This is probably not a problem with npm. There is likely additional logging output above.

npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
npm ERR!     /home/ian/.npm/_logs/2017-11-23T14_54_50_508Z-debug.log

Deconstruction does not work

const {exportA, exportB} = Comlink.proxy(worker);

exportA and exportB won’t work due to how the batching proxy works. Might have to ditch it.

proxied instance returned via a promise fails to work...

In example below (using master version of comlink) the call to await instance.logSomething() in the resolved promise fails - it appears passing item through resolve calls through to comlink but gets back an incorrect object. Any ideas why this might be happening? Thanks.

// main.js
import * as Comlink from './comlink.js';

const pr = new Promise(async (resolve) => {
    const items = Comlink.proxy(new Worker("worker.js", {type: "module"}));
    const item2 = items['class2']; 

pr.then(async (instance) => {
    // this fails with error: TypeError: instance.logSomething is not a function
    await instance.logSomething();

// worker.js
import { expose } from "./comlink.js";

const myValue = 42;

class MyClass {
    logSomething() {
        console.log(`myValue = ${myValue}`);

const exposedItems = {
    class1: new MyClass(),
    class2: new MyClass(),
expose(exposedItems, self);

Document the requirement of "async functions"

Currently the document only includes "Proxy" requirement, but it caught me off-guard that async functions are also used in the code.

Proxy support: iOS >= 10.2
Async function support: iOS >= 10.3

So even if proxy is polyfilled, one must also take care of async functions support too. This incurs the inevitable configuration of babel and regenerator, which is not always desirable.

It would be great if they can be replaced with plain functions returning promises. If not then it should be documented as well in the readme, like proxy polyfill.

Iframe communication

Hi All,
I just saw this amazing library and I'm trying to use it but honestly I'm struggling a bit.

On the Iframe I did (application1):

export class Comunication {
    private _counter;

    constructor() {
        this._counter = 0;

    get counter() {
        return this._counter;

    inc() {
import {Comlink} from 'comlinkjs';
import {Comunication} from '../../common/comlink/Comunication';
export class LoginCmpstComponent {
constructor() {
            Comlink.expose({Comunication}, Comlink.windowEndpoint(self.parent));
public login(): void {
   const com: Comunication = new Comunication();;

In the parent (application2):

public ngAfterViewInit(): void {
        this.main().then(res => console.log('comLink', res));

public async main() {
        const ifr = document.querySelector('iframe');
        const api = Comlink.proxy(Comlink.windowEndpoint(ifr.contentWindow));
        console.log(`${await api.prototype.counter()}`);   <---- what I should put here ???

Can you please tell me what I should do in mine main()?


Compatibility with React-Native

I have found Comlink very useful for RPC between a React-Native app and a web app inside a WebView component.
To make it work, I had to make a few adjustments:

  1. Write an RN end-point that supports 3 functions: AddEventListener, onMessage that executes listeners and can be transferred to the WebView, and send that wraps the WebView's postMessage method.
  2. Write a very simple web endpoint that just wraps window.postMessage and document.addEventListener into an object that supports send and addEventListener. That's because of the way RN injects the postMessage function, and since it only supports string messages.
  3. Drop the call for MessagePort from the RN Comlink module, since it's undefined.
  4. Transpile the Comlink ES6 module into ES5, since ES6 dependencies are unsupported by create-react-app.

I was wondering, if you think that Comlink should support this usage out of the box, or that it would be better to fork it and make the adaptations mentioned above.


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