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git-rv's Introduction

status: inactive

This project is no longer actively developed or maintained.


git-rv is a command line tool for syncing local git clients with code reviews hosted on a Rietveld code review server such as

git-rv Basics

Using git-rv, you can create micro-commits locally, export them for review, and git-rv will create a single commit once your patch has been approved by your reviewers.

When you begin your review, git-rv will track a specific git remote and a branch in that remote. Once a remote branch has been tracked for a review, all diffs sent for review will be relative to that remote branch. If that branch is updated by another commit during your review, you can bring your review branch up to date by running git rv sync.

NOTE: If there are multiple remotes associated with your local git repository and/or multiple branches in the selected remote, the tool will prompt you to make a choice.

To commit reviewed code, you'll never need to run git push; git rv submit will handle that for you. In this process, the tool combines your micro-commits into a single commit and makes sure it pushes your local code to the correct branch in the correct git remote.


To install git-rv, first clone this repository:

$ git clone

and then either copy the git-rv binary into a directory on your $PATH, create a symlink, or add the git-rv directory to your $PATH:

$ cp git-rv/git-rv /some/directory/on/your/path
$ # OR
$ ln -s git-rv/git-rv /some/directory/on/your/path/git-rv
$ # OR
$ PATH=${PATH}:/absolute/path/to/git-rv-directory

NOTE: No matter your choice, it is possible it will require sudo to copy or create a symlink for directories on your path.

Once you've installed, executing git rv {$COMMAND} from within a git repository will call git-rv.

Basic Workflow

git-rv supports many commands (run git-rv --help) so see them all, but the main ones needed for code reviews are export, submit and sync. For editing and committing your code, creating branches and doing work locally, you can use git as you usually would. It is only when interacting with your code review that you'll need to use git-rv.

A typical review may look like the following:

  1. Start a feature branch:

    $ git branch
    * master
    $ git checkout -b {$BRANCH}
    $ git branch
    * {$BRANCH}
  2. Make an initial commit:

    $ emacs ... # Do some work
    $ git add .
    $ git commit -m "Adding super cool feature X."
    $ git rv export -r [email protected]
    Upload server: (change with -s/--server)
    Loaded authentication cookies from {$HOME}/.codereview_upload_cookies
    Issue created. URL:{$ISSUE}
    Uploading base file for {$FILENAME1}
    Uploading base file for {$FILENAME2}
    Metadata update from code server succeeded.
  3. Address comments from your code review:

    $ emacs ... # Do some more work
    $ git add .
    $ git commit -m "Fixing the blerg typo per reviewer request."
    $ git rv export
    Upload server: (change with -s/--server)
    Loaded authentication cookies from {$HOME}/.codereview_upload_cookies
    Issue updated. URL:{$ISSUE}
    Metadata update from code server succeeded.
  4. Find out someone else committed to master, sync their changes in:

    $ git rv sync
    Auto-merging {$FILENAME1}
    Auto-merging {$FILENAME2}
    Squash commit -- not updating HEAD
    [{$BRANCH} {$SYNC_COMMIT}] Syncing review {$BRANCH} at {$SYNC_COMMIT}
    2 files changed, ...
    Exporting synced changes.
    Upload server: (change with -s/--server)
    Loaded authentication cookies from {$HOME}/.codereview_upload_cookies
    Issue updated. URL:{$ISSUE}
    Uploading base file for {$FILENAME1}
    Uploading base file for {$FILENAME2}
    Metadata update from code server succeeded.

    NOTE: This assumes the merge initiated by the sync was all peachy. If not, git-rv will do it's best to make sure you resolve the merge conflicts and get the review back on track.

  5. Time to submit:

    Trying to submit before one of your reviewers gives an LGTM (short for "looks good to me") will result in a failure:

    $ git rv submit
    This review has not been approved.

    Once the review has been LGTM'ed by one of your reviewers, you can submit your changes:

    $ git rv submit
    Checking out origin/review-{$ISSUE} at {$SYNC_COMMIT}
    Adding reviewed commits.
    Adding commit:
    Adding super cool feature X.
    Reviewed in{$ISSUE}
    Replacing review branch '{$BRANCH}' with newly committed content.
    Loaded authentication cookies from {$HOME}/.codereview_upload_cookies
    Added in
    posted to code review issue.
    Issue {$ISSUE} has been closed.

Power Users and Committers

For more details on the other commands, simply execute git-rv --help or git rv {$COMMAND} --help.

Feel free to file new issues and feature request, comment on existing ones and fork this repository to your heart's content.

If you are working on changes to git-rv, you will need to be able to run to create a new git-rv binary based on your working copy of the repository.

In order to do this you'll need to initialize the Rietveld git submodule. Since Rietveld is a Mercurial project, we use git-remote-hg to include it as a git submodule. To pull it, run

$ # If you don't have git-remote-hg installed
$ sudo pip install --upgrade git-remote-hg
$ git submodule update --init

Using git-rv for Mercurial repositories

If you'd like to use git-rv to do code reviews for your hg repositories, this is fully supported. In the same fashion we use git-remote-hg to support the Rietveld submodule, it can be used to work on an hg repository.

For example, to work on google-api-python-client, we check out the repository with git by appending a dummy protocol hg::

git clone hg::

(This looks similar to the protocols we're used to: http:, https: and git:.)

After doing this, you can jump in right away and interact with the repository as if it were a git repository:

cd google-api-python-client
emacs ... # Do some work
git rv export -r [email protected]

After the review is complete, you can submit via git rv submit. For Google Code Hosting reviews (and other Mercurial hosting sites to follow), after submitting, a link to the newly pushed commit will be added to the Rietveld review.

git-rv's People


danholevoet avatar dhermes avatar elibixby avatar fredsa avatar proppy avatar


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git-rv's Issues

error: no such commit db4c2f8d1e44b4fcf1d6ba8ba38af3f98e2d3d69

$ git rv getinfo
No review data found in branch 'master'.
$ git status
# On branch master
# Your branch is ahead of 'origin/master' by 1 commit.
#   (use "git push" to publish your local commits)
nothing to commit, working directory clean
$ git remote -v
origin (fetch)
origin (push)
$ git rv export
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 162, in _run_module_as_main
    "__main__", fname, loader, pkg_name)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 72, in _run_code
    exec code in run_globals
  File "/Users/dhermes/git-rv/", line 28, in <module>
  File "/Users/dhermes/git-rv/", line 23, in main
  File "/Users/dhermes/git-rv/", line 182, in callback
  File "/Users/dhermes/git-rv/", line 92, in __init__
  File "/Users/dhermes/git-rv/", line 519, in get_remote_info
  File "/Users/dhermes/git-rv/", line 215, in capture_command
utils.GitRvException: Command 'git branch --contains db4c2f8d1e44b4fcf1d6ba8ba38af3f98e2d3d69' failed with:
error: no such commit db4c2f8d1e44b4fcf1d6ba8ba38af3f98e2d3d69
usage: git branch [options] [-r | -a] [--merged | --no-merged]
   or: git branch [options] [-l] [-f] <branchname> [<start-point>]
   or: git branch [options] [-r] (-d | -D) <branchname>...
   or: git branch [options] (-m | -M) [<oldbranch>] <newbranch>

Generic options
    -v, --verbose         show hash and subject, give twice for upstream branch
    -q, --quiet           suppress informational messages
    -t, --track           set up tracking mode (see git-pull(1))
    --set-upstream        change upstream info
    -u, --set-upstream-to <upstream>
                          change the upstream info
    --unset-upstream      Unset the upstream info
    --color[=<when>]      use colored output
    -r, --remotes         act on remote-tracking branches
    --contains <commit>   print only branches that contain the commit
    --abbrev[=<n>]        use <n> digits to display SHA-1s

Specific git-branch actions:
    -a, --all             list both remote-tracking and local branches
    -d, --delete          delete fully merged branch
    -D                    delete branch (even if not merged)
    -m, --move            move/rename a branch and its reflog
    -M                    move/rename a branch, even if target exists
    --list                list branch names
    -l, --create-reflog   create the branch's reflog
    --edit-description    edit the description for the branch
    -f, --force           force creation (when already exists)
    --no-merged <commit>  print only not merged branches
    --merged <commit>     print only merged branches
    --column[=<style>]    list branches in columns

sync --continue does not set the last synced hash value

git rv sync --continue does not set the last synced hash value in the check_continue method. While we're at it, non-existent globals FINISHED and EXPORT are reference which should instead refer to the class "constants" self.FINISHED and self.EXPORT.

The seeds of a fix:

diff --git a/ b/
index 819db1f..09ee048 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -139,9 +139,13 @@ class SyncAction(object):
             commits = utils.get_commits(self.__last_commit, 'HEAD')
             if len(commits) == 0:
                 print 'Please make a commit after resolving the merge conflict.'
-                self.state = FINISHED
+                self.state = self.FINISHED
             elif len(commits) == 1:
-                self.state = EXPORT
+                remote = self.__rietveld_info.remote_info.remote
+                remote_branch = self.__rietveld_info.remote_info.branch
+                remote_branch_ref = '%s/%s' % (remote, remote_branch)
+                self.__last_synced = utils.get_head_commit(remote_branch_ref)
+                self.state = self.EXPORT
                 template_args = {'commit': commits[-1]}
                 print TOO_MANY_COMMITS_AFTER_CONTINUE % template_args

/cc @tmatsuo

DISCUSSION: What should `utils.RietveldInfo.from_branch` do when called; `get` or `get_or_create`?

From the discussion in the initial review:

It was not obvious without reading from_branch implementation that it was
a get_or_create pattern.

Maybe there is a way to make it more explicit.

When implementing it, I previously was using a get_or_create pattern and there were places where None as the return in the case it didn't exist was helpful and others
where having the new instance was helpful.

I'm still torn on which I prefer or which makes sense given the naming.

/cc @proppy @danholevoet @fredsa

`RietveldInfo.server` or `args.server` make different assumptions

Essentially, args.server is returned from optparse. When it is not the default, it is a singleton list with the server passed as a flag, else it is simply a list.

For example, this current failure is caused by RietveldInfo.server assuming it will always receive a string (which it should):

$ git rv export -s -r [email protected]
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/", line 162, in _run_module_as_main
    "__main__", fname, loader, pkg_name)
  File "/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/", line 72, in _run_code
    exec code in run_globals
  File "", line 28, in <module>
  File "", line 23, in main
  File "", line 159, in callback
  File "", line 66, in __init__
  File "", line 88, in __update_rietveld_info_from_args
  File "", line 699, in setter
  File "", line 618, in _string_type_cast
utils.GitRvException: Property must be string. Received [''].

The following change in ExportAction.__update_rietveld_info_from_args should be sufficient:

class ExportAction(object):
             args: An argparse.Namespace object to extract parameters from.
-        self.__rietveld_info.server = args.server
+        server = args.server
+        if isinstance(server, list):
+            assert len(server) == 1
+            server = server[0]
+        self.__rietveld_info.server = server

DISCUSSION: Improve the state machine approach for actions.

The state machine approach is currently too verbose and typical YAGNI and the advance() method on each action sometimes makes it unclear which states correspond to which methods.

A better approach needs to be figured out. This thread will be used to try to help resolve that and lead to a sweeping change (or a bunch of individual changes for each git-rv action).

One idea I had was to keep the state machines around, but to make them actual state machines by:

  1. Using the method names as the states (modulo upper/lower case)
  2. Having a single state machine/action base class which handles advancing
  3. Instead of saving the git-rv metadata as a top level object (retrieved by
    git rv getinfo) use a protected key, e.g. final, and instead save the info as
    {'safe': previous_idea_of_rietveld_info}.
  4. Use a combination of the command and state names as keys and save the results
    temporarily in the Rietveld info under a key other than final.
  5. Add a --recover flag to all commands that allows the state machine to pick up at
    the last saved point. This would require thinking about when keys should be expunged
    from the Rietveld info.
  6. Potentially disallow calling commands/actions without --recover if those actions are in a dirty state.
    Or at least do this by default and ask for --force to override. This could easily be done by shared code.
  7. In our shared action parent class, create all the logic needed to make --recover
    and temporary saved states work, as well as a final clean_up method which will
    apply all the changes to the final key. Another valuable/necessary thing may be
    a way to remove the previous temporary result when saving the next/subsequent.

/cc @proppy @danholevoet @fredsa

OAuth flow results in UnicodeEncodeError

$ git rv submit
Checking out origin/review-9830044 at 9904b47aeb78defc1b9561064f048061a444bd32.
Adding reviewed commits.
Adding commit:
update part5-templates branch to match documentation…

Reviewed in
Replacing review branch 'part5-templates' with newly committed content.
Your browser has been opened to visit:

If your browser is on a different machine then exit and re-run with the command-line parameter


Created new window in existing browser session.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 162, in _run_module_as_main
"main", fname, loader, pkg_name)
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 72, in _run_code
exec code in run_globals
File "", line 28, in
File "", line 23, in main
File "", line 123, in callback
File "", line 99, in init
File "", line 411, in advance
File "", line 140, in verify_approval
File "", line 413, in advance
File "", line 159, in update_from_metadata
File "", line 415, in advance
File "", line 174, in create_branch
File "", line 417, in advance
File "", line 205, in commit
File "", line 419, in advance
File "", line 227, in push_commit
File "", line 423, in advance
File "", line 288, in clean_up_local
File "", line 425, in advance
File "", line 390, in clean_up_review
File "", line 340, in __add_commit_link
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 1312, in urlencode
v = quote_plus(str(v))
UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\u2026' in position 99: ordinal not in range(128)

The browser URL was:


git rv should explicitly log all git tasks it performs

git rv should explicitly log all git tasks it performs. This may result in verbose output, so having instead a -v flag to ask for verbosity may be better.

This could likely be accomplished by plugging into capture_command or it's eventual successor (hopefully Pygit2).

Suggested changes:

  1. Show precisely the commands being executed:
git checkout master
git merge ....
  1. Tell the user that we're pushing to origin
git push origin
  1. Also show the output of each git command, e.g.
Checking out master.
$ git checkout master
> Switched to branch 'master'

$ git merge somebranch
> Updating cff8a30..97ec29e
> Fast-forward
> .....

$ git push origin
> .....

/cc @fredsa

export should fail while there is a pending sync

export should fail while there is a pending sync

If an export occurs of the commit that was supposed to be used for git rv sync --continue, then the check for exactly one commit will fail and sync will be in a permanently busted state.

In `SyncAction.check_continue`, if HEAD is clean, print different error message

We currently assume if git rv sync --continue is called that there was a bad sync; from

        commits = utils.get_commits(self.__last_commit, 'HEAD')
        if len(commits) == 0:
            print 'Please make a commit after resolving the merge conflict.'
            self.state = FINISHED

Instead we should also check if HEAD is clean and print a different notification expressing that --continue is not need since no sync had been attempted.

/cc @proppy

`git-rv export` should not populate metadata if no review is in progress and no changes are available to be uploaded

Currently, git rv export will run even if there are no commits, because it could potentially update the metadata, i.e. a person may want to change the issue subject without sending any changes:

git rv export --message="I didn't do anything. Ha!"

However, this still works before a review has begun, which should not occur.


  • First clone a new repo
$ git clone
$ cd git-rv
  • Do absolutely nothing
  • Try to export your nothing changes
$ git rv export -r [email protected]
No output from ['git', 'diff', '--no-color', '--no-ext-diff', '--full-index', '--ignore-submodules', SOMEHASH']

and realize that refused to upload anything, this ending the command.

  • Check to make sure nothing bad happened
$ git rv getinfo
  "reviewers": [
    "[email protected]"
  "private": false, 
  "remote_info": {
    "url": "", 
    "last_synced": "SOMEHASH", 
    "remote": "origin", 
    "commit_hash": "SOMEHASH", 
    "branch": "master"
  "server": ""

Oh no!

/cc @fredsa

Display list of commits before uploading code review

Currently the review is uploaded as soon as authenticated, but no preview is shown, so it may include commits you were not expecting.

It'd be good to have a preview and ask for a confirmation before creating the CR and issue, otherwise one needs to delete the issue and get rid of the local CR (as discussed on issue #51).

git-rv sync fails when the squash merge has nothing to do.

For example, if

bossylobster:dhermes-projects (some-branch) dhermes$ git merge --squash master
Already up-to-date!
Squash commit -- not updating HEAD
Automatic merge went well; stopped before committing as requested

where the review is actually out of sync (via this snipped rv getinfo):

bossylobster:dhermes-projects (some-branch) dhermes$ git rv getinfo
  "remote_info": {
    "last_synced": "79001cd606e449c3514fdff012d4d917e740ac5e", 

and the HEAD commit does not match

bossylobster:dhermes-projects (some-branch) dhermes$ git log -2 master --pretty=%H

Actually running the code that fails by hand (the stacktrace not so helpful), we get

>>> args = ('git', 'commit', '-m', 
                  'Syncing ...')
>>> proc = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
>>> print proc.wait()
>>> print
# On branch no-oauth-sync
# Untracked files:
#   (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)
#   HOW.txt
nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to track)
>>> print repr(

Unable to export due to commit message

Context: I had not pushed my changes merged from upstream, so my fork repository had some commits that were not intended for the code review. Due to one of them, git-rv export just fails.

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 162, in _run_module_as_main
    "__main__", fname, loader, pkg_name)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 72, in _run_code
    exec code in run_globals
  File "", line 28, in <module>
  File "", line 23, in main
  File "", line 218, in callback
  File "", line 113, in __init__
  File "", line 168, in __get_commit_message_parts
  File "", line 456, in get_user_commit_message_parts
  File "", line 358, in get_commit_message_parts
utils.GitRvException: Commit message:
'- strings are now assumed to always be Unicode\nThis fixes a bug where this caused a crash:\n\nLANG=C bin/logstash agent -e \'filter { mutate { replace => { "message"\n=> "\xe2\x98\xb9" } } } output { stdout { codec => json } }\'\n\nThe problem was that LANG=C told ruby\'s eval() what the encoding of\nstrings was by default, and since logstash requires UTF-8/unicode\nelswhere, it makes sense to require it for the config file as well.'
does not begin with the subject:
'- strings are now assumed to always be Unicode This fixes a bug where this caused a crash:'.

These are the recent log messages (the one starting with "- strings" seem to have caused the issue)

commit 522d8b029e8416dcbac795297dbc1a841b11407e
Author: Rodrigo De Castro <[email protected]>
Date:   Thu Sep 12 14:15:29 2013 -0700

    Add first version of BQ output plugin.

commit 29de30745138ddcb69a2b45b8ebf3e5a1c39b58a
Author: Jordan Sissel <[email protected]>
Date:   Wed Sep 11 11:02:20 2013 -0700


commit 7ca972e8d11337142fd841e6f175cd3f744b76e5
Author: Jordan Sissel <[email protected]>
Date:   Mon Sep 9 11:01:30 2013 -0700

    - strings are now assumed to always be Unicode
    This fixes a bug where this caused a crash:

    LANG=C bin/logstash agent -e 'filter { mutate { replace => { "message"
    => "☹" } } } output { stdout { codec => json } }'

    The problem was that LANG=C told ruby's eval() what the encoding of
    strings was by default, and since logstash requires UTF-8/unicode
    elswhere, it makes sense to require it for the config file as well.

commit 45ac715e36e6b0074e7233d709eefee28b50d650
Author: Jordan Sissel <[email protected]>
Date:   Mon Sep 9 07:35:42 2013 -0700

    - fix docs

commit f1d6d1d71cef10067180ef2d2fac401d6356483c
Author: Jordan Sissel <[email protected]>
Date:   Sun Sep 8 21:01:47 2013 -0700

    - swear less, and never in documentation.

`git-rv` should support `version` and `update` commands

version command:

Provide the "release" version of the git-rv binary via a command like git rv version

update command:

Update the git-rv binary in place. I know to do this in pure Python would likely require using os.fork to create a process that will download the new version and be ready to replace it after the current version stops running the update command.

Use OAuth 2.0 by default.

Allow fallback/figure out when cases that the squash merge fails on submit

Example stack trace from when trying to fix #1 and using git-rv for the review

Checking out origin/review-9188043 at ee57c6d25917b5e1f43b5a3fc284e8f4d8648636.
Adding reviewed commits.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/", line 162, in _run_module_as_main
    "__main__", fname, loader, pkg_name)
  File "/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/", line 72, in _run_code
    exec code in run_globals
  File "/Users/dhermes/git-rv/", line 28, in <module>
  File "/Users/dhermes/git-rv/", line 23, in main
    args.callback(args, remaining)
  File "/Users/dhermes/git-rv/", line 128, in callback
    return cls(rpc_server_args=rpc_server_args, do_close=args.do_close)
  File "/Users/dhermes/git-rv/", line 104, in __init__
  File "/Users/dhermes/git-rv/", line 423, in advance
    self.verify_approval(*args, **kwargs)
  File "/Users/dhermes/git-rv/", line 145, in verify_approval
  File "/Users/dhermes/git-rv/", line 425, in advance
    self.update_from_metadata(*args, **kwargs)
  File "/Users/dhermes/git-rv/", line 163, in update_from_metadata
  File "/Users/dhermes/git-rv/", line 427, in advance
    self.create_branch(*args, **kwargs)
  File "/Users/dhermes/git-rv/", line 178, in create_branch
  File "/Users/dhermes/git-rv/", line 429, in advance
    self.commit(*args, **kwargs)
  File "/Users/dhermes/git-rv/", line 198, in commit
  File "/Users/dhermes/git-rv/", line 206, in capture_command
    raise GitRvException('Command %r failed with:\n%s' % (command, stderr))
utils.GitRvException: Command 'git merge --squash add-oauth' failed with:
warning: Cannot merge binary files: git-rv (HEAD vs. add-oauth)

Add Support for "committed in" messages for git-remote-hg reviews

For example, in the middle of a review, if we have

$ git rv getinfo
   "remote_info": {
     "url": "hg::",
     "last_synced": "4d1dc510d4ae42637f416e29ac982d53bc9940b1",
     "remote": "origin",
     "commit_hash": "4d1dc510d4ae42637f416e29ac982d53bc9940b1",
     "branch": "master"

Then, we can convert the git hashes to the hg hashes with something like the following:

url = 'hg::'
assert url.startswith('hg::')
_, url = url.split('hg::', 1)
import urllib
url = urllib.quote_plus(url)
import os
path = os.path.join('.git', 'hgremotes', url, '.hg', 'git-mapfile')
real_path = os.path.join(GIT_ROOT, path)

with open(real_path, 'r') as fh:
  content =
git_to_hg = dict(row.split(' ', 1) for row in content.split('\n'))

hg_hash = git_to_hg[git_hash]

This will go in and will added as part of the regexes in GoogleCodehostingRepositoryInfo and GithubRepositoryInfo.

'git rv sync --continue' fails if merge conflict ends up not requiring a commit

git rv sync --continue fails if merge conflict ends up not requiring a commit.

Here is the relevant code:

I need to do some research on this. After a merge, it seems if there are no needed changes after resolving conflicts that there should be an "empty" commit to change the parent hash, but I haven't been able to verify this behavior.

/cc @fredsa

DISCUSSION: Determine best way to "resume" review or to patch in someone else's review

Previously (see contents from initial review), there existed pack and unpack commands to create a zip and unpack a zip to pass reviews around, but this failed due to a poor understanding of git commit objects and compression used for large git projects.

Instead, we should use the Rietveld info stored along with the patch objects to allow patching in a review "over HTTP".

Potential issues:

  1. This may require features to be added to Rietveld
  2. We may run into issues relating to diff formats. This is discussed in an issue and in the Rietveld forum. It seems it is specific to Mercurial, but it is worth noting for future reference.

/cc @fredsa @danholevoet

Rietveld OAuth 2.0 redirect fails with uncaught 500 sometimes

EDIT: Issue title was "git rv submit sometimes hangs trying to update rietveld"

  1. Type git rv submit
  2. Command line output reads:
Checking out origin/review-9780046 at d0e512fda912a85fa6b10faf223f60325c1bda73.
Adding reviewed commits.
Adding commit:
add missing index.yaml to part5-staticfiles branch

Reviewed in
Replacing review branch 'part5-templates' with newly committed content.
Your browser has been opened to visit:

If your browser is on a different machine then exit and re-run with the command-line parameter


Created new window in existing browser session.
  1. After waiting 10 seconds, hit CTRL-C for traceback
^CTraceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 162, in _run_module_as_main
    "__main__", fname, loader, pkg_name)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 72, in _run_code

    exec code in run_globals
  File "", line 28, in <module>
  File "", line 23, in main
  File "", line 123, in callback
  File "", line 99, in __init__
  File "", line 411, in advance
  File "", line 140, in verify_approval
  File "", line 413, in advance
  File "", line 159, in update_from_metadata
  File "", line 415, in advance
  File "", line 174, in create_branch
  File "", line 417, in advance
  File "", line 205, in commit
  File "", line 419, in advance
  File "", line 227, in push_commit
  File "", line 423, in advance
  File "", line 288, in clean_up_local
  File "", line 425, in advance
  File "", line 385, in clean_up_review
  File "", line 303, in __get_xsrf_server
  File "", line 467, in _Authenticate
  File "", line 844, in __call__
  File "", line 779, in GetAccessToken
  File "", line 756, in WaitForAccessToken
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 265, in handle_request
    fd_sets =[self], [], [], timeout)

`git-rv` should (provide the option to) print `git status` and its output at the end of `git rv submit`

git-rv should (provide the option to) print git status and its output at the end of git rv submit

$ git rv submit
Checking out master.
Adding reviewed commits to master.
Adding commit:
improve the thing

Reviewed in
Loaded authentication cookies from /some/path
Issue 123456 has been closed.

> $ git status
> # On branch master
> nothing to commit, working directory clean

/cc @fredsa

DISCUSSION: Enable a `git-rv` config similar to `.git/config`

This would follow the same lookup path as git config, e.g.:

  1. Local: $PROJECT_ROOT/.git/config
  2. User Global: $HOME/.gitconfig
  3. Global: /etc/gitconfig

I'm marking this as a discussion because we should figure out what would belong in there and at what places it would be relevant to interject this config into git-rv commands.

I think both git aliases and hg plugins should be looked at before making any concrete design decisions.

/cc @fredsa @proppy

Does not support commit messages that exceed 100 characters

During export, if a commit message exceeds 100 characters, git-rv bails with an error. Assuming the restriction can't be overcome or extended, a cleaner error message (maybe with hints on how to edit the commit message: git rebase --interactive?) would be more appropriate.

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 162, in _run_module_as_main
"main", fname, loader, pkg_name)
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 72, in _run_code
exec code in run_globals
File "", line 28, in
File "", line 23, in main
File "", line 218, in callback
File "", line 113, in init
File "", line 168, in __get_commit_message_parts
File "", line 456, in get_user_commit_message_parts
File "", line 341, in get_commit_message_parts
utils.GitRvException: Commit subject '...' exceeds 100 characters.

DISCUSSION: Alert users when they create a review in a "clean" branch

i.e. If the remote branch you are tracking in your local branch is called "master" and your current local branch is also called "master", display a message/prompt asking the user if they want to proceed or create a new branch to export the review from.

It is my personal preference to do reviews in "named" branches per feature and leave one branch as "always clean", though this workflow/preference differs by user.

/cc @fredsa

Figure out if --track is really needed

This is used in when replacing the review branch with a "copy" based on what was sent to the remote.

Essentially, when I originally wrote the method I thought was necessary, but it's possible that

git branch local-branch-name remote-name/remote-branch-name

is sufficient without the --track flag, or with --no-track. It's also possible that we should keep around whether or not the branch is a tracking branch before destroying/replacing it.

Do not create code review if something fails (or allow reviews to be canceled)

Due to issue #50 my export failed. I wanted to try again after tidying up my repository, but did not find an option to cancel my code review. My workaround was to clone the repository again, reapply the changes, and resubmit the code review.

Please allow code reviews to be canceled or, even better, if the export fails for some reason (like issue #50), that a code review is not created.

Give better failure message for "multiple commits since export" case

When trying to export with multiple commits since the last export I see

$ git rv export
 You have made more than one commit since HEAD in origin/master.
 Please choose one of the following as your commit message:
 0: allow inline
 1: another content type
 2: send files as 'nosniff' attachments

and type

 Message: My custom commit message is written here

in the prompt.

I expect git-rv to use the message that I typed, but instead get a traceback:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/", line 162, in _run_module_as_main
    "__main__", fname, loader, pkg_name)
  File "/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/", line 72, in _run_code
    exec code in run_globals
  File "", line 28, in <module>
  File "", line 23, in main
  File "", line 159, in callback
  File "", line 76, in __init__
  File "", line 124, in __get_current_message
  File "", line 372, in get_user_commit_message
  File "", line 314, in user_choice_from_list
utils.GitRvException: Message choice My custom commit message is written here' is invalid.

Instead of raising an exception, the error message should clearly state the allowed values there. The prompt should say something like "Message #:" and the error message should mention that the user should use "-m" or "--message" to use a custom message.

It may also be worth discussing whether a custom value should be allowed here. The current expected behavior is that the user either types one of the integer values (0, 1, or 2) or exactly one of the full text choices.

/cc @fredsa

Add `git rv diff`

Add git rv diff.

This will show the diff from the current state and the last synced commit in a review.

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