Protocol buffers are a serializable format for structured data that is ubiquitous at Google. Idris is a language where types are first class values that is useful for theorem proving and metaprogramming. This package contains a partial implementation of protocol buffers in the Idris language. The goal is to demonstrate how Idris is capable of advanced metaprogramming that simplifies the implementation of protocol buffers.
This is not an official Google product. This project is a personal 20% project.
Protocol buffers are a way to describe a schema for serializable data. The schema is called a protocol buffer "message". A message describes the kind of data that is to be serialized, and comprises a set of fields. Each field can be a primitive type, an enum, or another message. In this way protocol buffers allow the description of arbitrary data types. Below is shown a protocol message describing a phone number, including an enum definition for the type of a phone number (mobile, home or work).
enum PhoneType {
HOME = 1;
WORK = 2;
message PhoneNumber {
required string number = 1;
optional PhoneType type = 2 [default = HOME];
message Person {
required string name = 1;
required int32 id = 2;
optional string email = 3;
repeated PhoneNumber phone = 4;
In most languages, protocol buffers are turned into native data types by code
generation. E.g. in C++, the generated code for the Person
class will be
a C++ class with methods like set_name
, name
and more complex method to
set nested messages like phone
. The code is generated by a compiler that
takes protocol message descriptions like the one above, parses them and emits
generated C++ code.
However in Idris, we can avoid generating code by considering a type of
message descriptors (so the Person
message description would be an value with
this type). This is the MessageDescriptor
class. In the protocol buffers
documentation this is just called a Descriptor
but here it's useful to be
more consistent in naming. The unique property of Idris is that we can
define an inductive data type InterpMessage
which has MessageDescriptor
its index space, so that InterpMessage Person
is the type of messages of
type Person
. Inductive data types are similar to C++ templates but with the
advantage their arguments can be any value and that value need not even be
known at compile time.
In Idris we can write generic, type safe, code for working with protocol buffers. In particular we have code for serialization and deserialization to and from text form. Serialization looks like
printToTextFormat : InterpMessage d -> String
Note that d
is an implicit argument. If we were to expand the above
declaration to include the type of d
(which Idris is able to infer), it would
printToTextFormat : {d : MessageDescriptor} -> InterpMessage d -> String
Note that this function is generic in that d
ranges over the space of
message descriptors, and for each d
, the type of the second argument is
a message of type InterpMessage d
, that is a protocol message in the format
given by the descriptor d
. Deserialization can also be done generically.
The main purpose of the repo is to demonstrate and explore some interesting
applications of Idris. Most of the interesting applications are in the Test
directory which contains an example descriptor Person
along with some
examples of creating an instance of InterpMessage Person
and some methods
to inspect properties.
The Person
descriptor is given by
PhoneType : EnumDescriptor
PhoneType = MkEnumDescriptor [
MkEnumValueDescriptor "MOBILE" 0,
MkEnumValueDescriptor "HOME" 1,
MkEnumValueDescriptor "WORK" 5
PhoneNumber : MessageDescriptor
PhoneNumber = MkMessageDescriptor [
MkFieldDescriptor Required PBString "number",
MkFieldDescriptor Optional (PBEnum PhoneType) "type"
Person : MessageDescriptor
Person = MkMessageDescriptor [
MkFieldDescriptor Required PBString "name",
MkFieldDescriptor Required PBInt32 "id",
MkFieldDescriptor Optional PBString "email",
MkFieldDescriptor Repeated (PBMessage PhoneNumber) "phone"
A example of an element of InterpMessage Person
John : InterpMessage Person
John = MkMessage [
"John Doe",
Just "[email protected]",
MkMessage ["123-456-7890", Just 1],
MkMessage ["987-654-3210", Nothing]
Note that the MkMessage
constructor accepts a heterogeneous list. This is
not an HVect
but a data type we construct in Protobuf.idr
whose constructors
are Nil
and (::)
, but whose elements have types corresponding to the
types of the fields given by the message descriptor.
Install the Lightyear package.
This can be done by cloning the repo by running this command from your home directory:
git clone
and installing it with
cd lightyear
idris --install lightyear.ipkg
Clone this repo by running the following from your home directory
git clone
The Test
directory contains interesting examples that you might want to modify
and re-run. To run the tests run this command from this repo
cd idris-protobuf
idris --testpkg protobuf.ipkg
In order to load the repl with this package, first install it with the command
idris --install protobuf.ipkg
then load the Idris REPL with this package along with the test utils, with the command
idris -p lightyear Protobuf.idr Test/Utils.idr
While in the REPL you can explore the package, e.g.
*Test/Utils *Protobuf> printToTextFormat Test.Utils.John
"name: \"John Doe\"\nid: 1234\nemail: \"[email protected]\"\nphone: {\n number: \"123-456-7890\"\n type: HOME\n}\nphone: {\n number: \"987-654-3210\"\n}\n" : String
*Test/Utils *Protobuf> parseFromTextFormat {d=Test.Utils.Person} "name: \"Kester Tong\" id: 1234"
Right (MkMessage ["Kester Tong", 1234, Nothing, []]) : Either String
idris-protobuf's People
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