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google-map-react's Issues

Modal example

Privet Ivan, awesome lib! I am new to react and was looking for an example of using inside of a Modal body. Can you point me to one? I am using react 0.14.

Simple map example stand alone

hi istarkov,

I try to get the simple map example working as standalone but I can't get it to work.

Do you have any idea what I am doing wrong?

What I have done?

  1. Created a react project with react 0.14, webpack, babel, etc.
  2. Put in your simple map code and modified the example code to remove some errors I got
  3. installed google-map-react with npm

But all errors are gone now and get a blank screen (in a split second the markers are visible, after that they are gone).

Thanks very much,

Hiding and showing the map

I render GoogleMapReact in a hidden div. When I show the div, the map is absent. How to make it show?

As I understand, as the div state (hidden/shown) is in the component state, it is rerendered after the state is updated. However, that doesn't really happen. I am just learning react, so maybe the error on my side. I'd appreciate you help with this, thanks.

Better isomorphic experience.

I am wonder if you guys have thought of using the static google maps api to render the map's image statically and then replace it when in the browser?

Currently only the markers will render isomorphically, but this would allow for everything to work (except obviously navigation and such).

Get map instance

Hi I was trying to work out a way of triggering a resize of the map along the lines of google.maps.event.trigger(map, "resize"); Clearly to do this I would need the map instance. Do you have any ideas at all?

Many thanks for a great library.

Synchronization issues when having two GoogleMap instances on the same DOM

I haven't found any place in where I can know whether multiple GoogleMap components can be used inside the same DOM. So I gave it a try by putting two maps in different tabs and there are a couple of sync issues:

The two maps are centered in the same geo-position but both of them are located in different places in each tab with different frame sizes as well.

Perceived issues on the second tab:

1.- the second map is not centered properly (the center seems to be a bit offset to the top-left corner.
2.- neighbours tiles from that center point do not appear in the DOM

If I expand a bit the browser window a bit then, neighbour tiles do appear. The offset thing is not fixed though.

Is it multiple map components in the same DOM supported?

How to add a draggable circle?

Hey there! I'm using google-map-react with GeoFire and need to implement a draggable circle as in this demo.

I didn't see any documentation on doing something like this, so decided to try to use the Google Maps API directly. The circle shows up and the hand cursor changes to a pointer when hovering over it, but unfortunately, once I start dragging, the entire map is dragged rather than just the circle. Is there a workaround for this? (example code and screenshot below).

Thanks for the help and for making this great component!


  initDraggableCircle({ map, maps }) {
    let circle = new maps.Circle({
      strokeColor: '#6D3099',
      strokeOpacity: 0.7,
      strokeWeight: 1,
      fillColor: '#B650FF',
      fillOpacity: 0.35,
      map: map,
      center: new google.maps.LatLng(,
      radius: this.props.mapConfig.radius * 1000,
      draggable: true
    maps.event.addListener(circle, 'drag', ::this.onCircleDragged);
  render() {
    return (
        <h2>Welcome to the map!</h2>
        <div style={{height:"500px"}}>
          <GoogleMap center={}


Simple click events

Need a way to make click event on map and get something like LatLng,
I only see an onChildClick event in the library and no examples like this way,
it seems like could not easy to dynamic add new markers since no feedback when user click on the map,
or maybe am I missing something?

Please add a license file

The package.json says it's MIT, but could you please add a separate license file and/or refer to the license in the readme.

Marker Taps Inconsistent (iOS)

Hi, it seems there is an issue with the onChildClick function on iOS, when tapping on a marker it doesn't register all the taps and rather than deselecting a selected marker and selecting a new one when tapping a new marker it seems to open and close the same balloon. I am experiencing this on the examples included here on all the browsers I've tested running iOS 8 on an iPhone 5 and 6+ (latest versions of Chrome, Safari, Opera mini). The problem exists on the iPad as well but to a lesser degree and becomes even less of a problem the larger the iPad is (iPad mini 1 is affected significantly also). Chrome on Android seems to work fine. Can anyone else confirm this?

doc for map margin

How do we use the margin prop? Assuming this adds a margin to the bounds.

Better Documentation

Better Documentation on how to use (or at least more comments in your examples explaining what you're doing) would be greatly appreciated.

onIdle callback [feature request]


Is it possible to add an onIdle callback, that will get this.map_ this.maps_ as arguments - it will be easier for those who want to work with the map instance and not only:

this.props.onIdle(this.map_, this.maps_);

I used to work with the map instance to enable some functionality that's not implemented in this component, and I had to create a loop to make sure I'll always get it.


Where can I find map markers in the Elements tree?

Sometimes changes I make to map markers cause them to have zero size. I can find the markers in the React plugin for Chrome, but I can't seem to find them anywhere in the HTML Elements tab. Where does the GoogleMapMarkers component get mounted?

Multiple copies of GoogleMapMarkers get created when map is unmounted/remounted repeatedly

Since I have multiple routes in my app, and a <GoogleMap/> on the home route, the <GoogleMap/> gets unmounted and remounted each time I switch away from the home route and then back to it. It looks like the <GoogleMap/> isn't removing the <GoogleMapMarkers/> each time it unmounts, but each time it mounts it's adding a new one. The following shows what happened after I switched back to the home route 3 times:


Plans to add direction-service support?

Totally dig this package. However, in order for my team to use this, we need google direction-service to get distances between places. Do you have plans to add this into your google-maps abstraction?

Bower version?

Hi, I would like to use this in a Rails project, in which case I would have to copy the source files into my vendors folder or user a Bower version via Would it be possible to provide a Bower version? When I tried to copy the source files into my Javascripts directory, it caused a bunch of errors. Suggestions welcome :)

bug for set new zoom

i got the following bugs if i try to set zoom in _onGoogleApiLoaded function. any idea?

_onGoogleApiLoaded: function(map){
this.setState({zoom: 13});

TypeError: Cannot read property 'getNorthEast' of undefined(…)(anonymous function) @ GoogleMapReact.js:1334

Grouping Markers

Hi, thanks for the great work on this, really appreciated. I was wondering if you had any ideas for a way to group the markers that are closer together when zoomed farther out. There are existing libraries like (googlemaps/js-marker-clusterer) but I don't think they work very well out of the box with this. Any ideas on how to implement something like that? Thanks again

build with bower install.

any idea how to build this library with bower install?

src folder is missing after bower install. any idea?

Invoking a fitBounds on initialization

How to execute a method fitBounds once the map object initialized?

Where am I so far (terribly wrong, but most of the time works):

  render() {
    var center = [59.938043, 30.337157];
    var zoom = 8;

    return (
      <div className="search-map">
  componentDidUpdate() {
    var map = this.refs.googleMap.map_;
    if (map) {
      var maps = this.refs.googleMap.maps_;
      var bounds = new maps.LatLngBounds();
      each(this.props.places, (place) => {
        var latLng = new maps.LatLng(, place.lng);

Most of the time it works, but sometimes an update happens before the map mounted, or in other words googleMapLoader is resolved.

I believe the correct solution is to invoke props callback in componentDidMount GoogleMap component.

Changing the position of controls makes them disappear

If I set the position in either zoomControlOptions or mapTypeControlOptions, which is passed to the GoogleMap component in through the options prop, they disappear. When the attribute is not set they render fine to their default positions.

I've followed followed the control position class documentation, using values like: 'BOTTOM_RIGHT', 'TOP_RIGHT', and 'LEFT_CENTER', none of which work.

This is how I'm using it:

import GoogleMap from 'google-map-react';
import OfficeMarker from './markers/OfficeMarker';

let mapOptions = {
  scrollwheel: false,
  zoomControlOptions: {
      //   position: 'RIGHT_CENTER',    // as long as this is not set it works
      style: 'SMALL'
  mapTypeControlOptions: {
      position: 'BOTTOM_RIGHT'     // this makes the map type control disappear
  draggable: false,
  rotateControl: false,
  scaleControl: false,
  streetViewControl: false,
  panControl: false,

const Map = React.createClass({
  render() {
    return (
      <div className="map-container" style={{height: '400px'}}>
          <OfficeMarker lat={} lng={this.props.officeCoords.lng} />

Marker component always placed in top-left of map

Not sure what I'm doing wrong, but my marker component (a material-icons icon) is being placed in the top left, regardless of the marker or map coordinates. It does then scroll with the map, but zooming the map makes the icon jump back to the corner.

(I also had to wrap the map in a fixed height div to get it to display within a flex container, otherwise it collapsed to 0 height, but that's a different issue.)

Here's my code:

SimpleMap = React.createClass({

  getDefaultProps: function() {
    return {
      center: {lat: 59.938043, lng: 30.337157},
      zoom: 12,
      greatPlaceCoords: {lat: 59.724465, lng: 30.080121}

  render() {
    return (
      <div style={{height: "400px", display: "-webkit-flex"}}>
        <i className="material-icons"
           lng={this.props.greatPlaceCoords.lng} >

Any pointers appreciated. Thanks!

(React 0.13.x)

layout issue when resize the window.

i have tried to run the following function when resize window and it will screw up the map position accuracy after resize. i have noticed only change the height will cause this issue. only idea?

_performLayoutFrame: function(){
  this.height = window.clientHeight;
  this.width =  window.clientWidth; (this.width) + 'px'; = (this.height) + 'px';

Weird issue where visible marker is away from invisible hover/click area

I couldn't replicate this issue, but it is persistently present in an app I am developing. Creating this issue in case you've encountered this earlier and might know what's up. I've been trying for hours but couldn't figure out even the cause of this.

So the issue is that my marker is rendered on the map in the right place. But when I hover/click it, onChildClick/onMouseEnter(Leave) won't get triggered. However they do get triggered at some distance below the visible part. I position the marker {top: -height/2, left: -width/2} but it doesn't matter. Even if I position the marker to fix hover/click area, on refresh/re-render the hover/click area moves below the marker again.

Again, I couldn't replicate this in any simpler example. I am sorry I can't share the source code of the app in which I am facing this issue (it's a client's app). For all examples I created it works as expected. Do you have any idea what might be going on here?

jsFiddle with more advanced examples

For @mozmorris,

Would it be possible to put up a jsFiddle with the more advanced examples? I am trying to go through the example source code and finding it difficult to transfer to the var Map = React.createClass({}), etc. syntax.

I got the first simple example working, but I am confused about the absolute positioning of the marker in the top left corner of the map. Could not get the marker to render anywhere except the top left corner :/.

Appreciate the help!

Cannot read property '_currentElement' of null, react 0.13.3

I'm getting errors

Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function
(3) Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property '_currentElement' of null

My react component:

var React = require('react/addons');
var GoogleMap = require('google-map-react');

var Map = React.createClass({
    getInitialState: function () {
        return {
    render: function() {
        return (
            <div lat={59.955413} lng={30.337844} text={'A'}></div>


module.exports = Map;


 "dependencies": {
    "react": "^0.13.3",
    "react-router": "^0.13.3",
    "reactify": "0.17.1",
    "superagent": "0.21.0"
  "devDependencies": {
    "envify": "^1.2.1",
    "es6-promise": "^1.0.0",
    "flux": "^2.0.3",
    "google-map-react": "^0.3.1",
    "gulp": "^3.8.0",
    "gulp-browserify": "^0.5.0",
    "gulp-concat": "^2.2.0",
    "gulp-connect": "^2.2.0",
    "gulp-livereload": "^3.8.0",
    "gulp-open": "~0.3.2",
    "gulp-plumber": "^1.0.0",
    "gulp-webserver": "^0.9.1",
    "parse": "^1.4.2",
    "parse-react": "^0.3.1"

Component doesn't work. What's wrong?

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