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goamz's Introduction

goamz - An Amazon Library for Go

Build Status

The goamz package enables Go programs to interact with Amazon Web Services.

This is a fork of the version developed within Canonical with additional functionality and services from a number of contributors! Currently this fork is no longer actively maintained and users are advised to switch to the official AWS supported Golang SDK

The API of AWS is very comprehensive, though, and goamz doesn't even scratch the surface of it. That said, it's fairly well tested, and is the foundation in which further calls can easily be integrated. We'll continue extending the API as necessary - Pull Requests are very welcome!

The following packages are available at the moment:

Packages under exp/ are still in an experimental or unfinished/unpolished state.

API documentation

The API documentation is currently available at:

How to build and install goamz

Just use go get with any of the available packages. For example:

  • $ go get
  • $ go get

Running tests

To run tests, first install gocheck with:

$ go get

Then run go test as usual:

$ go test

Note: running all tests with the command go test ./... will currently fail as tests do not tear down their HTTP listeners.

If you want to run integration tests (costs money), set up the EC2 environment variables as usual, and run:

$ gotest -i

goamz's People


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goamz's Issues

UpdateItem isn't getting attribute values from ExpressionAttributes

I'm trying to run the following code and getting the following error:
Invalid UpdateExpression: An expression attribute value used in expression is not defined; attribute value: :game

Here is my query

update := table.UpdateItem(&dd.Key{player.UserId, ""}).
    UpdateExpression("SET UserId = :game").
  result, err := update.Execute()

Am I doing this right? I've tried this with a few different types.

S3.List MaxKeys not respected?

Maybe it's me doing something wrong but
with this code I get the result in the comments next to commands.
Why am I getting just 1k items ?

 31              list, err := bucket.List("", "", "", 20000000)  # ok 
 32             fmt.Println(list.MaxKeys) # 20000000
 33             fmt.Println(list.IsTruncated)  # true
 34             fmt.Println(len(list.Contents))  #1000 

mturk CreateHIT does not support QualificationRequirement

It seems that CreateHIT in the mturk API does not support QualificationRequirement.

I create a QualificationRequirement:

    qual := &mturk.QualificationRequirement{
        QualificationTypeId: "00000000000000000071",
        Comparator:          "NotEqualTo",
        IntegerValue:        0,
        LocaleValue:         "CN",
        RequiredToPreview:   true,

Then I called CreateHIT with qual as the argument:

                hit, err := turk.CreateHIT(
                    "Crowdproxy", "Host a proxy and help defeat censorship!",
                    1800,         // assignmentDurationInSeconds
                    3600,         // lifetimeInSeconds
                    "javascript", // keywords
                    1000,         // maxAssignments
                    qual,         // qualificationRequirement
                    "",           // requesterAnnotation
                if err == nil {

Here is what the call returns:

&{{ False [{0 AWS.InvalidEnumeratedParameter The value "Illegal Text data found as child of: QualificationRequirement" you specified for enumeration is invalid. (1430347307855 s) }]}        {  } 0 0 0 0 {  0  false} <nil>  0  0 0 0}

Is there anything wrong with how I use the API? Or it is just not supported? Thanks.

sqs GetQueueAttributes does not match the spec

GetQueueAttributes only takes a single argument and stores it as a value to an "AttributeName" parameter. According to the spec at
, it should take multiple arguments and store them as

How about changing the method signature from
func (q *Queue) GetQueueAttributes(A string) (resp *GetQueueAttributesResponse, err error) {
func (q *Queue) GetQueueAttributes(attributes ...string) (resp *GetQueueAttributesResponse, err error) {

so it would not break existing code, but people could pass multiple attributes.
if a nil slice is passed to the method, then set the attribute to be returned to "All"

Setting an S3 bucket's policy and CORS configs

Is it possible to set the policy or CORS config for an S3 bucket using goamz?

I tried doing a .Put with path equal to /?policy and /?cors, but it looks like ultimately the requests go to /bucket-name?policy and /bucket-name?cors, so it instead creates a file in the bucket with those names.

Setting custom information for AWS objects


While using "PUT" to upload objects to the AWS bucket, how can i set the custom metadata to the object ? Also how can i then retrieve the list of objects in that bucket with their metadata information that i had set previously?


aws-sdk-go ?

Why would I use goamz in preference to the official SDK for Go: aws-sdk-go?

It would be good to add to the README a brief explanation for newcomers. Thanks.

SignatureDoesNotMatch while trying to fetch temporary credentials from STS using v4signer

I am trying to fetch temporary credentials using v4signer.
But it is giving me SignatureDoesNotMatch with following msg

Message>The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your AWS Secret Access Key and signing method. Consult the service documentation for details.

The Canonical String for this request should have been


The String-to-Sign should have been

And this is how I am generating signature.

v4Signer := aws.NewV4Signer(aws.Auth{
        AccessKey: AWSAccessKey,
        SecretKey: AWSSecretKey,
    }, "sts", aws.APSoutheast)

       // generate timestamp
        timeStamp := time.Now().UTC()

       // get time stamp into string
    urlTime := url.QueryEscape(timeStamp.String())
    logger.D("url time : " , urlTime)

       // construct a sts url to hit
    url := "" +
    "?Version=2011-06-15" +
    "&Policy=<POLICY>" +
    "&RoleArn=<ROLE> +
    "&DurationSeconds=900" +
    "&SignatureVersion=4" +
    "&Timestamp=" + urlTime +
    req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", url, nil)
    if err != nil {
        logger.E("Error ", err)
    req.Header.Add("Date", urlTime)

    // Sign the request
    resp, err := http.DefaultClient.Do(req)

    if err != nil {
        logger.E("Error in do :: ", err)

       // read the body content
    contents, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
    if err != nil {
        logger.E("Error ioutil ", err)
    logger.D(string(contents)) // here I get the SingatureDoesNotMatch error

I have removed long url encoded policy, role arn & time stamp, while pasting here, otherwise request becomes un-readable

Poor performance of downloading S3 file

I tried downloading logs from my /logs in S3 - overall it was 419 files.
Here are times:

goamz-s3: 1m55.5454449s
python boto: 35.65361350977789s

It is a simple script:

  1. Login to S3
  2. List all files with prefix
  3. Download a file

Here is go code:

package main

import (

func main() {
    time1 := time.Now()
    AWSAuth := aws.Auth{
        AccessKey: "",
        SecretKey: "",

    region := aws.EUWest
    connection := s3.New(AWSAuth, region)
    bucket := connection.Bucket("my-bucket") // change this your bucket name

    response, _ := bucket.List("logs/access_log", "", "", 1000)

    for _, objects := range response.Contents {
        downloadBytes, err := bucket.Get(objects.Key)

        if err != nil {

        downloadFile, err := os.Create(objects.Key)

        if err != nil {

        downloadBuffer := bufio.NewWriter(downloadFile)

        io.Copy(downloadBuffer, downloadFile)
        fmt.Println(objects.Key, time.Since(time1))


Why is go so slow comparing to python?

Upload to S3 through Cloudfront

It would be great to have an API to upload to S3 through a cloudfront distribution (just changing the endpoint doesn't work)

DeleteMessageBatch doesn't capture failures

Looking at the source for DeleteMessageBatch (, it looks like the response only looks for elements named DeleteMessageBatchResultEntry.

Looking at the SQS API docs (, if a message of the batch fails to delete, it's returned as an element named BatchResultErrorEntry.

This means the fields in the struct DeleteMessageBatchResponse, aside from ID, are never populated since a response of DeleteMessageBatchResultEntry only ever contains the ID (as stated in the SQS API).

Am I missing something here? This seems like a pretty big bug in DeleteMessageBatch

would be cool to use releases and semantic versioning

This is so that when using a dependency manager, we can lock to a version and get predictable builds

Otherwise, we're sticking to a commit sha or always pulling master.

For example, using glide, we can set it to only pull certain patch/minor versions based on our comfort.

Overriding endpoint

I want to use GoAWS ( for testing purposes and need to specify SQS endpoint. So far, I see no way to do it, and would like to contribute. But first of all, what is the maintainers' opinions on that? Is there any reason, or any blocker for not having the customisable endpoint? Best suggestion to introduce this feature without breaking the API?

Thanks in advance.

Use RetryingClient for autoscaling API

Would it make sense to use a RetryingClient for the autoscaling API like is being done for the ec2 and iam APIs? If so, I'm new to Golang and looking for a few small issues to work on, so I'd be happy to take a stab at it.

S3 Versions

S3 Has recently added versions to files. From the API it is possible to get a specific version if you know the version ID.
Is it possible, using this goamz to get a specific version of a file, or atleast get the version ids from S3?

Will it be possible?


S3 put method

Hello, Earlier I was using "" but for my new project I am using "".
And there is change in put method of bucket now it has one more param "options"
[ region := aws.USEast2
connection := s3.New(AWSAuth, region)
bucket := connection.Bucket("XXXXX") // change this your bucket name
path := "mypath" // this is the target file and location in S3
//Save image to s3
err = bucket.Put(path,user_content,content_type, s3.ACL("public-read"), options)]
Above is my code. Can you help me what is expected in options and how I can get the value of that?

Add support for context

There should be a context version of each Bucket method that makes an HTTP request.

For example:
func (b *Bucket) Del(path string) error
should be supplemented with:
func (b *Bucket) DelContext(ctx context.Context, path string) error

See the database/sql package for an example of this:

func (db *DB) Query(query string, args ...interface{}) (*Rows, error)
func (db *DB) QueryContext(ctx context.Context, query string, args ...interface{}) (*Rows, error)

backblaze s3 v4 signing option

trying to work with backblaze storage, and getting:

The V2 signature authorization mechanism you have provided is not supported. Please use AWS4-HMAC-SHA256

seems like goamz still not support v4 #118
but I can see workaround discussion cloudflare/complainer#13

does anybody can use goamz for backblaze?

PS: this is my test code

package main

import (

func main() {
  auth, err := aws.EnvAuth()
  if err != nil {
  client := s3.New(auth, aws.USEast)
  client.S3Endpoint = ""
  resp, err := client.ListBuckets()

  if err != nil {

  log.Print(fmt.Sprintf("%T %+v", resp.Buckets[0], resp.Buckets[0]))

I can add signing logic from here

dynamodb: support for streams

I'm actually in the process of adding this now for my project's needs but thought I should file an issue primarily for awareness. If anyone does happen to have a branch where they've started working on this please do let me know, maybe we can more efficiently combine efforts. Otherwise it probably won't take me a very long time to implement it independently.

Pointer usage inconsistency in goamz/sqs

The use of pointers in goamz/sqs is a bit inconsistent: e.g. there's a func(*SQS) DeleteMessage(*Message), but messages are handed to the user as []Message, Error has func (err *Error) Error() but xmlErrors contains Error values etc. sqs_test.go also had the downright mysterious []Message{*(&Message{…}), …} construct where the pointer is immediately dereferenced.

I made pointer usage more consistent (see here), and while I was at it I cleaned up DeleteMessageBatch so it doesn't do completely unnecessary allocation of a map and slice. I can turn this into a PR if needed, and any comments are welcome.

Can't upload zero length files to S3

I consistently get the error "A header you provided implies functionality that is not implemented" back from S3 if I try to upload a zero length file to my S3 bucket. The content-length is set, so I'm not sure what's going wrong.

sqs TestCreateQueueWithAttributes fails randomly due to dependency on map order

TestCreateQueueWithAttributes asserts the name/values for attribute.1. and attribute.2, but since they are added using a map and then range, it isn't deterministic which order they actually appear when checking the request against the expected values.

This can manifest itself in failures like:
FAIL: sqs_test.go:53: S.TestCreateQueueWithAttributes

// TestCreateQueue() tests the core functionality, just check the timeout in this test
c.Assert(req.Form["Attribute.1.Name"], gocheck.DeepEquals, []string{"ReceiveMessageWaitTimeSeconds"})
... obtained []string = []string{"VisibilityTimeout"}
... expected []string = []string{"ReceiveMessageWaitTimeSeconds"}

For me this test passes about 85% of the time (which I think is a go runtime deficiency, it should fail ~ 50% of the time). This test should be changed to not depend on the hash ordering so it will pass all the time.

Keep getting TLS handshake timeout

I am trying to a bulk download files from the S3 bucket but I keep hitting this error.:
Get net/http: TLS handshake timeout

This does not happen for a smaller set of files but ONLY when there are multiple files being downloaded in a bunch of goroutines.

I saw a discussion happening at which highlights the same issue.

How can I resolve this error ?

CloudWatch dependency missing

The repository appears to no longer exist.

Here is the dependency chain:
               -> (missing)

See feyeleanor/lists#1

Add to README the min Go version required

I got this error on ubuntu with the go-stable package:

$ go get
../../src/ function ends without a return statement

Possible Actions: Add a comment in the main README and force it with a build tag inside one of the file

One Project

Is there any chance of getting everyone to contribute to a single project? Hashi and CrowdMob are maintaining their own versions each with different levels of completeness in different AWS services.. It's quite the cluster ATM.

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