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cache's Issues

Nil comparaison used for Item.Value field is not accurate


I think the nil comparaison for cache.Item.Value field used in my places in the package is not correct :


Line 263 in 6382f51

if item.Value == nil || len(b) == 0 {

Here is an example a reproduction with nil comparaison :

// Item ( like cache.Item)
type Item struct {
	Name  string
	Value interface{}

// SampleStruct as value for Value
type SampleValue struct {
	port string
	host string

func main() {
	var sampleValue *SampleValue
	item := &Item{Name: "item1", Value: sampleValue}
	fmt.Println(item.Value == nil) // this is like the nil comparaison used in the package which return wrong result

A fix could be to use this sample isNil function :

func isNilFixed(i interface{}) bool {
	if i == nil {
		return true
	switch reflect.TypeOf(i).Kind() {
	case reflect.Ptr, reflect.Map, reflect.Array, reflect.Chan, reflect.Slice:
		//use of IsNil method
		return reflect.ValueOf(i).IsNil()
	return false

Feature request: cluster mode + non-cluster mode support

First of all, thanks for the great library. I have a use case of requiring the cache client to be able to use either cluster mode or non-cluster mode. My production environment has a redis cluster but the development has a single node redis. It'd be really helpful if you could expose one interface to handle both cases.

support MGET/MSET

Sometimes we need to batch loading or saving cache objects, so MGET/MSET should make life easier.

Unexpected behavior caching time.Time values

Should I expect that I can include time.Time values in objects being cached? I'm seeing strange behavior
where the retrieved value is not the same as the cached value.


func TestLocalCache(t *testing.T) {
	type Object struct {
		Num    int
		Expiry time.Time
	mycache := cache.New(&cache.Options{
		LocalCache: cache.NewTinyLFU(1000, time.Minute),

	ctx := context.TODO()
	key := "mykey"

	myTime := time.Now()

	obj := &Object{
		Expiry: myTime,
		Num:    42,

	if err := mycache.Set(&cache.Item{
		Ctx:   ctx,
		Key:   key,
		Value: obj,
		TTL:   time.Hour,
	}); err != nil {

	var wanted Object
	if err := mycache.Get(ctx, key, &wanted); err != nil {

	assert.Equal(t, myTime, wanted.Expiry)
=== RUN   TestLocalCache
    TestLocalCache: ...
        	Error Trace:	...
        	Error:      	Not equal: 
        	            	expected: time.Time{wall:0xbfee6e9501f40bb8, ext:11320675, loc:(*time.Location)(0x2cd1e00)}
        	            	actual  : time.Time{wall:0x1f40bb8, ext:63743670740, loc:(*time.Location)(0x2cd1e00)}
        	            	--- Expected
        	            	+++ Actual
        	            	@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
        	            	 (time.Time) {
        	            	- wall: (uint64) 13830113091963325368,
        	            	- ext: (int64) 11320675,
        	            	+ wall: (uint64) 32771000,
        	            	+ ext: (int64) 63743670740,
        	            	  loc: (*time.Location)({
        	Test:       	TestLocalCache
--- FAIL: TestLocalCache (0.00s)

Expected :time.Time{wall:0xbfee6e9501f40bb8, ext:11320675, loc:(*time.Location)(0x2cd1e00)}
Actual   :time.Time{wall:0x1f40bb8, ext:63743670740, loc:(*time.Location)(0x2cd1e00)}

Cache with mock doesn't work

Hi there, I'm using both and for testing. However even a quite rudimentary testcase doesn't seem to work. Here's my code:

type Object struct {
	Str string

func TestRedisMock(t *testing.T) {
	db, mock := redismock.NewClientMock()
	mycache := cache.New(&cache.Options{
		Redis: db,

	key := "sometestingtoken"
	rawval := &Object{Str: "mystring"}
	val, _ := mycache.Marshal(rawval)

	mock.ExpectSet(key, val, 5*time.Minute)

	var result Object
	if err := mycache.Get(db.Context(), key, &result); err != nil {
		if err := mycache.Set(&cache.Item{
			Ctx:   db.Context(),
			Key:   key,
			Value: rawval,
			TTL:   5 * time.Minute,
		}); err != nil {

	if err := mock.ExpectationsWereMet(); err != nil {

Which results in either:

=== RUN   TestRedisMock
    connectors_test.go:39: cmd(set), return value is required
--- FAIL: TestRedisMock (0.00s)

or sometimes multiple calls to set?:

{"level":"error","time":"2022-12-30T09:57:51Z","message":"redis cache error all expectations were already fulfilled, call to cmd '[set sometestingtoken [...] ex 300]' was not expected"}
{"level":"error","time":"2022-12-30T09:57:51Z","message":"redis cache error all expectations were already fulfilled, call to cmd '[set sometestingtoken [...] ex 300]' was not expected"}

Store unmarshalled object in local cache instead of bytes

We have a Go program consisting of hundreds of goroutines and they all need to access the same Redis cache key. Then the bytes in local cache is unmarshalled over and over again.

How about storing the unmarshalled object in the local cache?

LRU cache


I am not sure if this package supports LRU cache? Asking because I can see some old commits, files in the history as well as an old doc (v3). If there is a support, could please someone add an example to Readme or somewhere?

Thank you

Feature request: Support TTL command

Hi guys,

In my scenario, I have set a TTL value for the redis key and reuse it for next time. Can we support this command for more flexible TTL values?

ttl, _ := redis.TTL(ctx, key).Result()
redis.Set(ctx, key, val, ttl).Result()

newbie: trying to understand utility of this package compared to `redis/go-redis/v9`

Hi - I am new to redis and am trying to understand the utility of this package compared to the go-redis/v9 client library. Is there a Slack channel/Google Group/other discussion forum where this question is better posed?

My understanding so far is that this is a higher level wrapper around the go-redis/v9 client library (or many other go redis client libraries actually) which provides cache-specific helper functions (whereas the general go-redis/v9 client is lower-level and can do much more). Some core features to me seem to be:

  1. Being able to store Go structs directly as the values in the redis key:value pair (Marshalling is abstracted away by this go-redis/cache lib
  2. The ability to use a local cache in-app to minimize network hops to the redis server + shield redis from deluge of requests.

Is my understanding so far correct?

Followup question:
3. Does the local cache referenced above implement client-side server-assisted caching as described in the Redis blog here? That is, is this local cache in sync with the redis data? Reading the source code, it definitely does not seem to be the case. Can you confirm? Could you describe from your perspective what the utility is for using this local cache if the invalidation option with this cache is limited to TTL (no server/event based invalidation).

Thanks so much!

Add batch delete feature

As a user, I want to batch delete many keys at ones as redis does.

(cd *Cache) Delete(ctx context.Context, keys ...string) error

Using TinyLFU doesn't work as you would expect a cache to

I expected that using TinyLFU would overwrite a value when setting it, just like Redis. However, overwriting a value doesn't seem to work. From what I can gather of the TinyLFU internals, it doesn't evict the old value.

Example test:

import (


func Test_TinyLFU(t *testing.T) {

	cacheClient := cache.New(&cache.Options{
		LocalCache: cache.NewTinyLFU(10, time.Minute*30),
	key := "key-1"
	ctx := context.Background()

	// pos1
	pos1 := 1
	err := cacheClient.Set(&cache.Item{
		Key:   key,
		Value: pos1,
	assert.NoError(t, err)
	var result int
	err = cacheClient.Get(ctx, key, &result)
	assert.NoError(t, err)
	assert.Equal(t, pos1, result)

	// pos 2
	pos2 := 2
	err = cacheClient.Set(&cache.Item{
		Key:   key,
		Value: pos2,
	assert.NoError(t, err)
	var result2 int
	err = cacheClient.Get(ctx, key, &result2)
	assert.NoError(t, err)
	// The following test is erroring
	// Error:      	Not equal:
	// expected: 2
	// actual  : 1
	// Test:       	Test_TinyLFU
	assert.Equal(t, pos2, result2)

Crashed with "makeslice: cap out of range"


When using on a server, the following panic error sometimes occurs. Since this is happening with untouchable customer data, so I don't know the exact conditions to reproduce it.

It seems to be an error that occurs in the bufpool package, so I've created the issue in this repository instead of msgpack package.


I searched for a similar error and found the above Issue. I believe the error in the issue is the same as the one I encountered.


Error message:

runtime error: makeslice: cap out of range

Stacktrace:*bufPool).Get(0x424a2a0, 0x2005ef1, 0x9)
	external/com_github_vmihailenco_bufpool/buf_pool.go:45 +0x25b
	external/com_github_vmihailenco_bufpool/buf_pool.go:17*Buffer).grow(0xc00637bbf0, 0x5ef1, 0x0)
	external/com_github_vmihailenco_bufpool/buffer_ext.go:57 +0x185*Buffer).Write(0xc00637bbf0, 0xc003884000, 0x5ef1, 0x6000, 0x6000, 0x0, 0x0)
	external/com_github_vmihailenco_bufpool/buffer.go:121 +0xd0*Encoder).write(...)
	external/com_github_vmihailenco_msgpack_v5/encode.go:251*Encoder).EncodeBytes(0xc000be2ae0, 0xc003884000, 0x5ef1, 0x6000, 0x0, 0x0)
	external/com_github_vmihailenco_msgpack_v5/encode_slice.go:88 +0xa2, 0x2b14b80, 0xc0000709a0, 0x196, 0x2b14b80, 0x0)
	external/com_github_vmihailenco_msgpack_v5/encode_value.go:221 +0xf1*Encoder).EncodeValue(0xc000be2ae0, 0x2b14b80, 0xc0000709a0, 0x196, 0x2b14b80, 0xc0000709a0)
	external/com_github_vmihailenco_msgpack_v5/encode.go:228 +0x8e, 0x24a1d60, 0xc006415b78, 0x97, 0x2c3f410, 0x2e4b401)
	external/com_github_vmihailenco_msgpack_v5/encode_slice.go:134 +0xf1, 0x24a1d60, 0xc006415b78, 0x97, 0x24a1d60, 0xc00006e5c0)
	external/com_github_vmihailenco_msgpack_v5/encode_slice.go:125 +0x78*Encoder).EncodeValue(0xc000be2ae0, 0x24a1d60, 0xc006415b78, 0x97, 0xc00637bbf0, 0x1)
	external/com_github_vmihailenco_msgpack_v5/encode.go:228 +0x8e*Encoder).Encode(0xc000be2ae0, 0x24a1d60, 0xc006415b78, 0x0, 0x1cd)
	external/com_github_vmihailenco_msgpack_v5/encode.go:214 +0x126*Cache)._marshal(0xc0000fe6e0, 0x24a1d60, 0xc006415b78, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
	external/com_github_go_redis_cache_v8/cache.go:348 +0x1a5*Cache).Marshal(...)
	external/com_github_go_redis_cache_v8/cache.go:328*Cache).set(0xc0000fe6e0, 0xc00643b5e0, 0xc0083f2bb0, 0x2, 0x2, 0xc000db7620, 0x59, 0xc000db71a0)
	external/com_github_go_redis_cache_v8/cache.go:156 +0x87*Cache).Set(...)

...(Below are the codes of our service)...

Error while get, set

2019/08/13 12:01:55 cache: Get key="33.690543:-84.430147" failed: dial tcp: lookup tcp/ᣫ: nodename nor servname provided, or not known
2019/08/13 12:01:55 cache: Set key="33.690543:-84.430147" failed: dial tcp: lookup tcp/ᣫ: nodename nor servname provided, or not known

why doesnot item.Get() execute item.Do() when cacheMiss?

In my point of view, item.Do()returns the up-to-date value of item everytime when it is called.
so I think maybe we can get the up-to-date value whenitem.Get()miss cache , and put it into redis/lru with expiration time of TTL.

Can't upgrade from v7 to v8 directly?

package main

import (

	cv7 ""
	cv8 ""
	rdsv7 ""
	rdsv8 ""
	msgpackv4 ""

func main() {
	d := map[string]interface{}{
		"hello": 1,
		"world": "ok",
	// set by v7
	v7 := &cv7.Codec{
		Redis:     rdsv7.NewClient(&rdsv7.Options{}),
		Marshal:   msgpackv4.Marshal,
		Unmarshal: msgpackv4.Unmarshal,

	err := v7.Set(&cv7.Item{
		Key:    "aaa",
		Object: d,
	fmt.Println("set err:", err)

	// get by v8
	v8 := cv8.New(&cv8.Options{
		Redis: rdsv8.NewClient(&rdsv8.Options{}),

	var result map[string]interface{}
	err = v8.Get(context.TODO(), "aaa", &result)
	fmt.Println("get err:", err)

then run

$ go run upgrade_get_set.go
set err: <nil>
get err: unknown compression method: 6b

this err from the code here:

so, we can't upgrade go-redis/cache from v7 to v8 directly? if the answer is yes, maybe we should add some change log for this.

Does Library support HSet, HGet?

As per the local cache interface GET, SET and DELETE is supported, which will work for key-value pair.

However, I am getting data from the Redis using, HSET, HGET i.e. hash key value, is there any support for it? If so, how can I achieved it?
Please let me know if there is another place to ask such questions, as it is not a bug. Thanks.

Is it safe to use it with concurrency?

I want to use this cache in a concurrent system, should I declare a Mutex for managing simultaneously read/write operations, or can I use it safely without it?

Working with arrays

`type Object struct {
ID int
Name string
var objs []Object = [{}] //real value

err = repo.cache.Set(&cache.Item{
Key: cacheKey,
Ctx: ctx,
Value: &objs,
TTL: cacheExpirationDuration,
err := repo.cache.Get(ctx, cacheKey, &objs)

err got me msgpack: unexpected code=c5 decoding map length

Not sure I am missing anything?

ring.go:320: ring shard state changed: Redis<:6379 db:10> is down

I'm having problems regarding connecting to redis on docker as seems in the title.

My go code stands as follows:

func NewRedis() (*Redis, error) {
	db, err := strconv.Atoi(os.Getenv("REDIS_DB"))
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("error connecting to redis %s:%s:%s: %v",
			os.Getenv("REDIS_ADDR"), os.Getenv("REDIS_PORT"), os.Getenv("REDIS_DB"), err)
	options := redis.RingOptions{
		Addrs: map[string]string{
			os.Getenv("REDIS_ADDR"): fmt.Sprintf(":%s", os.Getenv("REDIS_PORT")),
		DB: db,
	ring := redis.NewRing(&options)
	return &Redis{cache: cache.New(&cache.Options{
		Redis:      ring,
		LocalCache: cache.NewTinyLFU(1000, time.Minute),
	})}, nil

my docker-compose responsible for redis:

version: '3.7'

    name: calliope
    driver: bridge

    container_name: redis-calliope
    image: redis:latest
    command: [ "redis-server", "--bind", "redis", "--port", "6379" ]
      - 6379:6379
          - redis

My docker-compose for the go service:

version: '3.7'

    name: calliope
    driver: bridge

    container_name: calliope_text_analysis_local
      context: . # Use an image built from the specified dockerfile in the current directory.
      dockerfile: Dockerfile
        - ENV_FILE=env-local
      GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS: /tmp/keys/keyfile.json
      - ${GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS}:/tmp/keys/keyfile.json:ro
      - 8888:8888
      - calliope

Should Set respect SkipLocalCache?

I stumbled across this through a bug in my application where the local cache had a longer TTL the the remote cache, which lead to unexpected behaviour.. However, using GetSkippingLocalCache fixed it.

While skimming through the source code I noticed that Itemhas the SkipLocalCache field, but the Set method does not use it. Wouldn't it be better to not use the local cache if the field is true, or is there some reason for this particular behaviour?

I think it would be quick to implement:

func (cd *Cache) set(item *Item) ([]byte, bool, error) { 
// ...
	if cd.opt.LocalCache != nil && !item.SkipLocalCache {
		cd.opt.LocalCache.Set(item.Key, b)
// ....

Best regards,

How to handle versioning of structs


I am trying to cache a go struct, am setting the expiry as 1 day.
Lets say my struct is {a:"aa", b:"bb"} and the key is K1, its expiry is 1 day. But I changed the struct to have one field, let's say {a:"aa", b:"bb", c:"cc"}, if the Key is not expired, it will not get updated since the same key.
I want to have an option to identify the version of struct change, before get or set cache.
Please let me know if there is any way.

Add instructions to use context.WithCancel() to documentation

Maybe we just had a strange way of using your library (with gobuffalo).

When we tried to call cache.Get(), we ended up getting a panic (invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference)
down in pool.(*ConnPool).waitTurn line 273

Apparently the context we were using and passing in to cache.Get() didn't have a proper Done() method.

Changing our code to have something like this and sending in that context seemed to fix it.

	ctb := context.Background()
	ctx, _ := context.WithCancel(ctb)	

Catering for concurrent caching

in a distributed system where stateless services use central Redis for caching, is there a way to protect against concurrency.

For example 1st in wins?

So the flow would be:
Pre-req: Key is the same between Service 1 and Service 2.

Service 1 attempts caching X
Service 2 attempts caching X1

Service 2 should in this specific case fail and instead of setting X1 should issue a fetch of X.

Ideally Service 1 should issue a lock request if successful it issues a set and unlocks. Service 2 attempts a lock but fails so issues a Get.

Any thoughts?

unknown compression method: 3d

I'm trying to get a key using this code:

import (


timeout := 15 * time.Second
ring := redis.NewRing(&redis.RingOptions{
	Addrs: map[string]string{
		"shard1": ":6379",
	DialTimeout:  timeout,
	ReadTimeout:  timeout,
	WriteTimeout: timeout,

c := cache.New(&cache.Options{
	Redis: ring,

var wanted interface{}
err := c.GetSkippingLocalCache(context.TODO(), "key", &wanted)
if err != nil {

And I got this error: unknown compression method: 3d

Does anyone know how to fix this?


  • OS: Windows 10 Pro, Ubuntu 20 LTS
  • Go 1.17
  • go-redis/cache v8

TTL in TinyLFU vs TTL in cache.Item

Thank you for this amazing library!

When using with Redis, I was setting TTL on cache.Item.TTL and it was used to set the expiration time in Redis.
However, when setting up a local-only cache with NewTinyLFU(size int, ttl time.Duration), I am not sure what's the difference between the ttl parameter and the setting on the cache.Item.TTL.
The ttl parameter seems to set a global setting for the cache, and TTL one seems to do nothing.
Can you possibly clarify the difference?


why not support ttl = -1

I found I can set ttl = -1 in go-redis, but in cache when ttl < 0 it will be set to 0 by following code in Item.ttl():

if item.TTL < 0 {
    return 0

and because of this can't set some special cache permanently

When cache.Once is called with a Redis dropped connection it does not fail

Redis Cache version: v8 (last available).
Redis version: v8 (last available).
OS: Mac OS.

When you call Once after the Redis connection is lost, the return err is nil. After some debugging, it seems that somehow the "redis: client is closed" error is being masked by the internal caller.

The same call for Get, Set, etc. gets an error, describing the client is closed situation.

Please check this gist (with a main program) which demonstrates the bug:

Cache corruption in TinyLRU local cache when keys expire

In using this library we discovered when using the recommended TinyLRU local cache, that we were seeing corruption when the items in the cache started expiring.

I.e. that the cache returned values for the wrong key when retrieving them.

I have raised #71 in order to demonstrate this issue.

go-redis V9 compatibility

Does Cache work with go-redis v9? We are upgrading our v8 go-redis because we want to use Redis7 and you need go-redis v9 for Redis7, but we are afraid we might lose the Cache functionality as it seems to be tied to v8

Any plans for support for other data types?

Firstly, thanks for building this. I like the design of the library as a wrapper around the redis client.

I'm curious whether you have any plans to support other redis data types (e.g. hash/set)? If there aren't fundamental issues supporting other data types I might be interested in implementing them.

[feature-request] Exporting default Marshal/Unmarshal methods

Was wondering if we could export the default _marshal and _unmarshal methods. I wanted to implement a custom Marshal and Unmarshal method for specific types, but fall back on the default method for everything else.

Happy to submit a PR to help implement. Appreciate the great work on this & the core library

codec.Once() running from different binaries

Thanks for supporting this library.

I started using codec.Once() today and noticed that it's not obtaining a distributed lock before executing a Func, what results in executing Func more than one-at-a-time

Is this behaviour by design?

Crashed if tiny lfu size is 1 or 2

My code goes like:

type WrapCache struct {
	internalCache *cache.Cache

func NewWrapCache(
	client redis.UniversalClient,
	size int,
	localExpired time.Duration,
) *WrapCache {
	internalCache := cache.New(&cache.Options{
		Redis:      client,
		LocalCache: cache.NewTinyLFU(size, localExpired),
		Marshal:    json.Marshal,
		Unmarshal:  json.Unmarshal,

	return &WrapCache{
		internalCache: internalCache,

func (c *WrapCache) GetJSON(ctx context.Context, key string, value any) error {
	if err := c.internalCache.Get(ctx, key, value); err != nil {
		// Treat err cache miss as redis nil because higher layer only care about redis error
		if errors.Is(err, cache.ErrCacheMiss) {
			return errors.Join(err, redis.Nil)

		return fmt.Errorf("internal cache: failed to get: %w", err)

	return nil

When I try to use tiny lfu size 1, it's panic when I try to get.

panic: runtime error: index out of range [0] with length 0

goroutine 1 [running]:
        /Users/anon/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/cm4.go:72*cm4).add(...)
        /Users/anon/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/cm4.go:33*T).Get(0x1400043e240, {0x100adfcd1, 0x16})
        /Users/anon/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/tinylfu.go:89 +0x36c*TinyLFU).Get(0x14000190390?, {0x100adfcd1?, 0x28?})
        /Users/anon/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/local.go:67 +0xc8*Cache).getBytes(0x1400043e2c0, {0x100d7fcb0, 0x10131f0e0}, {0x100adfcd1, 0x16}, 0x0)
        /Users/anon/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/cache.go:219 +0x5c*Cache).get(0x1400043e2c0, {0x100d7fcb0?, 0x10131f0e0?}, {0x100adfcd1?, 0x8?}, {0x100ca4d80, 0x101321a40}, 0x0?)
        /Users/anon/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/cache.go:210 +0x38*Cache).Get(...)
        /Users/anon/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/cache.go:194

Not panic if size is >= 3. Is there a doc about this behaviour?

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