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bmc_exporter's Introduction

Prometheus BMC Exporter

CI Docker Hub Go Reference Go Report Card

Baseboard Management Controllers (BMCs) are embedded devices found on server motherboards. They are sometimes referred to by a vendor-specific name, e.g. iDRAC (Dell), iLO (HP), IMM2 (IBM) or ILOM (Oracle). BMCs have access to various sensors (e.g. CPU temperature and mains power draw), properties of the system (e.g. the serial number) and fault flags (e.g. fan or PSU failure), making them a valuable source of information about a server estate.

This exporter allows a subset of these metrics to be ingested into Prometheus in a normalised, safe, and efficient way, that scales to tens of thousands of machines per instance. It uses a native implementation of IPMI, the protocol spoken by BMCs, written with observability in mind, combined with long-lived sessions, to efficiently send the required commands each scrape. Guarantees can also be provided around commands in-flight to a single BMC and connection limits, both to avoid overwhelming a machine, and to be a considerate neighbour to existing management software. The tool has no dependency on any of the conventional IPMI command line tools, and never leaves Go.

Getting Started

Download the latest release for your platform. Create a secrets.yml file mapping a sample BMC to its credentials in the following way:               # target configured in Prometheus
  username: <username>       # must have USER IPMI privileges
  password: <password>
  username: <username>
  password: <password>

You may use a hostname instead of an IP literal, however the exporter uses long-lived sessions, so may fall behind DNS until the next communication failure and reconnect. Literals are preferred for this reason, and also to make config explicit - changes to DNS do not show up in the config's version control history

Start the exporter with ./bmc_exporter [--secrets.static secrets.yml]. Navigate to http://localhost:9622, and copy the target on the first line of your YAML file into the Target text field (e.g., then click Scrape. You will be directed to /bmc?target=<your target>, hopefully resembling the following:

# HELP bmc_info Provides the BMC's GUID, firmware, and the version of IPMI used to scrape it. Constant 1.
# TYPE bmc_info gauge
bmc_info{firmware="3.45.01",guid="04d298z2-8178-11e5-adf4-54ab3a0a0baa",ipmi="2.0"} 1
# HELP bmc_scrape_duration_seconds The time taken to collect all metrics, measured by the exporter.
# TYPE bmc_scrape_duration_seconds gauge
bmc_scrape_duration_seconds 0.014362754
# HELP bmc_up 1 if the exporter was able to establish a session, 0 otherwise.
# TYPE bmc_up gauge
bmc_up 1
# HELP chassis_cooling_fault Whether a cooling or fan fault has been detected, according to Get Chassis Status.
# TYPE chassis_cooling_fault gauge
chassis_cooling_fault 0
# HELP chassis_drive_fault Whether a disk drive in the system is faulty, according to Get Chassis Status.
# TYPE chassis_drive_fault gauge
chassis_drive_fault 0
# HELP chassis_intrusion Whether the system cover is open, according to Get Chassis Status.
# TYPE chassis_intrusion gauge
chassis_intrusion 0
# HELP chassis_power_fault Whether a fault has been detected in the main power subsystem, according to Get Chassis Status.
# TYPE chassis_power_fault gauge
chassis_power_fault 0
# HELP chassis_powered_on Whether the system is currently turned on, according to Get Chassis Status. If 0, the system could be in S4/S5, or mechanical off.
# TYPE chassis_powered_on gauge
chassis_powered_on 1
# HELP power_draw_watts The instantaneous amount of electricity being used by the machine, broken down by PSU where possible.
# TYPE power_draw_watts gauge
power_draw_watts{psu="1"} 70
power_draw_watts{psu="2"} 105
# HELP processor_temperature_celsius The temperature of each CPU in degrees celsius.
# TYPE processor_temperature_celsius gauge
processor_temperature_celsius{cpu="1"} 42
processor_temperature_celsius{cpu="2"} 44

If bmc_up has a value of 0, double check the BMC is reachable from your machine and the credentials are correct using ipmitool:

ipmitool -I lanplus -H <ip> -U <username> -P <password> -L USER sdr

If bmc_up is 1, congrats, you've scraped your first BMC! The Prometheus scrape_config for this job would look like this:

- job_name: bmc
  scrape_interval: 30s                  # a 30s scrape interval is recommended
  metrics_path: /bmc                    # the exporter exposes its own metrics at /metrics
  - targets:
    -                     # strings corresponding to the keys in secrets.yml
    - '[2001:db8::1]:623'
  - source_labels: [__address__]
    target_label: __param_target
  - source_labels: [__param_target]
    target_label: instance
  - target_label: __address__
    replacement: localhost:9622         # the location of the exporter to Prometheus


The exporter may return the following metrics in response to a request to /bmc. To prevent Prometheus timing out and throwing everything away, the exporter may return a subset if it does not have time to gather everything.

Metric Description
bmc_up A boolean indicating whether the BMC is healthy. This means a session could be established, the exporter could retrieve the entire SDR repository, and subcollectors had time to do their initialisation. If this is 0, it is likely to be on the first scrape, as subsequent scrapes reuse the session.
bmc_scrape_duration_seconds This effectively a stopwatch on the Collect() method in the exporter. It may differ widely from Prometheus, as the exporter serialises collections for each BMC (some BMCs appear to use a single buffer for all requests, so scraping them simultaneously causes corrupted responses). The time a request spends waiting for the target's event loop to pick it up is not included in this value, however it is tracked by the bmc_target_scrape_dispatch_latency_seconds histogram.
bmc_info A constant 1, providing the firmware version and guid of the BMC in labels, along with the version of IPMI being used by the exporter to interact with it (which will currently always be 2.0). Each BMC vendor includes different supplementary version information, which is used to create the version string on a best-effort basis. The GUID label uses the original byte order; this can be in any format, and any byte order, so cannot be interpreted reliably without additional knowledge. Treating the original bytes as a GUID seems to work fairly well. On Dell this matches the smbiosGUID field in the iDRAC UI, and on Quanta it produces a valid version 1 GUID. These values are all obtained from the Get Device ID and Get System GUID commands.
chassis_powered_on A boolean indicating whether the system power is on. If 0, it could be in S4/S5, or mechanical off. This value is returned in the Get Chassis Status command.
chassis_cooling_fault A boolean indicating whether a cooling or fan fault has been detected. Obtained via Get Chassis Status.
chassis_drive_fault A boolean indicating whether a disk drive in the system is faulty. Obtained via Get Chassis Status.
chassis_power_fault A boolean indicating whether a fault has been detected in the main power subsystem. Obtained via Get Chassis Status.
chassis_intrusion A boolean indicating whether the chassis is currently open. Retrieved via Get Chassis Status.
power_draw_watts One gauge for each wattage sensor instance under the power supply SDR entity, in which case the psu label is the instance ID, so may not be 0-based or continuous (treat these as opaque strings). If power usage isn't available in the SDR, this will fall back to issuing a Get Power Reading DCMI command, which returns a label-less aggregate draw for the entire machine. The power supplies must support PMBus for either mechanism to work. Values could theoretically have a fractional component, however all values observed have been integers.
processor_temperature_celsius One gauge for each temperature sensor under the processor SDR entity. This usually corresponds to one sensor per die rather than per core. We prefer sensors with the IPMI entity ID (0x3), falling back to the deprecated DCMI variant (0x41). We never combine sensors from both in order to avoid duplication. Only sensors with a unit of celsius are currently considered. Values could theoretically have a fractional component, however all values observed have been integers.

Interesting Queries

Number of machines by BMC firmware:

sum by (firmware) (bmc_info)

Number of machines with a cooling fault:

sum(chassis_cooling_fault == bool 1)

Ratio of machines currently powered on:

sum(chassis_powered_on == bool 1) / count(chassis_powered_on)

It is strongly recommended to set appropriate target labels for the manufacturer, model and location of each machine. This allows more interesting aggregations, e.g. viewing the different firmware versions installed for a single model, or power usage by data centre field. By count()ing the *_fault metrics, you could also see which model is proving most troublesome overall, and eventually trends of all of the above over time.

Next Steps

The exporter listens on :9622 by default, which can be overridden with --web.listen-address. A homepage is exposed at / with the exporter's version, and a simple form to scrape a given address. This also doubles as a liveness and/or readiness probe endpoint. The exporter's own metrics, including total IPMI commands sent and various latency and traffic statistics, are exposed at /metrics. This can be scraped more frequently than a given BMC if required. To scrape a BMC, request /bmc?target=<IP[:port]>. Note that the target parameter is passed verbatim to the session provider. Although the port defaults to 623, for consistency and to avoid confusion, it is recommended to be explicit and include the port after the IP address wherever it appears.


The exporter requires one file descriptor per BMC for the UDP socket, so you may need to increase the limit. To see the current number of file descriptors a process may open, run ulimit -n. You can maximise the number of fds the exporter may use by running ulimit -Sn $(ulimit -Hn).

Scrape Interval

A scrape interval of 30s is recommended. The IPMI specification recommends a 60s (+/-3s) timeout for sessions on the BMC, so provided your scrape interval is below this, this should be the only session for the lifetime of the exporter process. If deployed in a pair as recommended in the Deployment section, this will result in each exporter scraping every 60s, assuming perfect round-robin.

Scrape Timeout

Scraping a healthy, available BMC from within the data centre takes a fraction of a second, however this will never be the case for all targets with any sizeable fleet. The exporter will retry commands outside a session in an exponential back-off, but retrying inside a session has been known to cause corrupted responses (#29), so we re-establish the session after 5 seconds. Each scrape also has a timeout within the exporter, defaulting to 8s (to allow wiggle room before the default Prometheus scrape timeout of 10s) and overridable via --scrape.timeout. The idea behind this is that some data is better than no data. If a BMC is excruciatingly slow, it is better to return a subset of metrics than nothing whatsoever. This can only be done if the exporter knows to give up on the BMC before Prometheus gives up on the exporter. Like the blackbox_exporter, all targets in Prometheus that hit the exporter should show as UP, regardless of the underlying machine. If this is not the case, it suggests something wrong with the exporter or Prometheus configuration rather the BMC.


Firing up a single instance of the exporter will work just fine for evaluation. As the IPMI protocol operates in lock-step, similar to TFTP, a small increase in latency is multiplied by the number of packets required to perform the scrape. It is strongly recommended to locate the exporter in the same region as the BMCs it scrapes. Attempting to scrape across the Atlantic or further will slow down scrapes significantly, and the effects of any packet loss will be magnified.

The exporter has been designed around only having one open socket and session to a given BMC, and sending only one command at once to it. This is important, as the specification only requires support for two concurrent sessions between the LAN and console channels, and a network buffer with capacity for two packets. It is recommended to have a pair of exporters in each region, behind the same DNS record or K8s service, and point Prometheus at that alias. This will result in two sessions being established with the BMC, which allows room for use by other system management software, while having N+1 resiliency. A single exporter will serialise multiple scrape requests for a given BMC arriving at the same time, so it is fine to point multiple Prometheis at it. However, in this case, it is recommended to increase the scrape timeout, as if all N scrapes arrive simultaneously for an unresponsive BMC, the last one will take N * --scrape.timeout seconds. If in doubt, set the scrape timeout to equal the scrape interval.

If you have too many BMCs to scrape with one exporter, or would like to spread the load more thinly, it is recommended to shard targets across multiple pairs of exporters, e.g. half go to one pair, half to another. This maintains the property of having at most two sessions per BMC, and means a single exporter dying results in loss of resiliency for a smaller subset of BMCs.

On SIGINT or SIGTERM, the exporter will shut down its web server, then wait for all in-progress scrapes to finish before closing all BMC connections and sockets as cleanly as possible. This can take some time with thousands of BMCs, especially if some are unresponsive. There is no timeout built into the exporter; it relies on the environment to kill it when it is fed up waiting.


In addition to alerting on BMC metrics, you may want to be notified of an unhealthy exporter. Both the exporter and its underlying bmc library were written with Prometheus in mind, so you have lots of metrics, from collection latency to to number of each IPMI command attempted. This section is intended to provide a guide for what to look at. Exact alert thresholds will depend on the number of targets in the estate and how the exporter is deployed.


Alerts for metrics exposed at /bmc. The key one here is bmc_up, however you may want to alert on others (e.g. chassis_cooling_fault) depending on your environment. Be wary of using IPMI to alert on chassis_power_fault, as any significant problem will cause the BMC to also lose power! It is better to use bmc_up as an indication of an unhealthy machine.

Metric Description
bmc_up Every BMC where this is 0 is a monitoring gap, as no other metrics (besides bmc_scrape_duration_seconds) are exposed. It can be caused by incorrect credentials (check bmc_session_open_failures_total), or running out of time while initialising after the session is established, typically because of high latency (see bmc_collector_initialise_timeouts_total below).


These metrics are exposed at /metrics, so are an overall view of all scrapes going through the exporter and do not concern any single BMC. They can indicate a configuration error in Prometheus or the exporter, and general network issues. Note that pprof is enabled on the exporter at the default paths, so profiles can be retrieved at any time.

Metric Description
bmc_collector_initialise_timeouts_total If this increases too rapidly, it suggests BMCs have too high latency to complete initialisation before Prometheus times out the scrape. This causes a kind of crash looping behaviour where the BMC never manages to be ready for scraping. The solution is to increase the scrape timeout, or move the exporter closer to the BMC.
bmc_collector_partial_collections_total This counts the number of times the exporter returned a subset of metrics to avoid Prometheus timing out the scrape request. If this happens too often the scrape timeout may be too low, or BMCs may be being reticent.
bmc_collector_session_expiries_total The specification recommends a timeout of 60s +/- 3s, so if you have deployed the exporter in a pair and scrape every 30s, a high rate of increase indicates a load balancing issue. When the session expires, the exporter will attempt to establish a new one, so this is not a problem in itself; it just results in a few more requests and higher load on BMCs. If your scrape interval is 2m, you would expect every scrape to require a new session.
bmc_provider_credential_failures_total Any increase here indicates the credential provider is struggling to fulfil requests, and BMCs cannot be logged into. The only bundled implementation is the file provider, so these errors will not be temporary, and indicates the exporter is being asked to scrape a set of BMCs that has drifted from its secrets config file.
bmc_target_abandoned_requests_total A high rate of abandoned requests indicates contention for access to BMCs. This is most likely to be caused by multiple Prometheis scraping a single exporter with a short scrape timeout. These requests did not have time to begin a collection, let alone initialise a session.
process_open_fds The exporter requires one file descriptor per BMC, plus 15-20% depending on the scrape interval. You'll want to alert if process_open_fds / process_max_fds approaches 1.


  • Only power draw and processor temperature sensor data is currently available. Other sensors are far less standardised, so normalising them in the exporter's output - a key feature - is much harder. Next up is chassis_(intake|exhaust)_temperature_celsius.
  • IPMI v1.5, the first to feature IPMI-over-LAN support, is currently unimplemented in the underlying library. Given IPMI v2.0 was first published in 2004, this is hopefully not relevant to most, however for the sake of legacy devices and completeness, it will be added after non-power sensor data is retrievable. The exporter itself is already version-agnostic.

bmc_exporter's People


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bmc_exporter's Issues

Make use of scrape timeout header sent by Prometheus

Prometheus sends X-Prometheus-Scrape-Timeout-Seconds with a value like 10.000000, which is the scrape_timeout being used. Need to decide how defaults and overrides should work in this exporter; blackbox_exporter allows specifying an offset (buffer to subtract from this) as well as an overall timeout.

Remove Bazel TODO - cannot be worked around

# TODO Bazel doesn't like when this is moved into the deps() function - workaround?

This is not currently possible with Bazel in its current form - the only way is to have these directly in WORKSPACE. Transitive dependencies must all be specified to the end of the chain in this way as well.

GC takes down the exporter

Need to rethink this, making the map write lock as tiny as possible. Is there a more efficient way to do a multi-delete? Kick off a goroutine to close each conn after map removal, then use a wait group to block until complete. Still need the lock in case a scrape is in progress. Deadlocks? Should never have a write lock on the mapper at the same time as a collector mutex.

Document exported metrics in README

With examples, e.g.

Power draw by manufacturer and model:

sum by (manufacturer, model) (chassis_power_draw_watts)

Number of machines by BMC firmware:

sum by (firmware) (bmc_info)

Number of machines with a cooling fault:

count(chassis_cooling_fault == 1)

Ratio of machines currently powered on:

count(chassis_powered_on == 1) / count(chassis_powered_on)

Implement timeouts

By default there are none; clients that open a conn and never send anything will cause goroutine leaks. Fix this entire class of bug. This is a good guide.

Collector timeout and scrape timeout.

We definitely want a --collector.timeout; the question is whether we also want --scrape.timeout. Scrape timeout is the entire request; collector timeout constrains only the duration of the Collect() method.

We can get away with just a --collect.timeout, provided the user sets the scrape timeout to the collect timeout * number of scrapers. The exporter doesn't need the end-to-end timeout if it's guaranteed to enter Collect() by scrape timeout - collect timeout.

The only situation in which a scrape timeout would be useful is for slow (but responsive) BMCs, where a collect timeout alone could cause Prometheus to give up on the request before the exporter. E.g. collect timeout is 9s, Prometheus scrape timeout is 30s; collection starts at 25s and doesn't complete before 30s, meaning we lose all the metrics gathered in the 5s we were in the collect method. With the scrape timeout flag, we would've returned what we had after 3s in Collect().

It would be more defensive to have both, e.g. if a manual scrape came along by someone testing a BMC. So yes, we want both.

Deadlock on Get Channel Authentication Capabilities command failure

A single BMC returning a GCAC command failure will deadlock the entire exporter on next GC.

  1. 2019-08-21 22:59: Get Channel Authentication Capabilities command fails
    • bmc_collector_session_expiries_total increments from 0 to 1, confirming the ValidateResponse() returned non-nil error.
    • Collector's prescrape() calls Close() which tries to reacquire the collector mutex, causing a deadlock, leaked scrape request goroutine and file descriptor.
    • No metrics from the /bmc endpoint recorded after this time, as the one collector in use is locked.
    • We are leaking 3 goroutines every 30s scrape due to requests waiting indefinitely on the mutex:
      • goroutine for HTTP request to /bmc, which also leaks the request fd
      • 2 goroutines inside the registry Gather() method somewhere, one of which is likely the uncancelled context creation at the beginning of Collect()
  2. 2019-08-21 23:07: GC triggered
    • Acquires write lock on mapper.
    • Attempts to get LastCollection() from the collector which tries to acquire collector mutex and deadlocks.
      • This is why hits stop increasing here - we block all readers; queries keeps increasing as this is incremented before acquiring a read lock on the mapper.
      • The leak rate drops to one goroutine and fd every 30s - both for the request to /bmc. As GC has acquired the write lock, no more /bmc scrape requests can call Gather(), meaning the two additional goroutines no longer have a chance to leak (this backs up the theory that Gather() is responsible for the 8 minutes of leaking a goroutine every 10s).
  3. 2019-08-22 07:26: We hit the max 1024 file descriptors
    • The web server can no longer accept requests, including to /metrics.

Gracefully handle BMCs returning "Insufficient resources"

if err := bmc.ValidateResponse(c.session.SendCommand(cmdFirstCtx, cmd)); err != nil {

If we decode the command response successfully, we don't need to tear down the session, even if the completion code is non-normal, as the session is still in a good state. We will want to retry in the case of insufficient resources, otherwise return the error up, as we can't move past it. Doing this will invalidate this comment:

// we don't continue on error, as the only reason for an error is ctx

Perhaps modify that function to keep returning early iff the context has expired.

Send on closed channel while shutting down

2019/08/25 15:54:59 waiting for in-progress requests to finish...
panic: send on closed channel

goroutine 33775 [running]:*Target).Close(...)
        external/com_github_gebn_bmc_exporter/target/target.go:92*Mapper).closeTargets.func1(0xc000348090, 0xc0006446a0)
        external/com_github_gebn_bmc_exporter/handler/bmc/mapper.go:202 +0x6c
created by*Mapper).closeTargets
        external/com_github_gebn_bmc_exporter/handler/bmc/mapper.go:198 +0x2d0

Rewrite README

Less encyclopedia, more helpful. It doesn't answer the questions people looking to run the damn thing will have - look at other exporter docs. Command line options, their defaults, the format of their input (you haven't actually provided the format of secrets.yml), exported metrics, hardware requirements.

Some BMCs start sending garbage values after a while

  • Firmware version changes (with a minor version >99, which is impossible for a 1 byte BCD value)
  • GUID changes

Sometimes its the whole field, sometimes it's just a few bytes.
Definitely a bug, as if it were corruption, the checksum validation would fail (is the checksum definitely there for these packets?).

If a BMC shows strangeness, it's fine to treat it with care (e.g. new connection each scrape) until the process is killed, even between Close()s on the collector.

Could be an old socket full stop - not just the connection on it.
bmc_up and/or chassis_cooling_fault and/or chassis_powered_on flaps. You only need the first one to identify this. If bmc_up == 0, close the session before finishing collecting, so it is re-established next scrape.
The debug mode in #23 would help here. Particularly the error returned by the command exec attempt.

Segfault on shutdown

2019/08/21 15:45:17 waiting for in-progress requests to finish...
panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference
[signal SIGSEGV: segmentation violation code=0x1 addr=0x20 pc=0x83597e]

goroutine 75 [running]:*Collector).Close(0xc0001e8280, 0xb22920, 0xc0001880c0, 0x0, 0x0)
        external/com_github_gebn_bmc_exporter/collector/collector.go:155 +0x7e*Mapper).Close.func1(0xc000036150, 0xb228e0, 0xc0000360c0, 0xc000190020)
        external/com_github_gebn_bmc_exporter/handler/bmc/mapper.go:188 +0x98
created by*Mapper).Close
        external/com_github_gebn_bmc_exporter/handler/bmc/mapper.go:184 +0x17b

Fix DEBUG build messages

DEBUG: /home/george/.cache/bazel/_bazel_george/ff02fb29fff3a88273770576938bd8e3/external/bazel_gazelle/internal/go_repository.bzl:184:13: com_github_google_gopacket: gazelle: finding module path for import exit status 1: can't load package: package build constraints exclude all Go files in /home/george/.cache/bazel/_bazel_george/ff02fb29fff3a88273770576938bd8e3/external/bazel_gazelle_go_repository_cache/pkg/mod/[email protected]/windows
DEBUG: /home/george/.cache/bazel/_bazel_george/ff02fb29fff3a88273770576938bd8e3/external/bazel_gazelle/internal/go_repository.bzl:184:13: com_github_prometheus_common: gazelle: finding module path for import exit status 1: can't load package: package build constraints exclude all Go files in /home/george/.cache/bazel/_bazel_george/ff02fb29fff3a88273770576938bd8e3/external/bazel_gazelle_go_repository_cache/pkg/mod/[email protected]/windows/svc/eventlog

Goroutine leak(s)

There is known to be one when requests are abandoned (K8s ingress restart).

Another only reveals itself when one exporter is running.

Document metrics

For each BMC metric that the exporter exposes, say which command(s) it comes from, and any transformations (GUID). For metrics that have some logic behind them (Get Power Reading, temp sensors), say how the sensor is identified, what it means if it’s missing, what to do if it’s wrong (file issue).

Confusing errors with context expiry

If we establish a session, but the context expires before Get Power Reading, we will incorrectly assume the BMC does not support power retrieval. There will be other similar situations.

Issues extracting release tar.gz

$ tar xf bmc_exporter-1.0.0-linux_arm.tar.gz 
tar: .: Cannot utime: Operation not permitted
tar: .: Cannot change mode to rwxr-xr-t: Operation not permitted
tar: Exiting with failure status due to previous errors

The extracted binary still functions correctly.

Live reloading of file session provider

The key this is for this not to interrupt throughput. A nice way to do it might be to drop something in each target's event loop for it to pick up when it's ready; need to ensure it cannot run parallel with GC and shutdown. The implementation of this is linked to mapping targets to http.Handlers.

Low priority as this is not a problem we currently have.

Update sample scrape

# HELP bmc_info Provides the BMC's GUID, firmware, and the version of IPMI used to scrape it. Constant 1.
# TYPE bmc_info gauge
bmc_info{firmware="3.45.01",guid="4d5f8c76-97bc-1234-5678-54ab3a123456",ipmi="2.0"} 1
# HELP bmc_scrape_duration_seconds The time taken to collect all metrics, measured by the exporter.
# TYPE bmc_scrape_duration_seconds gauge
bmc_scrape_duration_seconds 0.018869499
# HELP bmc_up 1 if the exporter was able to establish a session, 0 otherwise.
# TYPE bmc_up gauge
bmc_up 1
# HELP chassis_cooling_fault Whether a cooling or fan fault has been detected, according to Get Chassis Status.
# TYPE chassis_cooling_fault gauge
chassis_cooling_fault 0
# HELP chassis_drive_fault Whether a disk drive in the system is faulty, according to Get Chassis Status.
# TYPE chassis_drive_fault gauge
chassis_drive_fault 0
# HELP chassis_intrusion Whether the system cover is open, according to Get Chassis Status.
# TYPE chassis_intrusion gauge
chassis_intrusion 0
# HELP chassis_power_fault Whether a fault has been detected in the main power subsystem, according to Get Chassis Status.
# TYPE chassis_power_fault gauge
chassis_power_fault 0
# HELP chassis_powered_on Whether the system is currently turned on, according to Get Chassis Status. If 0, the system could be in S4/S5, or mechanical off.
# TYPE chassis_powered_on gauge
chassis_powered_on 1
# HELP power_draw_watts The instantaneous amount of electricity being used by the machine.
# TYPE power_draw_watts gauge
power_draw_watts{psu="1"} 70
power_draw_watts{psu="2"} 105
# HELP processor_temperature_celsius The temperature of a processor die in degrees celsius.
# TYPE processor_temperature_celsius gauge
processor_temperature_celsius{cpu="1"} 42
processor_temperature_celsius{cpu="2"} 44

Have a debug flag to show logging

Useful for seeing the error messages produced by some BMCs, e.g. collect() []error. Adding and removing logging is doing it wrong.

Add time to collect metric

It would be interesting, especially in the case of multiple scrapers, to expose the time between the request coming in and Collect() beginning. This might be difficult for the same reason as #13.

Consider changing concurrency model

Each target had a goroutine (so by construction access to a BMC is serialised). Scrapes are done by looking up the goroutine’s scrape channel and sending it a struct containing the request and response writer args. The request goroutine blocks until the BMC selects that channel. This may also make lockless closing of connections easier in response to the latest outage.

Tag v1.0.0, and upload binaries

In some cases, you may want to set the goos and goarch attributes of go_binary. This will cross-compile a binary for a specific platform. This is necessary when you need to produce multiple binaries for different platforms in a single build.

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    TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that compiles to clean JavaScript output.

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    An Open Source Machine Learning Framework for Everyone

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    The Web framework for perfectionists with deadlines.

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    Bring data to life with SVG, Canvas and HTML. 📊📈🎉

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  • javascript

    JavaScript (JS) is a lightweight interpreted programming language with first-class functions.

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    Some thing interesting about web. New door for the world.

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    A server is a program made to process requests and deliver data to clients.

  • Machine learning

    Machine learning is a way of modeling and interpreting data that allows a piece of software to respond intelligently.

  • Game

    Some thing interesting about game, make everyone happy.

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