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pipeline-logparser's Introduction


.github/workflows/main.yml .github/workflows/update-version.yml

A library to parse and filter logs


  • it provides API to parse logs (from currentBuild or from another run or job) and append them with name of current branch/stage
    • as String for those who need to programatically parse logs
    • or as run artifacts for those who need to archive logs with branch names for later use
  • it provides accessors to 'pipeline step' logs
  • it provides accessors to 'Blue Ocean' logs urls for parallel branches and stages

Tested with:

test/jenkins-lts/plugins.txt test/jenkins-last/versions.txt test/jenkins-2.190.1/versions.txt

Table of contents


import pipeline-logparser library

in Jenkinsfile import library like this

@Library('[email protected]') _

identifier "pipeline-logparser" is the name of the library set by jenkins administrator in instance configuration:

  • it may be different on your instance
  • see below Installation

use library's functions:

after import the name of the package is logparser:

// get logs with branch prefix
def mylog = logparser.getLogsWithBranchInfo()

Detailed Documentation

see online documentation here: logparser.txt

  • also available in $JOB_URL/pipeline-syntax/globals#logparser
    • visible only after the library has been imported once
    • requires configuring 'Markup Formater' as 'Safe HTML' in $JENKINS_URL/configureSecurity

this library provides functions:

  • to retrieve logs with branch info (as string or as run artifacts)
  • to filter logs from branches
  • to retrieve direct urls to logs (Pipeline Steps & Blue Ocean)


  • get Blue Ocean links to logs for parallel branches and stages

    • from current run

      stage ('stage1') {
        parallel (
          branch1: { echo 'in branch1' },
          branch2: { echo 'in branch2' }
      def blueTree = logparser.getBlueOceanUrls()


      blueTree = [
          id:2, name:null, stage:false, parents:[], parent:null,
          id:4, name:stage1, stage:true, parents:[2], parent:2,
          id:7, name:branch1, stage:false, parents:[4, 2], parent:4,
          id:8, name:branch2, stage:false, parents:[4, 2], parent:4,
    • get Blue Ocean links from another job/run

      // get RunWrapper for current job last stable run
      // using
      @Library('[email protected]') _
      def otherBuild = whitelist.getLastStableRunWrapper(whitelist.getJobByName(env.JOB_NAME))
      def blueTree = logparser.getBlueOceanUrls(otherBuild)
  • retrieve logs with branch info

    • add branch prefix [branchName] in front of each line for that branch

      echo 'not in any branch'
      parallel (
        branch1: { echo 'in branch1' },
        branch2: { echo 'in branch2' }
      print logparser.getLogsWithBranchInfo()


      not in any branch
      [branch1] in branch1
      [branch2] in branch2
    • hide stage name with option showStages=false

      stage ('stage1') {
        echo 'in stage 1'
      print logparser.getLogsWithBranchInfo(showStages: false)


      in stage 1

      or show stage name (default)

      stage ('stage1') {
        echo 'in stage 1'
      print logparser.getLogsWithBranchInfo()


      [stage1] in stage 1
    • show parent branch name (parent branch first) for nested branches

      parallel branch2: {
        echo 'in branch2'
        parallel branch21: { echo 'in branch2.branch21' }
      print logparser.getLogsWithBranchInfo()


      [branch2] in branch2
      [branch2] [branch21] in branch2.branch21
    • hide parent branch name with option showParents=false

      parallel branch2: {
        echo 'in branch2'
        parallel branch21: { echo 'in branch2.branch21' }
      print logparser.getLogsWithBranchInfo(showParents: false)


      [branch2] in branch2
      [branch21] in branch2.branch21
    • show duplicate parent branch name with option mergeNestedDuplicates=false

      parallel branch2: {
        stage('branch2') { echo 'in stage branch2' }
      print logparser.getLogsWithBranchInfo(mergeNestedDuplicates: false)


      [branch2] [branch2] in stage branch2

      or hide duplicates (default)

      parallel branch2: {
        stage('branch2') { echo 'in stage branch2' }
      print logparser.getLogsWithBranchInfo()


      [branch2] in stage branch2
    • show VT100 markups (hidden by default as they make raw log hard to read) with option hideVT100=false

      // use node to make sure VT100 markups are in the logs
      node {
        def logs = logparser.getLogsWithBranchInfo(hideVT100: false)
        assert logs ==~ /(?s).*\x1B\[8m.*?\x1B\[0m.*/
    • show Pipeline technical log lines (starting with [Pipeline]) with option hidePipeline=false

      echo 'not in any branch'
      parallel (
        branch1: { echo 'in branch1' },
        branch2: { echo 'in branch2' }
      print logparser.getLogsWithBranchInfo(hidePipeline: false)


      [Pipeline] Start of Pipeline
      [Pipeline] echo
      not in any branch
      [Pipeline] parallel
      [Pipeline] [branch1] { (Branch: branch1)
      [Pipeline] [branch1] echo
      [branch1] in branch1
      [Pipeline] [branch2] { (Branch: branch2)
      [Pipeline] [branch2] echo
      [branch2] in branch2
      [Pipeline] }
      [Pipeline] }
      [Pipeline] // parallel
  • archive logs in job artifacts (without having to allocate a node : same as ArchiveArtifacts but without node() scope)

    echo 'not in any branch'
    parallel (
      branch1: { echo 'in branch1' },
      branch2: { echo 'in branch2' }

    result: logs.txt in $BUILD_URL/artifact with content:

    not in any branch
    [branch1] in branch1
    [branch2] in branch2
  • write logs directly to a file

    echo 'not in any branch'
    parallel (
      branch1: { echo 'in branch1' },
      branch2: { echo 'in branch2' }
    node('myhost') {
      logparser.writeLogsWithBranchInfo(env.NODE_NAME, "${pwd()}/logs.txt")

    result: log.txt in workspace on node 'myhost' with content:

    not in any branch
    [branch1] in branch1
    [branch2] in branch2
    Running on myhost in /home/jenkins/workspace/test-pipeline
  • filter branch logs with option filter=[ list of branches to keep ]

    • filter by name

      echo 'not in any branch'
      parallel (
        branch1: { echo 'in branch1' },
        branch2: { echo 'in branch2' }
      print logparser.getLogsWithBranchInfo(filter: [ 'branch1' ])


      [branch1] in branch1
    • filter multiple branches

      echo 'not in any branch'
      parallel (
        branch1: { echo 'in branch1' },
        branch2: { echo 'in branch2' },
        branch3: { echo 'in branch3' }
      print logparser.getLogsWithBranchInfo(filter: [ 'branch1', 'branch3' ])


      [branch1] in branch1
      [branch3] in branch3
    • filter with regular expression

      echo 'not in any branch'
      parallel (
        branch1: { echo 'in branch1' },
        branch2: { echo 'in branch2' }
      print logparser.getLogsWithBranchInfo(filter: [ '.*2' ])


      [branch2] in branch2
    • show name of nested branches filtered out

      parallel branch2: {
        echo 'in branch2'
        parallel branch21: { echo 'in branch2.branch21' }
      print logparser.getLogsWithBranchInfo(filter: [ 'branch2' ])


      [branch2] in branch2
      <nested branch [branch2] [branch21]>
    • hide name of nested branches filtered out with option markNestedFiltered=false

      parallel branch2: {
        echo 'in branch2'
        parallel branch21: { echo 'in branch2.branch21' }
      print logparser.getLogsWithBranchInfo(filter: [ 'branch2' ], markNestedFiltered: false)


      [branch2] in branch2
    • filter logs not in any branch

      echo 'not in any branch'
      parallel (
        branch1: { echo 'in branch1' },
        branch2: { echo 'in branch2' }
      print logparser.getLogsWithBranchInfo(filter: [ null ])


      not in any branch
      <nested branch [branch1]>
      <nested branch [branch2]>
    • filter branch using list of parent name(s)

      parallel branch1: {
        echo 'in branch1'
        parallel branch11: {
          echo 'in branch1.branch11'
          parallel branchA: {
            echo 'in branch1.branch11.branchA'
      }, branch2: {
        echo 'in branch2'
        parallel branch21: {
          echo 'in branch2.branch21'
          parallel branchA: {
            echo 'in branch2.branch21.branchA'
      print logparser.getLogsWithBranchInfo(filter: [ [ 'branch2', 'branch21', 'branchA' ] ])


      [branch2] [branch21] [branchA] in branch2.branch21.branchA
    • filter branch using the immediate parent name(s)

      parallel branch1: {
        echo 'in branch1'
        parallel branch11: {
          echo 'in branch1.branch11'
          parallel branchA: {
            echo 'in branch1.branch11.branchA'
      }, branch2: {
        echo 'in branch2'
        parallel branch21: {
          echo 'in branch2.branch21'
          parallel branchA: {
            echo 'in branch2.branch21.branchA'
      print logparser.getLogsWithBranchInfo(filter: [ [ 'branch21', 'branchA' ] ])


      [branch2] [branch21] [branchA] in branch2.branch21.branchA
    • filter branch using regular expression on parent name(s)

      parallel branch1: {
        echo 'in branch1'
        parallel branch11: {
          echo 'in branch1.branch11'
          parallel branchA: {
            echo 'in branch1.branch11.branchA'
      }, branch2: {
        echo 'in branch2'
        parallel branch21: {
          echo 'in branch2.branch21'
          parallel branchA: {
            echo 'in branch2.branch21.branchA'
      print logparser.getLogsWithBranchInfo(filter: [ [ 'branch2.*', '.*A' ] ])


      [branch2] [branch21] [branchA] in branch2.branch21.branchA
  • get logs from another job/run

    // get RunWrapper for current job last stable run
    // using
    @Library('[email protected]') _
    def otherBuild = whitelist.getLastStableRunWrapper(whitelist.getJobByName(env.JOB_NAME))
    def otherBuildLogs = logparser.getLogsWithBranchInfo([:], otherBuild)
  • get pipeline steps tree, with links to logs, and information about parallel branches and stages

    • from current run

      stage ('stage1') {
        parallel (
          branch1: { echo 'in branch1' },
          branch2: {
            node('linux') {
              echo 'in branch2'
      def stepsTree = logparser.getPipelineStepsUrls()


      stepsTree = [
          id=2, name=null, stage=false, parents=[], parent=null, children=[3, 19],
          log=null, label=null, host=null
          id=3, name=null, stage=false, parents=[2], parent=2, children=[4, 18],
          log=http://ci.jenkins.internal:8080/job/testFolder/job/testNestedFolder/job/testPipeline/7/execution/node/3/log, label=null, host=null
          id=4, name=stage1, stage=true, parents=[3, 2], parent=3, children=[5, 17],
          log=null, label=null, host=null
          id=5, name=null, stage=false, parents=[4, 3, 2], parent=4, children=[7, 8, 10, 16],
          log=http://ci.jenkins.internal:8080/job/testFolder/job/testNestedFolder/job/testPipeline/7/execution/node/5/log, label=null, host=null
          id=7, name=branch1, stage=false, parents=[5, 4, 3, 2], parent=5, children=[9],
          log=null, label=null, host=null
           id=9, name=null, stage=false, parents=[7, 5, 4, 3, 2], parent=7, children=[],
           log=http://ci.jenkins.internal:8080/job/testFolder/job/testNestedFolder/job/testPipeline/7/execution/node/9/log, label=null, host=null
           id=8, name=branch2, stage=false, parents=[5, 4, 3, 2], parent=5, children=[11, 15],
           log=null, label=null, host=null
           id=11, name=null, stage=false, parents=[8, 5, 4, 3, 2], parent=8, children=[12, 14],
           log=http://ci.jenkins.internal:8080/job/testFolder/job/testNestedFolder/job/testPipeline/7/execution/node/11/log, label=linux, host=linux-12345
           id=12, name=null, stage=false, parents=[11, 8, 5, 4, 3, 2], parent=11, children=[13],
           log=null, label=null, host=null
           id=13, name=null, stage=false, parents=[12, 11, 8, 5, 4, 3, 2], parent=12, children=[],
           log=http://ci.jenkins.internal:8080/job/testFolder/job/testNestedFolder/job/testPipeline/7/execution/node/13/log, label=null, host=null
           id=14, name=null, stage=false, parents=[11, 8, 5, 4, 3, 2], parent=11, children=[],
           log=null, label=null, host=null
           id=15, name=null, stage=false, parents=[8, 5, 4, 3, 2], parent=8, children=[],
           log=null, label=null, host=null
           id=10, name=null, stage=false, parents=[5, 4, 3, 2], parent=5, children=[],
           log=null, label=null, host=null
           id=16, name=null, stage=false, parents=[5, 4, 3, 2], parent=5, children=[],
           log=null, label=null, host=null
           id=17, name=null, stage=false, parents=[4, 3, 2], parent=4, children=[],
           log=null, label=null, host=null
           id=18, name=null, stage=false, parents=[3, 2], parent=3, children=[],
           log=null, label=null, host=null
           id=19, name=null, stage=false, parents=[2], parent=2, children=[],
           log=null, label=null, host=null
    • get Pipeline Steps links from another job/run

      // get RunWrapper for current job last stable run
      // using
      @Library('[email protected]') _
      def otherBuild = whitelist.getLastStableRunWrapper(whitelist.getJobByName(env.JOB_NAME))
      def stepsTree = logparser.getPipelineStepsUrls(otherBuild)


install the library as a "Global Pipeline Library" in "Manage jenkins > Configure System > Global Pipeline Library" (cf

Global Pipeline Library Configuration


  • it's also possible to copy the code in a Jenkinsfile and use functions from there
  • but it would imply approving whatever needs to be in "Manage jenkins > In-process Script Approval" (including some unsafe API's)
  • using this library as a "Global Pipeline Library" allows to avoid that (avoid getting access to unsafe API's)

Known limitations

  • calls to logparser.getLogsWithBranchInfo() may fail (and cause job to fail) when log is too big (millions of lines, hundreds of MB of logs) because of a lack of heap space workarround: use logparser.writeLogswithBranchInfo to write logs directly in a file (in node workspace) or logparser.archiveLogsWithBranchInfo() to write them directly in run artifacts

  • logs of nested stages (stage inside stage) are not correctly handled in Blue Ocean (Blue Ocean limitation)

  • if 2 steps or stages have the sane name the logs will be combined in getLogsWithBranchInfo output (one may use filter option to filter on the parent's name in order to separate them)

How to test

  • to test on jenkins lts


    it shall:

    • start jenkins
    • create local Global Pipeline Library from local branch (1)
    • run Jenkinsfile from local branch (1)
    • stop jenkins
    • get result

    (1) CAUTION: changes to test must be commited in the local branch

  • to test on jenkins last known good version

  • to keep instance running after the test and make it accessible on http://localhost:8080 (jenkins/jenkins)

    ./test/jenkins-lts/ -keepalive -port 8080

Change log

  • 1.0 (09/2019)

    • API to get edited logs with branchName (with nested branches, without VT100 markups, etc ...)
    • API to filter logs by branch name (get logs of a specific branch)
    • API to parse logs and retrieve maps of id/offsets/branchname
  • 1.0.1 (11/2019)

    • fix parsing issues (when there is only one branch and when logs of 2 branches are mixed without pipeline technical logs in between)
  • 1.1 (03/2020)

    • ability to set branch name to filter using regular expression
    • ability to filter more than one branch (API change : option filter is now a list)
    • ability to filter main thread (using filter = [null])
    • new option hidePipeline to filter Pipeline technical logs (default value true to hide them)
    • fix parsing issues with old version of workflow-job plugin
  • 1.2 (09/2020)

    • handle logs from stages and add option showStages (default false) to show/filter them
  • 1.3 (10/2020)

    • refactor to use objects available in rawbuild API (no more parsing of xml on disk) fixing known parsing limitations (no more need to wait a few seconds before to parse logs)
    • new API to retrieve URLs to logs of branches (Pipeline Steps URLs)
    • ability to parse logs from another run/job
  • 1.4 (11/2020)

    • reformat nested branch markups when filtering is used
  • 1.4.1 (02/2021)

    • optimize workflow steps parsing (avoid slowdown with large, and/or massively parallel, workflows)
  • 2.0 (11/2020)

    • new API to retrieve Blue Ocean URLs to logs of branches and stages
  • 2.0.1 (02/2021)

    • optimize workflow steps parsing (avoid slowdown with large, and/or massively parallel, workflows)
  • 3.0 (01/2022)

    • getLogsWithBranchInfo() now shows stages by default (option showStages now true by default)
    • add ability to remove duplicates branch name (when parent and child branch have the same name) in getLogsWithBranchInfo() use option mergeNestedDuplicates=false to keep duplicates (default true)
    • add ability to filter using parent(s) branch name(s) (option filter can be a list of branch names, with parents first)
    • new API getBranches() to get all branch names (with parent names)
    • add label in getPipelineStepsUrl for node/agent steps
  • 3.1 (02/2022)

    • fix parsing when no label is used in node/agent steps
    • add host in getPipelineStepsUrl for node/agent steps
  • 3.1.1 (04/2022)

    • speed optimisation
  • 3.1.2 (04/2022)

    • fix issue when parsing logs while some node step is still searching for a host to allocate
  • 3.1.3 (06/2022)

    • fix parsing of completed jobs #16
  • 3.2 (08/2022)

    • add function to write directly to a file #21

pipeline-logparser's People


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pipeline-logparser's Issues

How to get logs for a branch and all of its nested branches?


so if I understood correctly a branch in the LogParser library can be a one of parallel branches in a Jenkins pipeline, it can be also a stage in one parallel branch of the pipeline, this is a bit confusing from the point of view of a jenkins pipeline

but anyway, the main use case that I have is to get the logs of a single jenkins-pipeline-parallel-block-branch, in version 2.0.1 I used to provide the name of that pipeline branch in the filter to get everything ( all the stages of that pipeline-branch as well )

With 3.1.2 it seems that the stages are considered nested branches, and their logs are filtered out.

so my questions is how to get the logs of a jenkins-pipeline-branch ( in parallel block ) with all the stages ( the nested branches ).
How should the filter look like?


failing assertion while generating the flowGraphMap

testing the latest 3.1.2 version
I am having currently the issue that the following assertion is failing

with some debugging, it looks like the FlowEndNode can also have a null enclosingId ( not only the FlowStartNode ) and the start is not null
for example I am getting:

08:39:29  it.getDisplayName(): End of Pipeline
08:39:29  it.getTypeDisplayName(): End of Pipeline
08:39:29  it.getClass(): class org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.graph.FlowEndNode
08:39:29  it.enclosingId:  null
08:39:29  start: 2

is this happening because I am trying to get the logs of an already finished pipeline?

Unable to filter per stage in Declarative Matrix


First of all thanks for this great project which helps a lot working with Jenkins Pipelines logs.

I'd like to report this issue about filtering the logs per stage in the Declarative Matrix. That's simply because Jenkins uses the same name for all stages in the Declarative Matrix (and it doesn't allow to use of variables either! More details in JENKINS-61280).

The issue could be reproduced using this pipeline:

@Library('[email protected]') _

pipeline {
    agent any
    stages {
        stage('BuildAndTest') {
            matrix {
                axes {
                    axis {
                        name 'PLATFORM'
                        values 'linux', 'windows', 'mac'
                    axis {
                        name 'BROWSER'
                        values 'firefox'
                stages {
                    stage('Build') {
                        steps {
                            echo "Do Build for ${PLATFORM} - ${BROWSER}"
                            script {
                                stageLogs = logparser.getLogsWithBranchInfo(showStages: true, filter: ["${STAGE_NAME}"])
                                println stageLogs

The output of stageLogs will be something like this:

01:50:34 [Pipeline] echo
01:50:34 [BuildAndTest] [Matrix - PLATFORM = 'linux', BROWSER = 'firefox'] [Matrix - PLATFORM = 'linux', BROWSER = 'firefox'] [Build] [2022-01-02T00:50:32.801Z] Do Build for linux - firefox
01:50:34 [BuildAndTest] [Matrix - PLATFORM = 'windows', BROWSER = 'firefox'] [Matrix - PLATFORM = 'windows', BROWSER = 'firefox'] [Build] [2022-01-02T00:50:32.831Z] Do Build for windows - firefox
01:50:34 [BuildAndTest] [Matrix - PLATFORM = 'mac', BROWSER = 'firefox'] [Matrix - PLATFORM = 'mac', BROWSER = 'firefox'] [Build] [2022-01-02T00:50:32.896Z] Do Build for mac - firefox
01:50:34 [Pipeline] }
01:50:34 [Pipeline] echo
01:50:34 [BuildAndTest] [Matrix - PLATFORM = 'linux', BROWSER = 'firefox'] [Matrix - PLATFORM = 'linux', BROWSER = 'firefox'] [Build] [2022-01-02T00:50:32.801Z] Do Build for linux - firefox
01:50:34 [BuildAndTest] [Matrix - PLATFORM = 'windows', BROWSER = 'firefox'] [Matrix - PLATFORM = 'windows', BROWSER = 'firefox'] [Build] [2022-01-02T00:50:32.831Z] Do Build for windows - firefox
01:50:34 [BuildAndTest] [Matrix - PLATFORM = 'mac', BROWSER = 'firefox'] [Matrix - PLATFORM = 'mac', BROWSER = 'firefox'] [Build] [2022-01-02T00:50:32.896Z] Do Build for mac - firefox
01:50:34 [BuildAndTest] [Matrix - PLATFORM = 'linux', BROWSER = 'firefox'] [Matrix - PLATFORM = 'linux', BROWSER = 'firefox'] [Build] [2022-01-02T00:50:34.528Z] [BuildAndTest] [Matrix - PLATFORM = 'linux', BROWSER = 'firefox'] [Matrix - PLATFORM = 'linux', BROWSER = 'firefox'] [Build] [2022-01-02T00:50:32.801Z] Do Build for linux - firefox
01:50:34 [BuildAndTest] [Matrix - PLATFORM = 'linux', BROWSER = 'firefox'] [Matrix - PLATFORM = 'linux', BROWSER = 'firefox'] [Build] [2022-01-02T00:50:34.529Z] [BuildAndTest] [Matrix - PLATFORM = 'windows', BROWSER = 'firefox'] [Matrix - PLATFORM = 'windows', BROWSER = 'firefox'] [Build] [2022-01-02T00:50:32.831Z] Do Build for windows - firefox
01:50:34 [BuildAndTest] [Matrix - PLATFORM = 'linux', BROWSER = 'firefox'] [Matrix - PLATFORM = 'linux', BROWSER = 'firefox'] [Build] [2022-01-02T00:50:34.529Z] [BuildAndTest] [Matrix - PLATFORM = 'mac', BROWSER = 'firefox'] [Matrix - PLATFORM = 'mac', BROWSER = 'firefox'] [Build] [2022-01-02T00:50:32.896Z] Do Build for mac - firefox
01:50:34 [BuildAndTest] [Matrix - PLATFORM = 'linux', BROWSER = 'firefox'] [Matrix - PLATFORM = 'linux', BROWSER = 'firefox'] [Build] [2022-01-02T00:50:34.529Z] 
01:50:34 [Pipeline] }
01:50:34 [Pipeline] echo
01:50:34 [BuildAndTest] [Matrix - PLATFORM = 'linux', BROWSER = 'firefox'] [Matrix - PLATFORM = 'linux', BROWSER = 'firefox'] [Build] [2022-01-02T00:50:32.801Z] Do Build for linux - firefox
01:50:34 [BuildAndTest] [Matrix - PLATFORM = 'windows', BROWSER = 'firefox'] [Matrix - PLATFORM = 'windows', BROWSER = 'firefox'] [Build] [2022-01-02T00:50:32.831Z] Do Build for windows - firefox
01:50:34 [BuildAndTest] [Matrix - PLATFORM = 'mac', BROWSER = 'firefox'] [Matrix - PLATFORM = 'mac', BROWSER = 'firefox'] [Build] [2022-01-02T00:50:32.896Z] Do Build for mac - firefox
01:50:34 [BuildAndTest] [Matrix - PLATFORM = 'linux', BROWSER = 'firefox'] [Matrix - PLATFORM = 'linux', BROWSER = 'firefox'] [Build] [2022-01-02T00:50:34.528Z] [BuildAndTest] [Matrix - PLATFORM = 'linux', BROWSER = 'firefox'] [Matrix - PLATFORM = 'linux', BROWSER = 'firefox'] [Build] [2022-01-02T00:50:32.801Z] Do Build for linux - firefox
01:50:34 [BuildAndTest] [Matrix - PLATFORM = 'linux', BROWSER = 'firefox'] [Matrix - PLATFORM = 'linux', BROWSER = 'firefox'] [Build] [2022-01-02T00:50:34.529Z] [BuildAndTest] [Matrix - PLATFORM = 'windows', BROWSER = 'firefox'] [Matrix - PLATFORM = 'windows', BROWSER = 'firefox'] [Build] [2022-01-02T00:50:32.831Z] Do Build for windows - firefox
01:50:34 [BuildAndTest] [Matrix - PLATFORM = 'linux', BROWSER = 'firefox'] [Matrix - PLATFORM = 'linux', BROWSER = 'firefox'] [Build] [2022-01-02T00:50:34.529Z] [BuildAndTest] [Matrix - PLATFORM = 'mac', BROWSER = 'firefox'] [Matrix - PLATFORM = 'mac', BROWSER = 'firefox'] [Build] [2022-01-02T00:50:32.896Z] Do Build for mac - firefox
01:50:34 [BuildAndTest] [Matrix - PLATFORM = 'linux', BROWSER = 'firefox'] [Matrix - PLATFORM = 'linux', BROWSER = 'firefox'] [Build] [2022-01-02T00:50:34.529Z] 
01:50:34 [BuildAndTest] [Matrix - PLATFORM = 'windows', BROWSER = 'firefox'] [Matrix - PLATFORM = 'windows', BROWSER = 'firefox'] [Build] [2022-01-02T00:50:34.601Z] [BuildAndTest] [Matrix - PLATFORM = 'linux', BROWSER = 'firefox'] [Matrix - PLATFORM = 'linux', BROWSER = 'firefox'] [Build] [2022-01-02T00:50:32.801Z] Do Build for linux - firefox
01:50:34 [BuildAndTest] [Matrix - PLATFORM = 'windows', BROWSER = 'firefox'] [Matrix - PLATFORM = 'windows', BROWSER = 'firefox'] [Build] [2022-01-02T00:50:34.601Z] [BuildAndTest] [Matrix - PLATFORM = 'windows', BROWSER = 'firefox'] [Matrix - PLATFORM = 'windows', BROWSER = 'firefox'] [Build] [2022-01-02T00:50:32.831Z] Do Build for windows - firefox
01:50:34 [BuildAndTest] [Matrix - PLATFORM = 'windows', BROWSER = 'firefox'] [Matrix - PLATFORM = 'windows', BROWSER = 'firefox'] [Build] [2022-01-02T00:50:34.602Z] [BuildAndTest] [Matrix - PLATFORM = 'mac', BROWSER = 'firefox'] [Matrix - PLATFORM = 'mac', BROWSER = 'firefox'] [Build] [2022-01-02T00:50:32.896Z] Do Build for mac - firefox
01:50:34 [BuildAndTest] [Matrix - PLATFORM = 'windows', BROWSER = 'firefox'] [Matrix - PLATFORM = 'windows', BROWSER = 'firefox'] [Build] [2022-01-02T00:50:34.602Z] [BuildAndTest] [Matrix - PLATFORM = 'linux', BROWSER = 'firefox'] [Matrix - PLATFORM = 'linux', BROWSER = 'firefox'] [Build] [2022-01-02T00:50:34.528Z] [BuildAndTest] [Matrix - PLATFORM = 'linux', BROWSER = 'firefox'] [Matrix - PLATFORM = 'linux', BROWSER = 'firefox'] [Build] [2022-01-02T00:50:32.801Z] Do Build for linux - firefox
01:50:34 [BuildAndTest] [Matrix - PLATFORM = 'windows', BROWSER = 'firefox'] [Matrix - PLATFORM = 'windows', BROWSER = 'firefox'] [Build] [2022-01-02T00:50:34.602Z] [BuildAndTest] [Matrix - PLATFORM = 'linux', BROWSER = 'firefox'] [Matrix - PLATFORM = 'linux', BROWSER = 'firefox'] [Build] [2022-01-02T00:50:34.529Z] [BuildAndTest] [Matrix - PLATFORM = 'windows', BROWSER = 'firefox'] [Matrix - PLATFORM = 'windows', BROWSER = 'firefox'] [Build] [2022-01-02T00:50:32.831Z] Do Build for windows - firefox
01:50:34 [BuildAndTest] [Matrix - PLATFORM = 'windows', BROWSER = 'firefox'] [Matrix - PLATFORM = 'windows', BROWSER = 'firefox'] [Build] [2022-01-02T00:50:34.602Z] [BuildAndTest] [Matrix - PLATFORM = 'linux', BROWSER = 'firefox'] [Matrix - PLATFORM = 'linux', BROWSER = 'firefox'] [Build] [2022-01-02T00:50:34.529Z] [BuildAndTest] [Matrix - PLATFORM = 'mac', BROWSER = 'firefox'] [Matrix - PLATFORM = 'mac', BROWSER = 'firefox'] [Build] [2022-01-02T00:50:32.896Z] Do Build for mac - firefox
01:50:34 [BuildAndTest] [Matrix - PLATFORM = 'windows', BROWSER = 'firefox'] [Matrix - PLATFORM = 'windows', BROWSER = 'firefox'] [Build] [2022-01-02T00:50:34.602Z] [BuildAndTest] [Matrix - PLATFORM = 'linux', BROWSER = 'firefox'] [Matrix - PLATFORM = 'linux', BROWSER = 'firefox'] [Build] [2022-01-02T00:50:34.529Z] 
01:50:34 [BuildAndTest] [Matrix - PLATFORM = 'windows', BROWSER = 'firefox'] [Matrix - PLATFORM = 'windows', BROWSER = 'firefox'] [Build] [2022-01-02T00:50:34.602Z] 

So each time getLogsWithBranchInfo is called, it gets the logs of all previous stages because all of them are with the same name.

For sure, this is a Jenkins limitation, but there might be a workaround from your logparser side.

_getNodeTree fails if node stage was called without argument

Hi @gdemengin ,
At the beginning I would like thank you for sharing this great library with the world.

I want to put it as component of library I develop. Works great in most cases, but getting pipeline log failed when script tries to get label info from agent, which have no label specified.
The easiest pipeline to reproduce this issue is:

node {
  echo "any node"

Because 'node' is called without argument, script fails on:

assert argAction.size() == 1

I workaround this issue by recording always hostname (it's even more useful information for me - in the future I plan to add method for listing all agents used in pipelines)

Workaround here:

//                def argAction = node.actions.findAll { it.class == org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.cps.actions.ArgumentsActionImpl }
//                assert argAction.size() == 1
//                if (argAction[0].unmodifiedArguments) {
//                    label=argAction[0].argumentsInternal.label
//                }
//                else {
                    // the label was filtered: record the hostname then
                    def wsAction = node.actions.findAll { it.class == }
                    assert wsAction.size() == 1
//                }

It's just fast and stupid workaround and I believe it would be better to fix it upstream.
What are your plan for this library? Do you have to fix bugs and develop it?


Usability of this library in other projects

Well done on a very useful and well-documented library that closes a real gap in Jenkins Pipeline functionality.
Would it be possible to add an Open Source license to your repository?

The reason is:

  • To make it easier to use the library as part of other projects
  • For use in commercial and non-commercial projects
  • While protecting your ownership of the code and acknowledgement of you as the author

Github suggests the MIT license (and I would agree with this)
It is simple, easy-to-understand, widely used and gives a high level of 'freedom' to use your library.

I'm happy to answer any questions and/or to make a pull request to add the license.


Add an option to allow writing logs directly to a file instead of writing to the heap

a Place holder ticket for the PR

provides the possibilitiy to write the logs directly to a file in the workspace
improves performance
reduces Heap consumption with big logs

the new options are:
writeToFile (boolean) - defaults to false
filePath: a FilePath object to the log file - FilePath to allow writing to file on Jenkins agent workspace

opens an outputStream to the file in FilePath and writes directly in there

Branch information without stage or parallel

thanks for your work, this plugin really helps with organizing our logs!
I just have one question, is it possible to inject some branch information without having to use a stage or a parallel block?

My use-case is that I'm running a series of validation tools against our product, for which I both want console logs in Jenkins, but also obtain a logfile that i can process further.
Using parallel blocks works fine for this, but it kinda messes up the classic pipeline stage view, as well as the BlueOcean view for the builds- seems like it does not work very well with nested parallel blocks (or stages, for that matter).

Do you have any suggestion of how to deal with this?

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