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node-wifi's Issues

getCurrentNetworks() not working on Mac

Hi. There's an issue with mac-current-connections.js where networkUtils.qualityFromDb(...) is called when the actual function in network-utils.js is called dBFromQuality. Just change the name and it's good to go. Thanks

return signal quality too

To use the signal_level in my browser/server app I had to convert dB back to quality :-). One needs a percent to use with any level/progress component.

Best to just return both and let coders decide.

FYI, My web app is almost done. I've written a websocket server class wrapping node-wifi. Also a front end to access from a PWA (phone app). Will be a nice dependent to your module. End users will likely prefer want your module in this form.

BTW When I get done with my PWA I'd like to help with this project, answer issues, write PRs extending wrapping of nmcli. Thx.

License irritation.


I'm confused, in the npmjs package this library is licensed as LGPL-3.0, but in this repository it is GPL-3.0.

Which license is it? Hopefully LGPL-3.0.

Could you please clarify it.

wifi.scan stopped working on Debian Buster in latest update (2.0.7)

wifi.scan() returns new error after updating from 2.0.5 to 2.0.7.

Expected Behavior

Should return list of networks

Current Behavior

Returns error
Error: Command failed: nmcli --terse --fields active,ssid,bssid,mode,chan,freq,signal,security,wpa-flags,rsn-flags,device device wifi
Error: Could not create NMClient object: Could not connect: No such file or directory.

Affected features

  • node API
  • cli

Possible Solution

Workaround: Use 2.0.5 for now

Steps to Reproduce (for bugs)

Install node-wifi 2.0.7 on Debian Buster and run wifi.scan()


Just updating packages

Your Environment

  • OS: Debian Buster
  • node-wifi version: 2.0.7
  • wifi card: Raspberry Pi 3b+ built-in

returning SSID without space.

when i request for available wifi networks than package exclude space in SSID.

i can't understand why you do this
scanResults = scanResults.toString('utf8').split(' ').join('').split('\n');

can you explain?

Not deducting wifi on live server Ubuntu


It is working fine, when I run my nodejs project on my local development system,
but when I deploy my nodejs APP on azure ubuntu machine, it not deducting any wifi.
I have install network-manager on live azure ubuntu machine.

Linux: If specified password is incorrect, user is prompted

Currently testing on Lubuntu 17. Seems to work well!

One thing I have noticed is that if the specified password is incorrect, then the desktop session displays a (standard) prompt to the user for the wifi password. I would hope that I could have full control of the UI (or lack thereof). Any way around this?

iOS - Doesn't scan for wifis when not already connected to a wifi

macOs High Sierra - Version 10.13.6.

I have to be already connected to a wifi so that it gives me a list of wifis. If not, I only get empty list.

Then there's another problem for which might create another issue. I'm working on linux and mac parallel so when I scan for wifis on the mac I get sometimes the same wifi 4 times whereas on linux I don't get any duplicates.

Connect to hidden SSID

When I try to connect to a secret SSID, I have the error :
Error: No network with SSID 'name' found

I think it's because nmcli need information about wifi before connection (like you can read here) :

nmcli c add type wifi con-name <connect name> ifname wlan0 ssid <ssid>
nmcli con modify <connect name> wifi-sec.key-mgmt wpa-psk
nmcli con modify <connect name> wifi-sec.psk <password>
nmcli con up <connect name>

Only work with sudo in linux

I can't connect to wifi without sudo permission on Ubuntu 14.04, here is the message I get :

Error: Failed to add/activate new connection: (32) Not authorized to control networking.

random error while scanning wifi networks

I am trying to scan for all the available networks around me, unfortonetly, most of the times I receive the following error: "can't read property 'match' of undefined".
Some of the times it works currectly.

Currently the only thing I do is setting the interface to null on the init() function (so the interface is selected randomly) and invoking the scan() function.
wifi.init({ iface: null }); wifi.scan();

Any idea what might gone wrong?

Network profile is saved as wrong filename


return execCommand('del ".\\nodeWifiConnect.xml"');

The windows connect function saves the new network profile under the filename "nodeWifiConnect.xml" but then immediately after uses the netsh command to add the profile using the filename (wifi ssid + ".xml"). This gives me the error, "stdout: 'The system cannot find the file specified.\r\n\r\n\r\n',". So line 34 should write the filename as (ap.ssid + ".xml") not "nodeWifiConnect.xml". After I made this change to the writeFileAsync and the following execCommand delete on line 46, my program connecting to the network successfully.

Error while getCurrentConnections()

Hey guys,
I need help with getCurrentConnections function. I need to get Promise back, I try to do if this way:

wifi.init({ iface : 'wlp3s0' });

wifi.getCurrentConnections().then(function (current) {
}).catch(function (error) {

I have this error instead:

wifi.getCurrentConnections().then(function (current) {

TypeError: Cannot read property 'then' of undefined
    at Object.<anonymous> (/home/john/JavaScript/sandbox/main.js:8:29)
    at Module._compile (module.js:635:30)
    at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:646:10)
    at Module.load (module.js:554:32)
    at tryModuleLoad (module.js:497:12)
    at Function.Module._load (module.js:489:3)
    at Function.Module.runMain (module.js:676:10)
    at startup (bootstrap_node.js:187:16)
    at bootstrap_node.js:608:3

But when I try to use it in my project, I get different error:

{ Error: Command failed: nmcli --terse --fields active,ssid,bssid,mode,chan,freq,signal,security,wpa-flags,rsn-flags,device device wifi ifname wlp3s0
Error: 'device wifi' command 'ifname' is not valid.

    at ChildProcess.exithandler (child_process.js:275:12)
    at emitTwo (events.js:126:13)
    at ChildProcess.emit (events.js:214:7)
    at maybeClose (internal/child_process.js:925:16)
    at (internal/child_process.js:346:11)
    at emitOne (events.js:116:13)
    at Socket.emit (events.js:211:7)
    at Pipe._handle.close [as _onclose] (net.js:554:12)
  killed: false,
  code: 2,
  signal: null,
  cmd: 'nmcli --terse --fields active,ssid,bssid,mode,chan,freq,signal,security,wpa-flags,rsn-flags,device device wifi ifname wlp3s0' }

What can be wrong?

Use "-f all" for nmcli command

In Debian Jessie, the nmcli command does not return the FREQ field by default. This make the code not recognise the command's output and hence the library returns no networks.

Forcing all the fields in the result with the "-f all" option will solve this problem.

cannot find module "child_process"

actually i start using node-wifi javascript libraries in angular 2 but i am getting error cannot find module "Child_process" so can you help me how i can use this library in angular 2.

connect function no check the SSID, then no return when the SSID is wrong

1/ On Mac, install (the last version of) node-wifi with command npm install node-wifi
2/ In Hyper (a terminal), run node
3/ Copy paste the code
`var wifi = require('node-wifi');

// Initialize wifi module
// Absolutely necessary even to set interface to null
iface : null // network interface, choose a random wifi interface if set to null
4/ Connect your computer to your wifi, with GUI.
5/ Copy paste the other code// Connect to a network
wifi.connect({ ssid : "FreeWifi", password : ""}, function(err) {
if (err) {
6/ Wait few seconds.

node-wifi try to connect FreeWifi SSID (it's a free wifi not secured in France from "Free" popular company). But failed. Mac reconnect your favorite wifi SSID. And node-wifi say "Connected" because no check the SSID connected.

Expectation : throw an error.

wifi.scan returns SSIDs without spaces

O.S: Windows 10
Network name: Just a test
wifi.scan returns:

frequency: "2412",
mac: "2a:a4:1c:95:e4:05",
security: "WPA2-Personal",
signal_level: -56.5,
ssid: "Justatest"

NetworkUtils.frequencyFromChannel function is not accurate.

See this wikipedia article.

There are channels that you don't include and also different frequencies associated with the same channel on different bands (though it looks like they're mostly inconsequential since they aren't allowed in most places?). I should note I encountered this problem since the network I use (5GHz) gave me a channel of 149 on Windows.

Error when scanning on raspberry or ASUS Tinker Board

Implementation code:
iface: 'wlan0'

wifi.scan((error, networks) => {
if (error) {
} else {
It raises an exception :
Cannot read property 'replace' of undefined at .../node_modules/node-wifi/src/linux-scan.js:23:29.
Line which caused the error: ssid: fields[1].replace(/&&/g, ':')

On some device like raspberry (raspbian) or ASUS Tinker Board (TinkerOS based on debian) we experienced issues because the 'list wifi' command with nmcli return the interface with the result of the scan like:
$ nmcli --terse --fields active,ssid,bssid,mode,chan,freq,signal,security,wpa-flags,rsn-flags device wifi list ifname wlan0 wlan0 yes:NETWORK_1:D4\:6E\:0E\:8E\:66\:EC:Infra:3:2422 MHz:78:WPA2:(none):pair_ccmp group_ccmp psk no:NETWORK_2:DA\:0F\:99\:70\:C4\:C2:Infra:6:2437 MHz:77:WPA2:(none):pair_ccmp group_ccmp psk no:NETWORK_3:40\:C7\:29\:D1\:BC\:A0:Infra:11:2462 MHz:50:WPA1 WPA2:pair_tkip pair_ccmp group_tkip psk:pair_tkip pair_ccmp group_tkip psk no:NETWORK_4\:C7\:29\:D5\:03\:08:Infra:1:2412 MHz:47:WPA1 WPA2:pair_tkip pair_ccmp group_tkip psk:pair_tkip pair_ccmp group_tkip psk

Testing fields length will do the job.

linux-current-connections.js does not find connection due to incorrect regex

The nmcli I have return the "Signal level" as "67/100" and has no dBm so it fails on this line

else if (input.match(/Signal level=(.*) dBm/)) {
                        connection.signal_level = input.match(/Signal level=(.*) dBm/)[1];

if I remove the dBm from the regex it works fine
Sorry I didn't have the time to create a patch atm.

This stop it registering as a connection as the signal level is "0"


What's the reason for not auto-connecting to open networks?

I'm wondering why, at least on Windows (i haven't tested the behaviour on other OSs), when a connection is established to an open newtork, the connectionMode is set to manual. This prevents the machine from connecting to the chosen network again after a restart.

Is it a security reason? Does it happen on Linux and Mac?

Airport data parsing fails when a channel >99 is used

When there is a wifi in reach using a channel >99 the parsing the airport output with the title indexOf will result in faulty data. E.g.

                       A Wifi 58:b8:f3:85:55:0e -84  44      Y  DE WPA2(PSK/AES/AES)
                 Another Wifi 5 GHz 58:5e:12:48:35:24 -53  100,+1  Y  DE WPA2(PSK/AES/AES)

will result in

ssid: "Another Wifi 5 GHz 58"
bssid: ":5e:12:48:35:24 -5"
signal_level: "3 10"

It could be fixed using a regexp like this:

err to conect in windows

the pass is't correct and the retur say it is correct
i put the incorrect pass and it say conected but don't realy conect
i use the examples in npmjs wep
version 2.0.4
Intel(R)Dual Band Wireless-Ac 3165

Crash on Raspberry Pi 3

Implementation code:

  iface: 'wlan0'

wifi.scan((error, discoveredNetworks) => {
  if (error) {
  } else {

The secondary throws the errorTypeError: Cannot read property 'replace' of undefined at /home/pi/*/node_modules/node-wifi/src/linux-scan.js:23:29.
Line which caused the error: ssid: fields[1].replace(/\&\&/g, ':'),.

Output of command nmcli -v:

nmcli tool, version 1.6.2

Output of command nmcli (I am only showing headers here):

eth0: connected to Wired connection 1
wlan0: disconnected
lo: unmanged

Ad-Hoc support?

Curious if this could support creating ad-hoc networks?

I have a particular use case where I need the computer to host a WiFi network with a specified SSID and password. 2.4Ghz if it matters. DHCP addressing would be great too! :)

Working when deployed?


I'm new to Node so please forgive me if this is dumb.
I have a code that detects wifi signals around me and set up a server for another page to grab it when I ran it locally. However, when I deployed it on Heroku, It just won't work. Is it because of that part of setting up a server or...? I would appreciate if you can spend some time looking at this. Thank you!

var express = require('express');
var app = express();
var wifi = require('node-wifi');
var parsedNetworks;
var cors = require('cors');
var towers0;
var ip = require('ip');
var myIP = ip.address();
var https = require('https');
var path = require('path');
var fs = require('fs');

console.log(myIP); // my ip address


iface :null
wifi.scan(function(err, networks){
parsedNetworks = [];
towers0 = [];
parsedNetworks.push({'ssid': e.ssid, 'signal_level':e.signal_level, 'mac':e.mac, 'security'})

app.get('/getwifis', function (req, res) {
var certOptions = {
key: fs.readFileSync(path.resolve('server.key')),
cert: fs.readFileSync(path.resolve('server.crt'))

var server = https.createServer(certOptions, app).listen(8081,function () {
var host = server.address().address
var port = server.address().port

console.log("Example app listening at https://%s:%s", host, port)


Connection on Peap access point

It's only possible to connect with access point that needed a simple password.

That's a problem for Student and users of Eduroam for example

Raspberry pi UNRECOGNIZED OS error

wifi.init thows error UNRECOGNIZED OS error running on raspbarry pi inside of a multi-container docker-compose file running node 10 in an electron/ react application. Im building the image via balenaOS

Expected Behavior

Expected it to recognize linux and use linux js files

Current Behavior

just throws an error when on the pi. Works fine on a Mac within Electron

Affected features

  • [x ] node API
  • cli

Possible Solution

a way to specify the linux os via a param

Steps to Reproduce (for bugs)

  1. install electron
  2. add node-wifi to package.json
  3. build with docker-compose to balenaOS / linux-arm32
  4. run on rpi
  5. fails on wifi.init
  6. Unrecognized error is thrown


I'm trying to display networks to a user via a react application. Basically, show user current wifi router and allow them to switch via the app.

Your Environment

  • OS: linux
  • node-wifi version 2.0.7
  • wifi card: rpi wifi

Uncomplete list of AP over linux

Hi, thanks to read the issue, i didn't found a guideline to just open an issue.
(Currently working on a project that uses node-wifi inside an IoT device, nmcli tool, version 1.2.6)

So I was having troubles to get an updated list of visible APs, not sure if my issue is related with network manager but I seems that i find a way to make it works using nmcli device wifi rescan before a wifi.scan(); only when i did that it works, so my question is if this is a specific workaround for me or it happens to someone else?

macOS wifi.scan - quality calculation wrong


in src/mac-scan.js I guess there is a small bug, quality calculation is maybe wrong:

In line 61 ff you have:

'signal_level' : lines[i].substr(colRssi, colChannel - colRssi).trim(),
'quality' : networkUtils.dBFromQuality(lines[i].substr(colRssi, colChannel - colRssi).trim()),

I guess it should be

'signal_level' : lines[i].substr(colRssi, colChannel - colRssi).trim(),
'quality' : networkUtils.QualityFromDB(lines[i].substr(colRssi, colChannel - colRssi).trim()),

The RSSI column returns the DB level and so you need to calculate the quality based on the given level.

Hope, that I am not completely wrong ;-)

Trouble connecting to networks on debian

I get an error Error: Failed to add/activate new connection: (32) 802-11-wireless-security.psk: property is invalid, which is the same error I get if I try and connect via nmcli dev wifi con "MY_SSID" password "MY_PASSWORD".

How do I contribute to the source code?

I'm really interested in your code and what you are doing. I see that you wanted help on your npm page. Please let me know how to get started. Thanks!

Know the active SSID?

A quick question (not really an issue).
Is it possible to know on which current SSID the user is connected if she is?

And this should be an issue.
When I try to connect to SSID with a wrong password, I can't get back an error saying the password is wrong but I get connected to the last known SSID.

linux-disconnect.js doesn't disconnect due bad command

the current command generates
nmcli dev disconnect iface wlan0
if iface is set
this should be
nmcli dev disconnect wlan0

if (config.iface) {
    	    commandStr += " iface " + config.iface;


if (config.iface) {
    	    commandStr += " " + config.iface;

returning extra bogus wap

scan keeps returning this extra bogus wap. Thei global installed cli version doesn't return this only from a programatic call to scan.

{ ssid: '--',
bssid: 'FA:8F:CA:60:8E:F2',
mac: 'FA:8F:CA:60:8E:F2',
mode: 'Infra',
channel: 3,
frequency: 2422,
signal_level: -50.5,
security: '',
security_flags: { wpa: '(none)', rsn: '(none)' },
quality: 99 } ]

Parser bombs, callback not called

It appears the fix for issue 26 has caused a new variant of issue 20 where the parser bombs but does not call the scan callback with the error. I think it's because the try/catch inside the exec() callback in windows-scan.js was removed. In my case the result is the process exits, I'm not sure if that's always true. Here's the current exception:

    network.mac = networkTmp[4].match(/.*?:\s(.*)/)[1];

TypeError: Cannot read property 'match' of undefined
    at parse (E:\KPM\SrvWebs\vgr-system-server\node_modules\node-wifi\src\window
    at E:\KPM\SrvWebs\vgr-system-server\node_modules\node-wifi\src\windows-scan.
    at ChildProcess.exithandler (child_process.js:262:7)
    at emitTwo (events.js:125:13)
    at ChildProcess.emit (events.js:213:7)
    at maybeClose (internal/child_process.js:927:16)
    at (internal/child_process.js:348:11)
    at emitOne (events.js:115:13)
    at Socket.emit (events.js:210:7)
    at Pipe._handle.close [as _onclose] (net.js:545:12)

parse() throws the exception. The exec() callback function which called parse() doesn't have a try/catch, the try/catch you see is for the exec() call itself.

Parser bombs on Windows 7

Frequently on a Windows 7 system the scan method bombs the node.exe process. The netsh output gets truncated (reason unknown), from what I've seen always after the Encryption line for some network. The parser then chokes

        var channelLine = networkTmp[7].split(' ').join('').split(':');

TypeError: Cannot read property 'split' of undefined
    at parse (...\node_modules\node-wifi\src\window
    at ...\node_modules\node-wifi\src\windows-scan.
    at ChildProcess.exithandler (child_process.js:262:7)
    at emitTwo (events.js:125:13)
    at ChildProcess.emit (events.js:213:7)
    at maybeClose (internal/child_process.js:927:16)
    at (internal/child_process.js:348:11)
    at emitOne (events.js:115:13)
    at Socket.emit (events.js:210:7)
    at Pipe._handle.close [as _onclose] (net.js:545:12)

To avoid the crash I had to edit windows-scan.js and inside scanWifi() put a try/catch around most of the work, have the catch set err, and send err in the final callback instead of null (in a successful parse, the value of err is null). I could not find any way to catch this error with the released code.

Then in my callback if err is set I sleep for 20 seconds and call scan again, and it works.

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