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Azure Data Explorer Microhack (Preview)

Kusto Product Group and Microsoft Global Black Belt team are pleased to present this challenge based, collaboration driven, discover-by-doing learning experience to you. Microhacks are divided into two parts to cater enough time for the participants to understand the key concepts of Azure Data Explorer effectively.

  • Microhack 1: Cluster creation and data ingestion This MicroHack will focus on enabling the participants to design ADX based big data analytics solution, create an ADX cluster, and ingest data into the cluster.

  • Microhack 2: Data exploration and visualization using Kusto Query Language (KQL) This MicroHack will focus on enabling the participants to write kusto queries to explore and analyse the data stored in the clusters. Participants will also create cool visualizations. It is recommended to complete the Microhack 1 before beginning with Microhack 2.

  • Microhack 3: Advanced capabilities This Microhack will focus on enabling the participants to create Materialized Views, Functions, and use advanced operators to explore and analyse the data.

Microhack 1: Cluster Creation and Data Ingestion (Preview)

This Microhack is organised into the following 4 challenges:

  • Challenge 1: Create ADX cluster
  • Challenge 2: Create integration with Azure services (Event Hub and Storage Account)
  • Challenge 3: Explore and transform data
  • Challenge 4: Check stats and key metrics of the cluster

Each challenge has a set of tasks that need to be completed in order to move on to the next challenge. It is advisable to complete the challenges and tasks in the prescribed order.


Contoso is a supply chain logistics company that runs a fleet of ships, trucks, and cargo planes to transport and deliver goods around the world. Some of the world’s largest enterprises rely on Contoso’s logistics capabilities to deliver goods to their end customers. Contoso has invested in connecting its fleet with sensors that measure temperature, pressure, humidity, tilt, shock, and light exposure inside its fleet. These sensors emit telemetry data every 1 minute, property data whenever there is a change in the device property, and command data whenever a new command is executed.

Contoso is looking for a suitable data storage and analytical solution that provides out of the box integration with Azure IoT services such as IoT Hub, Event Hubs as well as can read data from storage accounts. Contoso is developing a SaaS application that will allow its customers to track, trace and monitor their shipments. Contoso wants to offer out of the box visualizations with interactive capabilities to enable its customers to drill-in/drill-out of the data. Contoso will offer its customers to view and analyze the last 6 months data. Contoso will retain every customer’s data for up to 1 year. Contoso wants to offer blazing fast loading of visualizations to its customers. This MicroHack walks through the steps in designing, creating, and configuring Azure Data Explorer clusters keeping in mind these requirements. Once the cluster is deployed, this MicroHack enlists the steps to ingest data into ADX databases and tables using various integration methods such as One Click ingestion.


  • An Azure subscription
  • (Not applicable for Proctor led events) Deploy IoT Central application, create simulated devices and create Data Exports to Event Hubs and Storage Accounts (use this guide to create this infrastructure). For proctor led events, this infrastructure has been pre-created for you. Proctor will provide connection strings, or SAS tokens at an appropriate stage of the hack.
  • Authorization to create an Azure Data Explorer cluster or Synapse Data Explorer Pool

Overview - The microhack architecture

The following architecture has been deployed for you, except the ADX cluster and its integration with other Azure services. IoT Central acts as the source of telemetry generated by Contoso’s sensors installed on its fleet of trucks, vessels, and airplanes. Telemetry data is streamed on continuous basis to the Event Hub. Device logs, device property changes and commands executed on the devices are stored in a Storage Account as blobs.

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What is Azure Data Explorer and when is it a good fit?

Azure Data Explorer is a fully managed, high-performance, big data analytics platform that makes it easy to analyze high volumes of data in near real time. The Azure Data Explorer toolbox gives you an end-to-end solution for data ingestion, query, visualization, and management.

By analyzing structured, semi-structured, and unstructured data across time series, and by using Machine Learning, Azure Data Explorer makes it simple to extract key insights, spot patterns and trends, and create forecasting models. Azure Data Explorer is scalable, secure, robust, and enterprise-ready, and is useful for log analytics, time series analytics, IoT, and general-purpose exploratory analytics.

Azure Data Explorer capabilities are extended by other services built on its powerful query language, including Azure Monitor logs, Application Insights, Time Series Insights, and Microsoft Defender for Endpoint

Generally speaking, when you interact with Azure Data Explorer, you're going to go through the following workflow (ADX Microhacks will cover all these steps):

  1. Create an ADX cluster: To use Azure Data Explorer you first create a cluster. An Azure Data Explorer cluster is the most basic unit.
  2. Create database: Each cluster has one or more databases in that cluster. Each Azure Data Explorer cluster can hold up to 10,000 databases and each database up to 10,000 tables.
  3. Ingest data: Load data into database tables so that you can run queries against it. Azure Data Explorer supports several ingestion methods.
  4. Query data: Azure Data Explorer uses the Kusto Query Language, which is an expressive, intuitive, and highly productive query language. It offers a smooth transition from simple one-liners to complex data processing scripts, and supports querying structured, semi-structured, and unstructured (text search) data. Use the web application to run, review, and share queries and results. You can also send queries programmatically (using an SDK) or to a REST API endpoint.
  5. Visualize results: Use different visual displays of your data in the native Azure Data Explorer Dashboards. You can also display your results using connectors to some of the leading visualization services, such as Power BI and Grafana.

Challenge 1: Create ADX cluster

To use Azure Data Explorer (ADX), you first have to create an ADX cluster, and create one or more databases in that cluster. Each database has tables. Then you can ingest data into a database so that you can run queries against it.

In this challenge, you will design an ADX based architecture, create an ADX cluster and database. In addition, you will get familiarized with two tools that enable you to connect to your Azure Data Explorer and run queries.

Expected Learning Outcomes:

  • Deploy ADX cluster from Azure Portal
  • Use ADX clients such as Kusto Web Explorer and Kusto Explorer
  • The initial configuration of the cluster at creation time
Task 1: Create an ADX cluster resource

Sign in to the Azure portal, select the + Create a resource button in the upper-left corner of the portal’s main page.

  • Search for Azure Data Explorer. Under Azure Data Explorer, select Create.

  • Fill out the basic cluster details with the following information.

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  • Subscription: Use your own subscription
  • Resource Group: It's recommended to create a new resource group for the microhack's resources. Call it: -microhack-RG
  • Cluster name: Must be unique for each participant. Call it: microhackadx (cluster name must begin with a letter and contain lowercase alphanumeric characters.)
  • Region: France Central
  • Enable performance update (EngineV3): keep the default (enabled)
  • Compute specification: For a production system, select the specification that best meets your needs (storage optimized or compute optimized). For this Microhack we can use ‘Compute optimized’, Extra small (2 cores), Standard_D11_v2. With various compute SKU options to choose from, you can optimize costs for the performance and hot-cache requirements for your scenario. If you need the most optimal performance for a high query volume, the ideal SKU should be compute-optimized. If you need to query large volumes of data with relatively lower query load, the storage-optimized SKU can help reduce costs and still provide excellent performance. You can read more about ADX’s SKU types here
  • Availability zones: keep the default. Move to the next tab (“Scale”). Choose how to scale your resource. Select the “Optimized autoscale” option. It’s always recommended to use this option. Optimized Autoscale is a built-in feature that helps clusters perform their best when demand changes. Optimized Autoscale enables your cluster to be performant and cost effective by adding and removing instances based on demand. For this microhack keep the default values (Minimum instance count == 2, Maximum instance count == 3)

You can keep all the other configurations with the default values. Select Review + create to review your cluster details. Then, select Create to provision the cluster. Provisioning typically takes about 10 minutes. Creating an ADX cluster takes in average 10-15 minutes.

When the deployment is complete, select Go to resource. You will be redirected to the ADX cluster resource page. On the top of the Overview page, you can see the basic details of the cluster, like: the Subscription, the state (running) and the URI.

Task 2: Create a Database
  • You're now ready for the second step in the process: database creation.

  • On the Overview tab, select Create database. Alternatively, you can go to the “Databases” blade.

    Screen capture 1

  • Fill out the form with the following information.

    Screen capture 1

    Setting Suggested Value Field Description
    Admin Default selected The admin field is disabled. New admins can be added after database creation.
    Database Name TelemetryDatabase The database name must be unique within the cluster.
    Retention period 365 The time span (in days) for which it's guaranteed that the data is kept available to query. The time span is measured from the time that data is ingested. This is the longer-term storage (in reliable storage) retention.
    Cache period 31 The time span (in days) for which to keep frequently queried data available in SSD storage or RAM of the cluster’s VM, rather than in longer-term storage. Azure Data Explorer stores all its ingested data in reliable storage (most commonly Azure Blob Storage), away from its actual processing (such as Azure Compute) nodes. To speed up queries on that data, Azure Data Explorer caches it, or parts of it, on its processing nodes, SSD, or even in RAM. The best query performance is achieved when all ingested data is cached. Sometimes, certain data doesn't justify the cost of keeping it "warm" in local SSD storage. For example, many teams consider that rarely accessed older log records are of lesser importance. They prefer to have reduced performance when querying this data, rather than pay to keep it warm all the time. By increasing the cache policy, more VMs will be required to store data on their SSD/RAM. For Azure Data Explorer cluster, compute cost (VMs) is the most significant part of cluster cost as compared to storage and networking.
  • Select Create to create the database. Creation typically takes less than a minute. When the process is complete, you're back on the cluster Overview blade. You can see the database that you have created from on the Databases blade.

    Screen capture 1

Task 3: Write your first Kusto Query Language (KQL) query

What is a Kusto query? Azure Data Explorer provides a web experience that enables you to connect to your Azure Data Explorer clusters and write and run Kusto Query Language queries. The web experience is available in the Azure portal and as a stand-alone web application, the Azure Data Explorer Web UI, that we will use later. Kusto query is a read-only request to process data and return results. The request is stated in plain text that's easy to read. A Kusto query has one or more query statements and returns data in a tabular or graph format. In the next challenges, we'll ingest data to the cluster, and then learn the most important concepts in KQL and write interesting queries. In this task, you will write a few basic queries to get an understanding of the environment. To start, go to the “Query” blade. In this example, you'll use the Azure Data Explorer web interface as a query editor (Kusto Query Language can also be used in Azure Monitor Logs, Azure Sentinel, and other services that are built on-top of Azure Data Explorer.)

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We can see our cluster and the database that we created. To tun KQL queries, we must select the database that the query will run on (the scope). To select the data base, just click on the database name. Now – you can write a simple QKL query: print ("hello world"), and hit the “Run” button. The query will be executed and its result can be seen in the result grid on the bottom of the page.

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You can also download Kusto Explorer, the desktop client to run queries and benefit from some advanced features available in the client.

Task 4: Enable Diagnostic logs

Azure Monitor diagnostic logs provide monitoring data about the operation of Azure resources. ADX uses diagnostic logs for insights on ingestion, commands, queries, and tables usage. You can export operation logs to Azure Storage, Event Hub, or Log Analytics. Diagnostic logs are disabled by default. To enable diagnostic logs, go to your cluster page in the portal. Under Monitoring, select Diagnostic settings.

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Select Add diagnostic setting. In the Diagnostic settings window. Enter a Diagnostic setting name as per your preference. Select all the log categories and metrics (SucceededIngestion, FailedIngestion, IngestionBatching, Command, or Query, TableUsageStatistics, TableDetails and Journal). For this microhack, select the Destination details to be a Log Analytics workspace and select your own workspace or create a new one. Save the new diagnostic logs settings and metrics.

Challenge 2: Create integration with Azure services (Event Hub and Storage Account)

Data ingestion to ADX is the process used to load data records from one or more sources into a table in your ADX cluster. Once ingested, the data becomes available for query.

ADX supports several ingestion methods. [These methods include ingestion tools, connectors and plugins, managed pipelines, programmatic ingestion using SDKs, and direct access to ingestion.]

Expected Learning Outcomes:

  • Create continuous ingestion from Azure Event Hub (a managed pipeline)
  • Create one-time ingestion from Azure Blob Storage (direct access) to your ADX cluster.
Task 1: Use the “One-click” UI (User Interfaces) Create a data connection to Event Hub

For the best user experience, we will use the Azure Data Explorer Web UI (aka: Kusto web Explorer/KWE). To open it, click on the “Open in Web UI” or just go to Kusto Web Explorer

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The web UI opens. The messages are in a JSON format and they are being sent to an event hub named "adx-microhac-eh-2". This is how a sample message looks like:

"messageProperties": {
  "iothub-creation-time-utc": "2021-12-22T11:16:58.668Z"
"enrichments": {},
"applicationId": "1b2f5f29-a78b-4012-bf31-2016473cadf6",
"deviceId": "13n5b9yiael",
"messageSource": "telemetry",
"telemetry": {
  "Status": "Online",
  "BatteryLife": 52,
  "Light": 62602.66864777621,
  "Tilt": 44.70275959833819,
  "Shock": -6.381560743718394,
  "ActiveTags": 164,
  "Location": {
    "lon": -68.4585,
    "lat": 40.9633,
    "alt": 1069.4617
  "TransportationMode": "Train",
  "LostTags": 5,
  "Temp": 13.178830710467722,
  "Humidity": 91.17280445807984,
  "Pressure": 1033.3527307505506,
  "TotalTags": 187
"schema": "default@v1",
"enqueuedTime": "2021-12-22T11:16:58.753Z",
"templateId": "dtmi:ltifbs50b:mecybcwqm"

KWE lets us easily connect to Azure Event Hub and build a table which is schema based on an event sample data. Go to the “Data” blade. The name of this capability is “One-click ingestion” and it allows you to quicky ingest data.

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Task 2: Configure the Event hub data connection

The ’Ingest new data’ wizard opens.

Destination tab: The Cluster and Database fields are auto-populated. Select the ADX cluster and the Database that you created in challenge #1. We haven’t created a table, so use the “Create new table” option.

Source tab: Set the Source type to “Event Hub”, and specify the event hub details:

  • Subscription: Kusto_PM_Experiments

  • Event hub namepsace: adx-microhack-eh-ns

  • Event hub: adx-microhac-eh-2

  • Data connection name: we used ‘Database1-adx-microhack-eh’. Data connection connects ADX database to Event hub (or to storage account through Event Grid notifications)

  • Consumer group: use your respective consumer group

  • Compression: None Event system properties: leave empty. For this Microhack, we are not going to use them. (System properties store properties (meta data) that are set by the Event Hubs service, at the time the event is enqueued. ADX can embed the selected properties into a new column in your destination table.)

    Screen capture 1

    Click on “Next: Schema”

    Schema tab:

    Sample data will be read from the Event Hub and you will see data preview. The default format is TXT, but our Event hub sends JSON data. Change the Data format field to JSON. Keep the nested levels as 1. As you can see, ADX inferred the column names and the data type according to the JSON’s data. Among the types you can find GUID, string, datetime, and dynamic.
    You can think of dynamic column as a JSON-like type. The dynamic data type can take on any value of other scalar data types like: bool, datetime, guid, int, long, real, string, timespan, an array of dynamic values, and a property bag (dictionary) that maps unique string values to dynamic values.
    Although the dynamic type appears JSON-like, it can hold values that the JSON model does not represent because they don't exist in JSON (e.g., long, real, datetime, timespan, and guid).

The 'Nested levels' field expands levels of nested data in dynamic type columns into separate columns. Although the raw event’s JSON format has nestedness of 2 levels, for this microhack we will use 1 level and see later how to leverage the powerful update policy capability of ADX to break these dynamic columns.

This is an example of the telemetry JSON (that is part of a bigger JSON that is being sent from the evet hub):


Screen capture 1

If you set the Nested levels to 2, ADX will “break” the JSON to independent fields.

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For this microhack, we want to learn how ADX deals with dynamic fields, so we will keep the Nested levels as 1.

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Open the command viewer. You can see the control commands that were automatically generated. In contrast to Kusto queries, control commands are requests to Kusto to process or modify data or metadata. Control commands are distinguished from queries by having the first character in the text of the command be the dot (.) character (which can't start a query). Not all control commands modify data or metadata. The large class of commands that start with .show, are used to display metadata or data. For example, the .show tables command returns a list of all tables in the current database.

Review the control commands that were generated by One-Click.

Screen capture 1

You can see the: '.create table table_name command', which creates a new empty table. '.alter table table_name policy ingestionbatching', which alters the batching policy of the specified table. During the ingestion process, ADX optimizes for throughput by batching small ingress data chunks together before ingestion. Batching reduces the resources consumed by the ingestion process. The batching policy defines when to seal a batch and send it for the next stage of the ingestion (once the first condition is met):

Parameter Value Description
Size 1G Batch size limit reached or exceeded the configured size
Count 1000 files Batch file (blob) number limit reached the configured count
Time 5 minutes The configured batching time has expired (maximum delay time per batch) (One click sets the batching time to 30 seconds)

The table mapping (data mapping) command: Data mappings are used during ingestion to map incoming data to columns inside tables. In our case, the incoming data arrives from the event hub in JSON format. The table mapping maps the JSON fields (by describing the path to elements in a JSON document) to our table’s columns. The desired result:

Screen capture 1

Click on ”Next: Summary” to create this data connection.

The Azure portal opens on the Event Hubs Instance page, so you can monitor the Event hub’s outgoing messages. In addition, in the One click’s Continuous ingestion from Event Hub established window, all steps should be marked with green check marks when establishment finishes successfully. The cards below these steps give you options to explore your data with Quick queries or Monitor the Event Hub connections and data.

Use the “Take 10” link (under “Quick queries”). Review the query and the data.

Notice that the query begins with a reference to the data table. This data is piped into the first and only operator in our query (take) and returns a specific number of arbitrary rows. Run the query by either selecting the Run button above the query window or selecting Shift+Enter on the keyboard. Use the “Manage Data Connection” link (under the “Monitor” section) to go to the portal and review your data connection. The data connection is saved under the Database.

Screen capture 1

Task 3: Use the “One-click” UI (User Interfaces) to create a data connection to blob storage

This time, we want to ingest data from an Azure Storage account. This storage account has the data on device’s telemetry history from 30th December 2021, device property changes and the commands executed on the device.

Go again to the “Data management” tab, and select the Ingest from blob container option under Continuous ingestion

Screen capture 1

Make sure the cluster and the Database fields are correct. Select Create new table

Screen capture 1

In the Link to source, paste the SAS URL of the blob storage (the proctors will provide this information). Then select one of the Schema defining file (all the files in that blob storage have the same schema) and click Next

Screen capture 1

Make sure you use the JSON Data format

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Once the message “Queueing blobs is complete” appears, you can close this page. Then, you can click on the Event Grid link under Continuous Ingestion.

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Repeat the above steps for ingesting data from the following blob containers: (the proctors will provide this information)

  • logistics-connectivity-commands
  • logistics-telemetry
  • logistics-properties

Check the table

| count 

Relevant docs for this challenge:

Challenge 3: Explore and transform data

Expected Learning Outcomes:

  • Write simple queries using Kusto Query Language
  • Create update policies to transform the data at ingestion
Task 1: Explore the data

Kusto queries can be used to filter data and return specific information. Recall that you've looked at arbitrary rows of data to get a sense of its structure. Now, you'll learn how to choose specific rows of the data. The where operator filters results that satisfy a certain condition.

| where deviceId startswith "x"
| take 10

Similarly, you can filter where the time of an event occurred more than a certain number of years/days/minutes ago. For example, run the following query, where 2m means 2 minutes:

| where enqueuedTime > ago(2m)
| take 10 

Find out how many records are in the table

| summarize count() // or: count

Find out how many records have enqueuedTime bigger than the last 10 minutes.

| where enqueuedTime > ago(10m)
| summarize count()

Find out how many records startswith "x"

| where deviceId startswith "x"
| summarize count()

Find out how many records start with "x" , per device ID (aggregate by device ID)

| where deviceId startswith "x"
| summarize count() by deviceId

Find out how many records startswith "x" , per device ID (aggregate by device ID). Render a timechart

| where deviceId startswith "x"
| summarize count() by deviceId
| render piechart 
| where deviceId startswith "x"
| summarize count() by deviceId
| render piechart 
| extend h = telemetry.Humidity
| summarize avg(toint(h)) by bin(enqueuedTime, 1m)
| render timechart 
Task 2: Create an update policy

By taking 10 records, we can see that the telemetry column has a JSON structure. In this task we will use update policy to manipulate the raw data in the LogisticsTelemetry table (the source table) and transform the JSON data into separate columns in a new table that we’ll create (“target table”). We want to create a new table, with a calculated column (we will call it: NumOfTagsCalculated) that contains the following value: telemetry.TotalTags + telemetry.TotalTags - telemetry.LostTags. The schema of the new table would be:

  ( deviceId:string, enqueuedTime:datetime, NumOfTagsCalculated:int, Temp:real)

Screen capture 1

Example (note that the order of the keys may be different):

  "BatteryLife": 73,
  "Light": "70720.236143472212",
  "Tilt": "18.608539012789223",
  "Humidity": "60.178854625386215",
  "Shock": "-4.6141182265359628",
  "Pressure": "529.61165751122712",
  "ActiveTags": 165,
  "TransportationMode": "Ocean",
  "Status": "Online",
  "LostTags": 9,
  "Temp": "7.5054504554744765",
  "TotalTags": 185,
  "Location": {
      "alt": 1361.0469,
      "lon": -107.7473,
      "lat": 36.0845

Build the target table

Create a function for the update policy

Create the update policy

Relevant docs for this challenge:

Challenge 4: Check stats and key metrics of the cluster

Task 1:

Go to the Insights blade in the portal (in the ADX cluster page, under monitoring). This blade provides comprehensive monitoring of your clusters by delivering a unified view of your cluster performance, operations, usage, and ingestion operations.

Task 2:

Go to the Overview tab: It provides metrics tiles that highlight the availability and overall status of the cluster for quick health assessment. A summary of active Azure Advisor recommendations and resource health status. Charts that show the top CPU and memory consumers and the number of unique users over time.

Task 3:

Go to the Key Metrics tab: It shows a unified view of some of the cluster's metrics. They're grouped into general metrics, query-related metrics, ingestion-related metrics, and streaming ingestion-related metrics.

Task 4:

Go to The Ingestion tab: It provides details about the ingestion operations, including the result of your ingestion attempts (per DB of per table), the latency of the ingestion process, and more.

Task 5:

Go to the Overview tab: You can stop the cluster to save compute costs. You will not lose any data. ADX persists data on blob storage. When you restart your cluster, it will take few minutes to startup and warm up the cache before you can start writing the queries. When the cluster has been stopped, no continuous ingestion will be performed.

Relevant docs for this challenge:

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