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nosregister's Introduction

Maintainability NosRegister (OUTDATED)

NosTale Register page for Emulators and Private Server

                          Version 2, December 2004 

       Copyright (C) 2004 Sam Hocevar <[email protected]> 

       Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim or modified 
       copies of this license document, and changing it is allowed as long 
       as the name is changed. 


        0. You just DO WHAT THE FUCK YOU WANT TO.


PC Version

alt text

Mobile Version

alt text

Email Validation

alt text

Forgot Mail

alt text

Notify Email

alt text


Download and install Xampp or Wampp, or if you want apache, nginx or other all webserver and php7.

You must install PHP7, sqlsrv extenstion are for PHP7

In order to use sqlsvr you need to install mssql extension you can find more there :

php.ini to add

  • extension=php_pdo_sqlsrv_7_nts.dll
  • extension=php_sqlsrv_7_nts.dll
  • extension=php_pdo_sqlsrv_7_nts_x64.dll
  • extension=php_pdo_sqlsrv_7_nts_x86.dll
  • extension=php_pdo_sqlsrv_7_ts_x64.dll
  • extension=php_pdo_sqlsrv_7_ts_x86.dll
  • extension=php_sqlsrv_7_nts_x64.dll
  • extension=php_sqlsrv_7_nts_x86.dll
  • extension=php_sqlsrv_7_ts_x64.dll
  • extension=php_sqlsrv_7_ts_x86.dll

PhpShort Tag

In order to use script you need to enable shorttag, search in php.ini for "short_open_tag" and enable him by "short_open_tag=On"

Config you'r page

Download notepad++ or any other editor, go to config.php and modify what you need.

Optional Steps for proper use.

Google Captcha (reCaptcha)

Personally i strong recomand you to use this feature, this will prevent spam (al most). You can get free sitekey&secretkey via google just singup there and register you'r site.

Enable 'sendverification'

If you have an mail server, you can enable sendverification this will send account validation mail to users, to confirm his account.

Enable 'displaytos'

This will provide an link to ToS and Privacy Policy page, as you know, you store user's mail and IP, so you may need to enable this tow feature to warn users about store personal data.

Enable forgot

Some user can forgot this password, and you know... if they want account back they can do via own mail.

Mail server

If you need a mail server for windows / windows server , as free alternative i recommand you

SSL Certificate

As you known (or no) OpenNos use port 80, so you can't run apache on 80, as alternative you can replace http with https , for that we need a SSL Ceritificare, SSL use 443 port, not 80, so your users can type in brower " " and will be displayed your register page, you can get a free ssl ceritificare at as well this ceritificate work on mail server too.


  • Account Manager
  • Change Password
  • Change Email
  • Verification via Email
  • 2-FA

I need more help!

If you still have a problem or a question you can open issues there in github, i will replay a.s.a.p.

Help for MailServer & SSL

I provide no help for instalation & configration mail server and/or SSL ceritificate, also i provide no help for any install in non-windows OS, if you want to use Linux or any other OS you are on your own.

nosregister's People


fmohican avatar


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nosregister's Issues


"opennos", // Database Name "Uid" => "river", //Database User "PWD" => "riverguns" // Database Password; ); $hosturl = ""; //Your host patch eg (without last slash " / ") ----- MUST BE STTED! $title = "NosCzech"; //site title ----- MUST BE SETTED! $norplaymail = "[email protected]"; // noreplay mail eg "[email protected]" /////////////////////////////////////////// ////Do you want to display footer ? //// ////True = yes | False = no //// /////////////////////////////////////////// $footer = true; /////////////////////////////////////////// ////Do you want to display ToS ? //// ////True = yes | False = no //// /////////////////////////////////////////// $displaytos = false; $toslink = ""; //link to your ToS page eg "//" (please use // instead of http or https !!!) $pplink = ""; //link to your Privacy Policy page eg "//" (please use // instead of http or https !!!) /////////////////////////////////////////// ////Do you want to enable forgot ? /// ////true = yes | false = no /// /////////////////////////////////////////// $forgot = false; /////////////////////////////////////////////// ////Do you want to send verification mail ? /// ////true = yes | false = no /// /////////////////////////////////////////////// $sendverification = false; /////////////////////////////////////////// ////Do you want to use Google CAPTCHA ? /// ////true = yes | false = no /// /////////////////////////////////////////// $usecaptcha = false; //if you want to use google captcha you can get secret key and public key there $captchapublickey = ""; //If yes , put your PUBLIC key there (site key its called on google page's) $captchasecret = ""; //If yes, put your SECRET key there /////////////////////////////////////////// $dl['name1'] = ""; //Set Download Name for 1st Link $dl['1'] = ""; //Download link 1 OPTIONAL $dl['name2'] = ""; //Download Name for 2nd Link $dl['2'] = ""; //Download link 2 OPTIONAL /////////////////////////////////////////// ////Do you want to enable login ? /// ////true = yes | false = no /// /////////////////////////////////////////// //That mean to allow users to login in ther account and they can change his password, or email, ofc you my config this... $login = true; //Allow login to site $notifymail = true; //Send notification to mail for each login, if account are accesed a mail will be send to his address with some information. $lcpw = false; //Allow change password ////Below setting are under development /// ////Please DO NOT TURN ON! /// $lce = false; //Allow change email /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////DONT TUCH BELOW LINE/////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $mssql = sqlsrv_connect($dbhostname, $db); if(!$mssql) die('Something went wrong while connecting to MSSQL'); if(empty($dbhostname)) die("

Server its not configurate. Please check config.php
Configrate your database please!

"); if(empty($title)) die("

Configuration incomplete. check config.php
check title!!!

"); if(empty($hosturl)) die("

Configuration incomplete. check config.php
Check host url

"); if($usecaptcha == true && empty($captchapublickey) && empty($captchasecret)) die("

Configuration incomplete. check config.php
Check Google Captcha

"); if($displaytos == true && empty($toslink) && empty($pplink)) die("

Configuration incomplete. check config.php
Check ToS or Privacy Policy

"); else { require_once('recaptcha/autoload.php'); $recaptcha = new \ReCaptcha\ReCaptcha($captchasecret); } function thisword($word) { $badword = array("drop", "insert", "update", "delete", "alter", "index", "truncate", "'", '"'); $badreplace = array("***", "***", "****", "***", "****", "***", "*****", "*", "*"); $clean = str_replace($badword,$badreplace,$word); return $clean; } function cleanthis($data) { $iclean = filter_var($data, FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); $iclean = thisword($iclean); $iclean = htmlentities($iclean, ENT_QUOTES); return $iclean; } ?>

I have all extensions

extension=php_exif.dll ; Must be after mbstring as it depends on it
;extension=php_oci8_12c.dll ; Use with Oracle Database 12c Instant Client

and say Something fucking went wrong while connecting to MSSQL

in sql server Allow remote Connections is allowed

SQL Server and windows auth is enabled

Why saying this shi tSomething went wrong while connecting to MSSQL

Forum ?

Hello, would you be able to encode a forum for the emulator opennos? thank you in advance
Ps: If you say no it does not matter I know that coding is very long

Bug mail

When $sendverification = true; I do not receive such email for $forgot

help please

Hello I can not configure NosRegister for opennos can you help me?


How to connect to mssql remotely?

NosRegister Db Problem

I install the registration page and if i try to login with an account created with navicat it works but, if i try to create an account after the mex "Welcome senterol ! Your account was created." i can't find the new account in the Db. How i can fixx that?

Bug download

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '""' (T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING) in C:\xampp\htdocs\config.php on line 37

Fatal Error!

Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function sqlsrv_connect() in C:\xampp\htdocs\config.php:58 Stack trace: #0 C:\xampp\htdocs\index.php(2): require_once() #1 {main} thrown in C:\xampp\htdocs\config.php on line 58

So, i try to use the register on Localhost and Windows Authentication.

Why do i get this error?!

Bug mssql

After configuring the config.php when I go to the site I get the following message: Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in C: \ xampp \ htdocs \ config.php on line 32


Warning: mail(): Failed to connect to mailserver at "localhost" port 25, verify your "SMTP" and "smtp_port" setting in php.ini or use ini_set() in C:\xampp\htdocs\mail.lib.php on line 582

another problem

require_once('config.php'); if(!isset($_COOKIE['passkey'])) setcookie("passkey", "", time()-3600); $secret = rand(1, 100) . rand(1, 100) . rand(1, 100) . rand(1, 100) . rand(1, 100) . rand(1, 100) . rand(1, 100) . $title . rand(1,100); $secret = hash("sha512", $secret); setcookie("passkey", $secret); $headers = apache_request_headers(); if(isset($headers['If-Modified-Since'])) { if(strtotime($headers['If-Modified-Since']) < time() - 43200) { header('HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified'); Header("Cache-Control: private"); exit; } } ?> # #

Bug forgot.php

Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function forgotmail() in C:\xampp\htdocs\forgot.php:125 Stack trace: #0 {main} thrown in C:\xampp\htdocs\forgot.php on line 125


What date to next release please ?

Bug download

Why when I want to inscribe its done this I did not modify the code and I did not put a download link impossible to close the page ... screen :


I have this problem.. Somebody could help me?

Fatal error: Call to undefined function sqlsrv_connect() in C:\xampp\htdocs\config.php on line 59

<?php $dbhostname = "localhost"; //MsSQl Server Addres $db = array( "Database" => "opennos", // Database Name "Uid" => "wolftonx", //Database User "PWD" => "Slifer44" // Database Password; ); $hosturl = ""; //Your host patch eg (without last slash " / ") ----- MUST BE STTED! $title = "MyNos"; //site title ----- MUST BE SETTED! $norplaymail = ""; // noreplay mail eg "[email protected]" /////////////////////////////////////////// ////Do you want to display footer ? //// ////True = yes | False = no //// /////////////////////////////////////////// $footer = true; /////////////////////////////////////////// ////Do you want to display ToS ? //// ////True = yes | False = no //// /////////////////////////////////////////// $displaytos = false; $toslink = ""; //link to your ToS page eg "//" (please use // instead of http or https !!!) $pplink = ""; //link to your Privacy Policy page eg "//" (please use // instead of http or https !!!) /////////////////////////////////////////// ////Do you want to enable forgot ? /// ////true = yes | false = no /// /////////////////////////////////////////// $forgot = false; /////////////////////////////////////////////// ////Do you want to send verification mail ? /// ////true = yes | false = no /// /////////////////////////////////////////////// $sendverification = false; /////////////////////////////////////////// ////Do you want to use Google CAPTCHA ? /// ////true = yes | false = no /// /////////////////////////////////////////// $usecaptcha = false; //if you want to use google captcha you can get secret key and public key there $captchapublickey = ""; //If yes , put your PUBLIC key there (site key its called on google page's) $captchasecret = ""; //If yes, put your SECRET key there /////////////////////////////////////////// $dl['name1'] = ""; //Set Download Name for 1st Link $dl['1'] = ""; //Download link 1 OPTIONAL $dl['name2'] = ""; //Download Name for 2nd Link $dl['2'] = ""; //Download link 2 OPTIONAL /////////////////////////////////////////// ////Do you want to enable login ? /// ////true = yes | false = no /// /////////////////////////////////////////// //That mean to allow users to login in ther account and they can change his password, or email, ofc you my config this... $login = true; //Allow login to site $notifymail = true; //Send notification to mail for each login, if account are accesed a mail will be send to his address with some information. $lcpw = false; //Allow change password ////Below setting are under development /// ////Please DO NOT TURN ON! /// $lce = false; //Allow change email /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////DONT TUCH BELOW LINE/////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $mssql = sqlsrv_connect($dbhostname, $db); if(!$mssql) die('Something went wrong while connecting to MSSQL'); if(empty($dbhostname)) die("<center><h1 style='color:tomato'>Server its not configurate. Please check config.php <br/> Configrate your database please!</h1></center>"); if(empty($title)) die("<center><h1 style='color:tomato'>Configuration incomplete. check config.php <br/> check title!!!</h1></center>"); if(empty($hosturl)) die("<center><h1 style='color:tomato'>Configuration incomplete. check config.php <br/> Check host url </h1></center>"); if($usecaptcha == true && empty($captchapublickey) && empty($captchasecret)) die("<center><h1 style='color:tomato'>Configuration incomplete. check config.php <br/> Check Google Captcha </h1></center>"); if($displaytos == true && empty($toslink) && empty($pplink)) die("<center><h1 style='color:tomato'>Configuration incomplete. check config.php <br/> Check ToS or Privacy Policy</h1></center>"); else { require_once('recaptcha/autoload.php'); $recaptcha = new \ReCaptcha\ReCaptcha($captchasecret); } function thisword($word) { $badword = array("drop", "insert", "update", "delete", "alter", "index", "truncate", "'", '"'); $badreplace = array("***", "***", "****", "***", "****", "***", "*****", "*", "*"); $clean = str_replace($badword,$badreplace,$word); return $clean; } function cleanthis($data) { $iclean = filter_var($data, FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); $iclean = thisword($iclean); $iclean = htmlentities($iclean, ENT_QUOTES); return $iclean; } ?>

Bug register

Hello, so when I log in with the login system it works I can log in but when I create an account it does not create it in the database why?

Bug captcha

Fatal error: Uncaught RuntimeException: No secret provided in C:\xampp\htdocs\recaptcha\ReCaptcha\ReCaptcha.php:62 Stack trace: #0 C:\xampp\htdocs\config.php(58): ReCaptcha\ReCaptcha->__construct('') #1 C:\xampp\htdocs\index.php(2): require_once('C:\xampp\htdocs...') #2 {main} thrown in C:\xampp\htdocs\recaptcha\ReCaptcha\ReCaptcha.php on line 62

Can't get a connect...

"Fatal error: Call to undefined function sqlsrv_connect() in C:\xampp\htdocs\config.php on line 58"
is my error. So, i can't get the register done yet.
Skype: RualFX

I would love if you could help us, to solve the problem

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