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docker-openresty - Docker tooling for OpenResty

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docker-openresty is Docker tooling for OpenResty (

Docker is a container management platform. OpenResty is a full-fledged web application server by bundling the standard nginx core, lots of 3rd-party nginx modules, as well as most of their external dependencies.

OpenResty Image Tags

It is best practice to pin your images to an explicit image tag. The next section below covers the conventions in detail, but here are some common examples:

Image Description
openresty/openresty: Built-from-source Ubuntu Jammy
openresty/openresty: Built-from-source Ubuntu Focal
openresty/openresty: Built-from-upstream Debian Bullseye
openresty/openresty: Built-from-source Alpine
openresty/openresty: Built-from-upstream Alpine

These are examples of untagged image names, for reference:

Image Description
openresty/openresty:jammy Latest Ubuntu Jammy
openresty/openresty:focal Latest Ubuntu Focal
openresty/openresty:alpine Latest Alpine

Table of Contents


If you are happy with the build defaults, then you can use the openresty image from the Docker Hub. The image tags available there are listed at the top of this README.

docker run [options] openresty/openresty:bullseye-fat

[options] would be things like -p to map ports, -v to map volumes, and -d to daemonize.

docker-openresty symlinks /usr/local/openresty/nginx/logs/access.log and error.log to /dev/stdout and /dev/stderr respectively, so that Docker logging works correctly. If you change the log paths in your nginx.conf, you should symlink those paths as well. This is not possible with the windows image.

Temporary directories such as client_body_temp_path are stored in /var/run/openresty/. You may consider mounting that volume, rather than writing to a container-local directory. This is not done for windows.

Supported tags and respective Dockerfile links

The following "flavors" are available and built from upstream OpenResty packages:

The following "flavors" are built from source and are intended for more advanced and custom usage, caveat emptor:

The openresty/openresty:latest tag points to the latest bullseye image.

Since, all flavors support multi-architecture builds, both amd64 and aarch64. Since, the s390x architecture is supported for build-from-source Ubuntu flavors (like jammy), however PCRE JIT is disabled.

Starting with, releases are tagged with <openresty-version>-<image-version>-<flavor>. The latest image-version will also be tagged <openresty-version>-<flavor>. The HEAD of the master branch is also labeled plainly as <flavor>. The builds are managed by Travis-CI and Appveyor (for Windows images).

There are architecture-specific tags as well, <openresty-version>-<image-version>-<flavor>-<arch>, but one would generally pull from the multi-architecture name above.

OpenResty supports SSE 4.2 optimizations. Starting with the series, the architecture is auto-detected and the optimizations enabled accordingly. Earlier image series and have -nosse42 image flavors for systems which explicitly disable SSE 4.2 support; this is useful for older systems and embedded systems. They are built with -mno-sse4.2 appended to the build arg RESTY_LUAJIT_OPTIONS. It is highly recommended NOT to use these if your system supports SSE 4.2 because the CRC32 instruction dramatically improves large string performance. These are only for built-from-source flavors, e.g.,,

It is highly recommended that you use the upstream-based images for best support. For best stability, pin your images to the full tag, for example

At this time, the only images that are compatible with aarch64 are alpine and alpine-fat. Once there are binary packages available, they can be released with the upstream packages.

Nginx Config Files

The Docker tooling installs its own nginx.conf file. If you want to directly override it, you can replace it in your own Dockerfile or via volume bind-mounting.

For the Linux images, that nginx.conf has the directive include /etc/nginx/conf.d/*.conf; so all nginx configurations in that directory will be included. The default virtual host configuration has the original OpenResty configuration and is copied to /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf.

You can override that default.conf directly or volume bind-mount the /etc/nginx/conf.d directory to your own set of configurations:

docker run -v /my/custom/conf.d:/etc/nginx/conf.d openresty/openresty:alpine

If you are running on an selinux host (e.g. CentOS), you may need to add :Z to your volume bind-mount argument:

docker run -v /my/custom/conf.d:/etc/nginx/conf.d:Z openresty/openresty:alpine

When using the windows image you can change the main configuration directly:

docker run -v C:/my/custom/nginx.conf:C:/openresty/conf/nginx.conf openresty/openresty:windows


Starting at version, OpenResty for Linux includes a package manager called opm, which can be found at /usr/local/openresty/bin/opm.

opm is built in all the images except alpine and buster and bullseye.

To use opm in the alpine image, you must also install the curl and perl packages; they are not included by default because they double the image size. You may install them like so: apk add --no-cache curl perl.

To use opm within the bullseye image, you can either use the bullseye-fat image or install the openresty-opm package in a custom build (which you would need to do to install your own opm packages anyway), as shown in this buster example.


LuaRocks is included in the alpine-fat, centos, and bionic variants. It is excluded from alpine because it generally requires a build system and we want to keep that variant lean.

It is available at /usr/local/openresty/luajit/bin/luarocks. Packages can be added in your dependent Dockerfiles like so:

RUN /usr/local/openresty/luajit/bin/luarocks install <rock>

Tips & Pitfalls

  • The envsubst utility is included in all images except alpine and windows; this utility is also included in the Nginx docker image and is used to template environment variables into configuration files.

  • By default, OpenResty is built with SSE4.2 optimizations if the build machine supports it. If run on machine without SSE4.2, there will be invalid opcode issues. Thus all the Docker Hub images require SSE4.2. You can build a custom image from source explicitly without SSE4.2 support, using build arguments like so:

docker build -f bionic/Dockerfile --build-arg "RESTY_LUAJIT_OPTIONS=--with-luajit-xcflags='-DLUAJIT_NUMMODE=2 -DLUAJIT_ENABLE_LUA52COMPAT -mno-sse4.2'" .
  • OpenResty's OpenSSL library version must be compatible with your opm and LuaRocks packages' version. At minimum, the numeric portion should be the same (e.g. 1.1.1). The image label resty_openssl_version indicates this value. see Labels.

  • The is built from OpenSSL 1.0.2r because of build issues on Alpine. and later are built from OpenSSL 1.1.1 series.

  • Windows images must be built from the same version as the host system it runs on. See Windows container version compatibility. Our images are currently built from the "Windows Server 2016" series.

  • The SIGQUIT signal will be sent to nginx to stop this container, to give it an opportunity to stop gracefully (i.e, finish processing active connections). The Docker default is SIGTERM, which immediately terminates active connections. Note that if your configuration listens on UNIX domain sockets, this means that you'll need to manually remove the socket file upon shutdown, due to nginx bug #753.

  • Alpine 3.9 added OpenSSL 1.1.1 and we build images against this. OpenSSL 1.1.1 enabled TLS 1.3 by default, which can create unexpected behavior with ssl_session_(store|fetch)_by_lua*. See this patch, which will ship in OpenResty 1.17.x.1, for more information:

Image Labels

The image builds are labeled with various information, such as the versions of OpenResty and its dependent libraries. Here's an example of printing the labels using jq:

$ docker pull openresty/openresty:
$ docker inspect openresty/openresty: | jq '.[].Config.Labels'
  "maintainer": "Evan Wies <evan@*********.net>",
  "resty_add_package_builddeps": "",
  "resty_add_package_rundeps": "",
  "resty_config_deps": "--with-pcre     --with-cc-opt='-DNGX_LUA_ABORT_AT_PANIC -I/usr/local/openresty/pcre/include -I/usr/local/openresty/openssl/include'     --with-ld-opt='-L/usr/local/openresty/pcre/lib -L/usr/local/openresty/openssl/lib -Wl,-rpath,/usr/local/openresty/pcre/lib:/usr/local/openresty/openssl/lib'     ",
  "resty_config_options": "    --with-compat     --with-file-aio     --with-http_addition_module     --with-http_auth_request_module     --with-http_dav_module     --with-http_flv_module     --with-http_geoip_module=dynamic     --with-http_gunzip_module     --with-http_gzip_static_module     --with-http_image_filter_module=dynamic     --with-http_mp4_module     --with-http_random_index_module     --with-http_realip_module     --with-http_secure_link_module     --with-http_slice_module     --with-http_ssl_module     --with-http_stub_status_module     --with-http_sub_module     --with-http_v2_module     --with-http_xslt_module=dynamic     --with-ipv6     --with-mail     --with-mail_ssl_module     --with-md5-asm     --with-pcre-jit     --with-sha1-asm     --with-stream     --with-stream_ssl_module     --with-threads     ",
  "resty_config_options_more": "",
  "resty_eval_post_make": "",
  "resty_eval_pre_configure": "",
  "resty_eval_post_download_pre_configure": "",
  "resty_image_base": "ubuntu",
  "resty_image_tag": "bionic",
  "resty_luarocks_version": "3.3.1",
  "resty_openssl_patch_version": "1.1.0d",
  "resty_openssl_url_base": "",
  "resty_openssl_version": "1.1.0l",
  "resty_pcre_version": "8.45",
  "resty_version": ""
Label Name Description
maintainer Maintainer of the image
resty_add_package_builddeps buildarg RESTY_ADD_PACKAGE_BUILDDEPS
resty_add_package_rundeps buildarg RESTY_ADD_PACKAGE_RUNDEPS
resty_apk_key_url buildarg RESTY_APK_KEY_URL
resty_apk_repo_url buildarg RESTY_APK_REPO_URL
resty_apk_version buildarg RESTY_APK_VERSION
resty_apt_pgp buildarg RESTY_APT_PGP
resty_apt_repo buildarg RESTY_APT_REPO
resty_config_deps buildarg _RESTY_CONFIG_DEPS (internal)
resty_config_options_more buildarg RESTY_CONFIG_OPTIONS_MORE
resty_config_options buildarg RESTY_CONFIG_OPTIONS
resty_deb_flavor buildarg RESTY_DEB_FLAVOR
resty_deb_version buildarg RESTY_DEB_VERSION (available versions)
resty_eval_post_make buildarg RESTY_EVAL_POST_MAKE
resty_eval_pre_configure buildarg RESTY_EVAL_PRE_CONFIGURE
resty_eval_post_download_pre_configure buildarg RESTY_EVAL_POST_DOWNLOAD_PRE_CONFIGURE
resty_fat_deb_flavor buildarg RESTY_FAT_DEB_FLAVOR
resty_fat_deb_version buildarg RESTY_FAT_DEB_VERSION
resty_fat_image_base Name of the base image to build fat images from, buildarg RESTY_FAT_IMAGE_BASE
resty_fat_image_tag Tag of the base image to build fat images from, buildarg RESTY_FAT_IMAGE_TAG
resty_image_base Name of the base image to build from, buildarg RESTY_IMAGE_BASE
resty_image_tag Tag of the base image to build from, buildarg RESTY_IMAGE_TAG
resty_install_base buildarg RESTY_INSTALL_BASE
resty_install_tag buildarg RESTY_INSTALL_TAG
resty_luajit_options buildarg RESTY_LUAJIT_OPTIONS
resty_luarocks_version buildarg RESTY_LUAROCKS_VERSION
resty_openssl_patch_version buildarg RESTY_OPENSSL_PATCH_VERSION
resty_openssl_url_base buildarg RESTY_OPENSSL_URL_BASE
resty_openssl_version buildarg RESTY_OPENSSL_VERSION
resty_pcre_build_options buildarg RESTY_PCRE_BUILD_OPTIONS
resty_pcre_options buildarg RESTY_PCRE_OPTIONS
resty_pcre_sha256 buildarg RESTY_PCRE_SHA256
resty_pcre_version buildarg RESTY_PCRE_VERSION
resty_rpm_arch buildarg RESTY_RPM_ARCH
resty_rpm_dist buildarg RESTY_RPM_DIST
resty_rpm_flavor buildarg RESTY_RPM_FLAVOR
resty_rpm_version buildarg RESTY_RPM_VERSION
resty_version buildarg RESTY_VERSION
resty_yum_repo buildarg RESTY_YUM_REPO

Docker CMD

The -g "daemon off;" directive is used in the Dockerfile CMD to keep the Nginx daemon running after container creation. If this directive is added to the nginx.conf, then the docker run should explicitly invoke openresty (or nginx for windows images):

docker run [options] openresty/openresty:bionic openresty

Invoke another CMD, for example the resty utility, like so:

docker run [options] openresty/openresty:bionic resty [script.lua]

NOTE The alpine images do not include the packages perl and ncurses, which is needed by the resty utility.

Building (from source)

This Docker image can be built and customized by cloning the repo and running docker build with the desired Dockerfile:

git clone
cd docker-openresty
docker build -t myopenresty -f bionic/Dockerfile .
docker run myopenresty

Dockerfiles are provided for the following base systems, selecting the Dockerfile path with -f:

We used to support more build flavors but have trimmed that down. Older Dockerfiles are archived in the archive folder.

The following are the available build-time options. They can be set using the --build-arg CLI argument, like so:

docker build --build-arg RESTY_J=4 -f jammy/Dockerfile .
Key Default Description
RESTY_IMAGE_BASE "ubuntu" / "alpine" The Debian or Alpine Docker image base to build FROM.
RESTY_IMAGE_TAG "jammy" / "3.17" The Debian or Alpine Docker image tag to build FROM.
RESTY_VERSION The version of OpenResty to use.
RESTY_LUAROCKS_VERSION 3.9.0 The version of LuaRocks to use.
RESTY_OPENSSL_VERSION 1.1.1t The version of OpenSSL to use.
RESTY_OPENSSL_PATCH_VERSION 1.1.1f The version of OpenSSL to use when patching.
RESTY_OPENSSL_URL_BASE The base of the URL to download OpenSSL from.
RESTY_PCRE_VERSION 8.45 The version of PCRE to use.
RESTY_PCRE_SHA256 4e6ce03e0336e8b4a3d6c2b70b1c5e18590a5673a98186da90d4f33c23defc09 The SHA-256 checksum of the PCRE package to check.
RESTY_PCRE_BUILD_OPTIONS "--enable-jit" Options tweak Resty's PCRE build.
RESTY_PCRE_OPTIONS "--with-pcre-jit" Options to tweak Resty's build args regarding PCRE.
RESTY_J 1 Sets the parallelism level (-jN) for the builds.
RESTY_CONFIG_OPTIONS "--with-compat --with-file-aio --with-http_addition_module --with-http_auth_request_module --with-http_dav_module --with-http_flv_module --with-http_geoip_module=dynamic --with-http_gunzip_module --with-http_gzip_static_module --with-http_image_filter_module=dynamic --with-http_mp4_module --with-http_perl_module=dynamic --with-http_random_index_module --with-http_realip_module --with-http_secure_link_module --with-http_slice_module --with-http_ssl_module --with-http_stub_status_module --with-http_sub_module --with-http_v2_module --with-http_xslt_module=dynamic --with-ipv6 --with-mail --with-mail_ssl_module --with-md5-asm --with-pcre-jit --with-sha1-asm --with-stream --with-stream_ssl_module --with-threads" Options to pass to OpenResty's ./configure script.
RESTY_LUAJIT_OPTIONS "--with-luajit-xcflags='-DLUAJIT_NUMMODE=2 -DLUAJIT_ENABLE_LUA52COMPAT'" Options to tweak LuaJIT.
RESTY_CONFIG_OPTIONS_MORE "" More options to pass to OpenResty's ./configure script.
RESTY_ADD_PACKAGE_BUILDDEPS "" Additional packages to install with package manager required by build only (removed after installation)
RESTY_ADD_PACKAGE_RUNDEPS "" Additional packages to install with package manager required at runtime (not removed after installation)
RESTY_EVAL_PRE_CONFIGURE "" Command(s) to run prior to executing OpenResty's ./configure script. (this can be used to clone a github repo of an extension you want to add to OpenResty, for example. In that case, dont forget to add the appropriate argument to the RESTY_CONFIG_OPTIONS_MORE argument as described above).
RESTY_EVAL_POST_DOWNLOAD_PRE_CONFIGURE "" Command(s) to run after downloading and extracting OpenResty's source tarball, but prior to executing OpenResty's ./configure script. Working directory will be the extracted OpenResty source directory.
RESTY_EVAL_POST_MAKE "" Command(s) to run after running make install.

These built-from-source flavors include the following modules by default, but one can easily increase or decrease that with the custom build options above:

  • file-aio
  • http_addition_module
  • http_auth_request_module
  • http_dav_module
  • http_flv_module
  • http_geoip_module=dynamic
  • http_gunzip_module
  • http_gzip_static_module
  • http_image_filter_module=dynamic
  • http_mp4_module
  • http_random_index_module
  • http_realip_module
  • http_secure_link_module
  • http_slice_module
  • http_ssl_module
  • http_stub_status_module
  • http_sub_module
  • http_v2_module
  • http_xslt_module=dynamic
  • ipv6
  • mail
  • mail_ssl_module
  • md5-asm
  • pcre-jit
  • sha1-asm
  • stream
  • stream_ssl_module
  • threads Back to TOC

Building (RPM based)

OpenResty now now has RPMs available. The centos and fedora images use these RPMs rather than building from source.

This Docker image can be built and customized by cloning the repo and running docker build with the desired Dockerfile:

The following are the available build-time options. They can be set using the --build-arg CLI argument, like so:

docker build --build-arg RESTY_RPM_FLAVOR="-debug" centos7/Dockerfile .
docker build --build-arg RESTY_RPM_FLAVOR="-debug" centos/Dockerfile .
docker build --build-arg RESTY_RPM_FLAVOR="-debug" -f fedora/Dockerfile .
Key Default Description
RESTY_IMAGE_BASE "centos" The Centos Docker image base to build FROM.
RESTY_IMAGE_TAG "8" The CentOS Docker image tag to build FROM.
RESTY_LUAROCKS_VERSION 3.9.0 The version of LuaRocks to use.
RESTY_YUM_REPO "" URL for the OpenResty YUM Repository.
RESTY_RPM_FLAVOR "" The openresty package flavor to use. Possibly "-debug" or "-valgrind".
RESTY_RPM_VERSION "" The openresty package version to install.
RESTY_RPM_DIST "el8" The openresty package distribution to install.
RESTY_RPM_ARCH "x86_64" The openresty package architecture to install.

Back to TOC

Building (DEB based)

OpenResty now now has Debian Packages (DEBs) available. The bullseye image use these DEBs rather than building from source.

You can derive your own Docker images from this to install your own packages. See buster/Dockerfile.opm_example and buster/Dockerfile.luarocks_example.

This Docker image can be built and customized by cloning the repo and running docker build with the desired Dockerfile:

The following are the available build-time options. They can be set using the --build-arg CLI argument, like so:

docker build --build-arg RESTY_DEB_FLAVOR="-debug" -f bullseye/Dockerfile .
Key Default Description
RESTY_APT_REPO "" Apt repo to load from.
RESTY_APT_PGP "" URL to download APT PGP key from
RESTY_IMAGE_BASE "debian" The Debian Docker image base to build FROM.
RESTY_IMAGE_TAG "bullseye-slim" The Debian Docker image tag to build FROM.
RESTY_DEB_FLAVOR "" The openresty package flavor to use. Possibly "-debug" or "-valgrind".
RESTY_DEB_VERSION "=" The Debian package version to use, with = prepended.
RESTY_FAT_DEB_FLAVOR "" The openresty package flavor to use to install "fat" packages. Possibly "-debug" or "-valgrind".
RESTY_FAT_DEB_VERSION "=" The Debian package version to use to "fat" packages, with = prepended.
  • For amd64 builds, RESTY_APT_REPO=""
  • For arm64 builds, RESTY_APT_REPO=""

Back to TOC

Building (APK based)

OpenResty now now has Alpine Packages (APKs) available. The alpine-apk image use these APKs rather than building from source. You can derive your own Docker images from this to install your own packages.

This Docker image can be built and customized by cloning the repo and running docker build with the desired Dockerfile:

The following are the available build-time options. They can be set using the --build-arg CLI argument, like so:

docker build --build-arg RESTY_IMAGE_TAG="3.12" -f alpine-apk/Dockerfile .
Key Default Description
RESTY_IMAGE_BASE "alpine" The Alpine Docker image base to build FROM.
RESTY_IMAGE_TAG "3.15" The Alpine Docker image tag to build FROM.
RESTY_APK_KEY_URL "[email protected]" The URL of the signing key of the openresty package.
RESTY_APK_REPO_URL "${RESTY_IMAGE_TAG}/main" The URL of the APK repository for openresty package.
RESTY_APK_VERSION "=" The suffix to add to the apk install package name: openresty${RESTY_APK_VERSION}.

Back to TOC

Building (Windows based)

This Docker image can be built and customized by cloning the repo and running docker build with the desired Dockerfile:

The following are the available build-time options. They can be set using the --build-arg CLI argument, like so:

docker build --build-arg RESTY_VERSION="" -f windows/Dockerfile .
Key Default Description
RESTY_INSTALL_BASE "" The Windows Server Docker image name to download and install OpenResty with.
RESTY_INSTALL_TAG "ltsc2019" The Windows Server Docker image name to download and install OpenResty with.
RESTY_IMAGE_BASE "" The Windows Server Docker image name to build FROM for final image.
RESTY_IMAGE_TAG "1809" The Windows Server Docker image tag to build FROM for final image.
RESTY_VERSION The version of OpenResty to use.

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Feedback & Bug Reports

You're very welcome to report bugs and give feedback as GitHub Issues:

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Changelog & Authors

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Copyright & License

docker-openresty is licensed under the 2-clause BSD license.

Copyright (c) 2017-2022, Evan Wies [email protected].

This module is licensed under the terms of the BSD license.

Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:

  • Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
  • Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.


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